Chapter 75: Strike Back
Your POV
Why does this had to happen now?! Of all times, why now?! The ship then sent down drop pods to the ground. And those pods contain at least thirty invaders.
Y/N: Jet, gather your Insurgents and get ready to fight!
Jet: Copy that!
Then she ran to base and entered the building, while I fly back to the Throne Room. I dropped to the ground as I finally arrived and I opened the doors to see all of the Diamonds at the door, along with Steven.
Y/N: We gotta evacuate the entire city! Now!
Steven: Hold on, Y/N. What's going on?
Y/N: There's an invasion! We don't have much time! Engage all anti-air turrets surrounding the city! I have to get enough
Anti-Air Colossus spreaded throughout the city! All of you stay here!
Then I ran back outside and flew to my palace, I went to the mic and the signal transmitted throughout the city.
Y/N: Attention all Gems! This is not a drill nor a test! This is an invasion, all non-comabatant personnel, find shelter and stay calm! All combatants available, get ready, we need to fend off the invasion! May the Stars have mercy to us all.
Then I started glowing and materialized an armor around me, as the armor covered me, clashing of metal can be heard, I assume it's the armor itself. A few seconds more of blinding light and metal clashing, the light faded and the armor was finally covering me.
Then I flew down and landed in front of the invader's ship. Then I focused my mind, everything fell silent. Then I heared marching at the distance, I turned to where it was coming from, and saw that it was Jet's Insurgent Core, they all marched down towards me and Jet was with Citrine. Along with three other Jets that I don't know. One looks like a Centurion and one looks like a Battle Mage and a Combat Engineer.
Jet: We're here, This is Targe, Phage, and Lux.
Y/N: Greetings, all of you.
Jet: So what's the plan?
Y/N: We take down the ship. It's the only way we can fend off the attack while minimising the damages and the casualties.
Lux: But the ship is way too high up, your Anti-Air Colossus can't reach it, and even if it did, the ship's curved shape has a high chance in deflecting it's shells.
Y/N: I'm not using the Anti-Air to take it down...
Lux: Then what will you use?
Y/N: I'll use my weapons.
Targe: Your weapons?
Phage: I'm sorry, my Painite. But I don't think it'll work. Maybe...
Y/N: You underestimate my power.
Then I slowly turned to the readers of this story.
Y/N: And no, I'm not referencing to Anakin...
Jet: Who are you talking to?
Y/N: It's not important.
Then I turned to the ship amd I gripped my current spear tighter and it engulfed in blue flames, I did a 360° turn to use my momentum to throw the spear further, faster, and stronger. I let go of it, it flew to the ship in an incredibly fast speed, like it was the speed of sound.
It collided to the ship's hull and it made a small but lethal explosion to the hull. Then I turned back to Jet's Core.
Targe: I don't think a single spear can take down that ship.
Y/N: I didn't say that I'll use one spear.
Then more marching were heared at the distance, all of us turned to where it was coming from and at the horizon was my clones, all wearing armor. They all marched down towards me and they all came to a halt.
Y/N: Soldiers! Today we will fight a threat, not known to us before! A threat that we don't know what they're capable! But neither do they, if we are threatened and invaded, we will fight back! We will rise up and face them. Let us show...that they picked the wrong superior race fuck with! Who is willing to protect the things you hold most?! Even if it means dying?!
Then they all raised their shields and swords in the air as they chant.
Clones: AHOO!!! AHOO!!! AHOO!!!
Y/N: Good! Put your shields and sword away for now...we have something to do. *points to the ship*
Then they sheathed their swords and put their shield behind their backs. Then I turned back to the ship and my right hand started glowing of a yellow hue, like it was sunlight. I reared back my hand and a spear that looks like it was made out sunlight itself formed in my hand.
The clones did the same thing and in their hand formed a spear made out of sunlight, and all of them reared back their hand, finally ready to throw. Then I reared back my hand a bit more and threw it with all my might and it flew to the ship, my bolt was followed by hundreds, if not, a thousands bolts more.
