Chapter 92: Where The Hell Am I?!

Heads up!!! This is a Crossover Chapter for the Crossover Arc, if you don't like Crossovers, just skip it.

Your POV

I ran back inside my ship and entered the cockpit, I tried to set it to self-repair mode but it's too busted. I need to manually fix this myself, just my un-fucking-believable luck. At least the cloaking tech still works, that would keep the inhabitants of wherever this place is.

I pressed the button and the ship became invisible, the cloak was now activated, I turned it off again and I walked out of the ship again and I checked it's Overdrive Engine, Main Engine and it's Thrusters and Nuclear Reactor. Well shit...this'll be a joy to fix. Fuck this shit.

??? POV

In my office, I was there, sitting in my chair while taking a sip from my coffee. Right now, something isn't right. The loud explosion, the violent tremors that the entire school just felt...I knew that was't just a normal explosion or an earthquake.

I...don't know whatever is in that forest...but something tells me that that isn't something that I should just let slide. This is just a hunch...but I need to know...what is in there. I pulled out my Scroll and called Glynda. As I was about to press the button, the elevator doors opened and Glynda was already there.

???: Ah, Glynda, there you are. I was just about to call you.

Glynda: Why are going to call me? Is there something wrong?

???: Yes...and...I don't know if should let it slide or not but...the powerful tremor we just felt and the loud explosion we heared in the forest...I can feel a very powerful presence. *Mind* Is it Salem? But this one is way more powerful and much more different than her's...just what is in that forest?

Glynda: Now that you said it, I do feel a very powerful aura coming from the forest...the aura is so's like-

??? 2: A God?

Then me and Glynda turned to the direction of where the voice was coming from. It was non other than Qrow himself, taking a sip from his flask.

Qrow: I felt that too, Ozpin. This is something I've never felt before. Is it Salem?

Ozpin: *sighs and takes a sip from his coffee mug* I don't know, I can't tell. But we need to see what is in that forest.

Then the elevator doors opened and all three of us looked at the elevator. Then out of the elevator stepped out one of Atlas' Personnel, Winter Schnee and General Ironwood.

Qrow: Ah, great! Now the Bitch Schnee and Irondick is here!

Winter: Oh shut it, you drunkard! You're a poor excuse of a Hunter!

Ironwood: That's enough, both of you. Act like your age. Ozpin, did you feel that powerful tremor too?

Ozpin: In fact, we were just discussing it. Why?

Winter: We were able to pick up large energy readings im the forest.'s unlike anything we've seen.

Ironwood: The aura coming from the forest is equivalent to a star. A damn star.

Glynda: My Oum! What should we do? Headmaster?

Ozpin: *sigh* I know that I shouldn't be doing this, sending children to an unknown and possible threat...but we have no choice...they're the best we have. Glynda? Call Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and CRDL.

Glynda: On it.

Then Glynda went to the mic and spoke through it, and all of the speakers in the entire school transmitted the announment.

Glynda: Would Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and CRDL report to the Headmaster's Office? Thank you.

Then she went off the mic and stood beside the table and we waited...I did what had to be done...regrettably of course...I should know better and should be better...but I don't have a choice.

Change Scene

Ruby's POV

Me and the rest of the team were just...hanging around our dorms with JNPR and CVFY. We were talking to each other, having fun, playing games, until all of that was stopped when Professor Glynda Goodwitch spoke through the speakers.

Glynda: Would Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY and CRDL report to the Headmaster's Office? Thank you.

Ruby: Huh, wonder what the Headmaster wants?

Yang: Probably were gonna go on another mission and were kicking some ass.

Blake: Guys? Is it me? Or did you hear Professor Goodwitch's voice...shake? Like she was afraid or something.

Pyrrah: Blake's right. I heard it too. She isn't like that since...ever.

Jaune: Why do I have a feeling that we're gonna have our butts handed to us?

Coco: Come on, Jaune. Think positive! We're gonna do fine...I hope.

Weiss: Well...whatever it is...we need to do the mission.

