Chapter 83: Earth's Almighty Defender
Your POV
It's been three months after the attempted invasion of Earth. I easily took care of it but it got the entire planet shook. What will they do when another invasion comes? I got it covered.
For the past three months, I've been here in Homeworld, producing ridiculous amounts of stronger, much more durable military vehicles.
The Colossus Anti-Air can now reach the invader's ship over 3,000 feet above ground and it can pierce the ship's sloped hull. Colossus and Chronus has improved range, power and mobility. And Atlas has a further range and better accuracy. And in just three months, we've produced millions of it.
Colossus Anti-Air: 13,000,000
Colossus: 15,000,000
Chronus: 14,000,000
Atlas: 13,000,000
I am now the one who has the most powerful military power in Homeworld, Yellow Diamond was in charge of the Military Deployment, but I am the one who supplies her the military power she needs.
And over the past three months, I decided to create new military equipment, and the entire planet of Homeworld has been busy making us these equipment but they managed to finish it nonetheless.
Imperial Knights: 30,000,000
Barons: 14,000,000
Undertaker: 10,000,000
Orpheus: 8,000,000 ( Same size as a Jaeger. )
Ranger: 8,000,000 ( Same size as BT-7274 from Titanfall 2. )
You're probably wondering; "Why are there so many of them? This is Overkill!" It's because these aren't just going to be used here on Homeworld, no. 50% of all of these military vehicles and equipment, will be given to Earth. Yes, Earth.
That way, they can defend themselves, even if we are not on Earth. I know what you're thinking, you're going to say that they'll only use it to kill each othet and start wars, invade countries and enslave it's people, well I have a way to prevent that, trust me.
I went back to Earth, to tell them that I have returned and broight help. 50 Star Seekers are at Earth's orbit, on standby, waiting for my order to come down, and those 50 Star Seekers are carrying the 50% of military power of Homeworld that I will give to Earth.
The B.H. Destroyer landed up in front of the Beach House, looming over the cliff. I shapeshifted into the same size as the Diamonds along with the three Diamonds since they wanted to join me since...well...declare help on Eath by giving them military power strong enough to rival the Kliquon. ( Pronounced as Kli-kon)
Kliquons is the name of the alien race that has attempted to invade Homeworld and Earth. They are as dangerous as us gems, so It's needed to give Earth the power they need to defend themselves. Me and the Diamonds walked out of the B.H. Destroyer through the ramp and walked to the Beach House.
Blue Diamond: Are you sure that it's a good idea to give them these...weapons, Y/N?
Y/N: Earth needs to defend itself as well, and I can't let them die because we could have helped them...but we still didn't. I won't make the same mistake back then. Never.
Yellow Diamond: Still...who knows what they'll do to these weapons? They'll use it to kill each other.
Y/N: I have a plan to prevent that, trust me.
White Diamond: If it's your plan, then we'll go with it, and we will trust you.
I just smiled at White and we kept walking towards the Beach House. The Diamonds stopped and stood right behind me as I call Steven to come out.
Y/N: Kid? You there?
Steven: Y/N?! *gasps* Y/N's back! Pearl, your husband's back!
Pearl: Y/N?!
Steven ran out of the door and he ran towards rhe balcony, Pearl went through the door too quickly resulting her to trip.
Pearl: Oof!
I just laughed as I reached my giant hand to Pearl and helped her up, then Steven jumped on my hand and so did Pearl. I moved them closer to my face and Steven spread his arms wide open and hugged my right cheek, I looked at Pearl and she smiled as she kissed me in my giant left cheek.
Y/N: I missed you, so much.
Pearl: *giggles* I missed you too.
She then kissed me in my gaint cheek again and I smiled as she smiled back, then I heard Steven say:
Steven: *laughs* Ew.
Y/N: Excuse me?! Young man, let me tell you something, at somepoint in your life, sooner or later, you'll be doing this too!
Steven: At least you could have done it in private.
Y/N: What's wrong with her kissing me in the cheek? She's my wife.
Steven: Eh, you're right. Anyways, what have you been doing in Homeworld anyway?
Y/N: I've been building weapons and military vehicles that Earth can use to defend itself. The attack three months ago is enough evidence that they will keep on coming.
White Diamond: He's been working tirelessly for the last three months, just to create more weapons that Homeworld and Earth can use.
Steven: Oh! W-White. You're here! All of you are! Wait, are you going to tell the whole world that your giving them weapons?
Y/N: And put them to good use. I'll show them a live feed of myself and broadcast it worldwide.
Steven: How are you going to do that?
