Chapter 5: Blades and Secrets
AN: Welcome back my peoples, we've arrived at the Blade of Marmora. Let's see what happens.
It had taken some time, but the Paladins had made it to the Blade of Marmora base. They would have landed already, if not for one small, actually huge, detail.
"Is that a black hole?" Hunk asked as the castle was in range and in awe of the galactic spectacle before them.
"No, no, no, no, no." Coran rebuffed. "It's two black holes, and a giant blue star." The altean man explained.
"That's not better." Hunk replied.
"No kidding. Just inside a black hole, the temperature is one millionth of a degree above absolute zero. But, just outside of that, it's hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius." Pidge explained. In other words, outside is roasting, inside is freezing.
"Okay, it's like when you try to nuke a frozen burrito in a microwave, and it comes out all scorching hot on the outside, but it's still frozen in the middle, right?" Hunk added. Of, course he understands it in a food context.
"Now, I'm hungry for lunch!" Lance commented.
"Guys, quiet!" Keith shouted as he stood up, then turned to the Altean royal advisor. "Coran, where exactly is the base located?" He asked.
"In between those three deadly celestial objects." The man replied enhancing the image to reveal an object hidden in the blue star.
"The perfect defensive position." Pidge commented with a serious look.
"Or the perfect trap." The princess added.
"Yeah, I'm with Allura. Maybe we shouldn't, like, go in there, at all?" Hunk spoke.
"What are you talking about?" Everyone turned to Keith at his outburst. "We have to go in! This is the whole reason we came out here! There's no other option!" He yelled.
"Okay. Jeez. Calm down dude, or you might burst into flames, remember?" Lance said as he made a "calm down" motion with his hands. Keith just gave an annoyed look, and turned away. Suddenly a beeping was heard on the communication's receiver. A hailing frequency opened up and displayed some sort of writing.
"Identify yourself." A voice demanded through the link.
"Open a hailing frequency, Coran." Shiro instructed, and the advisor complied. "We are the Paladins of Voltron, sent here by Ulaz." The Black Paladin explained. It was uncomfortably silent for a while, until the voice on the com speaks again.
"Two may enter. Come unarmed." The voice instructs, then the link shuts off.
"Why would they insist we come unarmed? Shiro this doesn't feel right." Allura said with an untrusting tone.
"We've come too far to turn back now." Shiro stated with absolute authority.
"They just sent us a route to the base, but we'll have to move quickly. Because of the solar flares, it's only gonna stay open for another varga. Then it will be closed for two quintants." The Altean advisor explains showing the route on the screen.
"Wait. They're going to close it for two years?" Hunk asked.
"Two days." Pidge corrected.
"So, any thoughts on who's going to join you on this little mission?" Lance asked Shiro as he walked over. "I'm thinking things might get a little hot, so you're going to want someone who can stay cool." He said, obviously nominating himself.
"You're right. Keith, you're coming with me." The leader instructed.
"What? Keith's a hothead. He's probably going to shoot first and ask questions later. And they're going to be able to answer any because they'll be dead! Or worse! Burned to ash!" Lance retaliated quite loudly, getting up in Shiro's face.
"We haven't yet severed Zarkon's link with the Black Lion, so it has to stay here." Shiro said calmly as he gently pushed Lance away. "And the Red Lion can stand against the heat from that sun. So, yes, it'll be Keith." He said final.
"The course to the base will be quite treacherous, to say the least. You're walking a razor's edge between the gravitational pull of the black holes and the sun." Coran explained. "One false move, and you'll either be crushed into infinity or burnt to a crisp." He added. It was silent as the paladins stared at the screen, showing the path to the Marmora base.
Keith and Shiro wasted no time, they got suited up in their armor and boarded the Red Lion heading straight for the base. Coran wasn't kidding when he said the route was treacherous. They nearly got sucked into one of the black holes, but Keith managed to fly them away in time. The two Paladins then landed on what they assumed had to be the base.
"There's nothing here. This place just looks like a plain asteroid." Keith observed. However, a loud rumbling made the two turn their attention forward to see a part of the ground open and two figures rose from it, riding on a sort of lift. The two of them were dressed in a similar Ulaz had worn when they met him. One was larger than the other, and had a tail.
They were silent as they instructed the Paladins to come over. The two humans obeyed and walked over, and stood on the platform as it began to sink back down into the asteroid. Eventually they stopped and the door opened to reveal more, presumably Galra, dressed in the same uniform, lined up on either side of a pathway with the Marmora symbol displayed above. Keith and Shiro walked in between the two lines up to another dressed in a sort of kimono style uniform.
