Chapter 9: The Upcoming Storm

The giant teludav was finally finished and ready to use against Zarkon in battle.

"Thank you, Ryner, for all you and the Olkari have done to assist us." Allura said to the Olkarin engineer who helped them, then turned to the rest. "Once we defeat Zarkon, it is my hope that we may continue to join our forces and rebuild the once great coalition my father, King Alfor, began." She said and the Olkari cheered.

"Princess, it's time." Coran informed and they all proceeded to board the Castle, and prepare to face Zarkon.

"Everyone lock into position. We're taking this thing up." Shiro instructed and the Paladins used their lions to grab the teludav and carry it off of Olkarion and into space.

They later met up back on the bridge to further discuss their plans in defeating Zarkon, and taking down the Empire.

"Alright, guys, listen up." Shiro said as an image of the teludav appears. "I'll use the Black Lion to lure Zarkon's fleet to our current location, and make sure he's within range of the teludav's effect. Keeping the teludav hidden behind the space-fold until the last possible second is essential." He emphasized. "We can count on you, right, Slav?" He said, addressing the said space engineer.

"Absolutely. I'll be fine." He replied, but then got an unsure look. "I'm not sure about the gravity generator, though." He added.

"What? What was that last thing you said?" Hunk asked worriedly.

"Hiding a ship is one thing, but I've never had to build a gravity generator for something this large before." He confessed. "I know it'll work, but I'm not really sure for how long." He admits.

"Well, that's a risk we'll have to take." Shiro replied to the statement.

"If I may." Everyone turned to Yusarius. "My people are talented Alchemists and Engineers, I might be able to help Slav." He suggests.

"Ah, yes, a brilliant idea. The Necroshades are said to be a very smart race, so this will be my chance to see for myself, and I could use a second person working the generator with me." Slav says, delighted by the idea.

"Alright. Yusarius, your with Slav, minding the gravity generator." The Black Paladin agrees and turns back to the hologram display. "Once Zarkon's ship is in position, Kolivan and Antok will coordinate with Thace. Together they'll take down Zarkon's security system and upload the virus." He said as the hologram ship turned red and Pidge got a smug look on her face.

"And then, he'll be a sitting du-flax." She says pushing up her glasses smugly, but then noticed everyone giving her confused looks. "What? A du-flax is an Altean creature with a beak and webbed feet. Like a duck." She explained as Coran jumps into the fray.

"We'll wormhole Zarkon 500 million light years away, and he'll be in the Yggiz Galaxy before he knew what hits him!" The man said enthusiastically as he tossed one of the holograms to the side, possibly breaking something.

"What about Thace?" Shiro asked as he faced Kolivan and Antok.

"He should be getting into position now. We received his last communication three quintants ago. We should hear from him soon." The Blade leader informed.

"Let's do it." Shiro says and they all nod.

The Black Paladin then boards the Black Lion and launches into space, preparing to lure Zarkon. He flew around a bit, when he felt a familiar jolt. Zarkon. He took the bait and was coming to them.

"Zarkon took the bait. He's got my location." Shiro informed the others. "Is everybody in position?" He asks to confirm.

"We've not yet heard from Thace. He was supposed to contact us two vargas ago." Kolivan replied. This didn't sound good.

"He could've been captured." Antok suggests. Ulaz looked worried.

"Or killed. We need to abort the mission immediately." The Marmora Leader says.

"Abort? No we cannot back away now!" Allura spoke and everyone turned to her.

"The Blade of Marmora does not take chances. It's how we've survived for so long." Antok states.

"It's held you back. Your caution, is the reason Zarkon is still in power." Allura rebuffs.

"We would rather wait than jeopardize everything." Kolivan says. "Besides, it's too late too late to get someone else on the inside." He adds as Keith stands up.

"I'll do it." He announces.

"What?" The Princess asks.

"I'll sneak onto Zarkon's ship. I'm Galra, so I'll be able to interact with their technology." He says. "Pidge, you can rig up one of those pods with a cloaking devise, right?" He asked the Green Paladin.

"Well, yeah." She replied unsure.

"Going onto Zarkon's ship is a suicide mission. I would command someone so inexperienced to go on a mission so dangerous." Kolivan rebuffs.

