Chapter 98: Not Too Bad

Your POV

It's been two days and I've been working non-stop, and somehow I have eyebags right now. I've been drinking a lot of coffee and Vodka in the process of assembling the components and every single piece of the Dark Matter Warp Drive. Emma and Amazonite are flirting with each other in the distance, then my entire army of Space Marines can be seen talking with each other, they didn't have their helmets on so it was easy to determine who's who.

Yang can be seen talking with one of the Blood Angels Devastator, Heavy Bolter. He had his helmet on so I don't know who he is. Whatever they're talking about, both of them were having fun with the conversation of theirs, I can't hear what they're talking about since they were a bit far away. But I can hear a few things that I can make out.

Yang: So...what do you like to do?

Blood Angel: I burn and purge the filthy Xenos and Heretics, fight those who seek to defy the Imperium of Gem, and the Emperor himself of course.

Yang: Wow. Fanatic much?

Blood Angel: Of course I would, I...WE are his angels. His bulwark against the terror. When I mentioned "Heretics" I meant those who seeks to defy the Emperor.

Alright, that's enough Emperors for one day.

Y/N: Stop calling me Emperor! I am only one of the four equal leaders of our Empire!

Blood Angel: You may be one of the four equal leaders of the Imperium, but you are by far the best out all of them.

Yang: What do you mean by Xenos?

Blood Angels: Aliens, ugly ones and doesn't give a damnation about the Imperium or Heretics. For example, the Typhons, an alien race that was driven extinct . The one who led the fight was the Emperor himself.

Yang: He wiped out an entire alien race?

Yang then looked at me and I just looked at her and I just gave her a shrug.

Y/N: This isn't the first time an alien race got curb stomped by the Gemkind. Besides, the Typhons were threatening the survival of my people and I can't let that happened. But the Kliquons? Ha! Kliquons are both Heretics and Xeno!

Blood Angel: Hahaha! I never knew you were much for humor, my Painite.

Y/N: *chuckles* You still have a lot to learn, rookie. But you're getting're getting there...

I then let out a sigh and I stood up from my seat and went back towards the ship to get more materials and other remaining components of the Warp Drive. On my way there, II came across a Gem, a female Gem. I don't know who she is...but I feel like I've seen her before. As if I know who she is. Who is this woman? She turned to me and gave me a wave and a smile.

???: Hi!

Y/N: Hello. I'm sorry I...know you?

???: *giggles* Not really. I've only been alive for half a year. It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N!

Y/N: Huh, you're the first Gem who met me and called me by my nickname right away. If you don't mind, may I ask what Gem you are? I've never seen anything like you before.

???: Ah, no worries. I am a Painite too!

Y/N: Huh, another Painite? I see. Well it's nice to meet you Painite. I will leave you to yourself.

I then walked past her and I headed to my ship. As I already was at the entrance of the ship, I realized something...................................................


I used my flames to propel myself forward back at the other Painite that I just met just now, landed in front of her and I grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her close to me, face to face and I looked at her straight in the eyes.

Y/N: You're a Painite too?!?!

Painite: *giggles* Yup! Surprise!

Y/N: What can you do?! What are your abilities?! TELL ME!

I started to shake her violently while she just laughs.

Painite: Someone's happy.

Y/N: Of course I'd be happy! I found someone who's like me!

Painite: I can do EXACTLY what you can do. I have wings, War Smith, the Crystal Pillars, I can also petrify parts of my body, like you! White fact, all of the other Diamonds decided to recreate another Painite.

Y/N: In what sector did they get another planet? Last time I knew, creating me almost destroyed Homeworld which caused it to crack in half.

Painite: Sector 5 Talionis. At the moment I emerged it caused the entire planet to crack in half as well.

Y/N: So that were created as using the Energy of a Star too?! Show me!

She just smiled and she raised her hands and flames shot out of her hand, similar to mine, she shaped the flames into a star.

Y/N: Do you have any other forms as well?

Painite: Sadly no, but I already am happy and content with what I can do.

Y/N: Okay, but what's the REAL reason why they created you? What is the purpose?

Painite: The Diamonds, including your wife, were worried about you, so they all decided to They assigned me to be your bodyguard in case something bad happens. Knowing sometimes get in deep troubles.

Y/N: I...can't argue with that...well, it's nice meeting you. And it's nice to know I'm not the only one of my kind after all. Except for your abilities, what else can you do?

She then put her hand on her chin and she started thinking, she then formed a smirk on her face and she looked at me.

Painite: Well...I have pretty good stamina~

Y/N: *raises an eyebrow* Oh really?

Painite: Yup! Would you do the honor of testing it tonigh?~

Y/N: Ha! No. Maybe later, I still have many things to do.

Painite: Eh. It's fine. Whatever happens, my offer still stands.

Y/N: I'll keep that in mind. See you soon.

After that I left her to herself and I entered my ship and I went to the Fabricator Room to fetch the other components myself.


It's currently lunch time, I'm taking a break by drinking coffee that I git from the cafeteria and I was currently heading back to my dorm. On my way there, I saw three familiar faces. Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, and Neopolitan. They were currently running from the Atlesian Knights that were patrolling the entire academy.

I finally reached my dorm and I opened the door and immediately went inside, I then shot out tendrils from my hand, which wrapped around Cinder, Emerald and Neo and pulled them into my dorm just before the Atlesian Knights got to them.

As Cinder was just about to demand and shout, I covered her mouth with my hand as the tendrils loosened, finally releasing them. Ironwood gave me access to the Atlesian Knights, so I can freely command them whenever I want. This is one of those times which it actually comes in handy.

