Chapter 96: The Truth Of Everything

Ruby's POV

Currently, me and the rest of Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY are taking a patrol around Vale. Ozpin said that there's been sightings of Beowolfs running around, scaring and terrorizing citizens. Strange, usually they would kill everything in sight.

Blake: Hey, Weiss?

Weiss: What?

Blake: Since Winter works in Atlas, mind telling us the reason why there's been a ridiculously large spike in the Grimm Activity?

Yang: Yeah. Why DID it spike up?

Weiss: I don't know, nor does Winter. Not even Ironwood. Atlas caught a few Grimm and examined their behaviors, they have shown increase of aggressiveness, and usually comes in large hordes, mostly 100 - 400, combinations of Ursas, Beowolfs, Nevermores, Creeps, Deathstalkers, and more...and we don't even know what's causing it...

Yang: So you're saying we're fighting blind? We don't know what their goal is, and we don't know who or what's responsible for all of this? Damn. We are fucked.

Velvet: Don't say that.

Ruby: Yeah! Velvet's right, you know? I mean, we still have Y/N. He'll help us fight back, I'm sure of it.

Jaune: As long as he doesn't bail on us, we're good.

Nora: That's Cardin's thing, Y/N in the other hand fights like a man! A Space Man!

Pyrrha: I'm with Nora in this one!

Coco: Me too!

Ruby: Me three!

Velvet: And me.

Weiss: *sigh* Speaking of Y/N, where is that twit?


All of us turned to where that voice came from and suddenly a blur passed us, it crashed to the nearby building, leaving a humanoid shaped hole on the wall, and out reached a hand, it was Y/N.

Y/N: Get out of the way!

All of us looked back, to see another Grimm Wyvern. There's more than one of these things?!

Your POV

Y/N: Get out of the way!

I said as I summoned my wings and I was covered in a bright light, I transformed into my form Astartes and I rammed the Wyvern in order to prevent it from harming the teams.

Solarion materialized in my hands and I stabbed the Wyvern in the head, I pushed it down even further and it reached it's brain, finally killing it. Both of us fell to the ground, and when we made it to the ground, a large layer of smoke covered the area.

Then the smoke starts to clear and I pulled out Solarion from the Wyvern. I was covered in a bright light again and I was back to my normal form, then I walked to the teams.

Y/N: You guys okay?

Nora: Okay?! That was awesome! Right, Ruby?!

Ruby: Yeah! He didn't stand a chance! The Wyvern, I mean.

Blake: Plus, you killed another one of the Wyverns.

Yang: Where have you been for the last couple of days?

Y/N: Fighting off a Grimm Horde at the Western Front of Vale. Along with Hunters and Huntresses. Something tells me that this won't be easy...

Weiss: What do you mean by that?

Y/N: Turns out, the horde was a diversion. The Wyvern was the one that was actually supposed to destroy Vale. Good thing I saw it heading for Vale.

Pyrrha: Hmm...typical Grimm behavior is that they destroy everything as they advance...

Y/N: The leader is no fool. Whoever or whatever is leading the Grimm, they aren't messing around. They want a war.

Coco: *shivers* That actually sent shivers down my spine when you said war.

Y/N: Right, we still have to get rid of the Grimm that has been seen running around Vale.

I then focused my mind and I lifted up my right hand and I clenched my fist, and 12 clones appeared behind me.

Y/N: We'll split up. The more area we cover the better. Each head will be accompanied by a clone. My clones will only function within a 16,000 mile radius, and a Kill Zone of 300 mile. These are weaker but it'll suffice killing a Wyvern.

Velvet: Are you sure? I mean, I...WE know you're strong, but is going alone a good idea?

Y/N: I'll be fine. Now get going. Split up and search the city. You are cleared hot to kill any Grimm in sight. Got that?

Everyone: Yes sir!

Y/N: Good. Dismissed, and Good Hunting.

I said as all of us walk away from each other, each individual has clones accompanied with them except for me. As I was walking, I wonder...who's responsible for these Grimm attacks...and what's the reason why they're doing this. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, and I will find out.


