One would think that a father who had been wrongly accused of betraying his friends and murdering a bunch of muggles would be happy to be reunited with the children he left behind. One would think he'd want to spend every waking moment wanting to get to know his children m and spending time with them to make up for lost time. However, that's not the case in mine and my brothers story. Our father, Azkaban escapee, Sirius Black was nothing like we hoped he would be.
My brother and I, we're nothing special. We were never treated special- not like Potter at least. We, just like the rest of the Slytherins, are the outcasts, the ignored, the hated and the misunderstood. Our last name did us. I favors either. That gave us that final push to being nothing but shadows mingling in the darkness. We are seen as nothing. Our father treats us as nothing.
Now you can imagine how my brother and I felt when our own father, our flesh and blood casted us to the side and gave Harry his undivided attention and all the love he held in his heart. You can imagine how distraught my brother and I felt that our father treated us no different than everyone else that wasn't Slytherin. I can practically sense the loath he feels towards us.
Cori and I tried to be understanding, to see things from his perspective. But for him to treat his own children like dirt while he treats his godson like a proud dad- there's no excuse for that. Sirius Black, our father, turned out to be a disappointment.
This summer, just like the last, we spent at Grimmauld Place. This year the Weasleys and Hermione Granger were sharing the roof over our heads. I suppose it's a blessing in disguise, their ruckus and mere presence filled the quiet void that is the Blacks Family home. Their presence served as a wall in which me and my brother and Sirius Black were on opposite sides. At this point, Cori and I had become part of the wall paper. And though we didn't mind much because there is absolutely nothing we want from anyone else under this roof, it doesn't stop Harry from trying to talk to us from time to time. Even Granger or the twins would try to make small talk with us- though it's a little forced from their mothers end, Cori and I prefer it very much if we are left alone. After all, we're here because of Sirius who proved to be a terrible host just as much as he is a terrible father.
"No Kreacher, I don't want it. You keep it"
Cori's voice echoed from upstairs.
Sometimes I find myself walking aimlessly around the house. Seeing as this summer we were prohibited from leaving 12 Grimmauld Place due to something about there being danger that didn't really pertain to my brother yada yada, and the lack of fatherly love and connection, I'd have to resort to finding ways to cure my boredom.
Usually, I'd spend most of my time in the library. Unfortunately Hermione invaded that space so now I had to take up my reading back in my room- or my late grandmothers room. I'd take my time going upstairs, wondering what the house looked like in its prime and wondering where things went wrong in the Black family. My aunt Cissa would tell me stories from her point of view. She told me as much as she could before she insisted Cori and I spend the summer with dad. She's the reason why we're here in the first place- even though she hates fathers guts, she wanted us to have a chance to be with our father. Jokes on her cause he doesn't want us at all.
"But Master Cori must take it! It- it is a gift from Kreacher! Kreacher insist that Master Cori takes this"
Going up the next flight of stairs, I make it to the second floor. Out of the corner of my eye, the door to Hermione and Ginny's shared room wide open. When I turn my head, I lock eyes with fathers golden boy. Harry Potter. He holds my gaze for a moment as I look at him blankly. There's no way I could explain how I feel about him. Actually, that's a lie, I hate him and he knows it. Still, he makes the effort to talk to me even though the moment he opens his mouth, I walk away. It's rude, I know, but I'm not sorry about it. Potter hasn't been all daisies and rainbows with me either for the last five years. We have an unspoken hatred for one another and everyone knows it.
"Bloody hell Kreach! I don't want it! You keep it"
Once I reached the third floor, I push open the door to my brothers room. Leaning against the doorway, I watch in amusement as he and Kreacher argue about something.
"What's this all about?" I finally ask.
"He's trying to give me a piece of antique junk. He won't take no for an answer" Cori huffed.
Kreacher eyes widen.
"This! This is no junk! This is something of much importance! Please Master Cori, take it" Kreacher said giving my brother the puppy eyes.
