Chapter 46.

Yes, a double update 🫢

You're welcome ❤️



Turns out, it really just a small car accident—or so they call it. To me, an accident is still an accident, and though I am thankful that he does not have any major injuries and just has a small concussion, I am still very much worried about him. Apparently, it happened after he had left home, and he has been in admission for the hours that followed. He just did not want me to be informed, or any of his family members as well because he does not deem it to be something serious.

But, then they found out, and that was when the entire crying session happened. Hajiya still was not convinced he was alright until he undergo a number of tests just to be sure, and only then did they manage to convince her to go back home and let me stay with him instead. Apparently, since it is not anything bad, he might either be discharged later in the day, or the next. Of course, the man thinks he is well so he could be discharged that day, but I am hoping he would stay until tomorrow.

I hate hospitals, but my mind would not be at ease until his test results are out and I am assured that he is well, and that there is no internal injury of any sort. It took a lot of convincing from him, but at one point, I did go back home to fetch a change of clothing for him, but not before explicitly reminding him that he should be in bed, because last I recall, he was told to rest in bed. Once he had assured me that he would, I hesitantly went back home and fetched him the change of clothing, then dropped by Hajiya's to retrieve the food she already had made since neither of us ate.

When I went back to the hospital again, my mind was much more at ease, relieved that he is no longer in danger. It was only then that it dawned on me that it is my first time in the hospital since I concluded my IT, I have not visited this place since. And as such, before heading back to the room, I decided to branch by the nurses station, just in case I would see any familiar faces.

I was right, because the moment I reached there, I was welcomed by the sight of a number of familiar voices, and recognition flashed across their faces too almost immediately.

"Ah ah, who am I seeing like this? Sa'adatu, kece haka? How long as it been?" Nurse Asiya, a familiar acquaintance of mine back in the days of my IT mused, her lips slanting into a wide grin as she approached me.

"Nurse Asisi," I acknowledged. "Nice nan, Ina wunin ku."

"Lafiya, Alhamdullilah," She reached where I am, then pulled me into her embrace, before pulling back to give me a onceover. "I think it was just last week we were talking about you. Nace since you finished your IT, you disappeared on us. Shiru, ko labarin ki baaji."

"It was last week," Another acquaintance, amongst the nurses nodded in agreement as she extended her hand for a handshake, which I took. "I was even asking if you are still in town. You don't even visit us."

"I am here now," I grinned, offering the others a slight wave, which I got in return as they all chirped in their greetings as well, my heart warning due to the small reunion. "How have you guys been? Ya aiki?"


"Aiki, Alhamdullilah." Nurse Asiya then placed a hand on my shoulder, her brows drawing in as her expression turned somber. "I have been trying your number since. I wanted to extend my condolences," She stated, her voice low so only I could hear. "Ya haqurin mu kuma?"

I offered her a slight smile, understanding where she is coming from. Of all of them that I have worked with, she is the closest to me, so only she knew that I was married to Khalil, none of them knew. We agreed to keep it low—though truthfully it was more of my decision, so they were not aware, and I guess they still do not.

"Haquri alhamdullilah,"

"Allah ya jikan shi da rahama,"

"Ameen ameen, nagode."

"Bakomai," She shook her head, her smile comforting.

I offered her a smile back, my gaze yawing in the direction across us as a hum of noise came, and a small group emerged, all dressed up in their lab coats. I spotted a few familiar faces from the group, however, one particular face amongst them captured my attention, and I almost let out a scoff when our eyes met, and he stood there, like a deer caught in headlights.

I looked away for a split second, a slight scoff escaping my lips.

"Doctors," Nurse Asiya acknowledged, thankfully, not noticing the slight act of mine. "You guys are done with the meeting?"

Some responded, and that led to a small conversation between them and the nurses, while I was already thinking of a hundred ways to kill someone's son in my head, truthfully. At least, my thoughts came a halt when Nurse Asiya nudged me slightly, making me blink and focus my attention on her. "He is talking to you," She said, when I focused my attention on her, gesturing to one of the doctors.

I blinked, yawing my gaze in his direction. My brows drew in for a second upon seeing the smile on his face, until I remembered the familiar face, having worked with him here as well. "Oh, Doctor Kabir, good afternoon." He used to frequent the lab quite a lot back then as he was a resident then, so he and I kind of became friends for the meantime, I guess.

