Chapter 7: Prison Ship and Slav
Lance, Pidge and Shiro had made their way to the Galran prison called Beta Traz, in order to rescue a super genius locked in there called Slav. Shiro and Pidge had already made it to the prison ship, with Rover hovering near them, while Lance was waiting on standby in the Blue Lion.
"This seems like an awfully large place to hold only one prisoner." Pidge comments.
"So let's hope this Slav guy is as good as the Blade of Marmora said he is." Shiro says back as he and Pidge slip into the ship using the Green Paladin's hacking and the Black Paladin's tech arm.
"Beginning phase two of the plan. I'm blocking the sensors. Lance, you've only got four doboshes to scan the base and land your lion before they're back online." Pidge said as she, with Rover's help, hacked into the sensory bots programming and shuts them down.
Once there were off, Lance did a sonic scan of the ship to get using the Blue Lion's sonic cannon. He then sent the data to Pidge so she could generate a map of the facility. He quickly flew his lion just in time as the sensory bots came back online, and rejoined with his fellow Paladins.
"Ok, I've compiled the data from the Blue Lion's sonic scan and made this map." The Green Paladin said she showed her fellow paladins said map. "It appears the prison is comprised of three concentric levels. Each level is showing different types of security." She said as she enhanced the image. "Huh? that's weird." She commented at a certain image. "The Blade of Marmora said this was made just for Slav, but it's showing two cells. Who else would be held here?" She asked.
"I'm guessing a space ninja. Or maybe someone with magical powers like us?" Lance theorized with visual effect adds. "You know, just spit-balling here. I don't know. Let's just keep tossing out ideas." He added.
"Can you get a visual from in the cells?" Shiro asked, seemly brushing off Lance.
"No, not from here. And even if I could, we don't know this Slav looks like." Pidge answers.
"Then we're just going to have to check both." The Black Paladin instructs.
"Dibs on the closer one!" Lance yells out, and the other two look at him with pensive faces. "What? my legs are tired." He replied. Pidge sighed and looked back at the map.
"I'll go to the command center to try and access the security system." She said.
"Let's get moving." Shiro instructs and they move out.
Shiro and Lance start their way to the cells, while Pidge, along with Rover, head to the command center. The Paladin and bot make it in and hack into the computer.
"I'm in." She announces.
"Guide us through." Shiro whispers as he and Lance were waiting in a corridor.
"It looks like the top level is patrolled by the sentries. The second level is patrolled by floating drones." She explained. "Oh, wow, that's interesting." She comments.
"Good interesting?" Lance asks.
"The second level also has immobilizing foam." She answered.
"Oh, so bad interesting." The Blue Paladin says.
"And what about the third level?" Shiro asked.
"Closed system. I can't get in from here." The Green Paladin replied.
"You can't get in from the command center?" Shiro asked surprised.
"No single location can access the entire prison. It's a security measure. When you that level, you'll have to link me in." She instructed.
"We're on our way down." Shiro replied as he and Lance started moving. Unknown to both of them, Pidge also hacked into the facilities database with Rover's help to hopefully find her brother Matt. The two Paladins came to a door leading to the next level guarded by a sentry.
"How are we going to get by this guy?" Lance asked. While he turned, Shiro used his wind to fly over to the sentry and used a wind blade, slicing the robot in half. Lance peaked out and blinked at Shiro's work. "Good teamwork on that one." He said. Shiro said nothing, and they both proceed to the next level.
"Uh-oh we're spotted." Shiro said as one of the droids came towards them.
"No, no, no, that's mine!" Pidge hurriedly informed them. "He's going to be your escort through this hallway. He'll scramble the monitors." She added. The bot did as she said, allowing the other two Paladins to remain undetected. "Shiro, you go left. Lance, go right." She instructed.
"Affirmative." Shiro replied as he and Lance split up went said directions. The two then helped Pidge hack the third level so she could get a visual on it, and allowing them in. Both found themselves at very large doors. Suddenly, someone was coming down Lance's corridor, but he managed to hide away in time as a giant Galra, most likely the one in charge of the facility, came through. The scanner at one end of the door, scanned his face and lets him in. Lance couldn't see inside the cell, but he didn't like the sound of what he was hearing.
