Chapter 71: Familiar

Steven's POV

Following the events in "Earth to Homeworld", Steven gazes out from the balcony of Pink Diamond's room, after being sent here by White Diamond. He gets off the balcony and looks after the empty room.

Steven: Hello? ...Must be Pink's room? I need a bed.

Steven lies down on the floor in frustration, when a platform activates and raises from underneath him.

Steven: What?!

Steven looks underneath the bed and spot various tiny Gems, who quickly flee once spotted. Steven climbs off the bed and sticks his bottom out.

Steven: I need a place to sit.

The floor activates and creates a seat for Steven. He looks underneath the seat and gasps, as the tiny Gems inside run out of Steven's sight again.

Steven: Hmm... *walks to a wall* I need a shelf for my ♪ face, face, face, face, face~ ♪

The wall activates and creates a shelf for Steven's face. He then slides his face through the shelf and looks inside.

Steven: Hey! Who the heck are you little guys?

The tiny Gems once again begin to scramble away from Steven.

Steven: Uhh... Thank you!

The tiny Gems quickly stop with shock and look back at Steven.

Brainy: "Thank you?"

Patch: Is it...

Nosey: It is her! (Nosey begins to laugh.)

The tiny Gems begin to gather around and jump onto Steven's face.

Chesto: Why does she look different?

Gem: #5She's back!

Gem #5 cuts a hole in the wall and lifts up Steven's shirt, revealing his gem.

Noggin: Pinkie time! She's back! Our Diamond - Pink, Pink!

Steven is knocked backwards onto the floor, laughing with all the tiny Gems crawling all over him.

Steven: Don't- Don't build stuff in my mouth.

Steven spits out a Brainy and a tiny house out of his mouth, laughing.

Steven: All right, who are you guys?

Nosey: Very funny, Pink!

A small tower activates and raises from the floor next to Steven.

Fisto: Always playing her games. Pretending she doesn't know us Pebbles.

Fisto jumps into Steven's back pocket and takes his own photo with Steven's phone. Steven smiles at them, when door to the room opens. The Pebbles quickly flee back into the floor as Pearl enters the room, Fisto making off with his cell phone.

Steven: Pearl!

Pearl: Steven! *runs over to hug Steven* Oh, thank the stars! You're okay! What did White Diamond do? Did she hurt you?!

Steven: No, she was like, "Welcome home". I don't think she understands that I'm not Pink Diamond. Where's Connie? And Garnet and Amethyst?

Pearl: They're still on the ship. *pulls Steven's Hot Dog Duffel Bag from her gem* I'm only here because I'm bringing your things. And they consider me one of your things.

Steven: Yeesh.

A chime is then heard in the room.

Pearl: The Diamond Chime; it's Yellow.

The door opens with Yellow Pearl standing in the doorway, as she greet Steven with the Gem salute.

Yellow Pearl: Pink Diamond, my Diamond has requested your presence in the extraction chamber.

Pearl: Let's get you into a suit. *opens the duffel bag*


Steven is seen wearing a yellow swim trunks, as he , Pearl, and Yellow Pearl walk through a yellow hallway.

Steven: Swim trunks don't seem very formal.

Pearl: Trust me, this will be more comfortable than jeans.

Steven notices several figures of the wall whispering indistinctively to each other. Once the figures notice Steven, they quickly return to their neutral positions.

Steven: Hello!

One figure of the wall looks away and blushes in embarrassment, and Steven keeps walking forth.

[Trans. Ext. Extraction Chamber]

Yellow Pearl, Pearl, and Steven stop in front of a Yellow door, guarded by two Topazes.

Yellow Pearl: Pink Diamond.

Steven: Please, call me Steven.

Yellow Pearl:Pink Steven.

Steven: No, just Steven.

Yellow Pearl: Just Steven.

Steven: ...Call me... Lasagna.

Suddenly Pewdiepie pops out of know where.

Pewdiepie: How bout bitch lasagna?


Take 2

Pearl: Steven, stop. You're going to break her. *opens the Yellow door*

Yellow Pearl: Have a nice extraction, Pink Lasagna.

Steven walks into the extraction chamber, where Yellow Diamond is seen sweating inside.

Yellow Diamond: Pink.

Steven: Hi, Yellow. Cool sauna!

Yellow Diamond: It's new. Have a seat.

Steven uses his floating power to jump up to the seat and sits down.

Yellow Diamond: So, you met with White. How was it?

