Chapter 93: Welcome to Remnant, Gem Slayer

Your POV

I was sitting in silence inside a dimly lit room as I see three people in front of me. It was the same three adults that tried to attack me yesterday. I already knew their names, of course they didn't tell me. I merely overheard. The blonde was Glynda, the white haired one is Winter, and the one dressed in a General outfit is named Ironwood.

I just sat there in silence as Glynda kept on walking around pacing back and forth, until she came to a stop and looked directly towards me, she then slammed her hands on the table as an attempt to scare me...but it was the opposite...I took it as a challenge.

Glynda: Just what are you?! You killed over 459 Grimms last night!

Y/N: So?

Glynda: That's not something that anyone could do in just a night...not even a year!

Y/N: Calm down, I'm waiting for your boss. I'll tell when he's here. Besides, he's here right now.

Glynda: Very funny-

Then, as if on cue, the door opened and it revealed the Headmaster, Glynda looked at me with shock and confusion.

Glynda: How did you know?

Y/N: I heared his footsteps.

Winter: But this room has ten inch thick walls!

Y/N: Maybe I have better senses than you.

???: Glynda, Winter, let me take care of this.

Glynda then stood beside Winter and Ironwood. The man with white hair, wearing glasses, with a cane and has a green scarf around him and a mug with coffee that doesn't even seem to be running out anytime soon, and he's carrying a plate of cookies. What the hell does this punk think I am?! A fucking kid?!

???: Cookies? You must be hungry.

Y/N: No thanks, I don't need to eat.

???: Not even a piece?

Y/N: No, listen to me. I don't really NEED to eat. I can eat if I want to. Eating isn't a necessity in our kind.

Glynda: "Kind"? What "kind", hm?

Y/N: A kind you obviously never heared of before.

Glynda: This is stupid. And get that thing off of your chest! That amount of Dust could kill you!

Y/N: Dust? What dust-

Then I realized what she was talking about, I looked down and I knew she was talking about my gem. I will not take this insult lightly. How dare she call me a dust?!

Y/N: Did you just call me a dust?! How dare you! I'm one of the rarest and only kind of my race! You take that back!

Glynda: Are you that stupid?! I'm talking about the Dust in your embedded on your chest! That amount will kill you!

Y/N: I am no fucking dust! I am a Gem!

Ozpin: Glynda, shut your mouth for a moment, please? Thank you. And why do you not want to get rid of that amount of Dust? It really will kill you.

Y/N: *sigh* This isn't a "Dust", this is a gem. I came from an alien race called Gems, where we are beings made out of magic and hardlight. So what your seeing right now *gestures to my own body* is a hologram, but with mass. Me? I'm a combination of Science, and Magic.

I said as I lit my left hand in flames, and on my right arm I made the biomass stored inside me pulse a bit.

Y/N: The body you're currently looking at right now, is just hardlight. This *points to his gem* is the real me. I get all the nutrients and energy from my gem. I could live on without eating for years. If my physical form is damaged, I will go out in a poof and I will retreat back in my gem and wait for my form to reconstruct and rejuvenate. But if my gem was damaged, my physical form will be as well, my body will glitch out, like a computer and it will slowly deteriorate if not taken care of immediately.

???: And what if your gem is destroyed?

Y/N: The...*clears throat* shards will try to look for it's other pieces...and try to be whole again. Shattering is the best way to permanently kill a gem...and I almost got shattered many many times before. Sorry if I paused there for a not a easy topic for me.

???: I see...I'll try not to bring it up.

Glynda: This is ridiculous. Ozpin, do you really believe this young man?

Y/N: Excuse me?! Okay, stop! Don't call me a kid, boy, young man, squirt or any of those things because I know I'm older than you.

Glynda: Oh really? By what? A day? A week? A month? Or a year?

Y/N: Thoudands of years...

Winter: Is this some kind of joke to you?!

Y/N: No. I am serious, I am 15,000 years of age.

Glynda: I can't even with you anymore. Ozpin, do you really believe what he says?

Ozpin: In fact I do. Look at his eyes.

Then, Glynda walked closer to me and leaned in closer and looked at me in the eye. She got close...too close perhaps. She keeps on staring in my eyes and I stared back.

Ozpin: I've seen those eyes before. And those eyes are not lying...those eyes have seen many perish at a battlefield...either by his ally, his enemy...or by himself. He has been through war...multiple to be specific. Am I correct?

Y/N: Yes. Okay, Glynda? Was it?

Glynda: What?

Y/N: Sorry if I asked you this...but I can't help but to be old are you?

Glynda: I'm 34. Why?

( I don't actually know how old she is, I tried looking it up but there's nothing. )

Y/N: I...I thought you were 20 or 21. Damn! You look good.

Glynda looked at me with a bit of shock, she then looked to her side facing away from me and I noticed that she had pink tint on her face.

