Chapter 97: Confessions and Arrivals ( Lemon )



Your POV

I've been standing here for a while now, and I couldn't recall how long it is. I can't even tell the time since the days and nights in this place still looks like the same.

I was still standing at the balcony, waiting for "Salem" , wonder what the Hell she wants with me. Then, as if on cue, the chamber doors opened and the Queen of Darkness herself has entered my chambers. 

Y/N: Took you a while...

Salem: Apologies. I've been quite busy. 

I then let out a sigh as she made her way towards me and I just stood there, staring at the distance. I then felt a hand wrap around me, I looked down and those arms belonged to Salem.

I looked back and I just saw her looking at the distance with me. This lady is confusing, she's the Queen of Grimm yet she doesn't do anything particularly "evil" around least not yet. 
Salem: It's been too long since I've done this with anyone. I am glad I can do this again, Y/N. 

Y/N: You know me?

Salem: Of course, I have eyes and ears everywhere. And I've been watching you ever since I saw you take down one of the most powerful Grimm I could muster. 

Y/N: Hm, I've killed bigger, and something much more worse. 

She then leaned in closer to me and she gave me a quick peck on the cheek. 

Salem: That's why I chose you, a being that can defeat any opposition I could muster against him. You would do with my goal, together we can rule Remnant...forever.  

Y/N: What IS your goal exactly?

She then released me from her arms and she walked to the railings of the balcony.

Salem: I have but two goals, and that is to possess all four Relics and absorb the powers of the Maidens, in order to crush Ozpin's forces and rule Remnant as its dark queen...

Y/N: And the second?

She looked at me for a moment and she looked back to the distance.

Salem: That is to collect...all the remaining's...of the Silver Eyed Warriors.

Y/N: *raises an eyebrow* And why would you need them?

Salem: The Silver Eyed Warriors have traces of the God of Light. I need the traces of the God of Light powers, that are found in those who are bestowed with Silver Eyes. With it, I can be powerful, powerful enough, that I can kill the old Gods and install myself as the new God of Remnant. 

Y/N (Mind): Silver Eyes? Ah shit, she might be after Ruby!

Salem: I have located one of the Silver Eyed Warriors, one in Vale, a child that goes by the name Ruby Rose.

Y/N: (Mind): Fuck! I just had to jinx it!

Y/N: And what did the "Old Gods" do to you? Why do you have so much hatred towards them?

She then turned to me again and she walked closer and she held my hands. 

Salem: You don't really remember me?

I then let out a sigh and I let go of her hands and I faced away to the other direction.

Y/N: How could I? I'm only 15,000 year of age. And from what I've heard, you must be hundreds of thousands of years old, possibly even millions. 

Salem: How do you know all of that?!

Y/N: I have a trustable source.

Salem: Trustable...source? Heh...of course...he brought you into this...didn't you? You're also one of my former husband, Ozpin's puppets?!

Y/N: Puppets? What are you-

I was about to turn around to face her, but then, I finally faced her and I was cut off when I felt something went right through me, I looked down and saw, a sword.

It was impaled right through me. She pushed the blade deeper making me back up against the railing of the balcony. I looked at her as she was twisting the impaled blade. 

( I don't actually know all of Salem's powers, no one does, it just says she has magic and that's it, and with magic she can almost do anything like summon swords, Grimms, and even conjure a storm. )

Salem: I will not be fooled by you!

I just stood there, not saying a word. Then, I delivered  backhanded slap on her face. Causing her to let go of the sword and falling back. I pulled out the sword as I slowly turn towards her, emanating a menacing aura.

Salem was crawling away as I slowly walk towards her, I was lifting up the sword slowly and over my head, I was about to bring it down, and I did, but the hilt of the blade froze just before hitting her, and I'm frozen again.

Salem immediately stood up and back against the wall, breathing heavily. She then started to cast a spell and behind me I felt something open up, I already knew she made a portal behind me.

I was breaking away from her control and I managed to do so, I was about to lunge at her when suddenly she used magic to create a powerful airflow and it sent me directly towards the portal. 

I went through the portal and as I did, Salem let out a sigh, but little did she know, I threw the sword towards her, the sword went through the portal and it went flying towards Salem, and Salem was just there, frozen, the sword hit the wall and it got stuck there, narrowly missing Salem. 

Change Scene: Beacon

I went through the portal and I hit the floor face first, I swear this is turning into a common thing. I stood back up grunting due to the pain from my hole on my abdomen.

I looked down to see it was still open, suddenly the biomass started binding with each other, merging, conjoining, until it the hole on my abdomen was no more. 

I then examined my surroundings and...I was back in the dorm that Ozpin gave to me. Suddenly, footsteps were heard and my door was kicked open. And those people were...Ruby, which she was the one who kicked down my door with her scythe drawn out.


Then came in second was Yang, with her gauntlets out and hair on fire.

Yang: Who's there?! Who dares hurt my Space Stud?!

Then White Snow emerged with her rapier at the ready, prepared to stab know...for some reason...Weiss reminds me of Pearl, not gonna lie. 

Weiss: I will fight anyone who harms my prince! You hear me dolts?!

Then last but not least, Blake came in, the Kinky Cat ( More like the Bellabooty ).

Blake: Who's stealing my dom?! He's my dom and my dom alone, you hear me?!

Y/N: Jesus Fucking Christ!! Calm down, it's me!

Ruby dropped her scythe and she ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me, Yang started to pat the top of her head to put the fire out, Weiss was beaming with happiness, I don't know why, and Blake on the other hand was blushing while covering her mouth, knowing that she said those things about me being a dom. 

Ruby: Where have you been? We were so worried about you!

Y/N: I've been gone for only about a day or two and you already miss me?

Weiss: A day or two?! You've been gone for a week!

Y/N:...I'm sorry?

Blake: We've been looking everywhere for you, Ozpin and Ironwood even sent out a search party! Even your clones couldn't pinpoint where you were! Where were you?!

Y/N: I...I didn't actually memory is still kind of blurry.

I had to lie, I don't ant any of them to panic and freak out to the fact that I just met the main threat to Remnant that will bring about death and chaos to millions...billions of people that Ozpin has been trying to prevent. Wait...Ozpin...Ozpin! That son of a bitch! I'm gonna have a word with him and make him spill everything that he knows. This war has gone on long enough!

Y/N: Excuse me, girls. I need to have a word with Ozpin. 

Ruby: Can we come with you?

Y/N: No. This is a serious matter that I need to attend to myself, and this is something that only me and Ozpin should discuss. So if you would excuse me, I'm heading to the Headmaster's Office and  I have to go ALONE. 

Ruby then gave me one last look before releasing me from her hug, I then walked to my door and opened it and I exit my room. I was walking while leaving flaming footsteps in the carpet and the wood.

Eventually I reached the elevator which leads to Ozpin's Office. I pressed the buttons and I entered the elevator, I waited while tapping my foot non-stop. My arms crossed, and my eyes sharp like sharpest of daggers. 

As the elevator dings, I exit the elevator to see Ozpin sitting in front of his table, sipping coffee from his mug that seems like there is no end to it. As I exit the elevator, I saw that no one else was there. Not Ironwood, not Qrow, not even any of the Faculty Members or Teacher. And not even Glynda, good, the last thing I want is an earful from Glynda. 