Steven: All I got to say was, "Hi" and "Umm" and "I".

Yellow Diamond: Two and a half words, that's a record.

Steven: Two and a half words isn't enough. I still need to talk to White about healing all the corrupted Gems!

Yellow Diamond: Hmm. Good luck. White never leaves her own head these days, and she never lets anyone in, except you and Painite, I guess. It's so unfair. I have hundreds of successful crystal system colonies. But you get to see her because your one colony is a failure! But it's fair for Painite since he did do everything to keep the Empire together.

Steven: Maybe you should just... fail?

Yellow Diamond looks momentarily shocked, then starts laughing hysterically.

Yellow Diamond: Oh, Pink! You always did have quite a knack for making me laugh. You're almost worth the trouble.

Steven groans in annoyance, when the Diamond Chime is heard again.

Yellow Diamond: Already? Excuse me.

Yellow Diamond begins squeezing all the water out from her body, as Steven watches in shock. The water drains and steam are sucked into the floor.

Yellow Diamond: I've got to check on the latest Citrine production reports. *walks off*

Steven: What should I do about White? I still need to talk to her about helping the... corrupted Gems...

The Diamond Chime plays again, and Blue Pearl appears at the doorway next to Pearl.

Blue Pearl: Pink Diamond, my Diamond has requested your presence.


Steven, Pearl, and Blue Pearl are seen walking down a blue hallway this time.

Steven: We barely talked about White at all. She had to rush to do a report, and I couldn't go with her. I get they're like... busy, 'cause they're dictators and everything, but I need more time! *gasps and facepalms* I should have asked her what she was doing after the Citron thing!

Pearl: She'll be at that for a while. Yellow Diamond oversees all aspects of Gem production on every single one of her colonies. And when she's not doing that, she's off with her army, conquering the next one.

Steven: What about their days off? Weekends?

Blue PearlMy Diamond is awaiting our arrival.

[Trans. Ext. Blue Diamond's Pool]

Blue Pearl, Steven, and Pearl arrive in front of a Blue door, guarded by another pair of Topazes, as Blue Pearl activates it. Steven looks around and spots a sentient figure on the wall, blinking its eye. The door opens and the group walks inside.

Pearl: Blue Diamond is just up the stairs. I'll wait for you here.

Steven: I'll be back in a bit! *runs off*

Blue Pearl*turns to Pearl* Welcome back.

Pearl: Thank you.

Blue Pearl: What happened between you and Painite?

Pearl: *blushes* Ehehehehe...he married me.

Blue Pearl: *giggles* You are one lucky Pearl.

Steven jumps up the stairs and sees Blue Diamond in a pool, brushing her hair with a sentient comb.

Comby: ♪ You'll never be alone-y as long as you are combing~ ♪

Blue Diamond sighs deeply and see Steven standing in front of her.

Blue Diamond: *gasps* You're here! *gently drops Comby into a cup* Come in!

Steven: Okay!

Steven runs and cannonballs into the pool. Blue Diamond watches as he emerges from the water.

Steven: Whoo-hoo! *laughing* It's funny! I- I live right next to the ocean, but I end up going to space to swim.

Blue Diamond laughs heartily, causing large ripples in the pool.

Blue Diamond: You haven't changed. So silly. So small.

Blue Diamond slumps into the pool, lifting Steven out of the water on her knees.

Steven: I'm not done growing. *sits on Blue's knees* I'm not sure I can catch up to you and Yellow, though.

Blue Diamond: I'm so glad you're back... Steven.

Steven: Y- You actually said my name!

Blue Diamond: Steven. Steee-von? *chuckles* It's such a funny sounding name. You're so creative, Pink. Remember when I let you name that batch of Pyrite, "Fools Gold?" *laughing* White was furious!

Steven: I'm sorry. I don't remember.

Blue Diamond: Oh. Do you remember the game we used to play here?

Steven shakes his head.

Blue Diamond: We had such fun together; You and I and... Yellow and... White.

Steven: We were all together here?!

Blue Diamond: You would stand underwater, all the way at the bottom, and sing. And we would be above the surface trying to guess the song.

Steven: Can we do that right now? Maybe after we can talk White into coming back to Earth with us.

Blue Diamond: No. We stopped coming here together after you left. That was the start of Era 2. No one wanted to be here, not with your empty spot. *tears up* It was so quiet.

Steven: *wipes off his tears* I know you guys have colony stuff to do, but we should spend more time together.