Atlesian Knight: Sir! We have detected criminal suspects; Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai and Neopolitan in the premises. May we enter and search your room?

Y/N: If they were I would fucking say so. No, they aren't here. Check the East Coast of the Academy. Students have been saying that there were strange activities around that area.

Then the Atlesian Knights saluted and jogged away from my dorm. I just let out a sigh as I entered my dorm again to see Emerald and Cinder trying to jump out the window, while Neo was just sitting on my bed, avoiding eye contact with me.

Emerald: We're in trouble...are we?

Y/N: Neck-Deep into it. What are your evil plans now?

Then Emerald jumped down from the window and she turned to me. She raised her hands to her side and she looked at Cinder and Cinder looked back, as they then look at me.

Emerald: What evil plans?

Y/N: Whatever the fuck you're doing, I don't give a shit. But if you sabotage my ship, I'll track your ass, you hear me?

Cinder: Mmhmm.

Emerald: Loud and clear.

???: bwark!

By instinct, I summoned my Yuatja Blades and I did a stance while facing the closet. I went closer to it and I opened the closet. To see...

Y/N: Zwei?! What are you doing here?!

Zwei: bwark!

Zwei then started running around my dorm until he reached the center, he started running around in circles barking non-stop.

Y/N: Zwei! Heel!

Then Zwei stopped running and sat like a trained dog that he (probably) is. Emerald then blushed and grabbed Zwei and started petting him non-stop.

Emerald: He just went "bwark" did you hear that?! Merc, I want 10,000!

Y/N: I don't think taking Ruby's dog is a good idea. Knowing...well...Ruby and Yang, they might even kill just to get him back. And who's Merc?

Emerald: Mercury-

She then stopped mid sentence and she looked down in sadness.

Emerald: Oh...right. He's

Zwei turned to Emerald and he started licking Emerald's face, which broke her out of her trance. She looks...happy.

Y/N: You can't keep him...but you can get to be with him for now. Cinder, I need to talk to you.

I walked to my bathroom and Cinder followed right behind me. I closed the door and locked it.

Y/N: What are you doing here? This place is crawling with hundreds of Atlesian Knights. And what does Salem want now?

Cinder: S-she's not looking tor anything as of this moment. I-I came here for you.

Y/N: For me?

Cinder: Y-yeah. E-ever since you left I...I've been worried about you. What did you do to me? To make me feel like this towards you?

Y/N: I didn't do anything to you. As much as I like that you worry about me, I'm fine. You don't have to worry. How's Neo?

Cinder: She's doing fine. She...was worried for you too.

Y/N: I see...well that's all for now. Can you send Neo in on your way out?

Cinder: Sure thing.

After that, Cinder walked out of the bathroom and went to Neo. Neo entered the bathroom and she ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged back as her face was buried in my chest.

Neo: I missed you.

Y/N: I missed you too. What about you? What happened? Did I hurt you too badly?

Neo: N-no! I'm fine, you don't have to worry.

Y/N: I DO have to worry. I almost killed you in a fit of rage.

I then broke the hug and I looked at her in the eye.

Y/N: I am so sorry for hurting you.

She didn't say a word, she just wrapped her arms around me again and locked both of us in a deep, loving and warm embrace. I just melted into it caressing her hair.

Just then, loud banging can be heard again in front of my room. I broke the hug and went to the door and I was about to peek through the door, when a high caliber round passed through the door, barely missing me and my head.

Y/N: The fuck?

I looked through the hole to see more Atlesian Knights gathered around in front of my door. I covered the hole in the with my hand and gestured the three to jump out the window.

Y/N: Now would be a probably good time to leave! Jump out the window now and run. I'll hold them off!

Cinder: Are you sure? We can just-

Y/N: No time! Go!

Neo jumped off the window and used her umbrella to slow her fall. Cinder followed next and she used her Maiden Powers to soften her fall. Then Emerald dropped Zwei and was about to run to the window when sudddenly a small C4 went off behind me, sending me flying across my room and causing Emerald to fall to the floor.

The Atlesian Knights moved in and their guns aimed at Emerald. And she was at their mercy. I quickly stood up, sommoned my wings and covered her as I hold her in my arms, as bullets rained down on my back like a waterfall.

My wings were being chipped away bit by bit and I can feel the bullets dig into my back as I grit my teeth and grunt in pain. Emerald holding me close, afraid that she'll get caught in the hail of bullets. Their guns ran out of ammo and so I slowly lost grip on Emerald and fell on the floor. This caused her to tear up and check up on me, but I looked up and shouted.

Y/N: G-go! RUN!

Emerald didn't think twice, and she went to the window with haste and jumped at the window, but she perched for a moment, then she looked at me, with regret in her eyes.

Emerald: I'm sorry.

Then she jumped down and followed Neo and Cinder, as I lay on the floor, still in pain while the biomass starts to remove the bullets and patch up the bullet holes, and in all that process, Zwei was right beside me, whimpering as I groan in pain.

I then stood up and I grunted and I turned to the Atlesian Knights. I cracked my neck and I transformed my hand using biomass and turned my hands into razor sharp claws.

Y/N: You've done it now you tin foil trash!

All Atlesian Knights aimed their guns at me and I noticed something was off, usually their lights are colored blue or light blue, but the color of the light they have now are crimson red. Someone took over the systems, and Ironwood doesn't notice it.