Y/N: We have a device that can interrupt any program in the television, it can interrupt all television around the world.
Then I put Pearl and Steven on my shoulder and contacted Taylor through the watch that she made just for me, she answered it and a holographic screen popped up in front of me, showing an image of Taylor.
Taylor: Oh, Y/N! Is it time?
Y/N: Yeah, prepare the device and we'll start recording.
Taylor: Right, I'll get the device ready. I'll notify you if it's done.
Then I nodded at her before she hung up on the device.
Y/N: It'll usually take an hour to prepare the device, so I'll take this time to prepare myself and what I'm going to say. Because I better say it properly because there are 7 billion people about to watch me.
Steven: Can we see you record?
Y/N: Sure, in fact, get all of the Crystal Gems to tune in to what I am going to say.
I said as I walk back to the ship with the Diamonds while Pearl and Steven are still on my shoulder. We entered the ship, and I set down both Pearl and Steven on the floor and shapeshifted back to my normal size. We ealked to the recording room and I got prepared for what I am about to say.
Timeskip; One hour later
I memorized my lines and now I am ready, I am wearing my formal attire and I was in front of a camera. The device is ready, it just needs activation now.
( This is what you're wearing, you can ignore the sword, just focus on the attire. )
Y/N: Alright, I'm good to go. Is the device ready too?
Taylor: Up and running. Good luck, and don't freeze.
Y/N: *chuckles* I never freeze.
Taylor: Ha! Yeah right. Get ready. Going live in feed is now on and recording.
The device was activated and it started to spread the transmission of the live feed all over the world, all programs, were interrupted by a live feed of myself, it even reached the Big Apple, the giant monitors on building showing a live feed of myself and all of them looked at the live feed in confusion of what is going on.
Y/N: Citizens of Earth. World leaders, hear me. Do not be afraid. We are here to help. My name is Painite, leader of the Red Court of The Diamond Authority. We are an alien race called Gems, but you already know that, I am the one who goes by the name Crystal Winged Angel, but you already know that as well, it's not important. But what's important, is about the invasion that happened three months ago. I easily apprehended it but it had this entire planet shook. Well you should be, because if one invasion came, it means more will come. The name of the alien race that attempted to invade us, are called Kliquons. Now before you say anything that they come in peace,well, in fact, they do not. That's why it's called invasion.
Then the live feed was replaced by another video. A video that displays the brutality, ruthlessness and monstrosity of the Kilquon Empire. As the video finished, the live feed returned.
Y/N: The Kliquon Empire is a brutal alien race, their military power and technology rivaled the Gemkind's power. They are ruthless, merciless, and they are a selfish race that only thinks about themselves. Earth is in danger, in presence of the Kliquon Empire. These are the kinds of Kliquons that we have discovered so far.
The live feed was changed again and it showed four images of the kinds of Kliquons of the Kliquon Empire, two of the pictures are images of the one that invaded us, and the other two are the one's we recently discovered.
Y/N: These are the only ones we have found so far, but there are nore out there. We aren't able to capture an image of the Generals and Leaders but we have encountered it. As soon as you see these, take them out, as soon as you can. But you won't be using your weapons, I will do the honors, of giving you Homeworld's firepower. In that way, even if I am away, your weapons, such as guns and mounted high caliber weapons work on the infantry. But if you're against the Kliquon's vehicles and machines, your weapons will do little to nothing. That is why...we are giving you Homeworld's weapons and machines, that way, you can defend yourselves.
Then I turned my face into a serious demeanor and I stared into the camera.
Y/N: But don't get ahead of yourself, if you so much as use these weapons to invade countries, or declare war on them, enslave your own people, or steal our technology or replicate it without my permission, you are clearly betraying my turst, the Diamond Authority's trust, Homeworld's trust, you just declared war on us, and you don't want a war with us, I know every advantages, disadvantages, strengths, weaknesses of these weapons because I created them. In a single press if a button, I can disable the weapons I have entrusted you with...and you will be left defenseless against the Gemkind and the Kliquon Empire. You...will lose...if you started a war against us. Today, I'll be giving you these weapons, use these weapons to defend, not to attack or enslave. Attack only...if necessary. I'll be giving the first batch here in the US and negotiate with the president. Then, after I have finished here in the US, I will continue on to the next country and negotiate to the leader, every country will recieve these weapons. Remember, if you use these to invade a country, you declared war on the country, and on Homeworld, your country will be treated as an enemy.and you don't want us to be your enemies. Expect us soon. Painite, signing off.