Fox: Even if it means we're gonna get our asses handed to us? Well I'm down. I'm bored as Hell.

Velvet: You just jinxed it...

Nora: Then we'll break his legs!!

Ren: Nora, stop. It's not that simple just by breaking his legs.

Weiss: *sigh* Let's just go already.


All four teams are now in the Headmaster's Office. Qrow, Winter, Ironwood, and Glynda can be seen standing at the side. Ozpin was sitting in front of his table still drinking his never ending supply of coffee.

As all four teams stand in front of the Headmaster, they just looked at him, deep in his own thoughts.

Ozpin: Let's do this quick. A powerful tremor was felt just earlier today and a loud explosion was heared as well. And now...we're feeling a powerful aura...coming from the forest. And we don't know what it is. I know that I shouldn't send you children to that forest...but we need to know...what's in there. We need you to explore the forest and if you saw something strange...don't engage it in combat...attack in teams...don't attack alone. Qrow Branwen, Mrs. Goodwitch, Winter Schnee and General Ironwood will accompany you in this mission. Stay safe, all of you. Now go.

All of us nodded and we walked to the elevator and the adults followed us. In front of the school, we saw a Bullhead, already waiting for us. We boarded the Bullhead and flew to the forest, and we started searching.


Your POV


I shouted as I kicked the ship's hull, sending a loud and powerful vibration throughout the entire ship. I just let out another angry shout as I fall on my ass...literally. I just sat there as fire surrounds the ship and I kept watching the shattered moon. Then Diablo spoke.

Diablo: What the hell are you doing?

Y/N: Just sitting, what else? Jackass.

Diablo: Don't just sit there! Do something!

Y/N: Like what?! Huh?! I'm fucking lost in a fucking different universe that that Jackass! *points to McFly* Sent me to!

McFly: I am at the fucking edge at deleting you. Also, the fucking wall!!


Take 2

Diablo: Are you really just gonna sit there?! Now that you're life is already worth living for?! You have a wife and a kid waiting for you back home and you're just sitting your ass off doing nothing?! What about your wife? Your kid? If you don't act soon, he might not grow up with a loving father! So get your ass up! And get to work!

I just sighed and stood up and cracked my neck and stretched my body.

Y/N: I don't know where to start, okay? I don't even know if there are any intelligent life around here. And I don't know shit about this place.

Diablo: Well you can ask them.

Y/N: Excuse me? Who?

Diablo: Behind you.

I then turn around slowly, and I saw...children? What the hell?! Who gave these kids weapons twice their size?! And there were lots of them, there were adults as well. Adults I'm fine with...but with children using weapons? That's a different story. I just lifted my arms and materialized two swords in my hands using War Smith.

Y/N: Man are tye? An such a vinya randa, whime are tye using tai weapons? ( Who are you? For such a young age, why are you using those weapons? )

( This is Gemnetic Language, I have decided that the language will be pronounced like Elvish made by Tolkien. What kind of Elvish? A mix of Sindarin and Quenya. )

Ruby: Uhh...what? Is he an alien? *gasp* Is he?!

Yang: Calm down, Ruby. Something ain't right.

Then the blonde got closer to me and I raised my blades pointing it at her.

Y/N: Túl closer ana me, ar tye're a loico. ( Come closer to me, and you're a corpse. )

Yang: Okay? Put the swords down and let's talk this out...and maybe...have some fun~

Blake: Yang! Not now!

Y/N: Haut- sina heresime! ( Cease this heresy! )

Cardin: This is pointless! Get him!

Then the boy in armor using a mace rushed towards me. Big mistake. He brought it down but I already evaded and I took this chance and grabbed him by the torso and suplexed him in the ground leaving a large crater.

I then let go of him and I kicked him away sending him to one of the trees and the rest of his goons tried to hit me but to no avail. The one using a Halberd was sloppy and embarrassing, so I took the honor in disarming him the Halberd and used it myself and I used the flat side of the blade and hit one of his goons knocking them out.

