Chapter 22: The Voltron Galactic Tour

AN: Music was too perfect to pass up.

On Olkarion, on the Castle of Lions' bridge, the Paladins and Alteans were discussing about what to do about Zarkon's return. The Paladins had just done some training with their powers and were hopefully ready to face the Empire's forces, but for now they decided to focus on the Voltron Coalition.

"Good news." Shiro began. "There's been an upsurge in planets that gave been liberated from the Galra control by the Blade of Marmora and the rebel forces. Convincing these planets to join our coalition is priority one." He informs.

"Oh, does that mean more Voltron events?" Coran asked.

"Yes. Believe it or not, the Voltron show-of-arms goes a long way in inspiring others to join the fight." The Voltron leader says as he pulls up a hologram map. "The green clusters you see here, here and here represent the planets and in some cases, entire star systems that have joined coalition. Not coincidentally, those are also areas we've personally visited." He explains.

"All right! Razzle-Dazzle time!" Lance said excitedly while doing a showy thing with his arms.

"Great, so we're basically doing another parade." Keith seemed to groan.

"You know, part of being a Defender of the Universe, is doing things that will get people to notice us, and like us. This is our best option here, Mullet." Lance rebuffs, putting down his arms.

"Coran, can you set everything up?" Shiro asked the Altean advisor.

"I know just where to start." The man replied and went to make preparations.

"Hey," Lance says as he approaches Keith as they all move out of the bridge. "You okay man? You've been more than a little cranky all day." He asked.

"It's nothing. I'm fine." Keith dismissed, but Lance could tell that wasn't true.

"Is this about Thace waking up, but having to go back to the Blade of Marmora?" He asked, and Keith stiffened. Nailed it. While away training their powers, Thace had finally woken up from his healing-pod coma.

However, he was immediately taken back to the Blades' base for further recovery. Needless to say, Keith was a little salty about the development as he didn't get the chance to talk to Thace, though he was glad to hear that Regris, of all Blades, will be joining them on the Castle ship. Though he was busy at the moment, and wouldn't be joining for a while. Still Keith was happy he was coming aboard.

Coran sets them up at an intergalactic hospital, where they helped set up power supply, before Coran called them in. They met up behind a stage in a room with a few hospital patients in chairs. Most of whom, were wearing casts.

"Everyone check your wrist devices. I uploaded a script onto them." Coran said. The Paladins, and Allura, all pulled up their said scripts.

"What is this?" Hunk asked while reading.

"Yeah, there's barely anybody out there." Lance comments.

"I scaled down the show so we can do it indoors for the patients, you know to lift their spirits." Coran explained.

"This isn't even factually accurate." Pidge says.

"Well, this is the Legend of Voltron, not the Documentary of Voltron." The Altean man replies.

"Coran, I barely have a single line here." Allura complained.

"And what am I supposed to do? It doesn't look like I even have a part in the show." Kuro says.

"Stunt double?" Coran replies to him. Kuro sighs looking down, Shiro pats him on the shoulder.

"That's cold Coran, that's really cold, and I know cold." Lance says.

"Sorry, didn't have anything else. Besides, I also need a helping hand, especially with having a certain physique." The Advisor states. "Come along now, everyone in positions. Just follow the script." The gingered-haired man said and leads to the stage. Which they do, reluctantly. Though Coran directed Kuro somewhere else.

"Ladies and gentle-aliens, bear witness as the Paladins of Voltron attack Zarkon's base to save the helpless Princess Allura!" Coran announces on stage, in a spotlight cast by Kuro. The man then directs the light to be moved, and the clone does, shining the spotlight now on a stunned Shiro, who covers his eyes from the light. "Shiro, you're on!" Coran calls from off stage. Shiro's eyes manage to adjust to the light, so he pulls up his script and reads off it.

"Uh... I will save the princess, even if it means taking on the Galra Empire with my bare, hand." Shiro reads, clearly uncomfortable.

"You won't have to do it alone because you have me, Hunk." Hunk says as he walks out onto the stage.

"And me, Pidge." Pidge says as she appears, unenthusiastic and clearly annoyed.

"And me, Lance!" Lance said, the only enthusiastic one, as he jumps into the spotlight, before checking his script. "Holds bayard dashingly." He reads and pulls out said bayard and poses with it.

"And me... Keith." Keith said with a groans as he comes out as well.

"Thank you, team, for always being by my side. Through thick or thin." Shiro says. "Now, come along. Together, we'll..."

"Defeat Zarkon!" They all said at the same time.