Then as the bolts collided with the hull, it engulfed the entire side of the ship with explosions that is so ear shatterring even at this distance. Imagine the noise if you're near the explosion itself.
The ship was caught in an endless explosive state and fire, it was losing altitude, and it was losing fast.
Y/N: Ladies and gentlemen? I give you...
I slowly turned back to all of my clones and Jet's Insurgent Core, i slowly raised both of my hands to my side making a T-Pose of some sort. The ship crashed to the ground making it explode into scraps, the crash sent a powerful shockwave that reached where we were.
Y/N: Total Destruction.
Jet: Fascinating!
Citrine: His power is...I would say staggering, but I don't think that will properly describe his power.
Targe: Hey, Lux? Can you try scanning his power levels?
Lux: Will do...
Then Lux scanned my power levels using her visors, when she finally finished scanning, she saw my power levels, and this made ger sweat drop.
Targe: Hey, you scanned it yet?
Lux: Y-yes! I have.
Phage: You look like you saw a ghost, you alright?
Targe: How high is his power levels?
Lux: *gulps* Over...9,000!
Targe: Holy Shit!
Jet: That thing's busted, Lux. It's missing a zero...
Lux: Y-you mean-
Jet: Yeah, he has a power level of 90,000...and he isn't even going all out yet, plus he has his clones out. Imagine him going serious and going all out.
Y/N: We have no time to waste!
Then I materialized a sword and pointed to the horde of invaders in front of us. They all let out a roar and ran towards us.
Y/N: This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! Positions!
The clones pulled out their shields and put it in front of them and unsheathed their sword, they did a Phalanx formation but they were using swords.
Y/N: Give them nothing! But take from them, everything!
Jet activated her sword and Targe readied herself and lifted her lance forward, sigils formed in Phage's hand and Lux started charging up her built in blasters in her Limb Enhancers, Citrine pulled her weapon out.
Then all of us did a battle cry and ran towards the horde of invaders, I reared back my hand and slahed one of the invaders coming towards us. The number of my clomes are many that they might be the only casualties in this fight. I turned my head to my right and vut off one head of an invader, I saw four of the invaders perfectly lined up and I materialized a spear and impaled all four of them and cut off all of their heads one by one.
Then I saw an incoming vehicle that looks nothing like my design. I smiled and I was covered in bright flames and I transformed into the form that I discovered at the time of Jet's challenge. I call this form, The Collapsed Star.
I roared as I ran towards the vehicle, I crushed a few invader as I rum towards the vehicle, I kept running and I was covered in brighter flames as I collided with the vehicle making it explode into pieces. An invader was shooting at me and so I had the pleasure of tearing off it's limbs, slowly, and painful.
I stomped my foot on the ground and a flaming crystal pillar popped out of the ground and impaled the incoming invaders.
I kept ramming any vehicles that I see that isn't of Homeworldvs design. I rammed transportation vehicles, armed vehicles, armored vehicles and much more. Then I went back to my normal state and pulled out my sword. I dropped my shield and did a stance as invaders encircled me.
Then I saw bullets flying towards me and I ducked and they all hit the invaders, I looked to where the bullets came from and saw that it was Jet, she formed her Energy Rifle into a minigun. She walked towards me and offered me her hand, I took it and she helped me up and I cut off an invader's head that tried to sneak up on her.
Then she put away her gun and she pulled out her Changer-Sword and set it to Ultra-Cut Mode. Both of us backed up against each other as invaders encircled us. Then I reared back my hand and cut off the heads of all the incoming invaders in one strike. I focused my mind and I tried transforming into the other form that I discovered, the one that made me look like a Dark Lord of Flames. And I successfully transformed, but not the same form when I first transformed into this.
Jet: Woah! Is that a new form?
Y/N: No, I tried to transform into the Flaming Dark Lord when you challenged me, but I transformed into this instead. I think I'll call this, The Fallen Star.
Jet: I think this form changes it's appearances, depending on your emotions.
