Panta - Hopeful Ending

Here is the Hopeful Ending. Comparedto the Normal Ending, this one will start way back in ChapterSeventeen – My Mistake. In this situation, the situation was alittle different. I'll go into a bit more detail at the end of thisending. Enjoy!

Tsumugijust hung up from calling me about Ouma trying to kill her. I thoughtit was weird that she wouldn't keep the call going. Though, thatwasn't the only thing that was weird. I heard a gunshot go off as Itried opening the door. It was locked. That was when I noticed thebroken window. Crawling through it, I saw Maki's dead body. Icouldn't believe it! Has Ouma really gone insane?

Ibegan having flashbacks of the first case, the one that made me theUltimate Detective. I remember finding the murderer, who turned outto be a man, trying to save someone he loved through desperate means– murder. I would never forget the look that man gave me. Thiscouldn't be happening!

I sawOuma carrying the gun as Tsumugi shouted at me, "HELP! HELP ME!HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!"

Oumaturned around and asked, confused, "what are you doing here?"

Theflashback of the first case returned back as I fought back the tearsthreatening to come out. I placed my hand over my chest. Thiscouldn't be happening again!I took deep breaths, trying to gain my composure. Looking up at Ouma,I muttered in fear, "wh-why?" My voice sounded broken.

"Saihara,I swear, it's not what it looks like!" Ouma pleaded, dropping thegun.

"DON'TLISTEN TO HIM! HE'S LYING! HE'S TRYING TO TRICK YOU-" Tsumugiaccused before I screamed.

"SHUTUP! SHUT UP! STOP IT! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" I screamed at thetop of my lungs, my tears now coming out as I covered my ears."PLEASE! NOT THIS AGAIN!" I kept seeing the face of the man, wholooked at me with such an unforgivable, ragging face.

"Saihara...?"Kokichi asked with concern, trembling as I wasted no time in grabbingthe gun and pointing it at both of them.

"NO!You both stay right there! Neither of you are going anywhere!"

"Shuichi,what's gotten into you? This isn't like-" Tsumugi asked with herhands up, trembling as I loaded the gun, ready to shoot.

"Don't.Move. One of you killed Maki and I want to know when and why. Ifyou're willing to cooperate, I'll interrogate the both of you until Ifind the truth. If not, then I will let the authorities deal withyou, but I'm not letting you go until I find the truth," I saidwith determination in my eyes.

"Saihara..."Kokichi muttered, I could tell he was scared and confused. I lookedat him. That's when I saw it, blood leaking from his shoulder. Iglared at Tsumugi.

"IfOuma shot Maki, why did he need to break the window?" I asked.

"Uh..."Tsumugi replied, now starting to look nervous.

"Infact, how did Ouma, having recovered from a near death experience,kill the Ultimate Assassin? Doesn't make any sense, if you ask me.You also hung up, during our phone call. Why? The gunshot was also onthe side of Maki's head, meaning it's impossible for Ouma to havebeen the one that shot her, unless he really is a lousy shooter,which wouldn't surpriseme to be honest."

"HEY!HOW RUDE!" Ouma glared, then sighed. "But yeah, I don't know howto use a gun."

"Ialso heard some shouting during the call. It sounds to me like youwere framing Ouma for a murder and thought the Ultimate Detectivewould be too much of an idiot to not notice that," I said clearly,pointing the gun to Tsumugi. "Or, question why you were there inthe first place."

"You...You think someone as plain as me could be capable of murder?"Tsumugi asked.

"Anyonecan be capable of murder, no matter how good or bad they are. I didconsider Ouma to be the murderer, but I believed he did it forpersonal reasons, most likely having to do with the murder of hisfriends. Even if he did kill Maki, I wouldn't think it was out ofmalicious intent. I mean for Auta's sakes, I befriended the Ultimatefucking Assassin. What does that tell you about my views onmurderers?" I asked. I noticed Ouma looking up at me, lookingsurprised and amazed. I don't know why, but I was more focused on thegirl in front of me. "I still consider your reasons to not bemalicious either. Tsumugi... why did you kill Ouma's friends, why did you kill Maki and why did you try to frame him?"

