Halloween Special (Lemon)
Warning: You are about to read some quite messed up stuff, there are elements such as Mind Break, Mind Control/Manipulation, some are close to Rape. If you aren't into this kind of stuff, I advise you to leave, and sit this one out. I'm about to go hams on this one.
Note: Steven and Connie are 18+ in this chapter, so cool your shits.
3rd Person POV
Connie screams, and she covers her eyes, and whimpers in fear as the scene in the movie shows a panel of the killer ruthlessly stabbing the girl, terrified screams filled the room, and sound of blood splattering was heard through the Television's speakers.
Lapis: gulp
Spinel: H-he's right behind you!
Jasper: Ladies, calm down, it's just a movie.
Connie: I know but it's so scarryyyyyyy!
Spinel: Why did we even agree to this?! And why are we in lingeries?!
Lapis: Mainly cause we agreed to let Steven have some fun with us, remember?
Connie: Speaking of Steven, where is he, anyway? Thought he'd be here sooner.
Connie looks to the side, her eyes still covered. She moves a finger down, and she looks at the clock to know what time it is.
Connie: It's about to turn midnight's getting closer, and he's still not here.
Spinel: You sure, Stevie's coming? I'm starting to feel cold here, ya know?
Lapis: When Steven makes a promise, he keeps it. Well, most of them at least.
Just then, a knocking was heard, and all three gems, and the human female to turn their heads towards the door.
Connie: I think that's him, let me check.
Connie stood up, and she walked towards the door, her eyes still covered. As soon as she was facing away from the Television, she finally pried her hands off her eyes, and she looked towards the door, and she grabbed the door knob and pulled the door open, with Steven in front of him, and is...is he...smiling?
Then, Connie noticed something. There's some weird, almost...erotic and lustful odor coming off of him. It doesn't smell bad, but in fact...it's almost like...a perfume. She even notices that his skin turned...a little pale, and he even grew taller....a lot taller.
Connie: S-Steven! There you are! We've been waiting for you for hours!
Steven: Hey there, Connie~
Connie: W-woah, even y-your voice sounds...d-deeper.
Steven: Glad you noticed, baby~
Then, realization slaps Connie, and she smiles and blushes as she realized what her boyfriend is supposed to be.
For reference, this is what Steven looks like:
Connie: Steven, I knew you'd use your shape-shifting for your Halloween costume but I didn't think you were going as a Sex God~ Love the new cologne~
Steven gives a smirk, as an unseen creature grins wickedly from a hiding place.
Steven: Ya know, I wasn't going for "God", but now that you said it, it sounds so... right~
Connie: Well then...you wanna come in?~ We've been waiting for you since forever, it'd be a shame if you didn't come inside now, right?~
Steven: You read my mind~
Connie giggles, and she walked back inside, and Steven enters the room as well. He closes the door behind him, but then, a shadow squeezes through the cracks of the door, and moved to the dark corner of the room, and there, it sits...silently...waiting...
Connie: Well then, now that he's here, how about we...begin?~
Lapis: Finally~
Spinel: Yay!~ Stevie's here! Stevie's here!
Jasper: My Dia-...Hmm...Steven, it's good that you're finally here.
Connie: Shall we begin, baby?~
Steven: Now hold on, Connie~ I have something to do first~
Spinel: Oh?~ What is it-what is it-what is it-what is it?
Steven smirks, as he turns to his side, facing the dark corner. He nods, and he smiles and turned towards the women in front of him, and he called out to the unseen creature.
Steven: You can come out now...brother~
Saying this made all of them looked confused, until a hand pops out of the dark corner, and started crawling out, creepily and slowly. Then the said creature stands straight, with visible horns in his head, and a tail seen to be attached on him as well. Then he turns his head, his head alone, into a fucking 180, with the sound of a sickening crack heard, and he smiles a terrifying smile.
???: Well, you're most definitely right about all of them being cute, brother~
The man...the...creature, turns his body to the same direction his head was facing. He stood in front of all the women in front of him, as he smiles sweetly towards them.
Connie: S-Steven? Who... who is...
Connie trailed off, lost in the pink of Steven's eyes.
???'s POV
???: Heh, she already loved you it seems. How convenient, less work. She's already under you spell.~ Oh ho, and what's this?~"
I noticed with delight the Lapis and Spinel were already on the verge of giving in, their thighs rubbing together from the heat in their cores, with only the Jasper ready to do more than fight off her baser instincts.
???: Brother, test out your new body on the Lapis and this "Connie" pet you are so fond of. I will break in this Jasper.~ We can celebrate with the Spinel, before finding the rest of your "family" and making them a part of your new one.~
The Lapis and Spinel had the decency to look horrified, as the Jasper got into a fighting stance at my words. I could see a damp spot on her crotch, and her nipples poked through her top. I've got her right where I want her. Then "Connie" made a noise. A hiss of pleasure.
Connie: Yes...~ Join you...~ serve Steven...~ Please his brothers...~
Steven was nibbling on her collar, running his hands down her honed abs. "Connie" had fallen already. Perfection.~
???: Well then, I guess introductions are in order, yes?~
I said, as I bowed my head, towards the Spinel and the Jasper, and I smiled, looking up at them.
???: You may call me, Y/N~ Y/N, the Gem Incubus~
Spinel: Uhh...hi?
Y/N: Would you be so kind, as to let me please you?~
Jasper: No! We don't care who you are, we barely know you! Begone, monster!
Y/N: Oh how cruel you are, to reject my advances and refuse to give in to me~
Jasper: S-shut your mouth, I don't even know what...you...groan are!
Y/N: Oh darling, you don't need to know who or what I am~ You must only know, I am here to give you pleasure~ Just give in, and I'll make sure you'll enjoy it as well~
Jasper: N-n-n-n-no! Damn you!
The Jasper rears her hand back, and throws a punch towards my direction, and I merely sighed and smirked, I caught her fist, she go to throw another punch, but I caught that as well. Then, she summons her...weapon? It seems to be a Crash Helmet. She throws her head back, and delivered a headbutt
Silence fill the room, and blood drops to the floor. I then looked up, and smiled at her, my pupils constrict, and I smiled terrifyingly so, blood reaching to my teeth and I slammed my head on her helmet again, causing it to shatter to pieces, knocking her incapacitated
Y/N: Well, I like to play rough, sweetheart~
I looked down again, and saw that she isn't waking up...at all.
Y/N: Now this won't do... I can't please you if you're asleep. Yet, anyway.~
I cross my hands over her nose... well, gem, twice, before snapping my fingers I front of her nose-gem. She jolted awake, her eyes defiant but hazy.