Ozpin: Ah. Y/N, I see you have-

I cut him off by summoning a Sunlight Spear in my hand and I threw it towards him, Ozpin's eyes widened and he used his can to deflect the incoming attack away from him. The bolt ricocheted and it went through the window making a loud crashing sound and small but noticeable explosion, me and Ozpin fell silent as we stare down at each other.

Y/N: You better start talking cause I need a good explanation to not kill you right now. 

Ozpin: Please, enlighten me, what do you want to talk about?

Y/N: I know about your fucking ex-wife Ozpin! What did you do?!

Ozpin: *sigh* I guess you'll know sooner or later anyway. Sit down, this will be a long story. 

I then took a chair, sat down in front of him and I am all ears to the tale he's about to tell. Ozpin, taking another sip from his mug, he then let out a sigh and he opened his mouth.


Y/N: You're telling me...that she wandered this planet for millions of years...alone and broken, because of the Two Brother Gods?

Ozpin kept silent, gesturing me only with a nod. 

Y/N: They cursed her with immortality, just because she wanted to have you back. The God of Light sees this as a way to break the purpose of life and death, so he convinced the God of Darkness, his brother, to punish her with immortality. For what?! For wanting you back?! Do you even know how much of a hypocrite the God of Light is?! Giving her immortality already IS breaking the purpose of Life and Death!

Ozpin stayed silent, but he just kept on nodding.

Y/N: She built so much hatred towards the Brother Gods...that she wanted them gone. She led armies to destroy both gods. But the God of Darkness killed off all of Humanity, and the God of Light spoke sadly of his disappointment in her and Humanity. But they left her to wander this world? What the fuck happened to the purpose of Life and Death?! Millions of years later, you came back, got married, had kids and Pretended to be Gods?

Ozpin: That is correct...

Y/N: Okay, I'm sorry, I know having kids and having a wife is nice...BUT FUCK YOU!!! What the Hell were you doing?! Getting doubts about her methods, lying about being reincarnated for her, lying to her about the Deal you made with The God of Light, and you didn't even console her for the torture she's been through?! Not even tried to set her straight?! You just tried to kill her off and then. BAM! Problem solved?! That's how you show your love for your wife?!

Ozpin: I didn't try to kill her at first...but when I saw four of my daughters lying on the filled me with rage. And that is where I start my goal of trying to kill her, set her free once and for all. But she killed me, and the God of Light brought me back again.

I just looked at him, eye twitching.

Y/N: Oh boo-hoo! My daughters and I were killed by my loving wife! Get over it, dickhead! It's your own fault! You had the chance to console her, set her straight, comfort her, but nooooo! You had to debate whether you had to kill her or not! You could have shown her some proper love and attention, and things could have been different! Killing her is impossible, Ozpin! She has immortality! Don't you get it?! You're being used by the Brother Gods to keep Salem at bay! She can't be killed, alright?! The Gods are using you so they don't have to do it themselves! This is an endless cycle that will go on for all eternity! And that's the point why the Gods keep sending you back! You get it now?!

Ozpin didn't say a word, he just sat there, silently, contemplating about his life for the last few millennia. 

Ozpin: I didn't want this...I didn't want any of this to happen...not my daughters...not my students...not my old friends...not even Salem...I see now. She knows that this will keep on going for eternity...and she wants it to end...

Y/N: And not in a good way...we'll stop her. It's time to get over the past...and time to face what's in front of us. It's like what they say; "Never waste your time looking back on your past."

Ozpin: "Because you're not going there" I know...then what say you, friend? Shall we do this together?

Y/N: Hmm...I would say yes, but...

Ozpin raised an eyebrow as he looks at me, then I cracked a smile. 

Y/N: I prefer Hell Yes.

Ozpin then let out a small smile and he stood up and I stood up as well. He walked towards me and he held his hand out for a handshake, I gladly accepted, and I was suddenly pulled in by Ozpin, pulled in for a hug. I just smiled and I hugged back, patting his back, and finally happy for him that he's making actual progress.

Change Scene

I exit the elevator when I finally reached the ground floor. I exit and I walked to my dorm, eventually I reached my dorm and I entered through my door. Right now, I'm debating whether or not I should already leave this dimension or not.
Fuck it. I'm staying here for a little longer. I made a deal and a promise, and I'm not breaking both. I then heard knocking on my door and I looked towards it. I then slowly walked slowly walked towards it and I opened my door, to see Glynda. Who had a look of relief in her eyes. 

Glynda: Oh. Thank Oum you're back.

Y/N: Yeah, I just got back over an hour ago-

She then cut me off by wrapping her arms around me and resting her head against my chest. I just froze in position, but I hugged back nonetheless. I wrapped my right arm around her and I used my left hand and I placed it at the back of her head. She then put her left hand on my chest, as we were locked at each other's embrace. 

( Replace Ozpin with yourself. )

Glynda: I was so afraid...that you already left us...without saying goodbye.

Y/N: Don't worry. I'm not leaving yet, and even if I AM leaving, I will come back. I promise that I will help Ozpin end this war between Salem. 

Glynda: Do you really have to leave?

Y/N: I'm sorry...but I have to. But I will come back, I promise you. 

She then looked up at me and I looked down. She was slowly inching forward, closer and closer. I didn't even notice I was leaning in closer as well. I felt her warm breath, gently caressing my face.

Eventually, our lips touched and it locked together. It was a kiss to seal the vow that I will return to her. She then broke the kiss and I put my left hand on her left cheeks and she looked at me in the eyes.

I looked back, staring at her olive green eyes. I then lowered my head as my forehead touched hers and we close our eyes, feeling each other's embrace.

Glynda: If you really have too leave, then I demand we make the most out of it while you're still here. 

I just gave her a sweet and gentle smile before kissing her again, she put her hand at the back of my head and jumped and locked her legs around my waist and I immediately closed the door as we kept kissing each other. I then used both of my hands and I held her by her thighs to prevent her from falling off of me. 

Warning: 1st Wave of Lemon approaching

I then started to slowly walk towards my bed and I gently set her down on top of it as we kept on kissing each other, Glynda, already eager to start, she pulled off  my top, revealing her my well-built body which made her blush a bit.

I kissed her again and she just melted into it, she moaned under the kiss before finally pulling back and making a string of saliva. She then started to take off her top, leaving her with her bra, I then went closer to her and once again I kissed her.

She then used both of her hands to cup both of my cheeks, as I reach for her bra's hook, eventually, I felt where it was and I gently unhooked it and Glynda held my hand, as I gently took her bra off of her. 

I then started to kiss her again, she moaned under the kiss and she put her hand at the back of my head and deepened the kiss. I then broke the kiss and I started pampering her with kisses on her cheek. I then moved lower again and I kissed her by the jawline, which made her let out a soft moan again, I proceeded to go lower, and I kissed her neck, making her let out a light giggle. 

As I was about to go lower, she  then gently grabbed the back of my head and pushed my head down to the same level of her breasts. I then started to gently massaged her left breast, as I suck on her other breast.

