Chapter 40.
You owe me comments!! It's a long one. Enjoy❤️🥹
Sa'adah is becoming my wife in a few days. She will be my wife, my halal. Alhamdullilah. No words could possibly explain just how I feel at the moment really, because there are too many emotions I am feeling that a single word cannot do justice to it.
Perhaps, I was just looking forward to it a bit too much, but time seems to pass by pretty slowly since the day has been set, and days dragged even more as the day neared. It did not help that I have barely been able to make time to see her, because once again, work at the hospital has become hectic—now of all times really. But, truthfully, it was not just because of the hospital—Anty has also set the rule that I am not allowed to see her until the wedding has officially started so, it has been over two weeks since I last saw her. Since the weekend I visited I said I would after we had gotten our genotype test.
Of course, I am already aware of both our genotypes, and thus know that there is no need for me to worry. But, I felt the need to do so, just for official reasons and for the sake of everyone's peace of mind. And just as I was already aware, it came out as expected. She, SS, and I, AA. So, basically, we have skipped yet another issue that could have turned out to be a problem for us later on.
We still talk on the phone every single day, even if it just for a few minutes and despite not being together physically, I feel as though I am still involved in the whole process really because one thing I realized about her over the course of these past few weeks, it is that my woman is indecisive. Extremely so.
At this point, I feel as though I was the one that helped her pick all of her wedding outfits, and even then, she kept on changing her mind and could not focus on one thing exactly. I will not lie though, as much as it was stressful to pick an outfit—because I am starting to believe understanding the complexities behind a woman's choice of dressing is harder than performing a surgery, I still find myself enjoying every moment of it.
Every late night video call, just to get my input on something regarding the wedding, every moment of it, I cherished. Especially on nights I find myself at the hospital, her phone calls and seeing her face became the highlight of my days, and the knowledge that in just a couple of days, this woman would become mine forever, to go home to every single day, well it feels like heaven really.
On my end, I was already done with everything required really—I have been for a while to be honest. From the house, to the kayan lefe which I had entrusted my dearest mother and sisters with—which by the way does not seem to have an end because they are always bringing up something new, everything has been prepared really.
They had taken the kayan lefe to my wife's house a few days ago, and as Sa'adah and I have come to a conclusion, we wanted a small, intimate wedding with just our close family members and friends. Of course, given how our familes both are, they could not agree with no event entirely so we agreed on one, official event—and even that designated to our close family members—the Kamu that will take place on Friday--tomorrow. My wife wanted an event with her friends as well, though knowing her, I doubt it will be called an event per se.
Based on what she had told me, there will not be more than ten people which she wants there for the henna party today—one of which is Faiza, and nine others so I am not sure if that can be called an event but still.
The wedding Fatiha will take place on Saturday, so two days from today and believe me when I say, I have never lived a week that passed by as slowly as this week has. Saturday just feel like an eternity away really, and I could only immerse myself in work, hoping that it would at least take my mind off everything but that does not seem to work as well.
Because as I found myself stepping into the Neurosurgery men changing room, finally done for the day, my eyes instinctively drifted to the wall clock situated above in the corner of the room—only for the time to read 6:09PM, meaning there is just a couple of minutes left to Magrib. A sigh escaped my lips, I was hoping the time has passed by much more because the last time I checked the time, it was 5:22PM if I am not mistaken.
Apparently, my sigh did not go unnoticed, because I found numerous pairs of eyes drifting in my direction—one thig familiar in all of them. My eyes narrowed slightly in return, the look the men are throwing me not sitting right with me because I could already see where this is headed to. So, I ignored them, and made my way over to my locker so I could pull out my outfit to change out of the scrubs back into, but their words followed me.
"Ango ango," One of my colleagues teased, sporting a wide teasing grin. "These days you are always checking the clock. Are you really that antsy for the big day to come?"
I ignored him, knowing how these men can be—after all, they have been my colleagues way before I left to further my studies and return. Some of them have left the hospital, but most of them are here, so it was like returning back home at work as well, because we simply picked up where we had left—and that included the teasing and whatnot.
