Chapter 14: Hole in the Sky

Keith gasped as he awoke. He quickly sat up and looked around to find he was in his room in the Castle of Lions.

"What? What happened? How did I get here?" He thought confused, and suddenly was overcome by a dizzy spell, along with a splitting headache, causing him to fall back onto his bed. "Nngh... The last thing I remember is..." His thought process was interrupted by his door opening and someone walking in.

"You're awake." It was Lance. Keith sat up again and faced the taller boy as he walked over to him.

"Lance, what happened? How-?" He was cut off when he felt a sudden stinging sensation in his cheek, accompanied by a loud "smack!" sound. He reached up to find he had been slapped, again. This time by Lance. "What the hell?! I've already been slapped! I don't need another one!" He complains, while rubbing his cheek.

"Well, that's for nearly killing yourself!" Lance rebuffs. What? "We told you that we all needed to rest, but what did you do? Run off into battle, even falling into an obvious trap! Landing you to collapsing into a coma for 4 quintants! After coughing up a full bucket of blood!" The Blue Paladin exclaims.

"What?! Four days!? He can't be serious." Keith thought.

"Aside from the external damage, you were also had internal damage as well. I literally had to heal your insides, as in sticking water in you and heal you." Lance continues. "Do you know how uncomfortable that is? And how worried we all were that you weren't gonna make it?!" This was one of the rare times Keith had heard Lance this angry. Normally the Blue Paladin was cheerful and always smiling while cracking the dumbest of jokes, but right now he was fuming, like steam.

"Look, I know we're all having troubles with Shiro out of commission, but that doesn't mean you can just run off to fight when you're not fully rested. Especially after what happened to us in our first battle against Lotor. We're still not sure what happened back there, or the effect it had on us." Lance continued to scold Keith. "When you followed Lotor to that planet, I was worried sick. Especially when I heard that, roaring, sound? Whatever that was." He added, shocking Keith.

"Wait, you heard that roar too?" The Red Paladin asked. Lance raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure even Lotor heard that roaring. Do you even know what it was?" He replied then asked.

"I think, it was Zarc, trying to warn me." Keith replied. Lance sighed.

"Now do you believe he's on our side?" He asked and Keith nodded. "Good. For now you need to lie down, and rest." The Blue Paladin says as he gently pushed the other Paladin back down onto the bed. "As of right now, you sir, are officially grounded, and confined to your bed until you feel better. You got it?" Lance said, leaving no room for argument. Keith grumbled in reply, not liking he was basically being treated like a child. Lance nodded and left room, and Keith fell back asleep.

A few days later, Keith was back on his feet, but was required to still take it easy. After that last battle it had been pretty quiet, until one day, they were all on the Castle ship's bridge, when a strange alarm went off.

"What's going on?" Keith asked from his chair.

"Yeah, these have never gone off before." Pidge asks. Rover hovering above her.

"Allura, what is it?" Lance asked noticing the Princess's haunted expression.

"Looks like you guys just saw a ghost." Hunk said as he noticed Coran have the same expression.

"That's just the thing." Coran replied. "It's an old Altean distress code. One used by King Alfor's ships." The Royal advisor explains.

"Could it be? Are we not the last Alteans alive?" Allura asked hopeful.

"Wait. What if someone's cloning the signal to try and lure us into a trap?" Keith suggested.

"The signal is coming from an Altean ship, and we're going to find it." Allura says, and they took off, following the signal. They arrived to find an unspeakable sight. It looked like half an Altean ship, stuck in a strange, black hole, but nothing like they had ever seen before.

"That looks like a Tel-Galax exploration shuttle. One of my father's deep space vessels." Allura comments.

"According to the ship's identification code, it's Commodore Trayling's ship." Coran said. "But I don't see any records of its destination or mission." He adds.

"What happened to it?" Lance asked.

"Is it stuck in a wormhole?" Hunk asked.

"That's unlike wormhole I've ever seen." Coran replied as more screens pop up.

"There's a massive amount of energy emanating from it, centered right where the ship is stuck." Pidge says.

"We have to see if anyone is aboard. They may need our help." Allura instructs.

"We could send a probe over to it, see if we can get some kind of idea what this thing is?" Pidge suggests.

