Chapter 76: Two Races Collide, Only One Survives
Your POV
The armors are finally done, I had fourteen clones of myself with me and we headed to the factory. As we entered, the Peridots are running around the factory finishing things up. When they all saw us, they all saluted and led us to the armors, and in the heart of the factory, were fifteen set of armors.
( By the way, you are the Impulsor Sgt. )
In the tables were knives and ranged weapons that have never been seen before by any other gems. The Peridots said it was called a Bolter and Bolt Pistol. The knife was said to be special and it can cut through even the densest of alloy.
Now these armors are not something you can simply put on and take off, these needs machinery to put on and to take off. And so we all got on the platform and the machine took care of putting the armor on all of us. The armor was quite big so allbof us had to shapeshift into it a size that fit's the armor perfectly. All of us shapeshifted into an 8 foot tall fighters.
When the armors were finally put on, we went to the table and grabbed the weapons, I grabbed the Bolter and the Bolt Pistol and the Combat Knife and sheathed it. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around and looked down, and I saw Taylor. She handed me a weapon that I've never seen before. It looks like a Plasma Pistol
Taylor: This is for you. I've been perfecting it's design, functions, effectiveness and efficiency for centuries and it works perfectly. This uses Plasma Rounds so be wise in using it.
I nodded and took the weapon from her hand and put it on my armor's holster. Then we walked out of the factory and the last one to get out was me, I looked back and saw the Peridots looking at us as we walk away, then I simply nodded at them and followed the squad.
As we walk towards the docking area where the B.H. Destroyer is, we recieved a couple of stares and mumbles and murmurs and whispering among the gems we pass by. From curious Rubies to staring Citrine Elites.
Y/N: We have no time to lose, we have to go, now!
Then we started running towards the docking area and immediately entered my ship, the ship immediately blasted to orbit and we were finally in front of the invader's ship. But we were too far away and we can't risk the ship getting damaged and I don't want to engage it yet.
So we decided to load up, and get ready, because we're boarding it ourselves. The ship was able to scan the invader's ship and it showed us the weak points of their ship.
Then we started walking towards the docking bay and boarded a Boarding Torpedo.
( Yup, that's what that was called, imagine a normal human being inside there, he would immediately turn into paste, imagine immediately stopping at 600 mph. )
All of us fell silent as the Boarding Torpedo was shot out of the ship and onto the invader's. Two defensive drones took the hit for the incoming attacks and we were nearing the ship. The Boarding Torpedo immediately stopped and used lasers to penetrate and weaken the ship's hull and the Torpedo pierced the ship's hull and we finally got inside the ship.
The entire ship is now aware of our presence in the ship, the area where we entered was still covered in smoke and the invaders took positions. Little did they know, that we can see their heat signatures through our helmets.
And thus, we started shooting everything we can see. I was using my Bolt Pistol and walked in front of the crossfire as more of my clones followed. The bullets being shot at us either ricocheted or didn't penetrate.
Then I looked up and saw two invader on top of us, I aimed up and so did my clones and started shooting at them, one recived a bolt on his right shoulder causing it to fall off and slowly dies, while the other one had his other half blown off completely.
Then I saw an invader at my right and aimed my weapon at him and fired a single Bolter round, that was only a single Bolt but it completely blew his head off into pieces.
Then we started to advance, killing everything we can see in our path. Two invaders in front us tried to jold us off but failed , I shot the one at the left and the Bolter round exploded in his chest, leaving a large gaping hole in his chest and I shot the remainio one and a Bolter Round hit him in the head making his body drop dead in the floor.
A few of my clones decided to hold off the invaders and the rest of us kept walking away from the gunfight behind us, not looking back...only forward.
Then we started running through the hallways, checking every room and every corner and killing every single invader we see in the ship. Then in front of us was a small fort. There were five invader stationed there and they kept shooting us with lasers and bulleta that doesn't even affect us.
We all shoot back at them with great precision and accuracy, we killed all of them but one of them still managed to shoot a rocket towards us, I simply dodged it by taking a step back and the explosion made us visible in the dark tunnel. Then we started running to the next area and we kept running through the narrow hallway.
Little did we know that there was an invader using an Anti-Matter Rifle inside the walls, he can see our. Movements and when the shot aligned he started shooting at us. But none of us got hit and I stopped for a moment and let the invader run out of bullets. The invader kept shooting until one of my clones found a way inside of where the invader was and shot him with the Bolter.
The rest of the the squad was still fending off the other invaders while I chase down the remaining. I wasn't even running, I was walking to them, I shot an invader and his top half was torn off of his lower half.
Little did I know that the invaders prepared a Laser Mobile Turret, they took aim and they used night vision to see me approaching. As soon as they saw me, they pressed the button and the turret shot out hundreds of laser beams at me.
