Chapter 44.
My comments Biko🥹
I kept my eyes fixated on my hands on my hands as I felt him lift up the veil, revealing my face. Even when he finally got my veil down, I still made no move to look up, simply fidgeting with my fingers. A few seconds passed, but I could feel his gaze on me, unmoving. Then, after he deemed it he has gotten enough view of me, his voice came.
"They are all gone now," He declared, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "I have chased them all away for you. You can breathe now."
It was as if his words flicked a switch in me, because the moment those words escaped, confirming my initial thoughts, I found myself releasing a breath I did not know I was holding as I looked up, meeting his gaze with a wide grin on my face. "Finally," I breathed out, stretching my arms in front of me to get rid of the soreness as I leaned my back against the bed rest, one leg on the floor and the other crossed on the bed as I found the perfect resting position for myself.
My dearest husband just stared at me, as if he could not believe his eyes. Then, he suddenly chuckled, shaking his head in the process. "You know..." He started, a grin taking over his features. "...everyone now thinks I am the shameless one."
"Are you not though?" I asked, with a slight arched brow as I feigned innocence. "You did chase them out of the house."
"On your request," He pointed out, reminding me of that one conversation we had earlier in the day after we had our pictures taken. In case I would feign innocence—which I initially planned on doing, he then went further on in details. "If I remember clearly, which I do," He started, then threw me a pointed look, "Who pulled me back just as I was about to leave, then said, and I quote, 'Later on, when I am brought to the house that is, do not stay for long conversations. Just pay the ladies, then tell them to leave the house and that you want some time with your wife'. Who said that, Mrs. Bayero? Was it not you?"
I offered him a sheepish smile, having being put under the spotlight like that. He was right, I did say that but he did not have to bring that up like that, did he? "Technically," I started, wanting to defend myself even though there is not much to defend really. "I did it for you as well. Are you not glad they are gone now? Can you hear that?" I kept shut, earning a brow arch from him in question. Then, my smile widened and I nodded. "Exactly. Silence. Much needed silence after the chaos of the past few days."
In my defense, the past few days have been so chaotic and I know the way my friends are, especially Faiza. If left to them, they would drag the conversation for long just so they can get a lot of money. And from what I know of groomsmen, they would drag it on as well just for the fun of it. I cannot handle that, all I want is some peace and quiet, and I can only get that with them gone.
"Besides," I continued, "You love your peace as well, even more than I do. I did us both a favor." My smile widened, hoping that will be enough to dissuade him into believing this is for the best.
I mean, I am the bride, it is not like I can chase them away. I am supposed to be the shy one, while he, as the groom is supposed to be the shameless one—even if it is the other way around but no one needs to know that. The point is, everyone loves cliché narratives of the shameless groom that chases everyone away, and that is what I gave them. It is a win-win for everyone really.
They should thank me even. I am such an innovative person.
Should I become a movie director? I can direct a romcom well enough with this talent?
He simply stared at me in question, as if silently wondering how he managed to pull up a dramatic person as me. Then, he added, in a serious tone. "You know you can be crazy at times, right?" Is he just realizing this now? Bro is a little late, is he not?
My smile widened into a grin. "I told you. Just a few days ago." I affirmed, then gave him a pointed look. "No refunds though." I added in a serious tone.
He sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. "What did I just sign up for?"
"A lifetime of drama, and humor." I wiggled my brows. "Congratulations on winning the whole package, Mr. Bayero." Leaning closer, I took a hold of his hand with mine and then shook it, "May Allah give you the sabr to live with me. It will not be easy, which is why," I held up a finger to stop him before he could say anything. Reaching out to my phone, I removed the cover, then brought out the card of pills there before turning around and placing it in his other hand. "I brought complimentary Paracetamol because I know you will need it your entire life. The first one is free, on the house."
Technically, this is the one I got from his room back at his house, but he does not need to know that part. Like I said, on the house.