"Let's do it." Keith agrees with her, and they send out the probe.

"The energy shows no signs of radioactive decay, and it's not thermal." Pidge says, looking over the readings from the probes.

"It's not gravitational, our probe is steady on course, and the light is radiating out, not in, like it would be in a black hole." Hunk says next.

"But out from where?" The Green Paladin asks.

"That energy signature, I know it." Coran comments before realization hits him. "It's radiating quintessence!" He says out loud as the probe breaches the strange hole-thing, disintegrating upon impact.

"Ooh! That's weird!" Hunk says at the sight.

"Okay, well, let's not go anywhere near there then." Lance says nervously.

"We must." Allura insists, and everyone turns to her.

"Hold on. Didn't you just see what happened?" The Yellow Paladin asks.

"The Lions' compositional strength alone far exceeds anything else in this universe. We received an Altean distress call, which must mean that someone is alive on that ship. As Paladins of Voltron, it is our duty to help." Allura reasons.

"Wait, our duty? Are you saying you plan to come with us?" Lance asked.

"Of course! If there are Altean survivors aboard, I must help as well." She replies.

"Princess, I still think this whole thing could be a trap." Keith interjects.

"Even if it's not a trap, it's far too dangerous to go in there." Coran dismisses.

"I'll do it myself if I have to." Allura says as she began to walk away.

In the end the Paladins get suited up and hop into their lions, with Allura riding in Blue with Lance. Who was too nervous to flirt with her.

"All right, let's take it slow." Keith says as the Lions approached the energy field. "Pidge, any chance you can explain what we're seeing right now?" He asked the Green Paladin through the coms.

"The Euclidian space around the ship is obviously some kind of anomaly. But the energy source doesn't originate from anything that registers with my knowledge of how reality works." said Paladin replies, her little robot companion hovering above her, also taking the readings.

"I'll take that as a "no"." Keith says back.

"I still don't like this. Something about this is off." Lance says. "And no matter what you say Mullet, you haven't fully recovered yet." He adds and Keith groans in response.

"Okay, I'll scan the ship for biorhythms." Hunk interjects between the two. "That's strange. I'm not showing any signs of life on the ship." He says from the readings.

"Maybe not on this half, but there is more to this ship than we are seeing." Allura says from the Blue Lion. "We need to go through there." She adds.

"The glowy explode-y area? Is that really such a good idea?" Lance asks nervously.

"Pidge, keep an eye on the Lions' vitals. Everyone, be prepared to abort if things get hairy." Keith says.

"This situation is already hairy." Lance states.

"Roger that. Ready to abort immediately." Hunk says as they approach.

"Guys, my sensors are going crazy. Technically, we should be torn apart the same way the probe was." The Green Paladin says as the Lions fly through the energy. "But somehow the Lions are completely unaffected by the stress of the spatial distortion." She says just as the Lions went completely through. Leading them to losing their connection to the Castle of Lions, and Coran, but that wasn't all.

On another planet's surface, a hooded figure was standing near a purple sea, looking up at the stars above. Suddenly, the figure gasped and clutched their chest with their left hand, the other one bundled up in bandages. The figure doubled over before lifting up their head to reveal glowing golden eyes.

"Some... thing's... wrong..." The figure gasped out between hard breathes. Their bandaged hand scrunching up, clenching into a fist.

Back with Team Voltron, the Lions emerged from the other side of the wormhole.

"We've must have crossed through. That's the front of the ship." Pidge says.

"Wait." Allura said and motions for Lance to turn around. The Blue Paladin does, and gasps. Along with the others when they see it. "The back half the ship, it's, gone!" The Princess says alarmed. "Coran! Coran! We've lost sight of the Castle. Coran, are you there?" Allura called out but received no answer.

"Where did he go?" Keith asked. Something wasn't right.

"And where did that planet come from?" Lance asked. As he said, there was a planet there that wasn't there before.

"According to my sensors, we're still in exactly the same place we were before." Pidge says from her Lion.

"Guys, this is gonna sound strange, but now I'm detecting multiple biorhythms aboard the ship." Hunk says as he turned back to said ship.

"Alteans." Allura said, hopefully.