"My... heroes." Allura says as she comes out as well. Sighing heavily while trying, and failing, to be dramatic. The rest of the lights come back on and the Paladins find that the seats, that had at least a few patients, were now all empty.

"Well that bombed." Hunk says.

"Yeah, speaking of bombs, we need to get to doing air shows with explosions and lasers... and bombs!" Lance said, and the Paladins and Princess all walk off-stage.

"I was hoping to expand our horizons." Coran sighed as he walked off stage as well, just as Kuro is walking by. "Be honest! Was it that bad?!" Coran asked him.

"Seeing as I don't want to be a liar, yes, it was very bad." The clone replied and walked away. Most likely to find Shiro. Coran sighed again and went to walk out of the room as well.

"Well, that was something. I'll admit." At the sound of the, young, voice, Coran turned to see a young boy, dressed oddly, and his entire right arm bandaged up.

"At least one stayed." Coran sighs again.

"Yeah, though not what I was hoping for when I came to see it." The kid admitted.

"I don't know what I was thinking." Coran says.

"Look, honestly the first draft of anything is usually bad, often embarrassingly bad, but you shouldn't get discouraged just because of that. It's why it's usually called "the first". So just keep going on, and improve over time, using what you learn from the last attempt." The boy says.

"Well, I guess you do have a point there." Coran finds himself agreeing.

"Here's a thought." The boy said, getting the man's attention. "What is Voltron about? Instead of giving the people what they want to see, show them what Voltron is about, What Voltron can do, what Voltron has done. Show them, the "Magic" of Voltron." The young boy suggests. Coran thinks about it.

"You know what? You're right!" He exclaims and begins making to the door. "I'll show them all what Voltron is about!" He says as he stops at the door and turns around. "Thank... You?" He says a little confused as the boy was now nowhere to be found. Just vanished, into thin air. Coran decides to think on it later and walks out the room. Only to find Lance in the hallway, healing a young child.

"Thank you, Blue Paladin." The woman, presumably the child's mother, next to them says. "Neeta? What do you have to say?" She asks her child.

"Thank you Mr. Blue!" The little one exclaims happily.

"You're both welcome." Lance says with a charming smile.

"We were just about to check out the show." The woman says and Lance's smile fell.

"Oh, well, might want to take a rain-check there." He says a little nervous. Before the woman could question why, another voice came.

"There you are Lance." Keith said as he walked up to them. The Blue Paladin looked like he got an idea and turned to the Red.

"Hey Keith, make a flame." He says. The Half-galra gives him a questioning look. "Like in your palm." The other says.

"Like this?" Keith said and conjured a flame in the palm of his hand.

"Ooh..." The little alien child coos. "Pretty." The child said as they stare at the flickering flame. Lance then conjures up a small stream of water, making the little kid coo again. He then cools the stream, and it turns into snow, the child giggles. Coran smiles at the scene.

Later on the Castle, the crew all flew to another planet, that was heavily encased by raging storms.

"Voltron air show here we come!" Coran exclaims as they enter the planet's atmosphere.

"I hope you booked a larger venue this time." Lance says as they landed.

"I'm not sure if these are the best conditions for a show." Pidge says when they see the storms. Just then a transmission came through, revealing an odd looking red creature, that did not look happy.

"Well, if it isn't Team Voltron, a day late and a fertronium short." The thing exclaimed, rather unpleasantly.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem?" Coran asks.

"Is there a problem? Yes! Yes, there is a problem! You were supposed to be here yesterday! It was the one day out of the year we have clear skies. The other 720 days are like this!" The thing explained. He most likely meant the raging storm.

"Oh, I see my mistake. I forgot to calculate for time dilation." Coran replies.

"Oh, you made a mistake? The entire planet was out of their burrows for Clear-Day, just waiting. "Where's Voltron?" they kept asking." The thing exclaims.

"Okay, th-that's on me." Coran says.

"I said, "Don't worry, they'll show up," but did you? No!" The thing interrupted. "Then everyone starts turning on. "You said they'd be here!"." It yells. Suddenly the castle shook, throwing everyone off balance.

"What was that?" Allura asked. Coran types on the console, pulling up the Castle footage, to find a strange creature attacking the ship.

"It's a Swathian meerakeet." The alien on screen answers. "They show up every day of the year, except one. Guess which day?" He says.

"Okay, we get it." Lance says, getting a little annoyed.

"Clear-Day!" The alien shouts anyway, making Lance groan.