As I was already done with the rest of the punk's goons, the same idiot went behind me and grabbed my sword and impaled me, using both swords and he smiled. The others? Not so much.

Weiss: H-he has no aura?!

Nora: Aww! I didn't get to break his legs!

Blake: Welp...Dove is officially a murderer.

Then I smiled even wider as I pulled the both swords out and came perfectly fine. The kid's smile disappeared, and was replaced by fear and regret.

Dove: W-what?

Y/N: Nice try, dickhead!

( I read this part in James Heller's voice. I can still hear him. XD )

I then grabbed him by the neck and I jumped at inhumane heights and slammed him on the ground. I walked towards the remaining as I pick them

Y/N: Now....stand your ground...and fight!

I said as I summoned my clones, this one is made out of light particles, not biomass. All of us went closer to each other and we decided to do one thing...strike fear in them. Break their spirits. A Haka.

( Anyone here from New Zealand? I know that a small percentage of my readers are from New Zealand. Just wanna say hi, all the way from the Philippines. Also, if I hear this in a forest...I'm fucking bolting. )

Our voices boomed throughout the forest and after we finished the Haka, they were frozen in fear. Good. I dispersed my clones because I wouldn't want an unfair fight. You wouldn't want that now, would we?

Suddenly, a literal blur flew towards me and it was the same girl named Ruby and she was using big ass scythe. And I am at a disadvantage but I still managed to avoid the swing from her scythe. I looked t her and noticed...damn, she has silver eyes.

Along with the girl was a blonde boy with a sword that turns into a shield. That's useful if it transforms quickly, and it's a problem if the weight is still the same.

The girl was about to bring down her scythe again but I dodged and I was met with the boy with the sword pointed towards me, he tried thrusting the blade towards me but I quickly parried away the blade and hit him at the back of the head knocking him out.

I looked behind me and the girl was...aiming the scythe towards me? What? Then she pulled the trigger and it shot out a .50 Caliber. That's a sniper too?! Damn! I used the blades to deflect the incoming bullet but the power of the sniper was so powerful it actually sent me back a bit.

I just cracked my neck and cracked a psychotic grin and ran towards the girl. She kept on shooting bullets but I kept dodging and deflecting the high caliber bullets. Eventually I reached her and she just froze in fear. I grabbed her and threw her to her sister, which I assume is the Thot using gauntlets.

The blonde was able to catch her and then I looked to my side and saw two other kids heading towards me, one was using a bladed tonfas and the other was using a greatsword.

The one using the greatsword brought down his sword in great force and I caught the greatsword making me drop my swords. As I caught the greatsword, a crater was made at the position I was standing on. And he looked at me with shock.

Y/N: You should've known better than attacking a more experienced fighter.

I said as I pushed the sword towards him and I used it's flat side to incapacitate him for a moment, I grabbed him by the arm and threw him towards the one using a bladed tonfas. Then, I heard rotating engines behind me, I looked back and saw a girl carrying a minigun and it's barrels are already spinning.

Coco: Everyone get down!!

Then the minigun started to spit hundred of bullets and I ran to my swords. Damn, she has great control over that thing.

I picked up both of my swords and as she aimed her minigun towards me, I used both swords to deflect every incoming bullet towards me.

Ruby: Wha?! How?!

Y/N: All you need is control, timing, and experience.

And she took note of that, literally. She just pulled out a note pad out of nowhere.

Then I started to advance slowly as I still kept deflecting bullets and I can already tell that my swords are about to break, so I jumped to the side and ran towards her and sweeped her legs knocking her down, I disarmed her of the weapon and knocked her out as well.

Then I saw a girl carrying a grenade launcher and I went wide eyed, I used my stored biomass and formed a shield and the bomb sticked to my shield and it exploded, sent me a few feet back.

Nora: Ha! Take that!

Y/N: *grunts* Not bad. But you just pissed me off.

I held my right arm and I used biomass and my armed turned into an enormous blade that went up to my elbow.

