Chapter 42.
Tohhh yau Daurin auren mu dai💃❤️
Also 100 what??? 100k views!!! 100 thousand tffffffff🫢💕
Love love love y'all!!
Saturday came, the day I will officially become Mrs. Adnan Sunusi Bayero.
I will be frankly honest with you, I could not sleep properly the night before. You would think after exhausting myself at the Kamu, the exhaustion will weigh me down and make me want to sleep instantly, but that is not the case. I was exhausted to say the least, and I crashed the bed as soon as I got him, but I did not get to sleep then. Partly because I was forced to stay awake to go through another gruesome session of gyran jiki, which by the way I believe I have been through enough really but they do not believe so apparently.
So, that was how I found myself enduring another session which lasted longer than I would have wanted, and the moment we were done, I found myself crawling to my bed, seeking the comfort that it offers under the pile of duvet. I could not even care less to check my phone that has been beeping really—simply opting to put it in do not disturb mode and slipping away to dreamland.
I found myself awake around 4:00AM, and sleep eluded me as it dawned on me that in a couple of hours, I would become a married woman. The thought weighed my mind down, and unable to seek any form of solace, I found myself seeking solace in the only place I could get it—my prayer mat.
It was not until after Subh prayer that I somehow managed to drift off to sleep on my prayer mat, only to be woken up later by someone patting my shoulder. "Walida, Walida, wake up now," The familiar voice belonging to Yaya Maryam reached my ears, making me groan as I tried to turn away from her so she would not disrupt my sleep any further. It was just starting to become nice really. "Ikon Allah!" I heard her exclaim. "This girl will never change her habit really. Har yau inma da zamu aurar dake you are still sleeping in like this. Is this how we would take you to Adnan's house and you will be sleeping? Wannan ai sai ya dawo mana da ita."
"Ina, if we are talking about my brother, the same one I know, he will never bring her back," Another familiar voice reached my ears—one I could recognize as Faiza's anywhere though their words still barely registered in my mind. "Believe me, it will be a miracle if you get to see her at least five months into the marriage. He will just keep her to himself, all locked in his house."
The sound of Yaya Maryam's chuckle reached my ears, "By the looks of it. You are right. The way he is anticipating this wedding, you will think he is the first man to get married."
Wait, married? It took a second for it to register in my mind, and when it actually clicked that today is my wedding day, I sprouted to a sitting position almost like a mummy waking up from the dead. The action earned me a round of teasing from Yaya Maryam and Faiza that has apparently just arrived to help me get ready for the day.
By the time they decided to round up the teasing, I realized it was only around 8:00AM, though most of the guests were already arriving by then. So, while I got in the shower to start the preparations for the day, Faiza went to get me something to eat so by the time I came out of the shower, the food was already waiting for me.
Just as I was done eating, I was informed that the makeup artist has arrived and that was when the chaos for the day started. I had basically moved to the guest side of the house, so we would not be disturbed. Some of my friends had already arrived, and were just littering around the place as well but Faiza stayed by my side—as per the assistant bride as she likes to call herself.
She had gotten her makeup done as well, and was donning her first outfit of the day as she says—honestly, I am starting to believe it is both my wedding and hers. That to say does not mean I do not appreciate the gesture though. She had left Amani in the care of the caretaker she had gotten to help her, and had busied herself with helping me as well.
Soon enough, the photographers and the cinematographers came as well, starting their jobs of capturing as much raw moments of me getting my makeup done, and my interactions with those around me as well. At one point, Faiza was asked for an interview, which will be added in the video so, she took a seat on a couch there while they rolled the cameras.
I could hear whatever is they ask her, and her response as well. She was then asked of how my husband and I met, and from the chuckle she released almost instantly, I knew I was done for. It was that wicked, 'you are done for' type of chuckles.
"Faiza..." I warned from where I am seated, though unable to turn my head around and throw her a warning glare as I am still getting my makeup done.
Faiza ignored me, then parted her lips to expose me, because I know that is what she would do. "How did Yaya and Sa'adatu meet?" She started, amusement lacing her tone. "Well, I am honestly the genesis of them getting together. This is honestly a love story that has been ongoing for years, and only now did the two acknowledge it. However, how it truly started, was with Sa'adatu crushing on my dearest brother, hard..."
