Chapter 10.

Omo my drafts don finish😂



I have never seen a wedding being planned so quickly, not that there was anything much to plan really. My family has never been a fan of big weddings or anything of that sort, the most one gets is a walimah event where they invite one uztaz and you will have to sit through an hour of two in the presence of guests listening to his wa'azi and pretend you understand everything when in reality you cannot wait for it to be over.

I did not even get that. Not that I wanted it. I made it clear to Anty that I want no events of any sort. I did not want it before, and I certainly do not need it when I am getting married under such circumstances. The last thing I want is to sit in front of people I do not even know well and pretend to about to be happily married when I am not.

So, I was freed of those events, thankfully—heavy on the word 'thankfully'. I have always told myself that if I am getting married, I will only invite a handful of friends and have a small bridal shower of some closest friends and nothing more. By the looks of it, I am not even getting that. Can't say I am saddened by the fact though really.

I wish I can pretty much avoid everything else like I can do away with the wedding events, because there is this predicament I am in at this very moment that I cannot help but wish for a miracle to take me away from facing it.

"Walida," Anty's voice came as she stepped into the room, making me look up from where I am, seated on my bed and just aimlessly scrolling through my phone when my mind is far from here really.

"Na'am, Anty?" I blinked, then looked up to meet her gaze.

She sports a wide smile on her face as she strolled further into the room, coming to stand by the edge of the bed where I am. "They are here." She declared, the excitement in her tone hard to miss.

"Who is here?" I asked, genuinely curious. I was not expecting anyone.

"Your husband's family and your soon to be in-laws, of course," She responded, enthusiastically. "Tashi ki chanja into one of those new laces of yours, then go and see him. Do not keep them waiting."

"Keep who? Them? Husband?" I wanted to say Husband for where? To be honest. But, I held myself back before I get a nasty glare sent my way as a warning for my sharp mouth. But, can you really blame me?

I was not expecting any guests any time soon, especially not my so called soon to be in-laws? A'ah. Haka akeyi? Ko notice? Abi it is just my parents that did not want to tell me until now? Nashiga uku ni Sa'adatu.

Anty narrowed her eyes at me in a scolding manner, "Ban son shashanci. Get up and change dan Allah. Hurry up, we do not want to keep them waiting."

I found myself chuckling, but it was not in a mocking or amusing way. Rather, in a is this for real way? Well, I was more than certain it is all real when I found myself dressed in one of the many laces Anty had miraculously sewn for me in just what? Six days since I agreed to the marriage? How did she even manage to get sewn laces in six days? Don't tell me she has been planning this behind my back for long.

I was even forced to wear a big veil and put up a smile before she basically urged me out of the room, with her following tow as if I would run away. And believe me, it sounds like a much better idea really.

On our way to the living room, we were met midway by the sight of the maids taking refreshments in there, and walking behind them with a tray in her hand is someone I wished did not come all the way here as well.

"Yawwa, take this," Yaya Maryam basically shoved the tray into my hands. "Take it to them, let them see you as a responsible person at least." Did I not mention that she is here as well? She came two days after the marriage plans has been finalized, and has been here since, breathing on my neck on the dos and do not of marriage.

So many things I wish I can unhear believe me.

"Yaya," I whined in a small tone, for is I raised it any higher, I would be overheard by those in the living room. I turned to look at Anty for help, but she only waved me off, seeming to be on the same page as Yaya.

Sighing, I threw a small glare at Yaya along with a pout, but she waved me off as well. Anty stepped into the living room first, followed by Yaya all smiles and then I, following behind them with my head down, refusing to look up.

"Ga amaryar ku nan," Yaya announced, the minute I was in sight.

Her words opened the doors for their responses, their collective voices coming together to sound loud as one as I dropped the tray along with the others, keeping my eyes pinned to the carpet before moving to sit on the carpet by Anty's feet as she is seated on one of the couches.

"A'a masha Allah, our bride is here."

"Alhamdullilah, amaryar mu."

"Tabarakallah, sannu Sa'adatu."

"Allah dai ya nuna mana da rai da lafiya."


I tried to focus on the voice since I could not bring myself to look them in the eyes, trying to see if I can hear a familiar voice that will at least give a hint on which family I am marrying into exactly. Believe me, as much as I did not want to know, I still asked and the only response I got from my mother and sister is, "You will see".

I never see anything yet o. Wetin woman go see again wey I never see before?

Then, one of the women's voice came yet again, "Sa'adatu ya kike?" She directed towards me, her tone warm.

"Alhamdullilah." I fiddled with my fingers on my thighs, trying my possible best to keep my tone as soft as I can before they can detect my nervousness towards the whole thing.