"Don't worry. They'll chase any beam of light. I'll lead it away while we get out of here." Coran says and presses a button, sending a stream of light from the top of the castle. The creature follows after it, and Coran proceeds to launch the Castle back into space and fly away.

"I'm really sorry about that." Coran sighs once they cleared away from the planet.

"Coran, if we're going to expand this coalition in the short amount of time we have, we can't afford these kind of mistakes." Shiro says.

"That last show was pretty lame. I don't know if your cut out for to be managing this kind of thing." Lance comments.

"I agree with both Shiro and Lance, Coran. I mean the audience, literally left the moment it started." Kuro says.

"Just give me one more chance. I promise to turn it around." Coran pleads and promises.

"Or, we can forget about the whole thing, and go fight Zarkon and finish the job." Keith speaks up and everyone turns to him. "What are we even doing? We're basically selling ourselves like a cheap-ass traveling show. We're supposed to be Defenders of the Universe, why are we doing lame skits like this?" He says.

"Keith, we've talked about this. These shows are to help us expand and strengthen our coalition against Zarkon." Shiro says.

"More like stroke Lance's ego." Keith grunts.

"Hey!" The Blue Paladin exclaims. "Okay Mullet, we know you're cranky with Thace leaving before you two could talk, but that doesn't mean you get to take it out on all of us. You can talk him when he recovers and has the time. You just need to be patient, and give the guy a break, considering what he went through. I thought you learned your lesson on Ara." The Cuban says and leaves the bridge.

Keith looks to the others, they don't say a thing, but it was written on their faces, especially Shiro's. He then leaves the bridge as well, soon followed by everyone.

Later, Coran was in his room, feeling partially responsible for the incident on the Bridge. They were right, he did suck at this so far. He sighs as he lays down. He began thinking back to that kid at the hospital.

"What Voltron is all about. Voltron magic." He mutters to himself. "Magic." He repeats, thinking back to the scene at the hospital with the child and the Red and Blue Paladins. Then, like a lightning bolt striking him, he jumps up out of his bed. "That's it! I've got it!" He exclaims and gets to work. He knew just what to do.

The next day, Coran took the Paladins, plus the Princess and Kuro, to the Unilu Swap Moon, aka the Space Mall.

"It's official. We've reached rock-bottom." Pidge exclaims looking at the place.

"Yeah, I don't know if this is the best place to get our message out to the widest audience." Shiro says.

"Now, I understand if this isn't the best place, but we all we got at the moment. But trust me, I was up all night planning this thing, writing and rewriting a few drafts, but I think I got it!" Coran exclaims.

"Wait, are you saying you didn't get any sleep?" Kuro asked. "Coran are sure you're okay?" He asks.

"Trust me, Kuro-boy, I'm fine." He says. That sounded wrong. "I realized what we need to do. Trust me." He says.

"Well, I guess we can give it a shot." Shiro says with a sigh.

Coran grins and leads the team down to a small stage in the mall. They were people around, though more like passing costumers than an actual audience.

"Alright, the show is ready. I know the hospital performance was a disaster, but I think I know where I went wrong. For the show we won't be needing any script or speaking words. Just some action and good old "Voltron Magic"!" Coran exclaims.

"Voltron, magic? What magic?" Keith asked and Coran anime fell.

"You know!" The Altean exclaims when he gets up. "The Paladin's magic. The beautiful spectacle, the bond with the lions!" He says, but the others only give him confused looks. "Your elemental powers." He says and the others get it.

"So yes, for the opening act, you five are going to display your amazing gifts. Show the audience what you can do. For the second half, we'll show them what you've done. Allura, that's where you come in. While Kuro, I need help with the prop." He explains, then looks out through the curtain, before turning back to the others. "Everyone ready?" He asked and they all nod. "Alright then, it's show time." He says and goes out to announce the show.

"Ladies and gentle-aliens. Welcome to the Voltron Show! Get ready to see spectacular feats, daring adventures, and magic." Coran announces. "Now I present, the Paladins of Voltron!" He exclaims, with that the Paladins appear.

Shiro flies in, using the air to glide to the stage, while generating soft breezes. Lance summersaults onto stage, lifting up his arms, creating streams of water. Keith rushes out, nearly losing his balance for a tick, before igniting his flames. Pidge appears, and wields the plants Coran set up, and producing flowers from them. Hunk then tumbles out, and levitates some rocks and metal pieces, that Coran also set up, combining the two. People were immediately taking notice. The Paladins then all strike a pose, while displaying their individual powers.