Y/N: Enough talk! We still have something going on!
Then as both of us were fending off invaders, both of use heared a loud roar coming from a distance, we looked to where it came from and saw a different type of invader. Then the other invaders cheered as they saw the monster arrive.
I pushed Jet out of the way as it ran towards me and rammed me, sending me flying. I landed on my feet and I smiled as I dispered my clones and all of them faded into a puff of smoke. My powers are back to full strength.
Lux then scanned my power levels again without me knowing and this made her sweat drop again.
Lux: What the fuck?!
Phage: What is it, Lux?
Lux: His...h-his power levels rose again! It's twice the amount he had last time! He's over 190,000!
Targe: How is he that strong?!
Then I materialized a giant sword, even bigger than me, I ran towards the monster and lifted the heavy blade, I brought it down with powerful force, cutting the invader in the middle making it split into two pieces.
Then all of the troops regroup as another wave was approaching. Me and Jet looked at each other and nodded and both of us ran towards the horde.
I was panting heavily as I look around the battlefield, filled with corpses of the invaders, a few gems were poofed, but their gems are fine. Jet was helping me walk to the infirmary as I was too tired to do anything.
Jet: You did well, Painite.
Y/N: You did, all of us did well. We fended off the attack and now everyone is safe.
Jet: Citrine? Baby, where are you?
Citrine: I'm over here!
Both of us turned to where Citrine was and she was waving her hand as ahe was running towards us, smiling. To be honest, her smile reminds me of Pink.
Then she kept running towards us until a beam of light shot down and she accidentally stepped in, teleporting her to the ship. I looked up and saw it was a different ship, a bigger one as well.
I ignored the pain of my body and flew up to the ship, before it blasted to orbit. I failed, I dropped to the ground as my wings stopped functioning. I collided to the ground and it left thick amounts of smoke. I was on my knees as Jet went beside me and I saw Jet holding in her tears.
Then I saw a fighter that come from the main ship and it was shooting bullets at us. But not just regular bullets, bullets that affect both humans and gems, these bullets can make a Gem bleed and slowly torture them with pain before poofing. And these bullets, have the power to drain the energy from the gem, permanently killing them.
I was about to push her away but she did the opposite, she pushed me awat instead and she got caught in the raining bullets. Bullets pierced through her body and she was bleeding, she dropped to the ground and I caught her, I had tears in my eyes as I hold her in my arms, bleeding, she smiled before she went unconscious.
An Anti-Air Colossus shot down the fighter, as I gritted my teeth and pulled on my hair and screamed as loud as I can. I had one job, and that's to protect my people, and I failed. My anger took over, my demon woke up...he took control. I had a dark skin and my pupils were gone, the scream, slowly turned...into an angered roar.
I still had a bit of control but not for long, I flew away and went deep underground, deep into the abyss of Homeworld.
I was finally back to my normal state but still underground, I managed to subue my demon but he's been trying for about an hour now. Then I kept walking to calm myself down, I came across a crashed ship. How did this end up here? I walked towards it and I looked at the glass and saw my reflection.
I inspected it and the reflection smiled without me smiling and it slowly transformed into the very being that tried to take over my control over my body.
Y/N: It's been a while...Diablo.
Diablo: It seems that it is, old friend.
Y/N: Why must you take over when I'm feeling despair?
Demon: Forgive me, you know I can't help myself if I can sense a negative energy. Your's is so strong...too strong, that I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to, my hunger took over myself.
Y/N: I almost killed one of my people again...good thing I subdued you in time.
Diablo: And yet you didn't kill any of all. But I know why you're talking to me...
Y/N: Enlighten me...
Diablo: You want to ask me if I can lend you power, don't you? A power that surpasses me.
Y/N: Yes......but...I don't want to turn into a monster. I want to use that save and protect my people. That is all I ask...
Diablo: You know that you already have that power inside you, from the vey beginning. You just didn't know how to awaken it.
Y/N: What do you mean, Diablo?
Diablo: What are you fighting for?
Y/N: You already know that.