"Masha Allah, Masha Allah. Ance year three kike ko a university?" She inquired, and dare I say, her voice sounds like those rich aunties in the family—not in a bad way, but the kind of aunties one always looks forward to seeing because they are all nice and posh.

I nodded, keeping my thought to myself. I will gist Yaya of it later. "Eh, I am in my third year."

She was not the one that comment next, it was another voice. "That is very good. A lot of young ladies nowadays get married at this stage usually. Kinga sai ki qarasa a gidan mijin ki,"

"Daman gashi nan shima dan boko," Another joked, making everyone laugh, except me. It is the first thing I hear about him, and I cannot help but want to scream and tell them what I want is not that.

Who is he? What does he look like? What does he do? What are his habits? Is he good person? How is he on his deen? Matter of fact, is he rich? Because last I check my name is not Maryam from Labarina, I will not take my chances with a poor man hoping he will be rich. Kowa na san sauqi a rayuwar nan.

But really, most importantly, I want emphasis on the habits and deen. Of course, Anty has briefed me on that, assuring me that he has good habits and is quite religious. They would not marry me off to someone lacking, but a girl has her worries.

"Gaskiya dai Muhammad akwai boko ba laifi. Likita bokan turai kuke ji." The first woman that spoke to me agreed, her tone humorous as well. "I heard our bride here is the same. Kinga they will have smart kids in the future."

So, we talking kids already? Wow. Well, this escalated quickly.

"Allah ya sa."

"In shaa Allah."


The conversation then turned more serious. Advices were given, praises were said, and everything else in between. It felt more serious then, as the air turned serious as well and prayers were made for our good union as everyone hoped. They then expressed their good will towards the union, and hoped it will be for the best.

By the time they were tone, I found myself sniffing while Yaya patted my shoulder by the side. It has been all jokes and feels surreal to me really until this very moment. And it dawned even more when they all made note of how the wedding fatiha would take place this coming Friday, practically in three days.

I know that, but like I said, it all felt surreal to me. Them saying it reminded me of just how real it is, and my eyes welled up with more tears.

"As you have decided, the kayan lefe will be delivered to her house directly," One of the aunts said to Aunty, a decision I remember being informed of. "We do understand and respect your decision when you said bakwa karban lefe a gidan nan. Amma we felt this is the least we can do for our bride, so, we will have it delivered to her house instead as a gift from the groom and us, of course, to the bride."

"Ba komai," Anty's warm voice came. "I understand. Allah sa hakan shi yafi alkhairi."

"Ameen. And once again, we would like to apologize on behalf of the groom. We tried to get him to come, but his work is quite demanding. Ko yanxu ma we planned to come together, but something came up so he could not make it. His sister that was supposed to come along had an emergency so she could not make it. I believe she has mentioned it to you as well. Tace zata qiraki."

"Oh, yes, she did." Yaya confirmed. "It is okay. Ai an san juna ma. We are one family now more than ever."

"Toh Masha Allah. Mu dai zamu wuce yanxu, but how about we say a prayer for the newly wed?"

Another one amongst the women—I think there is a total of four or five, lead the prayers while everyone else pretty muttered an 'ameen' in response to it all. The prayers came to an end soon, and with a few more teasing in my direction, they bade us farewell, letting me know that they will see me when I am delivered to them in three days.

I could only keep my head down as I have the entire time, and offer them a small smile despite knowing they cannot see it. I tried to see them out along Anty and Yaya, but I was told to stay back and believe me, I did not argue. I waited until they were out, then all but sprinted in the direction of my room, fishing my phone out and dialing the number at the top as I took off the veil and discarded it somewhere.

She picked up after the third ring, her face popping up in my screen with one grin I could not quite fathom where it came from. "Ah, ah, kaga amaryar kwana uku," Faiza teased, "See the way you are all decked up and glowing. Tell me, how did meeting the in-laws go?"

I could only hum as I made a move to remove the dankwali I have tied as well, discarding it somewhere on the bed alongside the veil before laying down properly on the bed. "You have no idea," I breathed out. I texted her when Anty forced me to change, for I needed someone to rant to and that someone is always her.

She is the best friend for a reason

"Wait, why does your eyes look so red. Kar kice mun kuka kikayi?" She leaned down closer to the screen, as if that will make her see me any better. Her eyes dilated. "Kuka suka saki? What did they say to make you cry?" Her tone was startled, but something akin to anger laced her tone, almost in an accusatory tone.

I closed my eyes, released a shaky breath then shook my head before peeling my eyes open again. "'s just," I exhaled loudly, "It just feels surreal now, you know. In three days, I will be married to this guy I do not even know other than his name 'Muhammad'" I air quoted the name, "And quote unquote 'akwai boko. Likita bokan turai'. Wetin concern me with his boko please?"