"So far, so good." Coran mumbles to himself, while watching for the side. "Time for act two." He says and signals to Kuro, who pushes out a weird prop on wheels. "Oh no! It's a laser-eyed monster! We need the Paladins of Voltron!" He calls out.

With rock like music in the background, the Paladins attack the monster prop, reenacting their battle on Balmera. They fire at the crudely made monster, pretty destroying the cheap prop then strike a pose.

"The monster is defeated!" Coran shouts. "But, oh no! The Balmera is sick and dying!" He says, motioning Kuro to push something else out, which he does. It looks like a small platform of land, though clearly unhealthy, the Paladins step away to better show the prop. "Allura, we need you!" He calls and motions for Allura, who steps out and presses a hand to the platform, which lights up and turns a healthier green. The Paladins and Altean Princess then all strike a pose.

"Spread the word! The Voltron Coalition needs you!" Coran calls from the side.

"I would like to join the Voltron Coalition!" An audience member shouts, and the rest of the aliens watching starting cheering as well. The Paladins all walk back to behind the curtain, meeting up with Coran and Kuro.

"At least the crowd stayed until the end this time." Pidge comments.

"Uh-huh." Hunk agrees.

"That... actually went really well. It was even entertaining." Shiro praises.

"I'm glad you all liked it, because just the beginning." Coran announces.

Later, he takes them aboard the Castle ship and to a new planet. Oddly looking like a loaf of bread twisted and bent in a weird way. (AN: I'm serious that's what it looks like to me).

"This is our first stadium, so let's get out and really win some hearts and minds today!" Coran said to the team, who were currently in a lounge like area. Just then a weird, noodle looking alien in a suit and bowtie came in.

"Bi-boh-bi-bi. Bi-boh-bi-boh." It said. (AN: Yes, I'm dead serious, that how it talks).

"Alright, you heard Bii-Boh-Bi. Five doboshes. Let's go! Places!" He says and head out with the weird, noodle-thing, while the others are directed elsewhere.

"Hello, bii-bohs and boh-biis! Tonight, the Paladins of Voltron take on Zarkon, on ice!" Coran announces to the audience, consisting of weird noodle things too. While, Bii-Boh-Bi, goes up to a pedestal and seems to translate what Coran said, causing the crowd to cheer. "Oh, no! It's Zarkon! And the evil witch Haggar!" Coran exclaims as two noodle people come out, dressed as the said Emperor and Witch. Bii once again translating what The Altean man said.

Soon the Paladins came out, with honestly very funny results. Hunk, who had no idea how to skate, fell down and slid across the ice rink, crashing into a wall, while Pidge ended up getting tied up in ribbons. When the rest pf the team came on, they formed Voltron, using cardboard replicas of their respective lions and limbs.

"Does anybody feel kind of silly right now?" Hunk asked, both he and Lance were stuck with everyone else literally on their backs. Talk about humiliating.

"Shut up, Hunk! They're loving it." Lance whispered-yelled. With that, they "defeated" "Zarkon" and "Haggar", and show was over, so they all met up back in the lounge area, tossing aside the cardboard lion replicas.

"How many of these appearances do we have to put on?" Pidge groaned.

"I know they seem humiliating, but Coran's ideas are working. Every performance draws people to the cause." Shiro states.

"Exactly. All that stuff." Lance said while sighing an autograph for some bii-bohs.

"Okay. We can do this later. We got some things to discuss." Coran said as he shoes the bii-bohs away, then turns to the Paladins. "First off, great job out there everyone. Tonight was a big success. Now we're back on track and better than ever! There's no doubt that you're all stars now. But if we want more people to side with us, we need to push it a little further." He starts.

"How much further are we talking?" Keith asked.

"I'm glad you asked number 4!" Coran exclaims. "I thought up different personas for you all. To help connect with the audience with each team member." He says. "First, Loverboy Lance." He said, Lance grins. "Science-Wiz Pidge." Pidge remains silent. "Lone Wolf Keith." Keith looked mildly annoyed. "Strong-Heart Hunk." Hunk looked like he was pondering. "And finally, Shiro the Hero!" He says holding up Shiro's left arm.

"And what about us?" Allura asked gesturing to herself and Kuro.

"The Fair Princess Allura, and, uh... Sorry Kuro, I couldn't think of anything for you." Coran admitted.

"It's okay, not like I am part of the show anyway." Kuro says, with an almost melancholy tone.

"Well, not in the spotlight, but I still do need a helping pair of hands behind the scenes." Coran said with a grin. The others just stared at him.