Unfortunately, Pidge was unable to hack the doors from her location, but Lance informed her about the face scanner. When the Galra comes back out, Lance manages to get a quick picture of his face, while narrowly escaping being spotted. He swore his heart just skipped like three beats. He then sent the pic to Pidge who used it to make a 3D rendering and sent it to the other two Paladins. The two managed to use it to get into their respective cells.
"Are you Slav?" Shiro asked as he saw something move behind a sort of bed in the cell.
"Are you here to torture me?" The thing asked as it popped out, revealing a centipede looking creature with four pairs of arms, a tail and a sort of bird-like head and beak.
"No, I'm here to save you. I'm a Paladin of Voltron." Shiro explained.
"Oh, no, even worse. In 98 and 3/100ths of a percent of realties with a prison break, I die!" The creature, Slav, shouted. "And your chances are even worse!" He says to Shiro who just stares at him. Was he serious?
Meanwhile, Lance crept into his cell and saw a creature in it, that looked like it was eating something. A sentry bot? The creature noticed Lance, and slowly turned around and stood up. It was massive.
"Are you-" Lance shrieked then cleared his throat. "Are you Slav?" He asked.
"Yup." The creature replied simply.
"Don't worry, Slav. I'm here to rescue you. I'm with Voltron. Do you know Voltron?" The Blue Paladin says.
"Yup." "Slav" replied again.
"Great. Then you know what the Blue Lion is." Lance adds.
"Yup." It replies again.
"Pidge, I've got Slav." The Blue and Black Paladins say at the same time.
"What?" The Green Paladin said confused.
"I said I have Slav." Shiro answered.
"No, I have Slav. Wait, hold on." Lance says and turned to the creature. "Tell me the truth. Are you Slav?" He asked.
"Yup." The creature said.
"We don't help time for this. You're just gonna have to bring both of them back." Pidge said, but had to hide as the Galra warden came in. Luckily she managed to duck under the desk with Rover in her arms as the Warden sat down.
"Lance, looks like we're on our own. We gotta get back to Pidge." Shiro said.
"Wait, what? I have no idea where to go. Slav, do you know how to get back?" He asked the creature.
"Yup." It replied.
"What am I talking about? Of course you do. You're a genius." Lance replied and started to walk out of the cell, but realized "Slav" wasn't with him. He turned back to the creature hovering over the bed like structure that had a lump under the blanket. "Uh, Slav? Something wrong?" He asked.
"Yup." The creature replied, and Lance noticed the lump squirm. He cautiously walks up to the blanket and gently pulls it away. Lance softly gasps. It look like a child, wrapped in what looked like a purple cloak. While it was purple like a Galra it looked more human, with darker purple marks on its face and glowing orange eyes. The thing whimpered and huddled into its cloak.
"Uh, hey, hey. It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." He said gently as crouched down to the creature. Who peaked one eye from underneath the purple clothe item. "Hi little guy. What are you doing here?" He asked gently. The little creature sat up slowly, and the cloak unfolds, revealing to be three sets of purple wings with black bordering, but they were slightly limp and were shaking. Lance gently touched one, to find it felt like velvet. He smiled.
"Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here." He said and tried to pick up the kid, but they flinched as he touched them. Lance frowned and gently moved the fairly big wings away to find the child's body and inner wings scared and slightly tattered. The poor thing. How could anyone be this cruel, especially to a child. Lance looked at the creature orange eyes as it whimpered. "Here, let me help." He said and proceed to use his water to sooth the creature and heal its wounds.
"There we go." he said as he ran the glowing water over the injuries and healing them. The child seemed frightened at first, but quickly grew accustomed to the soothing sensation. The creature opened its mouth, but instead of words, it made some clicking and chirruping sounds. Must be its language. Lance chuckled.
"Okay, let's get you out of here." He said as the child rewrapped its wings around itself again, making the cloak thing, and Lance picked it up. He noticed a large scar on its back, and gently used some more water to heal it quickly. "Alright." He said and turned to "Slav". "Can you get us out of here now?" He asked.
"Yup." "Slav" said and began moving out of the cell, with Lance following behind it with the little creature secured in his arms.
Meanwhile, Shiro was having a tough time getting his inmate out the fricking cell! The guy was annoying, he wouldn't shut up about alternate realities and only agreed to come along when Shiro mentioned the Blue Lion, with the guy saying it has a frequency between 606 and 608 terahertz, whatever that meant, and apparently it was his lucky number of terahertz. Even then, he stayed a while to mess with his blanket, taking forever before he finally decided to come out.
