Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy:
"Hi, we have an appointment for an ultrasound," Harry spoke excitedly to the women at the desk. The two were back at the hospital, the same ward they found out about the baby in, with Niall. Niall had insisted on coming with them; after all, he was the captain of their ship. Docter Robert Ray would be taking care of the couple during Louis and Harry's baby seeing as it was a high-risk pregnancy.
"Okay Sir, can I have the last name of the girl pregnant?" The receptionist spoke, looking around for signs of pregnant women.
"Umm, no uh. Louis my boyfriend here." Harry spoke, pointing towards the small boy. "He is the one pregnant, it-it's complicated. The doctor will know us... ." Harry laughed at himself as he rambled, he sounded like a madman claiming his male partner was pregnant. Eventually, the blonde boy spoke up, "The name is Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson." Niall was probably the most excited for the babies arrival.
The women gave Harry an unsure look, however, called the doctor over.
"Hello Harry, Louis. How are my two most fascinating patients?" Dr Ray spoke as he walked over to the two from a near by room.
"Great!" Louis squeaked, extremely thrilled. Both Harry and Dr Ray laughed at Louis' excited attitude.
"And who is this?" Dr Robert asked, nodding at Niall.
"Hey Doc, I'm Niall; the captain of their ship, I like golf, guitar and just so you know if that baby isn't healthy, I'm suing you because it is basically my child too because I am the captain of Larry. But I'm dark, Nah I take that back, I'm open about loving the two lovesick boyfriends. Did I mention how excited I was to see the baby?" Niall rambled, before smiling as if he hadn't just told the Docter his entire life story.
The Docter looked shocked, eyes wide and mouth agape, "Umm well, okay nice to meet you come right through, we won't make you wait any longer." Dr Robert smiled, before nodding at the women behind the desk. "Thanks, Ashley." He acknowledged the receptionist.
"So we might not be able to see much this far into the pregnancy, after all, you're only six weeks along. However, this checkup is mostly to check the babies vital signs, seeing as this a high-risk pregnancy." Both Harry and Louis nodded, they didn't care what happened, as long as their baby was happy and healthy.
The Docter smiled, patting the bed. "Well come on here Louis, and we will get you all settled up." The small boy anxiously let Harry's hand go, climbing onto the bed, laying on his back. He stared up at the blank computer screen, not believing that in a few moments he would see their tiny tiny baby.
"So you're baby is about the size of a pomegranate seed at this stage." The Docter attempted small talk as he prepared the ultrasound equipment. Both Louis and Harry cooed. Whereas Niall stood in the corner of the room googling pomegranate seeds.
"How cute! Look, Louis, this is a pomegranate seed." Niall pointed his phone towards the couple. The couple merely smiled, chuckling at their friend.
"Can Hazza hold my hand?" Louis asked quietly, looking at Harry who was sitting on a chair against the wall; much too far away for Louis' liking.
"Of course." The Docter smiled warmly. Harry immediately stood up, walking towards Louis, sitting the best he could next to Louis on the bed as he held the small boy's hand, pressing kisses to his soft palm.
"So if you lift up your top, I can place the gel on your little tummy." The doctor stated. Louis did as told, flinching when the cold gel mad contact with his skin.
"Cold." He whined, his boyfriend merely smiled at him; absolutely in love with both Louis and their unborn child.
"By the end of this week, your baby will have tripled in size! The babies heart is now beating with a regular rhythm sadly it's still too faint to be picked up by the stethoscope, but if you have an ultrasound at some point over the next few weeks, which you will, it will probably be visible as a tiny, pulsing dot in the middle of his mini body." Docter Robert Ray exclaimed as he took some tests; measuring Louis' heartrate.
"Okay? Ready?" Robert asked, excited to see the two fathers reaction... and Niall's
"Yes!" Was their simultaneous response. And with that, the screen lit up as the doctor moved the wand against Louis' stomach until he found a clear picture of the baby.
"Here we have, you're very healthy seeming baby," Robert stated as he pointed to a small dot.
"A baby?" Louis asked in awe; Dr Ray nodded happily.
Louis started crying upon seeing the small dot, lifting his hand to touch the screen. Even Niall was quite, staring in awe at the ultrasound. The entire time Harry's expression remained neutral, watching the monitor. Dr Robert Ray eventually cleared the gel off Louis' stomach, telling him about what to expect in the upcoming weeks before printing off pictures of the ultrasound.
"I'll give you two some alone time." Dr Robert Ray claimed, noticing Harry's spaced out expression. The Docter left, however, realised the blonde was still in the room, he popped his head in.
"Niall, I think 'Larry' need some alone time." He smiled at the energetic blonde, whose eyes widened.
"Oh shit okay. Crap I didn't mean to swear. Fuck sorry." He blushed exciting the room, and walking to the waiting room.
"Can you believe it, Harry, we are going to be parents to a tiny tiny baby," Louis spoke in glee, staring at his boyfriend, who was still sitting next to him on the bed, now staring at Louis' small tummy.
"It didn't feel real before, but now-" Harry spoke softly and meaningfully. Pausing, Harry sniffled as a tear dropped his cheek. Louis' mouth fell open as his boyfriend shed three more tears.
"I love you and our baby so much." Harry finished his sentence, before getting onto his knees, pushing his face towards Louis' tummy.
Louis watched on as Harry placed his large hands on the non-existent bump. "Hello, my pomegranate baby. Your mummy is the prettiest person ever; I hope you look just like him. I hope you have his eyes, his body, his skin tone, his lips, his button nose. I want you to be just like your perfect mummy, who I love to the end of the Earth." Harry nuzzled his nose into the hairless skin. Louis stared at his boyfriend, the smile never leaving his face.
"You're going to be my little Princess or Prince, as long as you're healthy. Okay, baby? Be healthy for your Daddy and Mummy, please? I cannot wait until you arrive, sweetheart, you're going to be so beautiful and spoilt."
With that said, Harry stood up pulling his boyfriend into a much-needed hug.
"I can't wait for our baby to grow up and go to school, and on fathers day he or she can bring home those silly #1 Dad mugs. It will be beautiful." Louis teared up at Harry's words.
"Yeah it will be," Louis replied, sneaking a kiss from his boyfriend. They would make great parents.
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