Chapter 2: Powers of the Elements
AN: If you're back, you probably liked the first chapter. At least I hope you did. Also I forgot to mention I'm also uploading this to my FanFiction Account as well. Well, enjoy the second chapter of Paladins of the Elements.
The Paladins had gathered all the supplies they had attained from the planet and brought it aboard. Hunk stating that "Food goo is okay, but it's nice to have some more choices on what you get to eat". They then all gather on the bridge and the paladins proceed to explain what happened while they were waiting for Coran and Allura to come get them.
"So, let's see if I understand this right. You helped a mysterious boy, who as a thank you gift, gave you all powers over the elements themselves?" Coran broke down and then asked to confirm.
"Pretty much. Lance seems to have power over water, Keith can control fire, Pidge can conjure up plants, Hunk can manipulate earth, and I can bend air and wind." Shiro explained. Both Coran and Allura looked stunned.
"Yeah, at first I was kind of freaked out, but now that I think about it, this really cool~." Lance said with his signature smile as he waved hand in the air, conjuring up water and swerving it around, accidently splashing Keith, who was making a small flame flicker in his hand.
"Hey! Watch it!" The hothead angrily shouted and swiped his arm causing a stream of fire to nearly burn Lance.
"You watch it Mullet!" The blue paladin retaliated and swung his arm forward summoning a stream of water.
"Knock it off! both of you!" Shiro said and waved his arm, causing a gust of wind blow the duo a few feet apart from each other. "Uh, sorry guys." He apologized.
"Air, fire, water, ground and nature." Allura murmured and everyone turned their attention to her. "Just like the lions!" She exclaimed and the paladins all gave her confused looks. Coran quickly started to speak.
"Each of the Lions are representations of certain elements. For instance, the Black lion is of Air, or wind, the Red lion is of fire, Blue is water, Yellow is ground and Green is nature, or plant life." The Altean man explained. "In other words you five now have the powers of your Lions' elements. Astounding." He added.
"Do you have any idea who this boy was exactly?" Allura asked, and the paladins shook their heads, no.
"Not really. He sort of looked human, but he had the strangest hair that looked like a tomato, and red eyes that looked like jewels." Pidge answered.
"Yeah, his hair was actually weirder than Keith's." Lance exclaimed, ignoring the annoyed glare and "hey!" Keith shot at him.
"Not to mention he was also dressed weirdly, and he had a freaky glowy scaly arm." Hunk added pointing to right arm.
"When we asked who he was, he only gave us his name. Zarc." Shiro said. Both Coran and Allura froze when the black paladin told them the boy's name.
"Are you serious? You met the Zarc?" the princess exclaimed shocked.
"Y-yes. Do you know him?" Shiro asked confused on their reactions.
"Not personally, but we have heard stories, back on Altea." Allura replied.
"Indeed. According to legend, Zarc is a mysterious figure who roams the universe and is said to have mysterious powers. If he meets those he finds worthy, he will bestow them with magical gifts. He is said to be able to change his appearance, so no one can tell it is him, and he is as old as the universe itself." Coran relayed the legend and the paladins were all stunned.
"Wait, are you saying that we helped a powerful mystical being, who then gave us magical abilities?" Pidge asked astonished.
"It seems so. I never thought I would hear the day that Zarc would appear." Allura replied in astonishment.
"And here I thought things couldn't get any weirder out here." Lance murmured and everyone had to silently agree with him.
"Alright team, it's been a strange day so for now, I think it's best if we get some sleep and in the morning we'll talk more about this." Shiro said. Everyone nodded and went off to change out of their armor and went to sleep in their rooms.
The next morning, the paladins all gathered in the mess hall, (or whatever that place is called. Is it ever actually explained?), for breakfast and to discuss about their situation. As Coran set out the food goo, Shiro decided to speak up.
"Okay team, first we need to address the elephant in the room." The black paladin said. The metaphor confusing the two Alteans.
"What is an ella-phant? An earth thing? And there's nothing like that in the room Number 1." Coran said confused.
"No, no Coran. It's a saying that means the obvious problem or situation." Pidge explained and the man gave an "oh" in understanding.
"Ahem, as I was saying. Our main priority should be mastering these powers that Zarc gave us." The team leader announced.
"Yeah, if that guy was telling the truth, these powers might be able to help us in our fight against Zarkon." Hunk added in.
"I agree with Hunk and Shiro. Mastering your powers might help us in this war." Allura agreed.
"Oh man, things just got even cooler. Cause now we're like the benders from Avatar." Lance said in excitement. "I wonder if that means I can heal like Katara?"
