Chapter Two
Cell block A, B, C, D....
Louis almost fell on top of the correctional officer as he finally ceased his movement of harsh tugs as they reached cell block M. The jailer roughly pushed the small boy away from him, leaving the boy with his back against a wall and head facing towards the floor in pure embarrassment and concern of possible punishment.
However, punishment never came and instead the confident voice of the officer was skimming through his ears
"This is your cell block. You will share your cell with two inmates. Lunch is at 12.30 sharp at the end of the hall. Doors unlock automatically at this time and it is your responsibility to enter the cafeteria or your will miss out on food. From 1pm you may leave the cafeteria and return your cell or the common room. You do not have permission to move from Cell block M. Understood?"
Louis nodded without responding, only to be harshly shouldered, "I said do you understand."
"Yes Sir!" Louis was quick to respond, now meeting the harsh brown eyes of the jailer, the man nodded once. Opening the cell and pushing him inside.
"Joe, Andy - newcomer. Louis Tomlinson. Play nice."
Louis felt relieved as the harsh metal of the cuffs was removed from his wrist and allowed them to breath, however the sound of the cell door slamming shut and appearance of both inmates caused anxieties to wash over him.
"Well hello Doll Face."
And it might have been their height, or their tattoos or maybe even their rotten teeth; but Louis knew they weren't good people.
The beatings commenced three days into his jailing.
He was hit in his chest or stomach if Louis didn't do as Andy, Joe and all of their friends told him to do. He felt small and worthless in prison it wasn't a place he belonged.
Four days into his jailing, he met a guard, Mr Malik - Louis had found his name to be Zayn.
"Oh Louis don't cry sweet boy. I get it, you don't deserve to be here - I'll give those prisoners a punishment for hurting you yeah?"
Louis recalled their conversations, he had seen Zayn at least five times now, each time the jailer comforted the boy - and treated him beyond anything in his job description. And most definitely had a personal bias, a preference for the boy. Perhaps it was those ocean blue eyes, those tiny adorable hands or little tummy.
Zayn was smitten, Zayn couldn't help but want the small boy. It was wrong, the lust he had for the boy after seeing him a handful of times. But instinct always took over.
Zayn gave Louis a few pairs of panties the following day after Louis told him how uncomfortable he felt in boxers.
"Heard Malik gave you something sweetheart. That true?" Joe slurred.
"He gave you some pink panties hey?"
"Even bigger twink than I thought you were."
A crowd surrounded around Louis as he struggled against a hold Andy had on him. He was pushed agains the wall as the men began to feel him up, stripping his pants from him, he groaned as he received a small punch to the gut.
His knee attempted to reach the man's groin, however before it could make contact a hand was moving to capture it in his hands.
"Now now little one. I don't think that's a good idea."
"What's going on here?"
"I asked you a question."
The man is tall, very tall maybe 6,4" or 6,3". The tall man is obviously a prisoner by his orange jumpsuit. Louis doesn't think he has seen him before, but he apparently holds power within the prison because the man who was once stalking towards him like a predator now shrinks in on himself in fear.
"N-nothing Ha-rry."
The man's name, now known to Louis - Harry. He takes a quick look down at the small boy on the floor, Louis looks away in fear of the man.
"I thought you were in solitary confinement Harry", someone yells.
A deep hum falls from his lips, "for a week."
He then looks back at the man who was abusing the small boy curled into the corner.
"Run Andy, before I start throwing punches."
This threat from the curly haired man has not only Andy running but the whole group surrounding Louis, leaving only Harry to tend to the scared boy.
"Hey, Princess."
One glance at Louis' beautiful face and Harry knows that he has to protect and mark this boy as his.
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