From that point on, the Paladins continued doing their show tour, traveling to all sorts of location and performing. While the other Paladins show some concerns about the tour, Coran continually told them not to worry about it and just leave it all to him. As they continued performing, they eventually went on to use the lions in their shows, along with their powers for "pizazz" as Coran called it, plus the personas that Coran came up with. Even to the point Lance doing a sort of ribbon dance while descending from the Blue Lion. Show after show, the Paladins slowly became more and more popular, and the Voltron coalition grew.

Currently, the Paladins, Alteans and clone were all chilling in the lounge area while checking up on their progress so far. Except for Keith, who was absent.

"Guys, the recruitment rallies are amazing. Look at all the green on the map!" Coran said excitedly, though he currently looked worse for wear.

"We certainly had our doubts at first, but I have to admit, Coran, your plan is actually working." Allura admitted.

"Why thank you Lance! And it's only going to get better with a few more improvements." Coran replied. Wait a tick.

"Uh... Okay, Coran, I'm going to be blunt here, when was the last time you slept? You look exhausted." Kuro said.

"I'm fine! Shiro, you don't to worry about me." Coran rebuffed while leaning on "Shiro's" shoulder.

"I'm Kuro." The clone said. "And you just called Allura, Lance." He added.

"Besides, Coran we only have one more show left." Shiro says.

"What?!" The Altean advisor exclaims, finally leaning off Kuro, who scoots over to Shiro. "But we have at least a few more than that before the Big Live Intergalactic Broadcast!" The mustache man said.

"Coran, the next show is the Big Live Intergalactic Broadcast. After that, we're done. We need to get back to fighting against Zarkon." The leader states.

"But... but I thought... I could have sworn we had a few more scheduled." The man says. It was clear from the large bags under his eyes he was suffering from sleep deprivation. Just then, Bii-Boh-Bi came in saying something.

"Not now Bii-Boh-Bi! We'll talk about the laser show later!" Coran yells and the noodle leaves, looking a little distraught.

"Coran, we will to do the next event, but after that, no more shows." Shiro states.

"Alright! If this is the last show! I'll make it the most spectacular!" Coran exclaims then leaves the room, mumbling to himself.

"He's been overworking himself. Hopefully by the end of this he'll finally get some sleep. He looks like he's about to pass out on his feet." Kuro says and the others agree, that's when Keith came into the room.

"What's with Coran? He was mumbling about something spectacular." He said.

"And where have you been?" Lance asked.

"Oh, I just went to pick someone up." The Red Paladin said and gestured behind himself. That's when a blue half-galra with a tail came in, dressed in the Blade of Marmora uniform.

(AN: FYI, I just thought the pic was cute, this is basically what Regris looks like)

"Everyone, this is Regris, from the Blade of Marmora. Who will be traveling with us for the time being." Keith introduced.

"Hello." The half-galra greets cheerfully, while waving his hand and tail. Everyone went up to greet the hybrid, except for Kuro, who hid behind Shiro when he saw the blue galra, which didn't go unnoticed.

"Sorry, he's a former Galran captive." Keith apologized and explained.

"It's alright, I understand." Regris said in understanding.

"If it helps, Regris is only half-galra." Keith said to the clone, who continued to stay behind Shiro.

"Well, I guess that helps a little." Kuro admits, but stays hidden behind Shiro.

Later on the Paladins all preform in the show. Using their weapons and powers to defeat the fake galra sentries and soldiers, all while being broadcasted live across the universe, while Allura was up on a replica of the Castle Ship, shouting her support. The crowd was cheering, as well as the viewers from others worlds. After some time, the Paladins brought out the lions and formed Voltron.

"I am here to defend the universe." A voice came from the giant mecha, provided by Kuro. "How did I let myself get talked into this?" He groaned. He was in the same room as Bii-Boh-Bi, his hand on the microphone of the headset that he was wearing. Just as Bii-Boh-Bi activates the robeast prop to appear, something steps on the trap door, forcing it back into the ground.

"What was that?" Kuro said hearing the slam, forgetting he was wearing the headset for a tick, then look out to see a strange creature on the field. "Was this part of the show? I don't remember this being part of the plan." He says to Bii-Boh-Bi, once again holding the microphone. The little noodle looked just as confused, but activated the lights anyway. The creature roars and the two giants battle. Kuro sighs as he takes off the headset, then notices a flash on one screen.

"What's that?" He asks, pointing to a red area blinking part of the screen. Bii-Boh-Bi looks up at the screen, then walks out of the room. Kuro stays behind, then suddenly hears snoring and looks over to see Coran slumped over the console. He sighs. "I told you were going to pass out on your feet." He groans and goes to help Coran up.