She laughed, as well as everyone else in the room, apparently finding my embarrassment to be funny. However, it did not stop her from recounting the story, though thankfully, she managed to keep it down a notch, leaving just enough to get a general overview of it all. By the time she was done, I do not know why but my eyes were suddenly glossy, and she happened to notice so she came over to my side, pulling me into am embrace before she then whispered so only I could hear.
"I really am glad to have you as my sister, Sa'adatu," She said, and when she pulled back to look at me, her own eyes were glossy. However, instead of wiping her own tears, she took a couple of tissue papers, and then dabbed the corner of my eyes before the tears could fall. "Now, do not cry please, else your makeup artist will kill us both."
I chuckled, though found myself swatting her arm. "I still hate you though," I muttered, my eyes still glossy with tears.
She nodded, her lips pressed together. "Of course. How can you love me when my brother's love has taken over your heart?" she teased, earing another glare from me which had her raising her hand in the surrender motion. "Alright, alright." She resigned, her glare prominent as her voice softened. "I hate you too, matar babban yaya."
I held her hand and gave it a small squeeze, a silent testament of how far we had come, and her instrumental role in all of this. I may not say it, but I am truly, eternally grateful to have her in my life. Lucky are those who find true friendship like ours really.
The moment continued, and soon enough, they managed to finish my makeup since I had opted for a simpler look today, then I changed into my first outfit. Just as I had stepped out to the living room where the photography team was waiting for me, I was met with the sight of Anty stepping into the room as well, all decked up and looking every bit of the bride's mother that she is.
"Anty na..." I called out, as I rushed to her side, wrapping my arms around her the moment I was within arm length, leaning down to accommodate her small frame.
"Oh, Allah, Walida." She chuckled, but wrapped her arms around me as well nonetheless. Patting my back slightly, she then added, in a soft voice thick with emotion. "You are all grown up now, and you are about to become a married woman."
I do not know why her words made me feel emotional all of the sudden. "I am not grown up," I muttered, tightening my hold around her, "I am still your baby."
She released a scoff like chuckle, "Allah ya shirye ki," She mumbled, and then pulled back so she has her hands on my shoulders, then she stared intently into my eyes, her expression suddenly serious. "How are you feeling?" Though it was a single statement, it held a lot of questions underneath it, and I could not help but remember our conversation during my wedding with Khalil.
Of how she asked how I felt, and I told her that I felt uneasy for some reason.
At this point though, a small smile made its way on my face, and I found myself responding earnestly. "I am okay," My smile widened slightly so as to prove my point. It did not seem as though she was convinced, so I found myself adding. "I feel at ease, Anty." And that is the truth.
I did not feel uneasy this time around. Yes, the nerves and the cold feet is there, but my heart feels at ease. There is not a single speck of worries littering my thought, and if I am being honest, I quite look forward to it.
I looked forward to being Adnan Bayero's wife.
Anty held my gaze for a while longer, her eyes taking in my expression and trying to see beyond it. When she found what she was looking for, her lips curled into a satisfied smile as she nodded. "Allah ya miki albarka, Sa'adatu," She muttered, her hands giving my shoulder a small squeeze. "Allah ya baku zaman lafiya."
My eyes glossed, my smile widening. "Ameen, Anty."
Her expression mirrored mine, and she suddenly pulled me into her arms, her own eyes glossed over. This time around, her hold was tighter than earlier, then she patted my back. "You have gone through a lot my daughter," She whispered, so only I could hear. "You home is blessed in shaa Allah."
Once again I found myself struggling to hold back my tears, but thankfully the photographer came to our rescue by asking us to get ready for the mother and daughter photoshoot. And that was how we found ourselves snapping more pictures for the time that followed. Yaya Maryam also joined in, all decked up and playing the role of the elder sister, so it became a family photoshoot of some sort.
Before I knew it, it was nearing eleven, and I had retired back to my room to wait along with my closest friends. By then, the house is already busting with guests and the men have all left for the daurin aure. My nerves grew with every second that passes really, and the cold feet kicked up a notch. The chatters of my friends did nothing to dull the feeling really, I had basically zoned out, and could not care less about whatever it is they were talking about.
However, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when the sound Faiza's phone ringing came, silencing the noise in the room. I could swear every sound came to a halt, as everyone zoned their eyes on the lady that has been pacing—like I said, you will think Faiza is the bride and not me really. She came to a halt, bringing her phone up before she quickly answered the call, bringing the phone to her ear.
I held my breath, my hand fisting by the side as she listened to what was said on the other end of the call. My nerves grew when her brows suddenly drew in, her lips curled into a frown. "I understand," She breathed out, her voice shaky. She nodded at whatever was said on the other end, then she added. "It is okay. I will try to tell her."
Try to tell me what? My stomach curled in uncomfortable knots, my heart rate spiking behind my ribcage. I could feel beads of sweat forming, my toes curling as I feared the worst. There was something about Faiza's words and expression that did not settle right with me. She ended the call, and then turned around to face the expectant eyes set on her, but her eyes only found mine, and I saw as she visibly swallowed down a lump.
Then, she took slow cautious steps towards me, and with each step which she takes, my nerves only grew tenfold. She came to settle down to settle down beside me on the bed, and then reached out to take my hands in hers, staring at it for a brief second before her eyes met mine again, and she breathed out a shaky breath. "Sa'adatu..." She paused, her hand giving me a small squeeze before her eyes suddenly glossed over.
"Faiza..." I called out, my own voice shaky and sounding foreign to my ears. "...Faiza what is it? You are scaring me." She truly is, because I cannot help but think of the worst. I did not like how she is acting, not in the slightest bit.
She held my gaze for a few second, her eyes blurry with tears. Then, she whispered. "An daura." Her voice was too low, one would have missed it, but I did not. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, and I felt frozen in my spot. She added, her voice clear now so everyone could hear. "You are now my brother's wife."
Almost immediately the words escaped her lips, and the instant hollers and yodeling came from my friends, my phone that was on my thigh pinged, signifying a message coming through.
My eyes fell on the name that showed on the screen, then the message.
MALAM: Congratulations, Mrs. Adnan Sunusi Bayero.
Just a single line, that single line changed everything. Once again, the voices from my surrounding dimmed to a dull voice, and only when I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me into an embrace and Faiza's familiar perfume reached my olfactory lobes, did I feel the emotions crashing all over on me.
I did not know when the tears began to fall, and I found myself crying in Faiza's arms. I could not believe it, I am officially, and lawfully Adnan Bayero's wife. Adnan Bayero, the same person I have been crushing on for years. I could see the eighteen-year-old me, I could feel her happiness.
It was an emotional rollercoaster really, everything that happened afterwards. From my sisters and aunts coming over to congratulate me and all, to the teasing from my friends that followed. It continued as so until they decided to give me some privacy to change into another outfit and get my makeup touched up, because the groom and his friends will soon be here. By then, my tears had dried down and in its awake, excitement grew.
I changed into my next outfit for the day, after I had gotten my makeup retouched given the mini crying session I had. And just as I had completely gotten ready, one of my cousins came to announce that the groom and his friends have arrived. Most of my friends were already out there and the only ones left, were Faiza and Hajiya, who have been helping me with the entire process.
The two held my hands, Faiza by my right, and Hajiya by my left as we made our way outside together. With each step that we take, my heart hammered behind my ribcage, the veil situated over my head making me hang my head low, only watching where my steps are being made.
They lead me to the living room that they were waiting, and the sounds of the voices there dulling welcomed me, and I found myself tightening my hold around the girl's hands. They squeezed my hands back in return, and our steps slowed down as we reached our destination. From the corner of my eyes, I could see the flashes from the cameras, both from the real photographers and from our friends in general.
Then, the ever so familiar scent of his cologne reached my olfactory lobes, and my heart rate spiked up behind my ribcage. Hajiya released my hand first, then Faiza, but not before she extended my hand out to her brother, and then her voice came.
"Congratulations on stealing my best friend," She said, in feigned annoyance.
I did not hear a response from him, but I am guessing he must have flashed her a look of some sort, because the sound of her chuckle came, and then, she placed my hand in his warm, awaiting ones. His hand immediately encircled mine which felt small in his really, and I could not help but give the hand a light squeeze, my heart behind my ribcage carrying on with its marathon.
