Chapter 66: Honor To The End

Your POV

Steven drops a book titled "Dream Wedding" on the the table, in front of Ruby and Sapphire on the couch.

Steven: This is just to give you some ideas. said she wanted your reunion as Garnet to be special. *tears up in joy* And there's nothing more special and romantic, than a beautiful wedding! *wipes his tears*

Ruby: It's like they say: if you wanna drink the cow, you gotta put a ring on it.

Y/N: *cringes* Don't say that again please.

Sapphire: But, sweetums, who says that?

Steven: *flips through the book* Let's take a look at printing styles for your invitations.

Ruby: Would it be cool if we got flames on it?

Sapphire: Oh, and some dolphins!

Ruby: Yeah! Dolphins with flames!

Steven: I think I got exactly what you're looking for on page 135.

Sapphire: How long did it take you to put this together?

Steven: My entire life.

Ruby This is gonna be the best wedding ever!


Later that day, the Crystal Gems, including Peridot, work on the invitations. The others are outside planning on how the wedding ceremony would go and would look like.

Pearl: *folding a piece of paper* This folding bone is so nice! Who knew that planning a wedding could be so fun? *hands the folded paper to Steven*

Steven: I did!

Steven stamps ink on the card that reads "You're invited" and displays Ruby and Sapphire holding hands. He then passes the paper to Ruby and Sapphire.

Ruby: Time to sign! *signs her initial with Sapphire on the card* Here you go, Peri. *passes the card*

Peridot: *groans* We've been stuffing these envelopes ALL DAY! *puts the card in the envelope and hands it to Amethyst* How many does that make? *plants her face into the couch*

Amethyst: *licks and seals the envelope* That makes TEN! *stacks the envelope on the stack with others*

Sapphire: Oh... just... ten. Hmm.

Me and Steven quickly notices Sapphire's concerns.

Change Scene; Crystal Temple

On the beach, a wedding altar and chairs are set up on the sand. Amethyst walks by with a chair and tosses it on the sand, and Pearl rushes over and fixes it. Bismarck was with Lion and Tyson, Fable and Lonely Pearl are setting down the carpet and Yellow and Blue Zircons are counting the chairs to see if it's the right amount. Ruby and Sapphire stand together with Steven at the altar as he reads a script.

Steven: So, my Dad will finish playing the music, and then next you'll do the "I do"s. And then I'll say... "I now pronounce you Garnet." Aaand then you fuse! Everyone'll cheer!

Sapphire: Everyone... who survived.

Ruby: Huh?

Sapphire: Oh, it's just- There's so many old friends who won't be able to come. All the Crystal Gems who were corrupted and bubbled in the basement.

Ruby: Maybe we could bring the bubbles up here?

Sapphire: No, no. It's not safe. We can't risk them getting out.

Ruby and Sapphire hug each other in somber, as Steven looks down in grief too and look at Sapphire with pity.

Change Scene; Beach House

Steven sits at the kitchen counter working on placement cards, when he is troubled over a blank one.

Steven: Hmm...

Steven glances at the Temple Gate, and with intention, he writes "BISMUTH" on the blank placement card with a marker and heads into the temple. I chased after him.

Change Scene; Burning Room

Steven is holding the bubble that contains Bismuth's gemstone. He sighs, unbubbles her and puts her gem on the floor. He then steps back and I summoned by gauntlets as Bismuth begins to reforms in the air and falls to the ground.

Bismuth: Uhh... Hmm? I'm back?!

Steven: Hey, Bismuth! Long time, no see...?

Bismuth: Rose. I mean, Steven!

Steven: Oh... There's a third option now.

Bismuth: Why would you let me out? I just tried to shatter you.

Y/N: You tried to kill him?

Steven: You know how you fought mom because her whole war strategy didn't make any sense? Well... You were right!

Bismuth gasps as she looks up to see the hundreds of bubbled gems in the room.

