Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Six:
"You know Lou; I never got to compliment you on your appearance today. You look beautiful, baby. So small and cute."
The smol boy glared at Harry who had his hands on the steering wheel, driving carefully to the location of their date, which was still a mystery to little Lou.
"Oh gimme a break, I'm big."
Harry laughed, "if you're tall Lou, then I must be a fooking giant."
Louis didn't respond, merely pouted and turned to look out the window. Pulling up at a red light, Harry moved his body to face his boyfriend.
"Loooouuuuiiis." He cooed.
Harry ran his fingers up and down the small boy's legs softly before he poked at the smaller of the two's side, emitting a giggle from Lou. This only prompted Harry to jab at his love handles once again. The caramel haired boy then turned back to Harry and quickly leant across and pecked the curly-haired man on the lips. The latter's mouth fell open in awe at Lou's soft lips against his rougher ones. He continued to stare at the small boy until a collection of horns were heard from behind him, only now noticing that the lights had changed to green.
"Come on Hazza, pay attention to the road." Louis teased, winking.
"The ice skating rink?" Louis questioned, looking through the glass doors into the indoor ice skating rink.
"Yes, I love ice skating, it's one of my favourite activities, and I want to share my love for it with you, my other love," Harry answered, as he helped Lou out of the Range Rover. Louis blinked, eyelashes fluttering before smiling.
"Oh my gosh, Haz this is going to be so fun!" Harry laughed at his little one's enthusiasm.
"I'm glad you're excited."
"Wait Haz... What about warm clothing?"
"Don't you worry your little head Princess, Daddy always comes prepared." Harry proceeded to pull out a few pieces of clothing, all from his wardrobe.
"What about me?" Louis' tone was confused and innocent sounding; it made Harry's heart flutter.
"Arms up sweetie." As confused as Lou was, he raised his small arms above his head and allowed Harry to pull over a large soft woollen sweater.
"You can wear my, sweatshirt." Harry sang the lyrics to 'sweatshirt' wich made Louis giggle and nuzzle into his boyfriend's chest in adoration.
"Your so silly Hazzy."
"But you love it."
"I do."
"Harry I'm doing it!"
"Yes, you are sweetheart, good job baby boy. Daddy is so proud." Louis blushed, looking around to see if anyone heard. Harry skated closer to Lou, grabbing the small boys gloved hands in his own. "You look gorgeous in my clothes." Louis giggled and thanked Harry as the latter placed a chaste kiss on his hand.
"Hey, Lou."
"I'm a better ice skater; I'm a better ice skater." He jokingly chanted as he skated off and spun in a circle. Louis whined, but giggled non-the-less, trying his best to skate towards Harry, failing immensly as he fell onto his ass.
Harry stopped skating and stared at Louis for a second, hand covering his mouth in shock, before bursting out laughing at the pouting boy on the ice.
"Hazzza your mean," Lou whined as Harry continued to laugh hysterically. However, when a very attractive male moved towards Lou, the curly haired man immediately shut up and glared at the stranger.
"Hey I saw you fall, do you need a hand babe?" The brown haired stranger said.
Louis looked shocked, however, didn't reject the man's help and instead took hold of his hand and allowed the brunette to aid him to his feet.
"Tha-thanks." Louis bit his lip, always so shy around people. Harry glared at the unnamed man before pulling Lou towards him.
"Come on Lou; let's go get some hot chips."
And if Harry flicked the desperate brunette off when Louis wasn't looking, then nobody had to know.
Following the incident, Harry had become even more protective over his baby. After paying for their hot chips, the curly haired man pulled Louis onto his lap making a point of kissing his cheeks and feeding him fries; silently hoping that the stranger who had hit on his boy was watching and would realise Lou was off limits.
Looking onto the ice, the taller of the two noticed the man who had aided Louis, professionally spinning a girl on the ice - jealous, Harry turned to the younger boy and offered; "we should do that."
Louis looked over at what Haz was pointing at.
Oh god, this couldn't go well.
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