Ova 2: Shit Gets Crazy
Dead by Daylight fans, get ready because this OVA is about Dead by Daylight. Enjoy!
Your POV
I was running through the dark forest, I can't see anything, I was alone. I told the others to run away, I needed to draw "it's" attention. So I ran, I kept running and running and running, I saw an abandoned ruins in the middle of the forest and I hid there, panting heavily. I looked around to see if it was still chasing me, I can't see anything.
Y/N: I can't see shit in this place! Ugh!
Then I heared a twig snap, loud foosteps coming towards me, so I bolted and ran deeper into the ruins. I hid behind one of the walls as I heared the one chasing me pass by, I heared it's loud footsteps and it passed by me eventually. I let out a deep sigh and looked around and left my hiding spot.
Y/N: Whatever that was...or whoever that was...I'm not dealing with this. Fuck this shit, I'm out.
So I bolted, I ran out of the ruins and I kept jumping over obstacles, hoping to get out of here as soon as I can. Taking every turn, hoping that it will be a way out. I kept running, looking back to see if someone was chasing me.
But I bumped into something...or someone. I held my head in pain because for some reason, at the moment I bumped, I hurt my head, I looked up...and saw it was the one chasing me all along. She was wearing a Rabbit Mask and carrying an Axe and a Hatchet.
Y/N: ⊙_⊙...Shit!
Then at the back of my head, I was hit with great force, that it knocked me out. The last thing I saw were two hooded figure, looking down directly at me, before passing out.
Today, we were going on a camping trip to Jersey, we decuded that we needed to take some break and since most of the problems are now like Thanos-Snapped out of existence, we decided to let loose and have some fun.
We arrived at the campsite. It was said to be near a lake and deep within the forest, locals say that there are ruins and an Abandoned Estate, and some weird activities happening around that area.
We arrived at the campsite, me and the Crystal Gems exited the R.V. that I rented, Greg pulled his van beside the R.V. and both Steven and him exited the van.
Y/N: Is that everyone? Garnet?
Garnet: I'm here.
Y/N: Amethyst?
Amethyst: Yo!
Y/N: Pearl?
Pearl: I'm present.
Y/N: Good. Kid? You there?
Steven: We're behind the van,
Y/N. Just taking the things we need. It's kind of sad that Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth didn't want to join us. I know they're building a home for the new gems but they need some break too.
Pearl: By the way, Y/N. Where's Scarlett?
Y/N: She's helping Lapis and Peridot with guiding the new gems around their new homes. Enough about that, let's go camping.
Then all of us cheered and raised our fist to the air.
The camp was finally set up and it was night-time. Greg was strumming his guitar as both me and Pearl cook the food. Amethsyt was looking at the sky, Garnet was smiling enjoying the scenery. They all surround the campfire and me and Pearl bring in the freshly cooked soup and fish cooked directly from the fires of the campfire.
Y/N: Alright everyone! Me and Pearl went and did out best on this one, so hope you enjoy it. Dig in!
Then me and Pearl gave them the bowls and gave them the food. I sat beside Garnet and she looked at me and I smiled at her, she smiled back as I kissed her in the lips, while Steven wasn't looking of course. Pearl sat beside me and she rested her head against my shoulder as she wrapped her arms around mine.
Pearl: I'm glad that we got to do this. It's been a while now that we don't have to worry about Homeworld anymore.
Y/N: Yeah. Now we can finally take a rest and not worry about Homeworld coming after us.
Then Pearl smiled and she kissed me in my cheek as Greg, Amethyst and Steven laugh together. I smiled just watching them have fun now. I looked up to the sky, and it was bright due to the moon.
Steven and Greg was asleep in their sleeping bags, Garnet was sleeping like a log while she was on top of her sleeping bag that she won't be able to fit inside, Amethyst was sleeping soundly while she was on top of a flat surfaced rock.
Me and Pearl were still awake and we kept pointing at the constellations.
Y/N: There's Orion, Big Dipper.
Pearl: Small Dipper is over there, I can't seem to find Ursa Major though...
Y/N: It's over there, along with Pieces.
Pearl: Oh Stars, how could I have been so blind.
Y/N: Don't worry, Pearl. It's hard to pinpoint where the constellations actually are.
