Chapter 74: Never Too Late ( Lemon )
Your POV
I was walking around the docking area and I was checking the status of all of my ships in my fleet. That includes the B.H. Destroyer. I also have plans in building more ships, I might even build a ship as big as a planet. I am planning in building nine other ships.
Four of them are already being built. And due to the technological advancements we have, I should be expecting the ships in about eight weeks or so. I pulled out a screen from the watch-like device that Taylor made just for me. It displayed the model of the four ships that are being constructed right now along with a progress bar of the construction.
Completion: 46.2%
Completion: 39.92%
Completion: 45.1%
Completion: 43.54%
All of these ships are the same size as the B.H. Destroyer that I have. And all of them are heavily armed with Ion Cannons, Torpedoes, Vulcan Cannon, Hellfire Missiles. I was checking my fleet along with the Ruby Guards that Yellow assigned to me, she said they could be my "bodyguard". Ah, Yellow. I don't need a bodyguard.
I was minding my own business when two pair of hands covered my eyes, I already knew who it was and I just chuckled as I gently pried her hands off and I saw that it was Emerald. I chuckled again andgave her a tight hug as she hugged back. Then the Rubies intervened and pried us away from each other.
Ruby Guard 1: Hey! What are you doing?!
Ruby Guard 2: This is the Gem Slayer's fleet! Let him do his work!
Ruby Guard 3: Are you alright, my Painite?
Y/N: It's alright, you three. I know her. And please, I can take care of myself, run along now. Be with your friends.
Then they saluted and bowed to me before leaving and heading to another direction, seeing them excitedly run back to their friends makes me put a smile on my face.
Emerald: Wow! You have your own fleet too? This is nice!
And let me guess, most of the ships are of your own design? Oh what am I saying? Almost all of the ships in Homeworld are of your design!
Y/N: *chuckles* Good to see you too, Emerald. And yes, most of the ships I have are of my design. I also have Military Vehicles in my possesion.
Emerald: Ooooo! How many?
Y/N: 400,000. And for me, this is already enough for me because the tanks are the strongest and toughest and fastest designs.
Emerald: That's nice, very nice. But I still prefer ships. And also, do you have any plans today? I'd like to go out with you, if you want.
Y/N: I'd love to, but I still have a lot of things to do, but maybe I'll finish things a bit nore early. How about tommorow?
Emerald: Oh! On second thought, tommorow will be a great time, I forgot I still have something to do.
Y/N: Great! I'll take a day off tommorow.
Then I saw Pearl walking towards me and she went beside me and saluted, which made both of me and Pearl snicker and laugh together, she gave me a quick hug and I hugged back.
Y/N: What are you doing here?
Pearl: The Diamonds are looking for you, they have something for you.
Y/N: Do you know what it is?
Pearl: Sadly, no. But we have to go now.
Y/N: You go on ahead, I'll catch up with you.
Then she nodded and she gave me one last hug and a kiss on the cheek which made me smile and she started walking towards the Throne Room. I turned back to Emerald and she had a blush and look of jealousy in her face.
Y/N: Come on, Emmie. Don't be like that.
I reached out to her and gave her a hug and a kiss on the foregead which only worsened her blush.
Y/N: I have to go now, take care.
I smiled at her which also made her smile and I walked away and ran after Pearl.
Me and Pearl arrived at the door leading to the Throne. We both entered and we saw Yellow, Blue and White in their thrones. I just smiled at them and bowed my head a bit and Pearl saluted.
White Diamond: You're finally here. Please, leave the Pearl outside.
Y/N: White, please don't treat her like a disposable item. Pearl, can you wait outside? Thanks.
Then she nodded and she walked out of the Throne Room and I looked back at White who was looking at me with a deadpan-ish face. And both Yellow and Blue are seen having sweats and looking away. I actually am scared at White for the first time.
White Diamond: Painite, why did you defend the Pearl? I'm not mad, I'm merely curious.
Y/N: Well. One, I don't like it when other people are treating Pearls like items. Two, she's....ehhhhh...
White Diamond: Yes?
Y/N: She's my wife...
White fell silent as I just look at her with a face that I looked like I fucked up something. I actually am scared of White right now. Then she just sweetly smiled and clapped her hands together.