"Let's go back." He said as he barely took two steps out of the cell and started walking back into the cell. Shiro was getting more annoyed. They needed to leave!
"Just take the blanket with you." He said and the thing flinched.
"What? No, the blanket's perfect. Don't touch the blanket! It's that!" Slav yelled as he grabbed Shiro and turned him to a puddle of water, and promptly screamed as a drop of water dripped into it. Shiro didn't get it.
"That's a tiny puddle. You'll be fine." He said.
"There's 12 percent chance I could slip. There are even realities in which I drown, because in those realties, I never learned to swim!" Slav screamed.
"What about this reality? Did you learn to swim in this one?" Shiro asked.
"I can't remember! There are infinite possibilities!" Slav screamed in reply. Was this guy serious?! Shiro was about ready to explode.
Meanwhile, Lance, with the kid in his arms, was walking a few steps behind "Slav" while talking, not aware the Warden had found the cell empty already and was looking for them.
"Pidge is the hacker of our group. Shiro's our awesome leader." He said. "Slav" just continued to say "Yup", while the little creature made chirruping noises. "Hunk's out mechanic. He's also a chef and just a pretty cool dude to hang out with, and Keith is always doing things like flying into asteroids fields and black holes and cool junk like that, and I thought I was the team's sharpshooter, but I guess no one else thinks that." He suddenly stops. The little creature making a questioning sound.
"Maybe I don't have a thing." He said solemnly.
"Yup." "Slav" says, having also stopped.
"You don't have to agree with me so quickly. I mean, they wouldn't keep me on the team if I didn't contribute in some way, would they?" He asked.
"Yup." The bigger creature said.
"Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just a fifth wheel. Seventh if you count Coran and Allura. That's a horrible wheel to be." He said glumly.
"Yup." "Slav" seemed to agree. Lance was down, but was snapped out of his reverie, but clicking chirp sound. He looked down to see the little creature look, sad? At him? The creature gently pulled itself to the crook of his neck and nuzzled him, making content happy purring-chirruping noises.
"He-heh... What are you doing?" Lance chuckled. The little thing looked at him, its "hood" down, revealing black and dark purple mix, spiky hair, and pointed tipped ears. It looked up at Lance with its big glowing eyes and gestured to a part of its wing where it previously had a scar. "Huh? Are referring to me healing you?" Lance asked. The little thing chirruped.
"Yeah, I guess, I am kind of the team healer." He said with a brighter look, but it soon became melancholy again. "Though, the ship has healing pods, and while these powers are cool, they were just given to me. Well, they were given like everyone else's, but what if Kolivan was right? What if we did make a mistake? And these powers are more dangerous than we thought?" He said.
Meanwhile, Shiro was carrying Slav down his corridor. They had managed to sort out the whole "puddle" thing, and were making their way out.
"You're so strong. Must be because of the robot arm. But doesn't it bother you that you only have one?" Slav asked, then suddenly screamed and scrambled off of Shiro.
"Oh, what? What?" Shiro asked annoyed. What was it this time?
"Look at all those cracks! I can't step on those." The critter said, point to an open panel on the floor.
"I was carrying you!" Shiro said back, he was about ready to ballistic on this guy.
"Oh, I guess no one cares about their mothers' backs anymore!" Slav retorted. Was he honest to god, serious?
"Wait, what? You know that nursey rhyme?" Shiro asked.
"Nursery rhyme? I'm talking about quantum realities here. Cracks initiate space-time temporal fissures, which mathematically make higher probabilities for alternate realities in which your mother has a broken back." He explained. Shiro was about at his limit with this guy, even though he tried to hold on. This way going to take a while.
Meanwhile, Pidge was finally able to get out from under the desk, using her bayard to short-circuit the sentry bot, and quickly pulled up the map to help Shiro and Lance. That's when she noticed someone was coming in Lance's direction.
"Lance, look out!" She quickly warned.
"Quick, somebody's coming." The Blue Paladin said as he ducked into hiding with child creature secure in his arms and trembling, but "Slav" didn't move. "What are you doing? Are you trying to get us caught?" he asked.
"Yup" It replied just as the Warden came.
