Chapter 7: Hangin At the Barn
Your POV
I woke up Garnet still asleep. I moved out of the bed slowly and silently since I don't want her to be disturbed from her sleep. As I were putting your clothes back on, I remembered that I amgoing to the barn. Because Peridot said that she needed me for something. I was snapped back to reality when you felt arms wrap around me. It was Garnet's. I felt her breasts touching my back.)
Garnet: You should get going. Peridot's getting impatient.
Y/N: Lemme guess, future vision again?
Garnet: (*chuckles*) You know me so well. (*kisses you on the lips*) Now get going. You don't want her to be mad.
Y/N: Alright, see you later Garnet. Take care.
( You walked out of Garnet's room and then proceeded directly to the warp pad. Thinking what crazy, stupid, and exciting things you 3 will do. You activated the warp pad and then you let the cyan colored beam of light stream take you to the destination you wanted......the barn. You started walking downhill and reached the barn. You see Peridot and Lapis at the truck watching Camp Pining Hearts as always. Then Peridot took notice of my prescence.)
Y/N: Why you askin me? You're the one who called me here.
Peridot: (*laughs hysterically*) Alright, come up here.
( I did what she said and went inside the barn. I saw the ladder leading up to the second floor and climed it. I took notice of a giant hole they made in the front. It's where Peridot and Lapis are.
I sat beside Lapis and noticed her blushing and payed no mind to it.)
Y/N: Ok. So Peridot, mind filling me up with why I'm here?
Peridot: Isn't obvious? I called you here for an experiment.
Y/N: Ok, so what's the test subject?
Peridot: You are.
Y/N: WHAT??!!
( Peridot took out a knife with a dark look in her eyes. This actually scared you and hid behind Lapis. Then Peridot broke out a maniac laugh which scared you even more.)
Peridot: You actually (*wheeze*) thought I was gonna experiment on you? Hahahahahaha.
Y/N: Peridot, you scared me to my shattering. God why did you do that?
Peridot: Well.....I only wanted to scare you...then had the idea of testing your fight or flight response. And you responded to flight.
Y/N: You know I can't choose fight when I'm against you.
Peridot: Why's that?
( I stood up and walked over to Peridot.)
Y/N: (*pats her head*) Cause I just can't hit a cute gem like you.
Peridot: (*blushes deeply*) You really think I'm cute?
Y/N: Well yeah.
Lapis: Peri, I thought you don't like being called cute?
Peridot: Well I wanted to change a bit of my ways since me being called cute is kind of growing on me.
Lapis: Suuurrre.....
Y/N: Ok what's the main reason why you called me here in the first place.
Peridot: Well...Steven wanted me to hang out with you since we barley get to know each other. Besides, I want to teach you how to make meepmorps.
Y/N: Weep morphs?
Lapis: Meep morps. It's just what we call art.
Y/N: Oohhh...ok. I do like the topic art.
Lapis: Oh. Well good for you.
( Peridot walked downstairs to prepare the materials for "meep morps". I took notice of the shot where Percy saying: It just feels like I'm trapped. It kept repeating the same sequence while Lapis was just staring at it. And looked at her with a sad look in my
Y/N: This part remind you of your time being trapped in the mirror, doesn't it?
Lapis:......Nah, I just like the part of the show. Who told you that?
Y/N: Steven did. I' sorry you had to go through all that.
Just remember that we are all here just for you.
Lapis: (*hugs you tightly*) Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Y/N: (*hugs back*) No prob Bob. Wanna hang out as soon as me and Peridot are done?
Lapis: Sure.
Y/N: Then it's settled. See you later.
( I stood up and proceeded to walk downstairs and saw Peridot with lots of materials for what we are going to do she then gestured me to finally join what we are going to do.)
Peridot: Are we going to sart yet Painite?
Y/N: Sure, let's do this.
( I walked to the pile of materials and sat in fetal position. I noticed that Peridot was working on some sort of replica of the Communication Hub made out of
popscicle sticks. Though it was only halfway finished you could already tell that it was going to be beautiful. I was working on a replica of the Palanquin made out of toothpicks and popscicle sticks.)
Timeskip 2 hours
( We both finished our work and presented it to each other.)
Peridot: Here is my meep morp. Hope you like it.
Y/N: Wow. I don't like it.
Peridot: Y-you don't?
Y/N: Yeah.
Peridot: (*looks down in dissapointment*)
Y/N: I love it.
Peridot: You do?
Y/N: Yeah, I do. What do you think of mine?
( I showed her the replica of the Palanquin made out of popscicle sticks and toothpicks. She had stars in her eyes making me laugh at her reaction.)
Peridot: Why did you choose this of all the things you could choose?(*hands the Palanquin replica back to me*)
Y/N: Well it's the only thing I could think of right now. And I actually made two meep morps since I finished the first one quite early. (*stores the Palanquin replica in my gem*)
Peridot: Can I see it?
Y/N: Here,
Y/N: Sorry if it's not good enough, I actually painted for the first time.