It's been half an hour already and I still haven't seen any Grimm so far. Maybe this part of the city is so crowded that there can't be any Grimm here. But Glynda said that Grimm are attracted to negative energy, motives, and emotions. I sighed as I kept walking around the city.
Eventually I came across an Ice Cream stand. (Y'all know where this is going.) Come to think of it, I am craving for ice-cream a bit. So I went closer and I pulled out a bag of "Lien".

Sounds like Yen, because it is. It took me a few seconds to pick what flavor I wanted, Neapolitan looks good, so I ordered one and ice-cream man started to pick out the flavors needed for a Neapolitan.

As the ice-cream man was finished, he handed me the ice-cream and I took it from his hands, I then picked out coins to pay the man, but suddenly I saw a small girl in front of me.

She had an umbrella. She's Heterochromatic. And for me, I find Heterochromia is fascinating and...for a lack of a better word...beautiful.

She looked at me with a pleading look, like she wants to ask me something. Then I realized, she looks like she wants an Ice-cream. I went back to my bag of Lien and pulled out more coins and requested for another cone of Neapolitan. When I had the other Neapolitan in my hand, I went closer to the girls and squatted a bit and I handed her the Neapolitan.

Y/N: Here you go. It's on me, so enjoy.

She gave me an adorable smile and she took the Neapolitan from my hand and immediately she devoured the ice-cream. Damn! This girl's insane.

Y/N: Woah! Calm down for a sec, kid! You're gonna get a brain freeze!

She then looked at me and pouted, she pulled out her scroll and she typed on it and she showed me her screen.

??? (Text): I'm not a kid! I'm 21!

Y/N: Well I'm still older. Eat slowly, you're gonna get a brain freeze.

??? (Text): I don't need you to tell me. I do this most of the time. *sticks her tongue out*

Y/N: Whatever you say.

I then offered my hand to her, as a gesture for a handshake.

Y/N: Name's Y/N. Nice to meet you...uhhh...

She then typed on her screen again and she showed me her screen.

??? (Text): Neo. Neopolitan.

Y/N: Neo...that's a nice name.

Neo (Text): I could say the same for Y/N. Rather cute, actually.

I just let out a chuckle as Neo put her hand on her lips, gesturing a light giggle, something like what a British Noble would do.

Y/N: Well, Neo. It's nice to meet you, but you should return to your home.

She then raised her eyebrow and she typed on her screen and she showed it to me.

Neo (Text): Why?

Y/N: Sightings if Grimms running around Vale have been reported, and the West Front of Vale is currently under attack by a horde of Grimm.

Neo (Text): Oh. Well then, can you walk me home?

Y/N: Sure. Lead the way.

She then nodded and she started walking, I followed after her and we were walking side by side of each other, passing by other pedestrians and stands, turning around corners and walking across streets. Then I realized, she hasn't said a single word ever since we met.

Y/N: Hey, Neo?

She then looked at me and she type on her scroll again and showed me what's on her screen.

Neo (Text): What is it?

Y/N: You...haven't been talking. Not even a single alright?

Neo (Text): Oh, that. Thing is, I can't talk. I'm a...mute.

Y/N: A mute? Why?

Neo (Text): My vocal cords were badly damaged. Due to the abuse and neglect, just because I have different colored eyes.

Y/N: What's wrong with it?

Neo (Text): I have Heterochromia.

Y/N: I know you have Heterochromia. I'm asking what's WRONG with IT?

She was about to type again when she stopped, she put her hand on her chin and think for a second. Then she typed again.

Neo (Text): Because it's different and strange?

Y/N: Well fuck those idiots for saying that. They look good on you, okay?

She then looked at me for a moment before typing in her scroll for a response.

Neo (Text): Really?

Y/N: Of course. Besides *gestures to my gem on my chest* You're not the only one who's strange and different.

Neo (Text): What is that? It looks like Dust but...something different.

Y/N: A story for another day. Come here for a second.

She just complied and walked towards me. I squat a little bit and I raised my hand and it was covered in a red hue. I brought it closer to Neo's neck and I put the tip of my index, middle, and ring finger on her throat, the red color then fades and I removed my hand. Neo then rubbed her throat.