Y/N: Welcome back, sleeping beauty.~
Jasper: Fuck me~- YOU! I MEAN FUCK YOU!
Y/N: Oh, I plan to make you.~
I let my contained erection lightly brush her thigh... and she thrusts her damn pelvis in the air! Ah, Quartz~ so strong, so mind boggling horny.~
Y/N: Tell you what? I'm gonna lie back~ All you have to do, is ignore the chance to get out all that stress and tension and be bred like I know you always dreamed you would be, and shatter me.~ I won't even defend myself.~"
I lay down on my back, and shifted off my clothing, freeing my massive, thick shaft. Heh...they're drooling. The Lapis hype focused on the tip, the Spinel audibly playing with herself under her outfit.
Jasper stands up, glaring at me... before grabbing my shoulders, and planting herself onto my cock, her tight cunt squeezing my rod with all her quartzite strength. Ah, I love how easy it is to get a Quartz wound up~
Y/N: Well then?~ How is it?~
Jasper: S-shut up, and...don't look at me like that.
I chuckled, and I let out a long, loud moan as I felt her insides hugging around my shaft. My cock forming a bulge on top of her belly button, moans escaping from the Quartz mouth, syncing with the moans from the Spinel that's touching herself, and the moans from the Lapis that seems to be under Steven's influence. Heh~ I only met him for two days, and he's already learning so much~
I put my hand behind my head, as the Quartz contest to skewer herself onto my shaft. Harder... faster... she slammed down on my hips with a little more force each time.~ Eventually, I asked again:
Y/N: How does it feel, Jasper?~
Jasper: Fuck you! It... feels... AMAZING!!~
She slammed down hard, and her determined face became a manic grin, a blush overtaking her as she pressed her chest to mine, humping me with abandon.
Jasper: Fucking Stars and Diamonds, this is the best fucking feeling!~
Y/N: Not yet it's not.~
I reached down and grabbed her ass. Her powerful, muscular cheeks in my grip, and I pushed her down onto me as I trust up. Jasper gave out a silent cry, as her body locked up, overtaken by orgasm from my sudden movement. Hmph, lightweight.~
Y/N: My my, I hope you're not going to quit on me, because I'm not going to stop.~ In fact, I'll be taking the lead now!~
I then wrapped my tail around her neck, and brought her down to the floor. I got on top of her and started fucking her myself, the tip of my cock hitting her cervix, a loud moan escaping the Quartz's mouth, making me smirk.
Jasper: Y-you said you'd AH! lie on your back?~
Y/N: Well, I did say that... but I never said how long~
I then felt her legs lock around my hips, as I smile in victory. I loosened my tail, and removed it from her neck, and I leaned over, and I spread my mouth wide open, my sharp teeth revealing itself, and I bit down on her neck, making the Quartz let out a scream of a combination of pain, shock and pleasure.
Y/N: sigh The screams of pain and pleasure~ Ohhh~ How it makes me feel tingle and warm inside!~"
I leaned over and bit down on her neck again, making her scream out again. I then got lower, and pampered her collarbone with kisses, earning moans from her as I do so.
Then, from the corner of my eyes, I saw the Spinel already getting off to the sight displayed in front of her. I chuckled, and my tail grabbed her by the legs, and pulled her closer to me. Making her let out a yelp.
Y/N: I'd never forget about you, sweetheart~
Then, the tail wrapped around her entire body, constricting her, and preventing her from moving. Then, the tip of the tail started rubbing against her womanhood, which in turn, makes her moan softly
Y/N: My my, you're already this wet?~ How nice of you to enjoy us~
Then, the tail started rubbing her clitoris, making Spinel arch her back in pleasure, she lets out a loud moan due to the sudden wave of pleasure sent through her slinky, sexy body~
I then let out another, long moan, as I felt Jasper clamp down on my cock, tightening around me as I thrust harder, deeper and faster inside her, abusing her sweet spot.
I then looked down on Jasper, and saw her...ohohoho~ She's flustered~ How nice of her~ I placed a hand on her chin, and kissed her deeply, making her moan under the kiss, and her eyes to roll to the back of her head.
She bit down on my lips, blood escaping from the wound, making me chuckle in amusement, as I slammed my lips onto hers' once again.
Then, without warning, I pulled my hips all the way back, until only the tip of my cock remained inside, and I thrust my hips forward the hardest I could, and the tip went through her cervix, and into her womb, and started pumping my seed within her.
I broke the kiss, and I looked at Jasper, and from the looks of it? Hmm~ She's out cold. Seems like she passed out due to the pleasure~ I chuckled at that, and I pulled my manhood out of her pussy, making a wet, sticky, sloppy sound at the process, and cum started leaking out of her entrance.
I then turned to the Spinel, and I pulled her closer to me, gently, and I sat her down in front of me.
Spinel: W-woweee, that thing...sure is big! C-can I hold it?~
Y/N: smiles I don't see any problem with that~
She grabbed the shaft with two hands, and she started stroking my cock up and down, making me let out a moan as she does so. Stars she's so good at this~ It almost makes me want to keep her as my personal cock sleeve~
Spinel: S-so...big~
Y/N: sigh That's it, sweetie~ Keep going~
I placed a hand on her head, and caressed her head softly, making her let out a giggle. She spreads her mouth wide open, and she took the tip into her mouth, the warmth of her insides hugging my cock, her tongue starting to swirl around the tip, making me arch my back in pleasure.
Y/N: Mmm~ Good girl~
Spinel: giggles
I then grabbed her head, and I slammed my cock down her throat, her lips touching the base of my cock, making her let out a muffled moan. She pulls her head back, and she sighs through her nose, and takes my member out of her mouth, making a wet, popping sound as it does so. I smirked, and caressed her head again, and she placed her head right beside my cock, lightly slapping it on her own face.
Y/N: Apologies, sweetheart~ Couldn't help it~ But now it's time, oh Steven, brother?~
I then looked to my side, and saw both the Lazuli, and the Human, Steven's "pet" Connie, are seen twitching on the ground, a moaning hot mess covered in bodily fluids. Steven looks towards me, as he stands back up, stretching his body, his cock in display, and fully erect.
Steven: Ah, of course~ How could I forget~
Y/N: Let's give this little darling her reward, yes?~
Steven chuckles, and he walked towards where me and the Spinel are positioned at, and he gets on to his knees, and he gently grabbed Spinel's behind, and brought it closer to him. He grabbed a hold of his shaft, and aimed the tip of his cock at her entrance, prodding the said entrance a bit.
