Chapter 85: Whatever It Takes

Your POV

It was morning, we spent the entire night prepairing for the assault in Barkov's base. We need to travel fast so we're going to be using the B.H. Destroyer. We'll send Heavy Barrage from the Ion Cannons, directly into their defences, then, as soon as the defences were cleared, we'll move in using a Hunter ship.

I gave Price, Ghost, Gaz, and Alex Energy Rifles that they can use. We were heading there now via Hunter. It was enough to hold large amounts of Farah's Army, and the Retributor Astartes. The onlt one's able to use the armor and the Bolters are my clones. But Taylor had sething for me...a Storm Bolter.

It was a bit heavy, but I can still lift it. Recoil and rate of fire was increased but nothing that I couldn't handle. Farah's Army stares in awe at the might of the Retributor Astartes.

Farah: And these armors...they are not so simple to use?

Y/N: need to use machinery to both put it on and take it off. This is also a two ton armor, we use machines and mechanisms to be able to use the armor perfectly fine. It's impossible to use this in pure muscle.

Farah: And you have one too?

Y/N: Yeah, but I won't be using it. I'll just use the Retributors as a way to keep away Barkov's army while we locate the bomb.

Then both of us looked at the preparing Retributors.

Farah: Amazing, they are an unstoppable force, but an immovable the same time.

Y/N: Exactly. This why I created the armor, trained myself and my clones to fight well, be strong...and learned a few things in life along the way...but anyway, we'll arrive soon enough.

Then she nodded as the ship blasted, 600 miles north of our current position. The Hunter was still preparing in the B.H. Destroyer's hangar, but it'll be ready shortly. The B.H. Destroyer went to overdrive, and we blasted at Mach 2, and this isn't even full speed yet.

A few minutes later, we arrived. The place looks like a factory, the place was crawling with Barkov's army. There's only one thing to do...break their defences. I'm surprised they haven't even attacked us yet...maybe because we were Kliquons. Ha! Dumb fucking bastards!

Gaz, Price, Ghost, Alex, Farah and her army, Hadir, the Retributor Astartes, and me, entered the Hunter ship and the hangar doors of the B.H. Destroyer opened and flew around the area. Then the Taylor contacted me through the comms of the Hunter.

Taylor: Hunter-56 this is B.H. Destroyer, over. They appear to be not attacking us yet, we have a chance to hit them with The Ion Cannons, what's your orders? Shall we engage with Heavy Barrage?

Y/N: This is Hunter-56 to B.H. Destoyer, you are clear to engage. Knock down the defences. We'll take it from here when we arrived at the main area, over.

Taylor: Copy that. Hunter-56, we are clear to engage, over.

Y/N: Roger that...give them Hell.

Then the Ion Cannons on the B.H. Destroyer's hull began to light up and charge up power and energey. Then it sent barrages of hundreds of plasma, destroying the base's defences, causing a scare amongst the ranks of Barkov's Army.

Y/N: It was a confirm hit, B.H. Destroyer, it was a confirm hit. We'll take it from here. Hunter-56, over and out.

Then the comms turned off and the Hunter flew to the front of the base, leaving behind the wreckage and remains of metal and scrap. Then it landed and the ramps opened up.

Y/N: Here we go! Lock N' Load!

The ramps were now completely down and we did a battlecry as we raid the base. Barkov's army were shaken up and taken by surprise, we rained bullets on them and the Retributors advanced, killing everything in their path.

We ran to some cover, I was with Farah and Hadir, Price and Gaz was with each other behind cover in my right, Ghost and Alex was behind the cover just in front of us. I saw three soldiers of Barkov's and shot them in the head immediately and all three bodies hit the ground.

One of them tried to flank me, but Farah noticed it and she shot him down, I looked at her and I gave her a nod and she nodded back at me. We were killing every Russian working for Barkov one by one, and bit by bit we were advancing.

The Retributors were serving as our moving wall. Me, Price, Ghost, Gaz, Alex, Farah and Hadir went behind them as cover. I peeked through the gaps and examined the area. They were currently firing two mounted .50 Caliber from the two towers.

The Retributors were not affected by the .50 cal but they weren't advancing, we need to take out the two mounted .50 cals. So Hadir handed me an RPG.

I waited for the moumted gun to run out of bullets and reload, and when they did reload, I took aim and fired the RPG, sending a rocket towards one of the mounted guns. Hadir gave me another rocket and I loaded another rocket and fired at the second mounted gun, causing it to explode into pieces and killing the shooter.

At the distance, we were nearing the entrance, we ran from our cover and into the building, Farah's Army and the Retributors stayed behind to fend off the soldiers that will be coming after us. I discarded the RPG and readied my Storm Bolter again, and we started to advance deeper into the base. We don't have much time, Barkov might have already started the countdown in the Antimatter Bomb's countdown.