"I've found you." He said as he made his way to "Slav". Lance knew he had to think fast. He placed the little creature down, and quickly took out his bayard, transforming it into his blaster and stepped out into the open in between the Warden and "Slav".
"Stay away from my friend." He threaten and was ready to fire.
"There's your kidnapper. Put the prison on lockdown!" The Warden shouted.
Alarms started blaring, and suddenly "Slav" got on all fours and started running. Lance shot at the Warden, with the Galra activating a set of robotic arms to block the shots. The Blue Paladin quickly took one of the little creature's hand and started running behind "Slav". Just as the security cameras came out and started shooting the foam, luckily Pidge managed to hack one and foam the Warden. Lance ran a little more before stopping and deactivating his Bayard, then picked up the little creature and started running again.
Meanwhile Shiro was literally chasing Slav around as he refused to walk over the cracks.
"We've got to go!" He said as he missed Slav again. "That's it! Fine! If you don't want to walk over the cracks, we'll float over!" He yelled and used his wind to make a swirl of air, finally caught the annoying thing, and while using his jetpack, they both fly over the cracks and down the hallway, Shiro using his arm to combat any sentries they fly into. Eventually coming back to the fork where Shiro and Lance had spilt up.
"Oh, wow, you have Laika. The warden will not be happy about that." Slav commented as he the massive creature running beside Lance, who was gliding on ice he made, while still holding on tightly to the little purple creature.
"Who's Laika?" Lance asked.
"She's the Warden's pet yupper." Slav replied.
"Wait, what? You're an animal?" Lance asked the yupper next to him apparently.
"Yup." Laika, apparently a she, replied.
"Oh, I see where the confusion was for you." Slav said, then noticed the thing in the Blue Paladin. "And what is that?" he asked.
"Don't know, found him in Laika's cell." Lance replied, and the little creature lifted its face to look at Slav, who promptly gasped. Shiro's eye twitching.
"A Necroshade! Oh, but it must be very weak to be that size." He said. Lance looked down at the little creature. Necroshade? The little thing let out a chirp.
Meanwhile, Pidge was in a pickle in the command center. Three sentries and had come and were shooting at her. Luckily she had cover from behind the desk, with Rover nestled in her arms. Pidge was panicking, what could she do? Rover suddenly moved out of her arms and floated down his side pouch. Pidge reached in and found the seeds she forgot she had in there. This gave her an idea.
She gathered a handful, and focused her energy into them, causing them to glow green. She then tossed them out at the sentries and they busted out into vines and roots. She quickly used her powers to make the plants grab the sentries and smash them against the wall.
"Uh, no!" She shouted when she saw the video of her brother was gone. It was the one clue she found, and it was gone. However, Rover bumped her shoulder and beeped showing he downloaded the video and information. "Thanks Rover, you're the best." She said and hugged the creature to her chest. "Alright let's get out of here." She said and ran out of the command center with Rover right behind her. "I'm heading for the hanger!" She informs her teammates over the coms.
"Uh..." speaking of teammates, they made to the hanger, only to find sentries waiting from. The robots began shooting and the others quickly took action. Lance put down the child and told him to hide, then began shooting at the bots. Slav screamed and hid, while Shiro prepared to attack, and Laika charged ripping and tearing the sentries to pieces.
"Let's go. Slav!" Shiro called as all the sentries were down and the Lion's particle barrier was down too.
"Be right with you!" The centipede creature called back, but that was when the Warden, having broken free from the foam appeared.
"Slav!" He yelled and the engineer screamed at his voice and scrambled away. The Warden jumps from the balcony he was on, and down to face the Paladins. "You steal my yupper and my prisoner? Not to mention the Necroshade I was lucky to get my hands on?" He yelled at them and pressed a button on his belt. And in a total bane moment, the liquid from the tubes on his neck flowing into him and he started to grow in size, much to the horror of everyone watching.
"Okay, I'm ready-? What is that?!" Pidge said as she entered with Rover.
"You're not going anywhere. And neither is the lion." The Warden said, his voice deeper and more booming. He then attacked. The Paladins were having a difficult time with the guy, he was seriously powerful. He even knocked away Shiro.
