Chapter 36.

Because mayaaawrites has started reading this book🥹
Also, husnathewriter released her new book today so do check it out please thank you🥹

Oh and did I mention 70k views???? Damnnnnnnnnn yalll. I'm sending y'all virtual hugs 🫂 love love love y'all!❤️❤️



"My regards to your mother please. Ki gaida muni ta though I will call her later as well." Hajiya's words came, as she stood with I by the door leading to the exit of the Bayero manse, as it was finally time for me to head back home.

I could only smile, then nod. "In shaa Allah, I will."

Hajiya's expression mirrored mine, her smile welcoming as she bobbed her head as well. "Take care of yourself, kinji? If there is anything you want, just let me know. I will be here for a week more. If I have left then give me a call, okay? I am just a call away."

Once again, I could only nod, and mutter the same response. "In shaa Allah, Hajiya. I would keep that in mind." Though Hajiya does not say much to expand her statement, I could tell it goes beyond the superficial meaning. It also extends to that which she does not speak of—that which I am sure she must be aware of, that which is going on in my house.

As one of Anty's confidants, I would not be surprised if she is aware of the Hassan issues already.

Hajiya stared at me for a while longer, her smile never faltering before she pulled me into her embrace, and I had to lean down slightly due to her shorter posture. "Fi Amanillah," She whispered, patting my back slightly.

I pulled back after a while, my smile mirroring hers. I have said this before, and I would say it a thousand times more if I have to. Hajiya has one of the most beautiful souls there could ever be really, and I love every moment that I spend with her. Though I have only spent less than twenty-four hours with her, it felt longer really for every moment spent with her was well spent.

"You should go now so we won't keep him waiting," She said, her hand giving mine a small squeeze. "I asked Adnan to drop you off. I hope you do not mind?" The way her brows drew in slightly when she asked the last statement showed if I am to indeed voice my concern regarding the engagement, she would not hesitate to change it.

But, I am not. "It is okay," I said instead, assuring her. "I will get going now."

She nodded, letting go of my hand. "Ki gaida gida."

"In shaa Allah." With one last smile directed in her direction, I turned around and opened the door, before stepping out. Closing the door softly behind me, I turned around, my gaze falling on the familiar car parked there, and my heart rate spiked up slightly at the sight of the owner already standing there—looking effortlessly good looking by the way—but do not tell him I said that. We do not want his ego growing any more than it already is.

A small smile made its way on my face as I made my way down the little stairs of the threshold, coming to stand in front of him. "So, you are still alive it appears," I teased, though managed to hold up a serious expression. "I thought we had lost you last night."

A slight scoff came from him, "So that another man will have the chance to be with my woman?" He arched a brow, his tone serious. "Not a chance." He then reached out to retrieve the bag with me—the one with the outfit from yesterday. Moving aside, he pulled the passenger door open for me, "Besides," He continued, his gaze sleekly meeting mine once again. "If you miss me, just say so. No need to beat around like that."

I narrowed my eyes at him slightly, then released a slight scoff. "You wish." I muttered, before sliding into the passenger seat. The sight of the small smile that tugged the corner of his lips was the last thing I saw before he closed the door, then moved to pull open the back door and keep the bag there before he made his way back to the driver's side, where he pulled open and got in.

I may have said it as a joke, but I truly have not seen the man since last night, and it is nearing Asr prayer time. It is not like I missed him or anything—I do not—but I was looking forward to seeing him after last night. I do not know how to put this exactly, but I wanted to see what his reaction would be like now?

Except, I have not seen him entirely, and it does not help that Hajiya does not bring him up entirely in what I assume to be fear of me being uncomfortable. I do not know, but something about her expression tells me she does not know, or maybe he has not informed her. In a way, I am gladdened by that fact because otherwise, I do not know how to face her today really—not after the stunt I pulled on him the day before.

But, that is beside the point. The point is, he has been missing the entire day. Is this how it will be now that I have agreed to be with him? Wait, what are we even at this point? Dating? Engaged? Or what?

Well, we cannot be dating since he said he did not want to date, and it is not like he asked me to be his girlfriend so, that is ruled out. And I cannot say engaged since our elders would have to meet for that to happen as well. So...what are we exactly?

God abeg this relationship thing is confusing. I did not expect it to trouble me this much. I wanted to scream and kick my feet in frustration really.

This ladies and gentlemen, is why I hate relationships whatsoever. Up until a while ago, I did not have these worries, there was no need to worry and now, my mind is a jumbled mess thanks to a certain man that, as always, looks ridiculously good in glasses and did I mention, strikingly handsome in the outfit for the day? The brown Kaftan looks as though it was made specifically for him—as if the color was meant to compliment his brown skin color.

