Chapter 29: The Kral Zera

AN: I found the video above while looking through Avatar videos on YouTube. I did it myself and my Element was Air. If you're interested, try it yourself, then message me in the comments what Element you get. Anyway, now for the next chapter in our story! Let's go!

The Kral Zera was fast approaching. Every major Galra in the Empire would be there, all vying for the throne. The question was, what to do? On the Castle, still on Olkarion, Voltron and Lotor, plus Narti, were discussing the situation.

"Branko's attack on Olkarion was only the beginning. Without an emperor, more and more high-ranking officials are going to start lashing out and consolidating their power at the Kral Zera." Lotor says.

"Uh, just gonna jump in here. What exactly is the Kral Zera?" Hunk says and asks. "Is there food there? It sounds awfully fancy." He says, once again thinking with his stomach. Lance gave him a slight look.

"I don't think it's that kind of party man." The Blue Paladin says.

"Indeed. It's the coronation ceremony for a new emperor or empress. It is held on one of the first planets the Galra conquered. Planet Feyiv, it is considered sacred ground." Lotor replies and explains.

"Okay, so who exactly will be at the Kral Zera then?" Shiro asks.

"Allow me to show you." Lotor says and turns, but quickly turns back to look at Allura. "May we, Princess?" He asks. Allura looks at him contemplating.

"You may." She permits and the prince turns to Narti and nods to her. The blind woman nods back and goes over to the console and taps a few buttons.

"First, there is Warlord Ranveig. He is one of the fiercest in the Empire. Precisely why he was sent out to fringes of the universe. He already has several factions under his belt, all pledging their allegiance to him." He explains showing a picture of a large Galra with a cybernetic eye and weapons on his back.

"Warlord, huh? Defiantly don't get that title for being nice." Lance says.

"Doesn't seem too tough." Keith said confidently.

"Yeah... Let's not go underestimating the high-ranking galra official." The Cuban then said. Keith was about to retort, but kept quiet in the end.

"Next is Commander Gnov, she was one of Zarkon's most trusted advisers. She will unify Zarkon's inner circles and commanders. They know what they'll get with her. She's not as reckless as Ranveig, but she is just as cruel." Lotor continues, showing a now female Galra talking to others.

"Then there's Quartermaster Janka. He is responsible for overseeing the supply routes throughout the empire." He said, showing a smaller galra with a headset. "Don't let his stature fool you. His power is bureaucracy and he should not be underestimated." He adds.

"He's one who keeps popping up in my data base of Galra." Pidge speaks up. "His supply chain management is incredible. He defiantly color codes." She says with an impressed tone.

"I don't think now's the time, Pidge." Keith says.

"So, organized evil. Got it." Hunk adds.

"And finally, is Zarkon's witch, Haggar." Lotor continues and image of the said witch. Kuro noticeably flinches and hides behind Shiro.

"One we've met." The Black Paladin said bitterly and takes a hold of Kuro's hand.

"She, is the most dangerous one of them all. Though she is not Galra, therefore not eligible for the throne, she will most likely have a puppet instead. Someone that she can control and manipulate, ruling from behind the scenes. If the Galra were smart, they'd be working together against her.

"If her puppet takes over, then ending Zarkon's reign would have all been for naught." He finishes. Narti then signs something to him. "Yes, unfortunately this is just to name a few. There are countless others who would be just as bad, if not worse, if they took the throne." He says.

"In that case, we can't risk any of them, or anyone else, assuming control." Shiro says and turns to the others. "If we want to end this war, we need to help Lotor take command of the Empire." He states.

"I understand, but it is still too risky." Allura said.

"I agree the only one who's interested in peace is Lotor here, but it'd basically be like flying into a hornet's nest." Lance added. "Hey, maybe if we let them be, they'll fight amongst themselves, maybe even destroy each other." He added on.

"That is a possibility, but with what we just went through on Olkarion, and that was just one rogue commander vying for the throne. When the Galra last out, then everyone in the universe will suffer." Shiro states.

"How would even get Lotor there without stirring up a huge fight?" Pidge asks

"Why don't we destroy the Kral Zera." Keith speaks and everyone turns to him. "Think about it. If we destroy it, while all the high-ranked galra are there, we'd be taking out a giant chuck of the most high up in the Empire." He explains.