"I am Kolivan, leader of the Blade of Marmora." The Galra man greeted.
"My name is Shiro and this is Keith. We are Paladins of Voltron." Shiro introduced.
"I know who you are." Kolivan stated bluntly.
"Then you know that we were sent here by one of your own." Shiro said back.
"Ulaz was a fool to divulge this location to you. He had a penchant for ignoring orders and following his impulses. That's what got him killed." Kolivan stated.
"For your information, Ulaz is still alive. He nearly gave his life to save us, and barely made it out, and has been in a coma ever since." Shiro retaliated. "What he did brought us here today, and Voltron is ready to assist you. Are we welcome here or not?" He asked.
"You were told to come unarmed." Kolivan said unfazed.
"You also told us to identify ourselves. The lions are about as close as we come to an ID." Keith said. He was not liking this guy so far.
"If anything happens, believe me, you'll be happy to have the Red Lion on your side." Shiro added.
"I imagine we would. However, I was not referring to your beast." Kolivan replied. Suddenly the larger blade from before came up behind Keith, and proceed to grab his arm and knock him to the floor pining the Red Paladin down. Shiro attempted to intervene, but was blocked by the other blade. The blade pinning down Keith than took something from his pocket, revealing it to be a dagger with the Blade of Marmora symbol inscribed on the hilt.
"He has one of our blades! Who did you steal this from?" The larger blade asked.
"I didn't! I've had it all my life!" Keith answered.
"Lies!" The Galra retaliated rather angrily.
"Can you corroborate with your friend's statement? Does this blade truly belong to him?" Kolivan asked Shiro.
"I...I don't know." Shiro replied. He honestly never knew Keith had such a thing.
"Shiro, you know me. I promise you I didn't steal it. I've had this knife as long as I can remember." The Red Paladin insisted.
"We can't trust them." The blade above Keith hissed as he pushed him down.
"I'm telling the truth." He insisted again. "I saw Ulaz had a knife like this. Tell me what it means." He demanded.
"Our organization is built on secrecy and trust. You two should leave. Now." The Blade leader demanded, leaving no room for debate. The Blade finally let Keith up and Shiro was allowed to check on him.
"We came here to form an alliance, but obviously, we're not welcome." The Black Paladin said and turned to the Red. "Come on Keith we're leaving." He stated and began to walk to the lift to leave.
"Not without some answers." Keith said and the leader stopped. "Somehow one of your knives ended up with me on planet Earth. Tell me how." He demanded.
"Your friend is right. It is time for you to go." Kolivan replied back.
"Where did it come from? I have to know." The Red Paladin insisted.
"You seek knowledge? There is only one way to attain knowledge here." Kolivan informed.
"How? I'll do it!" Keith replies.
"The trials of Marmora. Should you survive, you may keep the blade and its secrets will be revealed." Kolivan explained.
"Survive?" Shiro asked not liking this. "Keith, this is crazy. If they're not going to help us, let's get out of here." He reprinted walking up to Keith.
"I'm not going anywhere. I have to do this." Keith insisted as he faced Kolivan.
"Antok, give the boy the blade." The Blade leader instruct. The larger Galra, Antok most likely, handed Keith back the knife.
"We will meet again." The large Galra promised.
"Can't wait." Keith replied.
"These trials result in one of two things: Knowledge or Death." Kolivan said.
Keith was then led away, and Shiro was instructed to follow Kolivan. The two arrived in some sort of monitor room, showing a training room. Keith soon walks in wearing a Blade uniform, and holding the knife. Not long after, another blade member appeared in the room through a trap door in the floor, and the two engaged in combat. Unfortunately, Keith wasn't doing so well.
"Come on Keith." Shiro whispered to himself. He had faith in the younger Paladin. The blade eventually managed to pin him down.
"Surrender the blade and the pain will cease." The blade told him.
"I won't quit." Keith said breathless.
"Then the pain continues." The blade said as he lets Keith go. "You are not meant to go through that door." He continues and lets Keith walk pass him to said door.
The pattern repeated as Keith went through the trials. Fight, offered chance to stop by giving up the blade, refusing, being told he was meant to go through the door, then going through said door. Each time the number of blades he fights increases. Shiro watched anxiously as he watch Keith fight.
"How long does this go on?" Shiro asked the Blade leader as it got up to seven.
"Sometimes, the greatest challenge is knowing when to stop." Kolivan replied.
"He'll never quit." The Black Paladin stated.
"One way or another, this will end. In knowledge or death." The Galra states.