Y/N: Now let's see how well you can all adapt.

Then my entire body started to get covered in biomass and the biomass hardened and I was now covered in armor made out of hardened biomass.

Qrow: Just what the hell is he?!

Ironwood: Atlesian Knights! Move in!

Then battalions of robots carrying guns in a white paint job and started shooting at me. The armor was deflecting all the bullets so I turned to one of the robots and grabbed it by the head and crushed it and threw it to the trees, another robot tried to shoot me with a grenade launcher and I used the flat side of my blade arm and it exploded when it came in contact. I then jumped and sliced the bot in half.

I saw more incoming Atlesian Knight, as what the other guy would call it, I reared back my blade and did a spinning attack, I spun around three times like a tornado cutting every bot in half.

I then looked at my surroundings and saw that it was a mess, robotic remains were left and even trees were cut down. I turned my hand back to normal and I transformed back into my normal self without the Hardened Biomass Armor.

Then, by instinct, I grabbed an incoming punch and threw the attacker to the side and they landed in their feet. I realized it was the same blonde girl with the gauntlets. She smiled as she did a boxing stance with her gauntlets.

I just cracked a smiled and I summoned my gauntlets and we started to circle each other. She rushed towards me in a fast pace and flames shot out of her gauntlets propelling her forwards, she managed to deliver a punch in the gut and an uppercut. I staggered a bit and I smiled.

She was about to deliver a right hook when I dodged and sent barrages of punches towards her body and I reared my hand back and said one word.

Y/N: Disappointing!

Then I delivered the final blow and it sent her through the entire forest. Then I saw an Ikusarigama fly past me and I stepped to the side, I grabbed the rope attached to the Ikusarigama and pulled the user towards me, as she was sent flying towards me, she was able to maneuver herself and gave me a strong kick to the face. I looked up and saw that her weapon turned into a katana and she was about to bring it down towards me.

She just made a fatal mistake, I caught the katana and I pulled her close and gave her a powerful headbutt, knocking her out instantly. Suddenly I saw ice on the ground, I jumped to one of the trees just before ice spikes popped out of my position. I looked to where the ice came from and I knew it was the white haired girl with a battle skirt on, she was using a rapier.

I then jumped down and she sent glyphs towards me and I dodged them, I then saw an incoming glyph that was too big for me to dodge, and the only through. So I reared back my hand and punched the glyph causing it to shatter.

She went wide eyed and she started to panic as I went behind her in inhumane speeds and karate chopped her on the neck, knocking her out as well. Then, I looked behind me and I saw the same girl with the grenade launcher earlier. Her weapon can turn into a hammer and she jumped and she lifted up her weapon, about to bring it down on me.

I tried blocking it but the force was too powerful and it hit me right in the head. I tried standing up but she brought it down on me again. I then quickly stood up and grabbed her by the neck and she dropped her hammer. She tried to punch me in the face but to no avail, she only hurt her hand. I threw her to the ground, knocking her out.

Then I looked behind to the remaining people, I saw a girl with a red ponytail approach me, she looks like she came out of a Spartan movie.

She did a stance and we circled each other. She rushed towards me and she rammed me with her shield, I tried to punch her but she immediately raised her shield and block the hit, sending her a few feet back. She threw her spear towards me and I caught it and I threw it back to her without stopping.

She went wide eyed and she raised her shield again and the spear dug deep into the shield, I took this chance as she was distracted, she tried getting the spear out but no luck. She was already knocked out when I delivered a headbutt to her. Then I saw one of the adults attack me, I stepped to the side and the attacker zoomed past me. He was wielding a sword that can turn into a scythe.

Qrow: Hit my nieces, I'll end you.

I just looked at him with no emotion and I materialized a sword in my hands. We both rushed at each other and I tried to bring down an attack, he dodged it and was about to stab me when I used the flat side of my sword to block the attack.

I then attempted to sweep his legs but he jumped high and his sword immediately transformed into a scythe, he brought it down towards me and I rolled to the side, he then tried to hit me with endless slices of his weapons and he was able to scratch my face.