And after that, the live feed was cut and all of the televsions and giant monitors in building went back to their program. I let out a sigh as I got out of the way of the camera. Then I went beside Taylor.
Taylor: You did great!
Y/N: *sigh* Yeah. I basically gave them devastating weapons and threatened to start a war with a country that invaded another country. I think I did pretty well.
Then both of us walked out of the recording room and back with the others. While leaving the entire world in shock of what they just witnessed.
Right now, I was in the B.H. Destroyer along with two Star Seekers, we were flying towards a hangar that the US Army has given us clearance to land on. There were hundred of military personnel in the hangar, watching in awe of how big the B.H. Destroyer is and the Star Seekers.
The hangar was in an open field and so we landed the ships there, I walked out of the B.H. Destroyer with Scarlett and Taylor beside me. The ramps of the B.H. Destroyer and the Star Seekers opened up and out came the vehicles.
One Star Seeker was holding the batch of Imperial Knights, Barons, Rangers, and Undertakers. The other Star Seeker was holding the batch of Colossus, Colossus Anti-Air, Atlas, and Chronus. The B.H. Destroyer was the only one big enough to store the Orpheus. I also had Obsidian Fury stored in the ship, just in case, or I just really never had the guts to leave it behind.
( The actual size of the B.H. Destroyer is 750 feet in height, 800 meters in length, and 500 meters in width, yeah, that's a big ship.)
Then, all of the batches of the Colossus, Colossus Anti-Air, Atlas, and Chronus drove out of the Star Seekers and they all went to formation. The Undertakers, Imperial Knights, Barons, and Rangers went outside of where they were stored, and went to their formation as well.
Then, the ramp of the B.H. Destroyer opened wider, and out walked the Orpheus Mechs. All of the soldiers watch in shock and awe as the giant mechs walk over them like ants, all of the batch walked out of the ship and they all went into formation.
I was walking towards the hangar and I heared a few whispers and mumbles coming from soldiers, both from males and females. I just ignored them and walked with Scarlett and Taylor by my side.
I kept walking and trying to find the general that is supposed to escort me to the President. Then, I saw a female general, watching in shock and amazement as she looks at these vehicles and weapons.
Damn, I really gotta lay off the Vodka. I'm seeing sparkles all over the place. Then I approached her and she looked at me and she was a blushing and panicky mess. That is, until she recomposed herself and stood straight, she saluted and I saluted back, then she offered her hand for a handshake and I accepted it.
???: Hi, my name is General Sarah Lionhart! Nice to meet you!
Y/N: Painite, nice to meet you, General.
General Sarah: My God... W-wow. How are you able to make these things?
Y/N: *smiles* Loyal workers, unity among my people, and technological advancments. We disregard the cost of the production and we have large amount of resources in our colonies.
General Sarah: I wish we can do that...
Y/N: Well...maybe you can, with our help. But that's something that should be done in the future, will you lead us to the President?
General Sarah: Oh! Right this way.
Then she started walking and the three of us started following behind her, I just kept looking around, avoiding eye contact from anyone.
General Sarah (Mind): Oh my God! It's him! It's really him! Okay, calm down, Sarah. Don't mess this up. Ask him out, if he accepts,go crazy, if he refuses, that's okay, he's a busy man......I'LL BE DEVASTATED IF HE REFUSES!!!
Then we arrived at the hangar and she led us to the office of where the President is, we kept following her until we reached the office, guarded by two soldiers. They moved aside and let me pass.
Y/N: Alright, both of you stay here. I'll talk to him alone. And ladies, you can talk to each other while I'm not here.
Then I entered the room and the guards went back to guarding the door. General Sarah buried her face in her hands and silently squealed as she walked away from the office. Both Taylor and Scarlett noticed this.
Back to you
I entered the room and closed the door behind me. I then turned to the table, where the President was sitting. President Trump...this bastard...
Y/N: Mister Trump...
Trump: Sir's good to have you here. Please, take a seat.
I nodded and sat in the chair just in front of where he was sitting.
Y/N: It's good to be here. I assume that you know why I'm here, and why I'm giving you these weapons.
Trump: Yes, I do. Can you tell me when the first attack happened?
Y/N: It was in our planet, Homeworld, they attempted to invade us. They're a new threat to us and they rival our firepower. I wanted to give you these, so you can defend yourselves.
Trump: And for that, I thank you. But what's with the giant robots?
Then I looked at him and then side to side.
Y/N: Because we've been having reports in our colonies that there has been sightings of Giant Monsters walking around the colonies, they're over 250 feet tall. I can't risk it by letting them come here and we're half assed fighting these things.