"Well, it seems like we've got only one clue to help us figure out what's going on, and it's floating right over there." Lance says. The Paladins then fly down and park the Lions on the ship near an entrance.

The Paladins, and Altean Princess, then proceed to open said entrance and fly down into the ship's corridors. Said corridors were pretty much empty, with no sign of life.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Allura called out, but receives no answer, except for an echo of her words. The Paladins fly through the ship until they reach what appeared to be the control room. Allura presses her palm to a panel, activating the ship's power, turning the gravity and lights back on.

"So, did the crew abandon ship?" Keith asked, noticing it was basically empty.

"I don't know, but they couldn't have gotten far without their spacesu--!" Lance screams as he removes the helmet of a suit up against a wall to reveal a skeleton in said suit. "Those aren't empty!" He says as he scrambles back away, dropping the helmet. Allura walked up to the monitor and pulled up a video on screen. The frazzled video displayed an Altean man with grey hair and beard, blue markings and what could only be described as a monocle over his right eye.

"We located the second comet based on King Alfor's information. We managed to get it aboard, but it to be causing massive disturbances. We've heading back to Altea, but I don't know if we'll be able to make it that far. At this rate--" The man cut off with a scream as a bright light shined into the frame, ending the video.

"What happened here?" Hunk asked while staring at the now blank screen.

"Something deadly." Lance replied as he turned from the skeleton. Most likely the Altean they saw in the video just now.

"This still doesn't explain the biorhythms I picked up in this area." Hunk says while looking over said readings. Just then, a hatch was kicked open and everyone turned to see two figures drop into the room. One was humanoid, while the other was not. Both were dressed in black, grey and green spacesuits and their faces were obscured by shaded helmets.

"Look out!" Lance said as he summoned his bayard and ran at the two mysterious strangers, who had their guns aimed at the other Paladins.

The rest of the Paladins proceeded to fight the strangers, eventually hitting the humanoid one's helmet, breaking it, and revealing their face. Everyone gasped. It was Shiro's face, but lacked a scar across the nose, and his hair was fully black and longer. Almost like Keith's. The other went to join his companion, his helmet shade clearing to reveal, Slav?

"No way! Shiro?" Hunk asked as he saw the man's face.

"How...?" Keith asked. Wasn't Shiro back on the Castle in a healing pod?

"Stay back!" The Shiro duplicate said, with a strange accent.

"If you come for the comet, you'll never get it. I'll die before I let it fall into Altean hands." Slav(?) said. Allura was shocked.

"Shiro, please." Keith says as he deactivated his bayard.

"My name is not Shiro." The man says.

"What the heck is happening right now? Did everyone get amnesia and then wake up with weird accents?" Hunk asked, wigging out.

"You know us?" Slav asked.

"Of course we do!" Lance exclaims, still holding up his blaster. "You're Shiro, our leader. Paladin of the Black Lion. And you're Slav. I rescued you from a space prison. You're also slightly crazy." The Blue Paladin explains. While Pidge had a thoughtful look on her face.

"I may be crazy, but you've never rescued me from anything before." Slav insisted, then got a look of realization. "Unless... you're from an alternate reality." The multi-armed alien exclaimed.

"This is an alternate reality." Pidge said at the same time as him.

"Uh, what's that now?" Hunk asked confused.

"I think, when we passed through that glowy, explode-y area, we entered an alternate reality." Pidge explained.

"You mean like what Slav was always rambling about?" Lance asked. "Well, not you. Well, yeah, you, but a different you. One that talks about alternate realties a lot." The Blue Paladin said to the other Slav.

"Oh, that's him." Not-Shiro said, sounding a little annoyed. Slav sided-glances him.

"Why did you attack the captain and his crew?" Allura asked angrily.

"Stay back Altean." Not-Shiro warned her. Like he was, scared? What?

"We found the ship this way, but I can't say I'm sorry they're gone." Slav answered as a beeping sound came from his gauntlet. He checked, causing an image to appear. Showing another approaching. Slav gasped. "Oh, no! More Alteans!" He sounded panicked.

"Wait! More Alteans?" Allura asked the, centipede, thing? (Do we ever actually find what he is?)

