Chapter 1.
Eid Mubarak my fiful🥹❤️
Allah ya karbi ibadunmu na Ramadan, may we live to see the next✨
Tell a friend to tell a friend, Jannah Mia is backkkkk!!!
Love and light,
Your favorite writer❤️
I've long accepted that I'm a hopeless case. Why you ask? It's easy to say really.
The idea of romance has always fascinated me, and I've had my own fair share of it as well. I get feelings, I easily catch them, and when I fall, I fall hard. You can say I always get my heart broken in the process, and I'm the kind of person that hates getting myself in situations I know I'll get hurt so...I avoided it. When I catch feelings for someone, I keep it to myself and wait till it eventually dies on its own. That's how I love. I don't get hurt in the process, but I do allow myself the liberty to love. I crush, and leave it as so.
Smart, isn't it? Avoiding pain when you can. And that ladies and gentle dudes is what brings us back to my initial conclusion, that I'm a hopeless case. I'm single. I've been single for as long as I can remember, and though it sometimes bother me, I never let it get the best of me. Single life is just better, it truly is.
Unfortunately, those close to me don't share the same sentiment apparently.
"Walida, your mates are getting married and you're here, stuck in your room the whole day. Wai ni, bakya gajiya ne? Kullum ace mutum na daki, 24/7! Don't you have a social life other than being stuck with your phone all day?" My elder sister, Maryam, scolded as she stood by the entrance of my room. Hands akimbo, she tutted, shaking her head like a disappointed parent. "Fisabillilah look at you still in bed. Karfe nawa ne? It's 11am and you're still sleeping! Wani irin rayuwa ne wannan ace mutum kullum bacci?" She went ahead to scold. "You're twenty-two, is this how you'll go to your husband's house and be sleeping all day?"
I groaned, burying my face in my pillow as I turned around, my back to her. My eyes remained sealed close, and I prayed with every fiber in me that she'd leave with that, allowing me to rest more but who am I kidding?
Her scolding is like a daily mantra I wake up to every day, it's the same words over and over again—I promise you, I even dream of her saying those exact same words to me. It's imprinted in my mind.
"Walida!" She called out again, her tone a pitch higher. Judging from her tone, she hadn't made a move to leave where she's standing, by the door I assumed. "Get up, baccin nan ya isa haba!" Then on her continued attempt to get me to heed to her words, she strolled further into the room, and the next thing I realize is the sunlight glaring at my face.
Another groan escaped my lips as I pulled the duvet to shield me from the sun coming in through the now open window. Her silence following the action was suspicious, and after a few seconds, I found myself slowly peeling the duvet to take a peek and see whether she's still around.
My eyes met with hers staring right back at me, unrelenting.
I sighed, resigning as I threw the cover off my body, sitting up abruptly while I flashed her a blank look. "Haba Yaya!" I whined, earning a glare from my sister. "I cannot even sleep again now? I was up till 3 studying."
"Studying or reading novels? Enlighten me please."
I folded my lips in, knowing whatever I say won't be in my favor. She's said it herself, and she knows me well enough to know what exactly I spent my time on. But, is it my fault? It's always the spirit of one more chapter that ends up with a couple more hours of reading. And if I'm being honest, I didn't sleep around 3.
No, that was when that little voice in the back of my mind whispered, "One more chapter." I caved in. And I slept around 5.
Yes, five. The next thing I realized was the Adhaan's call to prayer, and even in my sleep induced state, I knew what it meant. So, I dragged my heavy limbs and prayed before actually hitting the bed.
But, let's leave that little detail out from my sister. Another round of scolding won't do me any good.
She gave me a deadpanned look, then tsked. "Isn't today Faiza's wedding?" She diverted the topic instead. "I thought yau ne Wushe Wushen ta."
My mind went back to that little detail that may or may not have slipped off my mind. "Shit!" I mumbled under my breath, scurrying to the bedside cabinet to unplug my phone from the charger. The moment the screen came to life, I was instantly met with seven missed calls and 10+ messages from the bride, and my best friend whose Wushe Wushe is in a few hours while I'm still in bed. "Nashiga uku." I dropped the phone aside, daring not to check the messages.
I just know I'm in for a long round of rants and quite possibly, insults from the said lady whom I may or may not have promised to be at her house by 8am.
A knowing hum came from my sister, as if sharing the same thoughts as I am. Honestly, it's way too obvious. We both know how eccentric Faiza is. It may be her wedding, but believe me she wouldn't hesitate to give me a piece of her mind, then go on to give me a hug.
"You better hurry up and get dressed before you get on her bad side for life." With that said, Yaya strolled out of the bedroom, satisfied to have achieved her task of getting me out of bed.
Hurriedly, I hastily made the bed—even though it wasn't perfectly but it's representable, and then all but ran to the bathroom to take a shower. I've always prided myself in being punctual and keeping to time—it's one of my perks. And despite being hours later unfortunately, I was still determined to get ready and be out of the house in thirty minutes.
