Chapter 4: Healing and Bonding
AN: Welcome back my faithful readers. I hope you're enjoying the story. Slight warning here: There is going to be some...dark stuff in this particular chapter. I promise it won't be too heavy, but you'll know it when you see it. Or, read it.
After training, the paladins flew back to the castle in their lions, having gotten a solid enough grasp on their powers, though they were going to continue training and developing them for the future, and were now on their way to the Blade of Marmora base, hopefully to find allies in the war.
Lance was currently standing in the medical bay, in front of the healing pods that was holding Ulaz. After meeting the Galra who freed Shiro and claimed to be part of Galran rebel group, the alien had seemly sacrificed his life to save them from a robeast, only for Lance to spot the guy floating unconscious in space. He quickly scooped Ulaz up in his lion, and brought him to the castle. The Paladins quickly put the galran man into a healing pod, and he has been in there ever since. Much to Allura's displeasure and downright protest.
"*Sigh*" Lance let out a sigh and looked at his hand. "I wonder...Is it possible for me to heal with my powers as well as fight?" He questioned mentally. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door to the medical bay open. He turned to see Keith step in and freeze when he noticed Lance. He seemed to be hiding his right arm behind his back, and looked stunned.
"L-Lance. What are you doing in here?" He asked, with a nervous look.
"I should be asking you the same thing?" The Blue Paladin retorted.
"I was, just leaving." Keith answered as he turned and began walking away.
"Keith, what are you hiding?" He asked as he approached referring to the arm that Keith was clearly hiding from his sight. He quickly grabbed Keith, and turned him around, snatching his arm and pulling it into view. Lance's eyes widen. The Red Paladin's forearm had a burn streak that looked recent. He looked at Keith who was avoiding his gaze. "What happened?" He asked in a demanding tone.
"I-I was training on the deck, and one of the bots managed to slice my arm. I ended the sequence and use my fire to cauterize my wound to stop the blood." Keith explained. Lance sighed.
"Here." The Blue Paladin said and conjured up water, covering his hand and pressed it on Keith's burn. "This will help with the burning." He said as he gently soothed the wound. Keith hissed, but soon relaxed. Though he wouldn't admit it, this was actually helping the pain a little. Lance continued to soothing the burn, when the water began to glow an ethereal blue, and Keith felt a strange, yet comforting sensation wash over his arm.
"Wha-?" The Red Paladin pulled away from the Blue, and looked at his arm as the water dripped away to reveal his cut completely healed. "What the-?! Dude, did you just heal me?" Keith asked and looked at Lance who was just as shocked as he was. The tanned boy looked down at his hands with wide eyes.
"I-I can't believe it..." He breathed out, almost rendered speechless by what had just happened.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Paladins and the two Alteans were on the Castle Bridge. Pidge was in her chair busy on her laptop, with both Hunk next to her and Rover hovering above her, while Shiro, Allura and Coran were engaged in their own conversation for their plans for when they arrived at the Blade of Marmora base. When Lance and Keith suddenly burst into the room.
"Guys!" They both shouted while panting, catching the others' attention and they turned to the two Paladins at the door.
"Wha-? Lance? Keith? What's going on? Did something happen?" Shiro asked as he approached the out of breath teens. They both started rambling and Shiro couldn't understand what they were saying. "Okay, Okay," he said trying to calm the two down. He then looked at Lance and gave him the okay to speak.
"Alright, so I was in the medical bay when Keith walked in, and he was acting weird, more so than usual." Lance began, earning a "hey!" from Keith at the weird comment. "So I tried to check on and found a burn, apparently from cauterizing a cut he got from a training bot." He gave the Red Paladin a look. "Anyway I was using my water to ease the burn, when it started glowing, and the water healed it, just like that, like it was never there." He finished and everyone was staring.
"Wait dude, are you serious? You healed Keith's wound from using your water powers?" Hunk asked looking intrigued.
"It's true, he healed my burn." Keith said showing where the scar was.
"That's so cool! Does this mean our powers extend in different ways too?!" Pidge asked with stars in her eyes.
"I'm not sure, I guess it's possible though. I mean other than water, I can control snow and ice as well. Probably steam if I try. Plus Hunk can control sand as well as rocks, might even be able to bend metal as well, and Keith can use fire and lava, and could probably control lightning if he tried." Lance said, then noticed a glint in Keith's eyes. "And, before you get any ideas Mullet, one mishap and you might end up like fried chicken." He warned and Keith flinched.
"What about Shiro? What can his powers extend to?" Coran asked. Shiro looked intrigued. Lance thought about it.
"Hmm...Maybe Shiro could control the weather. I mean air and wind play a big part in weather patterns. Right?" He suggested. Pidge nodded at his question, meaning he had a point.
"Hmm...What do you think I could also do?" The Green Paladin suddenly asked. "I mean, plant bending wasn't really its own thing. It was actually water benders controlling the plants through the water in them." She explained. "Though I was able to grow the plants from the seeds we collected from that jungle planet and Energon." She added, everyone agreed.
"Wait, so does that mean Lance can control anything as long as it has water in it?" Keith suddenly asked. That got everyone thinking.
"I mean it could be possible. I haven't really tried anything like that yet." Lance replied.
"Maybe even, people." Keith brought up and everyone froze and stared at him. "I mean the human body is mostly made of water, isn't it. So by logic, Lance could--"
"No!" Everyone turned to Lance at his outburst. "No way! Nah-uh! Absolutely not! Not happening! Not now! Not ever!" The Blue Paladin was insistent.