Keith continued to fight, now up to eight blades. At this point he was battered and exhausted, but he wasn't going to quit yet. He was frustrated, and angry, and was unsure on how long he would last at this point. He then got an idea. As one of the trap doors that brought blades into the room was closing, he tossed his knife across the room, and managed to wedge it in the trap door to keep it open. He then began making his way to the door, but was caught by one of the Blades. Keith looked up, and realized it was Antok.
"I told you that we'd meet again." The large Galra said rather smugly, as he prepared to strike. Keith had it. He screamed and lit his flame attacking the large Galra with it. The blade yelped and stumbled back as more blades approached, and Keith used his flames to attack.
"What is happening?!" Kolivan asked rather concerned.
"What?! No! Keith! What are you doing?!" Shiro asked/yelled through the screen.
Keith continued to fight off the Galra using his fire strikes, eventually made it to the trap door. He removed the knife, and quickly slipped through the door before it closed completely. He ended up in an elevator that took him down until he reached a different room. He panted as he stumbled out of the elevator, before collapsing from exhaustion. Keith opened his eyes slightly, and saw a figure.
"Hey, man. You did it." The figure turned out to be Shiro as he offered a hand to the battered Paladin.
"Shiro?" Keith asked wearily as he accepted the hand, and was pulled up.
"Kolivan told me you lasted longer than anyone has in those battles." Shiro told him. "You don't have to keep this up." He added. Keith was confused.
"What are you talking about?" He asked looking at the other Paladin.
"Just give them the knife and let's get out of here." Shiro suggested, but unknown to Keith, the Shiro he was talking to was actually a hologram from his Marmora uniform. While the real Shiro and Kolivan continued to watch.
"I can't give it to them Shiro." Keith said weakly.
"What is it with you and that thing?" Hologram Shiro asked.
"It's the only connection I have to my past." Keith replied looking at the blade. "It's my chance to learn who I really am." He added looking back at Shiro.
"You know exactly who you are, a Paladin of Voltron. We're all the family you need." The Hologram says.
"Shiro, you're like a brother to me... but I have to do this." Keith insisted.
"No, you don't. So, just give them the knife." Hologram Shiro demanded.
"I can't do that." Keith refused.
"Just give up the knife Keith! You're only thinking of yourself, as usual!" Shiro jabbed, stunning Keith.
"I've made my choice." Keith says final.
"The you've chosen to be alone." Shiro states as he turns away. "Fire really does suit you. Sure it's pretty to look, but when you get too close, you get burned." He said and begins walking away. Keith looks down at the blade, then back up at Shiro.
"Shiro!" He calls, but the Black Paladin doesn't even flinch and continues walking away. "Shiro! Wait!" He calls again and starts running after him, but suddenly a bright light flashes and Keith finds himself back in his shack on Earth. "What? How did I get here?" He asked himself than felt something rumble. He turned to the door when he heard a voice, a voice he hadn't heard in so long.
"Keith..." Said boy turned around to see a man across the room with his back turned to him. Keith couldn't believe, but, it was, it's his...The man turned to face him, revealing a handsome man with brown hair, light stumble on his chin, a scar over his right eyebrow, and bluish-grey eyes. "You're home, son." He greeted.
"What's going on outside?" Keith asked as he heard another rumbling sound.
"Don't worry about that. We'll be fine as long as we stay in here. Don't you want to catch up with your old man?" The man said. Keith stared at him.
"Of course I do." Keith replied. He had missed his dad so much. Since he...
"Son, so many years have passed. I have so much to tell you." The man said as another loud rumbled was heard.
"What is that?" Keith asked, no longer able to ignore it and went over to one of the covered windows.
"Everything's fine." His dad insisted. But as soon as Keith uncovered on of the windows, he gasped. A galra ship was attacking Earth, sentries were already on the ground. People were screaming and the Red Lion stood on cliff waiting.
"Dad, I-I'm sorry. I gotta go. There's people out there that need me." Keith said as he turned back to his father, now holding his Blade of Marmora Knife.
"Don't you want to know about where you came from?" The man asked then looked down at the knife. "Your mother gave it to me." He said.
"Mom?" Keith asked as he looked down at the blade. The rumbling and screaming continued outside, and Keith didn't know what to do.
Unknown to Keith, it was actually a hologram reality. He was lying passed out on the floor on the room while being watched by Shiro and Kolivan. The Black Paladin had decided enough was enough, and attempted to leave to wake up Keith. However the two blades guarding the door blocked him off.
"Get out of the way!" He demanded, but the blades didn't bunch. Shiro was getting angry, he didn't lose his cool often, but right now he didn't care. "I said..." He started as he gathered the air in the room. "Get out of the way!" He yelled out and created a gust of wind, blowing the two blades away from the door. He began to walk out while the blades were down and stunned.