"While that is a good idea, and will in fact put a large dent in the Empire's ranks, I'm afraid it won't be for very long. The Empire has tons of backup and might find a new way of electing a ruler." Lotor says. There goes that plan.

"But, if this causes Voltron to be torn, and it is too big a risk, then we don't have to." He adds while looking down, while everyone else looks at him in shock. "I'd rather not be the cause of the Paladins to be split like this." He continues, and they realize this was partly due to the incident last time.

"Hey..." Lance says, stepping up. "That wasn't your fault, or anyone's. We're all just uptight from everything." He reassures. Lotor smiles slightly at him in thanks.

Meanwhile across the universe, on Warlord Ranveig's ship, three Blades, Thace along with Ilun and Vrek, were listening in on the Galra Warlord's conversation.

"The Archivist has made the summons. Set a course for planet Feyiv." Ranveig says then commands. "It is time for me to burn with the glory of the Kral Zera and take my place on the Galra throne." He declares. Up in the vents, the three blades heard the whole thing.

"Kral Zera... Planet Feyiv..." Thace repeated. "So they're finally going to select a new Emperor then." He concludes, looking at his two companions.

"This is it. Our time to strike. We will bring down the Empire." Ilun states.

The cruiser soon arrives at the planet, along with countless others. High ups from all across the reaches of the Empire, gathered at a shrine where a purple flame flickered at the top. The Galra all waited below, at the bottom of the stairs that led up to the flame. In the center was a pit of fire with torches sticking out.

"Avert your gaze. The throne is for real fighters." A female galra, Gnov, said to a short male galra with an odd headset on, Janka.

"I've conquered more worlds than you've ever seen with just a swipe of my finger." He retorted. Then a galra came out at the top before the flame. This one wearing a mask, a robe and had tubes like Zarkon had. "The Archivist." Janka exclaims and the Galra began to speak.

"Through 33 rulers, during times of peace and times of expanse, this flame has burned for over 13 millennia. From our first, Brodar, to Vrig the Great, and lastly, the longest and most powerful of them all... Zarkon. But his time has come to an end." As he says that, the purple flame goes out. "Our next ruler must ascend the steps of destiny and relight the Kral Zera. Ushering in a new age for the Empire." He finished his speech.

It was silent and still, until one Galra steps forward and goes to grab a torch from the pit of fire, but is stabbed in the back, literally, by none of than Ranveig, who then tosses him aside.

"Fool! Only the strongest may lay their hands on the torches!" The warlord sneers. "That is why I will assume command. I have been on the frontlines of the expanse, where iron meets soul, spreading the glory of the empire, not huddled in the center, overseeing already conquered worlds, growing fat on the victories of our forefathers." He declares then takes a torch and lifts it up high for all to see.

"Warlord Ranveig speaks the truth." Everyone turned to see Haggar. "That is why Sendak, the purest of the Galra, should light the flame." The witch states. Lotor's other generals and Sendak himself all by her side. "He was Zarkon's right hand for millennia, and he shall lead the empire for another 10,000 years." She declares.

"The witch and Sendak." Janka observed. "Perhaps we should put our differences aside. The only way to stop those two is by working together." He says to Gnov.

"Why would I partner with the weak?" The commander asks harshly.

"Sendak, who disappeared while the empire crumbled?" Ranveig sneers while chuckling. "Sendak, who needs a witch to speak on his behalf?" He taunts.

"Enough! Victory or death!" Sendak growls while readying his newest arm.

"Now you will know why Zarkon put me in the most dangerous territory of the universe." Ranveig says back and pulls out two scythe like blades. The two growl and charge at each other.

Meanwhile, under the platform, the three blades were planting bombs on the supporting pillars. If their plan works, all the powerful galra in the Empire will be destroyed when they detonate. Blowing the support for the platform and causing the whole thing to collapse in on itself, taking all the Galra above them with it.

Meanwhile, across the universe on Olkarion, Pidge and Hunk were in Green's hanger tapping away at their computers. Rover floating over Pidge's shoulder.

"Hunk, what are you doing?" Pidge asked as she leaned over to check his work. "Why are you single-modulating the gendocam?" She asks.