Neo: What was that-

She then covered her mouth, eyes widened, and realization hits her hard. She can now talk again.

Neo: H-how?! Not even the best surgeons can fix my vocal cords!

Y/N: I used my power, or as you would call it, "Semblance", to repair your voice. You don't have to type on your Scroll anymore.

She looked at me teary eyed and she ran towards me and gave me a hug.

Neo: Thank you so much!

Y/N: *smiles* You're welcome. Let's get you home.

Neo: Y-yeah.

We then broke the hug and we started walking again, she led the way as she happily hums a song. I'm not gonna bother what song it is. She's having fun with her voice, let her have it. She deserves it.


It's been half an hour and we were already at the other side of the city. It's hard to believe that a girl like Neo lives in the most dangerous part of the city. Eventually we reached an apartment, which I think is where she's staying.

Neo: Well, this is my stop. Thank you for walking me know, giving me back the ability to talk again?

Y/N: Don't mention it. Well, it's time to part our ways. May we meet again, Neo.

I then started walking away from Neo and walked to an intersection. I was about to turn to the corner when Diablo called me out.

Diablo (Mind): Y/N, stop.

Y/N: *sigh* What is it now?

Diablo (Mind): Something's off. I can feel it.

Y/N: Of course something's off, this is the most dangerous part of the city.

Diablo (Mind): It's not that, idiot! Look at the girl!

Y/N: Who? Neo?

I then looked back at where Neo was standing, to see she wasn't there. I saw her running across the street and into a dark alley.

Diablo (Mind): That's not something that a girl that looks like her would do...unless she's a criminal.

Y/N: Shut up, Diablo. I'm tailing her.

I then summoned my wings and I flew up to the rooftops and I retracted my wings and I follow Neo to wherever she was heading. She was taking every turn she can take, avoiding any person that was about to come across her. Eventually, she reached a warehouse ...a suspicious looking one.

I summoned my wings again and I flew to the warehouse, I landed just on top of the roof and I was able to peek inside through a window. I saw workers, thugs to be exact. Carrying crates filled with what they call Dust. And cages....lots and lots of them, and all of them were containing Grimms.

???: Hurry it up! All of you! We're supposed to get them all ready to be released by dusk!

I then saw the person of which I assume is the one in charge. I saw Neo enter the warehouse and walk towards one of the cages. I've seen enough to know where this is going. I then jumped down to the main entrance of the warehouse and I reared back my fist.

Neo's POV

I finally reached the warehouse and I checked up on one of the cages. It was the cage of the Mother Beowolf  who was pregnant with her child. I walked closer and I handed the mother a piece of meat and I pet the Beowolf cubs. Then, suddenly, Cinder grabbed my hand, pulling my hand away from the cage.

Cinder: What did I tell you about these cubs?

Neo: *pouts* Not to pet them.

Cinder: That's ri-

Cinder's eye shot open and looked at me, surprised.

Cinder: You can talk now?!

Neo: Y-yeah. I was just about to tell you.

Cinder then gave me a hug and I hugged back.

Cinder: My sweet little killer has her voice back. Tell me, how did you get your voice back?

Neo: It's because of-

Suddenly I was cut off by a loud metal clash, it was coming from the door. All workers stopped what they were doing and me, Cinder, Emerald and Mercury looked at the entrance. The collision was so powerful, the force was felt throughout the entire warehouse.

One of the workers walked closer to the entrance, and suddenly another metal clash was made. It sent the worker across the warehouse, we looked at the entrance, and it was dented, by a fist.

Emerald: Who the hell is strong enough to dent those fortified doors?!

Then, one final punch, it sent the doors flying. Making the workers scramble and back away from the door. The smoke clears, and we saw...Y/N?!

Neo: Y/N?!

Cinder: Who?!

Neo: He's the one who gave me my voice back!

Emerald & Mercury: You can talk now?!

Cinder: Wait a second...

Cinder squinted her eye and she took a closer look at Y/N, then her eyes widened, perhaps because of realization?

