Chapter 13.

Tam, I am waiting for my comments.

Jumuat Mubarak.



Adnan fell asleep, an action so seamless, I did not notice—even though I genuinely did not dare look in his direction, still mortified. However, at one point when a couple of minutes passed and there was no sound from him, nor movement, I dared to gaze in his direction.

He was still seated in his earlier position, his arms crossed over his torso and his head leaned back, eyes closed, his bifocals still in place. He looked so peaceful in the position, nothing like the guy that was making fun of me ten minutes ago.

It was then I realized he is still in his scrubs, after spending who knows how many hours in surgery. I felt bad all over, wondering how long he must have been in that surgery for, to have dozed off this easily.

Subconsciously, I found myself resting my head on my palm as I stared at him. He is still the same person, yes. But, at the same time he seemed so different—more peaceful and gentle even.

I did not know him much then, since I was busy crushing and glorifying every single act of his, but now that I think about it, he was never the gentle and outgoing type. No, he was rather reserved, and quiet.

He doesn't respond much back then, hell, I barely got a few words out of him. He was always the quiet one, while I rant and talk his ears off before getting tired and calling it a day, since he never would. I have troubled him, no doubt there. But, he never made a fuss about it. Admittedly, at one point, I thought he does not even pay attention to it since he does not respond.

However, as my gaze fell on the snacks and water, along with the drink he gave me, I could not help but think it twice. Was he really paying attention? It has been so long, why does he still remember it? And why does he like teasing me this much?

All those thoughts were kicked away when I was hit by that information of me being married, and realizing I have been giving much thoughts into a man that without a doubt has nothing to do with my future husband, I could not help but blink and look away.

Suddenly, I feel stupid for not asking to know who this mystery husband is. I do not regret it though. I would ruin it if I know, so, I will stand by my decision. It is just for tomorrow anyways; I will know the day afterwards.

Not wanting to dwell on such useless thoughts, I picked up the chocolate bars, my all-time favorite and munched on it as I pulled out my phone. Without so much as a second thought, I snapped the chocolate bars, along with the bottle of water and the sprite, then sent streaks of it with the caption, "Something to keep me entertained in the meantime, courtesy of dakta." I added a laughing emoji and sent it, before proceeding to aimlessly scroll through my socials.

Time seemed to slip by fast after that, and the next thing I realize was the door being pushed open, followed by collectives, unfamiliar voices as new people made their way into the office. My guess is, they must be part of them, because about four male doctors stepped in, one dressed in scrubs and three in their white coats, chatting away.

The conversation died though when their gazes fell on me, and then they shifted it to Adnan's sleeping figure, then back at me again, with a mouthful of mars and a phone in hand. For a second, no words were exchanged.

They recovered first, and then one of them, dressed in white coat was the first to speak. "Assalamu alaiki,"

"Wa alaikassalam," I swallowed the chocolate, then wiped my lips with a tissue paper. A small, uneasy smile due to being the center of attention made its way on my face as I held his gaze. "Good morning," I directed to all of them.

They all answered back, enthusiastically might I add.

The first one to speak proceeded to take steps in my direction, while the others followed him with amused grins. His own lips were slanted into a wide, flirtatious smile as he made his way over. "Hello, I am Doctor Habeeb, and you are..."

Before he could make it to where I stand, a stand struck out, stopping him midway. His voice came even before he made another move, "Not interested," Adnan's brooding voice could be heard by everyone, notifying us all of him being awake. He then opened his eyes, his pointed gaze directly on his colleague, "And off limits."

Dr. Habeeb's smile widened into a teasing one, "Haba, Adnan. Why are you stopping me even before I make my move please?" It is obvious from his tone that he is a joke star. I don't know why, but I just feel that way. Ignoring Adnan's pointed look, he shifted his gaze to me again, his smile returning. "Pardon this brooding colleague of mine, he no get joy for life. I did not get your name, Miss."

I offered him a small smile.

He then added, "Or can I call you mine?" Damn, that is cheesy, and a bit too direct and uncomfortable might I add. Might not be so much if I am not engaged but I am, and I did not like the sound of a random stranger hitting on me like that.

Adnan's action was so sleek and swift, it felt like the very blink of my eye, he was on his feet and standing in front of me, blocking my sight from the man. Then, his voice came, his words directed towards his friend, "Baka jine?" His voice was low, and bare of any lark whatsoever. "I said, she is off limits."

I did not know whether it is his words that got through this Dr. Habeeb, or maybe it was the look or something, but the man raised his hands up in surrender, then chuckled. "Easy man, I have never seen you this worked up. Wasa nakeyi wallahi."

"Apologize." Just a single word, in a steady, and calm voice. I did not do anything wrong, but even I somehow felt compelled to act accordingly.

The word was directed towards Dr. Habeeb though, and after a few, tense seconds, I noticed Dr. Habeeb take a few steps to the side, then peeped behind Adnan to speak. "I am sorry, I did not mean it in a bad way," His tone was genuine, and so was his expression.

I shook my head, "It is okay." I waved it off, hoping to ward off the sudden tension.