Making her let out a soft, quiet moan. I started to pinch her left nipple while I make a circular motion around her right nipple with my tongue, causing her to cover her mouth and let out a muffled moan. I then stopped as I got lower, reaching her skirt. 

I looked at her and she just gave me a single nod. A single nod is enough for me to understand what she meant by that. I then started to gently pull down her skirt, revealing her tights and her soaked panties, as her skirt was finally off, I threw it to the side and off of the bed, and she just lay on the bed with me, blushing as I look at her perfect slender body. 

I then looked at her soaked wet panties and I reached for it, I then grabbed it by the sides and I was about to pull down when Glynda held my hands, making me look at her, I looked up and saw her with a gentle smile. I smiled back as I started to slowly and gently pull down and using her hand to guide mine. I kept pulling as Glynda's hand guided me down to her soft and smooth legs. Eventually, it was finally off. 
And she spread her legs wide open, revealing her wet and exposed entrance to me. I then leaned closer and I stick my tongue out and I started to lick her clit, making her arch her back and cover her mouth due to the fact that she almost let out a loud moan. She then used her left hand to cover her mouth while she put her right hand at the back of my head. 

I then inserted my tongue inside her entrance and I started thrashing my tongue while still inside of her, which made her arch her back. Her tightened around my tongue and I can feel her warm inside through my mouth and I can taste the liquids that she was releasing and I was rubbing her clitoris using my thumb, which only heightened her pleasure. 

Her legs locked around my head as she kept pushing my head down, trying to get my tongue deeper inside of her, which it did, she then let out a loud moan, which luckily the walls of my dorm suppressed and kept other people from finding out what we were doing

Then she ejaculated and I swallowed all the liquids she released, she panted heavily as I pull back an I started undoing my pants, as I pull down my pants.

I was left in my boxers and there was a large bulge showing, which Glynda very well noticed. I then pulled down my boxers, and my member showed itself and it was throbbing, and Glynda noticed it.

Y/N: Sorry. It's been a while since I let loose. Even though it's been only seven chapters since I did this the last time.



Take 2

Glynda only responded with a soft and gentle smile and she lay on her stomach lifted her bottom a bit higher and she was showing me her private areas, she's fast to bounce back, eh?  

Link to Lewd Image:

I smiled back in response and I went closer to her and I aimed my member at her entrance, she then grabbed the sensitive shaft of my member as I slowly thrust  my member inside of her, which made her let out a soft moan and she gripped my bed sheets tighter.

I felt my member throb and twitch as it was still inside her. I then slowly start to thrust my hips back and forth, and I can feel my member hit her womb, and every thrust she lets out a moan that might get us caught. 

My once silent room was now filled with my bed creaking quietly, slapping sounds were made as both my skin and Glynda's make contact with each other, her moans that doesn't seem to get quieter, but only get louder.

I let out a groan as I felt my member grid her walls, every thrust sends a wave of warmth of pleasure throughout my entire body and hers.

I then started to thrust even faster and the clapping sounds were faster and a tad bit louder, and Glynda was a moaning mess, she was at the point of screaming due to the pleasure, both of us were panting like tired dogs on a hot summer day, she looked at me and I looked at her.

I then leaned in closer and I kissed her deeply, she put her left hand on my cheek as we kept kissing and I kept thrusting. Then I suddenly stopped and both of us pant heavily she then looked back at me, a blushing mess and her hair was a mess as well. 

Glynda: W-why did you s-stop?

I the kept silent as I turn her around to face me and I gently held onto her legs, I then sat on the bed and I then set Glynda down again, at this point, we were doing the Lotus Position.

Glynda locked her legs around me and she started to move up and down, getting a good and pleasurable feel on my member with her entrance. She has her arms wrapped around my neck and I had both of my hands on her hips. 

As she kept on moving herself up and down, both of us were panting like dogs and we looked at each other and we gave each other a passionate kiss, she used both of her hands to cup my cheeks and she brought me closer to her.

I then broke the kiss as she started to move even faster and I was reaching my limit, I let out a groan as I kept on holding in the release, I then let out a moan as I released my load inside her, she let out a moan as well and she threw her head back due to the pleasure as I shot my load inside of her. 

Both of us pant heavily and we looked at each other and she leaned back and my member popped out of her entrance and she was oozing out the rest of my load that was still inside of her.

I laid on the bed with Glynda, her head resting on my chest and with her hand tracing down my gem, she looked at me and I looked back, she gave me a soft smile and kissed me again.  

1st Wave of Lemon ends here: 

The Next Day

I woke up and I was staring at the ceiling I looked down to my chest and I saw Glynda sleeping soundly which made me smile. I then leaned in closer and  I gave her a kiss on her head and she woke up and she looked at me, and greeted me with a sweet smile. 

Y/N: Good morning. 

Glynda: Good morning, sweetie.

Y/N: How's your sleep?

Glynda: Mmm. Slept like a baby, thanks to you. 

Y/N: Today's Saturday, right?

Glynda: Yeah, why?

Y/N: That's great. I still have time to assemble the components of the Engine of my ship and the Warp Drive.

Glynda: Well...thank you...for being with me...

I then gave her a smile and I gave her another kiss on the forehead.

Y/N:  Like I said, I will end this war before I leave. A promise is a promise, and I never break my promises.

Glynda: *smiles* Thank you, for doing this. Now I must leave, I have some things to do myself.

She then stood up and she lifted up the sheets, revealing her still exposed, perfect and slender body, the morning sun illuminating her body, making it sparkle like diamonds, and the way she looks, she's close to being flawless. This made me form a blush on my face and Glynda noticed, making her let out a giggle. She grabbed her clothing and she went to my bathroom to get dressed. 

I then stood from my bed and I got dressed myself, after I finally had all of my clothing on,  then went to my door and I opened it only to get greeted to the door by Little Red herself.

Ruby: Gooood morning, Y/N!

Y/N: Morning, Ruby. What are you up to today?

Ruby: Oh nothing, just the rest of my team wanting to hang out with you! Can we hang out with you?

Y/N: Sure. I'm heading to my ship. 

Ruby: Ooooo! What weapons does it have?

Y/N: *chuckle* You'll know soon enough, and I think you'll like the inside of the ship. 

I then started walking and Ruby followed behind, she was happily hopping as we kept walking and then suddenly she asked me a question...about what happened last night.

Ruby: By the way, what were you doing last night?

Y/N: Sleeping, what else?

Ruby: Hmm. Ooo. You see, I know you're lying Y/N. I saw Miss Glynda enter your room and I can hear your bed creak last night, what were you two doing?

Y/N: Uhhhhhhhh...

Ruby: Oh! I know! Were you two wrestling?

Y/N: Uhh. Hahaha! Yeah! Wrestling....

???: HEYYY!! WAIT UP!!

Then me and Ruby turned to whoever was shouting at us, we looked back and we saw Weiss, Blake and Yang walking towards us. Well, Blake was walking, Yang was running, and Weiss was doing a power walk, a power walk while wearing heels.

Weiss: Wait for us, you dunces!

Yang then put her arm around my neck and pulled me down a bit. 

Yang: So...what are we doing?