Pearl then let out a sigh as both of us went back to looking at the stars, then a shooting star passed by.
Y/N: Hey, a shooting star! Go ahead, Pearl. Make a wish.
Pearl: R-really? What should I wish?
Y/N: I don't know? Why you asking me? Whatever you want.
Then Pearl closed her eyes and she fell silent, thinking about what she was wishing, she cracked a smile which made me raise an eyebrow.
Y/N: What did you wish?
Pearl: I wish...that you would never change. I wish you'll always be like this, so kind, so sweet, sometime a bit of an idiot, but I love that idiot.
Y/N: *chuckles* Thanks, Pearl.
Then Pearl smiled and she went on top of me and kissed me, she pulled me closer to her as we kept kissing. I put my hand at the back of her head and deepened the kiss even more. She softly moaned in the kiss and both of us are enjoying it, until I heared something...strange...at the treeline. I broke the kiss and turned my attention towards the sound.
Y/N: Wait a second...something isn't right...
Pearl: What do you mean?
Then I gently lifted Pearl up and got her off of me, I stood up and walked closer to the treeline where I heared it, the bushes were thick, and it was a bit dark since the leaves of the trees were covering the moon's light, so I used my gem to project some light, I then saw something horrendous.
Y/N: Oh my God! Holy shit!
It was a corpse, it was a fresh one as well, I looked up and and sae the killer, just a few yards in front of me, my God! It was even taller than an average human! It let out a blood curdling and spine chilling scream, I panicked and backed away from the treeline and immediately ran to Pearl.
Pearl: Y/N what is it?!
Y/N: I need all of you to leave now!
Then all of the gang woke up due to me screaming.
Amethyst: Mmmm. Dude, stop screaming.
Y/N: Get up! All of you! There's a damn murder just inside the treeline! Get up! Let's go go go!
Greg: Wait, murder?! I knew that this place was familiar!
Y/N: What do you mean?
Greg: This place has had many reports of missing people, murder, and strange activities. This place is also said to be haunted.
Y/N: Then let's get out of here! Start the van Greg!
Steven: What's *yawn* happening? Why's everybody screaming?
Garnet: It's nothing, Steven. We just need to find a better place to camp. Y/N, didn't like it here.
Garnet carried Steven to Greg's van and the van was ready, Pearl went to the driver's seat in the
R.V. she managed to get it to start as I was still outside, the strange killer walking out of the treeline slowly, towards us.
Y/N: That van better have enough fuel, Greg!
Amethyst: Who is that?!
Y/N: Not important! Pearl, start the RV!
Pearl: Just a moment! Aaaaand...done! It's ready! Get in here!
I looked back at the killer one last time, before running to the RV. Garnet was at the door, waiting for me, just then, she had a vision. A bad one.
Garnet: Y/N, LOOK OUT!
I kept running until from the ground, emerged two pair of hands and it pulled me down to the ground, but I still managed to keep myself in the surface, my legs were in the ground but my torso is still surfaced, I'm trying to break free but the pull was too strong and I'm slipping. So I did what had to be done.
Y/N: All of you, go!
Garnet: Hang on! We're coming!
Y/N: No, don't! It's already too close! I need you all to leave now! I can take care of myself!
Pearl: Y/N, please! We can think of something else!
Y/N: There is nothing else! You either leave me! Or all of us die because you want to help me! Go! That's an order!
Garnet clenched her fist, but she went inside the RV and it drove away, Pearl was trying to run out of the door but was being stopped by Amethyst. I looked back to the killer that was slowly approaching me, I then summoned my wings and used the edges to dig them deep on the ground and lift me up from the hole I was being pulled in.
When I was already out of the hole, the killer was already close...too close. It tried to hite with it's weapon but I dodged it, but it still managed to land a hit on me, sending me to one of the trees, is this even human? So I stood up, and ran to the forest. Keeping it from chasing the others.
Present Time; Abandoned Estate
I woke up with monster headache, I sat up and scanned my surroundings and saw that I was in an abandoned building. Maybe this is the Abandoned Estate the locals were talking about. I stood up and held my head in pain.
I eventually shook it off and went on with finding a way out of here, why would they bring me here in this place? Why me? Who are these people? I kept checking every room to see if there's a way out. Until I reached a door that looks like a door leading to a large room.