Then, with one of my hands still firmly in his hold, he used his other hand, and lifted the veil, revealing my face. I could not look up, I wanted to, but this sudden, newfound nervousness washed upon me, and it only grew when I felt his lean down, and the feel of his lips pressing against my forehead in a light, feathery kiss registered in my mind just as the cheers from the background came.
My cheeks heated even more when he let go of my hand, and then they wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me into his warm embrace, the scent of his cologne welcoming me. Then, for the first time, his lips brushed my ears as he whispered. "See, I told you I will wait to make it halal."
My lips curled into a wide smile, but no words escaped. I could only wrap my arms around him as well, leaning into his embrace and ignoring the teasing voices from the background. I dare not look up, nor turn around, not when I know the amount of teasing I would face from the others.
Thankfully, they decided to give us some space to talk before the photo sessions begins. And I waited until the noises disappeared, signifying they had all left, before I pulled back slowly, my head flicking up as my gaze met his beautiful ones behind those bifocals.
Though we had pulled back from the embrace, his arms remained wrapped around me while mine remained resting on his shoulders. His own smile mirrored mine, and then he parted his lips to speak—his voice husky, and deep. "Hello, Mrs. Adnan Bayero."
My smile widened, my cheeks heating. "Hello, Mr. Adnan Bayero." At this point, my cheeks will hurt from smiling too much, but I do not mind—not in the slightest. Then, I added. "Husband."
"Husband?" He repeated, pretending to think before he nodded to himself, his smile widening. "I like the sound of that. Sa'adatu's husband. Has a nice ring to it really."
"Or Sa'adatu's Malam ba," I chuckled, earning myself a pointed look from him. "Alright, Alright." I resigned, "Sa'adatu's husband it is."
His smile returned, and then he took a step back, his hand sliding down to hold mine. My brows drew in in question, but the unvoiced question was answered when he turned me around with my hand, and when his eyes met mine again, his smile widened. "You look really beautiful, Mrs. Adnan." With one tug, he pulled me closer to him again, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand while the other rested on the small of my back. "Utterly so. Perfection even."
My smile turned teasing as I playfully narrowed my eyes at him. "Careful, Mr. Bayero," I warned teasingly. "Someone might think you are obsessed with me, or something."
"You are just finding that out now?" He asked, his tone serious as he arched a brow slightly. My smile fell slightly, taken back by the sudden admission. Pulling me closer to him, so there was no space between us, he leaned down, his lips brushing my ear once again as he whispered. "Everyone knows, my love. You are the only one in the dark."
Okay, first of all, what is with the new endearment? Is he trying to give me a heart attack or something? I think I will soon turn red with just how much this man is making me blush really. I do not know what suddenly got into me, but I felt as though the man has been winning over me way too much already. So, I moved my hands so they wrap around his neck, one coming to the side of his face so as to pull him back, making us face each other.
"Really now?" I dragged the word, my tone teasing as I held his gaze. My hand that was around his neck played with the short, trimmed hair there, my touch feathery. "Just how obsessed are you exactly, Mr. Bayero?" My voice dropped to a whisper, if there was anyone else in the room, they would not be able to hear us.
His eyes narrowed slightly, his larking expression disappearing slowly. "You don't want to know." His voice came out lower than I had anticipated, thick with unspoken emotions.
"But, I do, as a matter of fact," I pressed, my hand that was on his face leaving to join the other hand around his neck, so I could close the space between us. Holding his gaze, my voice dropped to a whisper when I added. "I want to know just how obsessed you are with me,"
His gaze lowered, and all trace of lark disappeared from his expression. "Don't tease me, Sa'adah," He warned, his gaze pointed, and his voice, octaves lower. I would not have caught the words if we weren't so close.
Amusement danced on my lips, and I found myself shrugging. "But I love to tease you," I mused, because I truly enjoy it. I think teasing and annoying him is my favorite thing to do. "Now, answer my question, Malam."
He was silent for a while, simply holding my gaze, He did not say a word, but his eyes, they held all the words he did not utter. But, the fact that he does not say them out loud made me feel as though I had won this round, or perhaps, I am speaking too soon.