"Yes, Cor, take it"
"Just take it" I roll my eyes at him.
"Fine!"'he huffs and takes the necklace that Kreacher was holding in his hand.
Kreacher looked relieved and for a moment, I thought he was going to burst into a sob.
"Kreacher asks you to promise you will keep it safe. Master Cori must keep it hidden!"
At this point, Cori was rubbing his forehead. He looked stressed, no doubt Kreacher was the cause of it. And let's not forget the fact that my brother was also stoned.
"Alright. Alright. I promise I will keep this thing safe and hidden. Happy Kreach?"
With that, the house elf apparated away leaving me and my brother alone in his room. Chuckling to myself, I walk towards the small couch by the window and plop down, setting the book I snatched from the library on my lap.
"Salazar, he's been pestering me about that thing the entirety of summer" Cori sighed.
"What is it?"
Cori held the object up and I saw that it was a necklace.
"Pretty. You're gonna give it away to your next conquest?" I tease.
"Are you kidding? Kreacher will murder me in my sleep. He may be a small fellow but he can be terrifying at times" he said deciding to put it on and placed it under his shirt.
"Well he'd make a better father" I joke.
Cori shot me a look, a hint of pain in his eyes. He's taking Sirius's rejection the hardest. It's not like he doesn't have a parental figure he can't look up to. But there is that desire to want to be close to one's fraternal parent. That was robbed from us the moment Sirius went to Azkaban and it's something we will be missing for the rest of our lives.
"And tell me why I can absolutely believe that?" Cori smiled weakly.
"Because it's true. Remember Dobby?"
"Ah yes. I miss that fucking elf. Miss the mischief we'd get in" Cori reminisced
"He was a goodie two shoes"I pointed out.
"But was never opposed to causing trouble"
"You and Draco would take the entire blame. Lucius would make you two clean up every mess without magic" I laugh at the memories.
Cori laughed for the first time in months. He had always been a happy guy. Smiling and looking around with our friends but his mood changed when Sirius started neglecting and ignoring us. We didn't talk much after that- just sat in comfortable silence. I read my book while Cori smoked a cigarette as the old record player played Gloomy Sunday.
"Kids, dinner is going to be ready soon" Remus said after knocking at the door as he entered the room.
"You mean Potters celebratory dinner?" Cori asked after exhaling cigarette smoke from his lips.
Remus sighed heavily. I haven't bothered looking away from my book. If it wasn't clear, I wasn't interested in anything Harry James Potter related. We only had two weeks until summer was over and his majesty of course just had to come here and make everything about him. We're not jealous of Harry having our dads full attention, we are just very hurt by it.
Cori finally came to terms that dad doesn't love us- which is why he'd been acting detached and glum all summer. Everyone else seemed in denial about how Sirius treats us. Brainless fools.
"You're both welcome to join us. I know your dad would very much appreciate it if you both came downstairs"
"Of course that would make him happy. Everything Potter related makes him fucking happy. He worships the ground that bastard walks on"
Remus closed his eyes and exhaled deeply.
"S- Cori-"
"You know what? Fine? I'll fucking go to the stupid dinner. Perhaps I can make dad happy by kissing up to Potters arse. As if one Black isn't enough to celebrate Mr. Oh So Perfect" Cori stood up and brushed past Remus.
It was quiet now and I can feel Remus's eyes on me. Mine flicker up and I peek at him from behind my book. Remus looked drained. The full moon wasn't so long ago and he was still recuperating. But the moon wasn't the only thing weighing him down. For the last few months he'd been trying to make Cori understand from fathers perspective and how it takes time adjusting being out of Azkaban after twelve years. It's bullshit if you ask me, because dad seemed more than eager to get to know Potter in seconds after Pettigrew was captured for like three minutes. It's all excuses and Remus was slowly losing points with me for adding to the dumb excuses.
