Chapter 88: Rest & Relaxation Pt. 1 ( Lemon )
Right now I was in Homeworld, walking to the Diamond Throne room. Me and the rest of the Crystal Gems were taking a break so we decided to take some time and enjoy the beach. I opened the doors and I saw Yellow, Blue and White, standing in the carpet.
As soon as I entered the room, White immediately power walked towards me and hugged me tightly, she pushed my head against her breasts as she dramatically comforts me.
White Diamond: Oh, Y/N! We are sooo sorry that you had to-
Y/N: White....please...don't say it. That's the last thing I want to hear right now.
White Diamond: Oh...Apologies.
I just smiled as I hugged back at her. Then she breaks the hug and she recomposes herself.
Y/N: Anyway, would you like to go to Earth with me? All three of you?
Blue Diamond: Why? Did something happened?
Y/N: No, let's just take a day off and enjoy the beach, you know? Loosen up a bit.
White Diamomd: Well...I have been wanting to try AND visit Earth. What do you think, Yellow?
Yellow Diamond: As long as Y/N's there, I'll be fine. We'll all be fine.
Blue Diamond: Then it is decided.
Y/N: Heck yeah it is, Blue. We'll be having a Beach Party today. We'll take my ship.
The B.H. Destroyer was now landing just in front of the beach. I already had my swimming trunks on...but I still have to find bikinis or swimwear for the Diamonds. Which will be a challenge since...well...they're big.
I landed the ship in the sand and the ramps opened up and all four of us walked out of the ship.
Y/N: find you something to wear...
Blue Diamond: What's wrong with our clothing? This is fine.
Y/N: Yeah, no. You won't enjoy it when you wear that. That's why I'm only wearing swimming trunks.
Yellow Diamond: Well, it's quite nice to see your build again~
Y/N: *chuckles* Oh stop. But seriously, where am I going to get you bikinis that fit your size? You guys are do I say this without saying Giant? Hmmm...Goddess Size?
Then Yellow let out a laugh as White giggled and Blue blushed a bit while smiling.
Y/N: Seriously, you guys are big, so it's gonna be hard to find you a bikini.
Yellow Diamond: Y/N? You do know that we can shapeshift, right?
Blue and Yellow shapeshifted into the same size as me and White did the same thing, while I just stand there, feeling stupid.
Y/N: Huh...didn't think about that...anyway, let's go find you something to wear today.
Then we headed to the nearest clothing shop so I could buy them bikini. A few minutes of me trying to pick the best that fits Yellow and Blue. White just wanted a plain old black, Blue wanted a white one, while Yellow wanted a brown one.
I picked out their sizes and I led them to the fitting room. Yellow and Blue stepped into the fitting room so they could have their privacy. Few seconds later, they both came out wearing their bikinis.
Y/N: What do you think?
Yellow Diamond: This will take some getting used to, but it'll do.
Blue Diamond: I like the color of mine.
Y/N: *smilesk Glad you liked it. White? You can put your's on now.
White Diamond: Gladly.
Then she walked to the fitting room and a bright light came from the fitting room and then immediately fades, which I think that White phased her clothes off. A few seconds later, White wasn't out yet, probably struggling to put it on.
White Diamond: Uh...Y/N?
Y/N: White? What is it?
White Diamond: Can me with this? I can't quite reach it...
Y/N: Coming.
Then I entered the fitting room of where she was and as soon as I entered, I saw White still didnvt have her top bikini on, with her breasts exposed as she blushes a dark shade of grey.
White Diamond: C-can you help me with this?
Y/N: All you need to do is ask.
Then White gave me her top bikini and she turned around as I put it on her, then, by accident, I caressed White's breast which made her let out a soft moan. I just smiled as I tie her bikini tightly so it doesn't fall off.
Y/N: Okay, it's done. Can I see?
Then I heard White gulp before turning around, facing me. She's quite the view if I must say.
White Diamond: H-how do I look?
Y/N: *smiles* Flawless.
White Diamond: *blushes* Oh stop it, you! Always such a charmer and making me blush.
Y/N: *chuckles* What? It's true. I'm glad I loved my Diamond.