Diablo: Just answer the question.
Y/N:............I fight for my loved ones, my friends, my family and my people. I want to ignite a spark of happiness inside of everyone, be a symbol of hope and save and protect the innocent. Do what is right and just...that's what I'm fighting for.
Diablo: Now focus your mind, close your eyes and keep the reason why you're fighting and what you're fighting for marked on your mind. Then open your eyes and release.
And so I did, I closed my eyes, kept the reason why and what I'm fighting for marked on my mind, I took a deep breath and released...released something that I didn't know, an entity that surpasses even Diablo. I was covered in a blinding light, this light was brighter than any light I have ever emmited before in my life, then I bursted into flames and the light and flames quickly fades, as I saw, I discovered a new form.
Y/N: What is this?
Diablo: This, is your inner warrior, you awakened it. This form is the reflection of your will to fight and what you fight for, along with your honor and fearlessness. The warrior is your ultimate self. While in this form, you can use an ability called Combative Intent.
Y/N: And what is that?
Diablo: When you use the ability, it causes you to enter a state where all training, conditioning, memory, senses, strength, and power enter the highest value attained by the user, which is you. It will be costless as long as the form is attained, otherwise it drains your energy from your form which will make you poof if you over use it. In essence, this is to make any fighter or soldier fight with the tempered fury and endless will...of a true warrior. You can become unstoppable but only for a time...but prolonged use can instill the very instincts granted by the ability to the you out of use of the said ability, as this ability grants you, to awaken the warrior inside you. Through meditation this effect is both faster and has higher boons.
Y/N: Amazing...
Diablo: To put it simply, your inner warrior...has no fear, for death is just one foe to beat, has no rage as no enemy can hurt it, has no weakness as it can never tire, in the grim future...war has it's champion, because for this spirit warrior...there is only war...doom fears it, fate cannot control it, demons curse it, curses bless the end when this spirit walks this dimension, or any other being divine or prepared...only the worthy can call on it's aid. And it fears no betrayal, as the only thing that it to see it's host...ascend beyond all that dare to harm it's people...
Y/N: So I can only use the Combative Intent while I'm in this form?
Diablo: Over time, and through practice and how well you're intuned to it along with your understanding for your inner warrior, you can use it even outside the form. This ability is where you lose all show exchange for pure is something that the Diamonds can be truly bested in, as they have one big combative think. You would be a beast to those who don't understand...but you are in perfect control...with no feral attacks.
Then I revereted back to my normal state and looked at Diablo.
Diablo: You can name the form if you want.
Y/N: I will name my ultimate form...Astartes? Yeah, I'll go with Astartes, and...thank you...for teaching me this.
Diablo: You don't need to thank me, but I do want to ask you something...
Y/N: What is it?
Diablo: You had the power to finally get rid of me and yet still you didn't get rid of me...why?
Y/N:...........Because you're a part of me now. I get rid of you, I throw away a part of myself. Besides, you saved my ass......three times.
Then I started walking away and flew back to the surface, and for some reason I feel much more...different. I finally arrived at my Palace and sat on my throne, members from Jet's Insurgent assured me that Jet was alive and safe.
After the Insurgent left, I decided that I will plan a rescue mission for Citrine. I pulled out a screen and I pulled out the armors that I have been creating and perfecting for the last thousand of years, and weapons like no other.
The design was made by me, the design and blueprints of the armor is encrypted in the systems and it is saved in the Archives in case we really need it. I proposed this idea to the Diamonds and they loved it, but they didn't let me start production.
I will only be allowed to produce them if really needed. In the screen, I saw a sentence saying "Inititate Production?". I pressed confirm and in the distance, I heared machines starting up, the screen then read "The Armors will be done at the end of the day"
And Finished
Oh shit! How will things turn out in Painite's rescue for Citrine? Will it go as planned? Or does fate have other plans? Find out, in the next chapter.
Also, my friend sent this to me.......................I have no words to this.........
I'm having a confused...boner, and I am not lying!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off.
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