Chapter 24: The Great Defender
On board the Castle of Lions, Coran, Allura, Kuro and Regris were looking over the process and results of the Naxzela mission.
"It appears that all of the planets we've engaged have been pacified, if not totally liberated." Coran announces. Suddenly the alarms blared as something else appears on the holoscreen.
"What?" Coran said while staring at the screen.
"What is it Coran?" Allura asked worriedly.
"There's another Galra battle cruiser approaching Naxzela." The Altean replied.
Meanwhile with the rebel forces, Matt used the cannon to take out Galra in the system.
"Sector Zar Niomofor is clear." He reports. "Let me see if I can get a line on that battle cruiser." He adds as he types on the console. Suddenly, all the power shut down, disabling the cannon and controls.
"Zaiforge cannon Senfama, are you still operational?" Matt asked.
On Senfama, in the other Zaiforge Cannon base, the place powered down as well.
"Negative." Thace replies as the controls shut down on him.
"The incoming battle cruiser must be shutting them down remotely." Allura says.
"We apologize Paladins. Our artillery support is cut off." Kolivan says.
"What do we do about the Galra cruiser?" Kuro asked.
Meanwhile on Naxzela, the Paladins were making quick work of the base.
"The cruiser's too late. Naxzela is almost secure. We just need to take down the last of the heavy alterity." Shiro reports. Then a screen pops up, showing a cruiser charging up its cannon. "On our left! Shields up!" He commanded. They quickly activate the shield and deflect the blast as it hits.
Voltron then swings the shield forward, sending the blast back at the cruiser, destroying it. Voltron then flies up into the air and, using the shoulder cannon, deal with the rest of the battle cruisers and the base.
Unknown to them, Haggar was aboard the approaching Galra cruiser. Putting her own plan into motion. While Zarkon was on the hunt for Lotor.
Speaking of, Lotor was flying flew hyper speed in his ship. Narti was now awake and released from her cuffs. Kova was also released from his restraints, though more like tiny prison. After flying for a bit, Lotor leans back against his seat and sighs, thinking about the others and their betrayal. Narti noticed, and places a hand on the Prince's shoulder. The said hybrid reaches up and take her hand and smiles at her and Kova. As they flew, they unknowingly fly by a Galran beacon. Alerting Zarkon where they were.
As Lotor was reclining back against his seat, Narti in the seat behind him with Kova in her lap, they suddenly felt the ship shutter as it was hit by something. The two turn to see Galran fighters shooting at them. Lotor immediately took the controls and attempted to fly away, Narti holding onto Kova and the seat through the escapade. Lotor looked down at the scanners to see Galra cruisers following them. No doubt, Zarkon.
"Hang on." He warned, and typed in coordinates then hit the thrusters. They arrived at an unstable sun. He flew close to the star's surface, being mindful. Luckily for them, the fighters and cruisers were unable to withstand the sun's heat and gravity and had to pull. Giving Lotor enough time to fly out away from the sun and enter hyper speed again.
Back on the cruiser nearing Naxzela, with Haggar aboard, who ordered the ship to stop and remain still in an empty area. Before leaving the control room and entering a different one, that had a strange symbol drawn on the floor and some of her fellow Druids surrounding her.
"Let us begin." She instructed. The Druids got down on their knees and the symbol lit up, with Haggar collecting a ball of energy above herself. "Awake, Naxzela!" She shouts and the ball of energy starts pulsing, while an attachment on the front of the ship lights up.
Back on Naxzela, something in its core lights up, powering up something, just as Voltron lands back on its surface.
"Whoa! Did we cause that earthquake?" Lance asks.
"I don't think so!" Pidge replied. The entire planet was shaking and the alarms in Voltron were blaring, alerting them that something was wrong.
"Guys, look over there!" Hunk yelled and Voltron turned to reveal huge towers, and I mean huge, rising up from the planet.
"Uh... guys, what are those?" Lance asked nervously.
"We've never seen anything like this from the Galra before." Pidge stated.
"Are they weapons?" Hunk asked.
"They look like some sort of generators." Pidge answered.
"Stay alert." Shiro warned.
"I have a bad feeling, I say we get out of here." Lance says.
"We need to at least know what these things are." Keith rebuffs. Unknown to them, these, generators were appearing all over the entire planet. Suddenly they seem to activate and produce some sort of purple force field, encasing the planet.
"This can't be safe." Hunk said. Suddenly, the Paladins feel a strange pull down and find themselves glued to the spot.
"I can't move Blue!" Lance shouted panicked.
"Yellow won't budge either!" Hunk shouts. Voltron then fell to its knees and hands, unable to move.
