Chapter 23: The Blitz Begins
The Paladins and Alteans were back on Olkarion on the Castle of Lions bridge. Kolivan and Antok were on screen, discussing the plans for the next mission.
"Entire Galra fleets have been mobilized. Zarkon seems to be out looking for Lotor." Kolivan reported.
"It's only a matter of time before he gets the empire back in order." Shiro says. "We need to take advantage of this moment." He suggests.
"What are you getting at Shiro?" Allura asks him.
"Now is the time to assemble the coalition that Voltron has been building." He replies. "With intelligence gathered by the Blades and coalition observers, combined with Pidge's Galra tracking software, we now have a detailed map of the Galra Empire." He explains, pulling up said space map. "I've identified an intermittent line of coalition planets that runs through the territory. If you look closely, there's only one Galra-occupied planet left on that line." He points out.
"Naxzela." Allura named.
"Exactly. If we take Naxzela and solidify that line, we can cut off all Galran troops behind it from the Empire and use our position to defeat them." Shiro states.
"Wow! We could take a third of the Galra Empire in one fell swoop." Pidge says.
"Do we have a plan?" Hunk asked.
"We attack several locations across the region, at once." Shiro began. "First, we'll have to cut off communications between the region and Galra Central Command by striking the satellite relay station orbiting Vantax Five." He instructs.
"Pidge and I can handle that." Hunk says.
"The Blades informed us of two Galra defense systems coming online called Zaiforge cannons. Now these cannon can strike any target within our combat proximity. The first, in high-orbit around the Planet Teq, will be attacked by coalition air forces, led by Matt and Captain Olia. Kolivan will lead a Marmora strike team against the second cannon that's located on the surface of Senfama, which is vulnerable to covert ground attacks." Shiro instructs.
"We intend to take control of these cannons and use Zarkon's own firing power against him. Once the coalition and Blade forces neutralize these targets, the Galra's defenses will be weakened, allowing us to take down the remaining Galra-controlled planets in the area. While our forces are taking control of the planets, Naxzela will already be under attack." He says.
"By whom?" Allura asks.
"Voltron." The leader replies, pleasing the others.
"Aw, yeah! Team Voltron's gonna drop in Naxzela, form Hunk's giant laser cannon and be all like "Pow! Pow! Pow!". Easy-peasy." Lance said.
"I doubt it will be that easy." Keith rebuffed, but Lance didn't pay him any mind.
"Yes. Unfortunately, not that easy. Naxzela will be tough. It's heavily fortified with Galra. Out attack must be swift enough to neutralize the Galra forces before they have time to contact Galra Headquarters. Because if they call for reinforcements, we'll be caught in a fight on two fronts." Shiro explains.
"If this works, the Voltron Coalition will possess a third of the Empire's territory. It will be a massive victory." Kolivan states.
"And inspire a whole new wave of rebellions." Allura adds.
"There's no time to waste." Shiro says. With that, the Paladins gathered the Voltron coalition, all gathering together aboard the Castle of Lions for the plan.
Meanwhile in distant space, Lotor and his generals were traveling to a mystery location, known only by Lotor. However, unknown to the Galran Prince, his generals were starting to get antsy. On the run, hiding from the Empire, more specifically Zarkon, had them all on edge. It didn't help that Lotor almost struck down Narti. Granted she was being controlled by Haggar, but still. Finally they arrived at their destination, only, it looked to be nothing but a space wasteland.
"Sir, we're approaching the coordinates, but my scanners don't detect anything." Zethrid informed.
"They're not supposed to." Lotor replies, confusing her and the others. Then, low and behold before them was a destroyed planet.
"Lotor, what is this?" Asked Ezor.
"The ruins of planet Daibazaal." Lotor replied, almost mournfully. Daibazaal, also known as the original home planet of the Galra. The five Galra hybrids flew their ships in closer, following the purple prince as he lead them towards something in the planet's remains.
"What is that?" Ezor asked when she saw a strange machine in said remains.
"Zarkon believed that Alfor's plan to blow up Daibazaal and destroy the rift between the realities actually worked. No one comprehended that the experiments of my mother, Honerva, could never be undone." He answered.
"I had a secret team construct this inter-reality gate on the rift, where her work began. Just as Voltron was able to, I will pilot us through the rift, and we will harvest the unlimited quintessence that exists in the layer between realities." He explains.
"I never doubted you, Lotor." Acxa, arguably his most trusted General, said.
"So, we can just fly right through this thing to another reality?" Ezor asked.
"I've not yet had a chance to test the gate." Lotor admitted. "My plans have been accelerated by our recent, turn of events. But if my calculations are correct, by infusing our ships with concentrated quintessence, we should be able to pierce the barrier between realities." He said as he did just that, and started approaching the portal, with Zethrid and Narti onboard.
"Sir, this is all the concentrated quintessence we have left." Zethrid informed.