He is truly one fine man Masha Allah. Did I just agree to marry this man?

Omo, I have good choices, truly. Kai, have you seen this man I am trying to lock down? Gaskiya zama bai kama ni ba. Subhan Allahi, Masha Allah.

I did not realize my thoughts had strayed far from my current position until his voice came, cutting through the train of thoughts.

"Well, I hope you are thinking about me." Oh, how could I forget his swelling ego? Old habits die hard people—and it seems this one is going nowhere.

Not in the mood to back down today, I found myself agreeing easily. "I am, as a matter of fact." I leaned back on my seat, watching as he drove out of the Bayero manse, and onto the busy streets of Kano. "I am just thinking of how I have such a good choice really." Turning my head around to look at him, I leaned my head on my palm, my lips slanting into a smile. "Yup, I definitely made a good choice. Bagged the whole package." Where the hell are all these words coming from?

It appears he shares the same thought as I, because he turned his head around, throwing me a look for a split second before he suddenly chuckled deeply, shaking his head in the process before he fixated his gaze on the road again. "Well, it is good to see this side of you again. I quite missed her."

"Which side?" My lips tugged into a slight frown.

"The side I first met of course," He answered back, as if it was not obvious. It is not. He then went on to explain. "You were like this the first time as well. Do you not remember the way you were on the phone calls back then?"

My lips pressed together as I tried to recall the time back it. It is not like I had forgotten entirely, but I purposely tried to make myself forget it to save myself some face. I had already embarrassed myself, there was no need to do so any further and torture myself by trying to remember it.

Now that he has said it though, he is right. The teenage Sa'adatu was quite daring if I say so myself. Some of the things I had said to him back then, I dare not, not even in my wildest dreams say it to him at this moment. Where did I even get that confidence back then please?

Oh, Sa'adatu. The things you have done because of this man. Apologies to my ancestors. I have embarrassed you too much because of a man.

The more I think of it, the more I want to bury myself deep down and never turn up again, but I did not show that else he would use that to his advantage, and I cannot take that in this very moment.

So, I decided to answer coolly. "That was long time ago," I defended myself, leaning back on my seat once again. "And I was young, and immature."

He hummed, "I quite like your younger self though," He said, "She was carefree. You are still very much like your old self really. You just do not realize it."

"Am I now?" I arched a brow, because something about hearing about myself from this man felt like knowing a whole different person. I was curious, just how exactly does Adnan Bayero see me through his lens. And the thought gave rise to a new, very important question. "Speaking of which, since when have you liked me, Mr. Lulu?"

The corners of his lips tugged up first, before he threw me a quick glance once again. "It is a secret for now." He said instead of giving me the answer I wanted. "And you, Miss, are getting way too comfortable using that name. So what now? You have agreed to be my baby?"

Blood rushed to my cheeks, and I could only fold my lips in to hold back a smile. Turning my head around, I fought back the smile threatening to escape, but could not. Instead, I could only look outside, so he would not see it. "Not sure yet," I breathed out. "Maybe when it becomes official?" I added a slight shrug.

I could not see his face, but I am sure amusement is written all over it. The sound of his chuckle that followed only confirmed the thought. Then, his voice came once again, "Speaking of which, you should inform Anty when you go back home that my elders will be coming over next week to discuss the details of the marriage proposal."

I did not know when I whipped my head so fast, my eyes dilated slightly. "Wait, so fast?" I was thinking it would take a while—I do not even know why I think so, I just did. Maybe I was hoping to drag this so it would feel all the more like a dream, because the moment they come, it will be official.

"Of course," His tone was serious when the car came to a stop at a traffic, and he used the chance to turn around to look at me—his expression matching his tone. "If it was up to me, they could have gone today, but I should give you time to inform your parents. Plus, it is still Eid so the festivities need to be done with first. Met some of my uncles with my father today, and they all agreed on the same thing."

So, that is what he has been doing the whole day? He has informed his parents already. That means, Hajiya knows already. Oh ni Sa'adatu.

The thought did not exactly mortify me, but I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Plus," He continued, his expression losing all trace of lark as he held my gaze. "Are you sure about this?"

"What?" My eyes fluttered.

"Are you sure about this?" He repeated. "Are you sure you are agreeing because you want it? Not because you feel pressured by your family, or me? Do you truly want this, Sa'adah? Because if not, tell me, please. There is no need to push on with this if you do not want it." A choice. Once again, he was giving me a choice, and a way out.

For as long as I can remember, I do not think anyone has given me a chance when it comes to marriage. They make it seem so, but now that I think about it, it is more of a guilt trap to a certain extent. Knowing I could not exactly escape the marriage concept no matter what, I just decided to agree with my parents the first time.

