Chapter 3: Finally a Subject I'm Good At!
After leaving Miss Circle's class, Logan stepped out into the hallway where he encountered Engel waiting for him.
Logan: Hey man, sorry it took so long.
Engel: No worries, I wasn't waiting long anyway. Though I must say Logan, you're pretty brave.
Logan: Huh? How so?
Engel:'s just no one really talks with Miss Circle due to how terrified they are of her. The only ones that really speak with her are Oliver and his two friends, Zip and Edward.
Logan: Oh, you mean the spineless pair of pussies that think they're above consequences.
Logan's remark about Oliver and his group caught Engel off guard. It was the first time he ever heard Logan cuss, though Engel himself described the bully trio as a bunch of assholes, he or anyone else never really said it to their faces in fear of being a target. It was the first time he heard someone just outright say it in broad daylight without a care in the world.
Engel: Y-Yeah, those are the guys. Anyway, your next class is Miss Thavel's right? She's the language teacher.
Logan: Yeah. Do you think you can show me the way?
Engel: Of course, I have that class as well so you aren't exactly alone in this one.
Logan: *smiles* Good to know.
With that, the two students made their way to Miss Thavel's class, making small conversation with each other just talking about different topics.
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Eventually the duo made it to their next class of the day where Miss Thavel was waiting. As Logan took a good look at her appearance, he noticed that she wasn't as tall as Miss Circle. Nor did she have a prosthetic for her arms, but he did notice that her hands were large and claw-like. She appeared to have shoulder-length messy black spiky hair with a single ahoge atop her head. And to top it all off, she had three letter blocks labeled in alphabetical order along her head, accessorized with two feathers on each side.
Her outfit consisted of a white buttoned-up dress, although it appeared to be tattered. And she wore ankle-white socks and black heeled boots.
She more looked easy to talk to than Miss Circle at least. When they got close enough, Miss Thavel noticed them and greeted them.
Thavel: Ah, Engel. You were almost late...and who is this?
Engel: Sorry about that Miss Thavel, but I was waiting for Logan to finish talking with Miss Circle. He's a new student here.
As Engel finished introducing Logan to Miss Thavel, she simply nodded her head and stepped aside so they could enter her classroom.
Miss Thavel: . . .Well you weren't late this time, just barely missing the bell. I'm Miss Thavel, your language teacher; try not to be late next time.
With that, Logan and Engel walked inside the classroom and found their seats. Though unfortunately for them, this was another class that had the trio of troublemakers in it as well.
And upon them noticing the new kid, they grew mischievous smirks on their faces. Miss Circle wasn't around to save him from a little pranks this time.
And Logan could hear their snickering even though they were sitting in the far back of the class while he and Engel were somewhere in the front rows.
He didn't know if they were the favorites of Miss Thavel but she did seem more peaceful than Miss Circle. And then again, it's a language class. He was definitely going to enjoy this.
And as the bell finally rung, Miss Thavel walked inside after closing the door and walked to the front of the class.
Miss Thavel: Hello Class, today we have a new student with us. Come up here and introduce yourself New Kid.
Yeah...Logan forgot that different people were also in this class, so he'd be doing this for quite some time until the end of the day. But nonetheless, he got up from his seat and walked to the very front of the class before introducing himself again.
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Logan was actually enjoying this class, he understood everything Miss Thavel was saying perfectly. And better yet, Oliver and his lackeys weren't messing with him...yet. But he could tell they were coming up with something. He heard something about "paper planes" or "paper balls", something along those lines.
The current topic of this class was learning how to translate and speak Japanese. This wasn't a problem for Logan as once again, he's multilingual. And better yet, Japanese was one of the first few languages he learned to speak when he was younger.
So he was having a blast in this class. It wasn't until after a few minutes had passed that it was finally time for a little trivia session. Thankfully more students were willing to answer some of the questions that were asked of them.
Until finally...
Miss Thavel: Logan?
Logan: Yes Miss Thavel?
Miss Thavel: You don't mind coming up and translating these words do you?
Logan: Oh no, of course not. I was going to get called on sooner or later anyway.
He got up from his seat and walked to the board, from there; he got to work.
Arigatou=Thank you
Sumimasen=Excuse me
Ohayou gozaimasu=Good morning
Konbawa=Good evening
Logan: And that's the last of em. How was that Miss Thavel-?
She was staring at him with an intrigued expression on her face. She didn't expect him to answer all of the remaining questions. She had a promising student on her hands.
Miss Thavel: You were supposed to answer a few of them Logan.
Logan: . . .Oh. . .my bad.
All Logan could do was rub his head as he nervously laughed a bit. He thought he was supposed to answer the remaining questions and call it a day.
Miss Thavel then turned to the shocked class.
Miss Thavel: Now class, do you see any errors on the board?
A random student raised their hand.
Random Student: Yeah, doesn't "Sumimasen" mean 'I'm sorry' instead of 'excuse me'?
Thavel: Ah, that's a common misconception some people have. Some people think "Sumimasen" just means 'excuse me' while others think the word means 'I'm sorry'. But in actuality, "Sumimasen" means both of them.