Spinel: S-soo big! Two of them too? All for me? So sweet of you!~ Put it in, I wanna feel it~
Y/N: You heard the woman, Steven~ Do as she wishes~
Steven: Way ahead of ya~
He pushed his hips slightly forward, and the tip went inside her, making her let out a soft moan. Steven grabbed her hips, and he started pushing his cock in deeper inside of her, making her let out a surprised yelp, and a massive bulge forming on her stomach, reaching her belly button.
Spinel: O-oh Stars! Y-you're very big! B-but I can handle it unf k-keep going~
Steven: Hmm~ That's a good girl~ I'm gonna start moving now~
Steven said, as he pulled his hips back, and slammed his manhood deep inside him. Making Spinel moan and scream in pleasure. Then, she turns he attention towards my member, and she took it all the way down to base, without any signs of struggle. Damn~ She's a professional at work with this~
I gently grabbed her ponytails, and started pulling her head back and forth, grinding my cock inside her mouth, a massive bulge appearing in her throat, seemingly moving up and down. As she lets out a moan of pleasure while pleasuring my manhood, Steven was going to town with her pussy, and seemingly abusing her sweet spot.
Steven: Mmmm~ You seem to be getting tighter, Spinel~ You're enjoying this very much, aren't you?~
Spinel: giggles Mhmm~
Y/N: Damn~ She's reaching all the way down to the base~ Such a good girl~
I said, earning a giggle from her. Then, I felt her mouth and throat tighten around me, making me let out a moan, and I started fucking her mouth senselessly, making her let out a sudden yelp, and I saw her roll her eyes to the back of her head due to pleasure.
I was finally reaching my limit, and I grit my teeth as I try to hold on a bit longer. Then, Steven moans softly, and he pressed his hips, and drove his cock all the way inside of her womanhood, hitting her cervix in the process, and he started cumming, making Spinel let out a muffled moan.
The bulge on her stomach grew larger, as cum started filling up her womb. Seeing this, pushed me over the edge, and I then pushed her head down, making her gag, and I started cumming right inside her, shooting all of my bodily fluids inside her stomach. She moans, then gags, and then cum started shooting out of her mouth, overflowing as she struggles to contain it, and some of them even started coming out of her nose.
I let out a sigh, and I looked at Spinel, her face covered with my own cum, and with hearts in her eyes. I pulled my cock out of her, and she started spitting all the cum that I had released inside her. She falls to the floor, her breath shaking and her legs trembling, Steven pulls his cock out of her, and cum started leaking from her pussy.
Y/N: Well, I guess there's that~ Well, you were right about her, personally I would have kept her as a personal cock sleeve~
Steven: Sharing is caring, after all, you're my brother~
Y/N: You read my fucking mind~
I said as I formed my hand into a fist, and held my hand forward, instigating a fist bump. Steven smiles mischievously, and he returns the fist bump. We then got dressed, and he puts his clothes on, while I on the other hand just phased them back on. I turned to look at the Gems around us, and I smirked.
Steven: Now, any ideas how we make sure they stay put?
Y/N: Oh, they won't be able to do anything now don't worry~ I made sure to weaken them to the point where they can't even crush the thinnest piece of Mica, we're good if they ever woke up~
Steven: Genius~
I then made my way to the door, and I was about to walk out along with Steven, until I looked back at the Gems all lying on the floor, and all knocked out cold. I then made my way back, and grabbed sheets to cover them at least.
Steven: I always had a feeling you still had a soft spot.
Y/N: Dear brother, I'm an Incubus, not an asshole...most of the time. But you? You're an Incubus in the making~
Steven: I know~ And I thank you for bestowing this power upon me~
Y/N: chuckles The pleasure is mine~ Now, where is this, "Beach House" you speak of?~
Steven: Ah, I see what you mean~ We need a Warp Pad, and we're still in Little Homeworld as of this moment, wanna have some fun along the way?~
Y/N: Likewise, brother~
We started walking out of the house, and we made our way deeper into the Gem Settlement, we saw a group of Gems at the distance, and I looked at Steven, and he looks back. I smiled mischievously, and Steven smiles back, and we started making our way towards the group.
We're going on a Fuck Spree tonight~
3rd Person POV
Peridot: Where's Steven? I know he'll be staying the night in...Little Homeworld, but where exactly?
Pearl: He said he'll be staying at the west coast, why?
Amethyst: Something tells me Peri wanna get in on the fun~
Garnet: Yep.
Peridot: I-I uhh...well, you're not...entirely wrong.
Garnet: Well, there is no point in trying to deny it, Peridot.
Amethyst: Yeah, it was pretty obvious.
Pearl: Speaking of which, what time is it?
Garnet: It's a quarter to midnight, don't worry Pearl Steven can handle...himself.
Amethyst: Uhh...G? You good?
Garnet adjusts her visors, and a glint appears and her expression changes from neutral, to...what seems to be confusion and mixture of fear and arousal.
Garnet: O-oh...oh dear.
Pearl: Garnet? What's wrong?
Garnet: Peridot, move away from the Warp Pad, now.
Peridot hurriedly scurries behind Garnet, as the Gems turned towards the Warp Pad. The summoned their weapons, and did a stance and prepared for what's to come out from the pad. Then, the familiar blue beam of light appears itself, and from the Warp Pad, came Steven.
Steven: Hey guys~
Pearl: Oh, it's just Steven.
Peridot: Steven!
Amethyst: Hey Stevie~ Love the costume~
Steven: Yeah, "costume"~
Then, suddenly, a shadow moves across the ceiling of the house, and drops right behind the Gems, a silhouette of a man, smiling right behind them, towering all over them. Garnet took notice, and she recoils in shock as she faced behind her, and threw her fist forward.
The said creature catches her hand, and smiles a terrifying smile, almost animalistic...demonic even.
Y/N: My my~ You have quite a punch there for someone who's so elegant and pleasing to the eyes~ I like it~
Your POV
Then, from the corner of my eyes, I saw an Amethyst with a whip as a weapon tries to hit me, but I caught the said whip, and my tail immediately grabbed her by the legs, slamming her down onto the floor, and the tail proceeds to wrap itself around the Amethyst as well, constricting her.
Y/N: Ah, how I love seeing you all try so hard, and yet fail so miserably~
I then turned to the Pearl, and saw her, already shaking, her legs trembling, struggling to keep herself standing. Hmhm~ It seems the pheromones are already doing it's job~ Quite effectively too. Excellent~
Y/N: Hmm?~ You, the Pearl. You know who I am, don't you?~
Pearl: H-how...H-how- are you still here?! Why are you still here?! You were sent off world a long time ago!