And by the time the clock ticked 11:48AM, exactly twenty-nine minutes after I'd gotten out of bed, I was already seated in the backseat of the car as Yaya's driver took me to my destination—Faiza's house which is a good twenty minutes drive from Yaya's house. My phone was in my hand, as I scroll through my Snapchat, seeing the streaks our close friends sent of the bride getting ready already. She's getting her make-up done at the moment it appears.
My leather bag containing my anko for the day along with shoes, jewelry and veil rested by my side. Pushing my glasses up my nose, a call came through almost immediately, and my stomach was instantly in knots upon seeing the caller ID of the one person I've been trying to avoid the whole day.
I suspired, my finger tapping the answer call before bringing the phone to my ear. "Masoyiya." I mustered the sweetest voice I could bring out at the moment, hoping it would be enough to coalesce the lady on the other end.
"Sannu Sa'adatu, nace Sannu Sa'adatu." Faiza's deadpanned, her tone holding no amusement whatsoever. Shit, she's pissed.
"Kiyi haquri, wallahi I'll be there in five minutes. Yanxu ma ina mota ne."
She didn't say much aside from humming. "Yamiki kyau." Her tone showed she didn't believe me, and I don't blame her really. "Sai kinzo." She resigned, then ended the call.
Dropping the phone, I sunk back in my seats and flicked my eyes close, my head pounding—a stark reminder of my lack of sleep, accompanied by the rumble of my stomach which reminded me of my hunger as well.
Picking up the portable flask I always bring along with me, I took a sip of the tea I'd made, the only brunch I'm opting for at the moment. I usually hate having a heavy breakfast, I get an upset stomach so tea is always it. I have paracetamol in my bag, I'll just take it after the tea to ease the throb in my head.
"Ranki dade yau ba makaranta kenan." The driver, Sallau, commented from the driver's seat, his eyes meeting mine through the rear view mirror.
I offered him a small smile, the best I could muster at the moment as I held his gaze with my still drowsy ones. "I don't have lectures today." And even if I do, I'm skipping it. I'm a three hundred level student for crying out— a potential graduate. Why would I be attending all my classes?
Besides, we're starting exams in two weeks, and I just happen to be opportune to be in the faculty where our suffering days is the beginning of the semester. We begin lectures earlier than others, so towards the ending of the semester, we have time to rest and all while others are rushing with crash programs. A good side I guess.
"-Mun kusa fara exams ai." I added, earning a nod from the kind driver.
"Kice kin kusa tafiya Kano kenan." He said with a slight chuckle. "You'll go see Hajiya and the others."
"In shaa Allah." My smile widened at the thought of going home for break. I never thought a day would come where I'll be excited to go home before I left for University, especially not after I'd left my state and went to another. I thought it was the ticket to freedom, and I'll even spend some of my holidays in my sister's house than to go home.
And yet here I am, just like the end of the past four semesters, after seeing shege and shegiya, I scramble the very next day back home to get away from the academic trauma. Bahaushe yayi gaskiya ta yace gida gida ne. No matter what, no matter how bad, your home is your home—it'll always be your safe haven. I couldn't agree more now.
True to my words, about five minutes later, Sallau pulled in the parking lot of Faiza's parents house, or mansion. Whichever you choose to address it as so. There were already countless cars parked, with people trooping in and out already as the Wushe Wushe is set to take place in the house.
Stepping out of the car, I bid Sallau farewell after telling me I'd call when I'm done—whenever that is. With my bag in hand, I made my way inside the mansion bustling with people, guests and family members trooping in and out—almost all of which I don't recognize so I felt I stuck out like the odd one.
Or so I felt until I heard a voice call my name.
I turned around, my gaze falling on a woman a few years older than me approaching me all decked up. She looked effortlessly pretty even without makeup—her dressing makes up for it, the fashionista as always. When my gaze fell on her face, I found myself mirroring her expression with my smile.
"Ya Mama." I greeted Faiza's sister, the sweet lady I knew not just because I'm friends with her sister, but because she and I happened to have attended the same boarding school back in Kano, though she was my senior. I was in her corner, and safe to say, she's always been my favorite. "Ina wuni."
"Ya kike?" She inquired enthusiastically, pulling me into her warm embrace the minute she was within arms-length. Her coconut scented perfume reached my nostrils almost immediately. "I haven't seen you in so long!"
I chuckled. "Well, you've moved to Kano since getting married so..."
She pulled back, her grin contagious. "Munyi chanje ne."
"Gaskiya." I couldn't agree more. While I was running away from the State, jumping on the first opportunity I got to study away, she married a man from the State and moved there.
"Faiza and the others are in the guest side, I'm heading there as well, let's go together." She hooked her arm with mine, her expression bubbly as always. "We'll catch up on the way."
And she meant every word of that. On our way to the guest side, the building a short distance away from the main mansion, she was stopped by familiar faces whom she exchanged pleasantries with—the ever social butterfly.
Aisha, or Ya Mama, as we call her as always been a social butterfly for as long as I've known her, effortlessly getting along with everyone. She's the kind of person you'd hate to walk around with, because she knows half the population and will stop every minute to talk to someone while you stand out like a sore thumb.