A hum came from Mahmood—Mama's husband and the one instigating all the teasing from them. "You have no idea," He stated, "Wato da akan Adnan zaa fara aure da mun shiga uku. I am sure he will not mind if the wedding knots will be tied at this moment."
"Kai haba?" The men laughed at my expense, before they fixed their attention on me again. "If that is the case, meyasa baka sa an daura ba kawai lokacin da akeje tambaya?" One inquired, as if I did not think of that already.
Believe me, if it was up to me, I would have rather had the knots tied the moment they went to ask, and we can forget about the wedding events and whatnot, but I knew my woman would not want that. I did not want to rob her of anything regarding her wedding so I simply left it as such. At the end of the day, she will still be mine which is what matters the most anyways. So, I could stay patient and wait that long. You have no idea how long I have been patient for, what more is just a month compared to the years I have spent already?
Picking out my change of outfit, I made my way towards the changing room while the men continued with the conversation, which still reached my ears regardless, not that they were trying to hide it anyways.
"Nifa I don't think I have ever seen Adnan in love. I wonder who this lady that turned my hard guy into this mushy guy." Another stated, sounding genuinely curious.
Mahmood's voice came, answering his indirect question. "Do you remember that lady about two years ago that he had us fill her surveys? The one from the biochemistry lab?" He just had to bring that up, didn't he?
"Oh, yes, I remember. Kai how can I forget?" Dr. Habeeb, my old class mate and colleague till date of course remembers. I do, because I clearly remember him trying to hit on my woman then. But then, Habeeb being Habeeb did not remember her with that stunt, but rather with something else, the one thing that get through him and them entirely really. "I remember how he promised all of us lunch if we came back at that moment and fill it. Guy, that was how I left my station and came back because free lunch, who jokes with that?"
I found myself shaking my head, wondering how he became a doctor with that brain of his. Habeeb can be a fool when he wants to be really. He does not recall hitting on her, but he remembers getting free lunch out of me.
"Hakane fa, I remember as well," Another one of our colleagues stated in agreement, his own memory jogged by the mere mention of free food. Honestly, that is the only way one can get through to them. "I even joked and told him unless he offers me free lunch for a week, I would not come. Kuma wallahi he paid, for the entire week I was getting gourmet meals just for filling a survey. No wonder, I had my doubts on why he would go that far for a lady, ashe dai future missus ce."
"I never thought I would live to see the day Adnan will be in love really," Did I mention Mahmood can be dramatic as well? No? Well, he is. Extremely so even. "He managed to hide it even from me though. He was too busy forming big guy but the things they does for her ba? Do you guys know this guy even signed up to become a Professor in her university because he found out she is there?" And apparently, Mahmood does not know how to keep his mouth shut as well.
I did not tell him that. I will not refute it, but I did not tell him. He simply started placing the dots together the moment he found out it was Sa'adah I have been speaking of all these years.
"In my entire years of knowing Adnan since university days, I have only ever seen him in a relationship once and that was back when we were in school, or was it during our residency? I cannot remember the exact time, but there was a time when Adnan, the same Adnan we all know that is always buried in his books actually stays up to be on the phone with this lady. You will even find him smiling as he listens to her talk! I think she was his sister's friend or something?" Honestly, Habeeb never forgets the things he is supposed to. He was not supposed to remember all these, but he does.
And unfortunately for me, Mahmood just had to be there at the moment and enjoys spilling the tea to them. "Itace nan dai," He confirmed, "Faiza's best friend. The one and only lady that manages to move the heart of our dear friend here. We have lost the man to her really."
My amusement meshed with annoyance was short lived when one of them suddenly brought up another issue I had no plans of revisiting—or hoped not to really. "But there was this other lady now that he was with—do you guys remember her? That patient that passed away..." It was obvious from his tone that he meant no malice and was simply curious.
But, that did not stop my mood from dampening, the air suddenly turning thick.