"This energy is holding us down! Gravity levels are spiking!" Pidge informed.
"We have to get out of here!" Shiro grunts. "If we stay here, we'll be crushed. Everyone, we have to focus. Give everything you've got, and maybe we can fight through this energy field." He commands. "Ready?" He asks.
"Ready!" The others reply and all focus on trying to escape the field. They manage to get off the ground using the thrusters, but they couldn't escape the field and fell down to the surface, crashing and finding themselves to the ground.
"Is anyone else able to move around." Hunk grunts.
"Barely, but the gravitational pull is worse on Voltron." Pidge says. "Maybe if we go down to the surface, Hunk and I can figure out a way to interrupt the energy field." She suggests.
"That sounds good except for the zillion robot dudes still kicking' around down there." Lance says.
"We're going to have to stay in tight formation. Watch each other's backs. Let's move!" Shiro says, and they all exit their Lions and land on the planet's surface. They were all having difficulty in balancing with the unstable gravity and trying to avoid the sentries attacks. Lance, annoyed, conjures up ice spears and shoots them at the sentries, however barely any of them hit their target.
"Dammit! This intense gravity is messing with my shots!" He groaned.
"Come on!" Shiro shouts, then conjures up a gust of wind and carries himself and the others to the nearest generator. Which luckily had a ledge. The Paladins put up their shields against the blasts being shot at them.
"Guys, there is defiantly something weird going on." Hunk speaks. "I can feel something vibrating below the surface in the planet's core." He says.
"Yeah, I sense something too." Pidge exclaimed.
"What?! Since when do you have seismic sense?!" Lance exclaimed.
"It's not exactly seismic sense, like Hunk's, sensing the vibrations on and under a surface, it's more like I can connect to things and visualize them." Pidge explained and went over to the wall and scanned it. "This rod goes all the way down the planet's core, but I can't detect any source of power there." She admitted. Hunk then walks up to the wall and separates two metal plates that make the door.
"It's open! Let's go!" The Yellow Paladin exclaims and they all rush through the opening, once everyone was inside, Hunk closes the door, and the five drop down to the planet's core. Shiro using the air flow to slow their descent. They make it to the bottom and Hunk opens the door to a large room with a glowing purple orb in the center.
"Whoa." Pidge says at the spectacle as they walk in.
"What is that?" Lance asked.
"This must be what's causing the gravity pull." Shiro suggests while looking around. "Guys, this facility... it looks, Altean." He says and they all realize he's right.
"It must be Haggar. Allura said she was Altean." Lance says.
"We need to disconnect it now!" Keith exclaims and rushes to the orb.
"Keith! Wait!" Lance shouts, but Keith already came up to the orb and reaches to touch it. It backfires big time as a current of electricity shocks him.
"Ahh!" The Red Paladin shouts as he backs away and collapsed on the ground.
"Keith!" Shiro yells as they all rush to his side. Keith groans and sits up. "You need to be careful." Shiro lightly scolds. Hunk looks over Keith, then notices the ground. He scoops up some dirt and examine it.
"This soil is weird. It's so white and powdery, like ground-up rocks or earth." He says and uses his helmet to scan it. "And heximite!" He exclaims. Suddenly lasers were being shot at them. The team looked up to see the sentries now before them. They must have followed them in. The team immediately put up their shields while Lance summons his bayard and starts blasting them back.
"What's heximite?! Some of us may have slept through chemistry." The Blue Paladin says.
"The whole planet is a bomb, one that's big enough to wipe out several solar systems." Pidge answered.
"It's under increasing pressure, and when the pressure reaches a certain point, it's going to explode." Hunk exclaims.
"How long do we have?" Shiro asks.
"Maybe, 20 minutes." Hunk replies.
"We need to get off of this deathtrap and warn everyone!" Keith exclaims.
"Everyone within ten solar systems of us is going to get blown to pieces." Hunk says.
"They can take out Voltron, the rebels and the Blade of Marmora, all in one fell swoop." Pidge exclaims.
"That's it!" Lance exclaims and conjures up ice spears again, without the heavy gravity, he manages to strike all the sentries down. The Paladins activate their jetpacks and high tail it out the core and back up to Voltron on the surface.
On Senfama, Thace was worried, they hadn't heard from Voltron and he felt something was afoot.
"Princess, are there any target that need support?" He asked Allura.
"We haven't heard anyone needing help." Allura replied.
"That Galra fleet heading towards Naxzela stopped." Coran added.
"It stopped?" Kolivan asked.
"Yes. Quite a distance away, too." The Altean advisor added.