Cinder: Holy shit! That's our target! That's what the mistress wants!

Neo: That's him?!

Y/N: What is going on here?!

Your POV

I summoned my gauntlets as I prepare myself for the incoming fight.

Neo: Y/N it's not what it looks like-

Y/N: Oh really? Than what the hell are these Grimm containing cages, hmm?!

???: What are you idiots doing?! Get him!

The leader ordered the workers and all thugs rushed at me with their blades drawn. I punched the incoming thug and it sent him flying to the other side of the warehouse. I caught the sword of the thug who was about to stab me and I grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the incoming group.

I then summoned a Sunlight Spear and I threw it to where the leader was. As the spear collided, the people on that balcony shattered into a million pieces.

Y/N: Illusions?

Suddenly I was hit in the face with a powerful kick. I then crossed my arms to block the incoming kick again and it sent me a few feet back. I saw that it was one of the people who was just at the balcony.

He then tried to deliver a powerful kick again but I caught his leg and twisted it, but then it broke off. Turns out it was just a prosthetic leg. So I decided to break off the other one as well.

The man was now on the floor, crawling away from me. I was about to grab him by the head but my hands stopped when a bullet came zooming past it.

I looked to see where the bullet came from and it was from a girl with green hair, her weapon was a combination of a revolver and an Ikusarigama.

Her weapons then extended with a chain and she sent both blades towards me which I narrowly avoided. I started to run towards her and she pulled back her weapons and she caught both of them and was about to bring them down on me for a powerful slash.

I managed to slide down on the floor and went under and in between her legs. I immediately stood up, faced her back, wrapped my arms around her and I did a suplex on her. Hitting her head on the floor hard, caused her to get unconscious. 

I let go of her and suddenly I saw a fireball flying towards me at high speeds. I cocked my head to the side and the fireball just zoomed past my head, narrowly missing me.

I looked to see where it came from and I saw it was coming from the person who was in charge. She jumped down from the balcony and she lifted her right arm and suddenly flames shot out of her hand. She's also a Pyromancer, eh?

Cinder: You're coming with us, whether you like it or not, the mistress wants it!

Y/N: Well you can tell your mistress to fuck herself then.

I said as I put away my gauntlets and I shifted into my Yuatja Blades. I grinded the blades together and I put a finger on my throat and drew it across my neck gesturing how screwed she is right now.

She sent waves of flames towards me and she engulfed with the flames, the flames started to shape into a shape of a sphere as an attempt to contain me. One thing she doesn't know, I'm also a Pyromancer. I can produce and manipulate any flame. Including flames produced by other Pyromancers.

I de-materialized the Yuatja and I extended my hands to my sides and I started to take away the control that the woman has over her flames. It took a moment but I managed to steal her flames. I started to control the flames and I compressed all of the flames into a giant flaming ball.

Then, the flaming orb combusts and it formed flaming spears behind me. I raised up my hand and the woman knew what's about to come. I then brought down my hand and the spears went flying towards her. She dodged some of the spears, but one spear managed to scratch her by the cheek.

I then formed another orb, but this time a bit smaller. It threw the orb on the floor and it covered the entire area with a blinding light, as the light faded, there were 5 of myself. Clones. All of them looked at each other who then nodded at each other, and all looked at the woman.

The woman then gulped and swallowed her own saliva, in fear of how she's gonna make it out of this one. She then sent a fireball towards one of the clones, causing him to poof into smoke.

All clones rushed at the woman and their blades drawn out. One clone was about to stab her with a sword but she managed to parry the sword, disarmed the clone and used the sword against him instead.

She noticed an incoming clone behind her and she used her flames to propel herself away from the clone and she sent a flaming spear towards the clone, impaling the clone directly at the gem, causing him to poof as well.
A clone managed to restrain her but not for long, she hit the clone by elbowing him by the gut and using the sword to cut off his head, she then turned to the last two clones and both of them looked at each other.

The both rushed at her at the same time, the woman readied herself for the incoming attack, but instead was met with a smokescreen. The two clones turned into a puff of smoke and it covered the whole warehouse causing the woman to go temporarily blind of her surroundings.

