Chapter 19.

Barka da jumua. My comments!!



"Okay, perhaps the state has been empty without you in it. But, just a little bit."

A slight hiss escaped Yaya's lips as she shook her head, "Zama ki fadi gaskiya eventually," She suspired, focused on the meal she is preparing.

I, as the good sister and guest that I am, of course decided to sit back and watch her go about her work. I had offered to help earlier, but she shooed me away as always. Yaya is one of those people that wants things done their way, and unless it is done so, it is not good enough so I grew to not even try to be honest.

You can never do anything right by her rules. Just let her do her things kawai.

Her words had me chucking, as I picked up more groundnut from the bowl I had fetched some in. I noticed she had a lot of it in a black leather bag, and weirdly enough, I wanted to eat it. Groundnut has never been my thing before, but I do not hate it. Besides, we all have one of those weird craving days right? Today is mine.

"No but really," I started, then swallowed down the groundnut in my mouth before continuing as I peeled more open. "Maiduguri felt empty without you. Who leaves for over a month? Wannan ai ya wuce ganin gida." Yaya travelled back to Kano a little bit over a month ago to visit home, and what was meant to be a week break ended up being a month break.

Hence, why she was not around when I was at the hospital, else she would have stayed with me as she always does.

"You can also go home if you want," She said, absentmindedly as she added spices to her food, and the aroma instantly filled the air. I could hear my stomach grumbling almost immediately, as if I am not feeding it already. "Go and spend one month at home too if you want."

"Nah," I was quick to shake my head. "I am not tired of seeing my husband,"

Yaya looked over her shoulder, then threw me a glare. "Marar kunya kawai," She hissed, shaking her head.

I laughed, enjoying teasing her. She of course is part of the anti -Khalil and Saadah relationship. She does not exactly hate us, but apparently we disturb everyone's peace by trying to oppress them. Is it our fault that we get along really well please?

"Speaking of husbands," I sighed, my laughter dying down. "Ina baban Khairat?" I asked, referring to her husband. I have not seen him since I arrived, and I have been here for over an hour. It is past his working hours, and he is usually at home around this time as far as I know.

She sighed, then shrugged her shoulder. "Where else? Gidan amaryar sa mana." She waved off, her tone grim.

"Right," My smile fell, regret instantly crashing over me. I honestly forgot and brought him up, despite being aware of the situation with them recently. Curiosity still nagged at me though, having questions she still has not given me the answer to—not that I had the chance to ask her. "It has been what? Three weeks since the wedding? Have you met her yet?"

"Three weeks," She confirmed, "And ina ruwa na da ita? She stays at her house, and I stay at mine. There is no need for us to meet." Adding the last touch of her food, she closed it and then turned around to make her way over to me. Once close enough, she picked up a few groundnuts for herself as well, leaned on the kitchen counter, then continued. "Both she and him, I do not need them in my sight if I am being honest," She kept her tone indifferent, but her expression screamed underlying fury.

I folded my lips in, not knowing the right thing to say to her at the moment. Only one thing came to mind. "I'm sorry..." I do not know why I am apologizing really. Perhaps, I am just sympathizing with her, because despite not experiencing it, I can understand her pain to a certain extent.

She looked up with drawn in brows, then gave me a pointed look. "What are you sorry for? You were not the one that sent me the wedding invitation on the very day, one week after I had returned home with nothing more on it."

I released a deep breath, "Gaskiya shima bai yi daidai ba." I stated earnestly, "How could he just send you the wedding invitation on the day ba bayani whatsoever beforehand? Haba, ai ba dadi."

Each time we speak of it, I am reminded of the vivid anger I felt when I was on the call with Anty that day and she told me of what is going on with Yaya. To be honest, I never thought her husband is capable of that—I have always seen him as a responsible man, but it appears to always be the seemingly responsible ones that act out the most.

Yaya shrugged once again, "Mazan kenan ai," She lamented, then met my gaze with a deep frown etched. "Can you believe he told me yesterday wai zai dauki su Khairat ya kaisu gunta? Wai she wants to see them?"

"Did you permit it?"

"Hauka nake?" So, no. "He cannot start that nonsense with me. Yaje can they should do whatever they want, but they will not involve my kids in any way. What they do, and how they do it is up to them. I've removed my hands from his matter. Mazan nan aren't worth it really."

"I guess..."

"Enough about me," She waved it off, then plastered a soft smile on her face. "Tell me, how have you and the husband been?"

"Good, Alhamdullilah." I smiled back.

She hummed, "Are you sure?" She gave me a pointed look, "You know you have never casually visited me out of the blue since you got married, never alone. You two are always glued together. It's Sunday evening, and instead of being at home as usual, you are here in my house, alone and have been rambling nonstop. Tell me you do not have an ulterior motive for visiting."

My lips parted. "Yaya..."

"Don't 'Yaya' me, kema kinsan gaskiya na fadi. So, out with it. Trouble in paradise?"