Peridot: Oh My Stars!!! I love it.
( She started jumping up and down as I laugh at her reaction again. I handed out the painting to her making her confused.)
Peridot: Why are you giving it to me? You made this.
Y/N: I want to give it to you as a gift. Besides, it's going to look good on that spot (*gestures at the middle part of the wall with a nail on it*)
Peridot: (*takes the painting*) Thank you so much Painite.
( She then ran towards the nail and she's forcing herself reaching for it. I then had a wonderful idea.)
Peridot:'s no use. I'm not tall enough. (*looks towards me*)
W-what are you smiling for?
Y/N: I had the best idea for the day.
Peridot: And what is that idea of yours?
Y/N: Close your eyes first.
Peridot: Fine.
( She closed her eyes and I pulled out a spare limb enhancers. I got them from a rebel Peridot 600 years ago.)
Y/N: Ok you can open your eyes now.
Peridot: Oh...My...STARS!!!
Y/N: And I can tell the color fits you too. Here, take it as another gift. Now you are tall enough to reach some places you can't.
( I handed her the limb enhancers and she put them on.She stared at me for 5 seconds before she walked over to the nail and hanged the painting. She stared at it for a while.)
Y/N: So you like what I got you?
( She ran up to me and jumped and I caught her startling me. And she blushed that I was carrying her bridal style. We stared into each others eyes for a moment and we started to get closer inch by inch. And by her instinct she kissed me. She looked at me and I returned the favor by kissing her too. My eyes widened as I saw her shed a tear of happiness.)
Peridot: In my whole existance not one person gave me such a wonderful gift. I didn't expect anything to be given to me. Especially a gift from a gem who actually likes me.
Y/N: It's okay Peridot. We are gonna be fi-
Peridot: No it's not ok. I've done so many bad things in my existance and I deserve nothing of this. But how can you love someone like me? The only way I can redeem myself is by helping The Crystal Gems defend this planet. And I'm already scared that if Yellow Diamond invades Earth. She will shatter you and me, for betraying the empire. And especially Steven and the Crystal Gems since they started the war. I am scared Painite.
Y/N: Peridot, I love you because you are kind and smart. And everyone deserves a second chance. You are not a bad gem, you only followed orders because if you don't they will shatter you. And as for the invasion, Yellow Diamond won't be coming here anytime soon. I won't let the worries of us being shattered consume you, NEVER. When the time comes we will be right by your side and will do whatever it takes.
Peridot: How can you just forgive me for what I did?
( I went outside while carrying Peridot. Then I sat on a chair with Peridot on my lap. I stared at her eyes and then kissed her gem in her forehead.)
Y/N: Like I said, you're only following orders. And I will just forgive those who are deserving forgiveness.
Peridot: You are such a clod. (*looks to the distance looking at
the sky*)
Y/N: (*looks at the sky*) Yeah, but a clod you love.
Peridot: Heh, yeah. You're right.
Y/N: I gonna hang out with Lapis. Wanna come?
Peridot: No, but thank you though. I'm going to watch T.V.
Y/N: Ok, (*kisses Peridot on the cheek*) see you later.
( I proceeded to walk in front od the barn to see Lapis already there waiting for me.)
Y/N: Hey...
Lapis: Hi...
Y/N:......Sooo, what do you wanna do? Stargaze? Go to find a flowerfield? Or take to the skies?
Lapis: How about...all of them?
Y/N: Oh...I actually haven't thought of that. Shall we?
( I reached my hand out and Lapis took it then she summoned her wings and took off. I summoned mine and I started rising. We headed for Empire City.Lapis is always ahead of me gesturing me to fly faster.)
Lapis: You can do it Painite.
Y/N: Are you mocking me or encouraging me?
Lapis: I'm of course encouraging you. (whisper) But mostly mocking you.
Y/N: I heard that.
Lapis: (*snorts*) Alright try to keep up.
( She then flew faster than last time which actuall caught me by suprise. But little did she know that I was going easy on her. I pushed my wings to my limits and zoomed past Lapis. She was in awe as she saw what just happened. I laughed at her reaction causing her to pout. I then went behind her again letting her take the lead. As we reached Empire City there are some civilians who noticed us took their phones out. We kept flying admiring the lights of the ciry since it was almost nighttime.)
Lapis: So you were just going easy on me with the flying so you can make me feel better?
Y/N: Yeah.
Lapis: You're always full of suprises you dork.
Y/N: Hey, I may be full of suprises but you can't just call me a dor-
(*eyes widens*) LAPIS LOOK OUT!!!
( She turned her head to see a chopper flying stationary. The pilot is using his phone paying no attention to the current situation. I flew as fast as I can and Lapis tried to stop. But she hit the front of the chopper with a loud thud. The pilot jumped from the sudden sound, his eyes widened as he saw Lapis in front unconscious and slipping. Lapis keeps falling. We were 5,000 feet off the ground. Civilians noticed that there was somethig falling. Lapis kept falling towards the ground back first. I flew as fast as I can and just before she hit the ground full of civilians. I swept in and caught her. And carried her bridal style. And suddenly a crowd surrounded us I landed on the ground to check if she was injured. She's starting to regain consciousness. )
Civilian 1: Is she okay?