"Their scanners must have picked up on your arrival." Slav says, pressing a few things before shutting off the screen. "Sven, let's go!" He says to his human companion, whose name is apparently Sven, and throws him up into the same air duct they came through. "If I were you, I'd run." He added then was pulled into the air duct by Sven.

"What the heck just happened?" Lance asked confused.

"Did he just say we're being boarded by Alteans?" Allura asked. Suddenly loud clanging sounds were coming from the closed door. The door then opened to reveal bots like the ones they used for training on the Castle. Accompanied by a large creature, and two Alteans! Both dressed in blue accented white armor. One was a woman with medium length magenta hair, and teal markings. The other, a white-haired male in glasses, also had teal markings.

"Put down your weapons!" The female commanded. Allura gasped.

"Alteans!" She said overjoyed. She thought she'd never see another Altean again.

"It can't be." The female Altean said when she saw Allura. "Empress!" She said while bowing. The bots, the male Altean and the large creature followed suit.

"Uh, I'm confused. What is going on?" Hunk asked confused.

"Are you, Empress Allura?" The Altean woman asked as she looked up.

"I am, Princess Allura." The Altean Princess replied. "Please, stand." She added, and they all do.

"I am Commander Hira, Empress." The woman, Hira, introduced. "How can you be here? You put down the Galra uprising and established the Altean Empire 10,000 years ago." She explained.

"Where we're from, all the Alteans were wiped out by Zarkon when he destroyed your planet." Keith explains. Allura looked down at the reminder, while Hira looked shocked.

"Where did you come from?" The male Altean asked.

The Paladins proceeded to explain about how they were from another reality, and came here to answer an Altean distress call. Lance, Hunk and Pidge later went with the male Altean and the large creature down to the comet holding chamber. While Allura and Keith went with Hira to the bridge.

"This is the comet Commodore Trayling must've been talking about in his transmission." Pidge said as she flew around said comet in the Green Lion. "It seems to be caught between two realities, just like the ship." She says.

"Well, I guess that explains what happened. Sort of." Lance comments.

"Could you obtain a sample for us with your lion?" The male Altean asked.

"I can try." Pidge replied. She managed to get a sample and bring it to the Altean scientist, and was reading its energy patterns. "Amazing." Pidge suddenly said. "It's Voltron." She added.

"What?" Lance exclaimed, staring at the girl.

"I mean, it's not Voltron, obviously, but the readings from this comet are the same ones are the same ones Zarkon was searching for. The same ones that led us to the Blue Lion." The Green Paladin explains.

"That's how you were able to pass through into this reality. Your vehicle is made from the same trans-reality material." The Altean scientist says.

"So, that's why Voltron is so powerful." Hunk comments.

"With this material, Altea can create their own trans-reality traveling ships. We can spread our peace and stability to all realities." The Altean man said, and opened a screen to Hira. "General Hira, I have just stumbled across something in this ship's hold that will ensure Altea's rule for millennia to come." He informed.

Meanwhile, Hira led Allura and Keith to the ship's bridge while explaining about this reality.

"So, the Alteans of this reality defeated the Galra?" Allura asked.

"Led by you, My Empress. Without your will to fight and avenge the loss of your father, Altea would not have been able to spread peace and stability throughout the universe." Hira explained, Allura was delighted by this information. "Defeating Zarkon was the first step, but we refused to give until all worlds know the true peace Altea has achieved." Hira added.

"That is so wonderful!" Allura exclaimed delighted.

Meanwhile, back down in the comet holding chamber, the Altean scientist told the other Paladins the same thing.

"No struggles, no wars. That doesn't even sound possible." Hunk comments.

"Is it not?" The Altean scientist says. "Look at Moxilous." He said, gesturing to the giant alien creature, dressed in similar armor. Now that they thought about it, the guy hadn't said a word since they met. "For generations, his people have been in constant battle with the other planets in their system. It was a barbaric, futile existence, but look at him now." He explains. The Paladins all looked at said alien.

"So, what changed?" Lance asked curious.

"The hoktril." As the Altean man said that, Moxilous turned around to reveal something embedded in the back of his head. "Our civilization's most advanced technological achievement." The man answered.

"What does that do?" Lance asked this time. Something was, off, here.