Y/N: chuckles Darling, me being sent off world won't stop me~ Don't be so blunt now, I'm sure you and your Diamond enjoyed my touch when I went inside her quarters that night~
Pearl: Shut your mouth, demon!
Garnet: D-damn. I-I...can't think...straight...what are...Y-you?!
I chuckled, as I let go of her hand, and pushed her down to the floor with a loud thud, making her groan. I started making my way towards the Pearl, as she brandishes her spear and aims it towards me.
Y/N: Now now, Pearl~ We've done this before~ Well, granted, that's thousands of years ago, but you get the point~
Pearl: N-no...p-please, n-not again! No no no no no no! Please, not again!
Y/N: Shhhhhhh... Just stay put, and let me take the lead...like I always do...yes?~ Remember all those times when I used to fuck the living shit outta ya?~ Well, we're gonna do that tonight, and we got a lot of catching up to do~
I said, putting a finger on her lips, making her shut up. I removed my finger, and planted a deep kiss to the lips, Pearl widened her eyes, making her drop her spear as she felt her hands go weak and numb. She started beating my chest repeatedly, until she can no longer mover her hands. She just closes her eyes, as a tear drop falls from her eye.
I broke the kiss, and looked at her.
Y/N: Hey.
Pearl: S-shut up...just get on with it.
Y/N: Look at me.
Pearl hesitantly looks at me, but when she does, I looked at her with a loving look in my eyes.
Y/N: We...don't really have to do this if you don't want to, you know? I can respect a no.
Pearl: H-huh?! Oh stop it, you're lying again! I know who you are, Y/N! Don't even fucking TRY this with me! You are a LIAR!
Y/N: ...That's right, I am. Keen eyes as always~
Pearl: Ha! I see through you, Y/N!
Y/N: But you're not really any better now, are you?~
Pearl: W-what?
Y/N: You talk big, speaking of freedom and choice and honor and all these things like you're some noble being but I look into you're eyes and the hazy lust I see tells me the best you've ever felt was when I was inside you and there is a part of you that never forgot what it felt like... well, you can feel like it again.~
Pearl: N-no! You're not doing this to me! Ever again!
Y/N: Oh but I am, and I will~ All you have to do, is stop acting like you don't want something you've been craving for over 6000 years~
Pearl: F...fine! Fuck me with that cock of yours!
Pearl covers her mouth in shock, and she widened her eyes, as I gave her a gentle smirk, with an eyes of a predator, cornering it's prey.
Pearl: W-well, that came out faster than expected. Oh what am I saying?!
Y/N: chuckles That can happen~
Pearl: Just shut up and fuck me!
Pearl leaned forward, and kissed me. I chuckled, as I returned the kiss, and I held her hand with one hand, and I guided her towards the couch, and there we can begin.
Y/N (Mind): Works like a fucking charm as always~
I smirked, and I looked down and see Pearl already getting to work, and she started pulling my pants down. Ho?~ Eager~
I decided to assist her, and I pulled my cock out and the said cock lightly slaps her face in the moment it showed itself. Then, without hesitation, she takes the whole thing down, her lips touching the base of my cock, making me let out a soft moan.
Y/N: Mmm~ I always loved the way you do it with your mouth, Pearlie~
Pearl lets out a giggle, and she started moving her head up and down, my cock feeling the warmth and tightness of her mouth and throat hugging my shaft as it goes up and down. I looked to my side, and saw that Steven is already going to town with the Garnet, fucking her pussy senselessly~ Oh what a sight to see~
Steven: Hey Y/N~ Mind if I borrow Amethyst real quick?~
Y/N: She's all your's~
I said, as I unwrapped the tail off of her, and I held my hand open, and seemingly, an unseen force pushed Amethyst closer to Steven. Steven smiles, as Amethyst looks up at him, terrified...and horny~ He brings his hand closer towards her, and he trails his hand down to her crotch, and she started playing with her clit, making her let out a moan in the process.
Pearl momentarily stops, and she blinks a few times, before looking up at me...and getting back to work, not questioning anything at all.
Y/N: That's the Pearl I know~ Good girl~
Pearl lets out a triumphant laugh, as she started bobbing her head faster, her lips and nose touching the base of my cock repeatedly. I threw my head back, and I bit down on my bottom lip, as a moan escape from my mouth. I placed a hand on her head, and started pushing her head up and down, helping her please me. Then, I started seeing a wet, damp spot behind her, and she started playing with herself, making her let out a moan in the process.
I smirked, as I brought my tail towards where her entrance was, and the tip started rubbing her clitoris, maki g her moan uncontrollably and loudly. Gladly, her moans are muffled by my cock inside her mouth. The tip started teasing her womanhood, and I grabbed her head and started pushing her head up and down faster than before, making her roll her eyes to the back of her head, her pupils dilating.
I started reaching my limit, and I started moving my hips as I kept pushing her head down on my cock, gagging as I do so. Then, without warning, I pushed her head down, and I let out a long moan, and I started shooting all of my cum deep inside her, directly into her stomach. Pearl moans, as she pulled my cock out of her mouth, and she falls on her back, and pants heavily, struggling to keep my cum inside of her.
Y/N: Well, didn't that feel nice?~
Pearl: D-damn...you...
Y/N: chuckles Love you too~
I said, as I waved my hand over her head, and directly underneath her Gem. The said Gem pops out of her head, and flew directly into my hand, maki g Pearl widen her eyes in shock, and me, smirk at her reaction.
Pearl: You fucking piece of-
Y/N: As much as I loved using her, she's a pain in the ass to handle, Stars damn she's sexy though~
Then, I felt someone looking at me, and so I looked to my side and saw no one there. Just then, my tail shot up above me, and wrapped around the leg of the said person looking at me, and I dragged them out and made them hang in front of me. It was the Peridot.
Y/N: Hey there, cutie~
Peridot: gulp Clod! Let me go!
Y/N: Now now~ I know you enjoyed the show~
I said as I placed a hand on her crotch, feeling a wet, damp spot on the said crotch. I bit down on my lip, and I gently set her down on my lap, her hand on my chest, and my cock fully erect, grinding on her ass.
Peridot: W-woah, i-it's throbbing so much!
Y/N: Only cause you're grinding on it, cutie~
Peridot: S-shut up! ...and put that thing in me!
I smiled, and Peridot covers her mouth in shock.
Peridot: S-Stars...I didn't mean to say that.
Y/N: Did you now?~
Peridot: W-wow...you have horns. F-fascinating~
Y/N: chuckles I've been told I have nice horns~ Darling, my horns aren't just for show~ It so that you have something to grab on, as I fuck you senselessly~
Peridot: A-and that?
Y/N: Hmm?~
Peridot: Your tail, what else does it do?