"Settle down, Pidge. It's a gendocam, not a vlexagane, okay? Single-modulation is fine." Hunk replies.

"You should double-modulate everything." Pidge insists.

"Are you crazy? That's a waste of a button-press." The Yellow Paladin chortled.

"Sorry to interrupt." Sam said as he enters and walks over to them.

"Hey, Dad, real quick. How do you reconfigure a gendocam?" Pidge asks.

"Oh, great question. Well, you start off by double-modulating--" Sam began.

"A-ha! I told you!" The Green Paladin cut him off and gloated. Hunk just looked annoyed at her.

"Ah. Modulating arguments. You know, that's how I met your mother." Sam said. Pidge and Hunk looked at each other. "Anyway, have either of you seen Shiro, or Kuro, for that matter?" He asked.

"Nope. Not since the bridge." Hunk replied.

"You gonna try something on Kuro again? You know he doesn't like that." Pidge says to her dad.

"Hey, come on. Clones. It's only really a theory to create a copy of an animal or a plant, or even a person, but a fully grown clone that is alive and self-aware, is something truly extraordinary." Sam reasons.

"He's still a person though." Hunk states.

"I know that, I just want to see how similar he and Shiro are in this case." Sam replies. "Also, I wanna go over my report for the Galaxy Garrison one last time before I leave." The scientist added.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen either of them, or Lance, or even Keith for that matter." Pidge recounted.

"Ah!" They turned to see Kuro, it was getting easier to tell him and Shiro apart these days, in the doorway, who looks startled at the sight of Sam. The clone quickly ducks behind Hunk. How he did it so fast is a mystery.

"Easy there, no studies." Sam says. "Anywho, do you know where Shiro is?" He asked. Kuro suddenly froze and ducks again to hide himself.

"Kuro... What's going on?" Pidge asked, but he just clasps a hand over his mouth. Pidge quickly contacts Allura on the bridge. "Princess, do you know where Shiro, Keith or Lance are? We haven't seen them in a while." The Green Paladin asks.

"I'll take a look." The Princess replies and activates the scanners. "I can't find them anywhere on the ship." She reports. "Red and Blue are accounted for, but the Black Lion is gone. Wait, where are Lotor and Narti?" She says then asks.

Back at the Kral Zera, Sendak defeated Ranveig, leaving the warlord on his back on the ground, with the former commander standing over him.

"You are defeated. The empire is mine." Sendak declares and takes one of the torches and begins ascending the stairs. He briefly stops and turns to look at the others. "I will strengthen the empire, as no one else can." He says.

"Stop!" Shouted a female commander as she steps forward. "You will not ignite the flame without having faced blades." She says and brings out a pair of axe-like weapons. She charges at him, with Sendak quickly retaliating by shooting lasers at her with his arm.

She manages to dodge, making Sendak growl, then jumps into the air and comes at him. The male galra locks onto her and fires another laser, this time hitting her and knocking her down. Everyone stares in frozen awe. It became silent, then a loud roar was heard and everyone turned to see the Black Lion fly in and land on the platform.

Having heard the roar and felt a rumble, Thace ran out to see what was going on, only to find the Black Lion. The said Lion opens its jaw and both Lance and Keith come out onto the ramp.

"Keith?" Thace said surprised then is horrified. "Ilun! Vrek! Do you copy!?" He contacted through the com link.

"What is it, Thace?" Vrek replied then asked.

"Abort mission. The Black Lion is here and so are three of the Voltron Paladins." He replies.

"It's too late. The bombs are already all set and ready to detonate when the timer runs out." Ilun replies back.

"We need to shut them off then! We can't lose the lion, and one of our own is also out there!" He tells them. While reluctant, the two others begin deactivating the bombs and Thace rushes back in to help.

Up on the Platform, the high up Galra were all stunned at the Black Lion, and the two Paladins that had stepped out onto the ramp. The two then move aside as another person walks out onto the ramp. Every Galra quickly recognized him.

"Lotor." Sendak pretty much sneers.

"Halt! Your new emperor has arrived." The hybrid prince declared. The Black Lion leans down and the three walk off the ramp, with Lotor at the front.

"You? Lead the Galra Empire? What could possibly make you think that you could be our emperor?" Sendak scoffs.