I jumped and lunged at the Atlesian Knight in front of me and was about to cut the bot in pieces while the bot aimed it's gun at me, and time seemed to have slowed down during all that process, taking down every single Atlesian Knights in the Beacon Academy.


It was currently late afternoon as scraps and remains of Atlesian Knights lay on the ground. Ironwood discussing to me the problem why they malfunctioned.

Ironwood: This doesn't make sense. These bots are Fail-Safe. Proven and Tested.

Y/N: How long have they been used?

Ironwood: About a year and no complications and errors were found or reported, except for this.

Y/N: From the looks of it? This wasn't a malfunction. It was a take-over, for a brief moment but enough for us to get the gist that Salem is close to declaring a final battle. Trace the source of the hacking and tell me where and who it was. Keep your men ready, we might need the manpower in this one instead of using machines.

Ironwood: Understood. I'll see what I can do.

Y/N: Thanks. And Ironwood?

Ironwood: Yes?

Y/N: I know you're afraid. Believe me, I know what a scared-shitless person looks like. But...both of us know, that you and I, we will go to lengths and heights, methods and ideas that are so inhumane or goes against our morals and our own rules...just to protect what we care about. Just know...I stand with this fight.

Ironwood just nodded and he offered his hand forward for a handshake, and so I did. After that he let go and went to the Bullhead and flew back to Atlas, as I head back to my now damaged dorm. I can't even sleep there anymore thanks to those bots.

Since there is still little daytime left, I decided I want to do some rounds and reps at the training arena here in the Academy. Maybe there's weights here?

At The Training Grounds

I arrived at the training grounds about to take 20 Laps around the area, when I saw Nora near a punching bag. She was panting and sweating heavily. Her clothes were so wet due to the sweat that it almost becomes see through, good thing I'm not near her...yet.

Nora: Hi Y/N!! Fancy seeing you here!

I just smiled as I waved back and I started stretching my body, and my biomass pulses a bit and glowed a mix of red and orange hue. Then I started running around the training grounds, passing by Nora who was still using the punching bag hitting it harder than a bull.

Eventually she got bored using the punching bag and decided to tag along with me in my jog. I stopped right in front of her but I didn't stop moving my feet, I just marched in place so I can maintain my pace.

Nora: Mind if I tag along with your jog?

Y/N: Sure. Wouldn't mind a jogging partner.

She just smiled as I started jogging again and she followed immediately.

Nora: Hey thanks for comin' here! It's been a bit lonely trainin' ya know?

Y/N: I know the feeling. But when you think about it, it's also nice to train alone. No distractions, no worries, just focus and train.

Nora: *giggles* You're probably right.

Then we just kept jogging around the area, talking to each other, having fun with the training and whatnot. Then 40 Minutes later, we finished the lap and both of us were covered in sweat.

But Nora looked like she jumped in a pool, drenched in sweat. She then wiped her sweat away and bent forward and she pants heavily and she looked at me as I catch my breath. I looked towards her and her shirt is almost see through.

Nora: Oh boy, what a workout! You don't mind if I take some extra fabric off, right?

Y/N: Huh?

Nora: Too late! I already decided!

Y/N: What the- I wasn't saying anything.

She then lifted her shirt up and I saw her exposed abdomen and it was...*clears throat* damn slender and smooth. She completely removed her shirt, right in front of me, leaving her in a pink bra while I just looked away with wide eyes, but not surprised.

Y/N: You know? For a woman, you've got huge balls.

Nora: *giggles* Thank you, Y/N. I've got a question for ya, by the way.

Y/N: Shoot.

She put her hand on her chin and thinks. She then let out a sigh and she turned to me.

Nora: How can I live forever?

Y/N:'s been a while since I've been asked that...

Nora: How? How can I live forever, Y/N? You're the oldest person I know!

Y/N: Ouch.

Nora: S-sorry.

Y/N: Take a walk with me, I'll tell you. And for God's sake, put on a fresh and clean shirt, I'll be waiting for you outside.

I then walked out of the Training Grounds as I was covered in light as I walk, my clothes that were drenched in sweat were replaced with fresh and clean ones. I stood by the entrance of the Training Grounds and waited for Nora to change. A few minutes later, I saw her walking towards me, all freshened up.

I then gestured her to follow me and she did, we walked in the pavement as the sun sets, the trees being swayed gently by the wind. I had both of my hands in my pockets as Nora silently walked aling with me, enjoying the peace.

Y/N: In order for you to live forever, you must be remembered.

Nora: But how? What do I have to do? Do I have to be famous?

As we kept walking an talking, I went across a dead bush of filled with dead flowers, I lifted my right hand and I brought my hand closer to the bush and my hand grew a red hue, giving life to the bush again.

Nora: Do I have to make art or music?

We then kept walking again, but eventually came across a dying tree, slowly withering away, it's leaves falling off and it's wood became black and gray instead of brown. We walked towards it and I put my hand against the bark as my hand glew red again rejuvenating the tree, it's leaves grew back again and it's wood became brown again.

Nora: Or do I have to be powerful like you?

I then looked at her for a moment, before turning back to the tree as I pried my hand off of it.

Y/N: You should be kind...

I then noticed something laying in front of me, a pup. Poor guy must've been attacked by a feral animal or Grimm. I knelt in one knee and I used my hands to dig a small grave, just enough for the small deceased pup to fit. After I was done, I put the pup in gently and covered it, and put a flower on it's grave. I stood back up again and stood with Nora.