"It saps the fighting force from our enemies. Their will, you might say." The Altean explained while pushing up his glasses. In other words, the hoktril is actually a brainwashing device. The Blue, Yellow and Green Paladins all gasp.

Back with Hira, Allura and Keith on the ship bridge.

"Advancements have been made. Citizens that might have been casualties of war in Empress Allura's day can now be rehabilitated. Entire races who warred for millennia can now know peace and help us to further our new world." Hira explains.

"So, they become a part of the Altean peace movement?" Allura asked.

Back in the holding chamber, the others didn't like what they were hearing.

"You mean, slave labor?" Hunk asked.

"Oh, no, no. They're not slaves because they don't have will." The Altean scientist rebuffs. "Slaves are always trying to escape or revolt. The non-cogs are content what they're told." The man said as he snapped his fingers and Moxilous turned back around. "Preservation of life is the Altean Empire's highest priority." He said as he leaned down to look at the comet fragment. "And with this material, we can do even more than we deemed possible." He said, kind of ominously.

Back on the bridge, Keith wasn't liking the sound of what Hira was saying.

"But you're taking away their free will." Keith says.

"The same will that would end your life with no remorse. Thanks to us, no innocent will lose its life to the free will free of an evil being." Hira resorts and turns to Allura. "Empress, let me show you something." She says and presses something on her gauntlet, and a holographic image of a planet appeared.

"This is our Altea." She says and Allura looks at the image with wide eyes. "Come with me. Allow me to show you the magnificence it has achieved." She offered.

Back with the others, the Blue, Green and Yellow Paladins were in the hallway outside of the holding chamber. They were skittish after what they just heard.

"Is anyone else getting a strange vibe from these guys?" Lance asked his friends.

"Yeah, there's definitely something off about these Alteans." Hunk agreed. "I mean, is it me or did they pretty much scramble the big dude's brain?" He said, referring to Moxilous and the hoktril. Pidge was silent. Hunk then leaned on the wall and suddenly felt. "Huh?" He said as he turned to the wall.

"Hunk? Is something wrong buddy-?" He cut off as a grate fell down surprising them, causing them all to scream.

"Yoo-hoo! Up here!" The looked up to see Not-Shiro, Sven, and other Slav in the air duct.

"Whoa! How'd you find us?" Lance asked them.

"I figured there was a high probability that--" Slav began.

"Wait, stop. Nope. Nevermind." Lance interrupted, knowing where this was going.

"We gotta get to Keith and Allura, and figure out a way to stop the Alteans from getting the comet." Pidge says.

"Already on it. We just need to do one more thing and you guys can help." Slav replied. Unfortunately, that's when the Altean scientist, along with Moxilous, and the bots came with raised weapons pointed at them.

"Perfect! I had a feeling the Guns of Gamara were on this ship. But I didn't know Empress Allura's friends would be working with them." He said with an intense look.

Meanwhile, back on the bridge with Allura, Keith and Hira.

"Returning to Altea. It seemed like such an impossible dream, I could never allow the mere thought." Allura says after Hira's offer.

"Allura, this might not be the Altea you remember." Keith warned. Both the Princess and commander turned to look at him.

"You're right. This Altea is home to a people who made sure that the Galra scourge was unable to spread across the universe, as it did in your reality." Hira spat at Keith, then turned to Allura.

"Empress, I assure you, we will do everything in our power to help. The comet in the ship's hold possesses the ability to travel between realities. If you will activate this ancient ship's power, we can fly forward and remove the comet from the tear. We can use it to travel to your universe and bring peace there, even to the Galra." She stated. Allura looked happy, and made her way to the controls.

"Allura, maybe you should think about this. It wasn't that long ago that we thought all Galra were bad. Maybe things aren't as black and white as she's making them out to be." Keith tried to reason. Hira was side-eyeing him.

"Keith, these are my people, and they be the strongest allies we have in this war." Allura replied and proceeded to activate the ship's power, like she would in the Castle, and flew the ship out of the dimensional rift, and heading forward.

"Allura! Wait!"

A voice shouted in the princess's mind, causing her to nearly loose her balance, but managed to regain it. She subtly looked around, but couldn't find where the voice came.