His smile widened, "Sa'adatu, it truly is you. I was wondering if my eyes were playing tricks on me ai when I saw you. Ashe dai ke din ce."

"Nice nan," I nodded, my smile widening slightly. "How is work?"

"Work Alhamdulillah. As you can see, I have joined the gidan wahala," He then gestured to others with him. "I am now part of the Neurosurgery Department."

I hummed, "Really now?"

He nodded, seeming excited. "Of course. Under the guidance of the great Professor AB, of course," He then turned around, throwing a quick glance at the man in the group that had become oddly quiet, knowing what exactly it is that he did. He threw Dr. Kabir a pointed look, but the man remained oblivious and then turned to look at me. "Do not let him intimidate you. I used to be intimidated by him as well, but he is a really nice supervisor. I aspire to be like him. He got into an accident earlier, amma he still managed to make it to today's meeting."

"Professor AB Kenan," Nurse Asiya lamented as she nodded, amusement lacing her tone. "Still our number one bachelor. Leaning down, she nudged me slightly. "Do you remember him? He is still single, that is why most of our ladies here are still crushing on him. Him being that hard working is just an added bonus. Who does not love a hardworking man?"

Once again, I could only hum as I nodded, a smile plastered on my face though it was anything but real. If only he knew the thoughts running through my head. Dr. Kabir has always been the talkative type, hence why I tend to avoid him because he just does not know when to shut up. Today though, he is starting to get on my nerves, but it is not his fault. Rather, it is directed towards the doctor he 'aspires to be like'.

Tell me why, I left this man in bed, after he promised to stay there, and I am now seeing him in a lab coat, coming out of a meeting? Does my words not matter? Does his health not matter? Is others' lives above his? How can he be a good physician if he is sick as well?

And what did she just say? Who does not love a hardworking man? I. I do not. Is he trying to show off or something? Who is he trying to impress?

I was snapped back to reality when Dr. Kabir's voice came, deep into his conversation. " the way, do you mind giving me your number? Let us keep contact." He asked, pulling down his phone in anticipation, his smile unwavering.

I blinked, and before I could reply, not that I had intended to give him the number in the first place, a hand suddenly reached out and collected the phone from him. "If you have such free time to collect number," I almost rolled my eyes when Adnan's voice came, lacking any humor. He had his gaze pinned on the young doctor in front of him though. "How about you review all the cases we just discussed?"

Dr. Kabir released a slight chuckle, though it was more of a way for him to evade the given assignment. "Professor, it is not like that. There is no need for me to review the cases."

"I guess it sounded like a question," There was no trace of humor in this man's face when he stared him down, and believe me, as a student of his as well, I am scared to get on this man's wrong side. Thankfully, I am not playing the role of the student then but an irked wife. "It is not. I want a report of the cases all, and I want it all sent to my email by tomorrow."

The color drained from Dr. Kabir's face, and he stared at the man with a pleading look. "Professor AB, please now, there are seven cases. How can I review them all by tomorrow?"

"You cannot do it?"

The poor doctor shook his head, "I cannot, Sir."

Adnan nodded his head, and for a second, I thought he was going to pity the man and take back his words. But, he did not. Instead, he said, "Then send it all by tonight, latest 10PM. If not, you can forget about your upcoming exams."

"Professor AB, dan Allah..."

"Get to work now, Dr. Kabir." A single statement and a pointed look, and it had the poor doctor retrieving the phone that was handed back to him and rushing away, no doubt trying to start the work and get it done by the given time.

With him gone, Adnan finally yawed his gaze in my direction, and I found myself throwing him a pointed look, both upset over his action of neglecting his health, and with how mean he is being to the poor doctor. None other even intervened, and something tells me this is how he usually is. He is being so mean really.

He even dared to offer me a small smile, though it was obvious from his face that he knows what he did wrong. "Sa'adah..." He called out, and I turned around, ignoring him.

Nurse Asiya looked between us, and I could feel the confused look from the other nurses as well. "You two know each other?" She asked, because I know she is well aware that he and I did do not know each other, or so it was like when I worked here then. Besides, he left early into my IT days, so it was not like anyone knew us together.

I responded, just in time he did as well.