"Your brothers attitude is getting worse"
"I think you'd act the same way if Tonks was all over Bill Weasley while giving you the cold shoulder...or acting like you don't exist" I point out as I continue to read my book.
I smirk to myself when the door to my room closes. Remus knows exactly what I meant. Not too long ago, Mrs. Weasley admitted to me that she liked the idea of Tonks and Bill together. Okay, well, she didn't admit it to me per-say, I kinda might've figured it out somehow.
But of course me being me, I'd take advantage of knowing this information and I merely suggested to Remus that Tonks and Bill would make such a lovely couple and everyone thought so and wanted them together. And of course Remus would announce to everyone that he and Tonks were dating shortly after I told him that. Well...I kinda already knew they were dating. How I found out? Well that's just the million galleon question, is it? Now you can imagine how awkward and insecure Remus felt.
No, I didn't mean any real harm by it. But after he had told Cori and I countless times that Dad was having a hard time trying to get to know us while he and Harry practically already had a full blown father son relationship, I thought it was time that Remus understands how it would feel if he were in our shoes.
Closing my book, I freshen up then leave the room. The corridor is eerily dimly lit but it's no different from the dungeons at Hogwarts. I make my way downstairs and enter the kitchen where everyone was. Immediately, the mood drops- a usual occurrence whenever my brother and I enter a room here. Meeting Cori's eyes, I can see annoyance in them. Dad is huddled at the head of the table speaking to Harry- who turned his head a little to meet my gaze. I only give him a blank look ( like I always did) before taking my seat across from Cori. Little did I know that things were going to get ugly...
"Where are you even going?!" I shouted, crossing the street.
Cori huffed as I tried to keep up with his longer strides. I could practically feel his anger radiating off of him that it added to my own. But unlike my brother, I tried to keep my anger under control. We were out in the open, only a few minutes ago I had stepped out of Grimmauld Place to go after him. Summer had been a real shit show so far, and tonight, Cori has had enough.
"Anywhere that's not there!" Cori said over his shoulder, ignoring the looks that muggles passing by gave him.
Sighing, I follow after him. There was no denying that I felt exactly the same as he did. In fact, I'd rather very much be anywhere than 12 Grimmauld Place. A place that should have felt like home but instead it's a place where we both felt unwanted.
"Cori, stop. Just calm down"
He did stop. Turning around, his expression broke my heart. The once joy he had in his eyes when we found out that Sirius would be reunited with us- was gone and replaced by hurt. My brother is a proud person and almost never shows if he is in pain. But this was different.
"Two years. Two fucking years of knowing him and he hasn't even done shit to try knowing us! Two summers of being in that Merlin forsaken house and not once has he sat down with us to just simply talk!"
"I know"
"He acts as if we don't bloody exist. As if we are just dusty old furniture. Of no value. Fuck! We didn't even receive so much as a fucking thank you for saving his arse from being killed by dementors third year!" He said through gritted teeth. Thankfully, no muggles were close enough to hear him.
"I know. Cori. Believe me. I know" I say rubbing his arm comfortingly.
Despite his face being stone cold, his eyes held sorrow in them. They also held a tint of failure- and I know exactly what he's thinking.
"You haven't done anything wrong, Cor. Neither of us did- though, I can't help but think otherwise" I admit.
He exhales heavily out of his nostrils as he brushed his fingers through his hair.
"I just- I just don't understand why he chooses him, over and over again. He may be his godson but we are his children. We are his blood- and yet we aren't enou-" he sighs instead of finishing his sentence but I knew what that last word was.
Enough. Cori and I weren't enough for our own father.
"This is just stupid. Blabbering on about a man who doesn't care for us. I'm in need of a drink" with that, Cori gently pulls me along.
I know we shouldn't be out. It was late, nearing eleven in the evening and yet I had no desire being back at 12 Grimmauld Place. Oh, and I can't forget the fact that we are technically supposed to be in hiding- which makes no sense because Cori and I weren't the ones really in danger.