She then turned to Logan.
Miss Thavel: Nice job Logan. You can go back to your seat now. You're a very promising student, I'm honestly impressed.
Logan: Oh it was nothing really Teach, I'm just multilingual; I know all kinds of languages!
Miss Thavel: Oh do you now? Perhaps you may pass my class with flying colors.
While Logan and Miss Thavel were speaking, a certain group of troublemakers sitting in the back looked onwards, a look of dissatisfaction on their faces.
Oliver: Look at him...thinking he's all that just because of he got lucky in a few classes.
Edward: Well...he does seem a bit interesting but nonetheless, he's friends with Engel. I say we show him who's on top of the social hierarchy here.
Zip: I say we keep throwing paper balls at him, or maybe paper planes! I want to see how long it takes before he snaps!
Oliver: No...I have a better idea. But for now though, I want you two to do something for me.
Zip and Edward: Huh?
Oliver: Let's just say, he'll have a taste of humility once it's time for lunch.
Oliver smirked in satisfaction as he couldn't wait to make a fool out of the new student.
Oliver: 'It's about time you learned your place kid.'
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With Miss Thavel's class coming to an end, the students all began to place their items in their bags and walk out the room. Though Logan and Engel were still at their desk speaking with one another.
Engel: So what class do you have next Logan?
Logan: . . .Actually that's a good question...*checks his schedule* uh...Miss Bloomie???
Engel: you have science.
Logan: I guess so, what about you?
Engel: Well I have Miss Emily for third period and Miss Bloomie for fourth.
Logan: Damn. You're the only person I know in this place...this will be a pain in my ass.
Engel: Oh I'm sure it won't be that bad, maybe you might meet someone you get along with.
Logan: . . .Yeah.
Logan turned towards Miss Thavel.
Logan: See you later Miss Thavel, I actually had fun in this class! Next time, let's study Spanish!
Miss Thavel: *laughs a bit* Alright Logan, but I expect you to be at the top of your class!
With that out of the way, Logan and Engel left the classroom; leaving Miss Thavel to be the only one left as looked down at her desk. Logan's introduction playing in her mind.
Miss Thavel: Howlett...where have I heard that name before? It sounds oddly familiar to...him. And his first name is Logan as well, could it be a coincidence? Could that kid possibly be a mutant...?
She couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he were to fail a test. If he was what Miss Thavel was thinking he was, then she knew for a fact that he wouldn't die so easily if he had any relation to whoever she was thinking about.
As Miss Thavel was currently coming up with theories on her newest student, Engel walked Logan to his next class which was science.
Logan: Miss Bloomie huh? Let's see what I'll be dealing with in here-!
A loud explosion occurred inside the classroom as Logan quickly walked inside, only to see the entire room filled with smoke. In the center of the room though, he spotted another teacher who looked fairly shorter than Miss Circle or Miss Thavel. She had short black bob hair with blunt bangs and a pair of black horns. Her hair was tied up in a choppy bun with a white bow, and her outfit consisted of a white-collared black long-sleeved shirt, with two white buttons in the center.
But what Logan noticed though was that just like Miss Circle, her left arm was replaced with a blade resembling a giant box cutter.
He quickly turned to Engel.
Logan: *whisper* That's Miss Bloomie???
Engel: *whisper* Yeah...I know she looks intimidating but she's also pretty nice.
When the smoke cleared, Miss Bloomie quickly noticed the two students in her doorway.
Miss Bloomie: Hello Engel...and...who is this?
Engel: Oh uh, this is Logan! He's the new student.
Miss Bloomie: . . .Oh yeah. Grace did say that a new student was enrolled in the must have slipped my mind.
She then looked at Logan.
Miss Bloomie: Anyway new kid, it's time you got to your seat. Engel, you should get going to your class as well...the bell will ring soon.
Engel: R-Right...I'll see you later at lunch Logan.
Logan: See ya, Engel.
Once Engel left, Logan went to the seat that Miss Bloomie assigned to him. Though it didn't take him very long to notice that one of the bullied were in this class as well...actually no scratch that. All three of them were in this one.
Logan: . . .Just my fucking luck.
Were Oliver and his little group of friends always together for these first three classes?!?!
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Miss Bloomie: So normally I'd start the class right away as I don't like to waste time but you have to introduce yourself to the class, new kid.
Logan: . . .*sigh* Right.
He got up for the third time today and made his way to the front of the classroom as he introduced himself for the third time today.
With his Math and Language classes done and out the way, it was time to see how our little mutant handles science. Will he succeed or will he fail? Only time will tell.
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Well that was fun to write. And once again, the characters may be out of character due to the fact that for starters, this is a fanfic. Secondly, there's not that much to go off of aside from pieces of art from Kaaatie and the basics in behavior animation on YouTube.
I also want to say that if you guys have any ideas or feedback to give me then I am all ears. I want this story to be something that I enjoy writing just as much as my other stories.
Until next time!!
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