"Perhaps the Galra decided it's too late to attack." The Blade leader suggested.
"Coran! Voltron isn't responding, I tried to message them to check on their progress but nothing's gone through!" Kuro exclaims.
"We're also detecting a weird magnetic distortion from Naxzela." Regris reports.
"Keith." Thace thinks worried. "I'm going to investigate." The Galra announces. Before Kolivan can say anything, the Blade hops down from the platform and quickly boards one of the Galran fighters. He takes off, then opens the com link.
"Rebels, this is Blade Operative Thace. Do you copy?" He says.
"Thace. This is rebel fighter Matt. We copy." Matt replies.
"Something is amiss, the Castle cannot reach Voltron." Thace reports.
"We can fly to Naxzela to check on 'em." Matt suggests.
"No, I'm afraid I need your help. I can't explain, but I believe we need to attack that cruiser." Thace says.
"I thought the cruiser stopped." Matt says confused.
"It has... but I'm afraid it might have something to do with Voltron." Thace admits.
"We're with you." Matt said after a short pause.
"Copy. We'll be meeting at the cruiser." Thace says and makes his way to the ship.
"We'll come along too." Coran suggests.
"No, stay in position. We may need you back there." Thace rebuffs.
Meanwhile, Lotor and Narti were resting after being relentlessly chased by Zarkon and the Empire. Narti herself was asleep along with Kova. Lotor sighed and looked out at the vast emptiness of space. Suddenly, before his eyes formed a shape that appeared to be made of light. It looked like a person, with wings? The mysterious creature made beckoning motion and flew behind them.
Lotor was unsure, but he didn't feel any malice from the being. Going with his instincts, he starts up the thrusters and takes the controls, then proceeds to follow the mystery creature. The jolt of the ship wakes Narti and Kova, but the general doesn't say anything. As they flew, Lotor decided to listen in on the Galra radio transmissions.
"Fighter squadron Djalg 14, report in." A female voice said.
"Djalg 14 here. No sign of Lotor in this zone." A male voice replied. "Moving to Zone Everall 71." He added.
"Copy. Fighter squadron Djalg 15, report in." The female said.
"Djalg 15 here. No sign of Lotor. Moving to Zone Rebulon 55." A deeper male voice reported.
"Negative Djalg 15, that zone is restricted." The female voice said. "I repeat, Zones 4 through 69 are off-limits. We expect a massive detonation soon that will wipe out everything in the quadrant. Avoid the area." She explained. Lotor turns off the radio and checked the maps, seeing they were in fact heading to that destination.
"Where are you taking us?" The hybrid prince thought, but continued to follow.
Back on Naxzela, the Paladins all boarded their lions, still as Voltron.
"If the signal activating the core is not on Naxzela, then it must be being transmitted from somewhere." Pidge said.
"That incoming Galra cruiser! That has to be where it's coming from!" Lance said.
"Got it! Coran! Princess! Blades! Rebel forces! Do you copy?" Shiro signaled, but got no response. "Anyone? Hello!" He called but again received no answer. "We've lost communications." He states. "Pidge, can you boost out signal?" He asks the Green Paladin.
"No! There's too much electrostatic repulsion!" She replied.
"Seventeen minutes left till this planet go kabloowe!" Hunk informed.
"We got to get off the planet immediately!" Keith shouted. The Paladins attempted to get Voltron up and off the planet before it exploded. They manage to make Voltron stand again, but the increasing gravity caused the ground they were standing on to give away, and Voltron falls down.
"Oh, no! We've fallen even further down!" Lance exclaims as they hit the ground.
"Fifteen minutes to boom!" Hunk exclaims.
"No! No! We can't die here! Not yet!" Pidge yells.
"Listen. We've come through a lot as Voltron. We just have to think." Shiro says. The Paladins do just that, when Lance suddenly gets an idea.
"Guys!" He yells over the coms. "What if we do the Avatar thing?" He suggests.
"What?!" The others yell.
"Hear me out, we've all had a moment where we connected to our powers on a spiritual level. Maybe if we channel that power through Voltron, we can escape!" He explains.
"But last time it also had some bad drawbacks!" Pidge yells.
"Yeah, it really weakened everyone in the aftermath. Remember what happen to me." Keith agrees.
"I know, it's risky, but we don't have a lot of options here. If we don't try, we'll either be crushed our blown up! And Keith that was because you exerted yourself and didn't listen to us!" Lance reasons. He had a point.
"He's right, it's all we got." Shiro agreed. "Everyone! Concentrate! Focus on your powers, and reach deep within yourselves!" He commands, reluctantly they obey.