I entered and it was pitch black, but if it's a way out, I'm taking it. So I entered, and boy was that a mistake, the door slammed shut, leaving me in the dark, then the lights opened and I covered my eyes for a moment, as my eyes finally adjusted, I saw six people in front of me. The one that wss chasing me was in front of me, smiling and the other two same hooded figure that knocked me out was there as well, I don't know the other three.
Y/N:.............So I have to deal about six of you?
Then they all started walking towards me slowly. I tried opening the door without breaking my gaze in front of them, the door was locked, so I looked to my left and saw a window. I ran towards it and jumped through the glass, it was a three story drop but I can survive it, I hit the ground and did a roll as I did and started running away from the house.
Just how big is this place?! I've been running around this place for about an hour now! This place is like a maze! Everywhere you turn you're back to the beginning. So I just let out a frustrated sigh and drop to the ground, back first, I stared at the sky and closed my eyes for a moment.
???: Help me!
I bolted up and looked around when I heared that voice, it sounds like a woman's. So I stood up and walked to where it was coming from.
???: Anyone! Please!
Y/N: Hold on!
I kept running towards the voice and I reached another house, must be a section of the estate. I opened the door and it was dark, not until the light from the moon illuminated the dark room and saw what was there, it was a woman, but not human...something else.
Y/N: Oh...shit...
Spirit: Hi~
I slammed the door in front of her and ran away from that...whatever that was. I am not in the mood to fuck right now! I ran to the mansion again, hoping that the others wouldn't be there, I opened the doors and entered the house.
I silently walked through the dark and creepy house. The place was quiet...too quiet. I used my gem to project light in the dark house and now I can see a bit better now. I started walking towards a room...looking for a place to hide.
I entered the next room, which looks like a dining area. I kept walking, looking for a spot to hide. Then the lights came on, I covered my eyes because it was so sudden, I looked to the tables...and saw...one of them. But mainly, it was the one that's been chasing me from the very beginning.
Y/N: Uhhhh...shit.
Huntress: *giggles* I'm glad. That you're finally here. Please, take a seat.
Not wanting any trouble, I did what she told me. I didn't want any opposition since I do not want to fight her, but if I have to, I will do it. I sat in the same table as her and she just looked at me, with her eyes without pupils, the same smile that she's been doing.
Huntress: Is there anything I can do for you?
Y/N: How about start talking about why I'm here? I mean, what the fuck am I even here for?
Huntress: Because we were curious about you.
Y/N: I'm sorry?
Huntress: All of us have been hearing about you, and your kind. It's quite interesting, to be honest. So when I saw you, we had the chance to see for ourselves. *whispering* And I'm curious about what you can do on a bed.
Y/N: What was that?
Huntress: It's nothing. Please, stay seated, I'll fetch something for you to eat.
Y/N: Please, don't.
Huntress: No, I insist. Trust me, you will love me- I mean, it! You will love it!
Then she stood up and walked to the kitchen, I just looked up to the ceiling and prayed for God to save me from what I'm about to eat. Thinking about was she was going to give me, is already a bit scary. Then, suddenly, I heard her hum. She started humming a lullaby, it's so...calming yet so...mysterious.
The lullaby actually helped me calm down, and I enjoyed her soothing voice. You know, for a killer, she has a beautiful voice. Then she kept humming while walking towards me, carrying a covered plate.
Y/N: What song is that?
Huntress: Hm?
Y/N: The one you're humming, what's the name of the lullaby?
Huntress: To be honest, I actually forgot. This lullaby is the one that my mother used to sing to me, to help me sleep and calm me down.
Y/N: She must have been great.
Huntress: *sigh* She was the best that you could ask for. Anyway, here's your food.
I gilped as I braced for what's in the plate. Eyeballs? Fingers? Brain matter? I lifted the cover, and saw it was just normal meat. A cooked deer meat, actually. But I put the cover back on, and pushed it back to the Huntress.
Huntress: What's wrong? You don't like it?
Y/N: No, I actually appreciate that you offered me food, but I'm not hungry, and I don't actually need to eat...at all. But thank you anyway.
Huntress: I see.
Y/N: You know, for a killer, you have a lovely voice.
Then I saw her cheeks turn bright red and she blushed. God, help me for what's to come.