"No one's commanding me. I'm doing it." The Red Paladin insisted. Allura looked at him with disproval.

"Pidge, get that pod ready." Shiro ordered. "Keith... let me know when you're on your way. I'll give you cover." The Black Paladin informs.

"Okay, the cloaking devise is ready to go." Pidge says as she and Rover install said devise onto the pod.

"Pidge..." The two Paladins turned to see Allura. "May I have a moment with Keith, please?" She asked. Pidge looked between the paladin and princess.

"Sure thing. Have all the moments you like." The shorter girl said and left with her robot companion.

"Can I help you?" Keith asked.

"I... I just wanted to say... the Galra, they've done terrible things. Destroyed entire civilizations. They took my family." She says. "But, in time, I've grown to consider you and the paladins my family. So, when I learned you were Galra, I... I didn't know what to think. I wanted to hate you." She admits.

"Allura... It's--"

"But it's not you." She cut him off. "It's me. I let my anger blind me for too long." She said, then walked up and hugged Keith. "I'm so sorry I've misjudged you." She apologized. "You've proven, it's not what's in your blood. It's who you are that counts." She says. "Please come back to us." She begs.

"I will." Keith promises as they separate.

"Zarc was right. "When we are closed-minded we close our eyes as well, but when we allow our minds to open, we can see so much more. You need to look closely to see all the details, then what is just in front of you"." She quoted what said being had said to her. Keith looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Allura, do you think Zarc is telling the truth. Or is he just using us?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, but he did talk to me about our situation and helped me. As well as get rid of that, horrid monster once and for all. So, it looks like to me he has been helping us with the best intention in mind so far." She replies.

Keith boarded the pod as Allura returns to the bridge. Meanwhile, Zarkon and his fleet appeared. Shiro immediately engaged in battle with them, allowing Keith to slip through and board Zarkon's ship. Though he crashed the pod, he made it in.

"I'm in." He informs the others.

"The plan is working. Keith is on board and Zarkon's fleet is on the way." Allura says.

"The Castle of Lion defenses are up and ready to go." Lance informs.

"Starting gravity generator now." Slav informs while in said generator with Yusarius. "Commencing cloak." He said and cloaked the teludav and ship.

Keith made his way through the ship to the main engines room. Luckily, his Galra DNA allowed him to access the ship's codes to get through. He eventually made it to the hub, following Kolivan and Antok's directions.

"Kolivan, I'm in. Now what?" He asked.

"Now you need to reset the system, using the codes that Thace obtained. It'll be down for a dobosh. That's when we'll upload the virus." Kolivan instructed and Keith followed, but something was wrong.

"It doesn't seem to be working." The Red Paladin informed.

"Try it again." The Galra suggested, but before he could, Keith heard the door opening behind him. He quickly ducked behind a pillar as someone entered. He looked out to see a Galra man, he was bruised and battered and glowing purple scratches between his left shoulder and chest. He was typing something on the council when the door opened again, but this time there were two druids.

"And now we know you were attempting to shut down the system." One of them said and they both flew towards him. The Galran continued to type on the council before turning to face the druids.

"You're too late." He said, in a tired tone.

"No, Thace. You're too late. We already changed the code." One of the druids says as a beeping noise sounded from the council.

The druids than flew up into the air and prepared to attack Thace, but Keith rolled out from his hiding spot to behind them and threw his Marmora Blade at one of the druids, who promptly disappeared in a flash of purple light. The other druid appeared back on the ground a throws bolts of black lighting at the two of them. The two blades manage to dodge and began attacking him. Unfortunately, the druid overpowers the clearly weak Thace and aims another lightning bolt at Keith. Suddenly Keith remembers something Lance taught him.


"So, while you probably won't be able to bend lighting for a bit, I mean even in the show only the most advance fire benders could even control said lightning, there is this technique that should help you to redirect it if it's ever coming at you." Lance said. He and Keith were in the training, using their powers when Keith asked about the lightning thing again.

"Okay so, copy me." The Blue Paladin said and began to move in a flowing motion. "So you start off by catching the lighting in your hand, then move it to your shoulder, then down to your stomach, from there, to your other arm and out." He explained and Keith began mimicking him. "Now the stomach part is very important, one wrong move and your insides will be fried." He emphasized.