"And I will use it to reap an untold amount more." Lotor replies as reaches the portal and flies through. It was white, bright white, Lotor looks around the place, seeing nothing but the bright white. Suddenly, Lotor saw something, a dark spec in the vastness of the white. He tried to get a closer look, but suddenly the white disappeared, and they were back in the ruins of Daibazaal.
"Uh... did it work?" Zethrid asked. Lotor looked around, seeing Ezor and Acxa still on the other side of the portal, as they did not go through. Looks like it didn't.
Back on the Castle of Lions, the Paladins had gathered members of the coalition and they all met up on the bridge.
"Alright Princess, it's time to begin the broadcast." Coran announced.
"Have we secured communications?" Allura asked.
"Yes, Matt and I used the rebel's transporter encryption." Pidge replied, while said brother was next to her, grinning like an idiot while waving to the princess.
"Always helps to have a pair of tech-genius siblings around." Coran says while twirling his mustache. With that, Allura activated the castle's communication systems and began broadcasting a message across the universe, to coalition branches.
"Fellow members of the Voltron Coalition, if you are hearing me now, it is because you have pledged to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us in our fight against Zarkon's tyrannical enslavement of the free peoples of the universe. But that enslavement is about to be dealt a crushing blow. The time for a full-scale attack on the Galra Empire, is now.
"Far in the future, when they speak of this day, they will speak of our sacrifice, but they will also remember this as the day that freedom began to overtake tyranny. You all have missions. You know what to do. Good luck. We'll see you on the other side." Allura finished her speech. With that, the coalition got to work.
Pidge and Hunk took the Green Lion, using its cloaking ability, to head to the communications station. They managed to get aboard, when the station was in the dark zone. Hunk was a little nervous, but they manage. The two burst into the control room, attacking the sentries and galran commander guns blazing. The commander making a dash for the console to set the alert for backup.
"Pidge, we can't let them trip that alarm!" Hunk shouted while being pinned by a particularly strong sentry.
Pidge used her bayard to tie the Galra and pull him back away from the console. The Galra in turn pulled her towards himself and the two engaged in a wrestling match of sorts. Pidge trying to keep the Galra away from the console, but the said alien was very strong, luckily Rover managed to help a little. Hunk manages to beat the sentry pinning him and noticed them both. He quickly got an idea.
"Pidge, duck!" The Yellow Paladin shouted. The green did as told, making sure to grab Rover as a hunk of metal came flying at the Galra, hitting him right in the head and knocking him out cold on the floor. The two then get to work, opening a panel, with Rover's help, and hacking into the system.
"Comm station hacked, ghost signal initiated. Fully automated, so Galra HQ thinks it's running. We have about eight hours before they figure it out." Pidge reports.
"Until then, no calls get in or out." Hunk adds, and Shiro appears on the comms.
"Coran will monitor it from the Castle so we know when it comes back online." Shiro says. "Great work guys." He praises. The two Paladins then hop off the station and head to the meet-up point to join the others.
Meanwhile, the coalition forces, led by Captain Olia, made their way to the first cannon on a Galra Cruiser near Planet Teq. However, they were having trouble, as they're unable to get through the cruisers shields. Olia calls for a retreat, but then the cannon fires, eliminating a third of their forces.
"Blades, we're in trouble! What's the status of your cannon?" Olia asked over the intercoms. "Blades!" She shouts when they don't reply.
Meanwhile, on the surface of Senfama.
"Copy, Rebel Captain, we're en route." Thace replied. He was now healed up and ready to join in the fight. He and the other blades were making their way to the other cannon. Along with him, were Kolivan, Antok and Ulaz. The four infiltrate the cannon base, slicing down all sentries in their path.
They manage to break into the command center and knock out all the soldiers, and slice down sentries. Thace knocks out the commander and heads over to the controls.
"Senfama cannon, secured." He reports.
On the Castle of Lions.
"The Senfama Zaiforge cannon is ours. Naxzela is under way." Coran reports. Kuro, Regris and Allura also on board monitoring the situation.
Meanwhile, on Naxzela, a few Galra commanders were outside the building, when a series of flashes appeared in the clouds above. From the clouds, a torn to shreds Galra cruiser descended upon them, crashing mere meters away. As the smoke from the collision cleared, low and behold, Voltron, in all its glory. The Galra quickly ran, scared stiff with their tails between their legs. Voltron stood, ready for action and to defend.
"Alright Paladins, we've only got one chance to take Naxzela, so let's make it count." Shiro instructed. With that, the Voltron Paladins began attacking.
"Incoming cruiser, three o'clock!" Keith warned. They manage to dodge out of the way in time. When they start to fly, suddenly they were hit by something.
"What was that?" Lance grunts and asks. "I didn't see any--" he was cut off by another blast. Voltron continued getting hit at all sides by an unseen force.
"What's hitting us?" Shiro asked and Pidge checked her scanners.
"We're in a minefield. Somehow, the bombs were cloaked." She informed.
"Shield. Shield!" Hunk shouted. Pidge managed to activate the shield in time when another blast from a Galra cruiser came at them.