Y/N: No matter how famous you are, or how strong you are...people will either know you for your kindness or your transgressions. Because fame or power can't decide one's fate whether he must be remembered forever.


Y/N: Is that the answer were expecting?

Nora: It's the answer...that I never knew I needed and wanted at the same time...thanks, Y/N.

Y/N: And you shouldn't even worry about it too much. You're one of the sweetest, silliest and kindest, possibly even one of the craziest people I've met.

Nora: I don't know whether I should take the "crazy" part as a compliment or an insult.

Y/N: *chuckles* A compliment would be nice. But it's your choice to take it whatever you want, not mine.

Then the watch on my wrist started beeping and I pulled out a holographic screen from it to see what it was. It was Emma, wonder what she wants? I let out a sigh and I dismissed the holographic screen.

Y/N: Well, I have to go now. I'll you later, Nora.

Nora: Can I get a hug?

Y/N: *smiles* Of course you can.

She then immediately ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me for a tight hug. I just chuckled and I hugged back.

Nora: You're so warm like a bear.
Y/N: Figured you'd say that.

I then broke the hug and both of us stood straight and recomposed ourselves.

Y/N: I'll leave you to yourself, Nora. I have some business to attend to.

I then summoned my wings and flew away, heading towards Emma's ship, Rebel!Rebel! This better be good, Emma. As I was flying away, leaving Nora to herself, she looked at the grave of the small pup and she proceeded to let out a sigh and pick a flower from a nearby flowerbed, and placed the flower atop the grave, before finally leaving the place.

But before reaching Emma's ship, I saw Pyrrha waving to me and calling out to me. I dropped down the the ground and walked closer to her as my wings folded. 

Pyrrha: Hello again, Y/N!

Y/N: Hi, Pyrrha. What can I help you with? 

Pyrrha: Oh nothing, just wanted to see how you're are you doing?

Y/N: *chuckles* I'm doing fine, Pyrrha. Is that all?

Pyrrha: Well, now that you say so...

She then put her hand on her chin and she thinks what else to ask me. She then let out a sigh and turned to me.

Pyrrha: Would you like to have coffee with me tomorrow?

Y/N: Well...depends if I have somethings to do....Oh who am I kidding, I need to take a break tomorrow.

Pyrrha: that a yes?

Y/N: It's a "Hell yes!" Pyrrha. I appreciate the offer very much, and I would love to go out to get a coffee with you. 

Pyrrha: Then it is settled. Tomorrow afternoon, we will have coffee at the mall. I know the best place. I have to go now, farewell!

Then she started to happily skip away from me, which obviously made me smile. I then unfolded my wings again and I started flying up to the sky and I flew towards Emma's ship, and this time, nothin is stopping me now. 

Your POV (Again);
Emma's Ship

Eventually I reached Emma's ship and I entered. As soon as I got into the main cockpit, I saw Emma and Amazonite talking to each other, they then noticed me and turned towards me and did the Diamond Salute wit a little bow.

Y/N: At ease, what do you need?

Emma: Well...we kinda wanted you to see this.

Y/N: What's the problem?

Amazonite: There's no problem. In fact, we made some progress. We managed to make a communication device that could reach our dimension. 

My eyes then widened and I walked closer towards them.

Y/N: Show me. I need to see this for myself.

Emma: Right away. It's the console over there.

She then pointed towards the Captain's seat and I sat on it and I faced the console. Emma then booted up the machine and the console in front of me turned on, and I saw...Pearl.

Pearl: H-hello? Is this thing on? Y/N? Y/N can you hear me? Please...anything...

Y/N: Pearl! I'm here!

I said as I started to tear up, and same goes with Pearl. She put her hand against the screen and I did the same thing as tears formed in her eyes. 

Pearl: Thank the Stars you're alright! *sniff* You scared both of us!

Y/N: I'm fine, Pearl. How about you? How's the baby?

Pearl: The baby's fine, both of us are. You've been gone for two months, we miss you. We all do.

Y/N: Two months? That's how long I've been here. Wait, is Steven there?

???: Y/N!!!

Then Steven popped his head in front of the screen, earning a light chuckle from me as II wipe the tears forming in my eyes. 

Steven: We're glad to know that you're okay. Peridot's been trying to find a way to talk to you, which she succeeded so. Lapis...didn't take it too well. She thought you died, Y/N. We all did.

Peridot: Move! MOVE! VIP Gem coming through! Y/N! We need to talk!

Then Peridot showed herself in front of the screen, pushing Steven off, gently of course. She then pointed her Limb Enhancers Finger towards the screen as if she was pointing at me. 

Peridot: Listen here, you clod! Don't you EVER force the Draconic Reactor into Meltdown if you're still in a 1 Mile Radius of the reactor! You hear me Clod?!

Y/N: *sniffles and chuckles* I miss you too, Peri.

Peridot: *pouts* I miss you too...clod...

Then the screen started to go static, as we were losing connection.

Y/N: Guys? Guys?! Y-you're breaking off!

Pearl: We know, we're losing you too.

Y/N: B-but I don't want it to end yet! I still want to talk to you! God, please don't break off yet!

Pearl: Y/N! As your wife, listen to me! 

I then shut my mouth off as tears were forming in my eyes again, I just got to see them just now and they're already breaking off. 

Pearl: We'll be okay. Take your time in fixing your ship and then come back to us...okay? I love you. All of us do. 

And then...just like that, the connection was lost. And the screen fades to black, as I then started to break down, crying like a baby. I promise Pearl...I'll get back to you.