Y/N: Ah, well, nothing much, really, purely for good looks~ But, I can, wrap you around my tail, as you helplessly struggle to break free, but to no avail, and all you can do is scream and moan as both of us engage in a synchronized orgasm~ Oh~ How lewd, let's try it next time, yes?~
I wrap my tail around her ankle, and lift it up over her head. I retracted my sharp nails, and I ripped through her clothes, and pulled them apart, exposing to me her wet, leaking entrance. I pulled off her top as well, leaving her breasts hanging upside down. She's doing the splits sideways, her body totally on display.
Y/N: All that gorgeous muscle and you can't do a THING to stop me~ Except... give in~
Peridot: W-why are you doing this? W-we...sniffle We didn't even do anything bad to you.
Y/N: Now now, don't cry, I can't really fuck you when you're crying. I'm not that much of a monster...or am I?~
Peridot: Fuck you.
Y/N: Yes please~
Peridot: ...Stars just...just come over here...and fuck me with that cock."
I smirk, as she then widened her eyes, and she covers her mouth. She sighs, and she admits defeat.
Peridot: Fine...yes, I like your cock...and you included.
Y/N: Oh?~ Really?~ You like me?~ Not just my massive, fucking, 21 inch, sex rod?~
Peridot: Yes, damnit!
Y/N: Hmm, well, I believe you. I mean, who wouldn't love little...well, big, old me?~ You didn't need free will anyway, did you, darling?~
Peridot: S-stupid clod! Shut up, for Stars' sake!
Y/N: All you need to do, is let me take you, and submit yourself to me...and I will bring you, the greatest pleasure you've ever felt in your existence. All you have to do now...is to say...yes~
I said, my cockhead prodding her entrance, and from the looks of it she's already leaking.
Peridot: ...F...F-fine! Yes...I accept.
Y/N: smiles You've been such a good kitten, it's only right I reward you, no?~"
I pushed my cock all the way inside her, making her moan in pleasure, a massive bump forming on her stomach, her tight pussy hugging the tip of my cock.
Y/N: Now, isn't that nice?~ You're finally giving in~
I said, smirking, placing a hand on her behind, and lifting her up, her pussy lips pressing against the tip of my cock.
Peridot: J-just shut up, and keep fucking me!
Just like that, she slammed her hips down, her pussy lips touching the base of my manhood, a bulge forming on her stomach, and the tip of my shaft kissing her cervix.
Y/N: That's what I like to hear!~
I slowly started moving my hips up and down, her tight, warm walls of her womanhood grinding against my shaft, heat pouring off of her pussy, and the stench of bodily fluids started filling up the room we were in.
I then proceeded to bring my hand closer to her, and gently grabbed her breasts, and started fondling with them, making her moan softly. I leaned over and gently bit down on her left breast, while pinching her other tit with my free hand. This caused Peridot to cover her mouth, and throw her head back, with a visible blush plastered across her face and lets out a moan, one that's muffled by her hands covering her mouth.
I chuckle at the sight, as I then proceed to playfully bite down on her breast a bit harder, making her let out a moan of pain and pleasure, leaving a bit mark on her tits in the process. I then smiled, as I decided to pin her down on the couch, and pressed down on her body, making sure she doesn't get out, as I started abusing her sweet spot, the cockhead hitting her cervix repeatedly.
Peridot: S-so rough!~ Y-you're driving me insane! I-if this keeps up I'm gonna AH poof!
Y/N: Yeah, that's kinda the point babe~
Peridot: H-huh?
Y/N: I'm gonna fuck you so good to the point where I break your mind, where you only think about cocks, to the point where you become my slave!~
Peridot: N-no! Please!
Y/N: chuckles You're mine now!~
Peridot tries to sit up, but I pushed her back down, making her let out a yelp due to the sudden movement.
Y/N: Oh no, you're not the one in control here, sweetheart~ I am!~
I said as I slammed my manhood deep inside her, going through her cervix, and inside her womb, making her scream in pleasure. The bulge on her stomach grew larger, and I felt her starting to clamp down on my cock, and I let out a long moan, as I kept on thrusting my cock back and forth inside her.
I started reaching my limit as I felt her insides starting to get warmer the more I kept moving my cock inside her. I then flipped her over, and made her face me, and she suddenly wrapped her legs around me, locking around my hips as I kept on abusing her sweet spot.
Suddenly, she leaned forward, and she kissed me. I chuckled under the kiss, as I let her do so, and then, as I finally reached my limit, I bit down on her lips, and looked at her dead in the eyes, and I smiled. I slammed my cock deep inside her, and I came inside her, filling her womb up like a water balloon, the bulge on her belly growing bigger.
I let out a deep sigh, as I pulled my member out of her pussy, and she lets out a long, soft moan in the process. She laid there on the couch, twitching and moaning, covered in bodily fluids. I smiled at the sight, and I then proceed to stand back up, and I stretched my body a bit, and I started to clothe myself again.
Y/N: Well, you seem to be busy with the Garnet and the Amethyst right now, so I'll let you have your fun~
Steven: Go in ahead to Homeworld, make sure to leave some for me, brother~
Y/N: I will~
I said, winking to his direction, with a smile plastered across my face. I started walking towards the Warp Pad, and I stepped on it, and the blue beam started taking me away to my desired location...Homeworld.
Oh Homeworld, how I missed you so~
Few Days Later: Your POV
Y/N: chuckles Well, took you a while, did you darling? Guess I put up a good chase after all, huh?~
I said, turning around at the Gem behind me, looking at her. From the looks of it? She's a Bismuth, a very gorgeous one. She seems to have a rainbow hair, with a stern expression plastered across her face, staring at me.
Bismuth: There you are...demon.
Y/N: Hmm~ How nice of you to come and see me~
Bismuth didn't respond, but she rushed forward, and she reared her hand back for a punch. I dodged to the side, and the tip of my tail turned into a sharp blade, and tried to stab the Bismuth. But she, on the other hand, transformed her hands into hammers, and deflected the sharp end of the tail. I smirk, and I charged forward towards her direction, and I laughed, and reared my hand back to punch her.
She then transformed her left hammer into a shield, blocking my punch completely. I went and grabbed her by her legs using my tail, and pulled her down to the ground, making a loud thudding sound. I raised both my fists up, and brought them down with such great force. But alas, she rolls to the side, and narrowly escapes the attack, the said atta k shatters the ground beneath, filling the area around us with rubble and destruction.
Y/N: I'm impressed, Bismuth~ Quite a fighter you are~
Bismuth: Shut up!