I could have sworn the man went into shock. He was simply staring at me, and I just know he is starting to regret his decision but I do not blame him really. I would have my regret if I were him as well. Unfortunately for him though, he just signed a lifetime with me. I meant it, he does need the Paracetamol.
He was silent for a while, as if unable to find the right words to use. Then, he suddenly asked. "What type of bride are you though?" He was trying to hide his amusement but I could still see the glint in his eyes despite the serious look he was trying to pull up.
"The one of a kind type," I stated, as if it is the most obvious thing. "Sa'adatu, limited version, exclusively for you, Malam." I then gestured to the paracetamol in his hand. "See how I look out for you? Very wifely, very considerate, very you will need lots of prayers." Oh, he is so done with me—I could tell from the look on his face.
"That is it, I am done," See, I was right. He shook his head, then got on his feet, turning around to stand in front of me. Then, he extended a hand out. "Come, let us pray before you start another one of your dramatic sessions."
I hummed in agreement, slipping my hand into his as I nodded, allowing him to help me get up. "You are right. We have a lifetime for that." Once I had successfully gotten on my feet, I then looked up to hold his gaze. "I will just head to my room and change."
He held my gaze, then arched a brow. With a dead serious expression, he then asked. "What? You can't change here?" He asked, daringly. "Are you shy? I thought you are the one of a kind bride?" His other hand went to wrap around my waist, pulling me close to him so there was no space between us.
I chuckled, then reached my hand to rest it on the side of his face, caressing the light beard there. "What are you in a rush for, Malam?" This time, I mirrored his expression, arching my brow. "Patience. Good things come to those who wait."
He hummed, as if asking 'seriously?'. Then, he chuckled, though it was not just amusing—it held a promise of something I dare not unravel. "You are right," He suddenly agreed with a nod of his head. "Besides," His voice dropped as he leaned down, so his nose brushed mine. "It is not like you can escape or let the cat catch your tongue. Is it?"
I let out a scoff like huff, "Of course, not. Who said a thing about escaping?" I pulled away from him, keeping my gaze on him as I took a few steps backwards. "Just you wait, Malam. We will see who the speechless one is."
He did not seem moved in the slightest, his smug expression did not waver in the slightest. "You might want to look where you are going?"
"Why should I? Are you in a rush to see me leave and come back?" When he did not say anything and just shook his head, I turned around, chuckling. But you see that chuckle died down when instead of walking ahead, I ran straight into the wall, hitting my head. "Ouch."
"That is why." His voice came, laced with amusement. I could tell he was trying to hold back his laugh.
Now nursing my stinging forehead, I turned around to look at him with a pointed look, he instantly swallowed down his laugh.
"Do you need help?" He asked with mock seriousness.
I threw a glare. "No." Turning around this time around, I all but stormed out of the room, the sound of his laughter following behind along with him letting me know he will be waiting for me whenever I am done.
The moment I entered the next door across his which I am told to be my room, I immediately locked the door, leaning my back against it as I closed my eyes, covering my face with my hand as the embarrassment crashed all over me. What did I just do please? Nashiga uku ni Sa'adatu diyar Sulaiman jikar Muhammadu.
Eventually, I left the door and made my way further into the room, barely taking the interior design into mind as my gaze fell on the box seated on the bed perfectly perched up. My brows drew in, eyes narrowed slightly, my mind going back to Faiza and her apparent 'surprise'.
Something tells me it will be more like a heart attack though.
The moment I reached where the box is, the label already had me screaming internally. Ai ko Veronica Secret ne ba Victoria ba, I will kill Faiza the next time I see her. And did I mention the girl dared to attach a note to the box. 'Enjoy your night', she wrote, and I could imagine the exact teasing look on her face as she wrote it.
I collapsed on the floor, my knees to my chest as I allowed the veil to drop, my fingers running through my small braided hair as I contemplated how I will go about my life. You see all that confident show I have been putting on? It is all lies. Lies I tell you. All because I know there is always a way out. But now? Now, I have no way out.
It is just like he said, I am looking for a way to escape.