The Next Day

I was sitting under the shade of a tree near the cliff as I enjoy the breeze, the peace and the quiet. This is nice. I let out a sigh and I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards me. I then turned my head to my side and I saw Velvet coming towards me holding a bag. She awkwardly smiled and waved at me, I smiled and I waved back.

Y/N: Hey there, Velvet. Came here to enjoy the peace and quiet too?

Velvet: That's right! But there something else...

Y/N: What is it? 

Velvet: Under the tree, is a Rabbit Den.

My eyes then widened as I looked down and saw what I was sitting on. I immediately stood back up and I saw that right behind where I was sitting, a hole can be seen. And out hopped 5? no...8 Bunnies, and all of them hopped towards Velvet. She then went closer to them by kneeling to the ground, and she pulled out a carrot from the bag. 

Y/N: You take care of these Rabbits?

Velvet: Well, yeah. I found them here last year without a mother. The mother must have been attacked by a Wild Grimm. So I decided to take care of them ever since I found them. And they look up to me as their guardian. 

Y/N: Let me guess, you can't leave them behind because they're near this cliff?

Velvet: Yeah...

Another bunny the proceeded to hop near Velvet again and she gave the bunny a carrot as well.

Velvet: I always get paranoid that whenever I leave them, they might wander off and they will fall to their death. This world has seen enough deaths, all for Humans, Animals...and even Faunuses.

She then sat near the tree as she watches the bunnies play around with each other. 

Velvet: Tell me, Y/N. And be honest. What are your thoughts on Faunuses?

I then let out a sigh as I sat near the tree, as I think for my answer. As soon as I got my answer, I told her what was on my mind. 

Y/N: I've been ask led this a few times now, but my answers are the same. Faunuses are strange yet unique and beautiful creature. Sometimes, being imperfect can take you to a lot of places, possibly even take you everywhere. 

Velvet: You know, for a person who's from a different dimension, you're kind to Faunuses, are you?

Y/N: I'm kind to all races. As long as they don't throw their crap at me, we'll be okay. Besides, you're asking me, a Silicate-based Lifeform who's beyond strange compared to Human/Animal Hybrids. 

I then turned towards her.

Y/N: And your next line is "You have a point there"

Velvet: You have a point there.

She widened her eyes and she covered her mouth as I mischievously smile.

Velvet: *giggles* Okay, you got me there.  

I just laughed along with her. Then, her bunnies started to surround her, asking to be carried. Velvet smiled and she carried a rabbit that has a brown fur. I looked at her and she looked at me, but in my point of view, she's freakin' adorable!

Y/N (Mind) : Too cute, too cute!

I then snapped back to reality as I felt something sniff my hand. I looked down to see more of the rabbits gathering around me. I smiled as I carried one in my arms, and another jumped on my lap. The one on my lap fell asleep, and so was the rabbit in my arms. 

Y/N: I could get used to this. 

Velvet then proceeded to scoot closer to me and she rested her head on my shoulder. I just let her rest and I put my arm around her in a protective manner as I pulled her closer to me. She's my bunny girl...and if anyone tries to hurt her...I'll drop the Sun on your head. 

That Afternoon

I was standing in front of a mirror, trying to look my best in front of Pyrrha. I fixed my hair and I had proper clothing on. Oh who am I kidding? I wear the same shit everyday and I love it. Then I walked out of the dorm as I walked towards JNPR's Dorm. I knocked on the door, and Jaune answered the door?

Jaune: Y/N? What's up?

Y/N: Hey, Jaune. Seen Pyrrha? 

Jaune: Oh, Pyrrha. She's-

Suddenly, Jaune was rammed away by Nora who came out of knowhere and she was like a seeding bull. 

Nora: She's waiting for you outside! 

Y/N: Thanks, Jaune, Nora. And help him up, for Christ's sake. 

Nora then ran to Jaune who had his daylights knocked out of him as I leave them to themselves.  too the stairs, and got on the ground floor. I walked towards the exit, passing by few students. As soon as I got to the exit. I saw Pyrrha near a bench, and she saw me, she smiled brightly and she stood up from the bench and she waved at me. 

I just smiled as I started walking closer to her and she started walking closer to me as well. But then, I wasn't paying attention, and I tripped at an elevated part of the pavement and faceplanted into the ground. I looked up and instead of groaning for being laughed at by Pyrrha, it was the opposite, she looked so...stunning with what she's wearing. 

She held her stomach as she kept laughing and she wiped away the tears that formed on her eyes, then she walked closer to me and she helped me up.

Pyrrha: *giggles* You know, for a warrior that has thousands of years of experience of war and conflict, you're pretty clumsy. 

Y/N: Ugh. No matter how strong or how experienced you are, there will always be a time where you'll get unlucky. Now then, shall we? 

Pyrrha: Of course! I'll lead the way.

She then grabbed my hand she started running, dragging me behind. Man, this woman has a tight grip! She fast as well, that it makes it a bit hard for me to keep up. She kept dragging me all day from the academy to the city. 
Y/N: Damn it, woman! Slow down. 

Pyrrha: Oops. Sorry! 

She then finally let go of my hand as I stood up straight and I summoned my wings again. I then went closer to her and I carried her like a princess, a warrior princess in her case. 

Y/N: Point me the direction of the mall, and I'll take us there. 

Pyrrha: O-oh my. This is a bit e-embarrassing. 

Y/N: That's for dragging me all the way from the school to here. Now, hold on tight. 

Pyrrha: Wait a second-

I cut her off by spreading my wings and flying up to the sky, which caused her to hold on to me tightly.