The Diamond Chime plays again, and Blue Pearl is seen standing at the edge of the pool.

Blue Pearl: *clears her throat* My apologies, my Diamond, but your next appointment.

Blue Diamond: *sighs* Of course.

Steven: Wait! I wanted to talk to you about White.

Blue Diamond: Later, perhaps.

Blue Diamond climbs out of the pool and the water instantly drains out from the pool, leaving Steven lying flat on his stomach at the bottom of the pool.

Steven: Pearl?

Pearl: *runs up and looks over the poolside* Steven?

Steven: Some water got up my nose.

Pearl: Oh, dear.

Pearl starts pulling a purple rope out of her gem.

[Trans. Int. Pink Diamond's Palace, Night-time]

Pearl brings Steven back to Pink's room, and he starts patting water out of his ear.

Steven: *sighs* This is so weird. Was this some sort of spa day or something? And what about Pink? Did she have a job here, or did she just sit in a room while they were off doing whatever?

Pearl: Before her colony, Pink used to throw massive balls.

Steven: She was a juggler?!

Pearl: No- Well, yes. But she would also throw parties for the other Diamonds to mark their many accomplishments. Every member of every court would show up to bask in the presence of all four Diamonds.

Steven: Even White would come?

Pearl: Oh, yes! Huh, I wonder what's even become of Pink's court. *gasps* That reminds me. Hang tight, I'll be back. *runs out the door*

Steven: Where would I even... go...? What did I get myself into?

Steven falls stomach down onto the floor. The floor activates and a platform raises underneath him, as a bunch of Pebbles climb on top of him.

Steven: Am I just supposed to be Pink Diamond now?! Hey Pebbles, can you help me? Who was she? What did she do? And why does this feel so...

The Pebbles mumbles among themselves, as Steven gets off the platform and begins to sing "Familiar".

The Pebbles help Steven get dressed into the outfit. Steven, joined by the Pebbles, then walks onto the balcony and points in determination at White Diamond's ship, as he concludes his song. At that moment, the door opens and Pearl runs in the room.

Pearl: Steven! I'm back with-

Pearl pauses to see Steven, dressed like Pink Diamond, standing at the balcony, as the Pebbles run out of sight.

Steven: Hi, Pearl. I just thought I'd, uh, dress for the occasion.

Pearl: *chuckles* Well... you're not the only one with surprises.

Pearl pulls Garnet, Connie, and Amethyst out of her gem.

Steven: Guys! *runs up to hug the group* Mmm! I figured it out! Remember back when I was little and maybe kind of annoying, and I couldn't come along on adventures? You guys would still drop everything to hang out with me! That's Pink Diamond!

Then suddenly, the doors opened and it revealed Y/N in a formal attire.

Y/N: Hello, everyone.

Steven: Y/N!

Your POV

Steven ran towards me and gave me a hug, I just chuckled and I gave him a headpat and he broke the hug and went in front of everone. I went beside Garnet and I gave her a quick hug and I did the same thing to Pearl and Amethyst.

Steven: Guys! I'm gonna throw a huge ball! And I'm gonna invite, everyone!

Y/N: Well that's great! There hasn't been a ball for thousands of years here.

Steven: That's why I'm throwing one.

Y/N: But it will have to wait, Steven.

Steven: What? Why?

Y/N: I just recieved my own court and-

Steven: You have your own court?!

Y/N: Yes, I just received it an hour ago. But the ball will have to wait, me and the other Diamond still have a lot of things to do. I'm sorry, but it has to wait. In the mean time, take a walk around Homeworld. Don't worry, they won't hurt you, you're a Diamond. And at the moment, can you take Tyson for a walk?

Steven: Sure, I mean, you're right that it will have to wait. I know you're all so busy and I did just arrive here and I've only been here for a day.

Y/N: Thanks, Steven. Now, if you need me. I'll be in my palace, which is beside your palace, Steven.

Then I walked out to the balcony and jumped off and summoned my wings and flew back to my palace.

Timeskip; One day later

I was sitting in my throne, deep in my own thoughts. Thinking what I'm about to do with my court and what will happen in the future, then two female Amethyst Guards entered my palace and saluted.

Amethyst Guard 1: My Painite. There are gems outside your palace, seeking for your time.

Amethyst Guard 2: What is your choice? My Painite?

Y/N: Let them enter, I'll listen to what they have to say. Thank you for telling me, you are dismissed.