I'm not playing anymore, I just dropped the sword, delivered a viscous uppercut to him and used a technique called Palm Thrust.

As I delivered the attack, it sent him to the trees, and there were only three remaining.

Ironwood: Troops! Bring in the Atlesian Marauder.

Then, I heard engines coming from the distance. Powerful ones. I looked behind me and saw a tank, it tried shooting a shell towards me but I dodged it.

Winter: Let's see you beat that!

I never wanted to resort to this...but I have to. I jumped to the tank's front hull and grabbed it by the barrel, I forcefully tore off the entire turret with my bare hands, and inside the tank were only robots...good. I brought it's own turret down and it exploded into pieces.

I jumped off and I looked behind me and saw one of the adults rush towards me. She was using a saber.

Winter: You hit my sister, now you'll pay!

She said as she rushed towards me and we engaged in combat, I ran to my sword again and picked it up as we locked swords. I moved to the side and she recomposes herself and did a stance again, I wanted end this already, so I summoned a clone just right behind her, the clone karate chopped her in the neck incapacitating her. 

Then I was about to walk away when I was encased in a violet bubble, I used my gauntlets and kept punching the bubble until it breaks, it shattered the bubble and I already knew who was capable of it. I looked behind me and saw it was a blonde lady with glasses on, she  then sent a large purple glyph towards me and I dodged by jumping to the side. 

Glynda: That's enough! You're coming with us!

Then she summoned more glyphs and she used it to surround me. I jumped over it and tried to grab her and throw her down on the ground to incapacitate her. She dodged and then made another glyph and I punched it again causing it to shatter. 

This time, she encased me in a stronger bubble. I then decided to do one thing that would damage me as well. I built up power and energy and released. I did the Tendril Barrage Devastator that Boron told me about. It destroyed the bubble that was encasing me and even destroyed most of the surrounding. 

This caused her to fall on the ground...filled with fear, I started walking towards her and she crossed her arms in front of her as an attempt to stop or soften the attack. I merely passed by her and walked to the remaining person. 

He aimed his pistol towards me and he started shooting. I kept dodging and dodging until I reached him. I grabbed him by the throat and he was trying to break free. Then he spoke.

Ironwood: What hell are you?

I just stayed silent and I gripped his throat tighter, causing him to pass out. I looked around and saw almost every people that tried to attack me are on the ground, either incapacitated or passed out. I let out a sigh as I was about to walk away, when I heard a gun being cocked, I looked back and saw that a pistol was aimed at my head. And the one holding the gun was a girl with...bunny ears? And in her eyes, I know she doesn't want to hurt me.

Velvet: P-please, stop! I don't want  to hurt you!

I noticed that it was the same pistol as the last person as took out, and earlier I saw that she had a camera. I think that's her weapon. It can copy any weapon and it'll make an exact replica of the weapon using only hard light. 

I then walked closer to her and aimed the end of the barrel at my forehead and I pulled back the pistol's hammer and she was shaking. 

Y/N: Pull it. Pull the trigger...and you'll see.

She was still hesitating. I am getting frustrated.

Y/N: DO IT!!

She then flinched and she pulled the trigger, leaving an open part of my head, she dropped her weapon and she covered her mouth. Then, my wound started to heal because of the biomass and she saw this...all of this.

Y/N: See? It's hopeless.

She then dropped to her knees and I just looked around and the place was a mess. Then a loud roar was heard, I turned to where it was coming from and saw a creature that looks like a werewolf, but a bigger and covered in bones type. I did what had to be done, I formed my hand into a blade and biomass covered my body and the biomass hardened. I put the girl behind me in a defensive state. 

Velvet's POV

A loud roar was heard and out of the wood comes out an Alpha Beowulf. We're done for, we already were beaten by whoever this man is, and we have to deal with that too. This is the end. Then, the same man that beat us single-handedly put me behind him in a defensive state as his arm turn into a blade and he was covered in a strange dark substance and it hardened, acting as an armor. 