Y/N: We're heading to my ship. I have to assemble the parts needed for the engine and the Warp Drive. You can look around the ship if you want.

Yang:  Oh we'll look around alright! This is a once in a lifetime chance! Right guys?!

Ruby: YEAH!

Blake: I'm fine taking a look. 

Weiss: Of course I'll take a look as well. *whispering* This is my chance to look at his tech and try to replicate it.

Y/N: Yeah, don't even think about it Weiss. Even if you did managed to take at least one bit f tech in my chip, your tech today isn't enough, and it will have to least 50-70 years to get this. So don't even think about it, you're wasting your time. Now let's go.

Ruby: YEAH! Time for a tour!

Then we continued on walking to my ship. 


We reached the ship, and all four of the girls who were with me were staring at awe because of the size of the ship and the design and technology. I smiled as I walk to the ramp and it went down s I finally managed to put in the code.

Y/N: Welcome, to the B.H. Destroyer. least what's left of it...

Blake: Wait...this used to be bigger?

Y/N: Yeah, it was over 800 meters.

Weiss: How did you manage to make it that big?!

Y/N: Simple, we ignored the amount of currency needed to make this and we kept working.

Then we entered the ship as the ramp was finally down, as we entered, there were ships and boxes containing weapons and ammunition. But the one that was most noticeable was Obsidian Fury, which Ruby took notice of. 



Yang: She's weapansexual. You wouldn't get it. 

Y/N: No, I know what it is, I just haven't seen one to THAT level.

Ruby then used her Semblance to fly on top of the Obsidian Fury and there she hugged the top of it's head. 

Ruby: Oh baby, where have you been all my life?

Y/N: Get down there before you get hurt, Ruby.

She then stood up and she used her Semblance to come back down.

Y/N: Okay, I'll be working on the Engine and the Warp Drive, you can look around and you can even try some of the stuff you see. careful and don't break any of it. 

Yang: Whatever you say, hot stuff~ Does this have a bar?

Y/N: *sigh* Yeah, ever since Jet came she wanted to add a bar here, in case she's here, she says. Just go easy on the drinks!

Then before I got to say anything else, Yang already left to the bar. Then, Blake went closer.

Blake: Does this place have have a library?

Y/N: Hmmm...the only thing you can read in the Archives are history and shit like that. Try checking my quarters, at the back, there's like a small library there, filled with all sorts of books and genres. 

Blake: You mean "all" of it?

Y/N: Yeah. go, you kinky cat.

Blake blushed and she immediately ran to the nearest elevator and went to my quarters. Then it was Weiss' turn to ask.

Weiss: You said something about the Archives...where is it?

Y/N: Two stories up, turn right 2 times and turn left once. What do you want with the Archives?

Weiss: Oh, nothing. Just read a few things about you and your kind. Gotta go, byee!

And just like that, she left. Then Ruby went closer to me twiddling her fingers.

Ruby: Do you have a firing range here?

Y/N: *chuckles* In fact, I got something better. We have a testing chamber here where we would try our new weapons while we were on the go. The targets are projected hard-light dummies so you can go all out with them. Have fun, it's just over there. 

Her face lit up and she then used her Semblance to quickly get over to the testing chamber ad there she started using weapons to her heart's desires. I then walked to the workshop, where the Fabricators were finally done with the new Engine and the Dark Matter Warp Drive, there I started to assemble them together by hand or by


It's been an hour and I still have a long way to go. This is taking a lot of time than I anticipated. I left the workshop and took a break while checking up on the girls. I decided to check on Blake first and I went to my quarters and went to the mini-library, and when I got there, I saw Blake with stacks of books and her face completely flushed.

Y/N: Jesus. You already finished that many in just an hour?

Blake: These are the best version I've ever seen my entire life. W-where did you even get these?

Y/N: I read whatever catches my interest. 

I then walked to wards one of the stacks of books that was near Blake and grabbed a book, I then opened it and literally the first thing I saw was an image of a woman dominating a man with the Amazon Position, which I then closed the boom and sat on one of the chairs that was beside Blake. I then let out a sigh and closed my eyes for a moment, until I heard Blake talk. 

Blake: Can I...ask you something?

Y/N: Fire away.

Blake: Did you really mean what you said about the Faunuses?

Y/N: Why would I lie? Sure, they may be strange sometimes, but they're still human. Like I said, you're not the only one's that are strange, Blakey. *points to my gem* 

Blake: *pouts* Stop calling me names.

Y/N: I can call you whatever I want, at least be glad that it isn't something offensive. 

Blake: Fine, if you get to call me names, so do I.

Y/N: Alright, c'mon. Hit me with it.

Blake: I'll call you...

Blake then formed a faint blush on her face and she cleared her throat, she then looked at me, the closed her eyes and a blush was still visible on her face, the way she looks right now was cute...way too cute that it even made my non-existent heart beat faster, which then made me blush a bit.

Blake: My sunshine. Since you said you were made out of a star.

Y/N: Uhhh...yeeaaahh. (Mind) SHE'S TOO FUCKING ADORABLE!!! 

Blake: Uhh...Y/N? You okay?

Y/N: Y-yeah, spaced out a bit there for a second. I'll leave you to your books, I'll check on the others.

Blake: See ya.

I then proceeded to walk out of the mini-library and out of my quarters. I then took the elevator and I went to the floor where the bar currently is, and where Yang is as well. I just hope she isn't drunk. 


I arrived at the designated floor and the elevator came to a halt and a ding was heard and I started to talk towards the bar, and when I got there I saw Yang drinking down a bottle of Vodka. Damn!

And when she noticed me, she stopped drinking and she smiled at me and waved at me, also gesturing me to join her as well. When I got there, I sat beside Yang and she handed me the bottle, but I declined, not today, Russian Water. 

Yang: So how are things?

Y/N: *sigh* It takes a lot more time than I anticipated. Even with all this machinery and equipment I have it's still not fast enough.

Yang: Why the rush? You can come back anytime right?

Y/N: I know that I can come back's just...I have my friends and family waiting for me back home, and I'm right here, fighting off another war...and I don't want them to worry about me...if only there's a way to contact them and assure that I'm fine.

Yang then set the bottle on the counter she then faced me and she put her hands on top of mine, I looked at her and she was...acting a bit strange, I gotta say I've never seen this side of hers before. And I gotta say, it's nice.

Yang: Look, I know you're from another dimension and all that, but if you have friends and family, then they know who and what you are and they know what you are capable of, they know you're fine, you just gotta be what they think you are. If not, then it's fine, they still love you and they care about you. 

She's...actually right. Wow. That's something I wasn't expecting from someone like Yang. She put her right hand on my right cheek and I placed my hand on top of it, Yang gave me a smile. A sweet, caring, and gentle smile. She looks at me as if she wants to assure me that everything will be fine, which she is. 

Then, I noticed that she was slowly inching closer and closer towards my face, she then closed her eyes as she was moving closer and closer towards my face, just as her lips were about to lock with mine,  I then put my finger on her lips, stopping her and causing her to open her eyes. 
Y/N: Not now, still have things to do, and I gotta check up on Weiss and Ruby. But we'll do it whenever you're ready. *winks*

Yang: Promise?