Trump: But what about the resources and materials needed to repair these weapons? And their ammunition?
Y/N: I'll take care of that, Mister Trump. Next month, we will build factories, foundries and fabricators all over the planet, we will deliver materials and ammunition every six months, but if the ammunition warehouses is full, we won't deliver anything. I will send another batch of these weapons in three months, this is enough to hold off another attack but I will give you more so you can have reserves and reinforcements. Do we have a deal?
Trump: We have a deal. Thank you, for giving us these weapons, you are one of the people that will make American great again.
Then I shook his hands to seal our deal, he was trying to let go, but I'm not letting him, I was looking at him, never have I been serious in my life with this.
Y/N: But don't even think about it, Mister Trump. I know what you really are and what you did. Ctimes and atrocities you have done, sins you have committed, lies that you said. May God have mercy on you...but I will not. Enslave your people, or invade or declare war on any country, you're declaring war on us as well. So don't even think about it. Got it?
Trump: Got it, let go of my hand.
And so I did and he held his hand, I walked out to the door, I opened it and went through the door and Taylor and Scarlett saw me.
Scarlett: So?
Taylor: How'd it go?
Y/N: It went great, he agreed on me delivering another batch in three months and he is eager to let me build factories, foundries and fabricators all over Earth.
Taylor: That's a start!
Scarlett: You're basically making an Ear where Gems and Humans will unite. That is remarkable!
Y/N: Heh, thanks. But we have to go, we have more countries to go to.
I said as I walked past them and both of them followed me back to the ship. I was about to enter when I heared someone call me.
???: Wait!!!
I turned around and saw...General Sarah? She's running towards me while she's in high heels, I walked in front of her and she was panting heavily as she got in front of me.
General Sarah: Please *pant* wait *pant* Whoo! I need to work out more.
Y/N: Speak quickly, General.
General Sarah: Right. I want you to have this.
Then she handed me a folded piece of paper, I took it snd I looked at her as she was blushing heavily. I opened the note and jt showed a number, and a sentence saying "Call me" with a pink lipstick on it.
Y/N: Is this your's?
General Sarah: Y-yeah. I wanted you to have it s-since I want to go on a date with you, b-but it's okay if you refuse. I-I know you're a busy man.
Y/N: *smiles and puts the note inside his gem* I think I'll be able to take a day off. I'll call you soon.
General Sarah: What?! Is that a yes?!
Y/N: *smiles* Yes.
General Sarah: Oh my God! Thank you so much!
She said as she ran off to God knows where, I just smiled as I went back inside the B.H. Destroyer with Scarlett and Taylor. The ship blasted off and went to orbit, the two Star Seekers flew back to Homeworld as two more follow us to another country. This is going to be a long time...
Alright, so I finally managed to give almost all countries the weapons they need to defend themselves, Germany was eager with it. UK was a bit hesitant, but still accepted. Now, there are countries that have been a pain in the ass, I'm not gonna mention which one it is. But they still accepted in the end. Now all that's left is North Korea...and Russia. Yeah, Russia.
Turns out, the people of Russia are still alive and well, some of them are living in the edge of China, Ukraine, all countries that surround Russia, they lived at the edge of those countries, Vladimir Putin's base was in Ukraine but I'll go there later, for now...I'll deal with North Korea.
We landed the ships in the open area where North Koreans would march there and display their power. It was damn spacious, it was big enough for two Star Seekers and the B.H. Destroyer. We landed the ship and the ramps opened up. The ramp of the B.H. Destroyer opened and walked out the Orpheus Mechs, same like last time, the soldiers were in awe of how big these things are and how we were able to make it.
Then Imperial Knights, Rangers, Barons, and Undertakers went out of the ship, hundreds, if not, thousands of North Korean soldiers watch in awe in front of these machines, in the other Star Seeker, Colossus, Colossus Anti-Air, Atlas, and Chronus drove out of the ship and they were heading to their formation.
As the military vehicles go to their formation, I was laying against the B.H. Destroyer, Taylor and Scarlett decided to stay inside the ship. Then I saw that there was a commotion going on, soldiers were letting a person pass, it must be Kim Jong Un. So I just kept staring at where the commotion was, until a path cleared and I saw who it wasn't Kim Jong Un! It was her sister, Kim Yo-Jong!
She then ran past me as I was still in shock, what the hell happened to Kim Jong Un?! Then, I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw a Colossus heading towards her, and she doesn't seem to notice it, then I ran after her and just as soon as she was about to get hit by the Colossus, I pulled her away from the Colossus and it stopped in it's tracks.