I nearly ran away earlier when he pulled me into his arms. I honestly do not know how I managed to keep standing and even dared to pull the stunt I pulled of talking back. Internally, I was shaking, my knees nearly gave up on me and had me crashing on the floor. And my big mouth just had to go and rant just like that? I am done for, I tell you. So, so done for.
Does he have to be such a good flirt, and why was I trying to match up with him? I just dug a bigger grave for myself really at this point.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I muttered, smacking my head slightly.
I have no idea how long I sat there looking like a drenched chicken, but I know it must have been long. At one point, I decided, you know what? I can do this. Of course I can. What is there to be scared of? Nothing really.
With that little pep talk in mind, I quickly stepped into the en suite to take a refreshing shower and get rid of the day's tiredness. Once I was done, I applied the lotions and perfumes given to me by Yaya Maryam, and then contemplated for a moment on what do wear. I mean, can I just not wear, say an oversized Patrick Star pajamas? It will be cute. Besides, he and I kind of share the same brain cells so, win-win?
Yeah, no. I am not that insane...yet.
I threw another quick look at the box on the bed, and slapped my hands over my face. Pushing past my emotions and made my way over to the box, pulling it open. My mouth fell open upon seeing what was inside, and right then I made up my mind. Faiza is a very stupid person, you cannot my mind. How can she even go shopping for such a thing? Quickly getting over the shock of how her mind works. I ended up opting for it—though having 101 doubts and thoughts of how to quit, but still going for it. Thankfully, it came with a silk robe that reached past my knees so that eased my worries to a certain extent. Then, I pulled out a long jilbaab that covered my feet and with one last spritz of my perfume, I gave myself one last look in the mirror, deeming my appearance satisfactory, I made my way towards the door.
Now, to be honest with you, I hesitated a couple of times. I will make my way to the door all confident, only to turn around and thinking of hiding under my pile of duvet. I mean, he would not mind, right? I would just wake up tomorrow and tell him I fell asleep without realizing it.
I pushed those thoughts out of my mind, and after making up my mind at long last, I swallowed down a lump and unlocked the room, before making my way back to his room, my steps hesitant. Once in the room, I found him seated by the edge of the bed, his phone in his hand.
He looked up when he heard me come in, and then his lips tilted upwards into a teasing smile. "You are here," he breathed out, keeping the phone aside. "I thought you had backed out."
I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Me?" I pointed at myself, "Back out?" Oh yes, yes I was planning on doing so. But, I would never admit that obviously so I huffed out another breath. "I was just taking my time. I might just stun you too much you find yourself tongue-tied." Lies. All lies.
He did not say anything, simply held my gaze knowingly and then nodded to himself. "We'll see." He pushed himself off the bed, then made his way to the already laid out prayer mats. "Let's pray."
And so, we did. We prayed together for the first time as married couple, and truthfully, the peace that came with it made me forget all my momentary worries. By the time we were done, he turned around and faced me, reaching his hand out to place it on my forehead as he prayed. When he was done, he held my gaze, his smile soft.
"May Allah bless you, and our marriage. May Allah bless us with righteous kids, and may He give me the ability to take care of you as I am supposed to." He prayed, his tone serious.
I offered him a smile back. "Ameen thumma ameen."
We stayed in that position for a while, before he got up eventually, and I followed him. His voice came once again. "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something or water to drink, or anything?"
I shook my head at first, but stopped midway. "Actually, the water please."
He nodded. "Alright. Just give me a moment." He turned around and walked out of the room, in search for the water. With him gone, I found myself releasing another deep breath, my hand going to the spot where my heart is as I tried to calm the racing organ, but it was not working. I thought once I had sent him out I will be able to get some confidence but apparently not.
I went to where the light switch is, then dimmed it down a notch, leaving just enough to be able to see. Then, I took off the hijab and folded it, making my way where the now folded prayer mats are and dropping it there. Just then, I heard the door open again, and my heart rate spiked up even more if possible. I turned around, my gaze falling on his figure as he stepped in, his brows drawn as he noticed the dim lights, at least, until his gaze fell on me.