She was then taken by surprise as a hand reached out to her and grabbed her by the neck. The smoke fades and the owner of that hand was me. She kept trying to herself away from my vice grip, she even tried to hit my arm in order to let her go, but to no avail.

Y/N: Who are you? What is your goal here?

Cinder: *chuckles* You'll see soon enough. The mistress has had it already, so she'll do it...herself.

Y/N: What is her goal?

I said as I gripped tighter around her neck, causing her to gag and her face to redden. Suddenly, she looked at me in the eyes and hearts formed in her eyes and a blush form in her face and cheeks.

Cinder: *moans* Harder Daddy~

Y/N: What the fu-


Take 2

Cinder: Y-you're too late. She has already begun attacking. Soon, there will be nothing left of this world.

I was about to tighten my grip again, enough to snap her neck, but was immediately stopped, when I saw Neo, slowly walking towards me.

Y/N: What about you? You're a part of this too?

Cinder: Neo, what are you doing?!

Neo: Y/N...I'm sorry...

Cinder: Neo? Neo, nooo!

Suddenly, Neo pulled out a hidden sword from her umbrella, and she thrusted the weapon towards my head.

Neo: I'm sorry...*sniff*...but I can't let you kill Cinder.

I just stood there in silence, as I still had "Cinder" on my hands, blood dripping from both sides of my cheeks. Then, my eyes focused back on Neo, my pupils were bloodshot red and filled with anger and betrayal.

Cinder: Neo run!

I let go of Cinder and Neo pulled out her weapon from my head and she was about to thrust it towards me again, but I parried her weapon and I slapped her in the face. (Not willingly, okay?! I would never hit a girl unless she deserves it!) This caused Neo to fall on the floor, holding her reddened cheek.

Y/N (Mind): Diablo, cut it out! This isn't funny or helpful!

Diablo (Mind): This isn't me, Y/N!

Y/N (Mind): Then who the hell is taking over my body?!

Diablo (Mind): Oh's the Biomass!

Without me realizing, I reared back my hand and about to deliver another hit on the poor Neo, who had her arms crossed. But was suddenly stopped by Cinder.

Neo: Cinder what are you doing?!

Cinder: You! If you're going to kill someone, kill me! The girl doesn't deserve this! She's still young and she can still change! Please, take me instead!

Neo: C-Cinder?

And without hesitation, my body was about to deliver the blow to Cinder, but I was stopped when something impaled me. I looked down and saw that Neo impaled me with her sword....and the sword went through my gem. A clean cut.

I regained control at the bad time as I dropped to my knees. Neo pulled out her sword as I looked at both of them and I fall to the floor, the last thing I saw, was Neo and Cinder, standing in front of me...with fear.

Neo's POV 

Cinder: Okay, that's enough fighting for today...all of you! Prepare the Containment Vessel and prep him for transportation. After that, put him in the Bullhead. we'll bring him to the mistress. 

Suddenly the workers came running towards Y/N's body and carried his body to the Containment Vessel. After he was put inside the vessel, they brought the vessel to the Bullhead as Emerald started to regain consciousness and Mercury being brought another pair of prosthetic legs. Cinder then squat a bit to reach my level and she checked up on me. 

Cinder: Neo, you okay? 

Neo: I'm fine....but what's gonna happen to him?

Cinder let out a sigh as we started to walk to the same Bullhead where Y/N was put. Emerald was walking beside us and so was Mercury. 

Cinder: To be honest? I don't know what the mistress wants from him. But I now know why she wants him. With what he can do and his abilities and capabilities, he would be a dangerous enemy and a formidable ally. 

Emerald: Are you kidding me? You think HE would be our ally? I mean, he just picked us off one by one and he didn't even break a sweat! 

Mercury: We'll know soon enough, what the mistress wants, she will get. 