"What does Avatar have to with our situation? I mean I get the futuristic space theme, and the jungle planet we were stranded on, but other than that..." Keith said and everyone turned to him.
"Uh, Keith, I think Lance meant Avatar: The Last Airbender, not the 2009 sci-fi film." Pidge emphasized. "Not that I didn't like the movie. It was epic." She added.
"Last Airbender? I thought everyone hated that movie." The red paladin said and the garrison trio all gave him scandalized looks.
"What?! No! Not the movie! I meant the animated series!" Lance exclaimed. "I can't believe you actually confused those two. That blockbuster bomb was a total embarrassment to the original series! I mean seriously Shyamalan, you didn't get one thing right!" The blue paladin groaned.
"Yeah, no kidding." Pidge grumbled and Hunk silently agreed.
"Um... Mind explaining? We're not to informed on earth entertainment." Coran spoke up with a raised hand.
"Oh yeah. So the basics of Avatar: The Last Airbender, is that it takes place in an alternate world consisting of four nations. Each representing one of the four elements; earth, fire, water and air. And among those nations are people who control and manipulate the element of their respective heritage. The Avatar, the titular character, is the only who can bend all four." Pidge explains.
"Huh, that does seem like the situation at hand." Allura agreed.
"I know right?! It was awesome show and even has a pretty cool sequel series." The blue paladin interjected excitedly.
"Alright, we can talk more about Earth later, but right now we need to learn control over these powers before we think about using them in battle. Yesterday, I didn't mean to blow Lance and Keith apart, it just happened. We're lucky that the wind didn't cause any damage or hurt anyone." Shiro stated seriously.
"And I know the perfect place for you paladins to train!" Coran suddenly piped up. "Finish your food and then let's meet on the bridge!" And with that, the ginger-haired man zoomed out of the dining room and straight to the castle bridge, while the paladins and princess decided to do as he instructed and finished up their breakfast. Can't train on an empty stomach after all.
After eating their food goo, the paladins and Allura made their way to bridge to find Coran typing in coordinates into the ship's navigation system. He asked Allura to open a wormhole, which she did and they all soon found themselves in a new galaxy, with five planets orbiting one another.
"Welcome to the Elmara system paladins, where you'll learning to control your new elemental powers." Announces the royal Altean advisor. "Each planet you see here has a distinct environment perfect for each of your abilities. Nebola is a world of ice, snow and water. Pyrolion is basically one giant lava world. Energon is one massive jungle brimming with so many species of plants. Terrian is known for its wide open shifting desserts, rocky mountains and deep canyons. And finally we have Aurarea, a beautiful world with high mountains, strong winds and weather patterns. So as you can tell each is the perfect place for you to train." He finished.
"Amazing Coran, this is just what we need." Shiro said in approval and turned to face his team. "Alright guys, suit up, head to your lions and let's move out." He instructed and they all head out to suit up and board their lions.
Lance landed softy on the surface of the wintery planet. He couldn't help but find himself in awe at the quite beautiful scenery. The water was crystal clear with parts of it covered by blankets of snow, frost and ice, and icebergs like mountains and glaciers. The sky was lit up with a sort of Aurora Borealis like lights, consisting of infinite swirling shades of white and blue, and to top it off, was a blue moon.
Having grown up in a warm environment, he never got to see snow often, and was amazed at the spectacle. He quickly put on his helmet and walks out of his lion, followed by a video drone from the castle. The princess had decided to monitor the paladins to keep an eye on them in case of any emergencies.
"Ok guys I made it. How is everyone else holding up?" He asks through the coms.
"Pretty good, considering I just landed on a planet of molten lava." Keith said as he stepped out of his lion with his own monitor drone. Like he said the planet's landscape was basically volcanos with rivers of lava, rocky and obsidian grounds, yet somehow there were patches of orange and brown grass. The air, even wind, was hot and smelled like sulfur and there were black clouds swirling in the sky.
"Actually it's not that bad-AH!" The red paladin yelped as he heard a crackle of thunder and swore he saw lighting flash in the clouds. "Coran what was that?!" He asked the advisor through the com links.
"Whoops! Sorry Number 4, I forgot to mention about the intense lighting storms." The gorgeous man (come on I had to put it in somewhere) replies sheepishly.
"This place is pretty cool." Pidge commented as she stepped into the jungle of the planet followed by Rover and another video drone. It appear a lot like an earth jungle, with overgrowing vegetation, like vines, and strangely shaped trees, with intertwining and, twisting trunks and branches. There were many other plants from odd flowers, to bushes and brambles, plus the foliage creating a canopy overhead, allowing the slightest streams of light through.