Y/N: Are you alright, Supreme Leader?
Kim: Museun il-iya? ( What happened? )
Y/N: Right, you might not be used to speaking English. Uhh...
Y/N: Gwaenchanh euseyo, choego jidoja? ( Are you alright, Supreme Leader? )
Kim: Y-you speak Korean?
Y/N: So you can speak English.
Kim: Y-yes. I have been practicing so I can speak properly to you. But it seems that you know how to speak our language.
Y/N: Uhh...yeah, can you...let go now? You're kind of...holding onto me tightly.
She noticed this and she let go and she recomposed herself. Then I walked towards the front of the Colossus. Pissed off at what just happened.
Y/N: Hey! Get out! Whoever's driving this, get out! I need to speak to you!
And they still haven't answered and so I sighed and summoned my Gauntlets and slammed them on the Colossus' hull. It wasn't strong enough to damage the hull, but strong enough to make a loud metal clashing sound.
Y/N: I said get out!! That's an order!!
Then the driver's hatch opened and a Carnelian popped out of the hatch and she was shaking.
Y/N: What the hell are you doing?
Carnelian: I'm sorry sir! But I did't see her cross, she's just ran in front of us!
Y/N: Why you blaming her?! You're the fucking driver!! You're the one that's supposed to be responsible and focused at the road, not doing whatever the hell you're doing!! Don't blame her!! It's your fault for not keeping your eyes on the road!!
Carnelian: Sorry, Sir! It won't happen again!
Y/N: It better not! I don't have time for this, drive the Colossus to formation and get your asses back to the ship, ASAP, go!!
Carnelian: Yes sir! Sorry sir!
Y/N: Stop apologizing and drive!
Carnelian: Right! Sorry!
Y/N: Goddammit! Just go!
The Carnelian went back inside the hatch and I moved out of the way and the tank drove away, then Kim stood beside me, watching the tanks from Homeworld pass by.
Kim: You have one way to lecture your soldiers. Do they fear you?
Y/N: They fear me, yes. But they mostly look up to me.
Kim: You must be a great leader then...
Y/N: Do you mind if I ask you something?
Kim: Go ahead.
Y/N: What happened to Kim Jong Un? I thought I was supposed to meet him...
Kim: Uhhh...can you keep a secret?
Y/N: Sure...
Then she leaned closer to me and she whispered, I leaned closer to her so I can hear her better.
Kim: My brother turned himself into a pickle, funniest shit I've seen.
Y/N: Ahahahaha! Oh my God I am so sorry for laughing!
Kim: *giggles* Like I said, funniest shit I've seen. Now, can we, talk about the weapons?
Y/N: Sure, let's do it somewhere private, lead the way.
Then she nodded and she started walking, I followed her to where she was going and turned out to be her office, it used to be her brother's but now it's her's, she sat down on her chair and sat in front of her.
Y/N: Right, let's get this over with, I'll give these weapons to you as a way to defend yourselves for the uprising threat that's coming. I beg of you, do not use this to elslave your people and declare war on countries.
Kim: I promise...I won't be like my brother.
Y/N: Good.
Kim: Can you tell me about how to repair the weapons or itvs ammunition?
Y/N: Every six months, we will deliver ammunition and materials needed to repair the weapons, in three months, I will deliver another batch of weapons. I will be having factories, foundries and fabricators all over Earth so they could repair these weapons. But if the ammunition warehouse is full, we won't be delivering any ammunition. All in return...for one thing...
Kim: What is it?
Y/N: I want to set North Korea free. I want to give these people freedom and happines, they get to choose their own lives and let them be happy, they will be allowed to love, feel love and make love, I feel bad for most North Koreans, I want to set them free and give them a new and happy life. This is a beginning of a New Era.
Kim:..........*sigh* I have always been wanting to set them free...
Y/N: But what's preventing you?
Kim: My brother, I'm afraid that he'll be dissapointed in me and he'll hate me for it.
Y/N: Well, now that he's a pickle, all jokes aside, now you can. If he's mad at you, what's he gonna do? He's a pickle. If he did hate you, I'll be by your side. If you did this, I'll give you the weapons, and you'll set North Korea free, and you'll have protection from your "pickled" brother. You can still be their supreme leader. Do we have a deal?
Kim:........Deal...but you will have to be the one that's going to tell them.
Y/N: I can go with that, let's get to the balcony then.
Kim: W-wait! Are you not afraid of the large amount of people watching you?
Y/N: *smiles* I've had larger. Come, we walk to the balcony.
