Chapter 10: Emperor of all Battles

This was it. Voltron was formed, Zarkon's ship was offline, and they were ready to end this war once and for all. Now was their time. (Yes. I got that from the Power Rangers. Sue me.)

"We've gotta act fast." Shiro said through the coms. "The power will only be down for 20 minutes. The Blade of Marmora's schematics showed four targets we need to hit. The weapons systems, the engines, the shield generators, and the bridge. Now, let's put an end to Zarkon, once and for all." He instructed.

"Yeah!" The rest of the Paladins replied enthusiastically. They then formed Voltron's sword and began attacking said points of the ship.

"Hit the engine systems!" Shiro commanded and they all slashed said systems.

Meanwhile, on the Castle of Lions, Allura, who was slumped over the controls with Coran by her side, watched, along with her Royal Advisor and the Blade of Marmora members currently aboard. Though, Ulaz was in the medical bay tending to Thace's wounds. Luckily he was better thanks to Lance, but he was clearly exhausted from all he had went through.

"We've don't it. This shall be the end of Zarkon's reign." The princess said slightly tired from the amount of quintessence that she used for the wormhole jump.

"Yes, Princess." Coran agreed as they continued to watch Voltron continue to dismantle the ship.

Just as the Paladins were about to strike the bridge, a dark ball of energy formed from the ship and hit Voltron dead on. The Paladins all screamed as they were hit and Voltron was being drained of its power. While the rest looked on in horror.

"Paladins! Can you hear me?!" Coran asked worriedly, but all they received was static. The royal advisor than turned to Kolivan. "I thought the virus shut down all of Zarkon's power!" He said rather angrily.

"That blast was not from the ship's weapons." Allura spoke and Coran turned to her. "It was magic." She added looking at Kolivan.

"It must have been the komar." The Blade leader replied. "Zarkon has been trying to develop a device to extract the quintessence from planets. It appears that he has succeeded." The Galra explained.

"If it destroys planets, what did it do to the paladins?" Coran asks worriedly.

Said Paladins were all knocked out from the blast. The komar weapon had also drained their energy as well as Voltron's. Currently they were all unconscious in their lions, floating as the artificial gravity was off.

"Paladins! Shiro! Can you hear me?" The Altean Princess called through the coms, but received no answer. The rest aboard the ship all looking worried.

As if things couldn't get any worse, from Zarkon's ship emerged something, something huge and terrifying. A giant mechanical creature the size of Voltron and made from Galra technology, in Zarkon's image.

(See picture up top. *Points up*)

"Zarkon," Allura said breathless. "We need to buy the Paladins time. Get us in closer. Divert all power to our weapons." The Princess instructed.

"What? But Princess, we'll be defenseless!" Coran retaliated.

"It's the only way." She said very sure, and they headed straight for the mechanical monster as it was approaching Voltron. "Listen, Paladins, there's still a way! You are all now true Paladins! You just need to reach within and connect directly to your lions, and each other! I know you can do it! Back on Balmera, Zarc told me something! He said that even in the pitch black of darkness you can still find the light!" She told the still unconscious Paladins as the weapons on the Castle were charged up and ready to go.

"Fire!" She commanded and they fired the laser right at Zarkon. However, the mechanical armor was able to not only block the laser, though it did manage to push him into the ship's side, it also redirected it right back at the castle, hitting it and causing all on it to cry out. With the castle out of the way, Zarkon turned his attention back to Voltron summoning a blade. Finally, Voltron would be his again.


"Mmm...Where...Am I?" Shiro said as he woke up, at least he thinks woke up, in a dark space. The Black Paladin wonders around, before he notices a faint light in the distance. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He asked but receives no answer. Having nothing better to do, he starts walking towards the faint light and come across a cloaked figure. It was too dark to make out any features, and the little amount of light didn't help. Suddenly the figure made a "come" motion, at least that what it looked like, and Shiro started walking forward a little, suddenly he heard a voice.

"You can still find light. Even in the darkness." It says.

Suddenly he was surrounded by a purple light, it was then he noticed there were four other people who were surround by light as well but in different colors. It didn't take long to realize it was the other Paladins, as above them all were their lions. Shiro looked up to see his lion, then back to the figure. The different colors of light illuminating the space enough for Shiro to finally see the figure clearly. Zarc.

