Shimmering Stars

"Human Kitty! Come here, quick! I have something to show you!" Vincent woke from his nap and blinked away the sleep in his eyes, letting out a soft chirp as he recognized Papyrus' voice.

"Coming!" He answered, stretching out on the skeleton's bed, his hands pressing into the blankets and causing them to stretch and shift beneath him. He purred happily and flicked his ears, rubbing his face with his palm while his tail swayed happily behind him.

"HUMAN KITTY! COME ON! YOU'RE WORSE THAN SANS WHEN IT COMES TO SLEEPING!" Papyrus yelled impatiently from downstairs, standing at the bottom of the carpeted staircase with something tucked into his gloved hands behind his back.

"Shh. Just give me a second." Vincent ruffled his dark galaxy hair and glanced toward a mirror near the bed, smiling at the sunglasses taped onto the glass, fitted for the tall skeleton's height so it looked like he, and his biceps, were wearing the shades.

"ONE!" The neko rolled his eyes playfully at the monster's retort, walking towards the bedroom door at a casual pace. When he opened it, he stuck his head out curiously, peering down at his impatient friend.

"What's up?"

"The stars, now get down here!" Papyrus stomped his foot for added effect, one hand a clenched fist at his side. Vincent purred and made his way down to Papyrus, taking dainty steps with his tail flicking behind him to keep his balance.

"Finally! It took you a millennium and a half!" Papyrus huffed, grabbing the human's hand and turning away, walking back towards the front door of their home.

Vincent produced a small mew of surprise and his cheeks splayed light purple from the sudden contact, shyly looking away as Papyrus led him forward.

"Like I said, there's something I must show you!" Vincent frowned behind his short bangs and peered up at the back of the skeleton's skull, confused.

"I thought you meant something inside or whatever."

"Did I say that?"


"Then I didn't mean it!" Papyrus laughed and opened the door, the object in his hand held close to his chest so it would stay out of Vincent's sight. The neko hadn't shown any signs of seeing it yet, so Papyrus vowed to keep it that way, at least until they got to their destination.

"Where are we going, Pap?" Vincent inquired, his ears perking as he was led out into the starry night that was their world, surrounding them in endless sparkling lights that always found a way to baffle him.

"That's for me to know, and you not to know!" The neko's ears went down a little at the joke, his tail tip twitching. Papyrus smiled big and looked back at him, his face framed by the beautiful galaxy behind him.

"It's a surprise, human kitty." Vincent's curiosity peeked at that and he followed willingly as Papyrus continued forward, turning to look ahead again. As the two traversed the peaceful land, Vincent's mind began to wander, his eyes scanning the sky and reflecting the light in their purple depths.

He wasn't paying attention as Papyrus abruptly stop, causing the human to walk into him from behind, his nose bumping the skeleton's "battle body".

"We're here!" Papyrus announced excitedly, completely unaware to the flustered state of his friend behind him, his innocence keeping the mood light and cheerful.

After a minute of soul wrenching embarrassment and darker blush, Vincent calmed himself enough to peer around the skeleton, taken aback at the scene laid out in front of him.

They were on a hill, fresh green grass covered the ground and swayed and danced in a light breeze, seeming to stretch for miles with no blemishes created by houses or trees.

Above was the same galaxy of stars, but as he looked down Vincent thought that there was a hole in the hill, looking at the perfect image of the sky planted into the ground.

On closer inspection, he noticed small ripples across the surface, smiling softly as he concluded that it was not a hole, but a small pool of water reflecting the starry night.

"I hope you like it! I've been waiting to do this for months! It could only be the perfect night, perfect temperature, perfect star pattern, perfect everything for someone as perfect as you!" Papyrus said, his empty eye sockets seeming to light up with bubbly excitement as he let go of Vincent's hand and ran to a blanket that had been laid out on the grass.

The neko smiled more and followed, walking instead as he continued to look around, craning his neck to stare straight above him in awe.

He was lost in thought until a splash reached his ears, followed by a cold and wet sensation in his shoe. He jolted, his tail puffing and sticking straight out as he realized he had walked into the puddle, the water disturbed and wavy from the sudden disturbance.

Vincent scrambled away from the water, a distressed meow escaping him as he tried to get further away, scared stiff as he turned and ended up face first into a chest.

"Are you okay, human kitty? Do you not like the water?" Papyrus asked sympathetically as Vincent backed away from him, his face deep purple with embarrassment.

"I-I uh I-I'm fine! It j-just startled me! Don't w-wor-" A sharp cry of surprise cut through the air as Vincent tripped and fell towards the water again, shutting his eyes tight as he anticipated the shock of cold.

When it didn't come, the neko peeked an eye open to see Papyrus' face inches from his, their bodies held close after the skeleton had grabbed him, stopping him from getting soaked.

"You should be more careful, human kitty." Papyrus straightened from the dancer's dip, pulling Vincent back to his feet and holding him by his upper arms.

Vincent blubbered unintelligibly as he tried to process what had just happened, his mind a jumbled mess of affection and embarrassment. Papyrus was looking at him with a worried expression when the monster realized that he was still touching the human, pulling his hands away quickly and letting them hang stiffly at his side.

"S-sorry if I startled you.. I j-just didn't want you to have to w-wear wet clothes, that's all.." Papyrus muttered awkwardly, looking at his boots as a faint orange worked into his cheeks.

Vincent glanced away also and nodded slightly, hugging himself tightly at the lack of touch from the skeleton.

"I-it's okay.. Th-thank you." Papyrus straightened and nodded, catching the neko's eye as he smiled warmly.