Bismuth: What's going on? Did Rose do this? Did she bubble everyone who disagreed with her?! *slams her fists on the floor*

Steven: Huh-? Oh, no, no, it's not like that.

Bismuth: Tiger's Eye! Little Larimar... Beryl, Serpentine, and ohh... Biggs?! Biggs was beloved by everyone!

Steven: Bismuth, wait!


Bismuth leaps up and grabs the bubble of Biggs Jasper.

Bismuth: I gotcha, buddy.

Steven: Bismuth! You don't understand.

Bismuth pops Biggs' bubble and Biggs starts to reform.

Bismuth: C'mon, Biggs, help me free the other- ...Biggs?

Bismuth stands dumbstruck as a corrupted Biggs growls and stands before her. Biggs then raises a hand to attack Bismuth.

Steven: Bismuth!

Steven quickly rushes in and makes a bubble shield, encasing himself and Bismuth. Biggs begins attacking the bubble to pop it. I summoned my wings and flew at a high speed and dropped kicked Biggs sending her away but at a great cost. Biggs managed to hit me and I am on the ground right now.

Steven: I'm sorry, Bismuth! This is not the Biggs you knew before.

Bismuth: Steven...

Steven: I know we had our differences, but so much has changed and I just wanted to tell you- Gahh!

Biggs started to run back towards the bubble and manages to break Steven's bubble.

Steven: Bismuth!

Steven looks up to see Bismuth fending Biggs off with her hammer hands, while crying in grief.

Bismuth: Biggs...

Bismuth grunts, pushing Biggs away. Biggs lunges towards the pair again, and Bismuth slices with her blade hand, poofing Biggs back into her gem. Steven then walks up to bubble Biggs' gem.

Bismuth: Only a Diamond could do damage like this. It was Pink, wasn't it? Why didn't Rose stop her?!

Y/N: Because... they were the same person.

Bismuth: What?


Me, Steven and Bismuth sit down on the floor, as Steven explains the situation to Bismuth.

Steven: ...And that's the whole story.

Bismuth: Hmm.

Steven: Uhh... Are you... okay?

Bismuth: Mmm. Yeah! Hang on a sec.

Bismuth gets up and walks towards the lava pool in the middle of the room.

Steven: Uh, Bismuth?

Bismuth dunks her head into the lava and lets out a long muffled scream, before pulling her head back out again.

Bismuth: Oh my gosh!! It all makes sense now!

Steven: Pretty wild, right?

Bismuth: Whoo... *sits at the lava pool and puts her feet in the lava* Oh, that's nice. Steven, come here and join me, the lava's great.

Steven: I would, but I'm not lava-proof.

Bismuth Haha. I was so excited to show Rose the Breaking Point. Can you imagine? "Hey Rose! Check out this cool weapon I made, I'm gonna shatter you with it!"

Bismuth laughs heartily for a moment, when she heared footsteps and I sat beside her and I submerged my legs in the lava, surprising Bismuth.

Bismuth: Hey, you're getting the hang of this. What's your name?

Y/N: Painite, the Gems call me
Y/N. It's an honor to meet an original Crystal Gem.

I offered a hand and she shook it and she smiled.

Bismuth: Painite? Oh! So you're that gem who fought alone in the Great Reclaim with a shiny set of armor. Gotta say those were nice.

Y/N: *chuckles* It's not every day that someone compliments my armor, thanks.

We both laughed and then she lets out a long sorrowful sigh.

Bismuth: I really thought all of our problems would disappear if we could just shatter a Diamond! Guess she ended up taking my advice. *looks up at the bubbled gems*

Steven: Um... Sorry. About all this.

Bismuth: *sighs* Thanks. For talking to me.

Steven: Wow. You took that pretty well. Way better than Garnet did.

Bismuth: How so?

Steven: She unfused over it.

Bismuth: What?! Nooo! They're my favorite couple! How about you Y/N? How did you take it?