The Paladins all reach deep within their subconscious, and find themselves once again on the paths of light that match their color. Though Shiro's is more of a dark violet than black. They all walk down the paths to the giant versions of themselves made up of light, but that wasn't all that was there. There were Lions.
A blue lion that appeared to be made of water. A red lion formed from flames. A yellow lion made of sand and rock. A green lion made up of plants and vines. And a dark violet lion made of light and air. The Paladins all walk up to the lions and recognize them as the Voltron Lions. With their lions in toe, they walk towards their giant counterparts and walk into the beings of light.
The Paladins eyes all snap open, revealing whited-outs of their colors. Voltron then glows bright and shoots up into the air. The Paladins all shouting as they keep rising up and up, before breaking through the purple shell and flying away from the planet.
"It worked!" Shiro shouted as they all started coming back to their senses.
"Amazing Lance, I can't believe that actually worked." Keith said impressed.
"I do have my moments." The Blue Paladin replied with a smirk.
"We still need to defuse that bomb!" Hunk shouted.
"Right!" Shiro says and opens a hailing frequency. "Princess! Coran!" He shouted.
"Paladins, are you alright? We lost contact and were worried." Allura exclaimed.
"No time! Naxzela is a giant bomb and it's about to go off!" Shiro exclaims.
"What?!" Screams, not only the occupants aboard the castle, but also Thace and the Rebel fighters who also tuned in.
"It's Zarkon's witch, Haggar, she's behind this. She's most likely on that battle cruiser. We need to stop her before Naxzela blows and takes everything with it." He explains.
"I'm already en route. Along with the rebel forces." Thace reports.
"Good to have Voltron back in the fight." Matt says over the comms.
"Princess, you need to get the Castle as far away from Naxzela as possible. Pick up any members of the coalition who are nearby, but go." Shiro instructs.
"But why? We can help." Coran asked.
"Because, if we can't stop it, you're going to have to continue this fight without us." Shiro replies.
"Understood, and good luck. We'll monitor your progress." The princess replies and cuts the comm link.
"Thrusters are at max power!" Pidge informs.
"I sure hope we make it in time." Hunk comments.
Meanwhile, with Thace and the rebels, they arrive at the cruiser, and are shocked.
"What the ruggle is that?" Olia says.
"It looks like some sort of weapon attached to the cruiser." Matt reports. Suddenly the cruiser began shooting at them.
"Evasive maneuvers!" Olia yells and they all dodge the attacks.
"Rebels! We need to destroy that weapon to deactivate Naxzela! Aim for it!" Thace commands and they all began attacking the weapon, only to find it was protected by a shield. "Follow me! We need to break that sheil—Nngh!" The Galra grunts as the ship hits him, damaging one of the fighter's wings.
With Voltron, they were going as fast they could, but they were all servilely weakened from their power spike before.
"We're not gonna make it!" Lance shouts.
"We have to!" Keith shouts in reply.
Back with Thace and the Rebels, they kept blasting but nothing was working.
"We'll never get through those shields!" Matt informed.
"Maybe not with our weapons." Thace replies and activates the thrusters on the fighter. He backs and up and gets ready to charge the fighter straight into the shield.
"Wait! Thace what are you doing?!" Matt yells, but Thace ignores him. "Thace! No! You won't make it!" Matt yells again, but Thace cuts off the comm link and continues charging forward.
"For the universe." Thace says to himself. "Keith," he mutters. "Forgive me." He finishes with a tear falling from his eye and continues charging forward to break the shield, knowing full well it will cost him his life.
Suddenly a loud roar was heard and Thace found himself being knocked back as a laser came from nowhere and shot through the shield disabling it, and destroying the weapon attachment, canceling the detonation of Naxzela. It was Lotor.
"Naxzela is returning to normal!" Coran announced. The other room occupants all sighed in relief. "You did it!" The Altean man shouted.
"Good work forces!" Shiro praises.
"It wasn't us." Matt informed.
"It was Lotor." Thace admitted, holding his injured shoulder from the throwback. "Only the cannon on his ship has the power to get through the cruiser's shield." He explains. With that, the cruiser retreated, then a transmission came through.
"Attention Paladins and Rebel forces of Voltron. I know we've had our differences in the past, but... I think it is time we had a discussion." He announced.
AN: And with that season 4 is over. I'm going to be taking a break for a bit. But I'll be back as soon as I can. Though, now that I think about it, it might not be that long of a break considering I'm sort of confined to my home with this outbreak. Wish me luck readers. See you all next time, for season 5.
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