Chapter 16
The weekend could not come fast enough for Draco. He missed Harry terribly, and desperately needed to see him again. Their lunch plans had to be canceled due to Lucius signing Draco up for a meeting without telling him, and Draco felt more isolated than ever.
They had decided to meet in the park that weekend, and Draco had arrived a few minutes late, stressed out of his mind. He couldn't remember the last time that he had overslept, and he felt horrible.
"Oh God Harry I'm so sorry that I'm late. It's been a hell of a week and I-"
"Relax, Draco. I only just arrived around 5 minutes ago. I left later when you told me that you were running late. I walked here today, it was nice. Here, I made these last night."
Reaching into his bag, Harry pulled out a tin full of chocolate chip cookies.
"Nothing fancy, but I had a craving for some simple cookies. I also thought you could use some cheering up."
"You're perfect Harry."
Draco greedily grabbed two cookies and sat down next to Harry, leaning against his shoulder. Biting into one, his eyes closed and he hummed softly.
"I take it back, you're beyond perfect."
"Oh stop, they're just cookies."
"Are you blushing? You're totally blushing", Draco teased.
"Baking is just something very personal to me that I like to share with those closest to me."
"Well, this is sinful", Draco declared, licking the chocolate off of his fingers.
"Nothing as sinful as what you just did", Harry murmured, wiping some chocolate off of the corner of Draco's mouth.
Draco's heart skipped a beat at just how intimate the gesture was.
"Shall we start?", Harry asked.
"Hmm? Start what?"
"You did come here so I could practice drawing people, didn't you?", Harry asked with a cheeky grin.
"Oh, right. How do you want me?", Draco asked after clearing his throat.
"Hmm, what a question. Just sit naturally."
"Move my head if you need to."
Harry did as allowed, fingertips softly brushing over cheekbones, his jawline, the pad of his thumb running over Draco's bottom lip. For the first time in his whole life, Draco finally felt seen.
"You have a very beautiful facial structure. Is this okay?"
Draco was about to start whimpering at the care Harry was taking with him. This shouldn't have felt as intimate as it was.
"Yeah", he replied breathlessly.
Draco let himself be lost in Harry's lingering stares and faint touches, forgetting about the horrible week that he had experienced.
"I'm glad that you look more relaxed now."
"You just have this way of making me feel better."
"You just need more love, affection, and someone to listen to you, that's all."
"And cookies, lots of cookies."
"That's classed under love and affection", Harry replied with a laugh.
They sat for another hour until Harry was satisfied with his drawing.
"What do you think?"
Draco couldn't believe this was him. A bright smile that looked foreign on his face had him tearing up.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I don't think I've ever been this happy."
"My goal is to make you even happier. What are you doing for the rest of the day?"
"Absolutely nothing."
"Brilliant. You're spending it with me."
"I'd like nothing more. What are we doing?"
"Take out for lunch? I have a bit of shopping to do if you'd like to join? Then I can make us dinner. We'll fill in the in between time."
"I like the sound of that. I drove here, I can give us a ride to yours?"
Draco carried Harry's bag to the car for him, and Harry let out a low whistle at the brand new car Draco owned.
"Very flashy, I know."
"This is stunning."
"I'll let you drive it to the shops if you want."
"This car is probably worth more than my life."
"You're absolutely priceless Harry."
"Well, aren't you sweet?"
"Only to you."
"You know how to make a guy feel special."
"Oh, I haven't even gotten started, Harry. Just you wait."
Instead of takeout, Draco had decided to treat Harry to a very nice lunch. He loved the rising flush on Harry's cheeks when he was able to dote on him. Oh yes, he enjoyed that very much. His lingering glances became stares, his brief touches lasted a beat too long, and he found his eyes drifting to Harry's lips on more than one occasion.
After Draco drove them to the shops, he decided he wanted to hold Harry's hand as they walked around.
"Is this okay, Harry?"
"This is nice."
The two men got a few looks here and there, but Draco ignored them, instead focusing on Harry. He loved the feel of Harry's calloused hand in his own softer hand, and Harry just loved running his thumb over Draco's hand.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Whatever you want to make. Make me your favorite meal."
"My favorite? Now that's a new one."
Harry went along, grabbing ingredients and asking Draco for his opinion. Draco thought it was nice to finally have his opinion be valued, even if it was for something so trivial. He felt important to someone at long last.
"Can I help you cook?"
"Do you know to cook?"
"I know the basics", Draco admitted. "Enough to not have to rely on takeout."
"I'd love for you to help me. Any excuse to have you around is something I'll take advantage of."
"You really like spending time with me then?"
"I love spending time with you Draco. It's just so nice and easy. I don't have to try, things just happen so naturally between us. I always feel energized and excited when I see you. I want to spend as much time with you as I can."
"I feel exactly the same way."
"Pick out your favorite snacks. I want to keep them around mine for when you come over."
"Then I want you to do the same. It's only fair."
"I like how permanent this is", Harry said with a grin, tossing a bag of crisps into the shopping trolley.
"Of course we have the same favorite crisps flavor", Draco said with a laugh.
"It's very fitting I think."
"Maybe it was just meant to be?", Draco offered.
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