Not noticing the change, he then added. "...I think she was Dr. Amal's sister, wasn't she? Naima, was it? That lady dai that he was with."
He is one of the few people there that knows of her, however, he does not know the full story—not of how I handled what happened afterwards. The only person in the room that knows happens to be Mahmood, so I was not surprised when he suddenly cut in, and it was clear he was trying to steer the conversation from her before the topic could dwell enough to become suffocating to me.
"Why are you bringing up the past? The point here is, our loner Dr. AB is finally getting married. Too many hearts will be broken in this hospital the moment the ladies find out—no wonder he chooses to keep it a secret." And just like that, the conversation steered to the number of hearts that will be 'broken' because I am getting married and how I betrayed the ladies in the hospital by becoming a married man.
They truly made it sound bigger than it actually is.
I found myself shaking my head at their blatant conversation, as if I am not in the same room as them listening. After changing, I stepped out of the changing room, joining the group of men that are having a blast talking about how much of 'finished' man I am. Honestly, for my woman, I take that as a compliment.
Making my way back to my locker, I passed by Habeeb whose locker is beside mine, then patted his shoulder warningly. "Don't make me regret inviting you, because I already am." I grumbled, then threw a pointed look at them all, a silent gesture that the statement is meant for them all. I intentionally did not hand them the wedding invites until this week—just so I could reduce the amount of time they would spend on my matter.
And I intentionally decided to keep it a secret at the hospital—they can find out I am married—I am sure they will find out by tomorrow. However, I would like to keep her identity a secret for now—because she has worked here for months and was familiar with some of the nurses, they were aware she got married before. This new information will only give rise to more baseless rumors and conversation really. I would rather not subject my woman to all that.
Just as I picked out my phone and car keys, Habeeb's voice came, with a new piece of information that did not entirely take me by surprise. "Did you guys hear that Dr. Amal is back as well? I heard she came to the hospital today as well. Has any of you seen her?" Though his tone was meant to be neutral, I did not miss the hint of excitement in his tone. He has liked her for as long as I have known him really, and till date, he has not made his move. I am not one to talk, but still.
Ignoring the statement and the new conversation that began as a result of it, I locked the locker then turned around to bid them farewell, before stepping out—ignoring the tease that followed behind about how I am in a rush to go and see my wife. I could not even deny it, I do have plans of seeing her but not at this very moment.
As I made my way out of the neurosurgery department, I found myself checking my phone, meeting the messages that came from Faiza. The moment I opened the messages, I was met with pictures of my woman during her event today—though Faiza did not snap any picture of her henna. Or so I thought until I saw her message asking me to pay before she sends it.
This girl can rob someone without being armed really.
Just as I made a move to tap the call button so we can discuss the details of the fee, mi found myself looking up, my gaze falling on a familiar face coming in my direction, our gazes meeting and a warm smile instantly welcomed her expression. My steps slowed down, and so did hers as we eventually found ourselves standing in front of each other.
"Dr. Amal," I acknowledged. Her smile widened, and I could only offer her a small smile out of courtesy. "It is good to have you back." She has been gone for over a year now, and true to Habeeb's words, it appears she really is back.
Her smile made the corner of her eyes crinkle slightly. "It is good to have you back as well, Dr. AB." Her smile morphed into a grin, then a teasing glint appeared in her eyes and her expression as well. "Or should I say, Professor, now? Kar na rage ma matsayi."
I could only maintain my smile, though not responding to that. Instead, I found myself asking something else. "How is your mother's health? I hope she is better now." She took a gap year off work to tend to her sick mother who has been battling cancer.
Her smile fell slightly, and the exhaustion of everything was evident on her expression. "She is much better, Alhamdullilah." She said, "Thank you by the way for the referral. The oncologist has been a great help really. She has a higher survival rate now, thanks to you."