Said being looked up at him and raised both arms, as a specter looking thing rose from his body. The best way to describe the thing was, majestic. Its body made of silvery light, with wing-shapes emerging from its back, and its eyes glowing a luminous gold. Shiro suddenly felt a rise of energy within him, and felt it with the others too. The lions all roared and the lights completely envelope all of them.

(AN: If you're wondering why I put this music here. Honestly it's just because I thought it was cool.)

Voltron glowed five colors at once, purple, red, blue, yellow and green, and all the lions roared at once. The Paladins all awoke, their eyes glowing their respective colors. Zarkon was stunned. No! How could they have-?! That blast should have drained them. How could they be back up so fast? But he didn't have time to ponder as Voltron charged at him, summoning their own sword. The two mechas than clashed and were now in battle.

Meanwhile, the Castle of Lions was in bad shape from the redirected laser blast.

"Princess? Princess? Are you alright?" Allura groans as she blinks awake wearily to see Yusarius above her.

"Yu-Yusarius?" She says weakly. "What's going on? What happened?" She asks.

"The laser you shot at Zarkon was redirected back at the Castle. The whole ship's systems are pretty much shot." The necroshade answered.

"He's right Princess." The two turned to see Coran at the Castle control panel. "Our power levels are decimated. Communications aren't working. We can't reach the Paladins. I'm afraid we can't fight anymore." He explains.

"We cannot give up yet." Said Allura as Slav skitters over to Coran. Wait. How long was he here? Nevermind. It didn't matter now. "Coran, you, Slav and Yusarius do what you can to get the Castle function again." She said then turned to the Blade leader. "Kolivan, can you get me to the komar?" She asked.

"It will be dangerous, but I know a way." The Galran man replied.

"You and Antok come with me." She says and floats to the door, the two Galra following. "We're going to have to attack the witch directly if we hope to stop that thing." She says. "Coran the bridge if yours." She tells the other Altean.

"No! You've been weakened by operating the teludav. You can't face Haggar directly!" He retaliated.

"We don't have a choice." She replies. "Besides, I think my energy somehow recharged already. Most likely from Zarc's gift to me." She adds.

"You as well Princess? You remember what I said?" Kolivan says.

"We're not having this argument. Everything Zarc has done, has been to help us in this war." She retaliates.

"I'll come too Princess." Everyone one turned to Yusarius as he spoke. "You'll be needing all the help you can get." He adds, leaving no room for argument.

While the Paladins were fighting Zarkon, Allura, Yusarius, Kolivan and Antok took personal transport units to the ship to face Haggar. They attacked the witch and her druids, dismantling komar before it could fire again, while the Paladins continued to battle against Zarkon. The two mechas seemly on equal grounds with one another.

"This is my time to reclaim Voltron! Nothing can stop me!" Zarkon growled out.

"No! He's trying to take control of the lion again. I can feel him in my mind." Shiro grunts as Zarkon tried to take back the Black Lion.

Meanwhile, Allura, Yusarius and the two blade were still fighting Haggar and her druids. They were having trouble, with the druids kept on teleporting themselves, but managed to get some hits in. Yusarius pushed off from a druid as he noticed a injure Antok about to get shot by another druid behind him. Thinking fast, the necroshade flew straight at the druid as Antok turned around, pushing the dark magic user away, but its attack was already launched and grazed Antok, but also shot right at Haggar who had to dodge in order to avoid the hit.

"Antok!" Kolivan shouted as Antok collapsed onto the platform, while Yusarius pushed the druid of its own, taking off its mask as the creature fell into the abyss that was space. Yusarius had time to dwell on it, as he got up and flew to the Galra. Luckily he was breathing, but barely.

"He's alive, but very weak!" He shouted to the others.

"Get him back to the Castle! We'll handle the rest!" The Princess ordered. The necroshade hesitated for only of a fraction of a second before nodding and lifting up the injured Galra, and proceeded to fly out of the ship and head straight for the castle, while Allura and Kolivan continued to fight off the druids.