I was already at the balcony as thousands of North Korean soldiers, male and female, looking directly at me. Kim still isn't ready for the large crowd, so I'll do it for her.
Y/N: Annyeonghaseyo, jeoneun daiamondeu gigwan-ui Red Courtui Painiteibnida. Naneun boseog-eulo allyeojin oegyein chulsin-ijiman imi algo issseubnida. Jigeum ulineun jigueseo mugileul julyeogo yeogie issseubnida. Ulineun dangsin-i saeloun wihyeob-e majseo ssauneun de chungbunhan him-eul gajigileul wonhagi ttaemun-ibnida. Chimlyagjadeulgwa ssauneun de jiguneun honjaga anibnida. Ulineun dangsin-i dongmaeng-gug-ibnida. "Nae jeog-ui jeog-i nae chingu ya"lago malhaneun geoscheoleom ulineun hamkke wihyeob-e majseo ssaul geos-ibnida. ( Greetings, my name is Painite of the Red Court of the Diamond Authority. I am from an alien race known as gems, but you already know that. Now I am here, to give you weapons from our planet, because we want you to have enough power to defend yourselves against a new, rising threat. Earth is not alone in fighting the invaders, we are now you're allies. Just like they say, "An enemy of my enemy is my friend." We will face the threat together and we will fight back. )
Then the entire army saluted at me and I saluted back before they praised me for what I have done. But I am not yet finished, I raised my hand and they all fell silent.
Y/N: Geuleona naneun choego jidojawa hab-uihaessseubnida. Geunyeoneun mugileul sulyeonghamyeon-i nalaleul jayulobge hal geos-ilago dong-uihaessda. Mwonji majchwobwa? neon jayu ya yeoleobun modu-ibnida. Deo isang dangsin-eun dangsin-i jinjeong-eulo salanghaneun salam-e daehan yeohaeng gamjeong-eul sumgil pil-yoga eobs-seubnida. Dangsin-i wonhaneun mueos-ideun hal su issgo, wonhaneun geos-i deun wonhaneun salam-ideun, geugeos-eun uliui gyeoljeong-i anila dangsin-ui gyeoljeong-ibnida. Dangsin-eun nugungaleul salanghal su issgo, dangsin-i geudeul-eul salanghandago malhal su issseubnida. Geugeos-eun dangsin-ui seontaeg-ibnida. ije inteones-eul tonghae jeon segyee aegseseu hal su issseubnida. Ulineun inteones-eul yeogieseo bakkueossgo ije dangsin-eun daleun segyeleul bol su issseubnida. Oneulnal-i nalaneun noye guggaga anila tong-ildoego haengboghan salamdeul-ui nalalo dasi taeeonabnida. Jayulobgo haengboghasibsio. ( But I have made an arrangement with the Suprem Leader. She agreed that if she recieved the weapons, she will set this country free. Guess what? You're free. All of you are. No longer will you have to hide your feelings for someone that you truly love, you can do anything you want and be whatever or whoever you want to be, it's your decision, not our's, but your's. You can love someone, you can tell them that you love them, it's your choice. You can now access the rest of the world, via Internet. We changed the Internet here and now you can see the rest of the world. On this day, this country, is reborn, not as an enslaved country, but as a country of unified and happy people. Be free...and be happy. )
Some soldiers cheered while other broke down in tears, knowing that they are free, they're happy. I don't care if Kim Jong Un hates me for this, but I did the right thing. I looked to my side and saw Kim Yo-Jong, looking at me with a blush on her face. Great, even a supreme leader fell for me...
I smiled as I walk towards her and she ran towards me and gave me a tight hug. I just smiled as I hug back.
Kim: Thank you so much! Ah, I've always wanted to be a leader of a free country! Thank you so much!
Y/N: No problem. Defend this country, lead this in the right path, do better than what your brother has done. I must go, I will see you later, Supreme Leader.
Kim: *giggles* The last statement rhymed.
Y/N: What do you- Oh! Haha! Yeah, just realized. But I will see you later, Kim.
I said as leaved the balcony, by jumping off it, Kim ran to the edge and looked to see if I was okay, I was doing fine. I flew to the B.H. Destroyer and waited for my gems in my court to return.
Kim (Mind): Should I tell him? What if he doesn't like me? Why am I still here thinking about this when he's about to leave?!
Kim: Painite, wait!!!
Then Kim ran downstairs and exited the office and ran to where I was, there were still gems walking to the ship so Kim still had a chance to catch up, and when I almost entered the ship, I noticed her running towards me. How is she that good in running in high heels?!
Y/N: What is it, Kim? Something wrong?