She demands, and she lunges at me, and delivers a powerful punch to my gut, sending me flying through a building and into an empty room. Bismuth enters the said room, and I stood back up. I looked towards her, and I slowly started walking back, into the dark corner, and I stepped into the darkness.
Bismuth: Damnit! Show yourself, freak!
Y/N (v.o.): Oh how hurtful, calling me a freak~ How about you come up with something creative?~ After all, you are a blacksmith~
Bismuth: I'm only saying what's in front of me! You're a mistake! You're not supposed to exist! You were never supposed to be like this, and this is because of all that programming error crap!
Y/N: They call it a programming error, I call it... Dark Providence~
Bismuth: It doesn't matter! You will pay for violating every single Gem you came across here! Including what you've been doing to Pearl for as long as she can remember!
Y/N: Oh, how noble of you~ Quite adorable, really~ But no, I never really wanted to hurt people, in fact, I wanted to make them feel good~
Bismuth: Stop lying, damnit!
Y/N: Darling, I only want two things. To fuck Gems, make them cum. The other? Simple... I want my brothers released. You made us to please Gems, to take them to orgasmic heights of pleasure and ecstasy... and we do that. I fail to see what the problem is~
Bismuth: You fail to- you enslave Gems and break their minds!
Y/N: With pleasure! We were made to pleasure Gems and that is what we do, without complaint! It's not my fault that Gems can't handle it~
Bismuth: You steal their wills!
Y/N: No, they lose their will, becaue they aren't strong enough to resist our pheromones and Charm magics.~ I'd respect a Gem that said no. So go on... say it~
Bismuth at this point realized the room was filled with my soporific musk and she... was finding it... so FUCKING HARD... not to think about...
Bismuth: N... N-N....
She ground her teeth, before her eyes went misty, and she spoke:
Bismuth: Give me that fat fucking cock right now!~
She regained control just in time to realize what she said.
Bismuth: Oh fuck-
Y/N: Your Wish, Is GRANTED!!!
Empowered by her request, I slam her down onto the ground. She groans, and she started to feel weak just as she noticed that the pheromones have already taken effect. I retracted my sharp claws, and I smiled, and tore her clothing off.
Y/N: Stars you're gorgeous~
Bismuth: S-shut your mouth, demon. You say nothing but lies.
Y/N: Oh, but when it comes to stuff such as this, I'm as truthful as an Angel, sweetheart~
I then snapped my fingers, and phased my clothes off, putting my slightly erect member in display in front of her, making her widen her eyes slightly, forming a blush on her face. I made my way closer to her, and got to her face, and lightly started slapping her cheeks with my shaft, gently of course.
Y/N: Now, would you be so kind as to make me hard and wet enough?~
Bismuth: ...Y-yes, sir.
Y/N: Good~ Very good~
I then aimed the cockhead into her mouth, and she took my cock in her mouth, her tongue gently caressing the bottom part of my shaft as it goes down, deeper inside her mouth, and down her throat, a bump appearing down her neck.
I started moving my hips back and forth, my balls hitting her chin as I do so. Bismuth looks up, and she places a hand on my thigh, as she started moving her head back and forth as well, her pace matching my own.
Y/N: Mmm~ That's it, you're so good at this, baby~ Keep going~
She momentarily brings my cock at her face, and she looks at it, as if it's the most beautiful thing she's ever seen. Can't blame her, really~ Then, she got back to work, and she then opens her mouth, and she took the whole tip inside her mouth, and she started sucking.
I then placed a hand on her head, and started pushing her head down a bit, as an attempt to assist her. I bit down my lip, and I let out a sigh, and I felt her mouth's insides massage my cock as it back and forth inside her mouth.
I then chuckled, and then I let out a soft moan, as I kept slowly fucking her mouth, slowly and gently at first. Then, I placed two hands on her head, and started moving my hips faster. She started reaching for her entrance and started pleasuring herself, and I let another moan escape from my mouth, as I kept on fucking her mouth with my manhood.
I looked down at her, and saw that she has her eyes closed, a blush still present on her face. I then started moving my hips way faster, and I ai felt her inside starting to constrict and tighten around my member, the more I keep thrusting my cock inside her.
Y/N: Here it comes, darling!~ I'm cumming! AHHHHH!~
I pushed her head down, her lips touching the base of my shaft, and started shooting all of my bodily fluids down her throat. I pulled my member out of her mouth, and she coughs and I let out another sigh.
Y/N: Now for the main course~
Bismuth: H-hurry up. I-I already want you in me!~
I smirked, and I made my way towards her entrance, leaking as if it was a faucet. I aimed my cockhead in her pussy lips, and rubbed said pussy lips with my cock, the tip hitting her clitoris, making her arch her back in pleasure.
I then pulled my hips back, and slammed it back inside her, and with just one thrust, my cock hits her cervix almost instantly, earning a moan from her, and making a bulge on her belly at the process.
She leaned forward, and she kissed me, making me let out a chuckle. I melted into the kiss, and started moving my cock inside her tight pussy back and forth.
Slow, clapping sounds were made. Muffled moans filled the room. I let go of her with one arm, and I brought the same arm towards her breast, and started massaging with them, earning a soft, muffled moan from her in the process.
I then felt her pussy clamp down on my cock, which caught me off guard. I started thrusting my hips back and forth a faster, the clapping sounds going faster and louder.
The tip of my cock hitting all of her good spots, which made her moan loudly under the kiss, and arch her back due to pleasure in the process.
I kept playing with her chest, massaging it in circular motions, and gently and playfully pinching and pulling her tit, which made her moan even louder.
I then broke the kiss, and I started panting, struggling to maintain my composure as I feel myself reaching my limit as well. My body started to feel hot, and I looked at her and I can tell, she's about to cum too.
I let out a roar, and I slammed my cock deeper, and harder. My cock going through her cervix, and started filling her up. The bump on her stomach grew larger, and I leaned in and kissed her again, as both of us moan.
Both of us broke the kiss, and we pant heavily. I then pulled my cock out, making a wet, sloppy popping sound, and cum started leaking out of her pussy. I dropped, and laid myself right beside her, and I try to catch my breathe.
Y/N: Well, I enjoyed that, but excuse me, I have other manners to attend to~ I'll see you again later, sweetheart~
I smiled, and looked at her and...no response? Hmm~ Not even her can withstand me. Hmhmhm~ I snapped my fingers, and I phased my clothes back on, and I headed straight for the Diamond Palace.
I then saw the Interplanetary Warp Pad activate, and I immediately knew that it was Steven returning from Earth after finishing up some business there. I smiled, as I turned to the Diamond Palace, and I get a slight erection at that thought of bending White over and fucking her.
