Chapter 9

Draco Malfoy swore to himself that he would never be reliant, or even codependent on anyone. In the past, this had never been an issue because no one had been able to get this close to him before.

HP had been increasingly busier whether it be with odd jobs or his artwork, and Draco was feeling the loss. However, HP always made sure to text Draco good morning, wish him well at lunch, and send him a goodnight message without fail. It was incredibly endearing. If he could sense Draco was having a bad day then he would set up a video call so that Draco could watch him paint and relax.

On Draco's end, he hadn't painted since that day his father forced him to attend various meetings and dinner. As much as Draco looked good in a suit, he loathed dressing up for others, preferring to look good for himself and himself alone.

When Lucius saw the painting in Draco's office, Draco swore the vein in his temple was going to burst. It had taken almost half an hour to convince Lucius that Draco himself hadn't done the painting. It simply wasn't his style.

He lied through the skin of his teeth reassuring his father that painting was a frivolous hobby and that this was where the money was. The painting was simply something to remind him of his mother since Draco wouldn't dare bring personal photos into the office. That placated his father for now, and Draco had to take a break to calm his racing heart.

Draco could feel something building once he left work that Friday night. There seemed to be some sort of discernable energy and he couldn't make heads or tails of it. Today was one of those days where he barely heard from HP, and swallowing his pride, he sent him a message.

DM: Hello HP, I wanted to wish you a happy Friday. I hope all of your projects turn out well. I'm wishing you the best :)

Narcissa could tell that her son was preoccupied that night.

"What ever is the matter my dragon?"

"You're not even going to try to be tactful tonight Mother?"

"Not when you keep checking your phone like that."


He grinned when HP's name popped up on his phone.

"Is it that boy? You got his number?"

"I had a moment of weakness some time ago, and he was worried for me and sent me his phone number. He's my friend now Mother, and he's truly wonderful", Draco said with a small smile as he typed back a reply.

"So, when are you going to meet him?"

Eliciting a sigh, Draco rested his head on his hand.

"I'm scared to meet him. What if I scare him away?"

"What if you hit it off immediately? Some things are worth risking Draco."

"I suppose so."

"Do you have plans tomorrow?"

"No, I do not."

"Then take a chance. There's an art show being held nearby in London tomorrow, and I think you should go. If your friend loves art as much as you do, then there's a good chance that he'll be there. If you meet up accidentally, then it's fate. You don't even have to tell him that you're going. You can simply mention it after the fact and see what he says."

"You know what Mother? I think that could work."


"Harry mate, what are you smiling at your phone for?"

"Hmm? Oh it's one of my friends. He just wished me luck with my projects."

"He?", Hermione asked with a grin.

"Oh come on Mione don't tease him", Ron interjected.

"It's so rare that Harry meets new people though!"

"How do we know he's new?"

"Because if it was someone we knew like Neville, he would have said his name", she proclaimed triumphantly.

HP: my friends are speculating as to who you are, it's quite comical

DM: I like to think I'm worth speaking about

HP: oh believe me you are :D

DM: If it is any consolation, my mother likes you already

HP: parents usually do love me because I'm quiet, offer to help, and don't take up much space haha

"Harry, are you even listening?"

"Of course I am Mione."

HP: how was your day DM? :)

"I said that I can only come an hour before to help you set up, is that okay? I have another nursing exam on Monday that I need to study for."

"Perfectly fine Mione. I'll take whatever help you can offer."

"Is your new friend coming to the art show then?"

"I, erm, didn't invite him. It's already stressful for me enough, I don't want to add another layer onto that since it's my first solo show. Especially because this determines how my meeting with the investor will go. I just need to be as focused as possible."

"Maybe try turning off your phone", Hermione said pointedly.

"Mione, you know that I already have a basic plan for set up. I can't plan as in depth as you do. Sometimes inspiration just strikes."

Harry smiled softly at the new text on his phone unknowingly, and Ron and Hermione shared a look.

"What's inspiration's name?", Ron teased.

"I get inspired by lots of things Ron, don't be jealous", Harry teased back.

"As long as I'm your best mate, have as many other friends as you want."

"Who said I wasn't his best mate?", Hermione interjected teasingly.

Rolling his eyes playfully, Harry responded to each part of DM's message, knowing full well that he served as Harry's inspiration most days, splashing some color back into his dim world.

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