"And what make you think you can lead, Sendak? I mean, didn't we like beat your ass last time? You were also our prisoner for a while." Lance snarked. Many of the surrounding Galra quietly snickered at that. Even Lotor tried to hide his laugher.

"Besides. Being Galra myself, I'd rather follow him than any of you." Keith added.

"My father's blood is not just in my veins, but also on my sword." Lotor declared. "Zarkon fell to me and Voltron, and so will any who stands in our way." He added.

"You think treachery, along with allying with the enemy, makes you qualified to lead us?" Sendak asked aggressively.

"I will light the flame and ensure a new era for the empire. My father ruled through fear and tyranny, but that ends here and now. With the might of Voltron by our side, we shall put an end to this war and reestablish peace." He declared. "So stand aside, Sendak." He then ordered.

"In that case, it's time you proved yourself worthy of the throne, through the traditional and honorable write of combat." Sendak said.

"No, it is time to end this." Lotor declares as he raises his sword, the Black Bayard in the form of a sword cross between a galra blade and altean broadsword. Keith and Lance both follow his example and take out their bayards and activate them.

"Enough!" Haggar spoke and they turn to her. "Lotor, you cannot lead the Galra." She says, quite bluntly.

"You think you can stop me, witch?" Lotor sneered.

"If you try, you're gonna have to go through us." Keith says as he and Lance both step forward ready to fight.

"The blood that so bolsters your claim, is also what quells you. You are not pure-galra, you are nothing but a half-breed. Your alliance with Voltron proves you are weak. Needing the Paladins to defend you." She sneers.

"No." Lotor rebuffs. "My alliance with Voltron, them standing beside me, means we trust one another, something the empire has forgotten." He declares.

"And so what if Lotor isn't fully galra. Keith is half-galra, heck so are most of the Blade, but they all have been beating you all down anyway." Lance argues.

"It is as the Blue Paladin said. The power of the Galra does not stem from being of "pure-blood", it came from arrogance and inducing fear in others. The Empire has become nothing more than a tyrannical conquest for power. With the rise of a new era, we can have peace and end this senseless war." The Hybrid Prince says.

"Now I am taking what's rightfully mine." He states, turning back to Sendak. "I shall light the flame, and my first act as Emperor will be to reunite you with my father!" He declares and charges at the former commander.

"You're not getting to the top of these steps!" The former commander declares and charges at Lotor, and the two engage in battle on the stairs. Keith was about to step in when Lance put out his arm and shook his head at him.

Meanwhile, below the platform, the three blades were hurrying to shut off all of the bombs before they went off and took everyone above with them.

"Thace, there's too many of them, we won't be able to deactivate all the bombs in time." Ilun says.

"Retreat for now, I'll handle this myself." Thace says and the two blades do as they're told.

Back up on the stairs, Sendak and Lotor fought against one another furiously. Each retaliating each other's attack with their own, making them evenly matched, with Lotor's sword and Sendak's arm.

"You don't even realize what you are, Sendak. So loyal, so brave, and yet so foolish at the same time." Lotor says as they reached a standstill.

"I know exactly who I am. I am a warrior!" Sendak declares and charges his arm, sending a blast at Lotor, who barely manages to dodge in time.

"You are nothing, but Haggar's puppet!" Lotor retaliated and the two resume their fight. The two clash, sword against prosthetic, when they land in front of an entrance. Lotor jumps up and prepares to strike Sendak, when from the tunnel Thace appears and pushes Lotor, and himself, away from the entrance as the bombs go off, leaving Sendak in the path of the blast.

The platform shakes as the bombs take out some of the support beams, but luckily it remains standing. Lotor and Thace both on the ground from the impact, when Sendak angrily bursts out from under a piles of debris that fell on him.

"Lotor has betrayed us to Voltron! Fire on the Black Lion and get the Paladins!" He commands and the cruisers all begin shooting at the said lion.

"Shiro!" Keith calls but Lance holds him back from running to the Black Lion.

"I got these guys, you take care of them." Shiro says and takes off towards the cruisers. Down on the Platform, an all-out brawl quickly breaks out amongst the Galra, with the main targets being the Red and Blue Paladins.