Y/N: *smiles* I promise.

I was about to stand up again but before that, Yang managed to give me a peck on the lips, which made her let out a giggle, I just smiled as I walked out of the bar and I entered the elevator, now it was time to check up on Weiss. Wonder what she's been doing in the Archives?


I arrived at the designated floor and the elevator came to a halt and a ding was heard...again. I exit the elevator and I entered the Archives, and when I got there, I saw Weiss, reading non-stop about the history about the Gemkind. Perhaps too much.

Y/N: Hey.

Weiss: Gah! Stop that, dolt!

Y/N: What are you reading?

Weiss: Oh nothing, just history about your kind...and your's included. Did you really kill over 300 million gems?

Y/N: *shivers* Please don't bring that up...

Weiss: Oh, sorry! I'll bring up something else, okay?

Y/N: Yeah, that would be helpful (Mind) Considering the fact that I still hear their voices and their cries for help in my head and in my sleep...people will think I'm crazy.

Weiss: Hmm...says here, you are the "first" of your kind?

Y/N: "One of" the first. There were other male gems out there that I don't know or didn't know of.

Weiss: I see...well how about this?

Y/N: What is it?

Weiss: You were responsible for all the designs of ships, military vehicles and weaponries in your planet?

Y/N: Yes, but with the assistance of Peridots and more.

Weiss: Hmmm...what else is here?

As I patiently wait for Weiss for another question, she kept looking for something to ask for first. And at that time, I noticed that there was another open file and,  I secretly took a peek, and it was...a file about me? My powers, abilities, capabilities, and even my physiology.  And Weiss was mostly focusing on the physiology part, no wonder why she was jumpy.

Y/N: Oh? What's this here?

Weiss: What are you- O-oh uhhh...

Y/N: What were you doing with this?

Weiss: I uhhh...research purposes? Ehehehe...

Y/N: Nice try, Weiss. You're a bad liar. *smiles and chuckles* No wonder why you were jumpy. Hahaha!

Weiss the buried her face in her hands as her face turns into a hue of bright pink, indicating that she was blushing and was embarrassed.

Weiss: *blushes* S-shut up!

Y/N: *chuckles* It's alright, Weiss. Everyone needs a material once in a while, and that includes me as well. 

Weiss: R-really?

Y/N: Of course. Well, I have to go now, I have to check up on Ruby. I'll see you soon Weiss.

I then started walking away from the Archives and towards the elevator, I entered and I pressed the button to go the lowest level of the ship, where the Testing Chamber was. As the elevator doors closed, Weiss was still lookin at the elevator door, then looked at the holographic screen with an image of myself, smiling, she brought the holographic screen towards her and she hugged it.


I reached the bottom floor and the elevator once again made a ding as the elevator doors opened and I exit and I walked towards the Testing Chamber, passing by Obsidian Fury. I arrived at the Testing Chamber and I saw Ruby using a Bolter to shoot one of the dummies that looked like Beowolfs. Huh...seems that the prototype worked. I then walked up the the glass and I started watching her take down every single dummy inside the chamber. 

As she finished, I started to clap slowly in amazement on how elegantly and masterfully used the Bolter, even if it was her first time using one of these. She heard the clapping and she turned to where I was, I smiled and I gave her a thumbs up, and she sweetly smiled and closed her eyes. That smile, it could melt even the coldest of hearts...Ruby Rose will forever be protected...she's  a cinnamon roll...MY cinnamon roll!

I then started to walk towards the door and I grabbed another prototype weapons we've been working on, I opened the door and went through and I made my way towards Ruby.

Ruby: Hi Y/N!

Y/N: How's the Bolter, Ruby?

Ruby: It's the best! Oh my Oum the rate of fire is fast, the recoil is a bit strong but I can handle it, and overall it's VERY powerful! 

Y/N: *smiles* Glad you liked it, this is actually a prototype where the recoil suppression module was greatly improved, so that even humans can use this. How about another weapon?


I then chuckled at her enthusiasm as I revealed to her an improved  recoil suppression Storm Bolter, her eyes had stars ad she immediately dropped the Bolter and quickly took away the Strom Bolter from my hands. She then aimed it towards one of the targets and she started shooting at it, completely destroying the head of the target. 

She then stared at the Storm Bolter for a second before hugging it like a teddy bear, her hug actually looked like it was enough to break the Strom Bolter, good thing it wasn't.

She looked at me, and she dropped the  Storm Bolter and she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly, I chuckled as I hugged back, Ruby looked up at me and she smiled, making me smile back at her.

Then, suddenly, a powerful shockwave was felt throughout the entire school, and it shook this ship and the school itself. I let go of Ruby and I proceeded to run out of the ship, and when I was outside, I saw a massive ship flying up above us.

It was as big as mine, I couldn't tell what kind of ship it was and it was about to do a crash landing just at the forest...Emerald Forest. I summoned my wings and I started to fly after it at high speeds. Is this a Kliquon Warship? I don't know...I can't tell...

At Emerald Forest

I arrived at the crash site of the ship and the entire area was covered in smoke and fire, I was using my wings to fan off the smoke and when the smoke clears...I finally saw what the ship was like. It was an Era 0 Ship...Dictator Class Cruiser. This thing is even bigger than my ship! I was a fool to think that this was a Kliquon Warship!

This ship is when the first wave of Gems tried recreating the ships of the Gem Makers...the Maker of The Diamonds. I then looked back as I saw a bullhead heading towards me, it landed just right in front of me and the rest of team  RWBY, Qrow, Winter, Ironwood, Ozpin and Glynda came here in the crash site. 

Ironwood: What is the meaning of this, Y/N?!

Y/N: How am I supposed to know?! We stopped making these kinds of ship midway Era 1! We don't even have a ship like this left anymore!

Qrow: You mean you don't know why this is here?

Y/N: YES!!

Suddenly the ramps of the ship opened up slowly and I put my guard up again, and what walked through...was...for a lack of a better word...terrifying. Whoever this is, it knows the design of the Retributors.

But instead, it was using a black paint...and on the pauldrons was the symbol of what looks similar to the Templars...but it was black...I'm guessing they're called the Black Templars...there were lots and lots of them.

Suddenly Grimm jumped out of the bushes and was about to lunge at the...whoever this is. But it grabbed the Grimm by the neck and threw it to the ground and crushed it's skull.

Black Templar 1: DIE SCUM!!!

Black Templar 2: Feel the wrath of the Emperor's Finest!

Then they started shooting at every Beowolf they see and me and the others started to fend off the Grimm. I summoned my scythe and I decapitated a Beowolf, behind me was a Ursa that I didn't know that was behind me.

It was ready to bring down it's paws to attack me, but then another figure made out of steel stepped in and started to brutally beat the Grimm to death, it has the same paint job but everything was black, there were blades sticking out of it's forearms.

As the figure finally killed the Ursa, he turned to me and blood was all over his arms. On his pauldrons, was a symbol of a dragon...Black Dragons...

More and more Grimm show up that even I was having a hard time fending off, I can't go all out, I might hurt everyone around me. Then, from the left side, Grimm jumped out of the tree lines and there were a lot of them, then more of the steel figures stepped in.