We boarded into the Bullhead as it takes off. I went beside the vessel where Y/N was and I put my hand on top of the glass as he peacefully sleeps inside the vessel. I put my head against the glass, thinking about what I did to him just now. I know we just met, but I'm sorry, Y/N. I hope you can forgive me for what I did. I then removed my head from the glass so I could look at him, but then I saw the gem on his chest, it was covered in a strange dark substance that has red linings, and it repaired the hole I made on the gem, the gem sparkled like it was brand new...what are you...really? 

Timeskip (Location; Land of Darkness: Evernight Castle) 

Me and the others finally reached the castle where the mistress is, we reached her throne room and saw her just pacing around her throne, she was restless. We've never actually seen her like this before. Why is Y/N so special to her? What does she want with him?  When she saw us, she immediately walked towards Cinder, demanding an answer. 

Salem: Is he here, Cinder? Is he alright?

Cinder: He was impaled with a sword but...whatever he did, he managed to survive being impaled. 

Salem: Bring him here. I want to see him myself.

Cinder: *nods* Right away, mistress. Bring him in!

The doors opened again and there were workers pushing the Containment Vessel where Y/N was in. As the vessel was close enough to the throne, Salem went closer and she examined the vessel, and Y/N. She put her hand on top of the glass, as if she was touching Y/N's face. 

Salem: For so long we have been apart from each other. But now, we'll be with each other again, my love. 

She then stood back up and she recomposes herself and turned to Cinder. 

Salem: Open the vessel, I want him to come to me. 

Cinder: A-are you sure mistress-

Salem: Now!

Cinder jumped a bit at the moment that Salem shouted. She snapped her fingers and she gestured the workers to open up the vessel. The vessel was finally opened and a loud click was made, and a hissing sound was heard and the glass that was containing Y/N now went under and the vessel was now open. He groaned and he fell to the floor, weakly trying to stand up. 

Salem: One question Cinder.

Cinder: What is it, my mistress?

Salme: How do I look?

Cinder: look great, mistress. 

Salem smiled and walked towards her throne and she just sat there, waiting for Y/N to stand back up. 

Your POV

I have never felt myself so weak in my entire life. I couldn't feel my body and my vision was still blurry and I felt like throwing up the coffee I just had this morning. Come to think of it, I don't know how long I was out.  I fell to the floor face first and I shook my head to get rid of the dizziness. I was down on one knee and I was still feeling a bit weak. I looked up and I realized, I wasn't in Vale. In fact, I don't know where I am. I then looked forward and I saw...a woman...sitting on her throne...then I was the woman who I saw from my dreams. 

She stood up and she slowly walked towards me, but little did she know, I have a Bolt Pistol hidden inside my gem in case she tries anything funny with me, which she reeks of it right now. She knelt down to my level and she gently grabbed my chin and both of us are looking at each other's faces right now. 

Salem: It's been too long since we've seen each other. 

Before I could even realize what was going on, she leaned in closer and her lips collided with mine, which made me widen my eyes. Who is this woman? What does she want with me? I then proceeded to materialize the Bolt Pistol on my hand and I was about to pull the trigger as the weapon was already aimed at her, but suddenly, I couldn't move. Something's preventing me from pulling the trigger. It was her. Without me knowing, everyone around me, including Cinder and Neo, were looking at me and...whoever this is, with their eyes wide open.  

And then finally, she broke the kiss and she looked at me straight in the eye, and then, suddenly, I grabbed her by the throat and I summoned my wings and de-materialized the Bolt Pistol and replaced it with a sword in my free hand, which caused a panic in her subjects. There was one Faunus who had a tail of a scorpion trying to attack me, Cinder was preparing an attack and Neo was hiding behind a chair, trying not to get herself involved in this. 

Y/N: Take another step and she'll end up on the floor with an open throat, go ahead! I fucking dare all of you!

Salem: Stand down! All of you! 

Then all her subjects and servants looked at each other before finally putting their weapons down, I let go of the woman as she dropped to the floor, I pointed my sword at her as she was still on the floor.

Y/N: Who are you? What is it that you seek from me?

Salem: Do you really not remember me, my love?

Y/N: My love? I don't even know who you are! Not once, did I even get to meet you for the last 15,000 years of my existence! Who are you?!

Salem: 15,000 years? You''re really not him...are you? You're someone...different.