I swallowed down my nerves as he closed the space between us, his eyes giving me a quick onceover, thankfully I had the robe on but it does not make me feel any less exposed really. I just pushed it aside. His gaze eventually met mine again, and then he handed me the water bottle. "Here." Was it just me, or was his voice just huskier?
I released a small, shaky breath. "Thank you," I reached out to retrieve the water bottle from him. But, instead of opening it, I simply dropped it aside, not exactly thirsty and then stepped closer to him, my arms extending out as I wrapped them around his neck.
His eyes, behind those beautiful bifocals gave me a questioning look. "Sa'adah," He called out, his voice low.
I swallowed down a lump, my palms clammy as I hummed back. "Yes?"
His eyes did not leave mine as his arms wrapped around my waist. There was no ounce of doubt in his t0ne when he spoke. "You are nervous." He stated, for it was not question. It was not teasing though—if anything, I could detect the concern his tone.
My hands around his neck fisted, but I plastered a smile on my face. "Yes." I confessed, for there was no point in lying to him. Not when I know he will be able to see through me.
His lips tugged into a slight frown. "You know we don't have to, right?" His voice was soft, and calming when he spoke. "You do not have to force yourself into anything. I mean it." You see, one of the many things I like about him, is how he looks out for me, regardless of which situation we find ourselves in. Even now, he is putting me first.
I smiled, except my smile was genuine this time. Pulling my hand back slightly, I used my finger to trace the frame of his glasses. "You know..." I started. "Your glasses have always been my favorite thing about you." I confessed.
His lips curled into an amusing smile. "Really?" He arched a brow. "I did not know being blind can be attractive."
I chuckled, then reached my other hand out to pull off the glasses with both hands, dropping it beside us carefully on my already folded hijab. Then, I lifted my hand up, holding up three fingers. "How many fingers?" I teased.
He narrowed his eyes at me. "I am not that blind." I know he is not. But just for the fun of it.
"How many fingers?" I repeated, ignoring his statement.
He sighed, resigning. "Three."
My smile returned, as I dropped my hand. "Good enough," I wrapped my arms around his neck once again, then leaned upwards slightly, closing the distance between us, despite my racing heart behind my ribcage, deciding to just get it over and done with.
However, before our lips could even brush, he pulled back, his gaze serious as he held my gaze. "Are you sure about this?" He asked, "You sure this is what you want?"
"I am sure," I nodded, then my smile turned teasing as I whispered. "Don't tell me you are now chickening out, Professor?"
His lips slowly curled into that ever so charming smile as he leaned down. "Of course not." He whispered against my lips before he closed the distance between us, his arms wrapping around me as he pulled me impossibly closer to him so there was no space left in between us, while my hands found home wrapped around his neck.
I was vaguely aware of us moving backwards, and I was even more aware of when my back hit the bed, landing on it softly as he hovered over me. Then, he pulled back from the kiss, his dark eyes meeting mine—illuminated only by the soft glow of the lights in the room as one of his hands pat my hair ever slowly. "I love you, Sa'adah," He whispered, taking me off guard.
My lips parted in surprise, not expecting the sudden admission. I eventually got over it though, and then I smiled, "I love you, Adnan Bayero." I confessed, because I really do.
His smile was blinding as he leaned down and captured my lips in another kiss. Somewhere in between a whispered prayer and the silk duvet, we sealed the deal, and I became his, in every way as he is mine. Heart, body, and soul.
When I tell you Saadatu is an unserious person I mean it😂😂😂because tell me why this girl is this unserious haba😭
But sha sha I just love my couple like this😭they are the cutest!!!
Also, six chapters to go. Tell me what is your favorite part about this book so far?
How did you even come about knowing the book even?
What is your thought on Adnan? And Saadatu??
I'll miss you guys once I am done but before then we have some crying to do. Peaceful days are over!! Time to embrace vawulence yesssss
Toh na gaji
Stay safe and in love,
Love, Jannah Mia❤️
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