This time, I know for sure what kind it was, it was the Retributors , at least they might be someone different, and they just stole the design of the armor. They started shooting at every single Grimm at the left side, leaving none of them alive. 

Then loud footsteps were heard, I looked back and saw...oh my God...this isn't even my design, I don't know know who these guys are! This one was wearing a big and bulky armor, the paint job was plain grey and was using a spears as a weapons and there were more of them as well, they call themselves...Grey Knights...

The group then charged at the endless waves of Grimm and started killing every single one of them, then even more armored figures stepped out of the ship, and this time, this group has different paintjob and they look even more terrifying, and by the logo in their pauldrons...they're the Blood Angels...

( @Lurkerbelow I know this is your favorite Loyalist Space Marine is Blood Angels, so here! )

As time passes, more and more of these guys show up, up until the point where me and the others stopped fighting and we just watch them take care of it. There was a point where a Black Templar stepped out of the ship, and he was just using a sword and a shield, yet he can cut down and kill almost everything in his path

Then, powerful and loud footsteps were heard, I turned to where it was coming from, it was coming from the sip, the second ramp of the ship opened up and out stepped...Holy's one of my cancelled projects and drafted designs...the Contemptor with the Lightning Spear attached with a Storm Bolter and using a shield.

And one using a shield and a sword only. 

The final wave of Grimm approaches, there were hundreds...if not, thousands of them. The ship opened up it's last ramp...and stepped out another design of armor that I haven't seen before. All of them, using Lightning Spears attach with Bolters and Lightning Axe...and all of them were wearing gold armor. The Custodes

All of them went into formation as the Grimm Horde was approaching. The Custodes, the Dreadnoughts, the Grey Knights, the Black Dragons, Black Templars and Blood Angles all stood together.

Prepared to face death. Then, they started chanting...I don't know how...but they know the Gemnetic Language. They were shouting, all in unison, the ground shook just because of it..

Space Marines & Custodes:  ꡊꡀꡑꡱꡄꡍꡱꡓꡔꡊ,ꡱꡊꡔꡒꡱꡄꡍꡱꡓꡄꡓꡀꡫꡫꡫꡊꡀꡑꡱꡄꡍꡱꡓꡔꡊ,ꡱꡃꡔꡱꡒꡀꡄꡱꡄꡗꡔꡒꡫꡫꡫꡅꡎꡑꡱꡓꡇꡄꡱꡄꡌꡏꡄꡑꡎꡑꡫꡫꡫ

( Good luck translating what this means. )

Then all of them did a battle cry and they charged forward, killing everything in their path. 


It's been three hours since the arrival of these...nut jobs and crazed fanatics.

Ruby: Y/N, who are these guys? They look scary.

Y/N: I don't know Ruby...I don't know. I'm gonna ask them myself. 

I then walked towards one of the armored warriors and when they saw me they all stared at me like a statue.

Y/N: Hey you! All of you! Who are you? How do you know my Language? Why do you have my designs? Why are you here?

All of them stayed silent, until they start walking towards me, ah shit, I pissed them off. They kept walking towards me and I am frozen there, standing my ground. Then they stopped as they were just one meter away from me, and they dropped to their knees, kneeling before me. Which made me confused. 

Blood Angel: My Emperor...we have found you at last. 

Y/N: Emperor? I don't know who that is! Answer my question! Who are you?! 

Then they all stood up and they grabbed their helmet, as the helmet was finally off...I finally knew...I was screaming at my own brethren. As they took their helmets off, I saw they were Gems...all of them. There were Amethysts, Jaspers, Carnelians, Citrines, and even Citrine Elites, and all of them were male, every single one of them. 

Y/N: You're...Gems?

Blood Angel (Carnelian): That is correct, we have been jumping for weeks, maybe even a month in search for you, my liege. But now that you are here, we can return to Homeworld, and rejoice the Return of the Emperor!

I then smiled, knowing that I can finally go back. But then, I realized something. I looked back and I saw Ruby, Yang, Blake, Weiss...and Glynda looking at me. they heard what the Blood Angel said...and I still have a promise to fulfill for Ozpin. So I decided what I wanted to do.

Y/N: We will not be returning yet...we have work to do here.

Blood Angel: Just say the word, my liege. And we will fulfill it.

Y/N: We will help the inhabitants of this dimension end a war...Today, you have served a greater purpose than searching for me. You can now fight alongside with me. In this fight, we need to win in order to bring about peace and order to this world...this world has seen enough death, and I intend to stop it. We will stay...and we will fight, do you understand soldiers?

Space Marines & Custodes: Yes, sir!

Y/N: Where is your captain?

???: I'm here, my Painite.

I turned to where the voice came from and I saw the Space Marines and Custodes make way for the captain, as the captain finally reached me, I finally saw who it was an Emerald.

But not just a normal Emerald, she wasn't wearing any armor and there was another male Gem standing beside he who also wasn't wearing armor. She was named "Huntress", the "Titan Slayer".

The one I had sparred with thousands of years ago, where at the beginning of Era 2, she rebelled and left Homeworld...her name was Emerald Facet 1A9T Cut-8XR...or as she would prefer to be called...

Y/N:'s been a while.

Emma: How long's it been, Painite? 6,000 years? or 7,000?

Y/N: Doesn't matter, since when did you return to Homeworld?

Emma: Ah, I just wanted to check some things in that old rock since it was finally, liberated by Steven Universe...AKA Son of Pink Diamond.

Amazonite: She means two weeks ago.

Y/N: Oh? And who might you be?

Amazonite: Apologies, my name is Amazonite. I am one of the first males from Era 1, like you!

Y/N: Ah, so YOU'RE the Amazonite who almost crushed an Azurite back then, eh?. *chuckles* From what I've heard, that Azurite was a bitch.

Amazonite: Hahaha! I could not agree with you more!

Y/N: Right, board the Dictator Class Cruiser and follow me while I guide you to my ship, we have much to discuss, both of you. 

Then all of the Gems boarded the ship and so did  Amazonite and Emma. I then walked towards Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang and Glynda.

Ruby: So...did they tell you who they are?

Y/N: Yeah, they're Gems.

Blake: So that's what they look like.

Y/N: Well...not entirely. That's just the armor, even without the armor they can take on many things. 

Yang: Are they usually that tall?

Y/N: Well, they are males so they would be taller and stronger, but females can still kick our asses if they wanted to. Board the Bullhead, we're going back to the school.

Then they just looked at each other before boarding into the bullhead. The Bullhead flew away and I looked back at the Dictator Class Cruiser and I noticed that it was firing up it's engine.

I then summoned my wings and I started flying away from the ground to avoid being blast away by the thrusters. I flew to the cockpit and made myself visible with Emma and Amazonite, then I started flying away, with a giant ship following behind me. 


It been a tiring day, Emma's ship landed right beside mine and the Gems set out a camp just outside their ship, which caught a lot of attention from students, I'm surprised they didn't bother the students.

But Cardin and his goons tried to "chase them away". You know what happened? All of him and his goons are at the hospital, connected to a life support, that's what you get, dipshit.