Just earlier this evening, we were having a celebratory dinner for Harry. He was dropped of all charges and was free to go back to Hogwarts at the end of summer break. Things were going more or less well, until dad- Sirius decided to say a speech. It was the usual glorifying Potter and how amazing and brave he was. But once the words of how he wished he had a son like him left his lips, all hell broke loose.
Cori lost it.
"So what, I don't meet up to your expectations then? What, am I not worthy of being called your son? You can't even fucking look at me and yet you look at him likes he's the entire fucking world"
"Watch your language"
"No. I will not watch my language when the man that is supposed to be my father is prancing about worshiping the ground that fucking Potter walks on! How could you even say that knowing that your own son! Your own blood is sitting right here!" Cori shouted.
"I did not mean it...the way it sounded" Sirius said closing his eyes and rubbing his temples.
"Bullshit! You did so fucking mean it! Ever since you came in to the picture you've bloody ignored us! Acted as if we were scum of the earth! No. You're a prick! Harry isn't related to you. He isn't a Black and yet you treat him as if he's the most important thing in your life"
"And look at how you are acting now! What is this, the way that Lucius raised you? To be disrespectful? By Merlin you are acting exactly as a Black would act. A disrespectful child"
"Don't you dare talk to him like that" i hissed at Sirius, glaring at him warningly.
Dad raised an eyebrow at me, his grey blue eyes piercing right at me.
"And you don't use that tone with me, young lady. And don't even think to threaten me with that look of yours. You would do well to know your place"
"I do know my place. Do you know yours?" I ask, tilting my head to the side a little.
The room fell silent. Cori and I would have left it at that. Go up to our rooms and let it be the end of that conversation. But no. It always seems as if the universe wants us to prove to others the Slytherins they see us as. But no. Gryffindors golden boy just had to add fuel to the fire.
"Two against one. Very brave" Harry snickered.
Cori had shot out of his seat towards Harry. Kingsley, Remus, Arthur and Mad Eye went to restrain him. But Cori is strong. He fought against their grip, just only managing to kick Harry in the stomach. Amidst the chaos, Mad Eye took out his wand and pointed it at Cori- that's when I stepped in between him and my brother.
"Try it. I dare you" I growled.
Silence. I don't think Mad Eye is easily shocked after everything he's seen and experienced in his life, but at this moment, I was certain his fake eye was about to pop out of its socket.
"Stand down, Carina" Mad Eye demanded me.
"Lower your wand. And I will"
More silence.
"Harry, are you alright son?" Dad asked Potter whose eyes were on me.
Seeing dad care so much for Harry while he casted us to the side hurt so much. My brother and I had always remained quiet about it, trying to remain patient, hoping that dad would come around. But he never did. No effort, he never even tried. He didn't want to try. My eyes flickered from dad to Mad eye, who still had his wand drawn. Cori's anger and pain radiated in the room, I have no doubt that anyone else could feel it also.
"I wish you never left Azkaban" Cori scoffed before leaving the kitchen.
I just stood there as Mad Eye lowered his wand, the astonished look on his face never wavering. Even Remus looked concerned but I wasn't in the right mind to question either of them why they were looking at me like that. My eyes glance at Sirius, who was looking at me as if I was a disappointment and I gave him that exact same look.
"You judged us and yet you never even bother to get to know us. How could you treat us this way after your own mother treated you the same?" I ask, doing my best to keep my voice steady but the tears building up in my eyes gave my emotions away.
Sirius just kept his lips in a straight line and I had enough of looking at him. Turning on my heel, I start walking away.
"Carina, wait" Harry spoke his first words to me that night, his hand reaching my arm but I was out of his reach as I stormed out of the kitchen...