"What? Can't I simply visit my sister because I missed you kuma inzo dannan qirji?" I teased, earning a glare from her. I sighed, resigning upon seeing the intensity of her look. "Okay fine...but it is not like we have any problem. At least, we did not fight?"

She hummed once again, a silent move that shows she is listening.

My shoulders slumped, and I racked my brain in an attempt to figure out the right words to use. When I finally picked them apart, I met her gaze. "Do you think it will be better if Khalil remarries?"

Her brows drew in, lips tugged into a deep frown. "You want your husband to marry again?"

I was quick to shake my head. "No, of course not. I do not want that," I released a heavy breath, the weight pulling my heart down making my shoulders slumped even more—the matter being on my mind for days, now over a week. He had not said anything since that phone call, and I did not show him that I heard as well. We just continued about our daily lives normally but I could not get it out of my head no matter how hard I tried.

Judging by the conversation, this is not the first time. Has been under her pressure all this time? He may stand strong now but for how long? When will he eventually cave in and get tired of me? When he will cave in to his mother's request? Will it be selfish of me to ask him to not marry again? Can we risk having kids?

Of course not, kids are out of the equation. I can never subject anyone, much less my kid to sharing the same fate as I.

But, is that it then? My dreams of becoming a mother down the drain? What about him? He says I am enough now but will I always be?

There have been too many thoughts going on in my mind that I have not been at ease since then, and as much as I try to pretend otherwise, I could tell Khalil has noticed as well. When I asked him to visit Yaya today, he gave me his permission easily, and did not ask to tag alone. I guess he must have realized I wanted to be with my sister alone, to speak to her.

"Yaya," I finally found my voice as I met her gaze. "Am I unworthy of being loved?" My voice was low, filled to the brim with insecurities that piled up in me over the past few days, if not month of worries.

Her frown deepened, a crease forming between her brows. "Of course not," A serious demeanor took over. "Why are you saying such? Did Khalil say anything to you? I thought you two are okay?"

I shook my head, noticing she is starting to get worked up. "No, he did not say anything," Noticing the look she gave me, I was quick to add. "I swear; he did not do anything. He is perfect as always but..." Another sigh escaped my lips, "...what if I cannot give him what he wants and he eventually gets tired of me?"

Yaya's expression softened, silent understanding flashing across her features. Extending her hand out, she took one of mine and gave it a small squeeze. "Listen to me, I am in no place to assure you that he will not ever remarry, but Allah knows best. What I do know however, is that anyone with eyes can see the man is smitten by you. Yana sonki. That much is obvious kuma Allah ba azzalumin bawan sa bane.

When Allah takes something from you, rest assure he will give you something better. Personally, I believe even our parents are at fault for agreeing with this marriage in the first place despite knowing the potential dangers in it. Amma since it has already happened, there is no use crying over spilt milk. Pray, kinji? Pray, and pray, and pray. Turn to Allah. You will be surprised by how He will make things pan out for you.

Everything will work out eventually, kinji? Stop bothering yourself."

I sighed, "But..."

"No buts, Walida. Like I said, pray. I cannot solve your marital issues, no one can except Allah. Kiyi addua, and everything will fall into place, okay?"

I nodded, though my heart is still heavy.

She steered the conversation. "Isn't your finals coming up soon?"

"Yes, in a few weeks." I confirmed.

"Exactly. Focus on that. You will soon become a graduate. Should you not focus on that instead?"

A smile made its way on my face before I could help it, joy due to the occasion filling me up. She is right, I will be graduating in a while. Finally. "I wish Faiza is here as well though," I stated earnestly as I held Yaya's gaze. "I missed her."

"We all do," She sighed, though a soft smile displayed itself across her features. "When are they coming back?"

I shrugged, "By the looks of it, not any time soon," Faiza's life is finally getting back on track. I doubt there is anything that will make her come back. "You know Faiza's career is flourishing now more than ever."

Yaya hummed in agreement. "Oh yeah, haka Hajiya tace. Adnan is apparently furthering his studies. I don't think that one would stop till he becomes a Professor at this rate," This time around, it was my turn to hum, momentarily remembering the man I had honestly forgotten all about. "Regarding Hajiya, you should visit her any time soon. She said she hasn't seen you in a while."

"I will visit her soon in shaa Allah."

"You should." Yaya straightened her spine. "This food will soon be done, then we shall eat. You will stay to have dinner, right?"

I nodded. "Yes. He said he will pick me up after Isha."

"Good, we have a few hours more together then."


Time seems to fly by pretty fast, and before I know it, I was done with my finals and graduation is in a couple of days. Somewhere in between studying for the finals and preparing for grad, not that there is much to plan really, but I was looking forward to it to say the least.

I meant what I said to Yaya about missing Faiza whom took a gap year abroad to give birth to her daughter, Amani before she continued, so she will be graduating next year else we would be graduating now together. I truly miss having her here, and I believe it would be have been great to celebrate this together with her but there is nothing I can do.