It's been a long day of discussion and hard work. I was walking back to my dorm clearly tired, but not as tired as last time which is a good thing. I entered my room and I closed the door behind me.

I looked outside my window to see the B.H. Destroyer and the Dictator Class Cruiser "Rebel!Rebel!" as Emma would call it. I then walked to my bathroom to wash my face and get ready for bed. 

Warning: 2nd Wave of Lemon Approaching

I opened the door to my bathroom and I went to my sink and I turn on the faucet and I let the water run. I grabbed the soap and I washed my face, splashing water in the mirror. As soon as I finished, I looked into the mirror and wiped it clean, then, at the reflection, I saw something...someone. I quickly turn around lightning fast and I was Yang 

Link to Lewd Image:

She was naked and she was pressing her large breasts on the glass in my shower, which pretty much made me blush...and aroused. 

Yang: You said that we'll do it whenever I'm ready, so I'm ready~ Get in here~

I just let out a sigh and I smirked and I phased off my top clothing, leaving me in my pants only, and then I walked towards Yang and I opened the door to my shower and I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her in for a kiss. Her eyes widened for a bit, before completely closing them entirely, symbolizing that she melted into the kiss. 

She then jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist and she used both of her hands and cupped my cheeks. I held her by the thighs to prevent her from falling and I opened the door and then me and Yang  exit the bathroom, I walked to my bed and I broke the kiss and I threw her to the bed, which she then spread her legs wide open, revealing to me her entrance, which made me smile.

I then lowered myself down the level of her entrance and I started to lick her clit, making her back arch a bit, and she was letting out soft and quiet moans, I then stick my tongue inside her entrance, and I started to wriggle my tongue in all directions, which made Yang cover her mouth and let out a muffled moan. I felt her walls squeeze my tongue and she's already this wet just by doing this to her. I then started to rub her clitoris with my thumb and I massaged her breasts with my other free hand.

Yang then threw her head back and her back arched back entirely and she let out a muffled moan as she covered her mouth with one hand, and using her other hand to push my head down making my tongue go even deeper. She then ejaculated while I was still in front of her entrance and I managed to swallow some of the liquids she released.

I then wiped off the leftover liquids on my face and I was about to undo my pants when me and Yang heard a knock on my door, this caused Yang to cover herself with my bedsheets and she accidentally fell out of the bed. I then walked to my door and I opened it, only to see Ruby with her sleepwear. Wonder what she wants? And I hope Yang didn't hurt herself from that fall. 

Ruby: Hi Y/N...

Y/N: Ruby? What are you doing here? It's ten o'clock, why aren't you asleep yet?

Ruby: Well...the thing is...

Ruby then pulled her pajamas down, which revealed her entrance, and she lifted up her top, revealing me her breasts. What the Hell is she thinking doing this at my door?!

Link to Lewd Image:

Ruby: Can I sleep with you tonight?

I didn't  answer and I just pulled her in my room, not because I was eager to do it with her, but because of the fact that she did it in front of my door and someone could've seen her. I peeked out the door to see if anyone saw.

I let out a relieved sigh as I close my door and I locked it, and when I turn around, I was met with Ruby with a kiss on the lips. She may be a beginner but she's damn good at this. She then slowly broke the kiss and she looked at me. I then flicked her forehead.

Y/N: Never do that again!

Ruby: I'm sorry!

Yang: Aw yeah! Threesome!

Y/N: Goddammit, Yang.

Ruby: Yang?! What are you doing here?!

Yang: Same reason as you! Look at you, my little sister not being little anymore.

Ruby: W-well...I guess having you on board won't be so bad. 

Y/N: Can I get a say in this-

Weiss: *muffled* No fair!

Y/N: What the?! Weiss?!

I then walked to my closet and I opened it, to see Weiss inside, she wasn't wearing anything except for a polo shirt and her panties, her polo was already wet with all the sweat she produced while being inside the closet. Her face was completely flushed and she avoided eye contact with me...

Link to Lewd Image:

Weiss: How come they get to do it with you first?

Yang: We didn't say anything about NOT wanting you in with the fun, right?

Weiss: R-really?


I just looked at both Ruby and Yang with an un-amused face before turning back to Weiss, when she immediately kissed me, she then pulled back and she covered her mouth, blushing, she kissed me again and this time a little bit longer.

Weiss: I can't believe I finally kissed you.

Blake: Can I join in as well?

I then turned to where it came from and I saw Blake on top of my bed, already naked and eager to get started. 

Link to Lewd Image:

Y/N: Of course you would be here, you Kinky Cat. Also, where the fuck did you come from?

Blake: Not important. Look behind you.

I then looked back and saw Ruby and Yang, they then pushed me to my bed and I fell on my back, and when I was on the bed, I was looking up at Blake and she was looking down on me, she held my hands down as both Ruby and Yang started undoing my pants, as the pants were finally off, Yang pulled off my pants and threw it to the side and Ruby playfully poked the bulge under my boxers, making me let out a groan, which made all of them smile.

Then Ruby pulled down my boxer, and up came my member, this made Yang bite down on her lip seductively while Ruby looks at it with amusement. Then Weiss took off her tiara and she let her hair down, she then went closer to me and she gently grabbed the tip of my member which made it twitch a bit. Ruby and Yang was licking up and down my hard and sensitive shaft, which made me let out a low groan.

Then lifted herself up and she sat on my face, her entrance was already dripping so, eh, what the Hell. I proceeded to lick Blakes clit which made her cover her mouth in surprise and pleasure. She let go of my hand and I held onto her thighs as my tongue went inside Blake's entrance, making her let out a soft, quiet moan. 

Blake was using her left hand to rub her clitoris while she massages her breasts with her right hand. I can already taste the liquids she was releasing since she's already this wet just by doing this, her tight walls squeezed my tongue, her warm walls and insides I felt through my tongue. 

Then I suddenly felt Weiss suck harder on the tip of my member and started to bob her head up and down a bit faster, it made me twitch a bit. Then Yang and Ruby started to suck on the shaft of my member, it felt like I was being sucked into an abyss of unimaginable pleasure. 

I then started to thrash my tongue inside Blake as I felt my climax slowly build up, up until the point where I almost accidentally released. I kept holding in my release until I couldn't hold anymore. That was pathetic! I lasted longer last time!

Change Scene

Yang was on top of me, aiming her hips at my member, Weiss on the other hand was sitting on my face. At the same time, both Yang and Weiss lowered themselves, Yang grabbed my member and gently and surely slid it inside her entrance, she was tight, tighter than the others I've even done before. Weiss was covering her mouth.

Her moans muffled by her hand, she had her hand on my head, as if trying to push my head closer to her entrance, trying to get a good feel of my tongue inside her entrance. Weiss' tight and warm walls pressed my tongue tightly.

I heard Yang moan crazy while Blake and Ruby pleasure each other by eating each other out, I then reached for Weiss' breast and I started massaging, making her let out a yelp as soon as I touched her, eventually she was a moaning mess. 

I reached my hand to Yang and I actually managed to grab her breast with my other and started massaging as well, which made her let out a seductive moan. She held my hand as I massaged her breast in a circular motion and Weiss did the same thing with my other hand that was massaging her.