Why is he doing this? He just defeated us and now he's protecting us? Just who is this strange man.

Your POV

I rushed towards the creature and it attempted to hit me with it's paws, I jumped over it and dodged and I started to slice the creature. Every slice, the creature roars and it turned around and tried to hit me again, but I merely jumped over it and one last slice, I cut off both of it's arms and I got on top of it and tendrils appeared from my body, I sliced the creature in half and the tendrils from my body consumed the creature. Then Diablo spoke.

Diablo: Amazing! You just obtained a new ability. 

Y/N: And what is that? 

Diablo: Focus your mind, and eject some of the biomass you have obtained.

I sighed deeply and I walked away from my attacker, I then ejected some of my biomass, the Hardened Bio Armor started to soften and it went back inside my body where the rest of the stored biomass were. And then, the ejected biomass started to turn into...something like a wolf...but something worse...and deadly.

Both creatures were roaring towards me and I knew that there was an incoming horde of creatures similar to the one I just felt. And it did, the creatures already arrived and both of the creature born from my ejected biomass turned to the creature. I raised my hand and closed them into a fist, the biomass creatures started attacking the horde, using their claws to tear through other creature of the dark. I formed my hand into a blade and jumped into the horde and started slaughtering along with my biomass creatures.

Winter: Just what side is he on?

Ironwood: The right one...


It was near dawn, I was panting heavily as the remains of the creatures of the dark turns to dust but I was still covered in blood both my own blood and the creatures of the dark's blood. Both of my biomass creatures were still here, I walked closer towards both and I pierced my hand on their necks and they silently got consumed by me, all of the ejected biomass has returned but I was tired. I looked to my side and all of my attacker last night were looking at me with shock, I'm not even surprised, I mean I did just take on a horde of those things.

Y/N: What? 

Weiss: You...just took on a horde of Grimm...and the first thing you "What?"...."What?"?!

Y/N: Excuse me...but what's a Grimm?

Ruby: Hold up! You mean you didn't know what you were fighting just now?! And you're able to kill them all?! 

Y/N: Yeah, I did. 

Blake: What are you, really? How many Semblances do you have?

Y/N: Uhh...what's a Semblance?

Qrow: Have you  been living under a damn rock?!

Y/N: I've lived most of my life in space!! Thank you very much!!

Nora: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!! You're an alien?!

Y/N: Yes...I am. Doesn't that ship already make it obvious?

They then looked at the ship that was badly damaged. 

Y/N: Now I'm stuck here without even knowing where I am. Damn it.

Glynda: Perhaps...we can help? 

Y/N: You just attacked me last night. 

Ironwood: And that's our fault. Our apologies.

Glynda: You need a place to stay and you just said that you don't know where you are, and we can provide you materials to fix your ship...we can help you.

Y/N: Hmmm...if it means knowing where I am and what's going on around here? I accept. 

Ironwood: Excellent! Come with us to the Bullhead.

Y/N: No thank you...I still don't trust you. No offence, but I just met all of you.

Ironwood: None taken...but how are you going to follow us? Your ship is broken.

Y/N: I don't need a ship to fly.

I then summoned my wings and they sprouted in a majestic way, it's been a while since I used my wings.

Y/N: I have wings.

Weiss: How many Semblances do you have?!

Y/N: Again, I don't know what that is. Let's just go.

Then they started to walk to the "Bullhead" whatever that is. A few minutes of walking they reached their Bullhead, turns out it's like an Arcadian. I flew up to the sky and flew with the Bullhead, and I looked to my side and saw the girl with the scythe waving happily at me, I waved back as I focused at where I'm flying at. Wherever this place is...I need to blend in and know what's going on and the history of this place, which shouldn't be a problem to only problem is my ship. Which will be quite hard to fix.

And Finished.

Whoo! Another chapter done! If you're wondering how long the Crossover Arc will be, it'll be about fourteen chapters long, and again, if you don't like crossovers, please just skip it.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off.

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