Y/N: *sigh* Thank you, for offering me food, and letting me stay here. Even though I didn't ask for this, but I have to go.
Huntress: Don't leave. You haven't had dessert yet~
Y/N: *gulps* And what would that be?
Then she stood up and she was biting down her bottom lip as she tries to removed her suspenders and removed her top, I just went wide eye and stood up immediately and ran to the door. She tried to throw her hatchet at me but I caught it and threw it to the side. I opened the door and left the room, and onto the next area.
I was at the Estate's garden, looking for a bush or a tree to hide on and wait for the night to pass by. I kept walking until I reached a shed, surely no one's there. I mean, what would they do in a shed? And for a shed, this one's a bit...big. I don't even know if this is still considered a shed. A shack maybe, or a small cabin.
I entered and took a peek, no one was there, I looked up, on one's there. So I entered and closed the door and locked it, so that no one can enter. I turned off the lights as well so they can't see if someone's here. I just lay back, and closed my eyes, hoping this is just a dream, but no, this is real. I only closed my eyes to rest, but I dozed off to sleep.
An hour later, I woke up, realizing I fell asleep, I stretched my body and looked around the dark room and saw that no one was there, but then I rubbed my eyes and saw a person standing there. I went wide eyed as I knew that this was one of the two hooded figures that knocked me out and brought me here in the first place. I just looked at her and she waved at me.
I'm not taking any chances, so I ran to the door. I did reach it, but she tackled me away from the door and she pinned me down on the wooden floor. How is she this strong?! I tried to break free but she was sitting on me, preventing me to stand up, she lifted her mask up, revealing only her mouth. She leaned in closer to my face and she kissed me.
I let her do it as she lets go of my arms and she used both of her hands to cup my cheeks. I then took this chance to break the kiss and pinn her down instead, I forced her to lay down on the ground back first and she was biting her lip down seductively while I am not in the mood to do it right now.
Julie: Hi~ My name's Julie~
Y/N: Well hello, Julie. But I'm sorry, I have to leave.
I stood up and I let go of her, and she didn't chase after me, she just let me walk to the door. I opened it, but before I left, she called me out.
Julie: Did you enjoy that kiss?
Y/N: *smiles* As a matter of fact...I did.
Then I opened the door and left the cabin, leaving Julie to herself. Then she smiled and blushed and squealed silently.
I was walking around the Estate, avoiding any contact with any of the people here. I almost bumped into the Huntress earlier but I managed to avoid her and git away from her. Right now, I'm walking at the west side of the Estate. No trouble encountered so far here.
I kept walking until I reached a lake, turns out, this Estate is nearby a beautiful lake. So I sat down near the lake and I admired it's beauty. Enjoying the peace and quiet. The moon's light made it easy for me to look at the lake, and it looked beautiful.
I sighed as I kept looking at the lake, then behind me, I can feel someone creeping up to me, but I didn't look to see who it was, I needed to catch her on time. I saw the shadow coming closer to me, she was holding a knife, she was about to stab me but I caught her hand while I was still sitting on the ground.
It was one of the hooded figures that brought me here, the pink haired one to be exact. I used my left arm to prevent her from stabbing me, while I used my right hand to hold her by the shoulder to keep her away from me, but my hand slipped and I accidentally hit her by the face instead. At the moment that I hit her, her masked was knock off of her face and I saw what she looked like.
She actually looks nice, the pink hair, those braces? Man, I actually think that she looks nice. But I realized what was happening and I immediately stood up and we circled each other and she started to walk towards me.
Y/N: Back off. I didn't mean to hit you, but I will if I have to.
Susie: You are mine and always will be mine! But if I can't have you...no one can!
Then she suddenly ran towards me in a fast speed, she tackled me to the ground and she was trying to force down the blade into me, directly at my gem. I was holding her hands in order to prevent her from shattering me. I had to think fast, I have to get her to stop me from getting killed but without hitting or hurting her, so I did what had to be done.
I forced her hand to the side, causing her to miss me, she raised the knife again and was about to bring it down, but she didn't, she stopped...at the moment I kissed her. She went wide eyed for a moment, then she had tears in her eyes, then she closed them as she shed a tear of happiness and she returned the kiss.