"My systems are able to the mines, but there's too many to safely maneuver through them. And with the cruisers covering all possible exits from this minefield, we don't have any way out!" Pidge informed over the comm link.
"Wait a tick, guys. Maybe I can freeze the mines." Lance suggested.
"Then we could fly out of here before they explode." Keith added.
"Alright, sounds like a plan." Shiro agreed. "Freeze 'em Lance!" He commanded and Voltron split back into Lions. Lance activates his ice cannon and freezes the hidden mines surrounding the base.
"Let's move!" Shiro commands and they all fly in formation. "Form Voltron!" The leader shouts, and the Lions once again combine into the Legendary Defender. "Great work, team. Now let's secure Naxzela." Shiro commands and they move.
Meanwhile on Daibazaal, Lotor was staring up at the portal, thinking about what happened and what he saw. Narti was by his side, with her fellow generals a safe distance behind them.
"Told you so. All of Lotor's plans failed." Ezor states.
"He's going to turn on us as soon as it's in his best interest." Zethrid said next. "We have to strike first." She adds.
"If we turn him over to Galra Headquarters now, maybe they'll show us mercy." Ezor suggests.
"We need to take him down. It's our only chance." Zethrid agrees.
"And Narti?" Acxa asks.
"If she isn't with us, she's against us." Zethrid states. Acxa felt conflicted, she slowly approached the prince and her fellow general. The cat on the blind hybrid's shoulder meowed, alerting Narti, who looks behind her. Acxa lifts up her blaster, Narti quickly goes to bring out her weapon, but is too late as Acxa shoots Kova, shunning the blind alien, then is shot herself. Lotor snaps out of his daze and Acxa shoots him as well.
"Did you kill them?" Zethrid asked looking down at their fallen comrades.
"They're just stunned. Now, help me secure them. Let's make this quick." Acxa answers then orders.
Meanwhile on Senfama, Thace was trying to target the other cannon near Teq.
"Target located." He announced and began charging up the weapon. "Aim, Fire!" He shouted and fired the weapon at the cruiser.
Meanwhile, the rebel forces were backed into a corner, hiding behind a large asteroid that was being broken apart by the cannon. When it seemed like they were about to be hit, the cannon blast from Senfama came hitting the cruiser, disabling the shields and deactivating the cannon blast.
"Captain, shileds are down!" Matt shouted.
"Alright, let's get control of that cannon!" Olia commands, and the Rebels attack, taking command of the ship and cannon.
"Zaiforge Cannon Base is ours!" Coran announces.
"We're ready to provide cover for the Taujeerians." Thace reports.
"Cannon acquired. Ready to provide backup." Olia reports.
"Copy that. Princess." Coran says and turns to the Altean royal, who nods.
"Coalition, you are clear to begin." Allura gives the go to and the alliance forces move in.
"We've almost take the entire area!" Coran exclaims with star pupils. Allura smiled at his enthusiasm, then notices Kuro.
"Is something wrong?" She asks him.
"I... I don't, but something feels, wrong. Like, this is too easy." He admits. That got Allura thinking. Now that he mentions it, something does feel off, their plans almost never came to fulfillment, it was too easy.
"A path taken, can be changed. The only one who should decide your destiny is you. Like how a flower cannot choose where it blooms, children can't choose their parents, but it doesn't mean they have to follow the example left to them."
Lotor groans as he blinks open his eyes. He gasps as he finds himself in his ship, his hand cuffed behind his back. He struggles with the restraints, then sees Narti unconscious in the seat behind him. Her wrists and ankles also bound.
"What is the meaning of this? Where are you taking us?" His asked his generals, knowing they were listening.
"I'm sorry sir. Nothing personal. This is our only way out." Zethrid says.
"You plan to give me up to my father." Lotor says, and looks behind himself at Narti. Kova, not far away in what could only be described as a space cat carrier and a muzzle. "And what of Narti?" He asks.
"If she won't side with us, than she is against us." Zethrid replies.
"Understood. You do what you must, and I'll do what I must." Lotor says, then, in a horrifying sequence, seems to dislocate his bane as he twist his arms to his front and breaks the cuffs. He then presses a button, ejecting Zethrid from the ship and flies away. Zethrid is caught by Acxa and Ezor on their ship, leaving them pondering on what to do next.
"There's one other option." Acxa states.
Meanwhile, aboard the castle of Lions, and alarm blared on the screen.
"Quiznack!" Coran exclaimed. "The communications satellite is back online. A Galra distress call is going through!" He announced.
"It's doesn't matter, they're too late. We've just about secured Naxzela." Shiro replies, but both Kuro and Allura had a bad feeling. Nobody could know the end result of this mission plan, or what was awaiting them.
AN: Woo-wee, and that's just the build up to the end, wonder what else is in store. Until then see-ya.
Actually, I should address this now, how is everyone doing with the Coronavirus Outbreak? My family is going nuts and we're practically quarantined in our own house. Pretty much my dad is the only one who goes out anymore. I just wanted to make sure you guys are okay. Message me in the comments of your status.
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