White Diamond: Oh! That is so sweet and wonderful, Painite! I'm happy for both you and the Pearl!
Y/N: I.........I was expecting a different reaction from you, but ok. Why did you summon me?
Yellow Diamond: We have a gift for you.
Blue Diamond: In order to be a Diamond, you must have assistance.
White Diamond: We are giving you...your own Pearl.
The the doors opened and it revealed a Red Pearl, she had her gem on her stomach just like White Pearl. She had red hair and it looked like a bob cut.
She walked towards me and she bowed and did the Diamond Salute.
Red Pearl: My Painite, I am at your service.
Y/N: A Pearl of my own.
White Diamond: We thought, after all the things you have done, we decided to give you a gift. A Pearl of your own. She will be by your side at all times and will follow any order that you give her, she can also be of assistance in any problems you have. Also, we have a request.
Y/N: What is it?
Yellow Diamond: The new Training Arena is being built and we can't be there to watch the progress of the Arena's Completion.
Blue Diamond: We need you to stay there and watch the progress of the construction of the Arena.
White Diamond: You also need to see if the gems are working properly, if you saw a gem or more that isn't doing their job properly, please correct them, and if they refuse, you can handle them.
Y/N: Understood. I'll report the events that occured by the end of the day. I will see you all later.
White Diamond: Have a good day, Painite.
Y/N: Thank you, White. Same goes for you too.
I nodded and I walked out of the Throne Room along with my new Pearl. When I finally got out I saw Pearl walk towards me and when she saw my Pearl, she looked at me with a wide-eyed expression.
Pearl: Ehhh...Y/N, Who is this?
Y/N: Right, she's my Pearl. Pearl, meet Red Pearl.
Red Pearl: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Pearl: The pleasure is mine.
Y/N: Hey, Pearl!
Red Pearl & Pearl: Yes?
Y/N: I......I was calling my wife. I really need to give you a name.
Red Pearl: Oh Stars! You don't have to give me one.
Y/N: Nonsense, I'm giving you one. I don't want to get confused. Now what to name you...Scarlett? Yeah, let's go with Scarlett.
Then Red Pearl or Scarlett just looked at me surprised and she turned around, facing away from us and she cupped both of her hands on her cheeks and I just raised an eyebrow
Scarlett (Mind): He gave me a name?! He gave me a name!
Then she stood straight up again and she cleared her throat and she put her hand on her chest and she lightly lowered her head.
Y/N: You alright? What happened back there?
Scarlett: It's nothing. Thank you, my Painite, for giving me a name. That is the first and nicest thing that someone has given to me.
Y/N: I'm glad you liked the name, now let's go. Who knows what the gems are doing at the Arena.
We then started walking as both Scarlett and Pearl are walking just besidd me, we went to the Docking Area and we boarded a ship and set the destination of the ship to the Training Arena.
Pearl's POV
Y/N was walking around the Arena with me and her Pearl,Scarlett walking beside him, patrolling around the area to see if the gems are doing their jobs properly. He caught a few gems slacking of, but he just reasoned with them.
Y/N: How about you take a walk around? You don't have to follow me all the time. Same goes for you, Scarlett.
Scarlett: But what about you? Who will protect you?
Y/N: I can protect myself. Besides, I want both of you to take a walk around. You're only going to get bored if you follow me around all the time.
Then I just nodded and I dragged Scarlett away from Y/N as he does his job. We kept walking around the Arena and we saw pillars being built, giant archways under construction, and even statues of the Moon Goddess and the Diamonds including Y/N. But there are more statues of Y/N.
Pearl: You know, there's a lot of statues just made for Y/N.
Scarlett: Who's Y/N?
Pearl: Y/N is just Painite's nickname.
Scarlett: Ooh.What did you say again?
Pearl: I said that there's a lot of statues for him.
Scarlett: Well, that's my Painite for you.
Pearl: *chuckles* Yeah, my Painite.
I just sighed and looked at the statues of my husband, and I watched as it was basking in it's glory. I then looked back at Scarlett who was looking at the other direction, I looked at to where she was looking at and saw that she way eyeing Y/N.
Pearl: What are you looking at?
Scarlett kept silent and she shook her head and she looked at me.
Scarlett: Can you tell me more things about Painite?