Countless bodies of Barkov's soldiers lay lifelessly on the floor as we kept shooting and killing every single one of them, not showing mercy...or remorse. They deserve this. Right now we kept on advancing, getting nearer to Barkov's office.

Ghost: More Tangos incoming 12 O'clock!

I aimed to where Ghost pointed out and there were more soldiers incoming. I'm running out of time and I need to stop this as soon as possible. So I stepped out of cover, and changed form. I transformed into the Collapsed Star.

I ran forward, trampling over soldiers, picking them up, crushing them, tearing the apart, even biting off their heads, just to make sure that they're dead. I kept killing every soldier that I could see. Then...I stopped, the entire toom was a slaughter, blood splattered everywhere...I transformed back into my normal form and I looked down the team just looked at me.

Price: You alright, Y/N?

Y/N: I'm fine, Price. I did what I had to do and what needed to be done...that's what matters.

Ghost: You're damn right you did what had to be done.

Hadir: We all make decisions...even if it goes against our will. Like I once did...

Y/N: What do you mean.

Farah: My brother...used the chemical weapons that Barkov used against the people of Urzikstan. He was lucky that he left behind that path immediately.

Y/N: We all make decisions for our people...we get blood on our hands...and the entire world stays safe. That's what matter. Let's go.

Then I ran deeper into the base and the rest followed me. We went across another squad but we easily took it down. Barkov was hiding in his office, reinforced with steel and concrete. Then he spoke through the a coward would do.

Barkov: I see you found out that I will be launching a warhead, eh? Well you're too late, the countdown of the launch has started.

Then he started laughing as a Juggernaut appeared, it shot hundreds of bullets at us and we went behind cover. The Juggernaut's armor was strong enough to withstand the Bolter Rounds, so in result, it killed him instantly.

I went inside the office, and I was led to a trap, the door closed behind me, and I realized what this was a destabilizing chamber, designed by the Kliquons. He activated it and I gritted my teeth as I was covered in electricity. I dropped to my knees and tried my best to keep myself from destabilizing. Barkov was looking at me through the glass and he was smiling, then he spoke through the speakers again.

Barkov: It seems that it actually works. The Kliquons weren't lying.

Y/N: Why? Why would you send a Warhead to America?

Barkov: To show them, that even if Mother Russia is no more, us Russians are still strong and not to be messed with. For the last few decades we have been treated like trash. Now, I will show them. They will run like the cowards that they are, you'll see.

Y/N: You fucking coward!

Then he started laughing as I kept myself from destabilizing. Then, somehow, Farah and the redt of the team found a way around, Farah shot Barkov on the shoulder causing him to fall on the ground, the rest of the team killed the remaining guards. The destabilizing chamber turned off and I jumped through the glass, now, I was standing beside Farah, who has a killing intent to Barkov.

Barkov: I'm still here Farah. Still here...Still killing rats...I am the Russian People's protector. I will never allow thieves and crooks terrorize my people...There can be no peace, without law and order...

Then Farah took out a knife and stabbed Barkov in the chest, she pulled it off and he was still breathing.

Barkov: I will never surrender to you...

Then she stabbed him again in the chest, and he was still breathing.

Barkov: Wait! Listen to me, I can help you! I can make yout life easy...don't be foolish!

Then again, she stabbed him in the chest, and he was still alive. This bastard's tough. Look at him, begging not to be killed. Pathetic...

Barkov: Farah-DON'T! I'll give you anything!

Then she stabbed him again, and this time, she left the knife on his chest. And he was still breathing.

Barkov: I told you, Farah, a long time ago. Your country breeds terrorists...that's why you're here. Do you see it now? I was trying to protect my people...I was trying to stop this. Now, I see- I should have done more...

Then she pulled out the knife amd she spat on him.

Farah: This is for my family.

She was about to stab him, one last time. But I stopped her.

Y/N: Enough...that's enough, Farah.

Then I looked at the rest of the team.

Y/N: Give us a moment...step outside for now.

Then Price nodded and he walked out. The others followed and the only one left was me, Hadir, Farah and Barkov.

Farah: Let go of my hand, Y/N. I have to kill him.

Y/N: Why?

Farah: I'm doing this for my mother, and my father. I need to make him pay, this is my revenge to him. I will cut him open, and gut him likea pig!

Y/N: If you do this...if you kill and your people will become everything that he says...and he wins. Killing him won't bring your family back. You fight for freedom...not revenge. Lead your people in the right path...

She looked at me for a moment, then looked at Barkov. She then lowered the knife and sheathed it. Then, I went closer to Hadir, and asked him a handgun, he knew what I was doing, so he eagerly handed me the handgun and went closer to Barkov...and aimed it at his head.

Barkov: What are you doing?

Then I pulled back it's hammer and kept the weapon aimed at his head.

