Chapter 2. Surviving Math
Logan: So this is Miss Circle's class?
Miss Grace: Indeed, now as I said; you should be fine as long as you get a good enough grade in her class. And I also want to let you know that those three troublemakers I mentioned earlier are her favorite students.
Logan: . . .Wow. Just my they have immunity, perfect.
Troublemakers or bullies who just so happened to be the teacher's pet was never a good sign. And worse of all, there was nothing he could do about it unless he wanted to send another kid to the hospital. He'd have to try and swallow his pride and bear with it for now...
Miss Grace: Believe me, I know. If they give you any problems just let me know. Miss Circle's won't do anything because they're her favorites.
Logan simply nodded as Miss Grace opened the door. Upon looking inside, Logan could see that the classroom was full of what you'd expect for a class teaching math as a subject. He saw some students talking to each other and lastly, he noticed a woman doing paperwork on her desk. But the one thing he noticed about her was that her left arm was replaced by a giant compass.
Maybe a prosthetic of some kind?
Miss Grace: Hello? Miss Circle? We have a new student.
Upon hearing her voice, the math teacher got up from her desk and walked towards Miss Grace and Logan and his eyes widened when he realized just how fucking tall she was.
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't slightly intimidated but he was definitely caught off guard. If this was his math teacher then he'd have to REALLY lock in. Especially if she was one of the strict ones in the school.
Logan: 'My god! She could be a NBA star with that fucking height of hers. And she looks intimidating as well...'
Miss Circle: *bending down to Logan's height* How wonderful, he's able to pay attention during classes right? I'd hate to have to punish a new face~.
Miss Circle would say as she smiled, showing her terrifyingly sharp teeth that Logan would not want to feel touching his skin.
Logan: *sweats a bit and gulps*
Miss Grace: I assure you he can manage his classes perfectly fine. I checked his record beforehand. So his grades won't be an issue, though I hope for your sake that you don't make his first day a living hell, Circle.
Miss Grace would say as she got between Logan and Miss Circle, glaring daggers at the tall woman. It seems she didn't have the best opinion of her coworker.
Miss Circle: Oh relax, Grace. There is no need to be so aggressive, I won't scare him off as long as he behaves.
Miss Grace: I hope you stay true to your word, because we do NOT need another lawsuit waiting to happen.
She spoke through gritted teeth, letting Logan know that this woman definitely harmed students in one way or another.
Logan: 'I'll be damned if that ever happens to me...'
Miss Circle: No promises~
It seems this first day was going to be challenging.
Miss Circle: Anyway, new kid. Your assigned seat is next to Engel. Just look for a boy with feathers on his head.
Logan: Sure thing.
Miss Grace seemed to calm down a bit from hearing that and sighed before bidding farewell to Logan for now, saying she'd see him again later on during the day.
She remembered what Miss Sasha had said to her the day prior about Logan not having any friends for most of his life. With Engel around, maybe he'd open up a bit. After all, Engel and his friends were one of the good students.
After Logan made his way to where Engel was sitting, he sat down in the seat next to him and placed his bag on the floor next to his leg. As he was getting out the tools needed to do schoolwork with, that's when he heard the feathered boy speak with him.
Engel: You're the new kid right?
Logan: . . .Yeah. You seem pretty well known here.
Engel: Oh you think so? how are you liking the school so far? I can understand if it's a bit hard getting adjusted to everything.
Thank god this kid had good manners, perhaps Logan could get along with him and maybe make his first friend, just a thought.
Logan: It's...alright so far. Better than my old school at least. And I'm sorry if I sound distant, it's just Miss Grace and my aunt are the only people I'm familiar with here so far.
Engel: Oh no, it's fine man. If you want, I can be your friend. You seem pretty nice to be around!
Engel would say with a smile, as Logan stared at him in slight shock before looking away for a bit.
Logan: That...That would actually be pretty nice...I'm Logan by the way.
Engel: Logan huh? It's nice to meet you!