Cori and I found ourselves in a muggle pub. It was crowded, noisy and it smelled like cigarette smoke. I felt out of place but Cori seemed to fit in quite alright. He mentioned that he and Draco would sneak away to this place during the holiday break. I never knew this, but I wasn't surprised either.
Sighing, I watch as my brother took his eleventh drink that evening and he could barely sit up right. How the hell was I supposed to bring his drunk ass back home?
"Is there a good explanation, why you two are here?" A dull voice asked from behind us.
I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Turning around, we are met by Snape. Cori scoffs, drunk as ever as he sits back against his chair. I didn't need to ask why Snape was here because I already knew why. My guess is that Remus sent him.
"What? No special escort from the Order? Or is Potter only entitled to that privilege?" Cori grumbled.
"Do you really want me to answer that question?" Snape drawled.
Cori clenched his jaw, his eyes dropping. I can see the anger and resentment in them. He went to order another drink but Snape cut him off. He placed some muggle money on the counter and sent my brother a soft glare.
"Can you take us home" I asked our Professor.
He knew which home I was referring to. There had only been one home that we truly considered our home and it wasn't Grimmauld Place.
"Considering the state your brother is in, apparating would make his condition worse. And I don't think your aunt and uncle would like the thought of you both being home alone"
"Being home alone is much better than being in a house full of people who hate our kind" I say in response.
Snape had a look of understanding in his eyes. I knew a little about his story. He had a hard life both outside and inside of Hogwarts. I suppose he'd always been kind (as kind as he can be) to me and Cori as well as the rest of our Slytherin housemates because he knows what it's like to be misunderstood and treated differently. Granted, he is also our Godfather, so he's always watching out for me and my brother.
"Very well. Pack up your things and I'll come to collect you both tomorrow at noon. But I suggest we get you both back to Blacks house this instant"
The journey back to Grimmauld place was a mission. Though it was only a few blocks away, it proved to be a challenge dragging my brothers drunken ass back to the house. He kept blabbering about how stupid dad was and pathetic for being a blood traitor. He even went as far as to say that he'd put dad in the dog pound if he ever had the chance. This all amused Snape- I can tell it did but he didn't say anything.
Kicking the door open, Snape and I lead my brother through the hallway towards the foyer where Remus and Arthur are stood in. They both have a look of relief upon seeing us but the atmosphere changes when dad steps out of the living room.
"Ah, there he- he is! Th-The man who- who couldn't care- care l-less! Shitty fa-father award goes t-to fleabag here!"
Snape looked like he wanted to laugh but dad did not look amused. There was no softness in his eyes, no guilt, no empathy. Nothing. Just emptiness towards us. But it didn't mean that he won't give us a piece of his mind because the man started scolding us. I'm not sure what he was saying since I was trying to not let Cori slip from mine and Snapes grasp. The three of us falling down the flight of stairs was the last thing we needed tonight.
"Now is not the time for this Black! Merlin's beard!"
"Stay out of this Snivellus! They need to understand that this is my house and my rules! Leaving like this could've put the entire Order at risk! It was very very irresponsible! And to add that he's drunk! Unfucking believable-"
I had enough. As we passed my grandmothers portrait, I pulled the curtain open and not a moment later, Walburga Black screamed once dad was in front of her. Cori and I didn't even flinch and my brother shot up his middle finger towards dad who nearly fell on his ass in shock.
The door to Cori's room swung open and Snape shot me a look. Rolling my eyes, we both lead Cori to the four poster bed and lay him on it.
"Kreacher" Snape called out.
A second later, the house elf appeared out of thin air. He gave me a little bow of his head before looking at Snape.
"Be sure that Cori is well tended to"
"Yes Mister Snape. Kreacher loves to serve the Noble House of Black"
Snape sighed then turned to me. He gave me a warning look to which I smiled innocently at him.
"Don't...do that, again" he said with a raise of his brow.
"What?" I asked titling my head.