Faiza, being the wicked soul she is threw her head back and laughed, like a full blown laughter. Muguwa kawai. Then, when it died down, she ignored the glare I sent her way and then spoke. "Toh kinji Sa'adatu, dan boko zaki aura." She truly finds my situation to be funny.

"Not funny." I deadpanned, for there is no part of this that is funny.

She folded her lips in, "Sorry," She taped down her amusement.

I glared at her, but that glare evened out when another thought crossed my mind, and I found myself recollecting it. "Do you know what I just remembered seff that I forgot to tell you?" I sat up straight, feeling serious. "The name Muhammad rings a bell. Muhammad is back. I saw him at the hospital a few days back."

"Wani Muhammad?"

"Muhammad Khalil Wambai." I stated, his full name rolling off my lips for it is a name I was so acquainted with, there is no way I can forget.

"Khalil Wambai?" Her brows drew in, as she tries to recall the name. "Wait, isn't that your situationship from secondary school? That senior you had a thing with that was not really a relationship, but the closest thing to a relationship you ever had?" She just had to put it like that, didn't she? But, she is not wrong.

That is the best way to put it. So, I nodded. "Shi dai." I confirmed. "Kinsan I told you about how he always confesses but I never believed him since he has always been the joker and all, and he keeps saying he will marry me in the future so I told him to ask me four-years –later knowing we will never meet again, but guess what? Wallahi I met him, and he said he is back to marry me." I have not been able to wrap my head around the fact, I could not believe it myself.

Faiza seemed to share the same sentiment as I do. "Kai haba dai. What happened with you two then? And why am I just finding this out now?"

"Keh the pressure of this wedding totally made me forget, but nothing much happened. I brushed him off as always, and told him I am getting married soon." I shrugged, "He did not seem to mind, which made me believe he was joking as always. Then, he gave me a band aid for the wound on my leg and I left."

"Nothing happened afterwards?" Faiza seemed way too invested in this. "Damn girl, your hopeless life has turned out to be just as interesting as those Wattpad books we read when we were younger a secondary school."

I sighed, unable to deny it because it is crazy really.

"What was he doing at the hospital even?"

I shrugged. "I do not know really." I confessed. "I forgot to ask as I was in too much hurry to leave." I could only wish he did not see me throwing that tantrum, if he did, he did not say a thing but I would be mortified hence I was in a rush to leave. "I just left without asking anything. Amma who knows? We might ran into each other again but girl, that aside. What if he is this Muhammad?"

I know it is farfetched but which other Muhammad do I know? He is the only one. And his time of return could not have been a coincidence. Could that be why he was not fazed when I told him I am getting married?

Truthfully, I would not mind if he is the groom, we got along quite well and he seems nice enough. But, I am probably over thinking this.

Faiza yet again seem to share the same thoughts as always, so she said exactly that which I need to hear now. "Stop worrying, and just trust your parents and the process. Whoever it is ma, you will know eventually."

"Trust the process and marry someone I do not know," I agreed to it, yes. But, would it kill them to let me know who the groom is? Could it really be Muhammad Khalil? I saw him at the hospital as well, perhaps he is a doctor too. Then again, I have a beef with this Muhammad—my husband. "He basically stood me up today since they said 'his work is quite demanding and something came up which is why he could not make it'. Tell me, do you think he does not want this either?" I asked seriously, because that is the only thing in my mind since.

If he is truly interested, then no matter what he will make time to at least come so we will meet today. Else when will we meet? On the wedding day? Haba dai.

"I do not think so," Faiza shook her head, her expression serious. "I mean; he was not forced into this." She tries to reason.

"How do you know?" I threw back, not buying her words.

She shrugged with a soft smile. "Just a guess, and hunch. I do not think men can be forced into marriage. Even those that give that excuse are lying, they want it. Kawai deceiving yar mutane suke son yi." She said instead. "But really, like I said, trust the process. You never know, he might actually come tomorrow to see you after all."

I hummed blankly. "I doubt it." I stated, slumping on the bed. "I bet he will not show up till the wedding day."

"You truly want to bet?" Faiza arched a brow.

I offered her a feigned smile. "It is bet." I affirmed. "Be prepared to spend your money on me."


Is Muhammad our Muhammad the Muhammad?😂😂

Muhammad Khalil Wambai😂 I love his name🥹 perhaps I love him even more than Adnan I guess😂😂

Su Saadatu anga dangin miji😂anyi gaisuwa toh sannu

Who is our groom? Who is your bet on? Adnan or Muhammad?

My drafts don finish o I no get anything at all😂 e be like say you'll see me whenever you see me

Take care and stay safe.

Love, Jannah Mia❤️

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