Meanwhile, the Paladins were unfortunately in trouble with handling Zarkon, who was now gaining the upper hand, and seemed to be winning, but Shiro refused to give up here. He felt a surge that seemed to coming from his lion, and suddenly Voltron's wings grew and the mecha shot right at the emperor. When they collided both Zarkon and Shiro were in the astral plain for a mere tick then left. Zarkon gasp as the black bayard disappeared from his grip.

"Whoa... What just happened?" Lance asked over the coms.

"I've got Zarkon's bayard." Shiro replied as the purple jagged turned to its true smoother shape, and natural black and purple color in his hand.

"You've got your bayard." Keith corrected over the coms. Shiro smiled.

"Now!" He said as he looked straight at Zarkon. "Put all of your bayards in and focus your energy and element!" He commanded and everyone followed.

Meanwhile, Allura worked her way up and became face to face with the witch herself, Haggar, who wasted no time in shooting black beams of energy at the Altean Princess. Allura managed to dodge her attacks, and was able to get close enough to land a hit, knocking the witch to floor, but the princess was not prepared for what she saw next. As Haggar rose up, her hood having fallen off, her face was finally revealed. Red cheek marks, white hair, and most of all her pointed ears. The princess gasped in realization.

"You're Altean?" She said in disbelief. The witch took advantage of her momentary shock and stuck her with her magic. However, as the magic hit Allura, it suddenly began to glow a brighter color as she seemed to absorb it. "Find the light in the darkness." Zarc's words echoed through her mind, as she lifted her head to face a stunned Haggar.

She then redirected the energy at the witch, sending her flying and landing on another platform while the shockwave destroyed the already battered ship further. Kolivan flew up to the Princess as she stopped glowing and took her arm, then began flying them back to the Castle of Lions.

Voltron began glowing even brighter as they charged at Zarkon and proceeded to attack, stabbing their sword into the mecha. Zarkon growled as he grabbed onto Voltron's head, sending bolts of electricity straight to it. However, as if on instinct, Shiro conjured up winds in space so powerful, it created a gigantic space storm, redirecting the electricity back at the Emperor as Voltron attacked one last time, all of their energy channeled right into the blade as it struck Zarkon, his mecha armor overloaded and exploding, while Voltron disbanded back to the lions.

"Did we do it?" Lance asked over the coms.

"Is it over?" Hunk than asked as they saw the remains of Zarkon's armor.

"Paladins! We have everyone else, we need to leave!" Coran called over the coms. The Paladins immediately responded and started heading back the ship. However, Shiro wasn't moving. Keith and Pidge noticed, and carried the lion back to the Castle as a wormhole was conjured up and the ship flew through it.

On board, Lance landed in his hanger and let out a long sigh then exited his lion.

"Lance!" Said Paladin looked up to see Yusarius rush over to him. "Quickly! You're needed!" He said frantic as he took the boy's hand and started dragging him over to Antok, who was lying on the bleeding and breathing heavily. "Please! The pods are offline, you need to help him! He won't last at this rate!" The necroshade said.

Lance didn't even hesitate before conjuring up a large body of water and got to work healing the wounded Galra. Yusarius took off the Blade's mask, revealing his battered face. (Picture seen right below).

The others rushed in, except for Keith, Pidge and Shiro, but Lance didn't pay them any mind, instead he focused on healing Antok, but the guy was very weak and slipping fast. He then felt hands touch his, and looked up to see Allura. Her hands on his started glowing a clear white color and reflecting in Lance's water, which began glowing a brighter crystal blue and the wounds healed up.

Lance let out a relieved sigh as he sat down, the water on Antok sloshing off and onto the floor, as Kolivan and Ulaz went to check on their fellow blade. Lance felt like he could finally relax, but of course the universe had to disprove him, as then Keith and Pidge rushed with Shiro draped over their shoulders. Everyone gasped as they saw the state of the unconscious Paladin. He was deathly pale, breathing heavily and was sweating bullets. Worst part of all, his robotic arm was gone.

AN: Woah, talk about a finale. Do you guys feel as wiped as I am? Well, that's it for season 2. I'll get to work on 3, after a little break. I need a rest after that exciting sweat fest. Woo~ See you guys next time. *Waves to the readers*

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