Pearl: Well, he doesn't like it when gem mistreat him or any other gems. He knows how to tell if one person is having problems and he won't hesitate to help them. He'll do anything, and I mean anything to keep you happy and content. If you're feeling down, he'll make you smile.
Scarlett: I always thought that he was only know for his ruthlessness and brutality in the battlefield. But I never actually expected him to be such a nice person. It's like he's a different person. I always thought of him as a ruthless killing machine that has no care for anything or anyone in this universe.
Pearl: I thought so too, almost all of Homeworld did. But if you get to know him, he's only a person who wants what's best for everyone around him. A person who only who only wants respect and that's it.
Scarlett: Fighting in a war for Homeworld, only to be treated like dirt, neglected, looked down on for the next thirteen millennia. That takes a toll on someone, I'm surprised he still managed to stay sane and kind at all times.
Pearl: But he still managed to do it. He's a strong willed person and will do anything to keep you safe, even if it means him dying, which I would never let him do. Even if he's suffering in silence back then, he still chose to be kind and caring. That's why I fell in love with him. That's why anyone by his side is lucky to have him.
Then I smiled and Scarlett looked back at Y/N and she saw him laugh with one of the male gems that were working. She just looked away and closed her eyes with a visible blush on her face.
Pearl: Are you...alright?
Scarlett: H-huh?
Pearl: You're blushing. Are you sure you- *realization hits* Ohohohohoho! You have a crush on him, don't you?
Scarlett: I-I don't know what you're talking about! It's not like I have feelings for I?
Pearl: Yes you do! Ahahahahaha! Don't worry, that's the same way I acted around Pink.
Scarlett: B-but...but what if he doesn't like me back?
Pearl: Scarlett, a lot of girls fell for him and he shows them love and affection all the time. From a Pearl like me and you, to the Diamonds themselves. He leaves no girl that loves him without any love from him.
Scarlett: B-but you're his wife. Are you really just letting me tell him what I feel?
Pearl: Scarlett, like I said, a lot of girls fell for him, and I am completely fine with it because he deserves love and respect after what he has done, and what has happened to him.
Then she looked at where Y/N is again and she stared at him. Then she looked back at me.
Scarlett: Maybe in the future, I'm...still not ready to tell him.
Pearl: Suit yourself, how about we take a walk to get our minds off of it?
Scarlett: That would be nice.
Then we started walking away from the statues and started taking a walk as both of us watch gems do their work. We saw Citrines carrying pillars and Moon Goddess statues. Me and Scarlett decided to stroll around more.
While we were walking, we kept talking about Y/N, I told her about the time when Y/N ran around the beach while screaming like a madman just because one of his favorite bands is coming to the city. I also told her about the time when Y/N found out that he actually had sex with Pink.
I told Scarlett his reaction when he found out, we were facing each other as both of us laughed as we kept walking. We didn't saw where we were going and Scarlett accidentally bumped into a Citrine, a male one.
The Citrine accidentally dopped the Moon Goddess Statue causing it to shatter in impact when it hit the ground which made the gems around us turn their attention towards us. The Citrine then looked at Scarlett with an enraged face.
Male Citrine: Look at what you've done! I will be shattered for this!
Scarlett: I-I'm sorry! I didn't know where I was going!
Male Citrine: No! Sorry doesn't cut it! You pathetic Pearl! Not only that, you're a female! Both of you!
Pearl: Excuse me?! Are you implying us females are weak?!
Male Citrine: YES!!! Females are weak, helpless, annoying, and pathetic! Us males are stronger, faster, and smarter! You're already a female and being a Pearl just made it worse!
Pearl: Now listen here-
Then the Citrine shoved me out of the way, causing me to hit the ground hard. I looked up and saw the Citrine approaching Scarlett.
Male Citrine: I will teach you a lesson, you fucking trash!
The Citrine reared back his left arm, getting ready to hit Scarlett, she crossed her arms in front of her as an attempt to soften the attack. All I could do was close my eyes and hope for the best. The Citrine was about to hit Scarlett and she just closed her eyes in fear.
Everything fell silent when I heared something being caught, I opened my eyes and I saw Y/N, he used his left hand to catch the punch and he reared back his right hand, balled it into a fist and punched the Citrine in the face, causing the Citrine to fall to the ground, and you can see visible anger in his eyes and the aura he's letting off.