I shook my head before she could go forward with the whole train of gratitude, cutting her midway. "Please..." I stopped her. "...I just did what anyone should do." There is a good oncologist I know from the hospital I worked with back in Glasgow, so I introduced them and they went there for treatment. That was all I did, but she is making it sound as if I am the one that treated her mother.
I checked on them every once in a while when I was still there, just to make sure everything is going on well but Amal and I had no interactions since I returned.
Her smile returned, as she exhaled a breath, intertwining her fingers as she hung her hands in front of her. "Well, Mama said to extend her gratitude to you," She stated, her tone serious, but light at the same time. "And I am grateful as well. I lost my sister to cancer, I would not want to lose my mother to it as well." Her voice dropped, evident of her vulnerability regarding the entire issue.
I found myself releasing a shaky breath as well as her words joggled my own memories, but I did not dwell on it, knowing there is no use for it. "She will get better, in shaa Allah." That was all I could offer, words of comfort.
She nodded, "She will," She sounded as if she was trying to convince herself more than myself, and in that moment, I could not see traces of the Amal I knew back then. Now, she seems more mature, and I guess I can only acquaint it to everything she had to go through. Live changes people truly—and it has changed her as well. "Anyways," She suddenly spoke up again, losing the somberness from earlier. "I look forward to working with you again, Professor. Now, you are above me so I have to add to the respect."
I could only shake my head at her words. "Just take care of yourself and your patients." I could tell she was barely holding up behind her smile, but that is not something I should fix. I can only offer words of comfort. "I will get going now." I side stepped her, then started to walk away.
However, her voice suddenly came, halting my steps. "Dr. AB?" She called out.
I turned around. "Yes?"
Her smile widened, genuinely. "Heard you are finally tying the knot with a said lady," Her expression turned teasing. "Finally, it is happening, huh? After all these years of secretly liking her." At this point I am convinced they all know, except the said woman. I am not even surprised Amal has been aware as well. "Happy married life. Allah baku zaman lafiya."
"Ameen." I offered her a small smile of mine, then turned around and this time made my way out of the hospital. It was already time for Magrib, so I stopped by the masjid there to pray first, before I headed back home to shower again and change into a new outfit as I had plans of going to and visit my wife—obviously, I could not go the way I left the hospital.
I took time to pick out my outfit, and despite it being at night time already, I still decided to wear a Kaftan. A little bird in the name of Faiza, told me that apparently, my woman loves it when I wear Kaftans so obviously, I would wear what she wants. After spraying my perfume, I picked up my car keys and headed out. Considering it was time for Isha by then, I stopped by the nearby masjid as well to pray, and afterwards, I found myself driving to her parent's house after making a couple of stops to get her a few things.
In about thirty minutes, I found myself parking outside her house instead of getting in. Reason being, I am not supposed to be here, but honestly, I could not wait until tomorrow. But I dare not go inside and expose myself in front of Anty so staying outside it is.
I called her and informed her that I have arrived, to which she said she will be out soon. I waited, and not long after, the sound of a knock on the window reached my ears. I turned around, my eyes falling on the sight of my wife standing outside sporting the widest grins out there. It was so contagious, I found myself smiling as well, then unlocked the car for her.
Almost immediately, she opened it and got in with a salaam, which I answered back, the scent of some sort of bakhoor accompanying her. It was obvious from the mischievous look on her face and the hijab she has on that she basically sneaked out.
"Malam, barka da dare." She greeted, her grin unwavering.
I narrowed my eyes at her, though it was a struggle to hold up the pointed look when she has that smile on her face. It is my weakness at this point really, and she does not even know it. When I realized the pointed look will do nothing more than amuse her, I simply shook my head. "You have turned me to Malam by force." I stated, and I am not even joking.
I found out this woman saved my name as 'Malam' on her phone, and she still has not changed it. She has basically turned my name to that, and I am not sure how long I can take it. But, it appears there is no talking her out of this.
"I cannot stay for long," She suddenly said, her expression apologetic. "Faiza is keeping Anty busy, but she will notice if I stay out for long."