Pidge took out some more seeds from her pocket, and willed them to sprout into vines. She then used to grab the Warden's arms. Shiro came fast on the wind and sent wind blades. Lance stood up from the floor and conjured up water and started spraying it at the Galra. Said Galra roared, and used the vines holding it to swing the Green Paladin around, knocking her right into the others and slamming them against the wall. The warden grinned as he stared making his way to them.
"Guess what?" He heard and froze. Behind the little purple was growing in size with a dark mist surrounding it. "I'm all healed now." It said and let out a shrill shriek as it unfolded its wings, revealing himself to be wearing what looked like a black sleeveless turtleneck that showed his midriff, and black shorts.
The, as stated before, Necroshade flew straight at the Warden and bit the Galra's armor and tore off a piece with its teeth. The giant Galra roared and threw off the creature, but it quickly regained itself in the air and glared at the Warden baring its razor sharp teeth, while the alien in turn growled just the alarms started blaring. The Warden turned to see Slav at the panel, having opened the doors. The second door opened as the Paladins regained consciousness, and were suddenly sucked out into space along with the Blue Lion. The Necroshade quickly took action, and grabbed Lance in midair.
"Wha- What the-?! Who are you?!" The Blue Paladin panicked, not recognizing the creature pulling him out of the ship.
"It's just me. Thanks for healing me." The creature replied, and Lance's eyes widen as he realized it was the same little creature from before. "I'll explain when we're out of danger." The creature added, knowing the Paladin had questions, but now wasn't' the time to answer. Unfortunately while Slav was floating out, the Warden managed to grab him with one of his robot arms. The other holding him to the floor, while his flesh ones were holding Laika.
"No!" Shiro shouted. The doors were already closing and they couldn't get to Slav in time.
"Wait, I got this." Lance said as he took out his bayard and aimed it. He took and breathe, carefully aimed, and fired! Hitting the Warden's metal arm and allowing Slav free.
"Nice, Lance! That's why we bring our sharpshooter." Shiro commented as Slav flew right into Pidge, and started flying back to the Lion. Lance felt a tap on his shoulder, and looked up at the Necroshade, who smiled at him. Lance smiles back and the two then fly back to the Lion, and Lance proceeds to fly them away.
"Okay. Now that we're out of danger, I think we all deserve some answers." The Blue Paladin said as he got up and turned to the Necroshade. Who was about to talk, when Slav, of course, jumped in.
"Oh, good! You're all better now! It's an honor I've never met a Necroshade before." The centipede like alien said. "Necroshades are very mysterious you know. It's rare to even see one." He explained.
"How were you little before, and now you're an adult?" Shiro asked. Slav interrupted again before the purple alien could talk.
"Necroshades, when injured, shrink down in size to conserve and expand energy to heal themselves. It's a very unique skill." The centipede replied. Shiro's eye twitched, even Lance and Pidge were annoyed.
"Can you let the guy speak?!" The Blue Paladin yelled, and the multi-armed alien, whimpered and finally shut up. "Now you can talk." He said to the Necroshade.
"As he said. I am a Necroshade. Due to the Wardens torture, I was forced to go into that childlike form to heal myself. Luckily you helped me when you used your power to heal me." He explained. "For that I am thankful." He said and bowed.
"Oh, no need for that." Lance said bashful. "Hey, I just realized, you're talking English now. Before you were making all those strange clicking and chirping noises." He commented. The purple alien was about to speak, but Slav again.
"Oh, that would be the Necroshades native tongue. The Necroshades are a very skillful people. They can learn different Languages just by listening to a few words, but can use it while in their weaken state." He said. the Paladins gave him annoyed looks.
"He is correct." The Necroshade replied. "As you have help me, I would like to help you in your fight against the Galra." He proposed.
"Ah, yes, the Necroshades are also a very conservative and skittish people as well, but once you earn their trust, they are very loyal." Slav added.
"Hey, I just realized we don't know your name." Lance said.
"In my language I am-" The Necroshade said as he made those noise again, which were apparently his race's language. "But, in your "English", I would be Yusarius." He introduced.
"Welcome to Voltron Yusarius." Shiro greeted and held out his metal hand. The Necroshade, looked skittish, but took the offered hand shook it, with a smile.
AN: In case you guys didn't know, the name "Laika" is actually a reference to a dog who was sent to space for an experiment, but unfortunately didn't make it back to Earth. Google "Laika" to learn more.
So I also hope you also like my OC I added, last minute addition here.
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