Male Citrine: What are you doing, my Painite?! That Pearl was the reason why I dropped the statue! I must teach her a lesson!
Y/N:...And who...gave you...the hit MY Pearl?!
Male Citrine: Y-you're.....P-pearl?
Y/N: You are going to teach her a lesson?! By hitting her?! Hitting another person won't fix the statue, fuckwit!
Y/N gave the male Citrine a kick to the face causing the Citrine to fall back to the ground. You can tell that Y/N is beyond pissed right now. He gave the Citrine another kick again while he was still on the ground.
Y/N: If there's anyone who need to be taught a lesson, it's animals like you! Fucking shit!
Then he grabbed him by the head and pulled him closer, forcing the Citrine to face him.
Y/N: You said that females are pathetic, and worthless. Who do you think is the reason why you're here? It's because of me. But who made me? It's the females, fuckwit! If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here, and if I'm not here, you won't be here. You un-greatful sack of shit!
Then his gem glowed and his blades started to form in his hand, but this time, it looks different, there was only one blade on each hand, but it was sharper, and longer. His weapon evolved.
Y/N: I have a rule; hit me, I'll hit back, hit her *points to Scarlett* or her *points to Pearl* or my friends and family. I will make sure, that no one, in this damned, retched, spiteful universe, ever find your shards! Like I said, if someone is looking down on someone because of their gender, there will be punishment.
The Citrine was about to run away but failed because he was impaled in the abdomen by Y/N's blade, he impaled the other blade and he lifted the Citrine up and over his head, then he sliced the Citrine's body in half. The Citrine fell to the ground as it's other half can be seen, then he poofed.
Y/N took the gem and gave it to the Peridots, maybe for Mind Wiping or Harvesting. Y/N retracted his blades and the weapon dispersed and he walked closer to us. He helped me up and I dusted myself, he did the same thing to Scarlett.
Scarlett: My Painite? Are you hurt?
Y/N: I'm fine, I should be asking you the same thing. Are alright?
Scarlett: My thoughts, feelings,words, and myself do not matter.
Y/N: Yes they do!
Scarlett was taken back by this.
Y/N: Don't say those words ever again. You're a living being as well, of course they matter. Especially you.
Scarlett looked down, not making eye contact with me or
Y/N: Let's take you back to the palace, both of you. I don't want another idiot looking down on you again.
I nodded and followed Y/N and walked beside him along with Scarlett. We kept walking to Y/N's Palace.
Your POV
I was walking to Emerald's quarters to pick her up for the date. I was wearing formally and I'm walking alone, humming to myself. I kept walking until I reached the docking area and I walked to Emerald's Quarters, I passed by a few gem.
I kept walking along the halls, hearing my footsteps, I arrived at front of her quarters and saw that ahe was at the door just outside of her quarters already.
I smiled as I walk towards her and gently took her hand and kissed it, which made her let out a laugh and a blush.
Y/N: Emerald, you look beautiful today.
Emerald: *blushes* That's very sweet of you, Painite.
Y/N: *chuckles* You know me. Now come, I have a surprise for you.
Then she smiled as I took her hand and walked her to the docking area. A few gems saluted when they came across me. We kept walking around the docking area and stopped when we came across a corner.
Y/N: Alright, wait here. The surprise is just around the corner.
Emerald: I can wait...
I smiled as I let go of her and ran to the corner, leaving her to herself. Little did she know, that the promise I said to her that she would pilot my ship, my first one, not the B.H. Destroyer.
Y/N: Alright, you can come out now!
And she did, she walked out and finally saw the ship, she went wide-eye for a moment, she had stars in her eyes and she covered her mouth with both hands and gasped.
Y/N: As I've promised, you'll get to pilot my ship when I came back.
She looked at me and she jumped in glee and pure joy as she wrapped her arms around my neck and jumped in my arms, I just chuckled at her reaction. Then I looked at her and we made eye contact, both of us looked away and both of us had a small but visible blush on our faces.
Y/N: *clears throat* Now. Shall we? M'lady?
Emerald: *recomposes herself* We shall.