Y/N: I stormed off and kept shouting at the top of my lungs at Mask Island and destroying 1/4 of the island.

Steven: Yeah, he did that. Don't worry, they're back together. But they haven't fused yet.

Bismuth: Huh?

Y/N: It's actually why we came down here to begin with. He wanted to invite you to Garnet's wedding!

Bismuth: Garnet's wedding, huh?

Steven: Yeah. It would be great if you could attend.

Bismuth: Yeah! Okay, I don't have any plans so I guess I can come.

Steven: Yay!! This is gonna be so much fun!

Bismuth: Pfft! Oh, yeah. No question this is gonna be the best wedding ever! Pff, hahaha. So what's a wedding.

Change Scene; Beach House, Evening

Steven brings Bismuth into his house and they look out from the window to see the Gems preparing the wedding setting.

Steven: Okay. So, we're getting everything ready for tomorrow. We'll have a hot dog grill going on out front! And the chairs and canopy are all set up!

Bismuth: Probably should head out there and say hi.

Steven throws a quilt over Bismuth.

Bismuth: Uh, Steven?

Steven: I don't wanna ruin the surprise!

Bismuth: *takes off the quilt* What surprise?

Steven: You!

Bismuth They don't know I'm coming? Wait, I can't do this!

Steven: You're right. You gotta have a gift! *pulls out his phone* We have a wedding registry. Do you wanna pick something from... here?

Bismuth: What? No, I mean- What am I gonna say to them?

Steven: You could do one of your signature catchphrases! Like..."Let's get down to Bismuth!" Or... "Anybody wanna start a small Bismuth?" Oh, oh! How about... "Did you Bis-miss-th me?"

Bismuth glares at Steven, unamused, while I was holding in a laugh because of how Bismuth reacted.

Y/N: Anyway, it's not gonna matter what you say. They'll be so glad you're here!

Steven: Just be ready for my signal. *walks towards the door* Aah, this is gonna be great! They're gonna want you to be maid of honor.

Bismuth smiles with uncertainty as Steven exits the house.

Change Scene; Crystal Temple

Steven raises a soda can and uses a spoon to tap against it, gaining the Gems' attention.

Steven: Uh, attention everyone! Please gather 'round. Ahem! I'd like to propose a toast. To Ruby and Sapphire! Now, we all know you guys have been runnin' a little, heh, hot-and-cold lately?

There is somewhat forced laughter from the Gems.

Steven: We are all excited to see you fused back together, and achieve lifelong, room-temperature happiness! All of us, including...!

Steven points towards the Beach House, but the Gems think he is pointing towards Pearl instead.

All: Pearl!

Steven glances up at the Beach House, wondering if Bismuth sees his signal.

Steven: Mm-hmm... Yes! And Pearl! All of us, including...! *points again*

Amethyst: Uhh... Steven. Can I drink this or what?

Blue Zircon: Hold your rocks, Amethyst.

Yellow Zircon: But this does look good to drink.

Lonely Pearl: I can wait.

Steven: I'll be right back. And make sure those cans don't drop. *runs off*

Y/N: I'll go after him.

Change Scene; Beach House

Me and Steven enters through the door

Steven: Bismuth. Didn't you see my... signal?

Steven and myself returned back to an empty house. We then see the quilt by the Warp Pad and realizes Bismuth has warped away.

Change Scene; The Forge

Me and Steven warps to the most-likely place Bismuth will be. The Forge, I havenvt actually been to a forge before.

Steven: Bismuth? Oh, there you are.

Bismuth is seen working on a hot piece of metal on an anvil.

Steven: What happened out there? I-I'm sure if we hurry back we can still surprise them. They're gonna be so happy to see you.

Bismuth: If they wanted to see me so much, they coulda let me out themselves, but they didn't. Of course they didn't. I attacked their leader.

Y/N: They're not gonna side with Rose anymore! Not after-

Bismuth: I'm not talking about Rose! I'm talking about Steven!