Y/N: Point me where to go, Pyrrha. 

She then lifted her hand and she pointed to the northwest, and I squinted my eyes and saw a large building at the distance. I then looked at her and gestured her to hold on to me very tightly, nd so she did. She held onto me like her life depended on it, which it did. A few minutes of flying, I  looked down and I decided to check up on Pyrrha and how she's doing.

Y/N: How you holding up?

Pyrrha: I'm fine, thank you. 

Y/N: That's good to hear, Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Have I ever mentioned that your wings are majestic and beautiful? If I haven't, then I'm saying it now. 

Y/N: Ha! You certainly haven't, but you're not the first. 

Pyrrha: *giggles* It's true, to say the least. 

Y/N: Well, I feel like I haven't given enough compliments, but you look pretty too.

Pyrrha: *blushes* Oh stop it, Y/N.

Y/N: What? I'm only stating facts, right? 

She just giggled again while I just looked at her with a soft smile on my face. I then noticed that we were nearing the mall already so I warned Pyrrha that we will begin our descent. 

Y/N: Hold on tight, Pyrrha. We're going down.

Then she did hold onto me tightly again, as I folded my wings and we started falling to the ground. I then immediately spread my wings and it slowed down our fall, preventing us to falling to the ground hurting ourselves. I flapped my wings to slow the fall down even more. Then, I set Pyrrha down and she recomposed herself and cleared her throat. 

Pyrrha: That was quite a great experience! Soaring through the sky like a bird, it's beautiful. 

Y/N: *smiles* Glad you enjoyed it. Now, lead the way?

She then looked at me with a smile on her face and she took my hand, this time, her hold was firm, yet gentle, and she isn't dragging me like last time anymore. I just followed her through the crowd and she led me to a coffee shop inside the mall. She dragged me to a balcony where we can see the entire city. Vale looks...beautiful to say the least. 

Eventually a waiter cam to our table and took our orders, Pyrrha ordered a plain Black Coffee while I ordered a (Favorite Hot Beverage). The waiter wrote down our orders and he came back a few minutes later with our drinks. He handed us our drinks and he walked back to the counter. 

A few minutes have passed as me and Pyrrha kept talking to each other about our experiences, stories and fighting styles. She...actually impressed me, she might even be able to kick my ass when I had the disadvantage. We kept talking and talking for what seemed like hours have passed. Then, just as the Sun sets, she rests her back on her chair and she let out a sigh.

Pyrrha: Tell me, Y/N. What is your ambition?

Y/N: Hmm...well, not much really. Protect my people, lead them in the right path. Have a family and kids. And be the strongest I can be.

Pyrrha: And you've been doing a good job at it?

Y/N: *shrugs* Can't say I have, nor can I say I didn't.

Pyrrha: Well...I think you're doing a marvelous job, actually. Unlike me...

I then turned my head towards her with my eyebrows raised, she was looking at the distance with a saddened look in her eyes.

Pyrrha: My ambition seems so far from being achieved. I wanted to be the strongest warrior and protect the people of Remnant, and came along. 

Y/N: Excuse me?

Pyrrha: You bested me in combat in a matter of seconds, which make me think, will I even be what I dreamt to be? Seeing how you easily bested all of us, it makes me and my ambition a joke...

Y/N: Pyrrha, look at me.

I the reached my hand towards hers and we held rach others hands, she looked at me with the same saddened look in her eyes.

Y/N: If your ambition demands you to walk through Hell...walk like you own the place.

Pyrrha: But-

Y/N: Let me finish. No matter how strong one person is, it isn't the power itself, it's how you use that power with the knowledge you gained in your experiences and training. This ain't a fairytale where the power of friendship will prevail. You gotta work hard, earn it and even if you faced someone or something stronger than you, use your training, tactics, techniques...and your will to fight. Then, and only then, will you become one if the strongest.

She then fell silent as she was still looking at me. I was starting to worry that I might have said the wrong thing to her.

Y/N: Pyrrha? You okay?

I was about to reach for her, until she started to let go of my hand and she slowly inched closer towards my face. I was not expecting this, but then again, I should expect the unexpected. So I just sat still as she gave me a peck on the cheek and a tight hug, making me crack a smile.

She then broke the hug and her face was completely flushed right now, it's the same hue as Ruby's Cape, she was avoiding eye contact with me, but I couldn't help but notice the small smile on her face after that kiss and hug she gave me.

Pyrrha: Thank you, for making me understand. I guess not only did you get strong, but you became wiser too?

Y/N: I guess you could say that. Wanna head home? We both finished our drinks already.

Pyrrha: Indeed. We shall head out at once. As soon as we pay for our drinks of course.

Y/N: Already paid for it. Now-

I then stood up, walked closer towards her and I iffered my hand to her and bowed a bit. I smiled a bit and she giggled lightly as she took my hand. I then gently picked her up and carried her bridal style and I summoned my wings. I stepped on the balcony and took off into the skies.

Timeskip; Night-time
(Beacon Academy)

Me and Pyrrha arrived at the front of the dorms when it was already night time since we made a few stops along the way. I set her down and decided to walk her back to her room. As soon as we reached her front door, she turned to me and looked at me.

Pyrrha: Well, this is my stop. I appreciate the time you have given me, Y/N.

Y/N: The pleasure is mine, Pyrrha. And before you go...

She raisef her eyebrow and I pulled out a necklace from my gem. The necklace was golden with crimson red traces and in the middle was a small red gem.