Steven: Well, we've still yet to break them, are you sure it'll even work? We've been doing this for...couple of days now.
Y/N: Oh it always works, it's just that after I fucked one stupid, they return back to their normal state after I fucked another one.
I said walking up to White Chambers. Me and Steven entered the room, and we saw Yellow and Blue Diamond. Both of them chained to the wall with Adamantium Chains.
Y/N: Oh Diamonds~ We've returned for your daily mind break session~
Blue Diamond: N-No! Please, not again! Not again! Please, let us go! Let us go, w-we beg of you! sob
Yellow Diamond: I swear to the Stars, you will pay for what you're doing!
Y/N: Oh?~ Is that not why you even created me in the first place? Besides, it's not like they said no, I'm not a monster...most of the time~
I said, as I was then covered in a bright light, and I started growing in size, up until I reached the same size as the Diamonds themselves. Steven did the same thing, and I turned my attention to him, and I smiled. He smiled back, we turned out attention back to the bound Diamonds.
Yellow Diamond: S-Steven! Please, I don't know if you can hear me, but you must try and break free from his influence!
Steven: chuckles Oh I can hear you, alright~ I am well aware of what he's done to me as well!~
Yellow Diamond: What are you blabbing about?!
Steven: My eyes, are now opened! I see now what my goal truly is, and it's thanks to Y/N, for making me unlock my true potential!
Blue Diamond: It's...no use...H-he's sniffle he's already too far gone.
Y/N: Now now, Blue, sweetheart~ Don't go crying now, we'll make you feel good~
I said, making my way closer to Blue, seemingly crying her eyes out. I placed a hand on her chin, and made her look at me. I smirked, and I leaned in closer, and kissed her, making her widen her eyes. Suddenly, she felt herself weaken, and she just stared giving in to me. Seems the pheromones have done it again~
I trailed my hand down to her breasts, and with one hand J started fondling with them, massaging them in circular motions. I removed my other hand from her chin, and I placed it on her crotch, and rubbed her clit. Making her let out a moan.
I smiled, as I smashed my lips against hers again, shutting her up. She moaned under the kiss, and she trembles at my touch as I kept playing with her tits, and teasing her clit. I broke the kiss, and I looked at Blue in the eyes, her teary, blue eyes.
Blue Diamond: P-please...have mercy! I-I don't want to do this anymore! P-please let us go!
Y/N: You keep saying that, and yet, your body reacts, and tells me otherwise~ You're loving this~
Blue Diamond: N-no, I-I'm AHHH!
I pinched her nub, and she screams in pleasure, I smirked, as she started drooling at the sudden touch, and my member, now fully erect, rubbing against her thigh.
I looked to my side, and saw that Steven seems to be getting busy with Yellow, already pressing her against the wall, and he pushed his cock inside her, making her scream in pleasure and he started moving his hips.
Y/N: Lucky you, getting the best Diamond~
Steven: Oh?~ Are you jealous?~
Y/N: Not really, I can always comeback next week~
I let out a chuckle, as I kept on pleasing Blue with my hands, her entrance leaking like a broken faucet, and her body heating up due to the pleasure, then, without warning, she lets out a scream of pleasure, and she arches her back, and she came, covering my right side with her bodily fluids, she started panting, and she fell on the floor. I smiled, and looked at my fingers that was in her entrance, and I liked my lips. I sucked my fingers clean, tasting her fluids on my fingers.
Y/N: Mmm~ Tasty~
I then proceeded to kneel down to her level, and aimed my erect shaft in her entrance, making her whimper.
Blue Diamond: P-put it in already, f-fuck me like you used to!
Y/N: Ah, now there's the eagerness~ Alright, I will~
I said, pushing my cock inside her, making her moan loudly. I smiled, and let a moan escape from mouth. There's that familiar feeling~
Y/N: Oh how I've missed you, Blue~ I missed the feeling of your pussy, and the way you always deny that you hate it, but in fact, you love it! Don't you, sweetheart?~
Blue Diamond: S-stop speaking, and keep fucking me!
I smirked, and I pulled my hips back, leaving just the tip inside, and I thrust my hips forward, a loud clapping sound was made, and my cockhead kisses her cervix. She moans, and she wrapped her arms around my neck as I kept on pushing my cock back and forth inside her, her pussy lips hitting the base of my manhood.
Blue Diamond: Ohh~ I don't know why I even thought of denying this! moan
Y/N: Like I said, you always give in to me~
I leaned over and kissed her, making her moan under the kiss, and muffling all of the moans she's making. My cock started throbbing inside her, a bulge forming on top of her belly button. I started fondling with her breasts again, making her let out a yelp.
She lets go of me with one hand, and she started rubbing her clit as I kept on abusing her sweet spot. I broke the kiss, and she lets out a deep sigh, making a string of saliva in the process. I leaned closer, and I bit down on her neck, making her moan again.
Y/N: sigh I always loved the sound of your moans~
Blue Diamond: I-I'm getting c-close! P-please, cum inside me! Yes yes yes yes yes! Fill me up with your cum! Make me feel good again!
Y/N: As You Wish!
Good thing too, as I started to feel her walls tighten around my shaft, grinding her walls with my cock. I felt myself reach my limit, and I slammed my cock deep inside her, and I moaned as I started cumming inside her. Blue looks at me, and she leaned forward and she kissed me. I chuckled, as I placed a hand on her chin, as I kept pumping her insides with my cum.
I broke the kiss, making another string of saliva, and both of us pant heavily. I pulled my cock out of her, and my cum started pouring out of her entrance, her body twitching and moaning on the floor, slumped against the wall.
Y/N: Well, it's nice doing things like in the old days, hmm?~
I said, and looked at Blue as she lays on the floor. Her eyes are rolled to the back of her head, and her body twitching, covered in cum, and other bodily fluids, a hot moaning mess on the floor overall. She's slurring.
Y/N: Hmm~ Guess I fucked her stupid after all, and it seemed to have worked better now~
I said, and I chuckled. I stood up, and stretched my body, I then saw Steven stand up as well, and I looked down, seeing Yellow a mess on the floor, covered with his cum. I looked at him, and smiled.
Y/N: Well, that's a Mind Break alright, I'm impressed~
Steven: Thanks~ Been practicing for a few days now~
Y/N: Excellent, but we're not done yet, we still have to do White~
Steven: Of course~
Then, Steven snapped his fingers, and he looks to the side and sees the chains lowering, with White wrapped around the said chains, with a ball gag on her mouth, drooling like a dog on a hot day, her entrance already nice and wet for me. I made my way closer to her, and I removed her ball gag.
White Diamond: Curse you, demon! I'll have you shattered for this!