Not because I wanted to get married at that point, but because there was no point delaying the inevitable. It was my choice, but at the same time, it was not.

He on the other hand, was giving me a choice. Before they meet my parents—before it becomes official and set to stone, he was giving me a way out.

And if I was not sure before, then I am at this moment. So, I nodded. "I do." I breathed out. "This is my decision alone."

"Are you sure?" He seems to have his doubts—I could see it in his eyes. "Because I want this, truly. I want you, Sa'adah, to be my wife. I do not want to lose you again. But, if you do not, then I will not force you into anything."

I smiled, his word chipping away brick by brick of the walls I had built around my heart. "I am." I assured him once again. Before he could voice out any concerns, I added, in a small voice. "I want to be your wife as well."

His lips curled upwards into a smile, and I could swear I have never seen a much better sight. Ya ilahil alameen.

My own smile widened to match his, and I found myself adding in a slightly teasing tone. "Besides," I breathed out. "I cannot let another woman have you. Not possible." It was meant to be a joke, but the thought truly did irk me.

I think I have felt that way since we reunited. It was the, 'I do not want you, but another woman cannot have you' type of situation. Complicated, yes. But we women are known to naturally complicated. And when it comes to my man, I will be as complicated as I have to. I am not letting another woman have this man, it is as easy as that.

As if my thoughts were not cemented enough, my words only made him throw his head back and chuckle, and the damn butterflies? They were having the time of their lives in my tummy—a freaking circus!

And you expect me to let go of this man? Me, let go of Adnan Sunusi Bayero—the man with glasses? Not possible. Ai mutu karaba takalmin kaza kawai.

When his laughter died down, I found myself releasing a deep I did not know I was holding—a certain factor that has been at the back of my mind making an appearance. "While we are on this," I started, my expression turning serious. "Do you think now is the time to meet Faiza?" I asked, all trace of lark disappearing. "I want to be the one to tell her first. Not to mention, I need to apologize as well."

His own expression softened, and he nodded in understanding. "Figured so as well, which is why I thought it would be best to leave the official greeting to next week." He stated. "As for Faiza, I do not think you can meet her today though."

My brows drew in, lips slanted into a deep frown. "Why not? Is she still upset?" I know she is one to hold a grudge for long, but I am hoping it would not be the same with us.

"She travelled to Abuja," He explained. "Something came up at work so she left earlier. She will be back in three days though, so you can meet then. Or just talk over the phone?"

"No," I shook my head. "It is better to meet in person." After everything she has done for her brother and I to be together, I cannot tell her the news over the phone. I should tell her in person. I focused my gaze on him, eyes narrowed slightly. "And don't you dare tell her." I warned, knowing how close they are.

I would not be surprised if he has rattled to her already. But, he better has not.

He raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, Ma'am. As you wish."

My glare softened as a small smile made its way on my face. "Good."

He smiled back, then changed the topic. "Give me your phone."


"Your phone," He repeated, throwing a quick glance at the device.

Brows drawn in, I picked up the phone, unlocked it and then handed it over to him. He collected it, and the sound of the dial pad reached my ears, before he tapped something. The sound of his phone ringing reached our ears, and he glanced at the phone before nodding to himself.

"The same number then," He muttered to himself, before handing the phone over to me. "I have added my number to your phone. Feel free to save it as your husband or something."

I scoffed, "You wish." I muttered, then picked up the device and saved the contact. Once satisfied with the name, a grin made its way on my face before I turned the phone around to show him.

His eyes narrowed upon noticing the name, 'MALAM' in blocks. He chuckled dryly. "Touché, Sa'adah." He nodded to himself as the traffic started moving. "Touché." He mumbled with a resigned sigh.

I laughed, dropping my phone. Yup, annoying him is definitely my favorite thing to do.


I am a yam. I just know it because how tf are characters oppressing me???🥹🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭😭 Gaskiya ni doya ce. Doyar ma danya 😭

Sha anwaysssss our wedding is fast approaching!! I hope you've joined the wedding prep team on Instagram, har Mun cire anko fa. Soon soon our wedding invitation go drop as well so go to your tailors early o! Tam I've said my own.

Kosai orange and cow white anko set for Daurin Aure 🥹 onion purple for our Kamu 💕 ehennnn.

For our songs we have Aliya Jita zaarahh_m on the beat 😂 yanxu ma Muna studio ne the song go soon drop 😂🎉

This wedding is serious o! We are going all out. Let's shut down the streets of Instagram my people! Yawwa 💃

Toh stay safe. Include me in your prayers I've been battling common cold since Friday night 😭

Stay safe y'all❤️

Love, Jannah Mia aka uwar biki😂❤️

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