I finally managed to slip through Susie's fingers, right now I'm running away from her at a speed like I'm Hauling Ass. I reached a building, I entered the building and barricaded the door. I panted heavily as I take a rest from running away from Susie. I never wanted to meet a Yandere but I still got to meet one. Fuck!
As I finally caught my breath, I looked around...and realized...I was in a hospital. This estate has a hospital?! Who even lived in this place?! I then used my gem to project light and the dark corners of the hospital was illuminated by my gem's light. I started walking, looking for another way out, and not in front of Miss Loose Screw that has a crush on me.
I kept walking until I heared something mive, I turned to where it was, and saw it was only a wheel chair...with a Teddy Bear on it. I sighed as I kept on walking. Then I turned to a corner, and saw one of them. The Nurse to be exact.
Y/N: Welp...I'm out.
So I ran deeper into the hospital. I kept taking every turn, running through dark hallways, jumping over obstacles. I panted heavily as I thought that I was finally away from her. I then started walking again. I kept walking, teying to find a way out. But I was hit in the head at the back, again. I looked up and saw it was the Nurse. I should've know that she knows the layout of this place.
Nurse: You're quite a fascinating specimen. You're worth my time.
That was what I heared before passing out.
I woke up, chained to a table with a lightbulb in front of me. Beside me, was the Nurse, she was preparing to get a scalpel so I had to do something.
Y/N: Hey! You! Look at me!
Nurse: Hm?
Y/N: Don't even try cutting me open, it won't work...trust me. It doesn't work on us.
Nurse: Hmmmm...
Then she put down her scalpel and I let out a relieved sigh, then she stood beside me and I looked at her.
Nurse: Tell me...do you bleed?
Y/N: Well, we can. But we only bleed if we were wounded by the machines that created us, The Injectors.
Nurse: I see. So this experiment is useless?
Y/N: Pretty much. Now, let me go.
Nurse: Not yet! I still want to find out what you can do~
Y/N: Please don't. I'm not in the mood.
Nurse: Too bad.
Then she got on top of me and she started rubbing her still covered entrance, against my still covered member, I let out a groan as she let out a moan. Then she leaned in closer to me and she lifted her mask, or a bag covering her face. I saw her hair, she was blonde and she had red lipstick on.
Y/N: Holy...wow...you actually...look nice. Why hide that face?
Nurse: Because I'm not much of a person who likes showing their face.
Then she leaned closer and our lips locked together, I saw her eyes through her mask and she closed them. I took this chance to look around. Then I looked at the chains that was holding me down, and I broke them by force, I lifted the Nurse up and immediately put her on my position on the table.
Y/N: Look...I like you...all of you. But I really need to leave.
I was about to run outside but I felt her hold my hand, I looked at her and she looked back.
Nurse: Can you at least...kiss me back?
I sughed and went closer to her and kissed her, as she requested.
Then I broke the kiss and walked to the exit. But before I left, I looked back at her and gave her a nod. After that, I finally left and ran back to the mansion...to the rooftop of the mansion to be exact.
I finally reached the rooftop of the mansion and sat on the armrest at the edge of the mansion. I was looking at the moon that was still up. For me, this has been the longest night. I swear, if McFly makes me do this shit again, I will kill him in his sleep.
Y/N: You better not, McFly. Or I will kill you while you sleep.
McFly: Try me, bitch.
Then I stood up and was about to find a better spot to sit under the moon, I turned to a corner, and I saw one of them again. It's the one that looks like an Empress, an Empress of Sickness. I just sighed as I crossed my arms.
Y/N: Alright, just get it over with.
Then she smiled and she put her hands out in front, offering me a gift, but I don't know what it is. I don't want to decline it either. Look at that smile! Who declines a gift from a girl who has that kind of smile?!
I just sighed as I gently took the box from her hand, she smiled sweetly and I smiled back, then I looked at the box, wondering what's inside.
Y/N (Mind): Please don't be what I think it is...
Then I opened the box, and inside the box...were testicles.
Y/N: What the fu-
Take 2
I opened the box and inside of the box, was chocolate. Not an old rotting chocolate, but the one in great condition. I just looked at her and she smiled sweetly.
Y/N: This is...very nice of you. Thank you.
I said as I take a piece of chocolate from the box and ate it. My God! Running aroun this place this entire night, eating this chocolate, it actually helps. Then I offered her to sit with me and she agreed, both of us sat beside each other, I put the box of chocolate beside me so she can have some as well.