"Wait!" He stopped as a hand clamped down on his shoulder. He turned to see Kolivan. "How are you and your friend able to manipulate the Elements like that? Is it some human ability?" He asked. He sounded surprisingly frantic.
"Not exactly. Me and the rest of the Paladins received these powers as a gift from a being known as Zarc." He explained. The galra froze.
"You have no idea the consequences of accepting this so-called gift." Kolivan spat.
"What do you mean?" Shiro asked confused.
"You are now all marked by Zarc as his property." The Blade Leader said as he pointed to the Black Paladins chest. "When Zarc grants an individual with abilities he marks their very soul as his own. Furthermore, his so-called "gifts", are more of a curse as they bring nothing but misery to the receiver. Many legends tell of those who have received powers from Zarc, only for their lives to be destroyed as a result. You and the Paladins are doomed to the same fate." The Galran man stated. Shiro was frozen.
Was what he was saying true? Are these powers really just a curse that will destroy his and the other Paladins' lives. Shiro looked back at Keith through the screen as he was in pain from hallucination he was in.
Back in the world of Keith's said "dreamland", the boy was trying to get his dad to talk, but the man says that his mother would be here and tell him everything. But things were getting worse. Keith was so confused on what to do.
"Hey Mullet." The boy whipped to his right to see a short hooded figure.
"What? Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Keith asked the figure.
"Well, I guess it has been sometime since we've last seen one another." The figure seemed to grin beneath the hood. "I'll give you a hint." The figure said as they reveals their arms from behind the cloak. The right one covered in black scales with green veins, black claws and a golden jewel on the back of the hand that looked like an eye. Keith gasped.
"It's you, Zarc." He said in realization. The boy chuckled and removed his hood, revealing tomato hair, and bright ruby-red eyes. "But, how?" He said confused.
"So, what seems to be the problem here?" The boy asks. Keith was hesitant. "Well...?" Zarc encouraged, as Keith remained silent.
"I need to help everyone, but if I go I'll never find out who I am!" He said as he began to break down. "I just wanna know...Who am I?" He sniffed.
"What's your name?" Zarc suddenly asked. Keith stopped and looked up.
"What?" He asked.
"What's your name?" Zarc asked again. Keith was confused.
"You know my name already." He said.
"What's your name?" Zarc asked again, unfazed.
"Keith." He answered.
"Who're your parents?" Zarc then asked this time. The Paladin was unsure but complied.
"I never knew my mom, but my dad's name is Jeremiah." He answered.
"Where are you from?" Zarc asked.
"Earth." Keith replied.
"What do you? What is your occupation?" Zarc asked this time.
"I'm a pilot, and the Paladin of the Red Lion." Keith answered. Zarc smiled.
"So, who are you?" He asked taking the boy's hand in his own.
"I told you, I don't know!" Keith yelled and tears were gathering in his eyes.
"But you just told who you are." The boy replies and Keith looked up at him in confusion. "You are Keith of Earth, son of Jeremiah. You are a pilot, and the Red Paladin of Voltron. And now, you are the wielder and guardian of fire." He stated. Keith was astonished.
"Keith, there is something you should know. I am, but one of many, Zarc is not only a person, but a power and a title. The pendant holds all of the previous Zarcs' memories, while the gauntlet holds Zarc's powers. In all my lives, I've learned to read others, learned many things. A knife, or your past does simply define who you are. You choose you who are." He stated realized he was right.
"There is another thing you must know. The truth, if often a double-edged sword. There are two phrases I know that suit this situation; "The Truth Will Set You Free" and "Ignorance is Bliss". There is a reason that both these sayings exist." He stated. Words of wisdom for sure. "For example. Keith, what happened to your dad?" He asked.
"What?" Keith asked confused. His dad was right here. "What are you talking he's here. He's right-"
"Keith," Zarc interrupted. "What happened to your father?" He asks more serious.
"He-" Keith froze as he remembered. That's right. His dad was dead. He was a firefighter, and he went into a burning building to save innocent people, but he died, and left Keith all alone. "He's dead." Keith finally answered as he looked at his "Dad". "No." He said and looked away. "You're not real." He said then realized the truth. "It's not real. None of this, is real." He said, stunned in realization.
"Exactly." Zarc said as he held Keith's hand, palm exposed. "It is true, fire is of destruction, but it is also of life." He said, Keith looked confused as a little flame lit in his palm. "The ashes of burnt plants return to Earth to fertilize it. Fire takes, but also gives. Fire is of passion, provides warmth to the cold." He states.