"It is okay," I had already anticipated this. "I just wanted to see how my wife is doing before the event starts and all."
Her smile returned, her expression soft—and I do not know if I was being deluded, but has she gotten more beautiful? I am serious. She is just radiating. Her eyes drifted, as she gave me a onceover, and her smile widened as she held my gaze again. "You look really handsome by the way," She complimented, and believe me, each time she compliments me, I am in awe.
Why? Because this is Sa'adah. She will never admit stuff like this on a normal basis.
But it does not change the fact that each time she does, it warms my heart. So, my own smile widened. "I do?"
She nodded, trying to hold back her grin. "You do," She confirmed, "I really do have a good choice. My man is this good looking, masha Allah." Did I mention I am baffled by how straightforward this woman is at times? She was like this before, her younger self that is but I have not seen this side of hers in so long, until now.
"You man, huh?" I teased, in an amused tone.
She nodded, pressing her lips. "My man. My husband." And it appears she has gotten comfortable around me. I don't mind though—I could not ask for anything more.
I shook my head, though my grin was impossible to wipe out. "Can I see your henna now?" My gaze flicked to the black gloves covered hands, something that caught my attention the minute she stepped in.
"No!" She shook her head firmly. "I may be here to see you, but I am not letting you see my henna. You can wait until tomorrow for that." I could tell there is no point trying to convince her otherwise. It is evident from her expression and words that she would not budge, so, I resigned regarding that.
Releasing a slight breath, I found myself getting serious. "How are you though, really? Are you stressed? Getting cold feet? Too much on your mind?" I found myself asking, my brows drawn in and a slight frown tugging the corner of my lips. "Akwai abunda ke damun ki?"
She offered me a small smile, then shook her head. "I am fine. Just a tired from the preparations and all in general, but I am fine."
"Are you sure?" I pressed. "If there is anything, don't hesitate to tell me."
Her smile did not waver. "I am fine, Malam. No need to worry. Or are you scared I will bail on you at the last minute?" She teased.
I released a slight scoff. "Honestly, Sa'adah, there is not a single soul at this point that can stop me from marrying you on Saturday," I stated earnestly, because it appears she thinks I can even joke with the thought of our wedding not taking place. "Nothing will stop me from making you mine."
Her eyes playfully narrowed, an act she is fond of when she does not know how to reply to statements like this. "You can't even take a joke," She tried to look away, her tone amused.
"I do not joke with marrying you," I stated as a matter of fact, and all I got in response was a smile, as she tried to hide her blush. Sighing, I then added. "By the way, I sent you money earlier in case there is anything that comes up which you need to take care of."
Her eyes dilated, as if realization had just dawned on her. "Yawwa, about that..." She turned around to face me completely, her tone laced with disbelief when she added. " sent me 1.5milllion."
My brows drew in, lips tugged into a frown. "Is that too small?" Women spend a lot to prepare for weddings, I should have known that is too small.
"Too small?!" She shrieked, her eyes dilated. "Bafa maganar duba daya da dari biyar muke ba. How can you consider 1.5million too small?"
" is not?"
"Your card is with me," She stated as a matter of fact, reminding me of the card I gave her the last time I came over to see her. I figured there are things she would need to buy which she would not tell me, so I gave her my card so she could use it for her expenses.
"One of it," I corrected, because it sounds like she is making it a big deal, which it really is not. "You are my responsibility now, Sa'adah. My money is yours."
"I spend a lot," She warned.
I smiled. "Then it is a good thing I earn a lot, huh?"
"I will drive you crazy," She added.
"Aren't you already?" I arched a brow.
She chuckled, then feigned a serious look. "I am serious," She said, "I am crazy."
"I know that already, believe me." What shade of Sa'adah have I not seen at this point? I have survived thus long, have I not? "I am starting to think you have corrupted my little Amani really." Or maybe it is just Faiza's that is rubbing off on the girl, but I am sure my woman plays a role in it. "If our kids inherit this character of yours, I am in for a lifetime of headache really."