"You've done it Allura." Hira said as the Princess turned back to her and Keith. "Soon, we'll use the comet to spread peace throughout every reality." Just as she said that, the other Altean and bots brought the captured Paladins, along with Slav and Sven onto the bridge. One bot holding poor little Rover.

"What is going on?" Allura asked at the sight.

"Empress, the Guns of Gamara have infiltrated this ship. These people were working with them." The Altean scientist explains.

"Let our friends go!" Keith demanded.

"Hira, you and the rest of Altea have turned this universe into an army of slaves. Peace at the sake of freedom!" Slav exclaims.

"Slaves? Is this true?" Allura asked.

"Non-cogs are not slaves! You're the ones who spread chaos and destruction!" The Altean scientist exclaimed back. "We're going to scan that little brain of yours and get every last rebel location. Finally, our wars can end." He added.

"Allura, we cannot let this happen." Keith exclaimed.

"Hira, please." The Princess said to the Commander. "We both want the same thing. Peace." She pleaded.

"Do we? Your weakness has brought nothing but pain and suffering to your people as the hands of the Galra. We have brought peace and order to ours. And, with this comet, we will bring peace to every reality." Hira stated. "You're no empress of mine." She finished.

"And you're no Altean." Allura said as she took out a whip-like weapon, attached to her suit. The Altean bots readied their guns in response, and Slav, started laughing?

"Why are you, laughing?" Lance asked.

"Because this is the reality where everything works out fine." Slav replies. At that moment a blast was heard and the entire ship rocked. "Just in time." He said. (And is just me, or does his voice sound different here?)

Keith used the distraction, and flung his sword at the bot holding Rover, stabbing the machine through its chest, allowing Rover free.

"Dogpile!" Sven shouted and the handcuffed Paladins and Guns of Gamara dogpile the other bot. Allura then used her whip to strike, Hira catching the whip on her sword and the two were caught in a tug of war, and Allura pulled the whip hard and slammed Hira to the floor. Meanwhile, Rover helped unlock the handcuffs on the others, and Keith fought off the Altean scientist.

"Let's go!" Allura commanded and they all ran out of the room, and down the ship's hallway, heading for the Lions.

"Wait!" Hunk suddenly shouted and stopped dead in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" Pidge asked.

"There's something coming down that corridor." Hunk answered as more Altean bots appeared and started shooting, Lance immediately shooting back, while the others took cover.

"Pidge, which way to the lions?" Keith asked.

"To the left!" The Green Paladin.

"Lance! To your left!" Hunk warned. Just as Lance shot the bots he turned to his left to see more, one shot at him. At the last second, Sven jumped in, pushing Lance out of the way and taking the hit himself. Lance dragged Sven out of the bots firing range while Hunk and Keith with their shields up faced off against the bots.

"Sven! Are you okay? You saved my life!" Lance asked.

"I'll be fine. Just get me to Space Hospital." Sven replied weakly.

"I've got a better idea." Lance said and summoned his water and started healing Sven's wound. The man grunted, but it was helping, while Slav looked astounded.

"They're blocking our way to the lions!" Keith shouted.

"Hang on!" Hunk said and stepped forward, stomping his foot down the metal surface, causing a rumble knocking the bots off-balance.

"What the-?" Pidge said starring at the scene.

"I think I might have unlocked metal bending." Hunk replied.

"Awesome man." Lance said as he continued to heal Sven. Suddenly the robots started getting back up.

"Everyone, hang on! Yellow one! Do that thing again!" Slav instructed. Hunk stomped his foot again and knocked the bots over, just as Slav dove in and pulled a switch down, opening the hanger doors, sucking the bots out, while everyone hung on as Slav said.

"Does he do this in every reality?" Lance asked. He had finished helping Sven, and was holding onto the man for dear life, while Hunk held them both so they wouldn't get sucked out into space.

"I'll take care of Sven. You just get to your lions!" Slav said as he closed the hanger doors. The Paladins did as he said and went straight their lions.

"This is all my fault. I activated the ship. They're going to dislodge the comet and have the power to terrorize every reality." Allura said once she and Lance were in the Blue Lion.

"No, you can still get the comet away from them." Slav said over the coms.

"Pidge, can you scan for the comet?" Keith asked the Green Paladin.

"Already picked up an its elemental signature." Pidge replied.

