New daycare

What you need to know:
(Y/n) - Your name
(H/c) - Hair color
(E/c) - Eye color
(F/c) - Favorite color

Your POV:

I looked out the window of the car, watching the clouds and trees blur together as we passed by. By cloud backpack was sitting by me and was filled with a couple changes of clothes, some small books and some snacks. Mommy told me to pack it thus morning, but she wouldn't say why. I think it's because she had another fight with Daddy last night. They've been fighting a lot more recently.

"Alright sweetie. We're here!" Mommy called as she stopped the car. She had a large, fake smile plastered onto her face. I smiled and nodded, unbuckling myself from my car seat and grabbing my backpack. Mommy opened the car door for me and I jumped out, looking up at the building in front of us. There were words by the roof, but I can't read. So I don't know what they say. Mommy closed my door before grabbing my hand, dragging me towards the door. Her grip was really tight and I kept stumbling from her fast pace.

"M-Mommy! S-Slow down! I c-can't keep up!" I called. Mommy looked down at me, narrowing her eyes before giving another fake smile.

"Sorry sweetie." I looked down at the ground and nodded.

"I-It's ok Mommy..." I mumbled. Mommy continued to drag me towards the front door before knocking. The door opened to reveal a skeleton with black bones. Part of his skull was floating and he had orange paint on his cheek bones. His left eye was a yellow star and his left eye was a blue circle. The tips of his fingers were yellow and pink and he wore a purple long sleeve, black pants, a beige apron and a pair of regular shoes. The skeleton narrowed his eyes at Mommy before crouching down to my height. I hid behind Mommy's leg, making the skeleton laugh.

"Hey there. My name is Paperjam. But you can call me PJ." The skeleton said. Mommy pushed me towards Mr. PJ.

"You'll be staying with Mr. PJ sweetie." Mommy said.

"That's right. Your mom and dad are too... Busy... At the moment. So you'll stay here. Is that ok?" Mr. PJ asked, glaring at Mommy once more before picking me up. I looked back at Mommy before nodding.

"O-Ok... B-B-Bye Mommy." I whispered, giving a small wave. "I l-love you." Mommy gave me another fake mile before walking back to her car and driving away, mumbling curses under her breath. Mr. PJ brought me inside the building and closed the door. He hung my backpack up on one of the little hooks before setting me down on the floor.

"Alright, your name is (Y/n). Right?" I nodded, looking down at the ground. "Well (Y/n), I run a daycare. So you'll get to go meet and play with all the other kids. They're all really nice. For the most part..." I nodded again.

"A-Alright Mr. PJ..." I mumbled. Mr. PJ smiled and gently took my hand.

"I'll introduce you to some of the kids, ok?"

"A-Ah, it's o-okay... I-I can do it m-m-myself... I-If it's o-o-okay with y-you..." I whispered, tugging at the end of my shirt. Mr. PJ smiled and nodded before leading me into a large room full of little skeletons. My eyes widened as I saw everyone playing together. Mr. PJ went to go talk to some taller skeleton's, leaving me alone. I linked my pinkies together nervously and glanced around the room again. A little skeleton with a blue bow looked over at me and stars formed in his eyes as he tugged another skeleton towards me.

"Hi! Are you new here? I'm Blueberry!" The skeleton with the blue bow cheered.

"Hiiiii! I'm Dream! Do you wanna play with us?" The second skeleton asked. I blinked once before looking around to see if they were talking to anyone else.

"A-Are you talking t-to m-m-me?" I asked, pointing at myself. Dream and Blueberry nodded.

"Yeah!" They cheered. I linked my pinkies together again before nodding.

"U-Uhh... S-S-Sure... M-My name is (Y-Y/n)..." I said. Blueberry grabbed my hand before running towards a skeleton drawing quietly.

"Ink! Ink! Look! We made a new friend!" Dream cheered, jumping around.

"Come play with us!" Blueberry yelled, jumping around as well. The skeleton looked up from his drawing and shook his head before going back to drawing. Dream and Blueberry pouted.

"Awww.... Come on!" Blueberry complained.

"N-No thank you..." Ink mumbled quietly.

"Alright, fine." Dream mumbled before grabbing my other hand and running around in circles, giggling. Blueberry ran behind us.



Third person POV:

About half an hour later, (Y/n) warmed up towards Dream and Blueberry and was now running in circles with them, a shy smile on her face. PJ was watching them from afar, leaning against a wall. 

"Those two sure got her out of her shell pretty quick..." PJ said aloud. Fresh walked over and looked up at PJ.

"Mr. PJ! Who are you looking at?" Fresh asked, tugging on PJ's pant leg. PJ crouched down to Fresh's height.

"(Y/n). She's new here and really shy. Pretty cute kid." PJ said. Fresh's glasses changed from 'YOLO' to 'NOPE' as he marched towards Blueberry, Dream and (Y/n), muttering 'nope' under his breath. Once he got there, Dream, Blueberry and (Y/n) stopped running. (Y/n) half hid behind Dream, causing a small yellow blush to form on his cheek bones. Fresh pointed at (Y/n).

"If you think you can steal Mr. PJ from me then your wrong! He's gunna marry me when I grow up!" Fresh announced, causing PJ to face palm. 

"S-S-Steal Mr. P-PJ...?" (Y/n) asked quietly. "W-W-What do you m-mean by T-t-that?" Fresh put his hands on his hips.

"You know exactly what I mean!" He yelled. (Y/n) flinched back, tears forming in her eyes.

"D-D-Don't yell at m-m-me!" (Y/n) whispered.

"Stop yelling Fresh!" Blueberry said, putting his arms out to protect (Y/n). Dream did the same thing.

"Yeah! (Y/n) doesn't want to take Mr. PJ away from you!" Dream added. Fresh crossed his arms.

"You're just saying that! I know she's gunna try to take him away! But Mr. PJ is mine!" Fresh stated. (Y/n) whimpered quietly before running off, tears running down her face. PJ sighed, shaking his head as he walked over.

"What's going on over here?" PJ asked.

"Mr. PJ!" The children cheered. Fresh jumped into his arms happily, his glasses changing back to 'YOLO'.

"Mr. PJ! Fresh was being mean to (Y/n) and yelling at her! She didn't do anything to upset him!" Blueberry exclaimed, tears forming in his eyes.

"And now she's disappeared!" Dream added. PJ sighed again, looking down at Fresh.

"Why were you yelling at (Y/n), Fresh?" Fresh pouted.

"She was gunna take you away from me..." He mumbled. PJ blinked once before putting Fresh down on the ground.

"Fresh, (Y/n) wasn't going to take me away from you. She doesn't even know me that well." PJ stated. "Now go apologize to her." Fresh pouted some more before walking off. PJ turned to Blueberry and Dream.

"You two can go back to playing. I'm sure (Y/n) will be back soon."


PJ: Took you long enough AG!

AG: Shush PJ! I've been busy with life! I'm in grade 10 now y'know! I started writing this in like, grade 7 or 8!

PJ: Wow! That WAS a while ago.

AG: I know! *Goes and cries in a corner with Tamaki*

PJ: *Sighs* Get out of the corner and say goodbye. You need to get back to work with rewriting the next chapters.

AG: *Jumps out of corner* YOU'RE RIGHT PJ! Thanks for reminding me! *Turns to reader* Sorry for taking so long! Please comment any ideas you have or characters you want me to add! Love you all! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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