Both of us sit under the moonlight, admiring the stars and the moon itself. I smiled and closed my eyes as I enjoy the peace and quiet, then I opened my eyes as soon as I felt another hand on top of mine, I looked to my side and saw that Plague had her hand on top of mine, then she realized what she was doing and she immediately removed her hand away from mine.
Y/N: *smiles* It's fine. You're the one that hasn't attacked me so far.
Then she looked at me, hesitantly, she put her hand on top of mine again and I just smiled at her and she smiled back. Both of us looked back to the moon and both of us fell silent. Then Plague leaned in closer to me and kissed me in my cheek, I just looked at her and smile.
I was currently in front of the six people who've been chasing me around the estate. I had my arms crossed while having an
un-amused face.
Y/N: Right, all of you. One, stop chasing me, trying to seduce me or stab me or throw a hatchet at me or kiss me while trying to kill me. Two, I am not in the mood to fuck any of you.
Nurse: Then why did you kiss me?
Julie & Susie: What?! But he kissed me!
Julie: Excuse me?! I'm the one he kissed first!
Susie: Well he kissed me better! It means he likes me better!
Y/N: Enough! You three, listen!
Then all three of them fell silent snd looked at me.
Y/N: The reason I kissed you, all of you, is to subdue you, so I can escape. And I do like you, all of you. But you gotta stop attacking me! Only Plague and Spirit hasn't attacked me so far!
Then both Plague and Spirit blushed as soon as they heard me say those words, they thought that they were my favourites.
Y/N: And you! *points to Huntress* Don't you dare throw another hatchet at me! I am tired and I don't want my friends to worry about me. *groan*
Julie: But why did you not fuck us?
Susie: Are we not attractive?
Y/N: I said that I am not in the fucking mood to fuck any of you! I mean, you kidnapped me and I don't know where I am!
I just sighed and I rubbed my temples.
Y/N: Just...leave me alone. I need some space...
Then I left the room and left all girls to themselves. I looked for a room with a proper bed, and surprisingly, I did find one, so I devided to sleep here, and wake up early in the morning.
The Next Day; Morning
I was at the kitchem, and I prepared food for the girls, even though they tried to kill me or tried to rape me. I kept waiting in the kitchen for an hour until all of them, at the same time, entered the kitchen. When they saw that I already made food for them, they all looked at me.
Huntress: What is this?
Y/N: Sit, all of you.
Then they did what I told them and they all sat on the table and they kept looking at me.
Y/N: I made breakfast for all of you, even though most of you tried to kill me. Because I'm leaving, right now.
Then all of hem looked down in sadness, knowing that I might not come back.
Y/N: But, don't fret, I'll be back, I promise. I'll visit you every month and bring you something. I won't forget about you...all of you.
Then Spirit teleported behind me and gave me a tight hug, Julie and Susie ran towards me, joining the hug, Nurse, Plague, and Huntress joined in as well, in the grouphug.
Y/N: Alright, it's getting a but tight an painful.
Then all of us broke the hug and then suddenly, Spirit and Huntress kissed me in my cheeks since they didn't get to kiss me yet. I just smiled as I leave the mansion, I looked back at them and waved goodbye to them and they waved back.
I exit the mansion and summoned my wings and flew to the nearest settlement. I arrived at a town here in Jersey. I went to the nearest police station and called phoned home. I want to get back and have some rest. Shit got crazy last night.
And Finished
I've been wanting to write this OVA for a long time now and I finally had the chance. I deeply enjoyes writing this so I hoped you enjoyed reading it.
Also, look at this shit!
Translation: I Drowned in the Dipper (PRANK) My Revenge Prank on my Girlfriend. She cried?!
What is this? Is this what Quality Content is? What the hell is this nonsense? I've seen stupid shit, but this is by far the stupidest one. I really hate it when people only upload videos like this. They only make videos to make money, this isn't even about making quality content anymore!
This is my reaction:
I used my own picture because I can't describe my dissapointment to people like this idiot. You call this Quality Content? Well...I don't even want to talk about it anymore.
Ladies and gentlemen I've had enough with this shit, stay safe out there and wash your hands.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I sill see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off.
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