Engel would say as he placed his arm out in front of him with Logan smiling a bit and shaking his hand.
Logan: Pleasure's all mine pal.
With the bell finally ringing and marking the beginning of the first class of the day, Logan noticed how the class instantly became quiet as Miss Circle walked to the front of her desk.
Miss Circle: Alright class, today we have a new student. Come up to the front newbie.
Upon hearing his name being called, Logan got up and made his way to the front of the class.
Logan: . . .Um, I'm not exactly good at these kinds of things. But pretty much, I'm Logan. And I'm your new classmate, I hope we can all get along.
Logan would introduce himself as he heard slight snickering. Probably from the three troublemakers Miss Grace told him about beforehand. But he simply brushed it off, after all; he just had to pay them no mind and the class would be fine with no issues. He still didn't like the fact that they could prank you and get away with it though.
If that were the case then Miss Circle should have no problem with him beating the living shit out of them, equal rights equal fights.
Miss Circle: How polite~, now usually this would be where the class can ask you questions but we have some important stuff to go over. You can go back to your seat, and be on your best behavior. I don't like having disturbances in my class~
Logan didn't say anything aside from nodding and going back to his seat beside Engel, allowing Miss Circle to start her lesson.
Logan: . . .Hey Engel💢
Engel: Y-Yeah? What's up Logan?
Logan: Is it normal for those three to start messing with students halfway through lessons? They have been throwing paper balls at me for five minutes now...!💢
Logan would ask as he was gripping his desk with a tight grip, trying his hardest to not explode in the classroom and cause a ruckus.
Engel sighed.
Engel: Yeah...just try and ignore them. They'll stop sooner or later.
Any second later and Logan would have gave them a piece of his mind, but out of nowhere a loud slam came from the teacher's desk. Everyone looked at Miss Circle as the teacher gave a terrifying glare to the three troublemakers.
Miss Circle: I assume you three are done taking your notes...Oliver, Edward, Zip.
Even if the glare wasn't directed at Logan or anyone else, it was still intimidating. He even noticed that there were visible cracks on her desk.
He came to the conclusion that Miss Circle was strong as fuck.
But aside from that, it seemed Miss Circle wasn't giving her "favorite" students any favoritism today. And honestly he felt proud, cause he was half-expecting her to just give them a slap on the wrist and leave it that.
It was good to see her actually doing her job and putting those three dickheads in their place.
Seeing that the trio of troublemakers didn't have anything to say, Miss Circle went back to her desk and resumed the lesson, making sure no one got distracted during the said lesson.
As the seconds soon turned to minutes, it was eventually time for a little review. Miss Circle got up from her desk and went to the blackboard.
Most of the questions the class had to answer were easy ones like 2+2, 5+5, 10-9, etc. And then it went to the more complicated ones like solving for x...fuck.
Miss Circle: It seems no one wants to answer, so I'm going to have to call on someone. Let's see...~
Logan looked up at the board to get the last bit of notes he needed for the lesson, but by doing that; he unintentionally sealed his fate, Miss Circle eyes landed right on him.
Miss Circle: Logan, would you mind coming up here to answer these simple math questions?
Logan: ...Yeah.
Simple 'math questions' she says, he'd be lucky if he got any of them right. But he couldn't refuse, unless he wanted to risk pissing Miss Circle off, and from what he had seen earlier with her slamming her desk to the point that there were fucking cracks implanted in it told him NOT to piss her off.
So...he got up and walked to the front of the class.
Miss Circle: Thanks for volunteering~
Like she gave him a choice...
Miss Circle: I'll ask you these simple questions and you'll answer them, okay?
Logan: Yes Ma'am.
Miss Circle: Five times five.
Logan: Twenty-five.
Miss Circle: Seven times seven.
Logan: Forty-seven.
Miss Circle: Ten times ten.
Logan: One hundred.
Miss Circle: Five hundred times five.
Logan: . . .Two thousand and five hundred.
Miss Circle: X divided by fifteen equals eight and one third.