He rolled his eyes at me before walking away. As Kreacher tended to my drunken brother, I started packing his trunk. We were originally meant to spend summer in Italy but Cori insisted we stay in 12 Grimmauld Place also per our aunts request. He held out hope that this summer would be much better and that we'd both get to know our dad- but obviously things went the opposite way.
I too my spent two hours sorting through his things since half of his belongings were scattered amongst our late uncles things. By the time I was finished, it was nearing one in the morning.
After Kreacher assured me that Cori would be okay under his care, I decided to go downstrokes and get a quick bite of food since we didn't have dinner. Once I've made it to the kitchen, I pick up a red apple from the dirt basket. Crinkling my nose, I set it down quickly and pick up a green one. I take a bite out of it whilst leaning against the counter.
Not only a few hours ago Cori snapped in here. It's pathetic that dad couldn't even come up with a reasonable explanation as to why he's acted cold towards us. The way dad looked at us that night during our third year would never leave my memory. He saw right through us- as if we were ghosts. As if we were strangers to him. I suppose we were in a way, which is the reason why Cori and I are here in his house in the first place. Kreacher had been the only welcoming source in this damn house. Kreacher was more of a family to us than our own father.
I admit that this topic was difficult for me to grasp also. It made my eyes glaze over with tears which I blinked away quickly. Sometimes feeling nothing is better than feeling anything at all and it's been my coping mechanism for the last two summers. Perhaps dad doesn't bother to get to know us because we are far too different. He's a Gryffindor, and we're not. We share a last name but that's about all we share aside from the blood flowing through our veins, our similar dark brown hair...our grey blue eye. After that, there is simply nothing. Nothing but shattered hope and disappointment.
Shaking the heavy thoughts away, I finish my apple, drink some water before calling it a night. The house was dead quiet. Everyone else find it creepy at night but it brought me a certain kind of comfort to blend in with the blackness of the night pouring in from outside. No. 12 Grimmauld Place wasn't mine and Cori's home, but I can't deny that a part of me felt like it did belong here- as if Cori and I were meant to be here. But no one wanted us here and tomorrow they'd get their wish.
The next day
I was up earlier than usual this morning before anyone else. Because I was too tired to pack my belongings last night, I packed this morning. Cori and myself were returning home this afternoon and I truly couldn't wait. While everyone else started waking up, I took advantage of the living room being empty and sat at the piano. Having been raised by the Malfoys, they made sure Cori and I received the best alongside our cousin Draco. We learned everything from playing Polo, fencing and to playing instruments. I favored the piano just like Draco and sometimes we'd even pair up and create a piece.
Currently I was skimming through an old music book that belonged to my grandfather. It was old and the pages were slightly yellowed throughout the years. Some of the music noted were difficult to read because of the ink having faded away but I managed to play one of the pieces. It was a subtle, sad piece but very pretty. I played it again allowing the music to flow through my ears until someone entered the room.
"You're leaving" he said.
Sighing heavily, I continue to flip through the pages of the music book. His presence was cold and I had retorted to also reflect how unwelcome he was in my life. However, he seemed to ignore my silence as I sensed him walk towards me.
"So you're not going to speak to me"
"Doesn't feel good does it? Being ignored by your own blood"
He purses his lips. He knows I got him there.
"And to answer your question, yes, we are leaving. Not that it matters to you, though. I mean, we only came here to be close to you, but you've been miles away with Harry"
"Carina. Harry, is our family-"
"So are we and yet you cast us aside. Treat us like we are nothing. Family doesn't do that. Family doesn't choose favorites. You know what family is? Loyal. Lucius and Narcissa taught me and Cori that and they are right"
"The Malfoys are not your family-"
"We share blood but that's the thing isn't it? We share blood with them and they are some of the most loyal people in our world. Cori and I share blood with you and yet you couldn't give a damn about us. But don't worry. This is the last summer we will spend with you. Cori and I won't burden you much longer" I say getting up from the bench to leave the room only for Sirius to grab my arm.