Then she just smiled as she kissed me in the lips and I cupped my hands in her cheeks. Then, she used her hands to take my right hand and made me caress and massage her breasts, making her let out a moan.
(Something like what Cleopatra did to try and seduce Dante from Dante's Inferno. Also, that game was underrated as fuck. I'm playing it on my mom's phone and I gotta say, Dante's a badass.)
Then, I removed my hand from her breast and I broke the kiss.
Y/N: Not now, and not here, okay? For now, we'll have some fun at the beach.
Then she just smiled at me again as I kissed her forehead, which is where her gem was. We walked out of the fitting room and all four of us headed towards the Beach House.
Right now, I was sitting on top of the sand as I watch Steven and Connie happily swim at the shallow waters. Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot and Lapis was also wearing their beach outfit.
Some gems from Little Homeworld even decided to join us. There's Nephrite and her crew, Spodumene, which we always exchange glannces and I always give her a wink, God she's so cute when she's flustered, and then there's Lonely Pearl and Scarlett.
Even Jet and Citrine decided to join. Fable decided to stay on the sand since she doesn't really like to swim, Tyson and Lion was chasing each other and I can see Greg and Bismarck just casually chatting nearby.
I was just sitting in the sand with sunglasses on, feeling the heat of the sun on ny chest and face. I just let out a sigh as I can enjoy this all day. Then, I heared Nephrite call me out.
Nephrite: Hey! Hentai!
Y/N: *sigh* This again? Alright, what is it now?
Then I looked to where Nephrite was, as soon as I saw her, I went wide eyed as I lower my sunglasses and I just look at her.
Y/N: I-is this payback?!
Nephrite: Maybe? You wanna join us?
Y/N: I'm not actually into Volleyball that much, but okay, I'll try.
Then, I walked to where they were and Donna handed me the ball, she looked away shyly with a cute smile on her face, I just smiled back at her which caused her to look away and cover her face as she blush.
Donna (Mind): Oh my Stars, he's so cute when he smiles!
Then I just ignored what she did and I readied myself. I took a deep sigh and threw the ball up in the air and as my palm hit the ball, it sent the ball towards the other side at high speed. I'm guessing 153 mph. The other side was easy to catch the ball and sent the ball back to us as we try and score.
Timeskip because I don't know how to properly describe a Volleyball Match
Both teams were now tied together, we just need one more point to win this match. Bu the problem is, the other side was the one that's serving the ball, we need to keep it from hitting the ground and send it back to their's. Ruth threw the ball in the air and she hit the ball and sent it towards us. She spiked it.
I saw where it was headed and I ran towards the ball. As the ball was almost about to hit the ground, I hit the ball high up in the sky, preventing it to hit the ground, but while doing so, I faceplanted on the sand. Nephrite took this chance to jump high and spike the ball back towards the opposing team. The ball hit the sand. We won.
Our side cheered while the other side just groaned. I removed my head from the sand and spit out some of the sand that got in my mouth, I stood back up ad cheered along with my team. Nephrite ran towards me and she jumped, I caught her and both of us laughed as I twirl her around while she was in my arms, laughing.
Then both of us realized what we were doing, I set Nephrite down and she recomposed herself and I just cleared my throat, as if nothing happened. At the background, the rest of Nephrite's crew can be seen blushing and pouting with their arms crossed. I just smiled towards Nephrite which only worsened her blush.
I decided to leave Nephrite and her crew to themselves and decided to swim in the deep parts of the beach. I dived deep down and saw fishes, corals, and even shipwrecks. I even decided to walk in the bottom of the ocean. Yes, I can do that. I went across a large shipwreck and I decided to take a look at it. I swam inside and saw that it was a cruise ship. With lots and lots of air pocket.
As I was checking out the ship, I saw corpses...bones actually. I just ignored the bones. But deep down, I know...I feel sorry for them. They didn't deserve this. None of them do. I just swam back to the surface and I take a look at the gems that was having fun at the beach. Then, I saw something pass me by. It was...a fucking shark?! That thing is twenty feet long!! I decided to swim away in a fast pace and left the shark behind.