My gaze dropped from his eyes, and watched as he swallowed down a lump, his Adam's apple bobbing in the process. Up, and down—his breathing steady, but heavy. My lips curled into a slight smirk, and I found myself meeting his gaze again.
"You seem nervous, Mr. Bayero." I whispered, my tone laced with amusement. "Cat got your tongue now?"
A slight huff escaped his lips, and his arms that were around me tightened, pulling me impossibly closer to him so there were no space left between us. One of his hands moved to the side of my face, his thumb moving to my lower lip, brushing it lightly while his eyes remained intently fixated on his action, almost as if he was studying something. "I hope you remember that you are my wife now," He breathed out, the huskiness of his voice evident before those lazy, fogged orbs slanted upwards to hold my gaze. "And that you will be taken to my house in a couple of hours."
This time around, it was my turn to swallow down a lump, my breath shaky. "So?" My voice managed to come out strong, and steady, much to my surprise as well.
Then, ever so slowly, his own lips curled upwards into a smile—except there was nothing amusing about it, but a promise, and a dare as well. "So," He continued. "I hope you will still have this smart mouth of yours then." Then, his voice dropped as he leaned down. My hold around him tightened, my heart rate spiking behind my ribcage as his lips brushed mine, almost nonexistent. Then, in a voice that left my insides in curls, he muttered against my lips. "I would hate for the cat to get your tongue as well then, my love."
My toes curled, and all my attempt at trying to stay calm basically walked out the window. However, before I could lose myself in it, he suddenly pulled away, his right hand slipping to hold mine as he offered me an innocent smile, as if he was not the same person just a minute ago.
"We should call back the photographer so we can get our pictures taken. It will soon be time for Zuhr prayers," He stated, his voice oddly calm and his expression, cool. When I did not respond and simply threw him a pointed look, all the while trying to get my racing heart to calm down, he flashed me an innocent look. "Are you okay?" He asked, feigning innocence. Then, he reached his other hand to rest the back of it on my cheek, "You seem a bit flushed there."
"Shut up," I mumbled, swatting the hand away.
The sound of his laughter reached my ears, as he pulled the hand back, his expression filled to the brim with amusement. "Alright, fine," He gently pulled me closer to him with our intertwined hands, so he could wrap his arm around me. "But before all that, I think I should give you your wedding gift now."
"A wedding gift?" My brows drew in, lips curled into a slight frown.
He nodded, "Well, technically, the gift is already at our house and I wanted to give it to you later. But, I guess I can tell you about it now." Noticing the confusion that took over my features, he slipped his hand into the pocket of his shirt, beneath the crisp white babban riga, and then pulled out something. He took a hold of my other hand, then placed it. "I guess we will be twinning after all." He pulled his hand away after dropping the so called 'gift'.
The moment my eyes registered on the seemingly brand new remote in my hand, my mouth fell open, and disbelief coursed through the veins in my body. "You..." The words evaded me, and I could only whip my head up so fast, I nearly got a whiplash, my eyes meeting his calm ones, as if he does not realize what he just did. " are giving me your car?!" No fucking way.
He shook his head, his smile unwavering. "I bought you a car," He corrected, like it is no big deal. "Like I said, we are twinning now."
Excuse me, give me a minute to gather my thoughts here...
Ga sadaki zan biya sadakin ta. A sadakin akwai gida akwai motaaaa🥹💃❤️ this song is for us really.
And phewwwwww finally Mrs. Adnan Bayero!!! Only took us 42 chapters no biggie 😭
Hmmm!!! These two Dey oppress me ah ah!! If you see the way I was blushing because of these two ehn🫢🥹 Allahumma bareek!!
And you seff Adnan daman haka kake?? Ikon Allah😭 Nidai Nasan I go love too. Yawwa ni ba doya bace.
Moving onnnnnnn in case you haven't seen it, I have my book Dear Kulsum available in paper back for purchase!! Yes a revised version but the same old book anyways for just 3500! That is bonanza really. If you're interested just send a dm to @ferdeausee on Instagram. The copies are about to finish tbh so fastest fingers get it.
We'll stay safe, I need to go and watch my kdrama. I'll see y'all Friday.
With love, Jannah Mia❤️
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