Y/N: No...

I then lowered my sword and I just looked at the woman, who is currently distraught.

Y/N: I am not who you think I am...forgive me...but this is a misunderstanding.

Salem: Not exactly.

I then raised an eyebrow at the moment she said those words. She stood back up and I gripped my sword tighter and at the ready, as she walks towards a seductive manner? What the fuck?

Salem: I was merely trying to clarify if you're really that I know that you're not...this makes things better. 

I just looked at her confused as I accidentally loosened my grip on my sword. 

Salem: We'll talk later. Tyrian?

Tyrian: Yes, my Queen?

Salem: Lead our guest to his own chambers.

Tyrian: Right away, my Queen.

The scorpion Faunus made his way towards me and I shot a glare towards him as I put away my sword and I retracted my wings. I was about to walk when suddenly, he pushed me. Big mistake, motherfucker.

I then summoned my Gauntlets and I delivered a powerful straight punch to the gut, which sent him across the room and through the wall, which made everyone in the room widen their eyes and look at me.

Y/N: What? He pushed me.

Salem: Right. Cinder? You know what to do.

Cinder: Yes, my mistress. 

Cinder then looked at me for a moment before she started walking and I started following her. I don't know where I am, so I'm gonna have to listen to what these guys want and say, because if I want to get out of here, I need to know where I am first, and this fucking place is massive and a fucking wasteland.

Few Moments Later

We finally reached my chambers which I was led to by Cinder. The room is...actually pretty nice. It's like I've been expected to come here.

Y/N: Huh...this is actually...

Cinder: Pretty nice?

Y/N: Yeah...that. 

I entered the room and examined my surroundings, this room has a King size bed and a balcony with the view of the shattered moon. I was about to walk to walk to the balcony, when I felt someone hold my hand, I looked back, and saw it was Cinder.

Cinder: Look, what happened warehouse, I appreciate it that you didn't hurt Neo. I know we haven't officially known each other got a big heart.

Y/N: *sigh*....To be honest? That wasn't me.

Cinder: I'm sorry?

Y/N: You saw me hit Neo, right? And I was about to hit you too, right? That wasn't me. I didn't have any control over myself, someone...or something took over my body.

Cinder: What is it that took over?

Then I looked out of the balcony and took a deep breathe before letting it out with a sigh before looking back at Cinder.

Y/N: A question for another day. But at the warehouse, I had no intentions of killing anyone. So I thank both of you and Neo for attempting to stop me.

Cinder: It's no big deal, really.

Y/N: To pay you back, I'll give you something that no one else can give you.

Cinder: Oh? And what is that?

I let go of her hand, and I walked closer to her and she just stood there, frozen. Frozen in fear? Or frozen because of the fact that at her point of view, I look dominant to her.

I cupped my right hand on her cheek which made her flinch a bit and let out a small yelp. I used my thumb to push her bangs to the side and I saw her damaged left eye, I leaned in closer and gave her left eye a kiss.

And suddenly, she held her left eye and she held it in a bit of pain, before finally removing the eye patch. I saw both of her golden eyes look into my own E/C eyes, I smiled as she finally has both of her eyes back.

Y/N: This, is what I can give you.

Cinder: T-this is how you gave Neo her voice back? You can heal wounds that are even beyond repair?

Y/N: Yes.

Cinder: H-how can I repay you? There must be something I can do, right?

Y/N: Seeing you happy is enough for me. You don't have to do anything.

Cinder then proceeded to wrap her arms around me and she buried her face on my chest. I just let out a chuckle as I hugged her back.

She then broke the hug and she walked out of the room, while I proceeded to walk to my balcony. As I got there, I had one thing in are my girls back home doing?

And Finished

Ugh! Finally! I got this out. Sorry for not updating for a while I was busy with some stuff, I had to answer our Research Modules and I had to prepare for classes. And our classes will start tomorrow so don't expect daily updates anymore.

I finally know what school means. It means;

S - several
C - cruel
H - hours
O - of
O - our
L - life

( This is just a joke, don't take it too seriously.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off.

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