A few seconds later, Weiss arched her back and she threw her head back in pleasure and let out a muffled moan as she released her liquids, I grunted as I felt Yang move up and down even faster than before, her tight walls being grinded by my member, every time I hit her womb I feel a wave of pleasure and it makes my body weaken with every thrust, clapping sounds filled my room and Yang's moaning added into it. 

Then I started thrusting upwards, which made Yang stop moving, knowing that I'm the one who's taking the lead now. Weiss got off of my face and Yang leaned in closer and kissed me, one final thrust, and I ejaculated inside of her, Yang moaned under the kiss. Her eyes rolled to the  back of her skull due to the pleasure as I released my load inside her, some of my load even oozed out, Yang, Ruby and Blake all moaned in unison as all of us climaxed. 

Change Scene

Blake was bending over in front of me, and showing me her private areas which made my member rise again due to the sight, she was swaying her hips from side to side. I then walked closer to her and I aimed my member at her entrance, Blake gently grabbed the shaft of my member as I looked at her and she looked at me, I gave her an assuring nod and she nods back.

Then I slowly slid my member inside her, which made her let out a moan and causing her to grip my bed sheets even tighter. I then slowly started to thrust my hips back and forth. I can feel my member being tightly clamped and squeezed tight by Blakes entrance, I grabbed her by her hips as I kept on thrusting, panting heavily and a bit sweaty.

Then I felt someone walk behind me, I looked back but I didn't stop thrusting, I saw Ruby. She walked towards me from behind, now completely naked, she put her hand on my chest, getting a good feel with it, she then gave me a kiss which I instantly melted into it. 

She kept on kissing me while rubbing my chest, and I kept kissing her back as I kept on thrusting mu hips back and forth, but this time  a bit faster. Blake lets out a moan every time I thrust and hit her womb with the tip of my member, every thrust sends a wave of pleasure throughout my entire body and Blake's as well.

Yang and Weiss can be seen making out with each other, Yang fingering Weiss' entrance while Yang was kissing her, and muffling the moans coming from Weiss. I then started to thrust even faster and I started to pant heavily as I kept on thrusting. Moans filled my once silent room, and clapping sound included and squelching sounds as well.  

I then grit my teeth as I did one final thrust and I released my load inside her, this caused Blake to squirm a bit and I kept on blowing my load inside her. Her eyes rolled back and she was a blushing and moaning mess and she was sticking her tongue out, as if she was in a state of being mindless just by being fucked. I panted heavily as I pulled my member out, making a popping sound while Ruby grew a smirk on her face. 

Change Scene

I was on top of Weiss kissing her deeply, Blake and Yang were making out, but it was clear that Blake already dominated over Yang.  I then broke the kiss and I aimed my member at her entrance. She looked at me a bit worried, before I slid my member inside her, making her let out a loud moan. Ruby then got on top of Weiss as well and kissed her, muffling her moans. 

Ruby cupped Weiss' cheeks as I then started to thrust slowly back and forth. Ruby brought her behind up a bit higher in front of me, and I saw she was dripping wet. I then leaned in closer and I started to eat Ruby out, which caused her to let out a moan under the kiss that both she and Weiss were locked in. 

I inserted my tongue inside her entrance and I started to wriggle my tongue inside her, Ruby and Weiss broke the kiss, making a string  of saliva in the process. Ruby started to use her free hand to rub her clitoris and she used her other hand to keep her from falling on top of Weiss. I felt my member being squeezed by Weiss' tight walls.

Every thrust makes a clapping sound. I can feel that I was hitting her womb with the tip of my member. Every thrust sends a surge of warmth and pleasure throughout my entire body. I felt Ruby's wall tighten around my tongue as I started to wriggle my tongue in al directions while my tongue was still in her entrance. 

Then I started to thrust even faster, making Weiss let out a moan, I started to use my right hand to massage Ruby's breast which heightened her pleasure. I then used my left hand to massage Weiss' breasts, which GREATLY heightened her pleasure. Both Ruby and Weiss were a moaning blushing mess as I kept on eating them out or kept on fucking them.

I felt my climax reach the limit and so one final thrust, I released my load inside Weiss, which made her let out a moan, Ruby kissed her to silence her loud moaning, and at the same time, Ruby climaxed and she released her liquids while I was still eating her out. All three of us pant heavily as I pulled my member out of Weiss, making a popping sound in the process.

Change Scene

Ruby can be seen lying on the bed, on her stomach and completely naked, I was on top of her and we were kissing each other. A passionate kiss to e exact. I then broke the kiss and we pulled back making a string of saliva. I then massaged her soft ass in a circular motion, which made her let out a soft and quiet moan. 

I then lifted myself up a bit and I aimed my member at her entrance, she grabbed the shaft of my entrance and I looked at her and she looked back at me. She gave me a sweet and gentle smile, making me smile back at her, I then proceeded to thrust my member inside her, and she gritted her teeth and she let out a loud moan, and blood seeping out of her entrance, which made me grit my teeth. 

I was about to pull out when Ruby stopped me by holding by my hand, she looked at me and she shook her head, indicating a "No" response. I just responded back with a nod and I started to slowly thrust my hips back and forth, causing Ruby to let out moans every time I thrust. She looked back at me and I leaned in closer and I gave her a deep kiss, which she happily kissed back.

I felt my body weaken with every thrust, as every thrust sends a wave of pleasure throughout my body, like all the time, and a sudden surge of warmth shot throughout my entire body. Her tight walls squeezing my member tightly, but in a good way, my member grinding her warm walls, the tip of my member hitting her womb, which is one of the reason why she was moaning loudly and crazy. 

I then started to thrust even faster and clapping sounds were made and it filled my room with it once again. Ruby was letting out louder moans and her eyes rolled too the back of her skull due to the pleasure, and she was a blushing mess while sticking her tongue out. I grit my teeth as my climax builds up, I kept thrusting even faster and in result it caused Ruby to moan even louder.

I couldn't hold in my release anymore, so I let it go. I blew the load inside her and she kissed me deeply as I release my seed inside her, and in return, she ejaculated as well. We broke the kiss, and both of us were panting heavily.  I pulled my member out, making a popping sound in the process once again, and she just lay there eon the bed dazed.

2nd Wave of Lemon has ended

All five of us lay on my bed and we were panting heavily. I put my pants back on but all four of them were still naked, I then climbed on my bed. I just lay on my bed with four girls who loves me, Ruby was on top of me, Weiss was resting her head on my shoulder, and so was Yang and Blake. 

I was staring at the ceiling for a moment, until all four girls looked at me, they all smiled and they kissed me all at the same time. I covered them with my bed sheets in order for them to not get cold, and we spent the entire night, cuddling with each other. Caring for each other. I can get used to this...well...I kind of already did.

And Finished

HOLY SHIT! 12,000 words?! I'm on a roll! WHOOHOO!

Also, sorry for updating a bit late, I was busy with class, modules and assignments. But I still managed to get this out, just for you guys. I fucking hate that I have to get back t class, but I gotta do this. I will come back, I promise.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you the next chapter!

Mcfly signing off

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