"Heheheheyou truly are the Ultimate Detective, huh?" Tsumugi asked, her masknow slipping. She turned to me. "Very well. When I moved to thistown, Ouma pranked me, doused me in Panta, then humiliated me, alongwith those rejects of his. All the kids avoided me and Ouma would notstop pranking me. HE RUINED MY LIFE! So, you can say, this isrevenge, payback for everything he did to me."

"Sowhat? You think murder is the answer!? You think killing my friendsand making me a criminal is going to make all your problems go away,you psycho-" Ouma shouted angrily before I cut him off.

"Cutit, Ouma! I got this!" I said sternly as Ouma gave me a slightglare, before turning his face away from Tsumugi. I took a deepbreath. "I'll admit, Ouma is a pain in the ass and a lying sack ofshit. I can even believe he ruined your life with his pranks he didwith his friends. But, do you truly believe that killing his friendsis going to make that pain go away? Hell, that Ouma's pain is goingto make you feel any better?"

"Hewill get exactlywhat he deserves," Tsumugi grinned manically, but I continued.

"So?You kill his friends, you make Ouma's life hell, good for you, butthen what? You'regoing to frame him, put him behind bars? Then what? That pain willstill be there," I said boldly. I looked her straight in the eyes."Listen, I get it. My parents didn't give a shit about me. All theycared about was their pathetic careers and just dumped me at myuncle's doorstep. Do you have any idea how many times I wanted tomake them suffer?"

Tsumugilooked at me with lingering eyes. "So, you really do know what it'slike."

"Sodoes Ouma. We all have been hurt by someone and we want to hurt them,make them feel pain. Sometimes, we even wish they were dead. Thatpain effects who we are as people. I had once thought that no parentthat abandons their child deserves them, but then I met the man thatwas forced to abandon his own child against his will before killinghis child's caretaker to save his daughter. I had thought he was amonster, that he didn't deserve to have his child. Then, I heard histestimony and it changed everything. I ruined his life and heintended on ruining mine. I looked in the mirror and saw my parentsin my face. I didn't deserve to be a detective or anything, butdeath, the same pain this man was getting. It was the worst day thatstill haunts me to this day," I admitted as Ouma looked up at mewith eyes for saucers. "That day taught me a very hard lesson. Weallfeel pain. We allhurt each other, whether intentional or unintentional. Sometimes, wemay even deserve death. We have two choices. We can use our pain tobring healing or hurt. If we bring hurt, in the end, we will only behurting ourselves. Tell me Tsumugi, did killing Ouma's friends reallysatisfy you? Did you trulyenjoy it?"

Tsumugigrinted her teeth, "o-of course it did!" She was trembling, tearsbeginning to build up.

"Really...because, I think you're lying."


"Because,I don't think you're crazy. I think you were just... hurt. You killedOuma's friends, because you were hurting. You were trying to inflictpain on him to make the hurt go away. When it didn't, you thoughtcausing more pain on him will satisfy you. Seeing him happy with us.I'm sure that must've been like salt in the wound, because you felthe didn't deserve it. That he deserved suffering. But, the more youmade him suffer, the more unsatisfied you became. It just wasn'tenough."


"Youthought inflicting more pain would make you happy. Framing himwould've been the perfect way. You must've known that he was in lovewith me, so making his crush believe he was a murderer would'vecaused a pain worse than Ouma could ever imagine. Though, it'sinteresting how you were able to murder his friends flawlessly to thepoint no one would ever know, and yet seem to do a lousy job atframing him to place more salt in the wound."