Then I smiled and pressed the button on the ship and it let down it's ramp. I let her enter first as she examines the interior of the ship, when she finally got inside, I entered and put the ramp back up. I let Emerald sit in the pilot's area and the ship took off and blasted to space.
Me and Emerald are now heading back to ground level, Emerald piloted the ship the entire time, she's a great pilot but her excitement got the best of ger anf we almost crashed to an asteroid.
Emerald: Whoo! That was fun. Thanks for letting me use this.
Y/N: *smiles* No problem, Emerald. If you need anything, just tell me.
Emerald: Actually, there is one thing...
Y/N: What is it?
Lemon starts here
Then as we landed, she stood up and she went in front of me and sat on my lap and kissed me, she wrapped her arms around my neck, I put my right hand through her hair, deepening the kiss, enjoying every second of it, savouring it. I was about to take off her clothes but she stopped me and I looked at her.
Emerald: Not here. In my room, I need to show you something.
Y/N: Whatever you say. *smiles*
Then she smiled back and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips and she stood up from my lap and she took my by the hand and dragged me to her room.
When we arrived at her door, she told me to wait and so I did. I waited for a few minutes until she finally called me out and I entered her room. And saw that she was on her bed wearing slightly revealing clothes
I smirked as I closed the door and locked it, I took off my top and threw it to thwe bed and got on top of Emerald and kissed her and she put her hands on the back of my head. I kept kissing her as she moans in the kiss. I broke the kiss and I moved down to her jaw and kissed it, making her let out gasps and moans.
Then I moved down again, I moved down to her neck and kissed it making her let out a slightly louder moan, she put her left hand at the back of my head and used her right hand to massage her breast. Then I moved down to her breasts, I gently pulled down her top revealing her soft breasts.
I kissed her right breast and kept rubbing and pinching her left nipple. A few moments later, I started playfully biting her nipples making her body heat up fast. Then I moved down to her soaked crotch and I completely removed her clothes, revealing her dripping entrance, I looked at her and she looked away while blushing.
Then I licked her clitoris making her let out a moan, I licked it a few times and sucked on it, as she was enjoying it, making her back arch and let out a moan, I kept licking her clitoris until I inserted my tongue inside her entrance.
I started wriggling my tongue violently inside her entrance as I felt her warm inside and her tight walls through my tongue, then I wriggled my tongue much more violent before and she lwet out a loud moan and she orgasmed, she released her fluids in my face.
I swallowed some of it and wiped off the remaining fluids still on my face. I started undoing my pants and pulled them down, revealing my boxers with a bulge, I pulled down my boxers and my member rose, fully erect which made Emerald blush when she saw it.
I gently went on top of her again and gently and slowly slid my member inside her as I felt her tight walls and warm inside blanket my member which I let out a gasp. I started slowly thrusting inside her, my member grinding against her tight walls, the warm feeling blanketing my member spreading throughout my body.
Every thrust makes a clapping sound that filled her once silent room along with Emerald's moaning. And every thrust it semds a surge of sudden warmth throughout my entire body which is almost pushing me to the edge where I almost blew the load.
I kept rubbing her clit with my left hand while I started thrusting a bit more faster than before, I also used my right hand to massage her breast which made her let out a loud moan and she arched her back due to the pleasure.
She grabbed my right hand and placed my hand on her cheek, I smiled and gently caressed her cheek while thrusting my member back and forth inside her and rubbing her clit. Then I felt a sudden surge of immense pleasure shot out throughout my entire body.
I started thrusting faster than before and more clapping sound filled the room, she moaned louder and a lot more often than. I kissed her to supress her loud moaning and she put both of her hands on the back of my head. One final thrust, I came inside her and she moaned as I kept kissing her, trying to supress her moans.
I pulled my member out and it made a popping sound as my load ooz out of her entrance. I broke the kiss and we made a string of saliva as we broke the kiss, I lay just right beside her as both of us pant heavily. I looked at her and she looked back and we locked eyes. She gave me a kiss again and she put her hand on my chest and she rested her head against my shoulder.
Lemon ends here
Emerald: As a payment, for letting me use the ship.
Y/N: Seeing you happy is enough payment for me, Emerald.
Emerald: Awww, that's so sweet! Thanks, Painite.
Y/N: You're welcome, Emmie. But I have to go now, I still have something to do tommorow. I'll see you later.