I reached the shore and saw that it followed me, and it was about to attack one of the gems. In the distance, I saw a gem being targeted by the shark. It was Scarlett. So I decided to swim towards her and she noticed that something was swimming towards her. The shark leapt from the surface and was about to attack Scarlett. But I already was there and I summoned my gauntlets and sent an uppercut to the shark.
Then I grabbed it by it's tail and started spinning it and I let go of it and threw it as far away as possible. Scarlett was just there, shaken up. I guided her back to shore and she decided to stay there for the rest of the day. In fact, I cancelled the Beach Party because of that shark. Pearl even saw it and she decided to stay by Scarlett's side to comfort her. In fact, I decided to cancel the beach party and we just had a seaside celebration.
Timeskip; Nighttime
It was already dark and we were still having a party. I was drinking Vodka that I bought from Empire City. Gotta say, they sell Vodka that packs a strong punch. I was sitting in the balcony, watching gems and humans mingle, socialize and even have fun with each other.
I already flew the Diamonds back to Homeworld. They had fun too. I just sighed as I finish the entire bottle and walked back inside the house and into my room. But before I entered my room, I had to sober up. So I went to the kitchen sink and I washed my face with cold water.
I took a towel and decided to wipe my face with it. I just took a deep sigh as I wipe my face with the towel, then I looked outside and saw Scarlett walking back inside. She opened the door and entered the house and she just sat on the couch. I hang the towel on my shoulder and I walked towards her and I just stood there in front of her.
Y/N: Hey. You okay?
Scarlett: Yeah, thank you.
Y/N: *smiles* No problem, Scarlett. If you need me, I'll be in my room.
I was about to walk away but then Scarlett stood up and held me y my hand, I stopped in my tracks and I looked back at her, she was avoiding eye contact with me with a blush on her face.
Scarlett: Actually...I need to talk to you bout something...important.
Y/N: What is it?
Scarlett: I know that I'm only a Pearl...but...everytime I'm with you...I feel much more than that. You make me feel like I was...everything. But what have I done?
Y/N: What?
Scarlett: I was nothing but a burden to you. I was assigned to you to help you with your troubles...but you're the one that helped me. You saved me from certain danger...twice. I know that I'm here to help you with your struggles...but deep down...I feel that I'm here for a much more different reason. Not only to help you...but.....but...
Y/N: It's okay, Scarlett. You can tell me.
Then she covered her mouth and I saw her shed a tear.
Scarlett: I love you!
I just stood there as she lets out more tears.
Scarlett: I love you so much, Y/N. You by far have taught me so many things and made me feel things....even things that I shouldn't even be having. *sniff* But knowing what keeps on seems that I'm only a burden to you. You deserve someone so much better than me...I don't deserve you. I don't-
Then I interrupted her by walked closer to her and I gave her a tight hug.
Y/N: Stop...listen to me. A person like you...deserves much more. You're the one that knocked some sense into me, remember? That is good enough. I'll always be here...even if you don't know that.
Scarlett: I was so afraid to tell you that...I love you. I hid my true feelings away from you and didn't tell you what I felt up until now.
Y/N: Then what kept you?
Then she looked up at me and she was about to cry again, but this time...she kissed me. I didn't stop her or pull back from the kiss. I just let her do it. She held onto me as she shed tears of happiness.
Lemon starts here
Then I carried her and I held onto her thighs to keep her from falling, she wrapped her legs around my hips as she still kept kissing me. The door to my door to my room opened and and walked to my bed. I set her down as we kept kissing each other.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and she broke the kiss and she looked at me in the eyes and I looked back at her.
Y/N: You know...I've always thought that you're very pretty. One of a kind I must say.
Scarlett: *blushes and giggles* Oh always such a charmer, Y/N. No wonder why a lot has fallen for you.
Then she kissed me in the lips again and immediately broke the kiss. I just smiled as I kiss her jaw making her let out a giggle. Then, I moved down to her neck and playfully bit her neck, earning a soft moan out of her.
Then, I moved down lower, and I gently removed her clothing, then as her top was finally off, I reached for her bra and unhooked it and threw it to the side of the bed.