Y/N: But those things aside, I'm basically lost here. I don't know where I am, or what's going on around here.

Ozpin: Well...this is a lot of explaining to do.

Change Scene

Ruby's POV

Ever since we woke up from getting knocked out from the one we were supposed to intercept, we went to the Interrogation Room. Me, Yang, Blake and Weiss along with JNPR and CFVY were watching through the glass window as the man that kicked our butts are being interrogated by the adults.

Yang: Hey, Blake? Did you see when Glynda was called good looking by that guy? We've never seen her like that before! She has a crush on him, I bet you 50 Lien!
Blake: Yeah, you're right. It's almost impossible to see Mrs. Goodwitch out of character. Let alone blush.

Weiss: Shut your mouths! I'm trying to listen!

Jaune: Still can't believe we got our butts kicked by a magic alien.
Coco: AND he's 15,000 year old! He's older than any of us! Even older than Ozpin himself and possibly the Academy itself!

Pyrrha: That explains why he's a good fighter. He's lived most of his life in war and conflict.

Nora: Uhh...Velvet? You okay?

Meanwhile, we looked at Velvet who had her bunny ears dropped down and blushing heavily with her hands cupped to her cheeks. What the heck?!

Ruby: Velvet?

Velvet: H-huh?

Yang: You're beet red. You sure you're okay?

Velvet: O-of course! I'm not daydreaming about him, that's for sure! Ehehehe...

Weiss: Whatever, what are your thoughts about him?

Velvet: W-who?

Weiss: Ugh! The alien dunce!

Y/N: Hey! I'm no dunce!

All of turned to the glass and saw that...he was looking...directly at us? And he can hear us?

Jaune: Whoa-whoa-whoa! You can hear us?!

Y/N: Yes, I can. Stop calling me dunce! In my kind I'm the one who controls the most powerful Military Power in our planet! I've constructed designs of formidable and fast ships! And I myself am an army, so you better watch how you talk to me.

Ruby: Sorry!

Then he turned back to Ozpin and Ozpin continued to explain more and more thing about Remnant to this...alien. This am I saying?! Stop it Ruby! You're turning into a Yang!
Weiss: Back to the question, what are your thoughts about him, Velvet?

Velvet: I don't know. I mean he did beat us in a fight...and he still defended us from the Grimm...I still don't know. But I do know that he is suicidal.

Everyone except Velvet: What?!

Velvet: Yeah, I know. When he had a gun pointed at his head...he just...went closer and he cocked the hammer and told me to shoot. (Mind) What has he been through to be like that?

Nora: I wonder if he like pancakes.

Ren: Nora, he just said he doesn't really need to eat.

Yang: I wonder what his body under all that clothing is like~

I just sighed and I karate chopped her head.

Ruby: Bad Yang!

Yang: Sorry...

Your POV

Y/N: So this place is called Remnant and it's a world infested with dark creatures called Grimm and people called Hunters fight off the Grimm in order to uphold the peace and harmony of this world?

Ozpin: Correct.

Y/N: I see...and there are the things called Dust, Aura, Semblances and Faunuses are a part of this world?

Winter: Absolutely.

Y/N: Wait a second...has space travel been a thing here yet? Did someone from this planet even been to space before?

Ironwood: No, Dust doesn't work outside the atmosphere.

Y/N: Well maybe someday you'll find a way. Just not now.

Ozpin: Thos things aside, I can provide a place for you to stay in my academy, and Ironwood will take care of the materials needed to repair your ship. But there's a catch.

Y/N: What is it?

Ozpin: There has been reports of massive Grimm activity around Vale...and I don't want it to destroy the city and hurt the people and my students. I know this is-

Y/N: I accept. If a person seeks for my help, I'll gladly do it. As long as it benefits all of us.

Ozpin: Thank you. Welcome to Remnant, Gem Slayer.

Y/N: Please, call me Y/N.

Ozpin: Well then...I suppose we should get to work?

Y/N: We should, the sooner the better.

The Next Day

Right now I had my wings out and I was flying to Beacon. For some reason I thought of Bacon. I just chuckled to myself as I saw the school appear in the horizon, I flapped my wings and flew faster. As soon as I saw an open spot in front of the school, I dropped to the ground leaving a small crater.

I stood up and cracked my neck and retracted my wings, I noticed that almost all students were looking directly at me. I just ignored them and I waited by the cliff and just right on time, I saw Bullheads carrying my damaged ship. Due to the size and weight of the ship, Including the Obsidian Fury, they used hundreds of Bullheads.

Iromwood said that I should give a signal to the incoming Bullheads. Something big and noticeable. I lifted my arms us and flames shot out of both of my hands. It reached over 200 feet and everyone around me watch in awe in my pyromancy. I shaped the flames into an Eagle, making it look like a Phoenix.