Kim: N-no. I-I just...want you to have this.
Then she pulled out a note and she wrote something in the note, she gave it to me and I looked at it, and I already knew it was her number. Then I turned to the screen and spoke to McFly telepathically.
Y/N: Really, McFly?!
McFly: Oh shut the hell up!! It's not like you hate it!! In fact, you like it!!
I sighed as I put the note inside my gem.
Y/N: I'll call you if there's an emergency. Or I can keep in touch with you. Either way, wr can contact each other.
Then she looked to the side and she blushed, then she took the chance to kiss me. Her soldiers went crazy at what they just witnessed, she stood on the tip of her toes since I was taller than her. Then she broke the kiss and I just smiled at her, I put my hand on her cheek before leaving.
I boarded the ship and blasted to Orbit, the two Star Seekers flew back to Homeworld, and the last two Star Seekers flew with Vladimir Putin's base.
Right now, I was walking down the hallway of Putin's base. This place was even bigger than what the locals say. And then again, I'm alone, Scarlett and Taylor stayed in the ship. All of the 50% of Homeworld's Military Power is now given to Earth. Trust me, when I say that the 50% is big, it's still big.
I arived at a room where I see a blonde female Russian, about 28 or 33 I don't know. And they way she looks at me, something tells me that she's in a bad mood today.
( Now before you say anything, I don't know who this is, I only found this image in Pinterest I don't know who she is so she'll have a different name here. )
???: You're finally here...good. My name is General Natalia. I'll be escorting you to the president.
Y/N: It's good to be here, Natalia. Please, lead the way.
Then she nodded and she went to a bookshelf and pulled a lever behind the shelf, the shelves acted as a door and it revealed a passage, and in two doors, were two Spetsnaz Operatives. They made way for both of us and let us pass, Natalia just walked passed them while I took a moment to examine them.
Y/N: I have never seen a Spetsnaz in a decade, perhaps I should train my troops like this.
Then I ran after Natalia and the door closed behind us, as both of us kept walking, I can see paintings of the time when Russia was at it's finest. People are happy and contented, until the attack from Homeworld came. I looked down, dissapointed in myself, and Natalia noticed this.
Natalia: Something wrong? You look down...
Y/N: It's's just...seeing all these paintings...I see the people of Russia so happy. But the, Homeworld attack, just because they wanted to test out a new warhead.
I clenched mt fist as I try to avoid eye contact to Natalia.
Y/N: Homeworld was the reason why Russia was destroyed...I'm sorry. You have every right to be mad at us...
Natalia: It was our fault, not your's. We found a ship and decided to steal the technology, but your kind found out, and they wanted to prevent us from having this type of tech...we deserved it...
Y/N: But do you not hate us? For what we did?
Natalia: The past is in the past. We learn to hate...we learn to forgive. Quickly, the President is waiting.
Then I nodded and followed her again, we entered an elevator and it took us down ten stories, the doors opened and I followed Natalia again. Then, I saw him...
Vladimir Putin.
Putin: Ah, guest is here. Come! Sit, we'll talk.
Natalia walked behind him, beside the two Female Spetsnaz Operatives. Are there even any Female Spetsnaz Operatives? I think not...
I nodded and I sat in front of his desk and he opened a bottle of Vodka and poured it on two glasses, he drank one and he offered me the other.
Putin: Vodka?
Y/N: Don't mind if I do.
He smiled and gives me the glass of Vodka, I immediately drank the entire thing.
Y/N: I believe that you know what I'm here for, correct?
Putin: Yes, I do. And I must say, these weapons and technology you have is fascinating. It's a shame that we had our hands on it over a decade ago, and that caused the destruction of Mother Russia.
Then I accidentally broke the glass that I was holding, I crushed it with my bare hands and I wasn't even aware that I did it.
Putin: Are you alright, my friend?!
Y/N: Y-yes. That was just a reflex. I...I'm so sorry. It just...when I hear the destruction of Russia, it's not an easy topic for me.
Putin: I see. I'll try not to bring ir up. Now about the weapons, how are you going to repair and supply us the materials we need to fix these machines? And how about the ammunition?
Y/N: I already told all of the leaders this, I'm planning in creating factories, foundries and fabricators all over Earth, so that you have a place to repair these machines, in every six months, I'll send you ammunition for these weapons and equipments. And in three months, I'll send another batch of weapons in Earth. In return for one thing...only one thing...
Putin: What is it, my friend?
Y/N: I just want to say...I'm sorry. For the destruction of Russia, it was my fault, when I was still a soldier my leaders were planning to attack this planet, I did what I could but I your home is gone.