I looked at her body and my God she looks prettier. This made me blush a bit and Scarlett noticed it and she blushed as well.
Then, I massaged her left breast as I suck and kiss her right breast. Just by touching her, she was already dripping wet and her nipples stiffened.
She let out gasps of pleasure and moans. She used both of her hands and held the back of my head and she bit down on her lips as I keep on pleasuring her breasts.
Then, I stopped kissing her breasts and I pulled back, leaving a string of saliva. Then, I moved down lower, eventually I reached her gem and I trace the edges of her gem and kissed it, earning a giggle from Scarlett. I just smiled and moved even lower.
I reached her skirt and I decided to pull it off of her and I threw it to the side, I then looked at her soaked panties and playfully rubbed her clit, earning a moan out of her. I just smiled as I take it off of her and threw it to the side again. This time, she was fully naked.
Then, she blushed as I realized I still had my clothes on. I don't wann be unfair, so I took off my top and threw it to the side once more.
I went lower again and I reached her dripping entrance. I rubbed her clitoris and fingered her other hole which made her let out a loud moan.
Then I stick my tongue out and I licked her clit and she put her hands at the back of my head. I started to eat her out and lick her violently which made her let out a loud moan and she arched her back due to the immense pleasure that she's feeling right now.
Then I inserted my tongue inside her entrance and I can taste the fluids that she's releasing. I can feel her walls squeezing my tongue in between. I can feel her warm and soft yet tight inside through my tongue.
I started to wriggle my tongue inside her in all directions and she let out a moan louder than before, she covered her mouth as an attempt to silence herself.
She pushed my head down as an attempt to push my tongue deeper inside of her, she was about to ejaculate, I can tell by the looks on her face. As she arched her back and was about to release, I stopped and pulled my tongue out of her as she pants heavily and she looked at me.
Scarlett: You're such a tease! Why did you pull out?
I just stayed silent and I started to undo my pants and I took off my pants, I was left only with boxers on and I pulled it down with my member fully erect. She went wide eyed at it's size but she immediately bit on her lip seductively and she spread open her clit.
I just went closer to her and I was poking the tip of my member in her entrance. She looked at me and I looked at her. She nodded at me and I nodded back, then I gently slid my erect member inside her as I felt my member make it's way inside Scarlett's entrance.
I let out a groan as her entrance was squeezing my member tightly and she was moaning loudly. I started to slowly thrust back and forth inside her and I can feel the tip of my member hit her womb. Every thrust, Scarlett lets out a loud moan.
Y/N: H-holy shit, you're so tight! Are you sure you're okay?
She didn't say anything, but she just nodded her head rapidly as her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she sticked her tongue out with huge amounts of saliva coming out of her. I felt my member grind her tight walls, her warm inside blanketing my member and every thrust sends a sudden surge of pleasure and warmth throughout my body.
Then I started to thrust even faster than before, which caused her to moan loudly and I let out a groan of pleasure. Clapping sounds filled my room and loud moaning and squelching can be heared. At this point, Scarlett was a moaning mess. I'm already getting close to my limit and I try and hold back my release.
After a few moments of holding my release, I decided to let it go. I couldn't hold it in anymore. One final thrust and she let a long and loud moan as I shoot out mt load inside her, some even managed to ooz out of her entrance. Both of us panted heavily as I pulled my member out and a popping sound was made as my load spill out of her entrance.
Both of us lay on the bed and panting heavily as Scarlett rests her head against me with her hands on my chest. I used my blaket to cover ourselves and she looked at me and she kissed me in the cheeks.
Lemon ends here
Scarlett: I wish I told you sooner. I love you, Y/N.
Y/N: *smiles and kisses Scarlett in the forehead* I love you too.
Then she sweetly smiled at me and both of us fell asleep while we were holding each together in our arms. Wonder what craziness awaits me tomorrow?
And Finished
Another chapter done, sorry if this came out a bit late. It's been a tough week for me and classes will start again soon. And writing Lemons is harder than you think, trust me, it's hard to write something that you can't really see.
Also, have this adorable thing.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off.
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