Y/N: This is a Void Charm, it's job is to protect it's wearer to any damage and the Void Shield will absorb the damage and it is almost impossible to break the shield. And even if it did, it gives the wearer some Perks, like increased strength, speed, durability. This was...originally designed for me to use, but you need it more than I do.

Pyrrha: I....It's beautiful. But why give me this?

Y/N: Because you can be the next Holder of the Fall Maiden Powers, least what's left of it....

Pyrrha: What do you mean?

Y/N: Someone took half of the Fall Maiden Powers from the last Holder, and she's currently in life support right now, and they're more likely to target you since you can be the next Holder. I already asked Ozpin to not give you the Fall Maiden Power because it'll kill the last Holder before you, and he accepted. But now you know, but the one who took the other half of the Maiden Powers still don't. So I suggest wearing this.

She then turned around and she moved her hair to the side, I then put the necklace in place and locked it in to make sure it doesn't fall off.

Y/N: Now that you have it, time for a test.

I summoned the gauntlet in my right hand and was about to deliver a powerful blow towards Pyrrha, which caused her to cross her arms forward. But my hand was knocked away by the Void Shield as I felt pain shot out through my right arm. I shook it off and I turned to her.

Y/N: See? Works like a charm, literally.

Pyrrha: T-thank you. You've only know me for a short period of time, yet you do so much good for me. You're a good man, thank you.

She then walked closer to me and she gave me a quick peck on the cheeks. Which she then covered her mouth with a small blush on her face. She then entered her dorm and I just let out a sigh as I walked back to my ship.

As soon as I arrived at my ship, I started taking all of the parts of the Dark Matter Warp Drive and I headed to the cafeteria where no one will bother me since there were no students at this time. Glynda already went home and Ozpin was in his office as always. I'm gonna take my time here to assemble all of this fucking thing.
Along the way, a few Retributors asked if they could follow me to the cafeteria since I might need some guards, eyes and ears too in case something jumps me. Jesus Christ, I don't need all of the fucking regiment with me.

So I just took 5 Retributors with me and that's that. I promised myself that as soon as I'm done with the date with Pyrrha, I knew I had to finish the Warp Drive soon. So I cracked my knuckles and my neck and I started to work.

Y/N: This is gonna be a long night...

I said as I pulled out 5 holographic screens from my gem and my watch so I could see the blueprints of all the parts of the Warp Drive as I then started to work on the parts needed, and these are't just a single part, there are more than one. It's like I assemble the parts needed for the parts in order to finally construct the Warp Drive. Plus I gotta attach the modules. Oh boy.
Three Hours Later

Y/N: Come on. Please. Please! PLEASE!!! DON'T BLOW UP OR FALL OFF!!!

Then, as if on cue, the entire Warp Drive Engine fell off and blew up in a comedic effect. It blew up right in my face and it covered me in a black substance. I just grit my teeth and veins popped in my neck and I slammed my hand on the table multipl times. I then proceeded to throw the entire fucking Warp Drive out of the window and I was panting heavily.

Y/N: This shit doesn't make sense, these are MY blueprints and designs, I should know how to make this! What the Hell am I doing wrong?! ARRRGHH!!!

Suddenly, the Retirbutors came rushing in to my defense. They sweeped the entire room, dominated the corners and checked the cielings, which did NOT help with what I am currently feeling right at this moment.

Y/N: All of you, out of this room. NOW!

Retributor Captain: But My Emperor-

Y/N: Don't! Say ANOTHER fucking word! I do not wanna deal with any of your shit right now! And I am still mad and you're not helping!

Retributor Captain: My Emperor, calm down!

Y/N: Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Don't tell me to calm the fuck down! I have a pregnant wife who's waiting for me and I am wearied to death because I am not there for her! I have my loved ones waiting for me and my people lost right now without my guidance and protection! Don't tell me what to fucking do, you hear me?!

I panted heavily as I started emitting off black flames at where I was standing. I took a deep breath and I held my head ad I walked back to the table.

Y/N: Just...if you really want to help, just stand guard at the doors. I need to be alone in this one and I need to think what I'm doing wrong. Just...please...go.

Then they just looked at each other and they turned to me one last time and did a Diamond Salute. And all of them walked towards the door and out the canteen. They just stood at the entrance, making sure nothing enters. While I buried my head on my hands as I kept thinking. What am I doing wrong? Am I finally losing it?

???: Damn. You look like you're havin' a bad day, which you are.

I then let out a frustrated groan and looked up to see who it was this time. I looked up to see...Coco. How the Hell did she get past the Retributors unnoticed? She was holding to mugs, both of them are...Hot Cocoa.

Coco: Let's take a break, yeah?

She then walked towards me and sat at the same side of the table as me and she handed me the mug of Hot Cocoa. I took the mug and I blew gently to at least cool down the drink a bit. I just stared at it for a good minute, before finally saying something to Coco.

Y/N: A Hot Cocoa, from a Hot Coco.

Coco: *giggles* I appreciate the compliment, Darling. But we have to talk. 

Y/N: Thanks but-

Coco: Nope. You're not pushing me away like what you did to your men, Y/N. We'll talk, face to face. 

She then turned to me and she held my hand, and she gave me a stern look. I just let out a sigh as I took a little sip of the Hot Cocoa and I set the mug down in front of me and started talking. 

Y/N: I have way too many things in my mind right now, and I don't have the luxury to wait and finish them in another time. I still have to assemble all of these parts for the Warp Drive. I still have to finish an ongoing war that's been silently raging for thousands of years, and I need to get back home as soon as I can...and I'm not making any fucking progress at all. I keep doing things the right way but everything keeps falling apart. And I don't know what to do...

