Chapter 7

Dear Hayden,

I don't... I don't understand. Why did you leave me again? You abandoned me without a note or saying anything... again. I just don't even know why. Did I do something? I thought that you were helping me. 


So, my brother, Ray, just turned ten. It seems like only yesterday when you were coming over for his fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh birthdays. I remember how every year you would come by with a chocolate ice-cream cake with blue icing and a superhero action figure. For the past few years when you hadn't shown up, he expected more from me as compensation for you not showing up. He blamed me for him losing a friend. The first time that you didn't show up, he didn't say anything. He sat there, waiting for you. I had to tell him that you weren't coming. It didn't even respond. He kept on staring at the ice-cream cake that I bought him. I asked him if I should cut it. He shook his head and, one by one, tears escaped his eyes, streaming down his face. Ray sat there and watched his vanilla cake melt before his eyes as they bled salt water.

Yesterday, when I got home from school, he begged me to take him to the park. I had forgotten to get him a birthday present. These days I need to get him two: one from me and one from you. This year, I bought him a Hogwarts lego set and nothing from you. I had to give him a day at the park. We had fun when we got there. I chased him around the playground. We swung on the swings. I felt free. When I was at the highest point of the arch, I leapt off of my swing and went flying through the air. Ray tried to copy me. Unfortunately, he didn't land on his feet. He landed on his arm and it snapped under his weight. I freaked. Looking back, I guess that I should have kept my cool and remained calm and collected. But, in the face of harm, it's hard not to panic. It's difficult not to let the hysteria swallow you whole. You have to be strong to fight that craziness. I am weak. I succumbed. I cried. I knelt down beside my brother and felt my throat begin to close up as he clutched his arm and sobbed. I didn't know what to do.

"It hurts," Ray told me.

"I know," was the only thing I was able to tell my baby brother.

I didn't know what to do! I wanted to call my mom, but she was on a plane to New York for a business trip. I wanted to call you, Hayden, but I couldn't for obvious reasons. It's a good thing that you found me, instead. I don't know what I'd have done without you.

You were merely taking a jog around the park. Hayden, I'm sure that it was fate. You usually take a different route. I almost never go to the park. But, on the day that I needed you - I wouldn't say most, but it was up there - you came. When I was lost and had no idea where to go, you walked out of the fog and into my arms. Or rather, I ran into yours. I saw you approach and just ran into you and melted into your embrace. It was like the old days; you held me together when I couldn't do so myself. There you were, holding me when I was lost. I have a question, Hayden. You caught me when I ran into your arms out of the blue. It's almost like you were prepared for me to return to you. So... were you?

I explained what had occurred to you, and it was like we were in an action movie. You immediately sprung into action. You ran to where Ray was laying on the ground and lifted him into your arms like he weighed nothing. You ran with him towards your car. I was frozen to the spot, still trying to comprehend all which had occurred. I hadn't even realized that you left, for you soon came back for me, lifting me into your arms like you did for Ray. When you got us into your car, you took off.

When we got to the hospital, everything was a blur. The doctors, the nurses - just everything. There were so many people, Hayden. There were so many people running in every direction that I wasn't sure how to keep up. They took Ray away from me, saying that he needed x-rays. They sat me down and said that they needed to call my parents since I was a minor. I told them that they can't.

"My mother is on a plane right now, and I have no idea where my father is. I haven't seen him in years." I told them. The doctors and nurses looked at each other, then back at me.

"We need to see speak to your parents, girl" They said again.

I felt like I was going mad. I felt like I was going insane. I felt like I was the only sane one, like everybody in the whole world decided to go mad and nobody alerted me. I was alone on sanity island. I felt confused and lost and unsure if I was the only crazy one or normal one. Hayden, I curled up into you and relaxed. I fell asleep in the safety of your arms.

When I woke up, I was alone with your jacket draped over me. You had left me. I don't know why I was surprised.

I don't know what else to say.




Chapter seven, huzzah!

This chapter is slightly shorter than the last two. Sorry about that.  A big thank you to my followers and everyone else who has been following along. Never stop being so awesome!

Share your thoughts with me! Do you like the story? What do you think of Ray and how he worships Hayden? Do you think that Laura is a good sister? Was it right for Hayden to help Laura and Ray, or should he have maintained his distance from them. Why do you think he left Laura once more?  Tell me what you think.

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Don't Forget To Be Awesome,


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