"Of course! You would have been really cold if you fell in!" Vincent smiled back shyly and rubbed his arm, his blush darkening.

"Yeah. I guess I would have been. If it wasn't for you." He looked up to Papyrus, his smile widening, his ears perked and turned to the skeleton. His tail fur fell back into place and the tip curled happily, swaying behind him again.

"Don't mention it, human kitty! Now, it's time I show you your surprise!" Papyrus sped back towards the blanket, his scarf whipping behind him in his wake, letting out his trademark laugh.

Vincent went towards him, this time watching the pool wearily and avoiding it by at least a foot.

When he reached the blanket he was a bit taken aback when Papyrus was spread out on it in front of him, laying on his back with his face turned to the sky.

"Lay down with me!" Papyrus demanded in his childish demeanor, his usual goofy grin plastered onto his skull. Vincent obliged and did as he was told, making sure to leave a little space between their shoulders as he gazed up as well.

It was breathtaking. Galaxies upon galaxies painted into the air above, stars twinkling amongst planets and swirls of stardust. Spotted amongst them were small black holes, gaping voids that pulled anything in it's vicinity into the dark depths.

"It's so pretty.." Vincent whispered, his voice sounding dazed and awed as his tail laid between him and Papyrus, his ears twitching and flicking as he picked up on soft chiming and pitter patters of the stars.

"Like you," Papyrus whispered back, his face heating as he subtly scooted closer, his arm bumping Vincent's as he went still again. Vincent's tail flicked and out of habit went to its owner's leg, wrapping itself around it bashfully.

The neko giggled at the cheesy comment, smiling as Papyrus laughed lightly with him. They laid there for awhile studying the sky until Papyrus sat up, catching Vincent's attention.

"Pap? Is something wrong?" He asked, a little worried as Papyrus looked nervous for some reason, the monster's hands playing with the end of his scarf.

"N-no.. There's just something.. I need to do.." Vincent flicked his ears and sat up too, his tail stretching out to wrap around Papyrus' side, lying behind him as Vincent nuzzled his shoulder.

"Then do it."

"But.. It's really hard.. And I'm worried that if I do, it might not go as planned." Papyrus turned his head away, pulling his legs close with his hands in his lap. Vincent furrowed his brow and leaned forward to look into the skeleton's face.

"Don't worry, you're the Great Papyrus! Nothing could ever go wrong if you're doing it!" Papyrus couldn't contain a smile as Vincent cheered him up, nodding with a new determination in his features.

"You're right! The Great Papyrus never fails!" Vincent purred as Papyrus' joyus attitude returned, placing a hand against one of the skeleton's, his fingers working their way across the glove so he could hold it.

"Exactly. So, go ahead and do what you need to. I'll help you if you need it!" The neko's tail swayed as he smiled up at the skeleton, who seemed to have gotten a little more shyer than usual.

"W-well, that's the thing.." Vincent tilted his head in puzzlement, puckering his lips in frustration.

"What about it? Does this involve me?" Instead of replying, Papyrus produced a small box from beside him, holding it to the human as he looked away.

"Sorta.." Vincent's ears stood on end as he looked at the box, a small little thing with black velvet spread across the outside. He was about to ask a question when Papyrus interrupted him.

"This may seem really weird and confusing, I know, but I couldn't help it anymore! I've been friends with you so long that I started have feelings for you and at first I didn't understand those feelings and thought that I was feeling them because we are such good friends but then when I talked to Undyne and Alphys about it they said that the feelings I was feeling was more than just friendly feelings and meant that I was feeling like more than a friend and that I should tell you about these feelings but then I started getting other feelings that made me feel sad and scared to tell you and pushed away the first feelings that I felt for you because I was worried that you weren't feeling the same feelings as I am for you and that my feelings would be different from your feelings and that it would hurt both of our feelings and that we would only have bad feelings that would ruin just our friendly feelings!" Papyrus rambled, closing his eyes tightly as orange spread across his face, matching the purple on Vincent's.

Taking a deep breath, Papyrus opened his eyes and looked into the human's, so full of shock and surprise that the skeleton felt tears well in his own.

"I'm sorry if you don't have the same feelings, but I just had to tell you about- No, show you mine." Vincent was speechless as Papyrus opened the small box, revealing a two necklaces with a split star at their ends, lying together to show they were meant to match.

"So.. Hum- Vincent.. Would you please be more than just my friend?" Papyrus asked, his soul emitting a faint glow from behind his scarf as he looked at Vincent.

"Pap, I.." Vincent smiled shakily as tears ran down his cheeks, moving his gaze from the jewelry and to the skeleton. Papyrus became nervous again, fearing that he had scared the poor human and was about to be turned down.

"I would love to." Vincent got onto his knees and placed a small kiss on the monster's mouth, sitting back again and playing with his hair bashfully.

Papyrus trembled with joy as he grinned, his eyes wide with overpowering excitement. Quickly, he took out the necklaces and put it on Vincent's and his own neck, hugging the neko afterwards.

"I thought you were going to say no.." Papyrus muttered into Vincent's hair as the human pressed against his chest, a rumbling purr filling his own.

"I could never say no to you." He reassured, closing his eyes as warmth spread across his cheek from Papyrus' soul, knowing that it was glowing for him. Papyrus kissed the top of his head and held him close in his lap, letting his eyes fall shut as he felt comfortable in Vincent's presence.

"Good.. I love you, human kitty." Vincent laughed quietly and nuzzled against his lover, a smile spread on his lips.

"I love you too, Papyrus."

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