Ezor aims her gun at Lance, who was distracted in trying fend off one of the Galra commanders, when her gun is knocked out of her hands and she is then struck down. She looks up to see Narti and sneers, then hops back up on her feet and charges at the eyeless alien.

Up with the cruisers, not only were they shooting at Shiro, they were also firing at each other, with the Black Lion in the middle of it. Shiro activates Black's jaw blade and starts slicing and dicing the cruisers, trying to turn down the heat. Back down below, Lotor and Thace watched the ensuing chaos.

"This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I knew they would all turn on each other." The hybrid prince says. Thace is silent when they hear Sendak and quickly dodge out of the way of the galra's attack. Sendak charges at Lotor, while Commander Gnov goes for Thace, who manages to take out his blade in time.

"Killing you, would be too merciful. Once I'm Emperor, I'm going to keep both you and the Champion as my slaves!" Sendak declares.

"You won't even get that close!" Lotor rebuffs and the two clash swords again.

Down below, Keith and Lance had stepped up their fighting by using their powers, with many of the Galra gasping in surprise and even backing away. Others just shook it off and continued attacking. Keith found himself backed into a corner, so he concentrated and sent a wave of fire at his assailants, not noticing one behind him. The Galra raised his sword and prepared to strike, when they are shot down.

Keith then notices the downed galra and looks up to see a Blade with a gun pointed to where the galra was, Commander Gnov, also down, beside them. Even though their face was covered, somehow, Keith could tell who it was.

"Thace?" He whispered. The Blade dropped the gun and hopped off the side of the stairs. "Thace! Wait!" Keith called and chased after him, but then ship rose off the ground and flew away, with Thace being shown in it. Keith missed his chance.

Meanwhile, Lance unleashed a hail of ice, knocking back the group of Galra that was advancing on him and turned to see Haggar. The said witch was watching Narti as she, and her cat, Kova, were fighting Lotor's former generals. She had just knocked down Acxa when the witch raises her arm, while gathering a ball of quintessence in her hand and aimed it at the eyeless woman.

"Traitors... Should die!" She exclaimed but before she could fire, her body suddenly locked up. She couldn't move, she struggled, but her body had become like chains all of a sudden. "Wh-what?" She asked confused. Suddenly, she was spun around to see an angry Lance with both his arms raised at her.

"You, witch!" He exclaimed and moved his arms, causing her body convulse and move to his bidding. "How does it feel? Being on the receiving?" He asked as he moves him arms, pinning her to the ground on her knees. Keith had fought off another galra attacker, when he noticed Lance and what he was doing to Haggar.

"Lance?" Keith called, but Lance didn't answer. Keith ran up to his fellow Paladin and reached out to touch his shoulder. "Lance, what...?-!" But he as his hand touched the Blue Paladin's shoulder, Keith felt himself being flung back, slightly bent backwards and frozen like that. He couldn't move, barely twitch even.

He looks up as best he can to see Lance holding his out arm. Lance? Lance was doing this? How? Then it hit him. Blood-bending. Lance was using blood-bending on him and on Haggar. Now he understood why Lance was skeptical about using it in the first place. He felt trapped, his own body had become a prison.

"L-Lance... What are you doing?" He asked and the Blue Paladin seemed to snap out of the daze he was in, letting go of both the Red Paladin and the Altean witch. Said witch got up and called to the generals to retreat. Which they did, leaving Sendak behind. Keith breathes out a sigh of relief, then gets up and walks over to his fellow Paladin.

"Lance? Are you okay? What was that? What... happened-?" He reached out to touch the Blue Paladin, who flinches and backs away, looking terrified. "L-Lance?" Keith asks, but the Cuban stays quiet while looking down at his shaking hands.

Meanwhile, Shiro was having trouble with all the cruisers and fighters, shooting at him and each other. Also catching him in the crossfire. Situation didn't look good.

"There's too many. I can't handle them all by myself." He grunts as another blast hits the Black Lion. Suddenly, a wormhole opens and the Castle of Lions and the other lions come through.

"Looks like you could use some backup." Pidge says as she flies in shooting at the cruisers and fighters.

"We've got you, Shiro!" Hunk says as he and Yellow fly in and start attacking. Red and Blue then fly through, going to pick up their respective paladins.