"What? What's the problem. It'd give us a huge advantage when fighting." Keith said not seeing the issue. "You could just--"
"I said NO!" Lance interrupted once again. He looked angry, and also, scared? "No way! I'm not going down that road! I refuse to blood bend! That's the one thing I will never ever do! I-I don't want to be like that! I don't want to, end up being like, them..." He started shivering as he clutched his head. "I-I need to go. I don't want to talk about this anymore!" He ran out of the room, leaving the others in silence.
"What was that about?" Allura asked, confused over what had just happened.
"Keith! I can't believe you just said that!" Pidge scolded Keith, who was confused.
"What? What did I say? It could be of use if he can actually do that." The hothead retaliated. Pidge looked enraged, and proceeded to punch Keith in his arm. Hard. "OW!" The Red Paladin yelped and backed away clutching his hurt arm. "What the hell was that for?!" He asked looking angry now.
"For being an insensitive jerk! That's what! Rover! Get him!" Pidge replied than commanded her robot companion. The little bot obeyed and began knocking its body into Keith over and over.
"OW! Hey! Hey! knock it off!" He complained and tried to hold back the bot.
"Okay enough!" Shiro interjected and proceeded to separate the two, including pushing Rover away from Keith, and giving him back to Pidge. "Alright, can someone explain what made Lance so upset, than maybe we can talk this out." he asked. It was quiet for a while, before Hunk spoke up.
"In Avatar, there is a type of water bending that allows a person to control the human body. It's called blood bending." He explained.
"Oh, I don't like the sound of that." Coran commented. Even Keith had to agree. The title was just...uh...It just sent cold shivers down his spine.
"You shouldn't. It's forbidden for a reason, it's dangerous." Pidge added.
"Okay, it sounds bad, but how can controlling the body be dangerous?" Keith asked. Pidge looked at him like he was an idiot.
"Seriously Keith?! Think about it! Controlling every muscle in the human body, every limb, every vein, one wrong strike and you can dislocate a person's arm! Or worse, paralyze them!" She exclaimed while squeezing Rover to her chest.
"Yeah, not to mention everyone whose ever even used it, turned out nuts." Hunk added looking scared. "I mean they were full on psychos who used their blood bending to hurt others." He shivered.
"Worst part of all, all those people, were that, just people, then blood bending happened, and it made feel invincible and they went crazy with the power. In the end they used it for their own selfish gain." Pidge added, and Hunk looked down. The rest were, with shock and horror etched in their faces. Keith now understood, Lance was scared, he didn't want to be like those people, who used their blood bending to hurt others like that.
"I'll go talk to Lance." Shiro announced and left the room. The leader walked down the halls searching for the Blue Paladin. He eventually came to the room with the big window that displayed space, and Lance was there, standing in front of the window starring out at the view of a nebula they were passing.
"Lance." The Black Paladin called to the Blue. The Cuban turned to Shiro slightly, and the older man could see traces of tears left on his cheeks. Lance turned back and covered his face. "Hey," Shiro said as he walked up to him. "It's okay. Pidge and Hunk explained everything to us. You don't have to do that, if you don't want to. I understand." He says trying to comfort him, and it seemed to be working.
"*Sniff*, I don't ever want to have to do that." Lance finally spoke as he wiped away the last of his tears. "It would make me, no better than Haggar of all people." He said. Shiro flinched, the Blue Paladin had a point. From what little he remembered of his time as a prisoner, he knew Haggar was, for lack of a better word, a control freak.
"I understand, and you never have to do anything like that. For now, I think you just try to develop your healing. It might come in handy when on the battlefield and we can't make it to a healing pod, or they are malfunctioning." The team leader said and smiled. Lance looked at him, feeling a lot better.
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking." Lance replied. "Hey Shiro, can I tell you something?" He asked suddenly. Shiro look confused, but nodded for him to talk.
"I actually always wanted powers like these. Ever since I first saw Avatar, I wanted water powers like Katara, including her healing. So when we actually got these powers, I was really excited. Even more when I discovered I could heal, but when Keith mentioned about blood bending, it scared me, especially when I thought back to how it was done in the show." He finished talking. Shiro put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"I get it Lance. This was a dream come true for you, but as we know, great power does come with great responsibility." He said. Lance looked at him, and suddenly started laughing. "What? What's so funny?" The Japanese man asked confused.
"Pfft! You get that from Spider-Man dude! Pfft! Hahaha!" Lance at this point was laughing his butt off, and Shiro now understood. Not what he meant. "Hah, hah, though I am try and train this healing." He said as he finally started calming down. "Just put Keith on the training deck. That's all the practice I'll need." He added.
"Hey!" Both Paladins turned to see Keith in the doorway, looking annoyed.
"Oh tell me I'm wrong Mullet, almost anytime you step in there, you come out with scars and bruises from training too much. That charred scar from earlier is prove enough. I'm pretty sure that from now on I'm gonna be the castle's resident healer. So what better practice than our resident hothead who has low self-preservation." Lance burned Keith, who stuttered out a protest but knew the Blue Paladin was ultimately right. Shiro sighed, at least they now had a healer in case the healing pods did stop working and there was an emergency.
AN: Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter. Yes, Ulaz is alive in this fic. A large reason for that is I felt like when he was killed off, we missed a great character there. I really wanted to see him more in the series, so he's alive here. Also at this point I'm gonna be rewriting the canon a lot from here on out.
Also, Blood Bending, *Shivers*, I think we can all agree that it is the most disturbing type of bending in the Avatar series. Nightmare fuel there.
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