Civilian 2: What are you guys?
Civilian 3: What happened?
( Lapis slowly opened her eyes and she gasped awake.)
Lapis: (*GASP*) Painite? What happend?
Y/N: You accidentally hit the front of a chopper. Luckily I caught you before you hit the ground.
Y/N: No we were swimming. Damn it.
( The civilian just blushed from embarassment as other bystanders just laughed at what I just said along with Lapis. I turned my head and met with a hand cupped on my cheeks and a kiss from Lapis. I melted in the kiss for five seconds as people just clapped and other awed at what we were doing.)
Y/N: Well then...shall we go? My Water Angel? (*reaches hand out*)
Lapis: (*snorts and she grabbed my hand and stood up*) We shall, and I'm gonna let thag nickname slide this time. (*summons wings and took off*)
Y/N: HEY (*summons wings*) WAIT FOR ME!!!
( Both of us flew away from the crowed with their jaws dropped and stara in their eyes. We finally found a spot to stargaze. We both landed on the soft grass and examined the surroundings before we lay down.)
Lapis: The stars are beautiful tonight aren't they?
Y/N: Yeah...but the difference between you and the stars. Is that everyday you are beautiful.
Lapis: Now you're just humoring me.
( I then noticed a flower. It was blue, it matches Lapis's skintone. I stood up and walked to the flower. I picked it up and headed towards Lapis. I kneeled liked I was going to propose. This made her confused.)
Lapis: What are yo-
( I cut her off by giving her the flower. Her eyes widen and then she smiled. God she looks so beautiful when she smiles.)
Y/N: When I saw this I thought about you, your skin, hair, and your eyes. They match so perfectly. I thought about you since this flower reminded me of how beautiful you are.
( She was suprised by what I said, causing her to tear up. She then startled me by giving me a tight hug. When she pulled away I saw tears running down her face.)
Lapis: No one ever said that to me before. I'm so happy that you can love a gem like me. A gem who has done terrible things in the past.
Y/N: Lapis, it's fine. When you got out of that mirror where you were trapped for thousands of years.
Lapis: I kept pushing them away. Because I thought that they only care about this planet. But Steven...he's something else. He's special...extraordinary.
Y/N: Yeah, he is.
Lapis: But I've done something much worse that day. I broke Greg's leg when I pushed his van away. (*sob*)
Y/N: You didn't mean to do that okay? You just wanted to go home.
Lapis: But I almost killed Steven when I came back with Jasper.
Y/N: You did that because you were scared. Scared to be shattered.
Lapis: I became more of a problem since I fused with Jasper to turn into Malachite.
Y/N: You did that to trick Jasper so you can drag her to the ocean. You kept Steven and the others safe. Steven told me all the details on what happened before I arrived here. And don't ever forget that we can always forgive those who deserve forgiveness.
( I then hugged her very tight.)
Y/N: I love you Lapis Lazuli. And when the time comes when Homeworld invades. Me, Steven and the Crystal Gems will be right by your side.
Lapis: (*sniff*) You will?
Y/N: Of course I will. Who would leave such a beautiful Water Angel behind?
Lapis: (*snort*) That's a nice one. Greg kept calling me Riptide Quenn since I came back.
Y/N: Yeah, I think Water Angel suits you better. Let's get outta here. We don't wanna worry the others.
Lapis: ok, let's go.
( She summoned her wings and I summoned mine. We both took off and went back to Beach City. The night was still young and bright. Me and Lapis landed at the barn and saw Steven with Peridot. Peridot is showing off her newly aquired limb enhancers.)
Steven: Painite, you gave Peridot new limb enhancers?
Y/N: Yeah, I got them from a rebel Peridot 600 years ago.
Steven: Oh. And by the way you guys should have a sleepover here since all of you are getting along pretty great.
Peridot: Sure, the more the merrier.
Lapis: That's...a great idea.
Y/N: I'm down.
Peridot: Then it's settled.
Y/N: I'm gonna get a few things then we're set. Come on Steven, it's time for bed.
( Me and Steven headed for the temple. Steven was already asleep and I am already on my way back to the barn with a sleeping bag. I reached the barn and Lapis was already dozing off and Peridot is still watching T.V. She seem really attached to those limbs. We watched T.V. until it was midnight. I went to the back and crept so I wouldn't wake Lapis up. I noticed that there was a matress in the corner. I pulled it out and laid it down by the couch. I used the sleeping bag as a pillow. Then I finally dozed off to sleep. But before I could sleep. I noticed Peridot looking at me and notice that she playing with herself? I didn't really know since I already am asleep.)
And Finished
Sorrt if I didn't update in a while. Wifi here in the Philippines is being bitchy again. Thanks for the 3K reads. Next two chapters will be a lemon so brace yourselves.
Mcfly signing off
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