Y/N:  No mercy for the wicked.

Barkov: No! Wait!

Y/N: Say hello to Satan for me.

I pulled the trigger...and then bang. The bullet went though his head, finally killing him. I walked back to Hadir, and handed him back the pistol.

Hadir: You did well, brother.

Then I nodded and we walked outside, we started running outside and we saw the Warhead. I went to the controls and tried to disable it. But it was already at two minutes left, and I don't know the code. No one does. It can't be disarmed as well.

Price: What's wrong?

Y/N: Hold on! I'm still trying to find a way!

Then he grabbed me by the shoulder and he looked at me.

Price: Can you disarm it?!

Y/N: No......I can't...

Ghost: Fuckin' hell. We're screwed.

Then I looked at the Warhead and I had an idea, I only have one shot in doing this so I better make it count.

Y/N: All of you! Get out of here!

Gaz: What are you going to do?

Y/N: I'll redirect the warhead manually.

Alex: That's suicide!

Y/N: Do you want hundreds of thousands of people to die? Or let me fot this?

Ghost: far...are one of the craziest wankers I've worked with.

Price went closer to me and Ghost did the same thing. I shook Price's hand.

Y/N: It's been an honor, working with you all. Now go!

Then they all nodded and they all ran to the exit as I summoned my wings and hang onto the Warhead. Then, the countdown hit zero, and the warhead's thrusters activated and it took me along with it, this Warhead is   fast.

The other teams saw me hanging onto the Warhead as it takes me along with it, then I climbed on top of it and used my wings to redirect it's course. It was going so fast that we were already nearing American soil.

I kept trying to redirect it's course with my wings and it still won't move, it was night time here in America. I passed by the other states as I finally saw New York. How? I saw the Statue of Liberty.

I just screamed as I finally managed to change it's course, and now, the Warhead is flying towards the atmosphere. Then I started dismantling the Warhead, and I saw the Antimatter Capsule. The amount was ridiculous and my estimations were wrong, this can destroy the entire America.

Then I saw the power source of the Warhead and examined it.

As we reached the atmosphere and entered space. I grabbed the power source. But then, I accidentally opened it and it suddenly exploded in my hand and out came a fleshy abomination. Then it positioned itself om the warhead as the thrusters turn off.

It suddenly sent tendrils towards me and tried to drag me towards it, but I prevented myself from being dragged by using my feet to keep me and this thing apart. Then, I heared beeping. I looled down, snd saw it was the Warhead. It's about to go off...right now...

Y/N: Oh...shit...

Then I tried tearing myself away from the Warhead, which I successfully did so, but this...this...thing...was still attached to me, I can't survive the blast...but neither can it. So I did what had to be done. I'll use the creature as my shield. And in order to do that, I need to time this properly.

I looled behind it, and the Warhead immediately blew up and I let the creature take me. But before it could even consume me completely, the explosion caught the creature and me, and it sent both of us flying towards Earth again.

The creature shrieked and it disintegrates and dies due to the explosion. Now, I'm falling. Paralyzed because of the explosion. I was covered in flames as I fall to the ground. In the sky, I looked up, and the explosion was enormous

I kept staring at it and I smiled. Just before I enter 1,000 feet, I regained control over my body and I summomed my wings. The citizens saw me and I landed just in front of the crowd, I dropped to my knees as I pant heavily. For some reason, I feel...tired...and odd. Like something was changing...inside I was changing.

I looked up again and saw that the crowd was surrounding me, some even tried to help me up. But I was too tired to care. I saw the B.H. Destroyer just before my vision faded...into nothingness.




Over the course of two weeks, I was rewarded the Medal of Honor for my bravery and service. Farah and Hadir was still fighting the Al-Qatala. Price was building a Task Force never seen before. Right now, it was nighttime and I was sitting in the balcony with Pearl on top of me...kissing me.

Pearl: Medal of Honor, huh? That's nice.

Y/N: This is merely an object. What I do does not need to be known.

Then she let out a cute laugh and she kissed me again. Both of us looked at the moon as a shooting star passes by, she rested her head against my chest and I smiled. Then...Diablo spoke to my mind.

Diablo: Y/N...we need to talk...

Y/N: Diablo? What is it?

Diablo: We need to talk...something happened to're changed already...

Y/N: What? No. I'm still the same. Don't fuck with me, Diablo. I'm not in the mood.

Diablo: No, I'm serious! Something happened to you! And this is serious! Whatever that... thing was, it changed you!

Y/N: What...are you talking about?

And Finished.

Whooohooo! Another chapter done! And next chapter, I've been wanting to write it for a while now, this will be a good one too. I don't know why I haven't thought about this...but the idea goes to ton10p And this is a good one too.

Also, look at this.

If this isn't drawing development, I don't know what this is. I love this!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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