All Bullheads noticed it and procceded to fly over us, Ozpin provided a warehouse that would act as my workshop and a place where I would do my tinkering. He'll provide me a room later. The Bullheads flew over us and the students watch in awe as they see the big ship.

I summoned mt wings again and flew to the back of the school where the ship was gently set down. I walked towards the ship and checked if it was tampered with, it wasn't. I saw the Bullheads fly away and I waved at them. I was about to open up the ramps of my ship when some red blur got in front of me. I already knew it was the same girl with the scythe.


Y/N: Jesus. Do you eat sugar for breakfast? Also, hi. My name is Painite. Friends call me Y/N, nice to meet you too, Ruby. And yes, it is my ship. And I am a diverse user of weapons.


Y/N: Jesus, calm down. (Mind) You remind me so much of Thulite.

Then a girl wearing all black and has cat ears pulled Ruby away from me. To be honest, she looks cute. She walkled closer to me and she offered her hand for a handshake.

Blake: Hi, my name's Blake. Nice to meet you, Y/N.

Y/N: Nice to meet you too, Blake. What's with the cat ears?

Blake: O-oh! It's because it's a part of me. I'm a Faunus.

Y/N: Oh, so you're a Faunus? That's nice.

Blake: W-what? You don't care if I'm a Faunus? You don't despise or hate me?

Y/N: Why would I? I know that most Faunuses are misguided souls. Besides, those cat ears? They look cute on you.

Then she gave me a soft smiled as her ears drooped a bit and her amber eyes evaded my E/C eyes with a small blush on her face.

Then she was pushed away by a girl in a battle skirt, and she looked at me lile she wants to stab me.

Y/N: What do you want, Princess?

Weiss: YOU easily killed over 400 Grimms and destroyed an Atlesian Marauder in just mere seconds and you beat us single!

Y/N: Experience and Training.

Weiss: Knowing Atlas, they would probably come after you, so you're screwed.

Y/N: Huh. Scary.

Y/N: Atlas, knowing what I could do, they would stay away from me and not piss me off because they know that I can decimate and end that entire organization in just a week.

Weiss: Oh really?

Y/N: Of course. I've decimated colonies of our enemies, erased existences of enemy races and killed planets. They know better than to mess with a person who his people look up to like a God.

Weiss: Your people see you as a God?

Yang: Stand aside, Weiss!

Another girl pulled Weiss away from me. Geez are these type of stuff common around here? Then, the blonde bimbo walked closer to me with her hips swaying, and this is my reaction.

Yang: Hi cutie~ My name's Yang~ Nice to meet you~

She tried to get closer to me and tried pressing her breasts on me but I flicked her in the forehead, causing her to hold it on pain and she stopped in her tracks.

Y/N: I want you to stop. You're not old enough.

Yang: Funny thing is...the legal age in Remnant is 15.


Y/N: Are you serious?

Yang: Nah, I'm just messing with you. But we're all old enough though!

Weiss: Yang! You can't just tell that-

Yang: Come on, Princess, I see how you're looking at him~

Weiss: D-damnit, Yang!

I then went wide eyes as I try and back away from her. I then felt someone poke my wings, I looked back and spread my wings wide, to see Ruby staring at it with stars in her eyes.

Ruby: Your wings are so cool! They're made out of crystals! It looks like an angel's too!

Y/N: Well...I AM the Crystal Winged Angel.

Blake: What else can you do?

Y/N: A lot of things. In this case, I have multiple Semblances.  But you'll know soon enough. And, as for Yang.

I then leaned in closer to Yang and whispered to her.

Y/N: I'm pretty good at the bed.

Yang then blushed a bit and she smirked and playfully punched my shoulder. Then, Glynda spoke through the school speakers.

Glynda: Attention all students! Please proceed to the auditorium for an announcement. This is important so we expect all students to be there. That means you too, Mr. Y/N.

Y/N: *sigh* You heard her. Where's the auditorium?

Weiss: Over there. Near the cliff.

I gave her a nod as I spread my wings wider. I took off and flew to the auditorium. I wonder what the Headmaster wants. I had trouble looking for it so it took me five minutes to finally see where it was. I landed in front and the students were staring at me. I ignored the stares and I walked towards the stage, and there, was Ozpin and Glynda.

Y/N: So, what's the occasion? Why did you call me here?

Ozpin: In order for you to enter Beacon Academy, you must do an Initiation first.

Y/N:.......You didn't tell me anything about a fucking initiation.

Glynda: Language!

Y/N: English, do you speak it?

I just sighed as I rub my temples. Knowing that most of these kids are going to watch me fight. Well they better get ready, it's about to go down and messy.

Y/N: So...what do I have to do?

And Finished.

Sorry if this chapter came out a bit late. I was busy and I had things to do. So here, have a Beelzebub from Helltaker staring directly at you.

And have a cute doggo.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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