Once again, I found myself throwing him a pointed look, while I got a smile in return. I huffed out a breath, then resisted the urge to roll my eyes before I focused my attention on Nurse Asiya, now waiting for a reply. "He is my Professor at university," I said instead, which is true as well.

Realization dawned across the woman's features, but it was short lived, and so was my resolve as well when his voice came, as he turned around to face them. "Everyone," He called out, gaining their attention as a whole. "I have an announcement to make."

Why do I have a feeling that I would not like what he about to say?

"I have gotten married." He suddenly declared, and I could hear the gasps that came from some, while some teasing came about from his colleagues, some of which I am aware knew already because I can see some familiar faces from the wedding.

He then turned around to look at me, and I threw him a glare in warning. He ignored it, and instead offered me a slight grin. Then suddenly, with no warning whatsoever, he stepped closer, closing the space between us as he reached out, his arm wrapping around my shoulder as he pulled me to him. "Sa'adah here, is my wife, in case you do not know. So please, stop spreading any rumors about me. My wife is the jealous type, and I do not want to bother her with such information."

And that was when the round of teasing started, and the way Nurse Asiya's jaw dropped, I almost reached out and helped her close it. He of course, loved the attention he was getting, and when he pinched his hand with my other hand, he simply offered me another smile, holding my gaze as he brought my hand to his lips, then pressed a kiss on the back of it.

Believe me, with the way embarrassment suddenly crashed over me, if I could open the ground and bury myself, I would. The teasing came almost immediately, and it was too much that I could not help but hide behind him, my hand still locked in his.

Even Nurse Asiya quickly recovered, and then, she came, showering her own blessings. "Ah ah, so this is what is happening without us knowing? Toh May Allah bless your home. And may you have lots of kids."

Another one of the nurses then chirped in, sounding genuinely happy. "May Allah bless you with kids soon."

"Gaskiya dai, our latest couple in town." This time around, the voice came from one his colleagues. "You heard their prayers, Prof. We all cannot wait to see our little nephew or niece. A Neurosurgery baby is very much welcomed."

I truly wanted the ground to open up then, so I could bury myself and not go out. And guess what my dearest husband—note the bloody sarcasm—did? He, I could already picture the grin on his face, then responded. "Soon, In shaa Allah."

Soon what again?

I gasped, throwing the back of his head a pointed look before I gave his hand a warning squeeze. The act had him chuckling, and then his voice came again.

"Thank you all for the prayers, but now I need to go and pacify my woman, you have all made her shy." He did not just say that. "Mun gode," Then, he turned his head around, his amused gaze meeting my pointed one. "Shall we go, Hayaty?"

I huffed out a breath, my glare still very much prominent. He then took that as his sign, and then he led me away from the group that are still throwing their teasing and prayers. However, just as we had started to walk away, I tried to slip my hand away from his but he did not let go, and instead held on tighter. Even when his phone suddenly rang, he did not let go and instead, used his other hand to pull out a phone.

Tapping the answer button, he brought the phone to his ear, and I saw how his laid back expression slowly turned grim, and the phone call ended with a stone cold, "Okay, I understand. I am coming."

When he dropped the call, I found myself asking, my lips slanted into a deep frown. "Where are you going now again?"

"We are going to the station," He declared, holding my gaze as all trace of lark disappeared from his expression.

"Wait? Station, as in, police station?"

"Yes," He nodded, then let out a breath. "Yusuf and Zaheer are there," He lamented, then clicked his tongue, his voice cold when he suddenly added, shaking his head as he looked away. "It is Faiza's ex-husband," His gaze found mine. "He is back."


Toh you will finally get your answers, hankalinku zai kwanta 😂🫢

True true ba, this chapter was supposed to be the original one, I've wanted to write the hospital scene for a while and this is supposed to be it. You see that whole Adnan accident thing, it was not supposed Wato exist.

I decided to that plot today when writing and I just had to add it😂😭 I could not help myself.

Anyways Sai ga Zaheer da Ya Yusuf a cell😂 Toh meya hwaru??? 😂😂What did they do? And how does this involve Faiza's ex husband??

Just four chapters to go🥹 I will people you people here truly 🥹

Also, I'm not sure if I will start another book this year tbh. But if not, having Paper Hearts as my only book was an honor🫢❤️ thank you to my little family here. I truly trulyyyyy appreciate it.

Stay safe, and Single😂

Love, Jannah Mia💕

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