Steven: But I'm not the leader. Garnet's the leader.

Bismuth: And where's Garnet?

Y/N: She'll be back. That's the whole point. It's a big Crystal Gem wedding, we should all be there together!

Bismuth: Why?! Why are the Crystal Gems still together?! After finding out that everything was a sham? Somebody's making them believe in the future, and it's you! You seriously think they're gonna want me around when the last thing I did was try to shatter you? You told them everything. And they made their choice. They want me in a bubble, and you out there.

Bismuth forges a new sword from the metal and tosses it into a pile of other swords.

Steven: But Bismuth...

Bismuth: You say they want me to be 'made' of honor? Well, I am. I'm made of the most solid, flexible, diamagnetic stuff there is and I'm not as dense as you might think.

Bismuth grabs a handful of dust and begins compressing and heating them with the lava into a metal ingot.

Bismuth: I've got enough self-respect in this gem to accept that they don't want me on their team anymore.

Bismuth prepares to work on the metal, only to find the ingot is not purely refined, and tears up in sorrow.

Bismuth: I blew it! Everything was different, and I didn't believe it. *slumps behind the anvil*

Y/N: *walks up to Bismuth* Everything is different! You both had a fight, so you can make up, right? If they didn't let you out because they care about him, then they're gonna care that he wants you back on the team!

Bismuth: Huh?

Steven: I want you back on the team. Forget the surprise, if we show up together, they're all gonna know that everything's okay.

Y/N: Bismuth, the world changes everytime and it isn't a kind one. You know that we can never leave you behind. In the darkest hours we will face all the threat we have in front of us and we will win. Because we are a team. And if you made a mistake? It's fine, we all make mistakes and we will always get over the differences we have and together we will stand and fight alongside each other.

Bismuth: Hmm. Spoken like a leader.

Steven: No. Spoken like a great friend that he is.

Change Scene; Beach House

Me, Steven and Bismuth warp back to the house, Steven was holding hands with Bismuth and they nod at each other. We approach the Gems who are gathered on the couch, reading the Dream Wedding book.

Bismuth: Hey everyone. Did you guys... Bis-miss-th me?

Pearl, Sapphire, Ruby and Amethyst drop their sodas simultaneously, dumbstruck. While The Zircons, Lonely Pearl, and Peridot didn't drop the cans.

Peridot Ha! We won! *levitates her soda can in triumph* Also, less importantly, who are you?

Steven: I... invited Bismuth! I hope that's cool. *smiles sheepishly*

Sapphire: *walks up to Bismuth slowly* Bismuth...

Bismuth looks at Sapphire in worry, when Sapphire hugs Bismuth.

Bismuth: Wha-Whoa, Sapphire!

Pearl & Ruby: Biiismuth!

Pearl and Ruby tackles Bismuth to the floor, and begins nuzzling her.

Sapphire: You wouldn't believe what we've all been through. I'm so sorry! We should've-

Bismuth: Look, I'm right there with you, Steven filled me in.

Steven and Amethyst elbow each other in delight.

Peridot: So, is anyone going to introduce me?

Y/N: Maybe not now.

Amethyst: Yeah. Let's give 'em some space.

Bismuth: Oh! Ruby, Sapphire. I heard you're supposed to bring gifts to these things.

Bismuth opens her hand to reveal two rings, one copper and the other tin, and Ruby and Sapphire gasp in surprise.

Bismuth: These aren't weapons, but Steven seemed to think they'd come in handy.

Y/N: Pun intended?

Bismuth: *chuckles* Maybe.

Ruby & Sapphire:*hugs Bismuth in joy* WE LOVE THEM

And Finished

The reason why I didn't update for a day or two is because we have been doing a lot of stuff around the house and renovation is happening.

I saw this in my news feed again. I don't know about you but this looks appropriate for her.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, this is YoBoyMcFly and I will see you the next chapter.

Mcfly signing off

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