Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Twenty-Nine:
Harry informed Louis that the head of police wanted him to stop in at the police office, so they could go through the events that had happened in the previous month.
Louis was happy, just being able to smell the fresh air, see the beautiful blue sky and hear the birds singing... he has found a new appreciation for the simple things, so he didn't mind having to see the head of the police department, he had all the time in the world now.
"Hello, Mr Tomlinson I'm officer Clifford head of police. But please, call me Micahel; I'm so sorry for what has happened to you."
Harry and Louis were sat on a couch in his office as Michael sat on the sofa opposite them. Louis was honestly surprised; he did not expect the head of police to be
A) so young and
B) look punk rock.
The small boy smiled saying a soft, 'thank you'. Harry squeezed the innocent boy's hand softly for reassurance. He found it adorable how shy Louis could get.
"So Mr Tomlinson have you been informed what happened that provoked your release?"
"No sir." Louis' voice was so small, almost as if he was afraid of the big bad world. Harry wanted to hug him and protect him forever. "Please do call me Michael." The man with a reverse skunk like hairstyle corrected.
"Okay... Michael." The man smiled; "Okay, let me explain. Harry and his sister managed to accidently come across the man, Zachary, who you supposedly killed." He motioned to the curly haired individual.
"They then provided the police, with evidence that he was alive. Thus we spent the two weeks before your release tracking this man; luckily he wasn't hard to find, his walls quickly broke during the investigation, and he admitted nearly everything. A man by the name of Nick Grimshaw hired him to fake his death and make it seem like you did it, now do you know that person."
They way Micahel spoke was delicate, like if he were talking any louder, Louis would fall to pieces like a little china doll. "Yea-yeah I us-used to go to school with him."
"And did he ask you out?" Michael found it hard not to call Louis 'babe' or a cute pet name - he was just too adorable.
"Yea-yeah. I said no, though..."
"Yes, when we arrested him he told us the same thing... claims that's why he set you up. For embarrassing him two years ago. But don't worry sweetheart, they are both facing serious jail time you're safe now, and we are extremely sorry for our mistake in incarcerating you."
Michael smiled as he reached over patting Louis' leg. Harry, who was sitting right next to Louis glared at the officer.
"Let's just hope another mistake isn't made." The curly haired man grits out, implicitly letting Michael know that Louis was off limits - the man quickly retracts his hand.
Soon enough the interview ends and Louis and Harry are free to go. Walking out of the police station Louis smiles at the taller man, thinking about how lucky he was.
Twenty minutes later the two men arrived at Gemma's investment property. The girl was kind enough to let Harry use it, free of charge seeing as it was vacant.
"So, hi," Harry murmured as he walked into the house, Louis in tow. "Hi..." Louis didn't know what to say. Things were different now that both he and Harry were free, they could finally be in an official relationship.
Harry guided the small boy into the kitchen and began making him a cup of tea. "Did anyone hurt you while I was in the hospital." Louis almost forgot about the incident with Marcel; he cringed thinking about it; he was certainly going to need to continue attending therapy.
"No, Liam and Ash protected me. When are they being released Haz? Can we visit them? Does your abdomen hurt? Is your wound okay?" Louis projected every thought in his head. The curly haired man smiled, he walked around towards Louis who was sitting at the kitchen island counter.
"You're adorable Lou. I'm fine baby; the boys will be okay too we can visit them as much as you want. I think they have ten months left."
The caramel haired boy raised his arms, asking Harry to pick him up, the man did so with little to no effort; quickly placing Louis on his hip as he continued to make the two cups of tea... Occasionally kissing the small boys neck and cheek which caused him to giggle.
Once the tea was made, Harry sat Louis on his lap as they sipped from their cups. "Let me make you feel like a proper princess please Louis. Now that we are free I want to take you on dates and feed you ice cream when you feel sad and give you hugs and kisses because you deserve the world. I want you, so please... tomorrow go on a date with me?"
Harry watched as tears welled up in the innocent man's eyes.
"What's wrong little one?"
"Just so happy Hazzy, thank you so much for being amazing and kind. I Love you. I would love to go on a date with you, start fresh and hopefully have you in my life for a long time."
"You love me?" Harry smiled as Louis nodded.
"I love you too Lou."
Yeah... Everything would be fine.
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