"I don't know whose stupid mind thought it would be a good idea to put you and your brother in the care of the Malfoys. But they are dangerous. Carina. You have to understand that Harry needs all the help and support he could get. There are people out there that are after him. You're all torn up about me putting my attention to my godson, I won't apologize for that. He needs us, he needs me since he has no one" he sits to explain.
"We are on the brink of a war and the last thing I need is for you and Cori to be around bad influences. There are bad people out there, Carina. There will come a point where some of us will make choices that could affect the outcome of this war. There will come a time where we will need to choose which side we want to be on. We've all got both light and dark inside us, Carina. What matters is the part we choose to act on—that's who we really are" dad looked me straight in the eyes as he said that.
"Why are you telling me this? What do you mean by this?" I asked through gritted teeth.
He let go of my arm and took a step back.
"I'm telling you this in hopes that you will remember my words should things take...take a turn" he said, his voice even as he kept his chin up.
I glare at him for a few moments. His words do indeed imbed themselves in my mind. Something suddenly clicks.
"Are you suggesting that Cori and I would be on opposite sides against you?" I asked, narrowing my gaze at him.
"All I'm saying is be careful being around certain bad influences that are active members in yours and your brothers lives. Bad influences tend to extend to others and I'd hope that you and Cori would be wise to keep away from such influences"
"The only bad influence that Cori and I need to stay away from, is you. I would say that I regret the time I've known you, but that's not the case, is it? Cause I don't know you. You are and always will be a stranger to me and to Cori. Have a bloody wonderful rest of your summer, dad" I scoff as I walk out of the living room.
I wouldn't be sad if that would be the last time I ever spoke to him. Sure, Sirius's not loving us as a father should his children will always hurt. It hursts so bad I feel like crying, but I won't give him the satisfaction even if my own heart twists at the thought of never seeing my paternal father ever again.
"Was saying that really necessary?"
Oh great.
"What do you have to complain about now, Potter?"
"Did you really have to say that to him? He put the effort to talk to you just now and you practically shoved him away like garbage" Harry said exasperatedly.
"Nothing short of what he's done to me and my brother all summer" I remind him.
"You were being rude"
"And he was being an asshole"
"And you're being a bitch!" Harry shouted.
There had always been something that irritated me about Harry Potter. I never could quite put my finger on it, much less explain it but tight feeling was there. Sometimes I just wanted to rip him to shreds while most days- I'd settle for an Avada Kedavra. I guess those are two of the same.
"I didn't mean that"
"Yes you did. And don't apologize for it because you'll slowly realize that anything hardly hurts me anymore. Not unless I allow it to"
"Huh. Guess they were right about you. Being a cold heartless bitch then" Harry snickered.
Okay this took me aback a little bit. But it just made me loathe him more. Now I don't blame him, but he is the reason why Sirius tossed us away like rubbish.
"Did I ever tell you, I hate you?" I asked him.
"Not directly. But now that you mention it, did I ever tell you that I hate you?" He asked in return.
"Do you?" I raise an eyebrow.
"I do. I fucking hate you, Black" Harry hissed.
"I hate you more"
"I hate you most"
"Impossible" I say shaking my head as I go up the stairs to the third floor. I can't wait to leave this fucking house...
Well here's the first Chapter! I know it's not as exciting but this was just kind of an intro to Carina's and Cori's relationship with Sirius and Harry.
As you can see, the difference between Cori and Carina is that Cori is kind of a loose trigger while Carina is calm and collected. Keep this in mind throughout the story cause it will lead to something I'm not going to reveal yet. Heheh. But Cori and Carina are each others biggest supporters and defenders. If someone messes with one of them they mess with both of them.
With the obvious strain in their relationship with Sirius, what do you think will happen between the three? Will Sirius try to make amends? And if he does, what do you think his intentions might be?
Let me know your thoughts on this chapter! And don't forget to vote!
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