"Tellme, would that reallyhave been enough? Would that reallyhave made you happy? Even if Ouma was to run away or commit suicide.Would that reallyhave satisfied you, made you happy? Would you not feel the guilt ofcausing pain and death to someone that inflicted pain on you? Wouldit not have made you feel you were no better than him, if not worse?"

"SHUTUP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Tsumugi screamed at the top of her lungs,falling on her knees as tears began streaming out of her eyes. "JUSTARREST ME ALREADY! I DID IT! I KILLED YOUR FRIEND AND I KILLED OUMA'SFRIENDS TOO! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!?!"

Inodded, then gave my phone to Ouma, saying, "call 110. I'll takecare of Tsumugi until they get here." He nodded, then used theemergency dial.

Iwalked up to Tsumugi as she glared at me hatefully. She cried, "GETAWAY FROM ME! YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANT! JUST SHOOT ME! KILL ME! DOSOMETHING! AT LEAST SCREAM AT ME! I-" I did the craziest thing I'veever done in my life. I hugged Tsumugi and she froze. She must'vebeen confused, but she eventually sobbed and cried, wailing at thetop of her lungs as Ouma called the cops.

Icould feel my jacket being soaked with Tsumugi's tears as I pattedher back, trying to calm the teen down. I couldn't imagine how muchpain she must've been through. I will never condone her actions, butI couldn't help, but feel pity for her. Tsumugi was just a young girlthat was hurt, wounded on the inside. That pain must've been too muchfor her to bare, so much with no one to treat it, no one to turn to.I only wished she could have gone to me and my friends. We could havehelped her. Even if her reasons were trivial, I know from experiencethat even the smallest of pains can build up, become infected like anuntreated wound.

"I'msorry I couldn't help you, Tsumugi. I know you must've been hurt.I... I promise things will get better. You'll... see,"I promised, trying to hold back my own tears.

"H-Howdo you... know?" Tsumugi sobbed. "I'm going to jail. I'll have anarrest on my permanent record. No one will ever want to speak to meagain. Who wants to be friends with a criminal?"

"Iwould. I'm already friends with a liar, a hothead and an assassin.There's always room for a criminal, if... if you want to, that is,"I offered calmly as Tsumugi looked up at me, her face so fragile andunsure. She nodded, then turned to Ouma.

"Ouma-Kun...I'm so... so sorry. I promise, as long as I live, you will never haveto see this face ever again!" Tsumugi choked.

Ouma'seyes seemed to be darkened, looking down and thinking hard. Hesighed, "if Saihara is willing to forgive you, I guess I will too.But, if you try anything, I won't show you any mercy, youunderstand!"

"Y-Yes,"Tsumugi said. I invited Ouma to join in for a group hug.Hesitatingly, he joined.

Afterseveral minutes, the police arrived and placed Tsumugi in handcuffs.She allowed the arrest willingly, hoping to amend for her sins. Ialso promised to pay her visits during visitations, Ouma reluctantlyagreeing to join with me. Of course, he claimed it was justin case Tsumugi tried anything funny.It was a long night, but after some questioning, I offered Ouma tostay over at my place for the night.

Oumahad been quiet for the rest of that night as I began making supper.I'm sure that night must've been overwhelming for him. I cooked ussome miso soup. Ouma appeared inside the kitchen, looking around. Hesmiled, his hands behind his head as if he was up to something.

"HeySaihara-Chan, you wouldn't happen to be trying to propose to me, areyou?" Ouma teased.

I wasconfused by his question before realizing whathe was implying. I blushed tomato red, then threw a balled up napkinat him before crying out, "cut it out, Kokichi!"

Oumaburst out laughing as the balled napkin hit his head, then he lookedup me with that shit-eating smirk, asking, "did you just call meKokichi?"

"" I responded, my face turning redder as he grinned andlaughed some more.

"Neheehee,you're so easy to tease, Shuichi. I don't actually mind us beinginformal."