"Come on, let's lie you down." He said, but before he could the thing suddenly slams into the control room. Kuro drops Coran, and loses his balance, falling off the ledge. "Ahh!" He shouts, barely able to grab ahold of said ledge to keep from falling. "Hnngh!" He grunts as he tries to get a grip and pull himself up, only to the part he grab break away, along with the part he was holding onto, and he found himself falling.

"I got you!" A voice shouted as he metal arm was grabbed. He looked up to see Regris holding onto him, and gently pull him up and into the box. "Are you okay?" The half galra asks worriedly.

"Am now, thanks to you." Kuro says, they both hear a groan and turn to see Coran waking up.

"Ah! Huh?! Where am I?! What's happening?!" He exclaims then yawns. "How long was I out?" He asked while rubbing his eyes.

"You passed out from sleep deprivation." Kuro replies walking up to the ginger-haired man. "By the way, what's with that new monster? Was it something you added in last minute and didn't think to tell us?" He asks pointing to said creature.

"What? No. I have no idea what that's doing there." Coran replied, then looks intently at the creature. "Wait a minute... Is that a...?" He was cut off by Bii-Boh-Bi coming in, bi-boh-bi-ing up a storm. Kuro didn't understand what the noodle was saying, but Coran did. "What?! Are you serious?!" He exclaims and rushes over to a par of the console that was still intact and pulls up a screen. "Oh no." He says.

"What? What is it? What's wrong?" Kuro asks walking over to the Altean man.

"That monster's not a fake. It's real! It's a Swathian meerakeet!" Coran exclaims.

"You mean that thing that attacked on us on that stormy planet?" Kuro asks.

"I'm afraid so! It broke in through the underground system! I should have been paying more attention!" The ginger-haired man panics. Kuro goes to the communication and messages the Paladins.

"Guys the thing you're fighting is real! It broke into the arena!" He exclaims.

"What?!" The Paladins and Princess cry-out.

"You mean that's not just really good special effects?" Hunk asked nervously. The thing suddenly charges up an energy blast from its mouth and fires it at them.

"Pidge! Put up the shield!" Shiro shouts. The Green Paladin does, manages to deflect the blast, then fires a laser at the creature, but it's shell deflects it too.

"The lasers aren't working!" Pidge exclaims.

"That thing took a direct hit, and we barely did any damage to it!" Lance exclaims.

"What do we do? Shiro?" Keith asks the leader.

Suddenly, there was a giant burst of bright light and everything goes pitch black.

"What the heck?! What happened to the lights?! Whoa!" Kuro shouted, nearing falling off the ledge, being unable to see, but luckily was grabbed by someone.

"Gotcha! Don't worry, galra, even hybrids, can see in the dark." Regris says. "Nobody move for now." He instructs and they listen.

Suddenly a small glimmer of light appears, descending from the sky into the dark arena. The light burst and from it appears a hooded figure riding a red dragon creature, that roars.

The figure's black hood covered their face, so it couldn't be seen, even with the light. the figure raises their arm, revealing it to be black and scaly with green veins and golden gem in the back of the hand.

"Wait... Is that...?" Lance trails off as the hooded figure and the dragon fly around the stadium, the crowd cheering.

The figure stands on the dragon, seemly beckoning the creature and the dragon flies out of the stadium, the big monster following close behind and once again it was dark. Suddenly, all the lights came back on at once and the stadium, and the audience was cheering, believing it to be part of the show.

Later, everyone met up on the bridge of the Castle of Lions while leaving the planet.

"I'm so sorry, guys. I went too far." Coran apologizes. "I didn't mean to take us this far off mission. I just wanted everyone to see the "Magic of Voltron"." He says.

"Well, believe it or not, the plan worked." Shiro says and pulls up the map. "Our coalition is bigger than ever." He says showing all the green area.

"Guess that's a plus." Kuro says. "But what was that back at the stadium? More importantly, who was the guy on the dragon?" He asked.

"A friend." Shiro replied. "A very good friend." He added. Bii-Boh-Bi seem to sigh.

"I'm sorry Bii-Boh-Bi, but Shiro's right. Last show, now we need to go back to defeating Zarkon." Coran said to the noodle, who seems nod. How? Don't ask.

AN: So how was my take on the Voltron Show episode. This was a lot of fun to write. I hope you all enjoyed it as much I did. Especially the added scene of Zarc there. Until next time, see ya!

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