"Alright, let's head in!" Keith said and they use their lions to smash through the ship and retrieve the comet, carrying it away.

"Okay, now what?" Lance asked.

"We need to find the exact spot we came through, or else we might not make it home." Pidge replied, scanning for said spot. Suddenly the Alteans started shooting at them. "Argh! We're not going to make it!" Pidge shouts at the others.


A voice said, suddenly a trail of light appeared. The Paladins followed it to the spot where the rift opened. Said rift opened again, and the Lions proceeded to push the comet through. Just as they were about halfway, a particularly large beam was shot at them, while pushing them all the way in and back into their reality, knocked them all out. Just as Lotor flew in and took the comet himself.

Back in the other reality, with the Alteans on their ship, luckily Slav and Sven managed to get away.

"No!" Hira shouted. "They got away! And with the comet!" She growled.

"Calm down. Even without the comet, the Altean Empire can bring peace to this universe. And, we'll eventually find another way to travel the others as well." The Altean scientist said.

"I wouldn't bet on it if I were you." A voice from behind, followed by a "clank!". The two Alteans turned to see a hooded figure, with a dismantled Altean bot at their feet.

"Who are you?" Hira asked aggressively, the scientist coming up to her side. The figure stayed silent, that didn't sit well for the Altean general, as she charged. Suddenly the figure raised their arm, a glow emitting from beneath the bandages wrapped around it and both Alteans were frozen, unable to move.

"I'm disappointed you know. To see the Alteans having stooped this low." The figure growled, and proceeded to remove the bandages, revealing their black scaled arm. "No, matter. It's best if the information on this doesn't reach your Empire." He says, and in a shimmer of light, a sword appeared in his hand. Both Alteans gasped and stared at the blade, as they were forced to kneel.

"T-That's a royal Altean broadsword! How did you get that?!" Hira growled.

"It was a gift from her Highness Empress Allura. The same Allura who defeated the Galra and saved your Altea 10,000 years ago in this reality." The figure answers. The two Alteans eyes' widen. "In one my previous lives I helped in the fight against said Galra and Zarkon himself. This was a gift from her as a result." He explained. "If the Empress were here today she would be mortified to see how far her people had strayed, after her death." He growled.

"I-Impossible! Who are you?!" Hira asked.

"I've had many names through the millennia, but you know me best, as Zarc." The figure said, raising his head to reveal narrowed glowing golden eyes.

"Zarc?! The Zarc?! The one who helped defeat the Galra and help Empress Allura ascend to the throne?!" Hira asked.

"The one and only." Zarc replied, as he held the blade up to her neck.

"W-what are you going to do to us?" Hira asked nervously.

"Punish you for the wrong you and the others have done. You and the Altean Empire have terrorized this universe for centuries." He growled.

"N-no! Please! We were just trying to honor the Empress by spreading peace!" Hira pleaded.

"You only claim to be spreading peace, by taking away others free will, but in truth are just brainwashing and enslaving the universe itself." He spat. Both Alteans gulped as Zarc raised the sword. "In the name of Empress Allura, I strike these two who bring suffering and suppression to the galaxy!" He said and brought the blade down in a quick and sudden strike!


(AN: Whoa. That got surprisingly dark.)

Meanwhile, the Paladins were back on the Castle of Lions, Lotor having gotten away with the comet. Allura was up on the bridge, sitting down and starring out into space as Keith walked in.

"Allura, you did the right thing. You couldn't have let Hira get that ore." The Red Paladin tried to comfort.

"But now Lotor has it." The Altean Princess said back.

"You didn't know. None of us did." Keith said.

"That is the problem. We never know." Allura said as she stood up. "And that is exactly why my father sent the lions away so many years ago. To avoid this reality. I finally understand." She paused.

"We'll get it back." Keith reassured.

"But if we don't? Lotor is always one step ahead of us. He has a plan for that ore, and if he succeeds, the Galra will finally have a weapon, as powerful as Voltron." Just as she finished, Coran's voice boomed across the ship.

"Paladins, to the Medical bay! It's Shiro!" He said. The Paladins then all rush towards the medical, at top speed. What was happening? Now of all times.

AN: Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter, and the changes. See you next time.

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