Adnan then turned around, and extended his hand out to me, "Give me the papers,"

I picked them up, and handed it over quietly because something about his tone told me he is not to be tried at the moment, and wetin hot for me to try that? I have never seen this side of him, this serious, and I admit, it is not my favorite shade of his.

Taking the papers from me, he handed one to Dr. Habeeb then one to each of the others, then asked them to fill it. They seemed as though they wanted to say something, but they did not and instead, quietly went about doing just that.

While they were doing it, he turned to look at me, his expression stern. "Go back to the lab," He said. "I will bring it all to you in fifteen minutes max."

My brows drew in, "I thought you said to wait," Those were his words. He insisted. "I can just wait since they will all be here in a couple of minutes."

"Go back and wait there," He repeated, his tone firmer. "I will bring it all to you. Just go."

I folded my lips in, deciding against saying else even though a part of me was pushing me to do just that. Something about the whole thing though did not sit right with me enough to argue with him on it, plus I admit being in a room filled with men is not exactly something I look forward to.

So, I nodded, picked up the water bottle and quietly slipped out of the room, every fiber of me wanting nothing than to be away from the room full of men. I released a sigh I did not know I was holding once I was out of the office as I came to a stop. Turning around, I stared at the now closed doors of the neurosurgery office, then found myself muttering, "What was that all about?"

Deciding I can never be able to foretell what is going on in a man's head, I shook my head, turned around and walked away. However, just a few steps into it, and I could see the other neurosurgery doctors returning, most of them, male as well and about three female doctors—I heard there's a total of four, the last one being she whom I shall not think about because she is not worth it.

I exchanged a few looks with them, before looking away and hastily walking away. I did not head back to the lab though, I dare not. Instead, I stood by the entrance of the hallway, leaned against the wall as I waited.

I have always been a social awkward person though. So, to avoid standing there in a place filled with people roaming up and about, I connected my phone to my airpods and played a random song from Ariana Grande, my all time favorite artist because why not?

Halfway into my fourth song, my gaze fixated on my phone, I noticed a person's presence by my side, making me look up, and behold, the doctor with bifocals. I reached out and plugged out the airpods, dropping my phone and it aside as my gaze met his.

"Here it is," He handed it out, "All of the forms."

Relief filled me at the realization I would head home on time after all. I collected the filled surveys from him, then smiled. "Thank you." I said earnestly as I held his gaze. "You did not have to, but still."

He shook his head, shrugging it off, not a fan of words as always. He turned around to walk away wordlessly, however, he suddenly stopped, then turned around again.

My brows drew in, wondering what exactly he is up to. Honestly, after helping me today, he is off the hook me complaining about his silence. However, his actions are out of place though, it is not like him.

He then met my gaze, and spoke, his tone serious. "I have filled Dr. Amal's as well." He started.

I nodded, "Okay?" I know he did. I was there when she asked him.

He nodded as well, then added. "She is just a friend," If possible, my brows drew in even more. And I guess, he noticed the act, so he elaborated. "And a coworker as well. Nothing more."

"Okay..." What is wrong with him? "...I did not ask though," I offered him a small, awkward smile.

"I know." He did not even seem embarrassed. "I just wanted to clarify in case you got things wrong."

I did, I admit. However, I felt as though I am in no place to care. He told me himself that he has someone, and I do as well. He does not need to explain anything to me...I am getting married as well after all.

A beat passed, with no words exchanged, because I did not know what exactly to tell him or how to respond to that. Did his clarification make my heart be at ease? Yes. But, it felt wrong to have that feeling. So, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "I..." I swallowed thickly. "I am getting married Saturday." Perhaps, I said that more as a reminder to myself than to notify him, I am not sure.

Surprisingly though, he did not seem taken aback. Instead, he offered me a small smile, the best I have gotten from him ever. "I know."

"You do?" His sisters must have told him. God abeg.

He nodded, "I do." I could swear I saw some sort of glimmer in his eyes, almost like amusement. But, could it be? Adnan and amusement in the same sentence? "Are you extending me an invite?"

Can I do that? Invite my former crush to my wedding? It will be wrong, right? Then again, I would like to think we are cool now...I guess. It won't be so bad, right?

Not wanting to seem rude, I nodded, "Yes," I breathed the word out. "If you have time that is." One can never be sure with their type of work it seems.

He seemed to be thinking about it, before he came to a decision. "I am sure I can make time, since you are inviting me personally." I did not know to respond to that, and thankfully, he seemed to have noticed so, he decided to speak up again. "I will see you Saturday, amarya." With one last smile, he turned around and walked away.

I watched as he disappeared down the hallway he came out of, and I found myself releasing a breath I did not know I was holding. Then, it all dawned on me.

Did I just invite Adnan to my wedding?

Fuck. Is this even a good idea?

I have gone insane. I certainly have. No doubts there.


Toh it appears malam adnanu is jealous fa...wata sabuwa.

Wai who is our groom exactly? We told Muhammad Khalil we are getting married, he does not care, we invited Adnanu, he said he will make time to attend.

Who is our groom exactly?? Tbh me sefff I do not know. I want to be wicked like this you see. I can do something so wicked lowkey and ruin my original plot, who knows?

I do not know when our next update will be, but we will see.

Take care yall. Stay safe.

Love, Jannah.

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