"Yeah. Looks kind of like one of those tourist scenery spots back on earth." Hunk said as he landed his lion in one of the planet's many canyons. The rocks were a beautiful mix of reds, yellows, oranges and even some pink tints. He had already flown over the desserts with golden sand that had an orange tint, and had seen the towering mountains, colored reddish brown that reached the yellowish sky with the orange sun streaming light across the planet.
"Wow~" Shiro said breathless as he entered the planet's atmosphere. The whole planet had an ethereal scenery, with swirling clouds of white and different shades of purple, and some slight pinks. Not to mention the tallest mountains he has ever seen and appeared to be made of pitch black rock ore, with white peaks of frost. They were so high up, the clouds were actually swirling around their very peaks.
"Got to admit, this is pretty amazing." Shiro said as he carefully landed on one the mountains, and stepped out of the black lion with his own drone following him.
"You know, this planet reminds me of the two poles back on earth. Or the water tribes poles in Avatar." Lance said excitedly.
"Lance will you focus and forget about that stupid cartoon show." Keith said annoyed. It was silent before all hell broke. Courtesy of the garrison trio.
"Keith! You little...! I can't believe you!" Pidge yelled.
"I'm glad we're on different planets at the moment, cause I wouldn't be able to look at you right now!" Hunk commented.
"What?! It's a fricking cartoon! Focus on the task at hand!" Keith retorted.
"Uh...Guys," Shiro said nervously, honestly a little scared to get in the middle of this dispute.
"Okay Prince Zuko, here's a crash course of the show." Lance interjected. Pidge and Hunk were both trying to hold back their laugh over what Lance called Keith.
"Pidge already explained it back on the ship." Keith said. "Wait what did you just call me?" he then asked when he realized what Lance called him.
"Zuko, the hotheaded prince from the fire nation. Seems to fit you perfectly Mullet." Lance explained. "And for your information, Avatar had great characters, awesome world building, great action when it came to bending, and most worthy to mention, actual philosophical inspiration." The blue paladin summed up.
"Okay?" Keith replied not sure how this was relevant.
"Paladins focus, less talking, more training. You need to learn to use the gifts you now have. You can argue about this later." Allura said as she watched the paladins bicker through the monitor drones, which were projecting the images of each the paladins on five screens on the bridge.
"Hang on Princess, I have a point." Lance interjected. "Each of the four bending techniques are in fact, based on actual Chinese martial arts." He adds. "So maybe if we use those martial arts..." He trailed off.
"We can get a better grip on our powers." Pidge finished.
"Exactly Pigeon." Lance replied and confirmed.
"Wow. Great thinking Lance." Hunk commented. Even Shiro was silently impressed with Lance's suggestion. "Pfft! And Keith as Zuko. I see what you mean. You two are so alike." He added with a small laugh.
"Is that supposed to an insult?" Keith asked annoyed.
"No, just a fact." Pidge answered. Both Lance and Hunk burst out laughing.
"Parton me, but what is marital arts?" Allura asked, never hearing that term.
"Marital arts is a type of fighting style back on earth. Typically found in Asian culture." The green paladin began. "Avatar is actually based on four different martial art styles, each for a different element. If I remember right, Water is based on Tai-Chi, Earth is based on Hung Ga style Kung Fu, Fire is based on Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and Air is based on Bagua, also known as circle walking." She emphasized.
"Hmm... I see." Allura commented.
"If I'm not mistaken, Tai-Chi is slow moving and gentle, more about body alignment and focused breath. Hung Ga is rooted to the ground with strong stances. Northern Shaolin is fast passed with powerful leg and arm movements. While Bagua is a style where the fighter is always moving, mostly in a circular motion to build energy." She explains about the different styles. "Though I'm unsure what I should use, as there wasn't actually a plant nation so there's isn't a martial art style that they used for it." She added.
"Hmm..." Lance hummed in thought. "Maybe you could use a combination of the water bending's martial art style and earth bending's martial art style." The blue paladin suggested. "In the show, there is plant bending, but it's actually just water benders who are bending the water in the plants, not the plants themselves, but I have feeling it's the opposite with you Pidge. And plants are technically connected to the earth, I mean they literately sprout from it. So combining those two might help." He explained.
"Thanks Lance. I'll give it a whirl." Pidge replied gleefully.
"Alright team, we have our methods, now let's get to training." Shiro ordered, and the training began.
AN: Yeah, I probably should have mention this earlier, but there is going to be a lot of Avatar references, both The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, you can probably already guess why. I myself really liked the show, maybe not as crazy a fan as others, but I did find myself it, and the sequel.
Also yes the bending from Avatar is in fact based on four different types of actual Chinese Martial Arts. Here's the video below:
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