The armor was doing a great job in keeping me from getting affected by the lasers, I shot a few Bolter rounds at them and hit their cover making them duck and I took this chance to take cover and throw a Smokeflash Grenade, it's a combination of a Smoke Grenade and a Flashbang.
I threw it to the corridor and it blew up, blinding the invader, I put my Bolt Pistol on holster and removed the Plasma Pistol from holster and shot a Plasma Round towards the invaders, the Plasma Round made a gap in the smoke before reaching the invaders, destroying the mobile turret killing them also.
We finally entered the final area leading to where Citrine is being held. But we still have a problem...Psychics, powerful ones.
( I know that they're called Psykers, just going to call them Psychics for those who doesn't know the Warhammer 40K Fan Film Astartes. )
All of us regrouped and we need to do one final assault to finally reach Citrine, then the clones at the top of the staircase ran to the platform and shot Bolter rounds at the Psychics.
The Psychic used it's powers to form a forcefield around itself, completely stopping all of the rounds from hitting it. Now they are fully aware and ready, then another clone on the ground floor shot rounds at the other Psychic.
Then I took this chance to run to the Psychic while they were distracted. I kept running as fast as I could. I had my Plasma Pistol in my hand and my Combat Knife also. I kept running and running as they were still distracted.
Then the Psychic sent a powerful psychic blast towards my clones sending them flying. I aimed at the Psychic who did the attack and shot a Plasma Round at it. The round was stopped by the forcefield.
But it exploded when it came in contact with the field producing smoke giving me enought time to try and stab the Psychic, I dropped the Plasma Pistol as it ran out of rounds and removed the Bolt Pistol from my holster and tried to stab the Psychic. But the Psychic lifted it's hand and I was forced to stop in my position and I can't move.
The Psychic was trying to crush me, behind him is the other Psychic protecting him from my clone's gunfire. He had a weapon in his hand but he sent a psychic blast on the clones again. Then I was being forced to the ground, I forced my hand and I managed to make the Bolt Pistol's muzzle went through, I pulled the trigger and it sent rounds hitting him in the shoulder, I had control again and was about to plunge the knife into him but was stopped again.
I was now being forced by the other Psychic. I was being crushed and my helmet's visor was damaged. He was in the verge of crushing me when a cline of myself went behind him and was about to shoot him, the Psychic swatted the Bolt Pistol away from the clone but not the knife, the clone forced the knife through it's head, breaking it's artificial spine.
I finally regained control and I can move freely again. I plunged the knife into the remaining Psychic and the knife dug deep into the Psychic, then I grabbes it's artificial spine and tore it away from it. Finally killing it.
Then I removed the knife from the Psychic and it's dead carcass dropped down to the ground, dead. I took my knife and sheathed it, I looked at my clone and he nodded at me and I nodded back. We walked to the door and I opened the door by punching the lock system of the door and it opened up, revealing my helmet.
And in that room, was Citrine behind a cell and someone that I have never seen before, must be the leader of the invaders.
I entered the room and it the doors behind me suddenly closed, leaving the clones outside but I didn't break my gaze on the leader, we kept circling each other.
Invader Leader: You came all this way, just for one life. I admire your persistence, but your persistence only means your death.
Y/N: I don't care if saving my people, means giving my life away.
Then he let out a laugh as I looked at Citrine who had a look of fear in her eyes.
Invader Leader: But it doesn't have to be this way, let us take over, and we will take good care of your people, if not. We will treat your kind as slaves, and even give them death. Along with you and you're worthless family and friends. Or you can be a coward and hide, and fail your people-
Then I cut him off by bursting into flames and a bright light covered my body, my armor was replaced by the form. The light faded and I let out another blast and it sent the leader flying. Then both Citrine and the leader looked at me, with my new form....Astartes.
Y/N: You will not...speak to me like that...ever again.
Back in Homeworld
Lux was with Phage and Targe talking to Jet as she was slowly recovering. Then her scanners whirred and she screamed in pain because of it.
Phage: Oh my Stars! Lux!
Targe: What was that?
Lux: I-I don't know! My visor just suddenly whirred and it made my head hurt due to the whirring.
Then she picked up her visor and she saw something that almost made her faint, but luckily Targe caught her.
Targe: What the hell is happening to you, Lux?
Lux: Painite's power levels! My scans reached up to orbit and it scanned his power levels!
Targ: So?!
Lux: Look at this! His power level is over 900,000 multiplied by nine!!!
Targe: Then...that means....
Jet: His power levels are over 8,100,000...he finally went all out.
Back to you
Then I fell silent as the tip of my spear was covered in an orange hue and it acted like a flamethrower, but it sent napalm instead of a normal flame, the leader started struggling in blocking the attack but still managed to do so.
As the flames engulf him, he slowly transformed into a monster, a monster even bigger than me.
