Chapter 7

It was over a week since Harry had last sent Draco an art piece. Draco had to admit that he missed seeing HP's works of art. The two kept up correspondence when they could, but Harry's replies were a lot more sporadic than usual. Sometimes they had little doodles on them, and that was enough for now.

"I'm sorry for the lack of art! I've been working more odd jobs lately, trying to save up money. I need more supplies and art isn't quite paying the bills at the moment.

I'm emailing you the piece as it is way too big for me to fax. I made this for my parents and I think it's even better than the last piece I sent you!

I hope you're doing well DM, thanks for being patient with me :)



Draco was very pensive after reading that last note. He couldn't imagine not working a stable 9-5 job. He was curious.

"No problem HP, it's always nice to hear from you. What kinds of odd jobs if you don't mind me asking? It's a strange concept to me, I must admit.

I've had a consistent 9-5 job for years, and even before that I worked part time during uni pretty consistently. Granted it wasn't a lot, my father was very invested in my education. He saw me as a future asset, and wanted me to have on the job training.

That left no time for other things. Honestly, before we got to talking, art had made me very bitter. You've given me some semblance of joy back. My mother says I should pick it back up, but my father well... if it's not business related and making money it's not worthwhile in his eyes.

I'm rambling, let me check my email now."

Draco paused his writing to look at what Harry had sent him. It was a massive painting of a hand, clutching a bouquet of lilies, in the silhouette of the moon. Upon closer look, there were small stars delicately painted across the background.

The starry background had Draco itching to pick up a paint brush. He knew he shouldn't. The urge had never been stronger in the past few years than it was right now.

After writing down his praises, complete with a shooting star doodle of Draco's own, the first that Harry had received from DM, Draco went shopping. He had work to do.

That weekend, he took his mother's advice. He went away for the weekend claiming some time for his mental health. His father begrudgingly accepted those days of absence.

When not officially on the clock, Draco still had to attend various dinners and meetings. He just needed some time to process and exist peacefully for once. With his work phone turned off, Draco began to document the creation of his first piece in years.

Blacks, blues, and purples swirled together, and he was laughing. Genuine laughter. He hadn't felt this alive in years, and wondered why he had allowed his father to take this away from him too, after sacrificing so much of his life for a man who would never be satisfied.

Draco was having second thoughts about his career. He knew this wasn't particularly what he wanted, but he had crushed any of his own hopes long ago about potentially doing something else.

While that painting dried, Draco quickly started on the next. This one was more abstract, a piece to be able to convey his feelings and frustrations.

As soon as the first one was dry he immediately photographed it in the best lighting that he could, and he sent it to HP.

The title of the email read "Surprise!", and oh how surprised Harry was.

He paused the grading of papers he was doing to help Remus so that he could give the piece his full attention.

"This isn't my favorite piece, but this is the first I've done in years. I had a love of the stars as a kid (I'm actually named after a constellation) and seeing the background of your piece was the final push that I needed.

I can't remember the last time I've felt this content. I'm thankful for you and your clumsy hands HP, you've helped more than you know.

Thank you,


Harry understood what DM meant earlier about wanting to see the painting in person, to be able to actually see each individual brush stroke. It was stunning, and Harry felt a sense of pride that he had somehow contributed to the piece, but the talent itself was all DM, and Harry made sure that he knew that.

Draco could have kissed the man after all of the kind words he had received.

"I refuse to believe that you haven't picked up a paint brush in that long. You're a natural. Your strokes are so smooth, and they seamlessly blend together.

Is that accents of glitter I see applied to the stars? I think that's a trick I may have to steal from your book.

My adoptive father is named after a constellation, that's so cool! I've got quite a common name, but I like it all the same as my parents must've chosen it for a reason. I bet it's hard finding your name on a keychain though! I'll take my small victories where I can.

It's an honor to be one of the few to see your return to the art world my shining star of a friend ;) I can't wait to see more.

I'd love to paint together sometime in the future if you'd like to? My other friends aren't very much into art, but I do have one who loves to read, so she'll keep my company sometimes!

Back to one of my odd jobs, tonight is bartending. Keep creating DM! Your art deserves to see the light of day, and your talents should be exposed.

Take care,


Draco would never let this proud feeling of accomplishment go ever again.

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