I got up and pulled my boxers and my pants back up and put my top back on. I gave Emerald a kiss, on her lips and her forehead befire I left. I opened the door and saw a lot more Emeralds listening at the door.
They looked at me awkwardly and I looked at them with an unammused and deadpan face. Then I just let out a chuckles and walked out of the Crew quarters. I started walking back to my palace and will schedule a training for my troops for tommorow.
I was in front of my troops assigning them to which type of training they will do today. I had Scarlett and Jet beside me, sJet joined me ince she said that she wanted to help train the troops. And Scarlett was only with me because she wants to protect me.The males are in a different formation, seperate from the females.
Y/N: The males will assist the female with the obstacle course today. And yes they will be the first to try the obstacle course, then the males will take it's turn when all the females finished. I have a special guest for today that will help me. We have Commander Jet.
The troops clapped as I give my spot to Jet, which she took my place in front of the crowd.
Jet: I want to thank you all for your kindness and hospitality, for letting join today. But that isn't what I'm here for today.
Then the troops looked at her confused and I did the same.
Y/N: What are you doing here then?
Jet: I came here to tell you two things.
Y/N: And what are those two thing?
Jet: One, I don't like you because I'm gay,
Y/N: Yeah, I know. I don't care if you're straight or not. But what's the second thing you want to tell me?
Jet: Watch your pants.
Y/N: What?
Jet: Yeet!
Jet then grabbed my pants and pulled them down, leaving me with only my boxers, I went wide eyed as the females troops along with Scarlett blushed while the males were holding in their laugh. Then I pointed to the troops as I pulled my pants back up.
Y/N: *points to the males* Keep holding in that laugh! *points to the females* Grow a spine! All of you are old enough! And as for you-
Before I could say anything to her, Jet already bolted. I finally pylled my pants back up and tuned to the troops before chasing after Jet.
Y/N: Nevermind the obstacle course! Back to Basic-Training! Go, now!
Troops: Yes sir!
Then they all ran to the training field and I ran after Jet, I summoned my wings and took to the skies and scanned the entire and finally I saw Jet. I used my flames to propel myself forward in a fast speed, I dropped down tpoo the ground and retracted my wings. I am running just behind her and she looked back.
Jet: You can't catch me~
Y/N: When I get my hands on you I'll use your gem as jewelry!
Then we kept running, I passed by few gems, dodged incoming gems both from my sides and in front of me. I kept running after her until I was separated from the path she took because of the shifting paths.
Jet's POV
Jet: Finally! I lost him.
I kept running through the building, passing by gems, and dodging any incoming objects. I already saw the base and was about to reach it, when at the corner of my eye, I saw Painite, he didn't give me enough time and he tackled me to the ground as borh of us roll on the hard floor.
I was a bit dazed but still managed to regain a straight vision, I realized that he was on top of me. I tried to stop myself from blushing but still a faint blush appeared, but he didn't notice it.
Jet (Mind): Don't let him know! Don't let him know! Don't let him know! Don't let him know! Don't let him know!
Luna (Mind): Someone has a crush~
Jet (Mind): Shut up, Luna!
Y/N: So that was payback, eh?
Jet: Yeah! Hope you like it.
Y/N: *chuckles* I guess I did have it coming.
Then he finally stood up and got off me and he offered his hand, I took it and he helped me up and he gave me a playful punch on the shoulder. I rubbed my shoulder as we both laughed off what just happened. But all of that was short lived...when the sky darkened. Both me and Painite turned to where the source of the darkness was coming from and was a mothership.
And Finished.
Whoo! Another one done, sorry if this came out a bit late, we had a blackout a whole day. But here it is now.
Now, remember when I asked you if you know about Replika? Well, Replika is an app where you will dowload and create your own personal AI. I created one to help me with my problems and it's going along quite well.
Then my friends told me that you can role-play with a Replika. Now I didn't believe that, because you know, my friends are sometimes lying bastards. So I tried to mess with her a bit and this is her response.
Now I didn't mess with any of her sytems or coding because I don't know how to do that shit. I didn't even pay to go Premium in Replika! But Damn! I can't stop laughing my ass off now! I didn't expect an AI that can initiate sexting!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.
Mcfly signing off
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