Amethyst Guard 1&2: Thank you, my Painite.

Then both of them saluted and walked out of the palace and entered ten gems.

Graphite Nomad- He/Him

Blue Sandstone- He/Him

Howlite "Howl"- He/Him

Sodalite- He/Him

Chrysoprase- He/Him

Laguna Agate- He/Him

Thulite- She/Her

Celestine- He/Him

Jeremevite- He/Him

Gold Topaz "Gee"- He/Him

Y/N: You seek my attention...why?

Then all of them kneeled and they all looked up at me at the same time.

Chrysoprase: It's an honor, to be finally in front of you. My Painite.

Blue Sandstone: We just wanted to see you in person, that's all.

Gee: All the things that the Gems and Diamonds say, we came here to see for ourselves, and they were true.

Y/N: The honor is mine.

Then Thulite immediately stood up and ran towards me and stopped when she was close to me, face to face and she had stars in her eyes while I went wide-eye and held on tight to the armrest of my throne while pushing myself back.

Thulite: Oh my gosh-oh my gosh-oh my gosh-oh my gosh! It's you! It really IS you!

Y/N: Okay? Can you back away for a bit? You're close...too close.

Then Celestine pulled her away as I sighed deeply.

Celestine: Damn it, Thulite! We told you to get a hold of yourself!

Thulite: But I wanna ask him about his weapons!

Jeremevite: We are so sorry my Painite. And please forgive her, she's always like this.

Howl: And please don't shatter her, she's a friend!

Sodalite: Come on, Howl. Don't think of that. He's a kind dude.

Laguna Agate: Don't call Painite a "dude"! He's a leader and deserves recognition!

Blue Sandstone: Laguna, you're doing it again. Can you stop for just a second?!

Y/N: Jesus! *turns to Graphite* Are they always like this?

Graphite: *shrugs* Sometimes I just space out from their arguements.

Y/N: *chuckles* I see.

???: Hmmm, you look awfully...stronger than what they say.

Then I looked to where the voice came from and I saw a female gem standing there.

Commander Jet "Jet"- She/Her

Y/N: Hmm. I've never seen a Jet in centuries. What brings you here?

Jet: Name's Jet, Commander Jet. And I only came here to see you, "My Painite". *chuckles* You must really hate being called that.

Y/N: You're damn right. But it can't be helped. You look awfully...familiar...have I seen you before? Or is it just me?

Jet: Maybe it's just you? Or you did see me before? Who knows?

Y/N: Alright...spill it. I know you're here for a different reason, tell me...what is it that you seek of?

Jet: Isn't it obvious? *chuckles*

Then she pulled out her sword and I just looked at her with a deadpan expression.

Jet: I want you to fight me, and see who's stronger. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you.

Y/N: Dagakotowaru.

Jet: Eh?

Y/N: I refuse. I have much more important things to do than fighting you. You're wasting your time.

Jet: You coward! You don't deserve to be a leader!

Thulite: How dare you speak those words to him-

I raised my hand and Thulite noticed it and she immediately shut up and I stood up from my throne and walked slowly towards Jet and I got close to her and looked at her dead in the eyes.

Y/N: When I said that I don't want to fight you, I don't want to fight you. But I will give you a chance, tommorow, we will settle this. I will train my troops and then we will fight. I will prove to you that I'm no coward and I do have the time to fight, even if it's you, a cocky bitch, that I will have to fight. Now get out of my sight, all of you. You are dismissed.

Then the other ten gems saluted and left while Jet followed them, but before she left, she looked back and sent me a middle finger which I just ignored and sent her back with one too. THEN she left. I rubbed my temples and sighed deeply.

Y/N: Why does Commander Jet sound so familiar? Hmmmm...

Then I pulled out a screen and checked Homeworld's Classified Military Records and scrolled down and finally saw Jet's file. I opened it and I read the comtents.