"Alright, team. Form Voltron!" Shiro commands and all the lions, including Red and Blue who picked up Keith and Lance then flew back up into the sky, combine into the mighty robot and began attacking the crusiers.

"Shiro!" Called Allura over the coms. "What were you thinking?! Coming out here against orders!" She scolded.

"Sorry Princess, we didn't have a choice. If we didn't come, then Lotor and Narti would be out here on their own without backup." Shiro replied.


Lotor and Narti walk into the pod loading bay. They walked up to one of the pods and started to board it, when the lights came on. Both flinch and turn to see Shiro, Kuro, Keith and Lance approach them. All in their Paladin armor.

"You're going to the Kral Zera, aren't you?" Shiro asked, but it wasn't much of a question. Lotor and Narti look at each other, then back to the Paladins.

"I have to take the throne before another does and starts this cycle all over again. We can't let a Galra take over and continue Zarkon's rain of tyranny. Please don't try to stop me." The purple prince explained and said.

"We're not stopping you two." Shiro said. "We're coming with you, no argument." He added and lead everyone to the Black Lion's hanger. Before they boarded the lion, Shiro turned to Kuro and stopped him in his tracks.

"Kuro, I need you to stay here and look after everyone while we're gone. Don't tell anyone where we are." He tells his look-a-like, who nodded in agreement and he and the rest board the lion and fly out of the hanger, leaving Kuro behind.

-Flashback End-

On the ground, Sendak watched in annoyance as Voltron destroyed the fleets.

"Sendak!" The said Galra turned to see Lotor jump up and come after him. The larger Galra grunted then uses his prosthetic arm to launch a giant piece of debris at the prince and shooting it, allowing him to slip away, behind the platform.

Janka was running to his ship when he was suddenly picked up by something and carried him towards the edge of the cliff and held over it by none other than Sendak himself using his arm.

"Sendak, I... We can work together. Brains and brawn. A joint ruler ship. Stronger than any of the empire has ever seen." Janka offered the former commander.

"Your fleet is mine." Sendak replies coldly then let's go, letting Janka fall to his death. He brings his arm back in then takes Janka's ship and flies to the fleet.

Meanwhile, Lotor went and took a torch from the pit and began ascending the stairs to the flame. The battle raging on behind him as he climbed up. Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded from behind him, creating a gust wind that blew out the torch flame. He looked down in frustration when a hand was presented to him. He looked up to see the Archivist, extending his hand to him. Lotor looks at him and his out stretched suspiciously, before taking it.

"Why are you helping? Do you find me worthy of lighting the flame? Because I am not like my father, I won't continue his tyranny." He said to the galra.

"I know, and that it why you are the most worthy. You wish to end this violence and bring upon an era of peace. Like I hoped you would." The Archivist replied. The purple prince looked confused at him and gasps when the galra's form changes to a young human looking man in a hood and a scaled arm.

"Zarc." Lotor says surprised. "All of this, your guidance, are you saying it was to help me take the throne?" He asks and Zarc nods. "Why? Why me?" He then questioned.

"Because you aren't like your father. You can end this and start anew." Zarc says. "Your time, starts now." The being says and waves his hand, relighting the flame only a bluish-purple color this time. Lotor looks down at the torch surprised then back up as Zarc moved aside and directed him to the flame.

"Go." The being tells him and the Hybrid prince proceeds forward and reignites the flame, just as Voltron lands beside the platform and Allura watches from the Castle. Lotor rises, looking to Zarc, who smiles at him before disappearing. He then turns to face the remaining Galra who stayed.

"With the help of Voltron, the Defender of the universe, I defeated my father. I have lit the flame. I lay claim to the throne of the Empire, with the blessing of the legend himself, Zarc." He tells them. "Now, bow before your new Emperor, and the Defender! Today marks the beginning of a new Era!" He says and all the galra bow before him and Voltron.

AN: Woo-wee! This was a rush! Well, now it's official, Lotor is the new Emperor of the Galra, and the first Hybrid Emperor is I'm calculating this right. Anyway, I'm going to be taking a break from this story to focus on my other projects, but I promise not to keep you waiting too long because the next chapter will be the 30th chapter of the story!

This is in fact my longest story ever, so I'll see you all next time. Oh! And don't forget to try the Avatar Element test and message me what you get. Bye!

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