"You still have time." Keith looked back at the sound of Zarc's voice. "You can leave Keith. You just have to make the decision for yourself." He said and looked at the door. Keith look in the same direction and knew what he meant. He then walks up to the door and reached for the handle.
"If you walk out that door," He paused at his fake father's voice. "You'll never find out who you are." He continued. Keith could barely hold back his tears.
"Goodbye, Dad." He said and took one last look at Zarc. "I'm guessing from what you said, Zarc isn't your birth name." He said as tears began to flow down his cheeks. "So, if it's not too much to ask, what is it?" He asked. Zarc smiled again.
"Yuya. Yuya Sakaki, and I come from another world." The boy replied and pulled his hood back up. "Go on Keith, I have a feeling that we'll be seeing one another again." He says in farewell.
"*Sniff* Thank you." Keith says as he opens the door and walks out. Keith slowly came to, hearing a faint rumbling noise. He looked around and spotted Shiro running up to him.
"Keith, are you okay?" He asked worriedly as he lifted the Red Paladin up.
"Stop what you're doing!" The two turned to see Kolivan along with Antok, who had a burned spot on his uniform, and few other blades.
"What are you talking about? What's going on?" Keith asked confused and still a little dazed, while Shiro put his arm around his shoulders. Suddenly the base shook as another rumble sound was heard, and debris fell from the ceiling.
"Call off your beast!" Kolivan demanded. It seemed the Red Lion was attacking the base.
"Move out of the way! We're leaving!" Shiro demanded right back.
"You're not leaving with the blade. It does not belong to you. You failed to awaken it!" The Blade leader exclaimed.
"What does that mean?!" Keith asked confused. Awaken? What?
"Give up the blade!" Antok growled and attacked. He was still pretty pissed about getting burned from Keith's flames earlier. Shiro pushed Keith away and activated his Galran tech arm. He clashed head on with Antok.
"Wait!" Keith called out. "Just take the knife!" He said holding out the blade to them. Shiro and Antok backed away from each other. "It doesn't matter where I came from. I know who I am." He said. "I am Keith of Earth, son of Jeremiah. I am the pilot and Paladin of the Red Lion. And I am also, the wielder, and guardian of fire. The element of destruction, and life." He thought thinking back to Zarc/Yuya's words. Suddenly the blade let out a bright purple light and transformed before his eyes into a short sword. What?
"You've awoken the blade." Kolivan said sounding breathless. "The only this is possible, is if Galra blood runs through your veins." He stated.
"What?" Keith asked as he stared at the blade, and thought Kolivan's words. ""The only this is possible, is if Galra blood runs through your veins."" He then thought about Zarc's words. ""The Truth Will Set You Free" and "Ignorance is Bliss". There is a reason both of these exist"".
"He was right." Keith said softly as he drops the blade to the floor and collapsed onto his knees as the sudden realization, and weight of those words.
"Keith!" Shiro shouted and went over to the younger. "Are you okay?" He asked and heard the boy say something. "What?" He asked.
"Zarc was right?" He said a little louder, allowing everyone in the room to hear.
"Keith, what do you mean?" Shiro asked worriedly. After what Kolivan had told him, he was more than a little skittish.
"I saw him. In that place. He showed it wasn't real, and he warned me. He was right the truth is a double-edged sword." Keith explained, he was still stunned.
"His "Gift" is a double-edged sword." Kolivan suddenly spoke as he strode up to the two Paladins. "It gives you power, but it will ultimately lead your life to utter misery." He stated. What? No! That couldn't be! "The day you accept the power given to you, he branded your soul as his own, and now you belong to him. Just like a small flame that grows larger as it consumes more, your fire will engulf and consume you." He added. No! He had to be lying! Or just misunderstood! Zarc didn't! Keith turned desperately to Shiro, who looked dejected.
"Shiro! Shiro! Tell him that's he's wrong!" He begged. "Shiro! Please! I'm telling you! Zarc helped me!" He cried.
"Exactly Keith." Shiro finally spoke. "That was happening in your mind, and Zarc was there." He says looking a little scared. "This proves it, Zarc tethered himself to us. He branded us, as his." He finished and looked down. Keith was stunned. This couldn't be. Zarc helped him. It just couldn't be! Zarc had helped him!
AN: Mamma mia! This was a long chapter. I hope you all like it. Also, is Kolivan right? Are Zarc's intention not really pure, will the Paladins' powers lead them to nothing but misery. Find out in future chapters. See ya later guys. *Waves!*
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