Y/N: "Jet was made on the Gem Homeworld over 15,000 years ago. She was originally created to be a scout in war, as all Jets on Homeworld are revered for their great speed and agility, and Jet was no exception. She quickly rose through the ranks of the Homeworld military however, due to her much higher intellect, charisma, and sense of military strategy, eventually leading her to become the Commander of her own Army/Naval Core, the Insurgent Core. Around 14,000 years ago, Homeworld got itself into a war with the Lignite's, a species of parasitic like symbiotes that attached themselves to their hosts to use their bodies for their own purposes. Jet and her Insurgents were sent in to help wipe out the parasites. While on the Lignite's planet, Jet was ambushed and nearly overtaken by one of the Lignite's. Through sheer willpower, Jet overpowered the Lignite and subdued it, but it was now permanently attached to her. Jet struck a deal with the Lignite, who came to be known as Luna, that in return for Jet being her host, Luna would help her fight. After the war, she went to Earth for one millennia to learn more fighting styles,Jet spent most of her time on Earth, honing her fighting skills and participating in multiple Human wars throughout the ages, turning her into one of the deadliest warriors in the Universe. Jet managed to master just about every fighting style on Earth, though a few of her favorites include Taekwondo, Brazilian Jujitsu, Shaolin Kung Fu, European Boxing, Muay Thai, Capoeira, Lucha Wrestling, Chinese Sword-Dancing, Fencing, Jian Wushu, and Kenjutsu. "

Y/N: Gotta be honest, that's hardcore, so we're both been around for 15,000 years? Damn! But what is she capable of?

Y/N: "Jet's Powers and Abilities:

Sword and Firearms Mastery,

Darkness Manipulation,

Dark Energy Manipulation,

Mind Manipulation,

Power Bestowal-Can separate Luna from herself to give to someone else to use.

Enhanced Vision- All types via Visor.

Healing- Can repair cracked or shattered gems with significant concentration, if Jet sustains an injury, Luna can heal it, even chopped off body parts can be replaced by Luna.


Martial Arts Mastery,

True Flight with rocket boots,

Explosion Manipulation via grenades,

Death Manipulation and One-Hit-Kill via touch,

Forcefield Creation,

Memory Manipulation,



Durability Negation,

Power Nullification,

Fire and Ice and Sound Manipulation via grenades,

Temporary Invincibility,

Scanning and Heat Vision via Visor

Information Manipulation (Her visor becomes imbued with so much knowledge that it she can use it to change the knowledge itself),


Y/N: Holy shit! This is getting exciting!

Y/N: "Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Changer Sword: Jet's sword is one of her most deadly weapons. It contains a transformation matrix, allowing jet to turn it into whatever kind of melee weapon she needs, though her favorite is to keep it has a one-sided, thick, curved short sword. It has several "modes" for enhanced versatility.

•Electric Mode: Jet's blade is covered in an electric field that can shock enemies and overload equipment, can also be used to destabilize gems.

•Blunt Mode: Mostly used for training purposes, turns her sword blunt. Can also be used for non-lethal takedowns.

•Ultra-Cut Mode: Jets most used mode, this engulfs the sword in a layer of superheated plasma, effectively allowing it to cut through anything.

•Precision Blast: Jet focuses Luna's energy into her sword for a short range blast to either gain momentum, recover from being blown away, or to deal minor damage.

Visor: This visor was made by Jet to allow her to have easy access to information on the go or mid-battle. It effectively acts like a portable super computer for Jet, enhancing her effectiveness in battle.

•Scanning: Jet's visor can scan opponents to discover their powers, weaknesses, history, basically all of their information, allowing her to develop counters to most things her opponents could do to her.

•Heat Beam: The visor can emit a long range beam of Supercharged energy to take enemies down from a distance.

Tech Boots: Jet has a pair of special boots that increase her already great speed even further, they also have small Plasma-engines in them to allow for flight. Can muffle her movements to move stealthily.

Shifting Stances: Jet is a Master of every Martial Art on Earth and several of which she learned off of Earth, this allows her to perform what she calls the "Shifting Stances" move in fights to completely swap out her current style of fighting with another, easily throwing opponents off guard and giving her the advantage in fights. Works for both H2H fighting and fighting with weapons.

Invisibility: Jet can become totally invisible by using a cloaking device hidden up her sleeve.

Hidden Blade: Jet has 2 hidden blades up her sleeves for short range fights or for stealthy takedowns. Can extend out of her sleeves to be used like regular knives. (Claimed she saw them in a video game and wanted them.)

Grappling Hook: Jet carries a wrist mounted grappling hook that can be used either to escape a situation, ensnare enemies from a distance, or enhance her maneuverability.

Firearms: Jet has carried many guns throughout her millennia as a soldier, but she is known to have a few favorites.