Y/N: That's what you always say, White~ Until I fucked to you good, you become a whore for tm cock, remember?~ You can't kill me, you love me and my cock~
White Diamond: N-no! I do not!
Y/N: Oh?~ So what was my purpose, when you created me, then?~
White Diamond: I-I don't know what you're-
Y/N: Stop lying, White. I know you made me to be your personal fuck buddy~
White Diamond: N-no...that's not true, I merely-.
Y/N: Oh don't worry, I wouldn't give a single flying fuck of what you say~ After all, we're here to fuck you again...and again...and again...and again~
I said, as Steven proceeds to make his way towards her entrance, his cock aiming at her pussy, pressing against her lips. My now erect shaft revealed itself, and lightly hits White in the face. She tried turning her head away, trying not to look at me or anything at all. I grabbed her head, and made her look at me.
Y/N: This is the same cock you've been addicted to for millennia, fucking take it then!~
I said, as I forcefully opened her mouth, and slammed my cock inside her, her lips touching the base of my shaft, her tongue licking my balls, and the tip all the way down to her throat. White gags, as she struggles to adjust to the size.
I then looked at her in the eyes, and her white, diamond pupils were replaced with a crimson red heart shaped pupils, looking up at me.
Y/N: There's the face I recognize~
I said, and pulled my hips back, and slammed my cock inside her again, and she gags, and rolled her eyes to the back, making her moan. I then started thrusting my cock back and forth inside her mouth, and already, I felt her insides hug my cock tighter. Making me let out a moan.
Then, Steven pushed his cock inside her, and grabbed her hips and he started moving his hips, already hitting her cervix, making her let out a muffled moan because of it.
Y/N: You keep denying that I'm not truly created solely to please you for millennia, and yet treat my cock as if it's the only thing that will keep you alive, such a whore you are~ I like it~
I gently grabbed her head, and started thrusting my hips back and forth a tad bit faster. My balls hitting her chin repeatedly, slapping sounds fill the room, muffled moans coming from White, and moans from me and Steven fills the room, the smell of the soporific musk fills the air.
Y/N: See?~ Just like we used to, you're enjoying this, aren't you?~
White only nods, and I smiled, seeing her pretty face look at me. I felt my rod twitch inside, and I pushed her head down and started bobbing her head b AK and forth faster than the last time. Steven spanks White's ass, earning a yelp from her, I can tell he's getting close now any moment now~ and her throat suddenly constricts around my shaft.
Y/N: Oh?~ You like being rough now, don't you?~ Do it again, Steven, this time harder~
Steven: With pleasure~
Steven raised his hand, and slaps White's ass again, this time, harder. This caused White to let out a muffled scream, and she arched her back, and her throat tightened around me again. I felt myself reach my limit in an instant, and I grabbed her head, and started cumming inside her, making her moan.
I pant heavily, and I hear Steven groan, and he gives a final thrust, and he cums inside White as well. I pulled my cock out of her, and I take a quick rest to catch my breathe.
Y/N: Holy shit, that's never happened before. And damn did that feel good!~
Steven: She tightened around you too?~
Y/N: Oh Hell yeah she did~
Steven: chuckles Looks like she'll be of use to us after all~ All of them~
Y/N: Agreed~ For now? Let's keep fucking hey, yeah?~
Steven: Way ahead of ya~
I chuckled, and I stood back up, and looked down at White, smiling, who was still trying to recover from the last session. White can only watch, as we started to get to work again, fucking her in all positions, to the point where she becomes nothing but a moaning, mindless, mess on the floor.
Change Scene
Steven: Well, they should be here any moment now, right?~
Y/N: Yep~ The resistance is doing a full, frontal assault against the two of us. Kinda impressed to see how there are other Gems willing to stand against us...but I'm sure they'll change their minds after this~
Steven: They're quite few in numbers too, I expected it to be bigger, not a small army.
Y/N: I know...feel like a mockery, doesn't it?
Then, the doors burst open, and I turned towards the said door, and saw...the petty resistance in front of us, their weapons drawn and is prepared to take back what's theirs'.
Oh how fucking wrong they are~
Resistance Fighter 1: You, demon! You will stand down, and you will come with us peacefully!
Resistance Fighter 2: My Diamond, Steven Universe, please, come with us! You're under this, Demon's spell! We need to-
Steven: Silence!
Steven shouts, shattering all the glass around us, and causing the ground to shake in the process as well.
Steven: I am well aware of what I am doing, in fact...chuckles Stars do I love every second of it!~
Resistance Fighter 3: Oh no...Oh Stars no...h-he...he broke him!
Resistance Fighter 1: The Diamonds will have your head for this!
Y/N: Oh, you mean these Diamonds?~
I said, as I pointed behind me, and the lights turned on, and the resistance saw...the Three Diamonds, chained to their thrones, violated, and their minds almost broken.
Y/N: Meet, our new fuck toys~
Resistance Fighter 1: O-oh Stars...n-no...this can't...be...
Y/N: Oh, but it is, sweetheart~
Resistance Fighter 2: Why...why go through...all this...? For power? For riches?!
I smiled, and I take in a deep breathe, and said:
Y/N: For millennia, eons even! My brothers have been chained, and kept from seeing the light of day ever again! But then, came me, one of the greatest of my kind. You may not know my name, but it doesn't matter, for you will know soon enough until I fuck you all senselessly, screaming my name! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Resistance Fighter 1: Y-you're insane!
Y/N: And so, I've been told!~ I do it not for power, but for me to release, and give my brothers the very thing they deserve! FREEDOM!
I proceed to look to the vault doors leading underground, I can hear them... desperately calling, to be brought into the light. And so, I started speaking to them, to deliver the good news.
Y/N: My Brothers! Eons ago I promised you all freedom! Tonight, I bring you not only freedom, but a new Diamond, a brother Diamond, to lead us to our new glory, in the new Era! OUR ERA! Now go! Be free! Spread pleasure amongst the Gems! Go forth... and Mulitply! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BE FREE! BE FREEEE MY BROTHERS!!
And with that, Steven snapped his fingers, and the giant vault door holding back our brothers flew open. And out poured the Legion of Incubus Gems onto the planet that was their birthright now that one of their own was head Diamond.
The petty resistance was overwhelmed in seconds. By the end, what few Gems were left not under out control were throwing themselves at us, not wanting to be alone and hunted by an army they could not stop.
Our conquest... Begins~
Note: Sorry if this came out today, I originally planned to publish it yesterday, but things just aren't ready yet. In other words, thanks for checking in on the Halloween Special. Belated Happy Halloween, y'all. Love you guys.
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