Isighed, pouring a cup of soup, before placing it on his side of thetable. "Just eat your soup."

"Whateveryou say!" Kokichi grinned.

Kokichiand I sat at our ends of the table and drank our soup. Kokichislurped his soup, which brought a smile to my face as he removed hislips from the cup and grinned at me. I laughed.

"Yougot some soup on your lip," I said as Kokichi licked it off. Irolled my eyes in response.

"HeyShuichi, so... how's you and Kaede?" Kokichi asked.

"Umyes," I said, clearing my throat. "W-We broke up."

"Oh...I-I'm sorry... is it because of me?"

Isighed. I couldn't say that. I smiled at him. "No, it's not you.W-We just grew apart is all."

"Oh...I see. Um..." Kokichi said awkwardly, showing a small blush on hischeeks.

"...I only started dating Kaede last year and... it was mostly becauseI've never experienced love, so..."


"Kokichi...would you like to... get some burgers or something. I-It doesn't haveto be a date, just friends, but-"



"I'dlove to go out with my Beloved Saihara!" Kokichi grinned, handsbehind his head.


"What?Did I say something wrong?" Kokichi asked, tilting his head.

"What?N-... No, you didn't. Though, I think I'm going to need a few days toget over the Tsumugi thing, so... how about Wednesday?"

"Sure!But Shuichi."


"...thank you... for... being my friend."


"No,I mean it. You never gave up on me, even when things seemed dim. I... owe you for everything. After hearing you say that you wouldn't hateme, even if I did kill Maki, I... I think I fell more in love withyou, if that's even possible."

Icouldn't help, but laugh, "since when did the Ultimate SupremeLeader get all sentimental?"

"Sh-Shutup! So... would you... promise to stick with me, even if it's not asyours?"

"Ofcourse! And, Kokichi, next time you find something out, please tellme. I don't want you to have to carry any burden alone."

"...fine," Kokichi said. He seemed to be deep in thought. "Actually,there's something Tsumugi showed me about my friends' murder. Itinvolves you and the space idiot, but... I don't want you to blameyourself or anything... I know it wasn't your fault."

"Kokichi...if you have something on your mind, you can tell me. I won't make anypromises, but I'll try not to blame myself."

"Thankyou, Shuichi!" Kokichi grinned. That probably was the happiest,most genuine joy I've seen out of the little liar.


So yeah, that's the hopeful ending.I'm sure you noticed the first case being brought up a lot. Afterreading back on Chapter Seventeen, I realized that Shuichi wasbasically repeating the same mistake he made with the first case thatmade him the Ultimate Detective. I think people forget how much of animpact it had on Shuichi. Even when he accused his friends of beingthe blackened, he never thought of them as monstrous and it wasbecause of the first case. Shuichi did down himself a lot because ofit, but it also taught him that not every murderer has maliciousintent. Sometimes they murder someone, because they're hurting or doit out of desperation. It's easy to accuse Tsumugi for her stupidreasons to murder Kokichi's friends, but even the smallest amount ofpain can build up and without closure, that pain would never heal andonly grow. It doesn't make Tsumugi a good person, but it makes herjust as human as Kokichi and Maki. No one is more good or evil thanthe other.

I want to thank AGeekyBear forallowing me to write alternative endings. While I don't mind angstyendings and I did enjoy Panta for the ending it had, I can understandwhy the readers weren't exactly satisfied with it. It did feel likeTsumugi won, Shuichi blamed himself without closer or healing andOuma never realized that Shuichi did love him. Unfortunately, not allendings, even angsty ones, will leave the audience or readerssatisfied. I felt the same way about the ending to The Skeleton Key. The endingto that movie felt like it was sad for the sake of being sad withoutanything to take from it. Fortunately, I did take something out ofthe angsty ending to Panta and that was these two AlternativeEndings. So, I hope you guys enjoyed and feel free to comment orcheck out my story I'm currently doing No Escape.

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