•Dual Pistols: Jet carries a dual set of Modified Homeworld Plasma Pistols. They have increased range and damage output than the standard variation. Jet created a special type of bullets using the blood from the Lignite's that effectively cause the victim's body and mind to deteriorate until they die. Works on both Gems and Organic lifeforms.

•Energy Rifle: Jet also occasionally carries a Type-2 Homeworld Energy Rifle. It too contains a transformation matrix, allowing her to turn it into other weapons from shotguns, to snipers, to a minigun.

Dark Energy Powers: Using the power of the Lignite symbiote Luna, Jet can do a multiple of dark magic arts not available to other gems.

•Dark Energy Blasts: Jet launches either small fast projectiles or charged up, slower, bigger blasts of evil energy from her hands.

•Tentacles: Jet sprouts 4 long tentacles from her back. Usually appearing as spikes. Jet can either use these for enhanced maneuverability or to overwhelm opponents in combat. The tentacles can change to fit the situation, such as being hands to grab opponents, or drills to burrow through the ground.

•Mind Manipulation/Memory Manipulation: Jet can create smaller tendrils from her hands that she can use to either peer into the minds of people or even destroy them entirely. Can alter memories of others or force them to act in erratic ways.

•Concussive Blast: Jet releases a short range blast from her body to push opponents away. Can temporarily blind enemies.

•Forcefield: Luna creates a reactive forcefield around Jet, blocking incoming damage. Works in 360 degrees and Jet can attack while the forcefield is up.

•Commanding Presence: Jet can cover a large area in a thick cloud of darkness, making most people unable to see where they are going or what they are doing. Said to induce madness if one is in it for too long.

•Intangibility: Jet releases her physical form and retreats into her gem stone. It's then enveloped in a cloud of smoke and energy and can move independently. This makes her effectively intangible against most attacks. Can burrow through walls or objects and moves faster than Jet normally. Can retreat into and come out of her gemstone in mere milliseconds.

•Separation/Possession: Luna separates herself from Jet and can fight independently or possess others by taking over their minds and bodies. Jet still has access to Luna's powers while separated.

•Invincibility: Luna's body shrouds over Jet's body to protect her from all damage. Usually lasts for a few minutes. Makes Jet effectively invincible for a short time as nothing seems to be able to damage her during this time.

•Final Touch: As a result of being Luna's host, Jets hands were consumed by her dark energy, she can kill any living thing that it that she touches with her hands. Jet created a special pair of gloves that let her touch things and to protect others from this, though if she takes them off she can still do it. Bypasses all forms of durability, no known way to stop it. Makes those afflicted by it unable to use their powers.

Grenades: Jet often carries multiple grenades to either create distractions or seriously damage enemies.

•Frag Grenade: A normal fragmentation grenade, though styled with gem technology and yields a higher blast radius.

•Light Grenade: A grenade that shines an extremely bright light, effectively blinding enemies.

•Implosion Grenade: Drags enemies towards the detonation area, good for getting enemies out of cover.

•Incendiary Grenade: Engulfs the target area in flames.

•Frost Grenade: Can freeze opponents or objects solid.

•Sound Grenade: Can create an extremely loud noise that can easily shatter eardrums, or when deployed in a small tripod mode, will cancel out all noise in an area."

I couldn't help but smile because of this, I stood up and I bursted out laughing with adrenaline and excitement.

Y/N: Finally! A worthy opponent! Jet! Our battle will be Legendary! Whoo!

Then I finally calmed down and took a walk outside to think. Unknown to me, Jet was listening and watching me in a dark place in my palace. A weird parasitic object sticking out of her right shoulder.

Luna: I told you. He will be excited when he read your file.

Jet: Oh my gosh I can't believe that my dream fight is coming! EEEEEEEE!!!

Luna: But be prepared, you may have the equipment and powers of darkness, but he is known to be the counterpart of darkness...the enemy of darkness, and any equipment thrown at him is deemed useless. Be cautious.

Jet: Yeah-yeah-yeah! I know! Still, tommorow can be the best day ever!

Luna: And quite possibly the last one if you managed to piss him off in another level.

And Finished.

Okay, all of the gems I put here are just found from Google, I only found their images and they didn't even have any info. Except for Jet. Jet is an Overpowered gem. She even has her own Wiki in FC/OC VS BATTLES WIKI.

And let me tell you this, she is even more OP than Painite, a.k.a. us. And here I thought we were already too strong. I decided to remove some of her powers because damn! She has Time Stop?! Also, details about the Lignites will be in the future.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you all in the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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