"Gotcha." The Red Paladin replied and does the motion again.

"That's it." Lance said. "Ironically the fire bender who developed this technique was inspired by the water benders to make it." He added. Keith raised an eyebrow. "So, yeah, if ever are in a situation where lightning is thrown at you, use this."

-Flashback End-

Keith breathed deep, as the bolt came at him. With lighting fast (No pun intended) reflexes, he caught the bolt and did the motion, remembering to be careful when going to the stomach. He couldn't believe, he was really doing it. Controlling lightning, and druid lightning.

"What!? Impossible!" The Druid said in disbelief, while Thace himself watched in awe. Keith then redirected the lightning bolt back at the druid, striking the creature dead on and causing it to scream out in pain then actually explode. Keith panted and collapsed to the ground.

"Man, that was harrowing. Hopefully I won't have to do that again for a while." He whispered to himself, then noticed the blade on the floor and grabbed it. He then stood up and noticed the Galra. "Thace, I'm Keith, a Paladin of Voltron." He said to the Galran, and Blade of Marmora member.

"And a fellow Blade, I see." The Galran stated as he looked at the sword in Keith's hands. "I guess we haven't failed." He said.

"Not yet." Keith replied.

Meanwhile the rest of the Paladins were battling the entire fleet in order to give Keith enough time to disable the ship's power. Unbeknownst to them, Zarkon was attempting to reach to the Black Lion.

"Nngh!" Shiro grunted suddenly, as he felt something rattle in his mind. The Black Lion's council suddenly started to flicker and change radically. Switching between its normal look, then Galran looking. Suddenly he found himself in the astral plane where he faced Zarkon for control of the Black Lion before.

"You really thought, you could get rid of me that easily?" Shiro turned to see the Galran Emperor himself. "Now, I shall destroy you, and reclaim the Black Lion once again!" The monster yelled and charged at Shiro at impossible speeds for his size. Just as he was about to strike, a hooded figure suddenly stood in between the two, catching Zarkon's fist with a scaled arm. "What?!" The Galran growled, and Shiro recognized the figure, especially the arm.

"It can't be... Zarc?" The figure turned to the current Paladin, revealing that it was in fact, Zarc himself.

"What?! Impossible! Zarc is just a legend! He's not real!" Zarkon said in disbelief.

"If I wasn't real, I couldn't do this!" Zarc retaliated and threw the massive Galra back, then turned to Shiro. "The rest is up to you now. You already have what you need, in here." He said and touched a clawed finger to Shiro's forehead, the Black Paladin closing his eyes, then faded away as Zarkon got up.

"Impossible!" The Emperor growled and began charging Shiro again. Suddenly, the current Black Paladin's eyes snap open, but instead of his usual gray, his eyes were whited out with violet-purple. 

The Paladin conjured up a tornado and rose up into the air, Zarkon stopped dead in his tracks at the sight. Shiro then turned his attention to the Galran Emperor and began shooting wind attacks at him. Zarkon grunts as he's hit by the wind blades, being surprisingly effective.

"When will you learn, Zarkon?" The said Emperor saw Zarc once again, only his eyes were glowing a golden-yellow, and his voice was deeper. "The more that you take, the less you actually have. And the more you just destroy yourself in the end." The being said as Shiro sent one more massive wind attack, knocking the Emperor right out of the astral plane.

"NO!" The Galran growled. "More power! Now!" He demanded and the druids obeyed.

"Shiro! You okay man?!" The Black Paladin heard as he came back into consciousness. He saw he was in the Black Lion again, and the council and systems were back to normal. "Shiro!" He heard Lance's voice over the coms.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He replied. Thought he wasn't sure what just happened. It looks like Zarkon won't be bothering him and the lion for a while. "Everyone okay?" He asked the others.

"Sort of, but it's getting hairy out here. How you going, Keith?" Lance replied then asked the Red Paladin over the coms.

"The Galra switched the codes. We're trying a work-around." Said Paladin replied as he slashed the door council to make sure no one got in.

""We?" Who's "We?"" Lance asked.

"Thace. I found him. I'll explain later." The part-Galran replied.

"Copy that." Shiro said over the coms.