Then I readied myself and my spear and did a stance and I was covered in a bright blinding light and I turned into a white
will-o-wisp for a moment. Then I turned back to my physical form but still covered in a light of a white hue and immediately turned into a white will-o-wisp again to dodge the attack.
Then I turned back to my physical form again and hit the monster in it's head with the spear's sharp tip, making it roar out in pain. Then it was about to stab me with one of it's sharp blades on it's hand but I dodged it and cut off it's hand instead.
Then it roared and hit me with it's tail sending me a few feet back, then I used my wings to fly up and I stabbed the monster at the back and I kept pushing the blade into the monster and it roared out in pain.
I pulled out my spear and slashed it's torso leaving a large bleeding gash on it's chest. I pointed the tip of my spear towards it agaain amd it shot out a ball of napalm which exploded when it made contact with the monster.
The monster was about to grab me but I caught it's hand using both of my hand and jumped down and used my momentum to bring the monster down and I tore off it's arms making it roar out in pain again.
Then one last strike, I impaled the monster with the spear and it roared out for one last time before returning to it's normal form which was the leader, laying on the floor, coughing up blood, with the spear still impaled to him.
Invader Leader: No one has ever had the power and courage to not listen to our demands! *cough* You just signed you're death warrant, and everyone you care about will die! Others will come for you!
Y/N: You came here, on this planet, my home. Threatened my people with slavery and death, disrespected me, my friends, loved ones, my honor, and my will to fight! You should have chosen your words carefully.
Then I held him by the head as I was moving the spear in a circular motion while it was still impaled to the leader.
Y/N: No matter how many more will come, we will be prepared, we will fight back! You messed with the wrong superior race, and now you will pay the price. If your kind comes here again, we will push your race to extinction, and you will be forgotten, buried in the sand of time and oblivion.
Then I pulled out the spear making the leader scream out in pain and an orb at the tip of the spear that had a yellow hue formed.
Y/N: Stay off my planet!
Then the orb released a beam of energy that disintegrated everything in it's path. Including the ship's hull, I ran to the cell of where Citrine was and opened it, the hull was breached and we were being sucked out of the ship. The clones managed to open the door and they were sucked out of the ship, but the armor had a built in thrusters so they'll be fine. Citrine was about to get sucked out but I caught her.
Y/N: I got you! Hold on!
I caught Citrine and both of us are falling down to Homeworld. She put her hands on my chest as she as I was holding her close to me. We were falling as I was starting to go up in flames, so while in mid air I turn around and my back was facing the ground.
Then all my clones found both of us and gave us assistance in slowing down our fall, I took this chance to spread my wings and held on tight to Citrine, then it worked, we just glided down to the ground and my clones landed beside me as I made sure that Citrine was fine.
Y/N: Citrine? Citrine. Wake up, you're safe now.
Then she opened her eyes and she looked around and scanned her surroundings, then she looked at me and she smiled snd gave me a hug.
Citrine: Thank you. For saving me.
Jet: Citrine?! Citrine!
Then both of us looked to where Jet was and saw that she has fully recovered and well, I looked at Citrin and I nodded at her and she broke the hug and ran to Jet and they both kissed as I just smiled.
All of the gems from all court including my own are in front of me with the Diamonds and I am still in my Astartes form. I also had my clones still wearing the armor and are just beside me.
Y/N: Ladies and gentlemen, I have come to announce...that the attack...was successfully repelled.
Then tge gems cheered and celebrated as they knew that we won a battle.
Y/N: But, we are not sure if they will come back or not! But if they will we will be prepared, we will have tactics, strategies and machines, so that no foe can best us in battle! We will fight back, because we are not the kind who are willing to sit and wait for it's own slaughter, no! We are gems! And we will all unite, against any threat! We will fight back! Do you understand?!
Gems: Yes! My Painite!
Y/N: Good! All of you will have a day off for the next three days, we will have a celebration!
Then the gems cheered again and started chanting.
Gems: Hail, Painite! Hail, to The king!
Y/N: *chuckles* King? Really?
And Finished.
Another chapter done and I enjoyed writing this so much too. Also, the original idea was to square the 900,000 power level but the answer that came out was way too much, it was 810,000,000,000. And a ridiculous amount of number. This is too much.
The highest power level ever officially stated in the Daizenshuu guides is Super Saiyan Goku's power level of 150,000,000 while battling Frieza on Namek. The overall highest power level officially stated was 5,300,000,000 for Frieza's power level in Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D. So if I still squared the 900,000, we are more powerful than Goku and Frieza.
So yeah, I don't want us to be too overpowered. But still, it would be nice that we did reach that power level. Hope you enjoyed the chapterz because I did. This is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
P.S. - If you're still playing GTA San Andreas today, you are a legend! Me? I was playing GTA SA until our laptop broke :,)
Mcfly signing off.
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