She simply smiled, and held my gaze for a while. I could tell something serious crossed her mind because her smile suddenly fell, and a gloomy look took over her features. Her lips slanted into a deep frown, her eyes clouded with a mirage of worries. "Can..." She started, then released a slightly shaky breath as she folded her lips in for a split second. "...can you promise me one thing?" It was obvious from her tone that whatever it is, it matters a great deal to her.
So, I found myself nodding. "Of course. What is it?"
She slumped back on her seat, fiddling with her fingers as she hesitated for a short while as she avoided my eyes. After a while, she seemed to find her voice. "If..." She started, her voice low as she turned her head around to hold my gaze, her worries evident. "...if," She hesitated once again, "If one day, I am unable to give you what you want. If we cannot have any kids, and you decided to marry another woman..." She paused, then released a heavy breath before she added in a small voice. "...can you at least tell me beforehand?"
My frown deepened, though understanding where her worries took root from. "There is no other woman."
She offered me a humorless smile. "For now," She breathed out. "There could be in the future though."
"There is no woman now, and not in the future."
"Don't say that," She shook her head, looking away. "Don't make promises you cannot keep. I am not asking you to never remarry, I am just asking for you to let me know beforehand." Her voice was slightly shaky, and she avoided my gaze.
"Sa'adah," I sighed, my eyes fixated on her. "Look at me." She did not, so I found myself adding. "Hayaty," I called out, my voice softening, "Kalle ni."
She did not for a while, but she eventually did, and her worries were written all across her face, painting it. She did not say anything, but she did stare at me.
I held her gaze, my expression serious and my words stern when I spoke again. "If I wanted to be with another woman, I would have already. If I wanted to be with anyone, I would have. But, I do not. I want my Sa'adah—the dramatic, and crazy one, now, and in the future. Any other woman is insignificant."
"But you love kids," She said in a small voice, the offered me a bitter, humorless smile. "What if I am unable to give you that? I cannot deprive you of that."
"The only woman in this dunya that will have my kids, is you." I said, the moment her words escaped her lips, my own words earnest. I leaned down slightly, my gaze levelling with hers. My expression softened and words when I added, "You will have my kids if Allah wills, Sa'adah. Yes, I love kids. But, the only woman I want them with, is you. No one else. And if Allah wills that we won't have our own, we can always adopt. The point is, there will never be another woman. You, are my wife, and the mother of my kids."
Her own expression softened, and her eyes glossed over but she looked away, trying to blink them back. "You are making me emotional," She whispered, trying to hold back her smile.
I pulled out a handkerchief, then handed it over to her. She retrieved it, dabbing away the tears that wanted to escape. She repeated the action for a few seconds, before she met my gaze again. "You are making it hard for me not fall for you even more."
I offered her a warm smile, hoping that would ease her worries. "Well, Hayaty, you will be surprised to know you have the exact same effect on me." The pointed look she threw in my direction showed she does not believe me, but she did not say a thing. So, I took that as my chance to add. "Now, since we are over that. Do I still have the permission to be your husband?"
She folded her lips in, then shrugged. "I will think about it."
I hope your anko is ready!!!! Kamu muke da gobe fa😭💃💃 remember it's our onion purple anko! Tam my tailor don bring mine already.
Ina those in charge of food? I've been calling your number since. Kar ku min haka Dan Allah😭
DJ iyalawo is on the beat ready to drop!😂🤣🎉🎉 biki yayi biki malam
Ina mawaqa namu? Oya Oya better let me know now so I reserve your seats o. I don't want long surutu after wards kunsan Kai na zai yi zafi gobe nan Ina da hidima a gaba na😭
Omo planning a wedding is not easy and these two just Dey do love instead of helping me😭 Una no try for me . Oppression akwai left and right. Toh bakomai. Nidai doya ce nasani😭
Toh jamaa have a good night. I need to sleep early tunda Ina da biki a gaba na.
Stay safe, and in love,
Jannah Mia❤️
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