"What exactly are you doing?" Keith asked as he walked up to the fellow Blade.

"I'm using the main power to overload the system." Thace replied.

"You're turning the room into a bomb?" Keith said as figured it out.

"It's the only way." Thace insists.

Meanwhile, Slav was in a panic. Things were not looking to good.

"Uh, everyone, the gravity generator won't maintain power much longer." He informed. "If it goes down, we're going to be uncloaked in open space." He adds.

"He's not kidding guys. The generator is losing power as we speak. The cloak won't hold for much longer." Yusarius said as he tried to maintain power.

"Do all you can. We just need to hold out a little longer." Shiro says.

Meanwhile Keith and Thace were almost done setting up the bomb, but Haggar herself was trying to break through the door, and unfortunately she succeeded. Sentries started charging in, luckily Keith shot them with the Galran blaster, then shot down an object on the celling, causing it to fall and block the door.

"That solves one problem, but now we're trapped in here." He said to Thace.

"No, we're not. There's an exit through the main power conduit. It leads to the second deck." He said as he pointed to conduit. Keith walked over and looked down to see what Thace was talking about. "Go, now." The Galran demanded.

"What? No, I'm not gonna leave you." Keith refused.

"You must. I will shut down the system. Paladin, this is where my journey ends, but, as a member Voltron, you have a bigger mission. You must understand that." The Blade member says to him.

"It was an honor to meet you." Keith said just as the block at the door exploded.

"Go! Now!" Thace said. Keith handed him the Galran blaster and activated his jetpack, heading down the conduit. Haggar, accompanied by sentries, came in.

"This is punishment for betrayal!" She shouted and launched a huge lightning bolt at the Galran, but something red and fast, came between them and caught the bolt before it could reach Thace.

"What?! What are you doing?! I told you to go!" Thace shouted as Keith began redirecting the bolt.

"I'm not leaving you! Now get out of the way!" The Red Paladin shouted as he shot the lightning at the council, Thace having dodge out of the way as instructed.

"Impossible!" Haggar shouted as she stopped and backed away. The lightning powered up the computer. Keith panted, then flew over to Thace and grabbed his arm, then went down the conduit.

"What did you do?!" Thace asked.

"That bolt ought to overload it enough now!" Keith simply replied and Thace realized what he meant as an explosion rained out as they made it to the second corridor. The two made haste as the blast was catching up to them, luckily they made, but the blast shot them out into space. "Dammit!" Keith shouted.

"I've got you buddy!" Lance's voice rained out through his helmet and the Blue Lion came into view and caught them both. Keith let out a breath of relief, while Thace collapsed, finally giving into his wounds. "Dude! Are you okay?" The Red Paladin turned to see the Blue one come towards them.

"Been better, but he needs help." Keith replied and turned to Thace. Lance saw and immediately rushed over to the injured Galra. He conjured up his water and began using it to heal him, concentrating on the glowing scratches. While Keith took off his helmet and looked at the Galra as he opened his eyes slightly.

"You're going to be okay, Thace. Everything's going to be alright." He said. Thace, in his haze, saw an image overlap with Keith's. A man, his face shadowed, but could make a sharp jaw and longish hair.

"It's okay man. It's alright." The vision said.

"Jer..." Thace said weakly as he lifted his hand and touched Keith's face. "Jera...miah...Jeremiah...I'm sorry..." he said and passed out while Keith widened his eyes at the Galra's words.

"Jeremiah? But, that was dad's name." Keith thought. Could it be, Thace knew his father, but how.

"That's the best I can do, we need to get him back to the Castle, and you to the Red Lion." Lance suddenly said. Keith looked at him and nodded.

The Blue Paladin flew the lion back to the Castle, dropping off Keith and Thace before going back to rejoin the others. Keith handed Thace over to Ulaz then boarded the Red Lion and went to join the others. Just then the virus was uploaded onto Zarkon's ship and shut everything thing. The exposed teludav then activates and consumed the entire ship, and the castle and lions quickly follow. Once they made it out, the Paladins formed Voltron and were now ready to take face and down Zarkon.

AN: Woah, what a pre-finale. I even surprised myself this turned out better than I hoped. Hope you guys enjoyed it and are looking forward to more.

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