Besides, I focused on enjoying the upcoming day with the few friends I have, and might just never hear from again after graduation.

I had just gotten off the phone with Yaya to confirm her presence at the convocation—and after she has ascertained me for the nth time that she will be there tomorrow, I ended the call and made my way over to the living room, where I had left Khalil earlier working on the case he has been immersed in for months.

"Still no leads?" I inquired, as I placed the cup of freshly brewed coffee of his beside his laptop on the coffee table. Taking the spot beside him, I noticed how he did not even raise his head to acknowledge me, his eyes pinned on whatever document he is going through. He did not seem to hear me. So, I extended my hand out and shook his shoulder slightly. "Khalil?"

That did the trick. He blinked, then suddenly looked up. When his gaze fell on me, he offered me a small smile. "Sorry, I did not see you there," His gaze landed on the spot where the coffee is, and his smile widened before he held my gaze again. "Thank you, baby," He leaned down and placed a quick peck on my forehead, before he picked up the coffee, taking a sip of it.

"Do you still have no leads?" I asked, repeating my earlier question as he took sips of the coffee he has become addicted to at this point really. "I thought you were faring well?"

He sighed, shaking his head, "It is proving to be harder than I thought really," He stated earnestly, as if he was not the man that was confident about it a couple of months ago. "The more I look into it, the more complex it seems to become."

I could only hum, "Mind sharing? Maybe I can be of help?" I tried my luck.

I got a smile and the shake of his head in response, as if I did not already anticipate his answer. "You know I cannot disclose a client's personal information."

"Yeah, yeah, of course," I waved it off, as if I did not know already. That is why I never bothered to ask what it is about really, knowing I would not get nothing more than superficial information really.

Khalil, upon noticing the slightly annoyed look that took over my features seek to find a balance, "I can just give you an overview if you are so curious?"

I shook my head, "No, just leave it," I said earnestly. "It is not like I would truly understand it if I am being honest."

He hummed, a teasing smile taking over his features. "Of course. You understand your biochemical structures best."

I huffed a breath, shuddering slightly. "Do not remind me. Ni da Bch yanxu indai ba a lahira akeyi ba ai mun rabu in shaa Allah." Unless I actually run mad, nothing will make me go down the same path as biochemistry ever in my life. 4 official years, 5 thanks to ASUU strikes years of suffering is more than enough to write home about. Believe me.

And he knows. I do not think anyone has ever heard me complain about it as he has.

Still, he went ahead to tease me. "Really?" He leaned back on the couch, turning around to look at me, "Here I thought we would be applying for masters immediately we are done with service?" I could not tell if he was joking or if he is actually serious.

His smile tells me he is joking, but Khalil as a whole will not kid with school. He is obsessed.

"Masters ke?" I shook my head, "No way. Boko Haram. Absolutely no way. Masters haram. I don leave am for yen boko."

He still went ahead to tease me. "It is just masters, additional one or two years. Nothing much. Believe me, you should try it. You will not regret it. You might even end up thanking me for it."

"No way in hell," I held his gaze, "I am not doing any masters."

He arched a brow, "We'll see, I am sure you will change your mind." He smiled, then took another sip of his coffee. I noticed the way his eyes drifted to his phone, as if expecting something. When nothing came, his lips slanted into a frown before he took another sip of his coffee.

"You expecting something?" I found myself asking, my tone cautious for I do not know what I would get. "A call or something."

"A call, actually," He nodded absentmindedly. "The one person that would give me the answers I need regarding the case," He said, turning around to hold my gaze, then he further explained. "The girl's old doctor. An hada ni da shi. I think you should know him as well."

This time around, it was my turn to frown. "I do?" My brows drew in.

He nodded, looking certain. "Yeah. I think he should be your friend's brother. A certain Dr. Adnan Bayero?" 


Toh, I have mentioned your man Team Adnanu. Where is the guy seff? He no wan return it appears.

Not Khalil mentioning him casually without knowing he was his rival in yall's mind. Okay, we shall see what will happen.

The chapters have been too peaceful really and i am getting bored so prepare yourselves for a bumpy ride, I am about to take a turn down wicked road. Ehen...give me a second let me go through my spotify playlist to look for villian songs. 

I will see you guys next week Friday, or maybe before then if the wickedness strikes earlier.

Barka da jumuaa single people. I know you have no one to say it to you. Sorry ehn, it is not your fault. Just hug una pillow and keep dreaming of Adnan. Lowkey i have realized all these single people are team Adnan, no wonder, oppression don tire you?

Chnage your ways and support those in love so you won't be loveless for life. Yawwa, today na vawulence Friday for me.

I have nothing more to say really. Stay safe, and drop commentss!!!!!

Love, Jannah Khalil Wambai. No let Saadatu see am abeg.

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