Logan: . . .
Miss Circle: . . .
Logan: . . . *sweating*
Miss Circle: . . .
Logan: . . .X equals one hundred and twenty five.
Miss Circle: . . .Not bad. A bit slow but you did a good job.
Miss Circle turned to the rest of the class.
Miss Circle: This right here is what I expect from the rest of you. I could tell he didn't want to answer the questions and doubted himself, but even then he got every single question right. I have no doubt you all can do the same thing if you actually do the work that is assigned to you.
The class looked on in shock at the sudden praise she was giving Logan. Even the three bullies were shocked as they expected him to fumble somewhere along the line. Though the only one that seemed to look at him with some form of interest was the one with glasses.
After finishing her lecture, Miss Circle patted his head and smiled at him.
Miss Circle: Nice job newbie, you can go sit back down now.
Logan: . . .Sure.
With that, he went back to his seat. She didn't have to tell him twice.
Engel: Are you alright?
Logan: . . .Never again. I felt everyone's eyes staring at me while having to keep eye contact with Miss Circle...she even scowled a bit when I took my sweet time on that last one.
All Engel could do was laugh nervously while rubbing his head.
Engel: I'm sure you'll get used to it. It's just how Miss Circle is at times.
Logan: . . .I sure hope so.
A few minutes later and the bell finally rang, letting the students out to go to their next class for the day.
Logan: Hey Engel, you think you can wait outside for me? I noticed we have the same class.
Engel: Oh you mean Miss Thavel's? Yeah, I can wait for you. Why though?
Logan: I'm going to speak with Miss Circle for a bit.
Engel: Alright man...good luck.
With that, Engel left the classroom and it was just Logan in the class. As he turned his head towards Miss Circle, he noticed she was going through papers for the next unlucky class.
Miss Circle: You're full of surprises aren't you newbie?
Logan: . . .What?
Miss Circle: Being able to deal with Oliver and his group's antics, getting every answer correct on my little practice trivia. Where did Grace find you I wonder?
Logan: Oh quite the contrary, if you didn't stop them any second later I would have done so myself. I only stopped myself because I wanted to make a good first impression and NOT get detention on my first day...that's what Aunt Sasha said anyway.
Miss Circle: . . .Sasha's your aunt?
Logan: Hm? Oh yeah, she's my caretaker. Actually, she's the one that spoke to Miss Grace about enrolling me here after some shit went down in my old school.
Miss Circle: . . .You're real brave to curse in front of your teacher, you know that?
Logan: *smirks* Oh am I now? Guess I'm even more brave for admitting that I wanted to harm your favorite students for pissing me off earlier. Thanks for knocking them down a peg for me teach!
Miss Circle: . . .
Logan: . . .
Miss Circle: . . .*slightly chuckles before laughing a bit* You know what newbie, I like you. Brutally honest and straight to the point, I like it! Now get going before you're late.
Logan: Heh. Sure thing teach, see ya later!
With that, Logan left the classroom. With just Miss Circle alone in her room for now, she was left thinking to herself.
Miss Circle: 'So he's Sasha's nephew huh? Things are finally getting interesting it seems.'
And true to her word, Logan was definitely an interesting student. He showed no fear in talking with her or even shit-talking her favorite students in front of her. She kinda found it hard to believe he was Miss Sasha's nephew due to his brutally honest personality, she was kinda expecting him to be a softie due to his personality.
But he made things pretty interesting, even managing to lighten her mood a bit. But in turn she hope Logan kept up with his grades.
. . .
. . .
. . .
She'd hate to have to kill a student with such promise and cause a coworker to grieve the lost of a family member~
. . .
. . .
. . .
Word Count: 2427
And the second chapter is done and out the way, our main character successfully managed to hold back his temper against the three troublemakers, made a new friend, and survived his worst subject as well as getting along with a teacher most students are terrified of. How will the rest of his first day go??? Maybe he'll make more friends along the way? Guess we'll have to see.
Until next time everyone!
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