Then he sighed as he stood up bit his bottle of Vodka and sat on top of the table just beside me.
Putin: You said it yourself, comrade. You were only a soldier. You couldn't have done anything else, but at least, you bought them enough time to let us escape. It was our fault, our hunger for power and domination has overwhelmed us, and now we suffered it's consequences. The past is in the past, it was never your fault that you failed, but it was because if you, that you bought us enough time to let others escape. Always remember, "Do not fear failure, not failure, but low aim, because if you tried hard enough, it is glorious even to fail. " It's like what Natalia said, we learn to hate,
Y/N: We learn to forgive...
Putin: Did that make you feel better, comrade?
Y/N: In fact it did, thank you.
Putin: Then have another glass of Vodka.
He said as he grab another glass of and poursed some Vodka inside and gave it to me.
Putin: Today, we celebrate, for in this day, two world collide, and two races, unite as one, you brought together two worlds, and that's worth celebrating. Cheers!
Y/N: Cheers!
I said as I hit my glass against the President of Russia. I drank the Vodka and immediately finished it. Then I stoof back up and stood straight.
Y/N: It has been a pleasure being here with you, but I must go. I have a wife ( and multiple other girls. ) to get back to.
Putin: The pleasure is our's. Natalia, escort him back to his ship, take the two operatives with you, then Natalia nodded and walked towards me. I just nodded at her and looked at the two Female Spetsnaz Operatives, then I started walking. I pressed the elevator button and the sliding doors opened, I gestured them to enter first, which they did, then I entered. As the door closes, I sent a two-finger salute at Vladimir Putin. As the elevator reach the ground floor, we started walking down the long hallway, and I kept hearing the two Female Spetnaz Operatives talking to each other.
Female Spetsnaz 1: Думаешь, он это допустит? ( Do you think he'll allow it? )
Female Spetsnaz 2: Я не знаю? Вы спросите его! Я такой же застенчивый, как и ты! (
I don't know? You ask him! I'm just as shy as you are! )
Female Spetsnaz 1: Я намного круче вас! Да ладно, он ходячая легенда и герой! ( I'm much more shyer than you! I mean, come on, he's a walking legend and a hero! )
Y/N: I can hear both of you, and I can understand you. What is it?
Female Spetsnaz 1 & 2: You speak Russian?
Y/N: Yes, I do. Now speak up.
Then I walked closer to them and they were twiddling their fingers.
Female Spetsnaz 1: Can we have your autograph?!
Y/N: That's it?
Female Spetsnaz 2: Y-yes! That is all.
I just let out a chuckle and I pulled a pen out of my gem.
Y/N: Where shall I sign?
Female Spetsnaz 1: My hat, please!
Female Spetsnaz 2: Do my sleeves!
I let out a chuckles again as I sign their hats and their sleeves, after I finished. They were looking at the signs with stars in their eyes. Natalia couldn't help but laugh herself. And so, we continue on, in walking back to my ship. We arrived a few moments later, the ships were already ready to take off.
Y/N: This has been a long week, for me. I'll go back to the Beach House and sleep all day.
Natalia: You should, you deserve it. I just smiled at her and without me looking, she secretly blushed.
Natalia: Uhh...I'm sorry, where do you live again?
Y/N: Here on Earth, I'm usually in Beach City. Why?
Then she bit her lip and she leaned closer to me and whispered.
Natalia: Because I'll make you mine when I find you~
Y/N: You can try, princess.
Then I smiled as I went back inside the ship, I did a two-finger salute to her and she blew a kiss to me. I smiled as I sat on the Captain's Chair as blasted back to Beach City. This was tiring, but it was worth it.
Timeskip; One week later
Right now, I checking the mail in Steven's house, Pearl sent me to collect the letters sent today. As i arrived, there were letter in the mailbox. And also a package. I don't know who sent it, but it was for me.
I ran back to the house and saw that no one was there, good. I set the letter in the table, and I opened the package. And inside was a cellphone, like an old one, the one with keypads. Then I noticed a number inside.
And a sentence scribbled on the paper "Call this number when you recieved the package" And so I did. I typed the number in and called the number. The phone kept ringing and ringing until someone picked up. He sounded British.
???: Right, now you recieved the package.
Y/N: Yes, I did who is this.
???: Inside rhe box are all the intel you need.
???: Captain John Price. We need your help, you're the only one that can help us.
And Finished.
Whoo another chapter done, this is one of those chapter that I have been wanting to write for a while now. So I enjoyed writing this one.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off.
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