Coco: *sigh* You know what your problem is? You work on way too many things...

Y/N: I've always worked on many things.

Coco: At the same time, I mean. You can't just finish everything up in a day and expect it to give you flawless results. You have to organize your time, Darling. Take me for an example. I always buy lots and lots if clothes, yet I don't just grab and buy everything I see. I take my time to work on one thing, and when I'm done, I move on to the next. I know there's a different term for it, but I call it "Layering". Work on one thing, then move on as soon as your done, and when your done again, move on to the next, simple as that, no? One step at a time, Y/N. You'll get there, you'll see.

Y/N: That's...actually a great advice. Wow.

Coco: *giggles* Not the first time I've given advices, baby.

Y/N: Well, thank you, Coco. But I still don't.....oh....OH! I FINALLY GOT IT! COCO, YOU'RE A GENIUS!

Coco: And why is that, exactly?

Y/N: You're right! I always force myself to work on way too many things at the same time, and it end up me being fucked! So, I took your advice of "one step at a time" and I finally got what you're saying! Not only did you help me reduce stress and gave advice to me, but also gave me the proper way to finally build the Warp Drive! Haha!

Coco: That's it! You're getting the gist now, are you darling?

Y/N: Hell yeah, I did! Come here!

I then stood up and I grabbed her hands and pulled her in for a tight hug and I started twirling while Coco was still in my arms as we were both laughing. She then cupped her hands on my cheeks and both of us looked at each other and she gave me a kiss in the forehead.

Coco: I'm happy to help, darling. But I have to go now, mind setting me down?

I just chuckled as I then put her back down on the ground and she stood straight.

Coco: Now, I will leave you to yourself and you work on whatever you're doing, okay hon?

Y/N: Sure. Thanks again.

Coco: *giggles* No problem, hon.
Then she statted walking towards the door as I started working on the first part of the part for the Warp Drive. Coco opened the door and she was met with the same 5 Retributors who were standing guard in front of the door, and she just stood in place, frozen.

Coco: Uhhh...H-hi....

Then the Retributor Captain turned around and faced Coco and he gave her a nod and he spoke through the helmet, his voice sounding like he has gone through wars and Hell itself, but that's because of the Voice Changer that the Retributors have in their helmets.

Retributor Captain: The Emperor is pleased.

Coco: problem?

Retributor Captain: It is our duty to protect him, and it is your's to please him whenever he feels dreadful. The Imperium is greatful.

Y/N: *loud but muffled*Ha! Oh my God! It worked! It actually fucking worked! Hahahahahaha!

Then, Coco looked through the door to see me laughing and finally glad that I made progress. Ahe then smiled and she walked away and headed back to her dorm, and when she arrived, she sat in a fetal position and her back against the door. And she smiled with a faint blush on her face.

Timeskip (Dawn)

Finally...after all this entire night. The Warp Drive is finally finished. I couldn't help but smile and feel proud with my work as I look in awe at the size of the Warp Drive. The damned thing is almost twice my size, good thing the door is big enough for the Warp Drive to fit.

Y/N: Finally! I managed to finish you this time!

Cardin: *muffled* Hey! Shut up! I know I'm a jerk and an asshole, but Good God! You're loud as fuck! Come on man! Even I wouldn't disturb the entire academy with my loud shouting!

Y/N: Sorry!

As soon as I finished, I started pushing the Dark Matter Warp Drive to the front door of the cafeteria. This things is pretty heavy for it's size. I mean, I've carried bigger things than this before. But this time this thing is actually pretty hard for me to carry. So with a little help from the Retributors, we carried the Warp Drive to my ship

Then I started attaching the Dark Matter Warp Drive to the ship., as soon as I finished calibrating it, and after I installed the modules, powered up the containment field and turned on the Void Shield after I was done putting the Dark Matter Warp Drive in my ship, I proceeded to head to my dorm.

I've spent the entire night building the damned thing and I am tired as Hell, but it was all worth it in the end. I went to my dorm and I jumped on my bed and landed on the soft sheets, and there, I slept all day long. Surprisingly, no one bothered me.

It was all going great, until I was rudely awaken by falling off of my bed, due to the powerful earthquake that just happened. My eyes were red and whole and veins were seen in my eyes as I stand back up pussed off that I woke up from my sleep.

Y/N:  For fuck's sake! Can't a man enjoy his sleep?!

I then looked out of the window and I saw that...Holy Shit. It wasn't an Earthquake. It was something else. And it's coming from the docks....well this ain't good. I proceeded to open my window and jumped off. I immediately summoned my wings and flew towards the docks, and what awaited me there was...Holy Shit!

And Finished!

Hey all. Sorry that I haven't updated for at least....uhh...*looks at the last update that was a month old* a month, and after that I haven't even shown any signs of fucking life.

I've been busy with school and I've been playing Team Fortress 2, and Call of Duty: PC. Yeah, I play a Mobile Game in PC. It's because my phone can't take the game and it's not available on the Playstore App in my phone.

But if you happened to play
Cod:M, if you want, add me as a friend. My In Game Name is "McFlyin". Just invite me if you wanna play a MP Match with me, or a Battle Royale, and maybe even 1v1 me. Also, Red Team for the win! Down with the Blue!

But all that aside, I have no other excuse to why it took me so long to update, I'm sorry.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter

Mcfly signing off

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