Only, she never allows you to be the sore thumb. Whoever she stops to talk to, she'll introduce you to them. And that ladies and gentlemen is how she introduced me to half the family as Faiza's best friend.
A few made jokes, asking if I'm married and that they wouldn't mind introducing me to theirs kids. I could only smile and look down, while Ya Mama gives them the same response.
"Sai dai in yana da kudi sosai, don we won't give her to someone that's not rich."
Fifteen minutes later, we finally reached the guest building where a few of the closest friends Faiza has are—about four of them, all of which I'm on good terms with. It's one of the reasons I love the girl, she doesn't keep a big circle of friends, which is something we share.
I hate a big circle of friends. I'm a two friends for life kind of person.
The moment I stepped into the bedroom where Faiza's getting her makeup done, I was instantly grilled by her glare, earning a cheeky grin from me.
"Masoyiyata." I rushed to where she was, extending my hand to take hers and give it a small squeeze I can't exactly hug her. The make up artist will grill me as well.
Faiza glared at me, but she didn't pull her hand away. "Sai yanxu? You were supposed to be here hours ago, Walida!"
"I know, I know!" I released a deep sigh, giving her the best puppy look I can muster. "I'm so sorry wallahi I slept off, and I didn't sleep early."
She held my gaze, then shook her head. "Allah ya shirye ki." She resorted to saying instead.
"Ameen." I offered her a small grin, then fixed my attention on her makeup. It's still in the early phase where she looks like a banshee but I try to have faith it'll turn out well. "Kaga matar Garba, komai dozen." I teased, earning another glare from her.
"Please, stop ruining my husband's name."
"Toh, Matar Habu. Faiza Bayero Amaryar Habubakari."
She hissed, not deciding to not say a thing more because she knows it'll be hopeless case. With everything finally on track, I took one of the couches there, throwing my head back and flicking my eyes close. Even with the noise in the background, I had started to doze off. At least, up until I heard a conversation between Faiza and Ya Mama that made me regain my senses.
"Ya Mama." Faiza called out, "Has Yaya arrived? He said his flight will land by 11am, he should be here by now."
My brows furrowed, wondering who she could be talking about though a particular someone crossed my mind, and by all indications, he's the one. My heart rate spiked up as I awaited confirmation which took way longer than it should.
"Yeah, he arrived earlier." Ya Mama confirmed. "I saw him at Hajiya's before he disappeared off to his side. Kinsan Adnan and his introverted attitude. He's avoiding the crowd at all cost."
So, I'm right. He is the one.
La haula. I'm done for.
"But, he will be at the event ba?" Though none of them probably even know I'm listening considering I've been in that position for a while, I was mentally praying with every fiber in my being that she'd say no, that he wouldn't make an appearance in the same place as I.
It seems luck isn't on my side though.
"I guess..." Though Ya Mama didn't confirm it, her tone suggests there's a high possibility of that happening. I guess I should resort to avoiding anywhere he could possibly be then. "...even if he didn't, you'll definitely see him around."
I swallowed thickly, feeling as though her statement is directed towards my unvocalized question. And believe me, I was so close to sprinting away, wanting to take any escape away from being in the same place as him.
Remember when I said I'm all for crushing and leaving it as so?
Well, he's involved in the picture. Except, when I crushed on him, I crushed hard. And I didn't exactly leave it as so.
Adnan Bayero is the first one I ever opened up about my crush to, and I may or may not have done stuff I wish I could just bury myself whenever I recall it. A part of me tried to convince myself he might have forgotten, since it's been a while but deep down, I know I'm lying to myself.
Who am I kidding? Even if he had forgotten, I haven't. I've embarrassed myself, and my entire generation because of this man. And now, I have to meet him again.
Nashiga uku! Kill me.
Where's the nearest well I can jump into please?
First chapter is up!! And queen of Author's notes is back as well😂😂
So you've met Saadatu, who can relate to her character ? She seems like the outgoing type right? Trust me, she'll make Una laugh quite a lot.
Who wants to meet our able dakta Adnanu, any idea what his character will be like?
Ya Mama is one of my favorites really, tbh I love her more than Faiza but don't let her hear😂 let's keep this to ourselves.
Su Yaya Maryam manja 😂
Toh jamau barka da sallah. Should I drop my opay akant lamba ? Ina karban barka da sallah🙂
Oya let's have a mini game, drop comments and tag as many people as you can. Comment with highest tags gets 1000 airtime. Second place gets 700 and third gets 300🙂 so, get to tagging !! Your free airtime awaits you. This lasts for 24 hours so...good luck! Winners will be announced later.
And yes, I will complete this book here so calm down. And yesss Ace of Spades readers should not spam my comment section with enquiries please, I've seen your dms. Kumin haquri🙂😭
I lost a cousin of mine earlier today , say a prayer for him please. Allah ya jikan Yusuf da rahama, Allah gafarta masa. Mu Kuma Allah sa mu cika da Imani.
Tam, have a good Eid.
Love, Jannah Mia😭
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